Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 13, 1913, PART ONE NEWS SECTION, Page 11-A, Image 11

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    11 A
Council Bluffs
Council Bluffs
Senate of Iowa Passes Act Changing
Corporation Assessment.
l'lnn la to Assess All Propertr of
Thin-Character by the State nnd
Tnke It Out of the Hnnds
of Local Officers.
Telegraphic news was received hero
yesterday afternoon that tlio senate had
passed a resolution that has gone through
the house, providing for a constitutional
amendment to change the entire method
of assessing railroad and other corpor
ation property.
The plan Is to assess all of this prop
erty by tho stato and to exempt It
Vholly from local taxation. The plan
proposed Is much the tamo ns that by
which all of tho cities and towns lose
the taxes that should be paid locally
upon automobiles, but Which now goes
direct to the state.
If the proposed measuro Is approved by
Governor Clarke, and goes to the people
for solution, the fight that will follow
will be between the cities and the re
mainder of the state, with the cities
vastly in the minority.
Under the present system of railroad
taxation conditions are brought about
that make It Impossible for a great city
to bo developed In tho Btatc and which
has kept Iowa In tho list of purely agri
cultural states and Its population on tho
descending scale Instead of the legitimate
growth. It was to correct tho Injustice,
of tho railroad taxation system that tho
cities of the state have so long been
fighting for equitable terminal laws.
The adoption of tho proposed constitu
tional amendment woilld destroy It Is
said what little chance the cities now
have of getting any revenue, from tho
larger corporations.
Word was also received yesterday that
tho senate had passed a bill authorizing
any city or town to levy a 7-mlll tax
for the support and equipment qf fire
departments. At the present time the
money for such departments comes from
the general fund tax of 10 mills.. The
bill was fought through tho senate at
the behest and In the Interest of Sioux
Wanted Two boys 'to carry Tho Ba
In east end of city. Apply, .Bee office,
14 N. Main St. '
Making Search-
For Fire Fiend
Search for the flro fiend who has made
five Ineffectual attempts to burn the
Young Men's ,' Christian . association's
building is being prosecuted vigorously
by the board of directors of tho associa
tion, aided by two detectives from the
Burns agency. An elimination process
has been used and tho statement was
made last evening by Robert B. .Wallace,
president of the association, that all ot
the present officers and employes nad
been fully exonerated. Mr. Wallace said:
"I would rather see that building
burned down or blown Into atoms-than to
cast unjust suspicions or fasten guilt
upon an Innocent man. Nothing is so
bucred us human character, and to de
stroy that character Is worse than de
stroying life.- Thero aro none of us but
would rather see tho beautiful bujldlpg
wo have brought forth at the cost of so
much sacrifice and labor Completely ob.
Utcrated than to see One Innocent person
destroyed by Injustice.
"We have .hot found tho fiend yet, but
aro more fully convinced than ever that
it has been one who has 'been almost
constantly at tho building for many
montlfs past and who has been as fa
miliar with It as any person could bo, or
in other words, that ho has been working
from the Inside. Wo are at present with
out a clue and wo can find no motive,
or no sine motive, to ascribe to the mis
creant. There never has been a word of
complaint from anyone concerning tho
methods used or plans of conducting tho
work, but It has constantly grown In pop
ularity. "Tho anger of tho members, which cul
minated Tuesday night In a frenzy that
would have meant summary punishment
to the rascal if ho could have been
caught, has since changed Into a feeling
akin to horror as tho dastardy of tho
deed is more fully comprehended. Our In
vestigations are not nearly complete and
wo aro going to discover tho author of
tho mischief If discovery lies within tho
tango of human possibility."
Tho officers of the association as well
as Its members and the peoplo of tho city
are keenly appreciative of the splendid
work of tho flro department, which has
baved the building four times when con
fronted by conditions that would have
brought disaster if the least mistake had
been made at the critical moment. Chief
Nlcholton sold yesterday that ho never
was prouder of tho department than ho
was at tho end of the many attempts to
Jestroy tho building.
