Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 12, 1913, Daily Sport Extra, Page 8, Image 8

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Grand Annual Sale of 20,060
Rose Bushes
and Ornamental
Shrubbery at M
per doz. or each
3Tnrr7 iUa Ask M hlfh as
COo to fl lull.
Suturduy is the tobo bush
sale that all Omaha is waiting
for. Never was the season bet
ter adapted to setting out these
bushes. Wo have greater var
ieties than over of Crimson
Ramblers, Baltimore Bellos,
General Jacks, Dorothy Perkins
and La Prance rosos.
Also hundreds ornamental shrubs
and flowering vinos, phlox, Shasta
Daisies, Honeysuokles, "Wistaria,
Clematis, Peonies, etc., at otte price
31.00 Por Dozen
On Sale in the Basement
A Notable Purchase of
Mid-Season Model Hats
From a Famous
New York Importer and De
signer at a Wonderful Price
This famous design
er sold us all his ex
clusive importations
as well as his own
original mid - season
models. The styles
and color schemes are
exquisite All tho
graceful, now shapes
for spring.
ALLr THE $50 and $32.50 HATS. $20
ALL THE $22.50 and $25 HATS, $15
ALL THE $15 and $16.50 HATS. $10
Thero aro hundreds of those hats, but the apodal prices
will surely sell evory ono before night
Misses' and Joiiirs' Sfriig Hats 98c, $1.50, $2.50
Milan, hemp and novelty straws, trimmed with sashes,
vet bandings. to for girls 5 to 14 years old Misses' Soc
tlon Second Floor.
Medium and largo un trimmed hat smart Attractive models
in Bew blues, cerlso, black, etc., at 81.50 ahd gZ.50
Samplo ltonchoa of Flowers such as popple, rones, lilacs and
sweet peas for midsummer hats, at , .,.39
18-lnch Shaded Head Flumes
18-in. Amaoit Plumes All
shadings; $2,50 JQ
valuos, af . . . .;iJ 1 .Oaf
Saturday's Bargain Events
Demand the Attention of Everyone Who Values
Real Economy and Appreciates Real Quality
These spocial sales featured hero will be the sensation of Omaha on Saturday. Nowhere
else in the United States will values be offered that can surpass these. Spring merchandise
right at the beginning of tho season at price concessions almost past belief. Thero is not an
item mentioned here that is not well worth a special trip down town.
Greatest Sale of Hosiery in Omaha's History
We secured the overstocks of hosiery from several importers and factory agents at a cash
price 80 low that we can make the greatest bargain offers ever known in Omaha. Ihis hos
iery is all the finest quality and it inoludes many brands famous for their splendid wear.
Women's 35cuNeTer-Wear-Out Hose"of LisleThread and Real Maco
Cottonfall fashioned doable soles Split Soles or White Feet, at
Women's fast Color 35c Gauze Lisle Hose, blacks and all colors, at
Men's 35c Silk Plaited Hosiery, reinforced 4-thread lisle heel and toe
Men's 3 for a dellar "Never-Wear-Out" Hosiery, reinforced heel and toe
Men's 35c full fashioned Cotton and Lisle Hose in black, tan, nary, grey
Misses', Boys' and Children's 35c Ribbed Cotton and Lisle Finish Hosiery
Wtmen's Black Silk Lisle and Real Maco Cttton Hose, full fashioned, Double Soles, 40c Values. 25c Pair
Women's black pure thread silk boot hosiery, lisle duble soles, out sizes included, at pair, S9o.
A Huge Purchase of Spring Weight Underwear bargains
A successful stroke of enterprise on the part of ono of our buyers brings thiB spring underwear to you at a great reduction.
Omaha's Most Extraordinary Sale of
Cotton and lisle suits, m -.
umbrella knee, lace trim- Um. m
mod very special, at a
Fino cotton suits, cuffpw mb
kneo and umbrella stylos, M
lace trlmmod; roKiilariuid-jF m
extra sizes; 50c values, at
Flno sleeveless vests, laco
ana ombroldory trimmed
yokes 2 60 quality
WOMEN'S 15c VEjTS AT 10c
Fine cotton sleovelesB
vests regular and extra
sizes, will go on salo at,
Cotton Sleeveless Vests,
also children's high neck"
and wing sleeve vests; on
sole In basement, at. ea.
Munslng Suits (seconds),
high neck, Bhort sleeveB,'
knoo length, also boys' ath
letic styles worth up toj
vbo at,
Special for Saturday
Xfeid shipments hsre for their first
Women's New Embroidered Voile Waists at $1 .50
showing Saturday. The styles are wonderfully effective.
On Sale on Second Floor.
These Sifh Grade Kid 61ms Are
Specially Priced for Saturday
Women's 2-clasp French Md and lambskin
gloves in white, black and colord, single
row or heavy embroidered1 backs nil
sizes fitted to tho hand fc-fl $f r a
at the pair ; ..,..1"MU
Kayser and Fownes Silk Gloves, $1 a Pair
16-button length, with double tipped fingers
white, black, tan, navy and gray. .
