Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 12, 1913, Daily Sport Extra, Page 9, Image 9

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This Sale Starts Saturday Morn-
ing Promptly at 8 o'clock
It's the One Great Tailored Suit
Buying Event of the Season
Saturday Morning at 8 O'clock We Start the MOST SENSATIONAL SALE of
Women's Tailored SUITS
Xtiat Mas Been Offered In Omaha for Many Mont
The result of several purchases by our resident New York buyer of nearly
1000 suits that had been made for merchants in the Ohio Flood District
SUITS that were made to
retail at $25 and even up
to $35. Every one the acme of
style, fit and quality, all go in
this remarkable sale Saturday
at the one price, your choice
of nearly 1,000 suits for $12.75.
EVERY suit is exactly as we
represent it, and if for any
reason whatsoever it does not
prove entirely satisfactory after
you get it home, bring it back
and we will refund your money, Thats
how well we think of the suits offered
inthis great sale a,t $12.75.
offering for Saturday were made up M
i i i ' i ti ii
A S STATED above, the suits included in this wonderful
x3L fnr mprrhantc in tho Ohir flrnr1 rlicfrinf Rnf -rit-rf f- fLe rlamrt-n livor nrsnrtnrt rf VncinfC
throughout that section of the country orders were canceled right and left and manufacturers found themselves heavily over- j
stocked. Our New York resident buyer, fully realizing the probability of this condition, went into the market and secured
nearly 1,000 suits at prices that barely cover the cost of materials alone. These we offer to you in what we believe will be the
Most Remarkable Sale of Women's Suits Ever
Offered in This City at This Season of the Year
The StvleS E.vfry favor?d .embodying a
wide range of models, is represented
in this great sale. Among them are the new smart cutaway, Bulgarian
and Eussiau blouse styles. Every garment is finished in the best possi
ble manner by expert tailors and lined with the best quality peau de
cygne. Regular $25.00, $30.00 and even $35.00 values, choico $12.75..
;0rkin. Brothers Your Home Stnr
TUft TW aiArialc Embrace such excellent
i ne materials weaves as Bedford cords,
Serges, Whipcords, Shepherd checks, etc., in plain white, Copenhagen,
navy blue, delft, tan, gray, blaok and white stripos, plain black, etc. Re
member, they are the regular $25, $30 and $35 values, and are offered
to you Saturday at, your choico of the lot for $12.75.
Orkin Brothers Your Homo Store-
Former South Omaha Man Talks on
the Cheaper Cuts.
Shuns Domestic Science Clnaaes
from Chicago Public School
Tlirouiih Armour Eatab
llahment There.
John E. O'Hern of Chicago, formerly
superintendent of Armour's plant In
South Omaha, has blossomed out as tho
Armour's company demonstrator and
lecturer on cutting" down the high cost
of living In tho rneat line.
Domestic science classes In the public
schools are about to take up the meat
division of their studies, and as a prac
tical demonstration, two classes under
uih iuiuuiice oi ineir leucuer visueu me
Armour plant by appointment last Wed
nesday. They wanted to be shown and
Mr. O'Hern was on the spot with the
goods, also a dexterous butcher, who dis
sected a beef carcass before the visitors.
"Because women want something to
put up in ten minutes, we are left with a
surplus of cheaper cuts," said Mr.
O'Hearn, "Those are not cuts from
cheaper quality, but they require more
preparation" to become as palatable as
the high priced steaks. The porterhouse
and rib roast contain more moisture,
which makes them more easily 'masti
cated, but less nutritious than several
other parts of the moat. Lower meat
prices Is largely a matter of better cooks.
"Even a fancy sweepstake steer has his
cheaper cuts, and It Is not reasonable to
suppose that a round steak, cut just a
few inches from the sirloin, is of Inferior
quality, although the round steak does re
quire more work In the kitchen. Rump
roast Is now becoming . popular with
chefs who know their business, and it
In more nourishing than rib roast. The
forequarter cannot be cut as fancy, but
you can buy it for half the price of steak,
and It Is as nutritious."
Miss Mary Jane McCIure was on hand to
nnswer questions. Dorothy Kimball, 1J
years of nge, took advantage qf the oc
casion to interrogate Mr. O'Hern.
"My mother wants to buy fresh ham,
but the butcher Bays he doesn't keep It,"
she told. ,
"That's Just It," said Mr. O'Hearn ap
provingly. 'There Is no demand for
fresh ham, because everybody wants It
cured. But the freest) variety makes an
excellent dish."
isiESnGafiL 7IsbbbbbbbbbI
Xj, t. fuller.
General Relief Fund
Now $221,419 and
More Still Coming
Previously reported J219,?7.t8
Through World-Herald l.SS.M
V. M. Bensel. Mobile, Ala 3.W
H. A. Matterou. Gretna. Kan.... 2.21
Excelsior Steel Furnace Co..
Chicago, through Omaha Stove
Itepalr Work 100.00
"66" Dancing club, through U. V.