A meeting of the board or directors of
'.ho Young Men's Christian association
R-as held last evening, following a ses
sion that lasted several hours during' tho
flay, in conjunction with detectives em
ployed to worlfccon the mysterious flro
problem. It was announced in the after
noon that tho Investigations mado fully
exonerated all of tho present employes
of tho. association, but to make It still
stronger the board last evening passed
this resolution:
Be It ReFolved, By the board of di
rectors of the Young Men's Christian as
sociation of Council Bluffs, la., that,
Whereas, Certain reports have been
circulated In the city with reference to
;he recent fires In the building; and, that
Whereas, Tho board of directors have
made a careful examination Into the mat
ter of such rumors and reports and have
made a thorough Investigation of the
lame, be It. therefore.
Resolved. That after such examination
ind Investigation this board does hereby
pass a unanimous vote of absolute con
fidence n each and all of the employes
and secretaries of the building and of the
isrociatlon; and be it
Resolved, That after Buch examination
tnd investigation this board does hereby
unanimously exonerate any and all of Uie
employes and secretaries of this building
tnd association from any blame or sus
picion with reference to the recent fires.
R. B. WALLACE. President.
W. If. KIM BALL. Vice President.
W. J. LEVERETT, Treasurer.
P. J. DAY,
Board of Directors Young Men's Chris
tian association.
Strictly efficient optical work at Let-fert's.
Minor Mention
Council Bluffs OfflM 4
Tli B Is t 14 HOSTS
ia t. TsUphons 43.
Davis, drugs,
Vlctrola, us. a. Hoipe Co,
Bradley Electric Company Wiring.
Corrlgans, undertakers. Phons 143.
Woodrlng Undertaking Co. Tel. 33J.
Blank book work, Morehous & Co.
Lewis Cutlor. funeral, director. Phone 97.
etti hlfnMt B"rae optical work In the
city Is done at Leff.rU".
Inr ,orwlck f"- w J'aper .ind paint
ing. a ana 2U Soutn Mftln streeL
n... i,t,as watch repair work, the hind
mat is appreciated, at LefftrU'.
Mutual Bldg.,& Loan Assn. JB PearU
BUDWEI6ER. on draught-The Grand.
Budweiser in bottles at all first-class
Ladles tako notice, hav, your straw hat
cleaned and reshaped. Cook's Cleaning
Works. 236 Broadway. Tel. 178.
For Sale A Reo 4-cylInder automobile,
KSP condition; cost $1,100; will sei
or.?50. A. A. Clark & Co., corner Mum
and Broadway.
Wanted Two boys to carry Tho lice
i? MMLe!?.d .r ult'- Apply, Beo ottlec,
14 North Main street.
Tho grandest opportunity over known
for saving money on high class pianos
has brought many buyers to A. Hospo
Co., 407 West Broadway. CpuncH
Bluffs, la. r
Ben Ewlng has been placed under ar
rest upon complaint of failure to provide
TOT his Wlfo ailll ft fnmllv of torn nhllHrn
The information 'was signed by his wife !
who says ho has contributed nothing to I
1 1 ui)i)ori oi ins ramny since March 20,
although ublo to do so.
About twenty-five members of the
loung Women's Christian association, st
rayed In llttlo sisters' short dresses, ai
sembled for a Jolly-up party on Thuis
day ovcnlng. Old-fashioned games unci
charades were heartily enjoyed by nil
Delicious refreshments concluded tin
evening's festivities. On next Thuradey
evening tho educational committee w!.
have chargo of tho evening's entertain
ment. Members and friends are urgcj :
plan to bo present.
During the absence of the family tho
homo or William Hall, 720 Eighth avenue,
was raided by a burglar Thursday night.
He evidently used a pass key. He is the
match-burning' variety of burglar and Is
suspected of being tho same Individual
who has visited h number of homes 'n
tho Fourth Ward In tho same manner
and under the same circumstances. Tho
tloor of tho house was littered wi'.ti
matches. He secured $40 In cash and
some minor articles of value.