Elbow Length Silk Gloves at 69o a Pair
Tricot weave, with double tipped fingers white
and black, In all sizes, on bargain square
Long Ohamoiaette Washable GloVes -16-
button length, In white and natural color rr
ell sizes, at, pair 4 . . . , OtPC
2-Olasp Ohamoisette Gloves, white and
natural '.....284
Leather Bags
A wonderfully fortu
nate purchase from a
New York bag manufac
turer enables us to of
fer an extraordinary as
sortment of bags and
purses in the newest,
most fashionable shades
at less than Y2 the usual
retail prices.
BAGS, $798
Worth $5 up
to $8.50, at...
Six hundred new stylo
bags of real seal, real pin
n n n 1 rxi 1 wolnna nn1 rani
morocco In the most fashionable shades such aB bluo, tan,
groy, new drab, Nell rose, black, etc.
Evory bag is n perfect nrticlo and a wonderful bar- 10 QO
gain at tills price Saturday jJAi70
Leather Bags $69
Worth $2.60 to $3.60 at JL
All colors, all styles and ail tho new shapes in goat seal,
real morocco and real Safflon leathers. Such bags never sold
at this price before in America,
Three Great Specials in Mesk Bags run soaia, Bin C-d A (3
Xeth ana Untorsakanla p'
Mh Bag's, 4 to s-lnoh
iruiei i
ts Otrmtn Silver Un- $s7Q
breakable IXeih Bajrs,
fancy 6-lncli etched f
framte at
$G German Sliver Ring Mesh Bags kid lined, at. ...3.49
5.00 gold filled and silver vanity cases, $2.98.
Sterling silver and gold filled pendant necklaces
$1. 00 silver plated and gun metal coin holders,
long chains, tfoo.
Hair ornaments tho largest and most complete
stock in Omaha.
New Button Oxfords for Wtmeii
Women's fino, soft gun metal calf
button Oxfords, in either 4 or 6
button stylo new short vamps,
high too all sizes; at,
Women's N'u Duck Button Oxfords In dark
grey, tan or white beautifully fashion
ed new, perfect fitting last
made for service all size
Newest and Best Infant's Shoe Is Here
Lasts copied from the natural print
of a child's foot. Sold under the
trade mark of 1 ' Foot Prints. ' ' All
hand turned soles with slight extension
edge, serviceable, soft and very flexible.
Light weight soft gun metal calf, vlcl
SitES TM 98c to $ 171
Saturday is Children's Day
Wi specialize in apparel for children Eioh Saturday we offer the
best values in Omaha n boys1 and girls' spring wear. Girls' Separate
Section, 2d floor Main Store. Hoys' Section, 2d floor Old Store.
Boys' Norftlk Suits
Boys' niuo Serge Norfolk Suits All wool
and -worsted serges 15.00 (to jr
values 35 O
Hoys' Norfolk llluo Serge Suits, with long'
trousers Exceptionally I 1 1 7C
well tailored $ I 1 . O
Hoys' Norfolk Suit specially rtjo
priced for Saturday at )Oe0
Hoys' All Wool Norfolk Suits Some JC
with li pairs of pants pO
Girl's Spring Coats
Wo offer your choice of 200 juvenile spring
coats, in all tho pretty styles that are most
In demand. Every bright or dark shade
or "mixture rto QQ tj
two specials ,d0i0 and pO
Children's Colored Wash Dresses
ClaBsy and vastly "different" from the or
dinary lines of children's dresses at
$2.98 L$3.93 and $5
A Special Lot of Boys' Serviceable Shoes at $2.75
Made with a patentod toe cap that positively will not scuff or wear out. Very neat In
every way and looks like the ordinary tip. All sizes in these serviceable Bhoos for boys.
$3, $3.50 ani $4 Valves,' $1.45
Soft folt hats from tho famous faotories of
Joseph E, Ward, Stockport, EnandTATDo
Icon, Boulevard Pes Oapuoines, 22 Paris,
and Joseph Wilson & Sons, Denton, England
Many stylos of crown and brim in black,
brown, tan, grey, steel and the new shades of
green. All tho newoBt
Men's Shirts at 55c
"We bought a well known manufacturers'
entire surplus stock of negligee and golf
shirts at almost half regular prices they
come in all the new spring patterns, and
were made to sell at $1.00; on C C
sale Saturday in old store, at. . , . . . t)OC
Men's Silk Neckwear, worth 25c 120
Men's Lisle Hose, 2ds, worth 25c, 120, 15c
Men's Shirts, new patterns, worth $1.50, 98c
Columbia Cuff. Turn Shirts, at $1.50
Men's Spring Weight Union Suits, at 98c
Munsing's famous Union Suits, $1 to $2.50
Undershirts and Drawers, basem't, 39c, 50c
Men's extra heavy Work Shirts, basm't 50c
spring shapes. Made
to sell at $3, $3.50 and
somo $4. Saturday. ,.