Pnln 30.00
Unvenstun Bros., New York City S5.0J
House employes Byrne-Hammer
Dry Goods Co 125.00
Traveling salesmen Byrne-Hammer
Co 118.00
S'.oux City relief committee. In
cluding contribution of Inter
state Electric nd Mfg Co. and
f i . ,.. fnt tiro fl. M00
Ralston Relief Fund
Amounts to $8,877
This is a complete list of contributions
received up to April U by L. Howard,
treasurer of the Ralston general relief
committee, at the relief station, 315 South
Seventeenth street, Omaha. Telephone,
Douglas 6571.
Previously acknowledged t 7,810,60
Dr. B. B. Davis
United Provision Btores, 318. N.
24th St. So. Omaha.
Gate City Furniture company....
W. I. Johnson, mayor of Pom-
eroy, la.
W. G. Cleveland company,
Omaha .,,
M, C. Thlesen, mayor of Crelgh-
ton, Neb
Citizens' committee, Ong, Neb..
A. D. Loftier, mayor or Beres-
rora, s. u
Willis C. Squire, Chicago, 111
Lumlere Studio. Omaha
Mrs. A. Isard. Omaha
X. Cullen, 721 Park avenue
O. C. Kuenno
State Furniture company
A. U Huff
Qoldwear & Tippet
Mrs. E. L. Burrows, North Wey
mouth, Mass
Maxwell Steel Vault company,
Oneida, N. Y
Egyptian Chemical company,
Boston, Mass
G. T. Ecton, mayor of Smith
ville. Mo
B. A, Munson, president of Com
mercial club, Aurora, Neb
E. W. Reed, mayor of Holton,
Elbert S. Rule. Sharon. Kan
Charles Volz, 3&21 Q street,. So.
umam ,
George L. Fisher ,
C. Z. Oould. 620 Bee Bids
A. H, Rawitrer, Omaha Tent and
Awning company
F. S. Nicholson, mayor of St.
Paul, Neb
William Cook, city clerk, Evans
ton, Wyo
D. H. GUlett, mayor of Tamora,
F. J. Prlblt, mayor of Appleton
City, Mo
Mayor of Richland, la., addi
tional amount
Total ?2S1.U9.S1
Canzht In. Ilie Act
and sucfcted b.Dr New Life
T ( . I i)o:.l nr-Unnic J,Jii3 aim inn.
. ucii mid bovteU act r.ght- Omy 2
Ly JBeaton VtuS Co -Advertise
Donations Made
Through The Bee
to the Relief Fund
Previously reported 16.712.N
A friend 1.00
Presbyterian Sunday school of
Slielton. Neb b.w
L. L. Ostcrlund. Vail. Ia 10.00
A. J. Adams, Vail, la. 6.00
11, II. Hatcher, Shenandoah, Ia. 5.00
citizens or Hebron, Neb., addi
tional 1Z.UU
Gate City Bowling league 17.60
Emellne Stevenson, Mliolos, Neb.. l.vo
C. Ellis, Cody, Wyo 2.50
Citizens of Benedict, Neb 68.50
P. Harden 6.00
. Schneider 5.00
B. B. Crownover 6.00
H. Nettleton 6.00
O. Canfleld ;. 1.00
Herrold Bros 2.00
W. J. Sahllng 1.00
B. E. Loreman 2.00
John Lett 1.00
Dan Wirt l.a
M. A. Carlson 1.00
E. J. Harbert l.oo
P. Conant 1.00
M. L. Cavender 1.00
Rev. Hutchins 1.00
N. G. Ensey 2.00
L. W. Troutman, 3.00
M. Or eve l.w
D. Couch 1.00
G. Miller i.uu
F, Marlca 1.00
US. A. Moore 1.00
Burt Bottum i.w
C. A. Larsen 2.00
Mrs. S. L. Will z-w
P. Buckley i.w
Elmer Jenkins" 1.00
William Lewis 1.00
F. W. Kaner z.w
W. V. Powell .50
C. Yarllng t,w
Comstock, Neb., througn uom-
morrlnl club 116.00
Comstock, Neb., through Wom
an's Reliel corps ..: os.ra
N. B. Yarwood. Cook, Neb 2.00
ing all the Inventions which labor has
made. Thus armed they rob all human
ity except a few decoy duckn whloh lead
their fellow men Into range nnd rob
them of all that makes possible leisure,
culture and Joy.
"Socialism would give to all mankind
the opportunities of nature and the In-,
ventlons of men,"
Luther Kountze
Gets Automobiles
Luther Kountze called tils friends on
the telephone Thursday and got them to
donate a half-dozen automobiles for tho
work of the Investigating commltteo
today. Thirteen men and women weia out
during tho entire day Investigating canes
in the storm swept district with a view
to making a roport to the relief commit
tee with regard to rebuilding, house re
pairs, and other needs.