Judge Wheeler yesterday granted . n
temporary writ of injunction restraining
Martha Cono and Sheriff Llndsey from
selling under execution a lot In thf
western part of tho city. Tho plalntltt
Is B.. H. Cone, who was divorced lrom
his wife at the January 'term of the dis
trict court. A stipulation was ontored
into at the tlmo by which cono wai to
pay his wlfo S275 whenever ho succeeded
In selling tho lot in question. He Mas
listed It for sale, but it has not b;eni
sold, and tho ex-wlfo has started to sc-i
euro It under execution. Tho injunction
was Issued when Cone filed a bond for
Mrs. Margaret Houston died yesterday
afternoon from heart trouble causing an
'illness of nearly a year. She resided at
aw Lincoln avenue, two aaugnters, airs, ,
John L. Currlo and Miss Bertha Heaston, ,
survive her, also a brother and a sister,
J. II. McMlllen at Crescent, and Mrs.
Martha Steele of Thurston, Neb. The III- 1
neral will bo held Sunday afternoon, u
short service at the resldenco at 1 o'clock
being followed by services at 3 o'clock at
the Methodist church at Crescent. Rev.
J. M. Williams of tho Broadway Metho
dist Episcopal church will officiate. Bur
ial will be at tho Crescent cemetery.
After an Illness of only flvo days Henry
McCoy died yesterday at Mercy hospital
from pneumonia. Mr. McCoy had beon
for tho last seventeen years In tho cm
ploy of the Northwestern rallroud, and
was a prominent member of tho Brother
hood of Railway Trainmen. Ho made
his homo at the Goodrich hotel. The body
was removed to Corrlgan's undertaking
rooms and sent Friday morning to Boone,
la., where tho funeral will be held Mon
day. Mr. McCoy was unmarried. Ho
leaves three slBters und three brothers.
They aro Mrs. Anna Dacy, Green River,
Wyo.; Mrs. Levy, Boone, la.; Mrs. Hamil
ton, Lawton, Okl.; Thomas McCoy, Boone,
ia.; james Aicuoy, i'ortiand, ore; and
Edward McCoy of San Francisco.
So far as tho actors have- been able to
ascertain thero has been no visible mana
ger oi tne mpo tneater, otherwise the old
Dohany, for the last week, at least a
manager of sufficient physical capacity
to mako tho ghost walk. A vaudeville
troupe has been performing there for
some time, and tho whole fifteen mem- !
bers of tho party and house employes
have found no one able to assumo respon
sibility for tho Dayment or their ninrii.u
approximating nearly $150. Thoy aro a re-
euurceiui ouncn, nowever, and during tho
week they took the situation firmly In
hand, put one of their own number In
tho box office, alternating as It was
necesssary to anDear on tho niaim
others in tho same rotating manner at tho
uuur, unu iney nave tnus been ablo to
keep all tho money that came In. This
will be continued until enough is realized
to liquidate their claims and pay the cur
rent expenses of the house during the in
tervening period when they wilt close
their engagement and go on their way
conscious that they have done
and right thing.
tables of all kinds. Cucumbers, 15c each;
ripo .tomatoes, per pound, 15c: asnarainiK.
per bunch, 10c; rhubarb, per bunch, lOo;
lettuce, radishes and green onlorm:
canned goods are very cheap, 4 cans corn,
S5o;,3 cans wax beans, 25c; early June
peas, per can, 10c; 2 cans asourairus tin
55c; canned peaches, pears and apricots.
per can, 15c; loose oatmeal. 8 nounds for
25c; 4-pound package Quail oats, 15c;
chick rood in bulk, per pound, 3c, in
sacks, 25c; home grown early Ohio notn.
toes for Beed, 65c; Minnesota Red River
Ohio potatoes, 85o per bushel. Sun-Klst
flour, per, sack, 11.35: Omaha Prirfn
close out, per sack, $1.25. Wo handle
nothing but tho best quality of every
thing. U Green, 131 Broadway. Phone
Police of Council Bluffs and Omaha
are looking for Simon Hcllmler, well
known In both cities, and especially In
Council Bluffs, where he has lived for
many years. He Is wanted to account
for $178.53, custody of which was entrusted
to mm oy John F, Walklngton, bartender
In his father's saloon at Twenty-fourth
street and Broadway.
Young AVolklngton had known Hellmler
for many years and there was no reason
why he should not trust him. Thursday
afternoon while he was alone In the sa
loon Walklngton had occasion to use a
larger sum of money than was on hand
and It became necessary to send some
checks to the bank. Hellmler was em
ployed as the agent. Tho checks were
endorsed and he was sent up town to the
bank and the bank Informed by telephone
of his coming.
After a suspiciously long time had
elapsed and Hellmler did not return
young Walklngton became anxious and
called up the bank. He learned that two
checks had been cashed promptly. Hell-
Street far Completely Wrecked.