Men' $2.50 Stiff
Hats at $1
Men's Automobile Hats of silk and cravenette worth up to $L5Q, at. . .50o
Sample lines of high grade stiff hats,
Imported and American made stiff bats
In all new spring stylos, black and
rowa values up to 13.50, at.
Men's SLOP English Golf, Automobile and Norfolk caps 6Qo
Sample Boys' and Children's 50o Hats and Papa, spring styles. ....... !l5o
500 Leather Suit Cases. Made to Sell at SS.50
Saturday m Our East Arcade at $4.95
Entiro floor stock of an eastern manufacturer
on sale Saturday and you will savo from one
fourth to one-half tho actual value. Genuine
Leather Cases, steel frame, shirt g J Q P
fold and straps all around vlv v
$8.50 values, Saturday, at ,
All the fine Kerotal Suit Cases, strongly constructed i nnA flfl m
protected comers worth up to $150, at .. l.dV lIlQ$Z.t)lf
Made to retail at $4.00, at
pair, $2.95 Black and tan
lotus calf, in button and
bluoher styles, high broad
toe or custom last, flat Eng
lish Inst splendid shoes;
made under the brand of
"Custom Made" (gft A("
all sizes, nt $Uvu
About 200 pairs in tan and
blaok calfskin not all sizes
in any one style, but all sizes
in tho lot every
pair worth $3.50 or or
up; Saturday, at . . V&.Od
Art Needlework
SPECIALS Third Floor
Stamped Pillow Oases
Floral and conventional
designs stamped on 42-inch
Atlantic tubing
50c valuos, at pr. ,
Stamped Corset Covers on
fine Nainsook neat do
signs 19c values, at 2
for 25c
Library Scarfs, stamped and
tinted on natural color linen
crash, 25c values, at 10c
Human Hair Switches at Half Price
These aro beautiful switches made from short stems of soft, lustrous, German hair,
in tho right lengths for the fashionable new styles.
18-moh, fino quality lustrous
Hair bwitches, regularly
worth $1.00, on sale at IfC
2G-inch, Silky, Fluffy Human Hair
Switches, actually worth d
$5.00, go on salo at v
24-inch, extra quality Human Switches
that regularly sell for
$4.00, on sale at
28-inch, Finest Quality "Wavy Hair
Switches, that never sold ffn rA
for less than $8, on sale at
Other Human Hair Goods in every style and quality at One-Half price.
Hermit Gas Irons, $1.98
These durable, nickel
plated gas irons are
guaranteed not to smoke
and only use Va worth
of gas an hour demon
stration Saturday
Fansteel Electric Irons
aro nickel plated, dur
able and heat in half the
time required for othor irons they are big savers of
electricity and when heated keep hot a long time
each iron is guaranteed for 10 years ft rt
they are wonderful values, at vdiVV
25a LLndBay Mantles 15c
15o Lindsay Mantles 10c
10c Lindsay Mantles 7c
One-quart and two-quart
"Wear Ever" aluminum
lipped sauce pans,
each at
Saturday Drug Specials
25c bottle Peroxide for, .5
25c -Dr. Graves Tooth Pow-
der 11
50c Pebeco Tooth Paste
f0" 20d
26c Sanltol Liquid for teeth.
for lOd
25c Broglere's Talcum..
50c Java Rice Powder. 25eJ
Roger and Gallet Rice Pow-
dor 19J
50c White Rose Extract, oz.,
Rt 296
25c Rublfoam for
25c Bathasweet, special,
at 17
3 cakes Fairy Soap.,.!!
Packers Tar Soap for.15
7 cakes Cocoanut Oil Soap
fr 254
25c Woodbury's Soap.X7J
Pears' Unscented Soap.l2
8 cakes Toilet Soap . .256
10c Williams' Shaving Soap,
at, per cake 3
1-lb. 20-Mule Team Borax
J0 96
60c Toilet Cases at...29
7 pkgs. Toilet Paper. .256
10 tubes M. Q. Developor
for 23c
1 pound Acid Hypo for Co
3 Vl x5 M Seneca Cameras,
worth $14, ,for 80.40
4x5 Seneca Cameras, worth
$15, on sale at. ... , .$7.08
4x5 Seneca Cameras, worth
$37, special at . . . .$24.00
"6V6x8H Seneca Cameras,
worth $58, for only $32.00
6x7 Seneca Cameras, worth
$44, on sale at ...$20.75
$2 "Scout Qameras" $1.30
Special Cut Prices on all Our
Photo Albums Saturday
Fresh Cream Pea
nut Nuggets, 4r
at alb 1C
Rich Swiss
at a lb
Butter Scotch Pat-
ties, special, 4 r '
at lb 13C
Fresh Black Wal
nut Taffy,
at per lb. .
Delicious Map la
Confections, OA
at a lb UC