Ugly Sores
Quiokly Banished
You Marvel How Worst Skin
Eruptions Disappear as
Result of Famous
Total I 17,005.53
Walsh Dares the
Reporters to Put
His Name in Paper
Jack Walsh, ex-prise fighter and mem
ber of the South Omaha police depart
ment, was fined J50 and costs for stealing
$6.60 from C. A. Anderson, a fellow
boarder, in the rooming house where
they lived. He also was fined $10 and
costs for beating his board bill. Walsh
has stepped into a mess of trouble since
he required the efforts of four officers
to arrest him the other night Two
women will appear at the station Satur
day who suspect him of stealing coal
from their place. Walsh while being es
corted to his cell from Chief of Deteo
tlves Maloney's office, where he was
mugged and measured, threatened to
"knock off the blocks' of any reporters 1
who aareu put ma name in tne papers.
Total $ 8,877.83
A Card.
This Is to certify that all druggists are
authorized to refund your money If
Foley's Honey and Tar Compound falls
to cure your cough or cold. John Berpet,
Tell, Wis., states: "I used Foley's Honey
and Tar Compound tor five years, and it
always gives the best satisfaction and
al.vuys cures a couth or cold." Refuse
suLktitutes. For kale by all dealers
L. F. Fuller, socialist lyceum lecturer
from Olrard, Kan., has arrived to deliver
the fourth lecture or) the course. He will
speak Sunday at 3 p. m. at Lyrlo theater
on "What Socialists Want."
In discussing he spoke of the days
when crude machinery first made Its
appearance and when Plato and Aristotle
wrot of the day when great inventions
would make leisure, culture and' refine-
I mint possible for all.
"The day has come," he said, "when It
is possible, but a band of consclencoleea
( highwaymen beset the pathway of life
on either s'de. Those on one hand pos
Getting ail the great opportunities which
It you have been fighting some blood
troubles, some eruptive skin disease, call
It eczema, lupus, psoriasis, malaria,
scrofula or what you will, there is but
one sure, safe way to cure It. Ask at
any drug store for a $1.00 bottle ot
8. 8. 8. and you are then on the road to
health. The action of this remarkable.
remedy Is just as direct, just as positive
Just as certain In Its Influence as that
the aun rises in the east. It is one of
those rare medical forces which act In
the blood with the same degree of cer
tainty that Is found in all natural ten
dencies. The manner In which It dom
inates and controls the mysterious trans
ference of rich, red, pure arterial blood
for the diseased venous blood la mar
vel ous.
Out througn every skin pore acWs-,
germs and other blood Impurities are
forced In the form of Invisible vapor.
The lungs breathe It out, the liver Is
stimulated to consume a great propor
tion of Impurities, the stomach and In
testines cease to crfnvey Into the blood
Btream the catarrhal, malarial germs;
the bowels, kidneys, bladder and all
cmunctorle ot fee body are marshalled
Into a fight roa" force to 'expel every ves
tige of eruptive dlsecse,
There is scarcely e community any
where but what haa its living example
of the wonderful curative effects of
8. 8. 8. Get a bottle of this famous
remedy to-day, and If your case Is stub
born or peculiar write to The Swift Bpe
clflo Co.. 137 Swift Bldg., Atlanta, Ga.
Their medical laboratory la famous and
la conducted by renowned tJperU In
blood and skin diseases;
This Store Always Plans and Builds
for the Customer's Everlasting Satisfaction
eaaiaBBBSBBe assaaaSaaaaaHa! tMSBBsasSBBSBeaB""ea""saBasfMSBBMsa
Confidence is tho very cornerstone of our business building; n confidence begot by
the positive and permunent satisfaction which such merchandise as we offer you al
ways insures. '
As in other departments wo have always recognized that quality is the keynote of
lasting success and havo always offered only such goods as we know insured your
satisfaction. You havo "no definito idea what $20.00 or $25.00 in clothes money will
do for you till you see tho spring models from
Hart, SchafFner and Marx
We've made special preparations for all of you, young men, middle-aged men, old
men; tho kind of clothes you'll want; the kind of Hervico you'll Jike. We guarantoe
our clothing. Lots of cracking values at less and more. Lot us show you. A
splendid lot of puro worsted spring vulues, at $10.00, $12.00 and $15.00
Snappy styles superior qualities moderate pricings is winning for us a record
business this season. We're showing a variety of now, nobby styles, second to
none and they're built right from tho most modoratoly priced to tho very highest
class garments wo dhow. . )
Three Special Tables of Boys' Suits, on sale Saturday, choico $1.95, $2.95, $3.95
Many of these suits have two pairs of pants and all are exceptional values.
Oramlniutncr uuU it for her
babies. Mother uicd it for her
babies. Ana now i am tiling it
(or wy bby " 80 spoke the
young mother Three G.ntntltts.
It Soothe, tka Child. It 3fWn
tb Ciun. It Allay tha Pln.
It Wind CoUc Ad it
U tha Bart Remedy for lofutil
DUrrhoaa. Favorably known
and o Id all ovor tha world.