FORT DODGE, la., April 11 - (Special.!
A practically new car on the Fort Dodge
street car line put on a little runaway
New arrivals of
children's white
dresses for con
firmation a n d
graduation litre.
WF) IFIt Have you seen tho ll
d ra n a e i s mmm
Have you seen the
new crepe do chine
vnderwear we are
showing It is in.
desoribably dainty.
A New Spring Coat is Practically Indispensable
If You Wish to Appear Well Dressed This Season
Your new coat should be practical.
and it should come from Brands is
The Season's Extreme Novel
ties Are These Matlassc and
Brocaded Eponge Coats
Eastorn etylo contora aro enthusiastic over
tho Matlnsso Coals (tho largo brocaded oN
fects). Wo show tho prettiest now styles
right here also tho Bilk lined Bedford
Cord Coats In reigning fc i r Arr
spring colors k A Z""JuO
SPECIAL Choose Monday from
20 different stylo Coats in Serge,
Bedford Cords, "Worsteds, etc.,
in all colors and all sizes, at a
very special
It should be exact in fit. It should hav$ a touch of individuality
Stores in order to msure all these points of merit to tho wearer.
For Practical Service choose from
these Lines of Serges, Worsteds
and Bedford Cord Coats'
Thoy will glvo tho best and most lasting
satisfaction. So far as smart stylo la con
cerned thoy aro positively tho "last word of
fashion" many opongo coats In this group
uIbo $15
SPECIAL Monday you may
choose from several very charm
ing Brocade, Eponge Coats with
the fancy Cretonne lining, so
popular this season, m r50
at P 1 Z
Dainty and Effective
Models Summer Dresses
Wo show this smart group of colored
and whito summer frocks Monday for
the first timo. Dnlnty oh can be
S5.00. S6.08. S8.08. SIO
Silk Foulard Dresses
Their popularity is tho talk of the
souBon. A very wldo range of
colors in a dozen clover and
Btrictly now 1913
stylo Ideas, at. . . .
New Voile Blouses
Hand ninhrnldorod and real lnco trim
med bloiiHon uro these If you aro
Interested In tho clevctost waUt
inoclols that this season wilt pre
sent, you should view those groups
ttt $f.00, Ijid.OH, $8.08, 15110.00.
Dainty Wash Waists
Doth tho vollo nnd tho llngorlo
fabrlcH aro ropreBontod In tho
charming Bprlng groups, at
$1.50, $1.08, $2.B0, $2.08.
f '
Monday We Present Newer Lots and Varieties as Great as Ever
Sale of Women's Spring Suits
Uundredi of splendid tailored suits bought at a great reduction are now on sale
A Saving of Five Dollars to Ten Dollars on Every One of These Suits
A tfroupofMsyeral hundred spring
tailored suits In evory womon'.
or mlsdos' slr.e. HultH that are
thoroughly smart In style ami
will glvo -more than one season
of good, practical wear. A good
range of styles nnd colors, at
$ 1 0-22
Women who want a practical suit
thut shows good tailoring and
correct spring stylo, can choose
from thoso blouso or cutaway
suits of all wool sorgo and
shepherd check worsteds. In the,
new colors nt
Hern aro scores of tho host huUb
In this special purrluiso - in
all the fashlonnble colors nnd
black In the best plain and
fanuy blouso styles Kronen
Serges nedford Cords whlto
Poplins. ItatTne, etc., ut-
The hundredt of women who demand perfection in tailoring and individuality in stylo will
find their ideal suit' for spring in this assemblage practically all new within the lest 4 days
that reveal tho latest style tendencies now coming' into favor inJVeto York. fe O fl t A Q
A number of the now silk poplin suits are included here tho prices are V 5 r y J
New Arrivals in New Frocks for a New Season
It is like a glimpse into a fashionable garden party in Juno to scq these now summory garments in
such exquisite style now. An interesting assemblage of summer frocks in now ratine, eponge,
i. n .1 11.. r.. .11.. axc . .
coiion urasu, uouou crupes auu noveiiy iiuiiuuuih liiul iuu ruuiwui)' uu- c
ferent from any of the models shown earlier this season. You'll deolaro 9 HW "
frocks specially fetching m
the new colored
For women and missoH who nro looking for dnlnty and practical summer frocks n bit In ndvnnco
of their regular season wo show n scoro of now stylo idciw, at, S15.00 and $19.00
1 U3
Dry Cold Air Storage for Furs
Our newly completed Dry Cold Air Storage provides the most por
fect form of fur storage over offered tho women oil. this vicinity. It is
absolutely fireproof and constantly keeps, the air at a temperaturo-.of
27 degrees which revives the furs, puts lustre and brilliancy into the
pelts and keeps them safe. This Cold Air Storage is also ideal for
Gowns, Rugs, Draperies, etc. The fee is less than you'd expect.
Fit tho body like, u
glov.o thorp is no sag
g i n g, bunching or
wrinkling at tho back or Hides, just smooth all around.
Thoy aro tho only ideal petticoat for present day styles
and fit without alteration of any kind.
Silk Mescaline and .Jersey top Klosfit Petti- C
coats in all desirable spring styles and colors.
stunt last nleht that resulted ignomln
lously for the progressive vehicle. It A'as
standing at tho top of a steep Central
avenue hill with no one Inalde, tho'
motorman having left the car a moment
while waiting to make a trip according
to schedule. Suddenly the car began to
move, gaining velocity as It dashed down
the hill. It mado ono sharp turn with
out mishap, ran threo blocks down grade
at breakneck speed, turned another cor
ner only to be dumped from tho track
onto an cmpankment a wreck of a thou
sand pieces. Tho car is u total lobs.
Because it waa late at night ,accidont3
at crossings were fortunately averted.
loitn Xm Notes.
I.OOAN Dr. I. C. Wood' has bought tho
Olddlng drug store building here, the
consideration being $1,000. K. K. Beck
hold hi" farm east of Logan to Mr.
Smith of Ues Moines for $1C0 uu aaro.
. MISSOURI VAL.L.EY At tho recent
meeting of the Mothers' club hero It was
decided to hold the meetings on the last
Tuesday of each month or April 9 for
the next meeting at tho auditorium of
the library building.
OI.KNWOOD To fill the vacancy mado
by the nonqualification of Dr. 8. A.
Iluber of MlneolA In the offlco of county
coroner, the Hoard of Supervisors this
week appointed Dr J. M. Donelun coro
ner to fill the unexpired term.
IDA GROVE The Odd Follows of the
Maple valley district will celebrato the
ninety-fourth anniversary of the order at
Battle Creek on April 2t Senator Mattes
of Odebolt and Representative Rohwer of
Ido Grove will bo among the speakers.
TOGAN Special vacancies In the
corps of Logan school Instructors are an
nounced. In addition to the city super
intendent, the Board of Kducatlon Is
seeking instructors In German, Latin,
Knglish and Mathematics for tho ensuing
CRESTON The families of Oscar !et
calf and the Parkers, both former resi
dents here, were among the Dayton, O.,
flood victims who lost their homes In
the recent disaster there. The families
escaped In boats from their homes after
thrilling experiences.
MISSOURI VALI.EV-At the meeting
of tho local flro company here the fol
lowing officers were elected for the en
suing year: E. E. James, president; Theo
Myers, vice president: Chris Thompson,
secretary. If It, Newton, treasurer, and
J N Kltzgibbon, chief.
UKNISON-Thc Catholic congregation
of Dcniton Is vlnuulng tq erect this year
a large convent school building to tako
the pluce of tho small frame built twenty-five
years ago and which has been
used each ycur since. Tho plans call for
an expenditure of $22,000.
GRINNELL Dr. and Mrs. Dwlgllt P.
Breed of Grlnncll celebrated their four
tleth wedding anniversary hero yester
day. For several years Dr. Breed wns
tho PHstor of tho Congregational church
In Creston, and many warm friends of
tho couple extended congratulations to
INDIANOLA Fred W. Ingvolstadt of
Simpson college Is the winner of first
honors in tho state orutorlcal contest
hem at i.eanuer, uiarao college. Ho won
second honors lust year. I.eander Clarke,
Western Union, Mornlngslde, Cornell and
Simpson colleges were represented in the
contest this year.
MISSOURI VALI.EV-At tho meeting
of tho western Iowa BlackHmlths and
wagon makers here. Homer McElroy of
Onawa, was elected presldonti George
Wilson of Woodbine, vice president; Mr.
Rich of Moorehead, secretary and treas
urer. It was decided to' hold the annual
picnic on Labor day at Missouri Valley.
MISSOURI VALLEY After being sworn
In last evening, J. C. Pratber made tho
following appointments; Abe Daniels,
deputy city marshal); John O'Brien,
marshall; W. V. Thornbury, city ciork
and water commissioner. J. X. Kltzglb.
bon, chief of tho fire department; J.
Thompson, engineer, and Colonel Frank
Tatnlslea, city attornoy.
DENISON At tho annual declamatory
contest held by students In tho oratorical
department of the Denlfton Normal school,
Miss Klsle Goetter of Scranton was first;
Miss Margaret Fleming of Boyer, second;
and Miss Nelllo Ulrard of Schleswlg,
third. Rev. J. James DePree, Dr. W. T.
Wright and Mrs. Jucob filmms acted as
IDA GROVE Two divorce cases were
filed in district court here, tho husband
in each Instance being the complainant
Eugene Everhart asks a divorce from
Clara May Everhart on statutory
grounds. They were married In Sao City
In March, 1907. Joseph Stone asks for n
divorce from his wife Elizabeth titono
and alleges desertion.
CRESTON At a meeting of Creston
business men held last night the decision
was unanlmouH that u company should
be formed to buy the Summit Lake water
works plant at this place at the proffered
price of $115,000. All but $17,000 of tho re
quired sum hus already been pledged.
Committees were appointed to continue
the solicitation of pledges.
CRESTON-Miss Harriet Howe and
George Lewis, both of this tlty, were
united In marriage ut St. Paul's Episco
pal church yesterday, Rev. David Fergu
son rending tho marriage service. Thu
bride's grandfather, John llowu of St.
Joseph, Mo., played tho wedding march.
which was the same ono played at the
wedding of the bride's parents Just
twenty years uro.
IXIAN Business mon of Magnolia
have accepted and paid for tho big nuto
truck for thp transportation of freight to
und from Magnolia, and -from now on thu
car will make dally trips, covering tho
distance In far less tlmo than was pos
sible by team und- taking larger loads In
addition. Tho auto took 2,0O) pounds up
tho Milllmun hill hero with Its grade of
100 feet in three blocks when thu road
was almost impussablo to teams becauso
of tho rain, snow and mud.
. 1NDIANOLA Simpson college baso
ball team mourns the loss of Its captain
and star pitcher, Jay Corbln, who discon
tinued his school work and returned to
his homo at Grant, la., during the spring
vacation. Corbln was considered one of
tho best student pitchers In the state
last ycur and at tin? clow of the season
had u good offer to Join tho Lincoln team
of tho Western league. It Is stated
definitely that Corbln will not return to
Simpson this year.
intendent of Motive Power I. W, Pratt
of Chicago, Assistant Superintendent of
Car Department T. 11. Goodnow, ulso of
Chicago, und Master MucJianlc J. W. An
derson of Boone were hero yesterday on
u tour of lnsiKX'41on of tho Cnlcago &
Northwestern. As the high officials or
the road have assured the citizens of Mis
souri Vulley thut extensive additions will
bo mado to tho machine shops hero, each
visit by railroad officials Is looked upon
with special Interest locally.
GLENWOOD At lust evenlng'B meet
ing of the city council the inuyor und
aldormeu-clect wero sworn In und tho
following appointments made: Street
commissioner, C. 15. Dal ton; night watch,
George McMlllen; engineer, Harry
Storey; city attorney, N. 8. Geuung, and
health officer, J. M. Donelun. The tie
vote for alderman In the Second ward
between A. J. Gettler und Eric Swartz
wus settled in thu utual manner, Mr.
Gettler winning. Mr. Gettler tendered
his resignation and Mr. Swurtz wus ap
pointed, CRESTON Rev. Lloyd McCrelght of
the United Presbyterian church returned
yesterday from a meeting of tho College
Springs presbytery hold at St. Joseph,
Mo., as a representative, of the local
church. Ho report u good attendance,
and ono grutifylng feature of tho meet
ing was that tho pledges for missions
was overpaid by nearly JI.CoO. Rev Mr.
Blrnley of Mount Ayr presided as mod
erator over tho sessions, Rev Mr,
Murchlo of Lenox as financial agent, and
Rov. A. L. Davidson as clerk. Tho next
meeting of tho presbytery will bo hold ut
Tarklo, Mo., In September, and the,
United Presbyterian synod will meet ut
Lenox, la.. In October.
IDA GROVE In tho district court Mrs.
Bertha Peter through her attorneys,
Derrick & Herrlck of Cherokee, has filed
trial notice in tho suit sho has biought
against Jorhlm Hansen. Sho suns for
$S,730 damages as the result of an ac
cident Just east of IIoIbUIii. Tho Peter
family wero driving to town in their
carriage when Hansen cume up behind
In his automobile, and frightened tho
team. Tho team left tho hlghwuy and
tried to climb un embankment- Mrs.
Peter In trying to save her buby und her
self crawled out of tho back soat and
was thrown down. Sho sustained a double
fracture of the leg Just ubovo tho ankle,
both bones protruding through thu flesh.
meeting of thn Harrison County Agricul
tural society tho following officers wero
elected und superintendents appointed:
President, J. E. Jones of Missouri Valley;
vice president, J. K. Hull of Woodblno;
secretary, A. II. Hosbrook of Missouri
Valley; treasurer, Harvey Fobs of Mis
souri Vulley. Superintendents: Speed,
E. F. James of Missouri Vulley; grounds,
A. A. Greon of Missouri iVulley; horses,
T. 8. Kcnyon of Missouri Vulley;, eattlo
and hogs, C. W. Huff of Llttlo Sioux;
Poultry, Mr. Huntslnger of Mlwourl Vul
ley; orchards, E. Worth of Mondumln;
farm nnd garden, John Cyarmer; fab
rics and pantry, Mrs. G. II. Longman of
Missouri Valley: Machinery, Roy -Mason
of Missouri Vulley; pictures und nmool
exhibits, Suslo T. Faith; entertainment,
E. C, Hliafer of Missouri Valley; mar
shal, Churjos Harder of Bocbetowu. J.
E. Jones and A. R, Hasbrook wero up
pointed 'to revise the' premium list.
(From a Stuff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON, April lt-CBpeclul Tel
egram.) Senator Oeorgo W, Norrls today
predicted that most of thp Independent
and progressive republicans In the upper
houao would opposo the removal of th
sugar duty. He doclured they were con
vinced that the bet sugar und cmuiu
sugar Industries of tho, United States
would be destroyed if sugar went on the
fiee list und that the trust would thou
bo enabled to ralso the retail price to the
consumer, Ha said that tho debate on
tho bill could scurcely bo finished befor
The danee or tho V. P. I: club, which
Was suppoied to bo given March 23 at
Metropolitan hull, will be held fiiiM..
April 13, ut tho Metropolitan hall. The
pioceeus or saino will be given to the
tornado sufferers. Admission 10 cents a
couple. Ad vr rtlsement.
Chief Justice White
Comments on Looks
of Omaha's Counsel
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON, April ll.-(Specla! Tel.
egrum,)-Judgo W. D. McIIugh of Omuha,
representing tho Old Colony Trust com
pany of Boston, nnd Interested by reason
of owning a large number of tho bonds
of tho Omaha Electric Light and Power
company, closed the cniio of the light
company against the city pf Omaha to
day before tho suprtmo court.
Judgo McIIugh followefl generally the
lines of his argument made before the
court on a former occasion. An Incident
of the argument yesterduy was told with
considerable enjoyment toduy about tho
lobby of the Wlll.ird, where tho uttorneys
for both the light company and the city
are doinlcllcd.
Judgo Ben Bakor was prosentlng tho
City's sido of the caso to tho court, and
suffering us ho has been for several
days with a raging toothache, showed by
his grimaces that ho was not wholly at
euso. Chler Justlco Whlto, so the story
goes, follow ed Mr. Baker's argument
closely, but tho grimaces wero unusual,
and, turning to Associate Justlco Mc
Kennu, h said: "Mr. Baker has nothing
on me whn It comes to looks, has ho?"
Ban Baker bellevos tl.o chief Justlco
made Homo uch remurk as this.
Messrs. Nash. Baker, AloIIugh and
Lambert left for Omuha tonight, Mr.
Seott going to Atlantic City for a few
days boforo returning home.
Key to the Situation Bee Advertising,