T1TF 13FF: mrIT, RATTRDW, ArRTTj 12, 101ft. 7 Leather Goods Specials Saturday $1.00 Hand Bags . ..49c $2.00 Hand Bags . . .98c $3.00 Hand Bags..?!.. 49 $4.00 Hand Bags.. $1.98 $5.00 Hand Bags. .$2.50 $6.00 Hand Bags. .$2.98 $2 Thermos Bottles 98c Now V anity Purses, regu lar $2.00 values 98c 50c Vanity Purses. . ,25c 50c Silk Elastic Belts 25c Vnhies you'll find it im possible to duplicate elsewhere. Artistic Spring Millinery Most Attractively Priced m a i i ... IF you want a beautiful hat correct in stylo and color at a price that will snrpriso you Come Hero Saturday. Our designers have oertainly outdone all previous efforts in the magnificent showing of new Dross and Tailored Hats at. .$5! te $15!!!! splendid stock of 1,000 hats for so- oetion. 10 large tables of Untrimmed Hats, livery desirable style in all new est colorings at 25 'f saving in prices. Children's lints Clever designs, tor school or dress, 500 of them for selection; the newest and best at 19rf to S5.00 Special Snttirdny Untrl m m o d shapes In fine mllan and leghorn braids, worth to $2.00; on salo at 08 Ladies' Neckwear MANUFACTURERS' S a m p 1 o Lines at about half worth. L'5c Neckwear at ... . 15l 35c Neckwear at ... .190 50c Neckwear at ... .25( 75o Neckwear at ... ,35c $1.00 Neckwear at . .49c Big variety for selection. Kimono Silks About Half J a SFEOIA& purchaae of over 1,500 yards of beautiful All Silk Florentine Z anfl Kimono Bllki, In Inrgo assortment of liandsomo closlgna q q nnd rich colorings. Some tn beautiful bordered effects, 32 JOC Inches wide, 69o to "5o values, yard. New Veilings ALL latest novelties in cluded in 3 special lots. Lot 1 ,'35c Veilings, vard nt . 19c ljot 2 50o Veilings, vnrtl at 35c Lot 75c Vcilinjs, yard at Kftp Shoe and Oxford Sale Saturday ALL the new spring Shoes and Oxfords are here and the prices and styles will suit you. Made up in. all the now leathers and fabrics that have the call this spring. Women's Shoes and Oxfords. In fill tho newest styles, all sizes and widths S3.01) Women's J 4 00 Bhoes and Oxfords, tun or black, button or laco t S2.50 Women'B $:i.00 Shoes or Oxfords, tan or black, button, laco or blucher, low or high heols, at Sl.OS Mcn'B Shoes, tan or black, button, lac or blucher Btylos. now nifty toos, up from Sl.OS ' Hoys', Youths' and Uttlo Oonts' Shoes, vnlues up to $2.25 a pair; TWO LOTS S1.50 and S1.00 Misses' nnd Chllds" Shoes, button or laco, values up to $2.25, "t Sl.OO Infants' Shoes, tan or black, worth up to $1.00 a pair; In two lots, t 75d and 50 (rover and (Juccn Quality Shoos for women who want tho best Stetson nml Cromctt for tho mon who know and wnt tho best. Fascinating Fashions in Women's Ready to "Wear Apparel At Surprisingly Little Pricings in Saturday's Sale On account of the floods in the east a prominent New York manufacturer found that countermanded orders had left them with a heavy surplus and our New York buyer, always on the alert with plenty of cash at his disposal, secured many of the very best lots at a price scarcely half their worth Tailored Suits, Dresses, Coats, Dress Skirts, Waists, Misscs'and Children's Dresses Styles are the very newest quality of material and work manship of exceptionally high order. New lots will be placed on sale from day to day until the entire purchase is disposed of. For Saturday's Sale We Offer Several Hundred Beautiful Tailored Suits Made.for a Dayton concern arid including 20 distinctly different styles h a broad range of the mostwnrited.fabrics and colorings; '.garments made to sell up to $30.00 and come in fa A g all sizes for women and misses. Your choice TO I 1 pi .Saturday at the one price of " OVER 300 PRETTY TAILORED SUITS Made to sell up to $20.00, ladies' and misses', in serges and fancy MQ torn suitings nobby now styles and qualities that fi fil will surprise all who see them; choice, at ir 320 Pretty Spring Dresses In messalines, eolenes, chiffon, nets, serges, Bedford cords, etc., styles suitable for all occasions; big assortment of clever designs; not a garment worth loss than $15.00 to $20.00; your choice of the entire line Saturday $7.95 J If m Ladies' Handkercffs VERY special bargains in clean now goods. 5c Handkerchiefs at 2V&C 10c Handkerchiefs, at 5c 15c Linen Tldkfs. at 7C 25c Handkerchiefs, fancy embroidered, at . . . .15c 50c. fancy embroidered Hdkfs., choice 25c 75c Ribbons 25o All our 50c and 75ci fancy "Warp Print Ribbons and a beautiful line of extra wide plain' and fancy 9 " sash ribbons. Nobby Styles Spring Coats All the most desirable fabrics in tans, greys, navies and fancies all sizes the choicest lot of values shown for years at this season. Saturday, choice at S10J0 Children's New Spring Coats Sizes 2 to 14 years, in a big assortment of clever styles, greatly underpriced, at Children's Spring Dresses A splendid stock of the very newest style ideas. Pretty fabrics, special, at $235, $395 $495 j $195, $2 I $3 Children's Wash Dresses Ginghams, percales a n d lawns, all sizes, made to sell to $2.00; all at one price for Qk Saturday, choice. . y Bed Spread Specials Saturday TM PORTED Marseilles Bed Spreads, 1 knotted fringe, $5.50 val- o m f ues, each P 0L O Assorted colored Bed Spreads, $8.00 values, each $4.95 Hemmed Marseilles Bed Spreads, full size, $3.00 values, each $1.98 Fringed cut corners, crochet Bed Spreads, $3.25 values, each 152'.50 Hemmed heavy weight crochet Counterpanes $2.00 values, each . . SI. 35 Assorted lot colored and white crochet Quilts $1.75 values, each Sl-.OO Saturday Specials in Wash Goods Dept. Domestic Room DORIS 72x90 soft finished Sheets, good 59c val uee ,at 45 Pillow Cases, 42x36. good quality of muslin, 12 &c values , Fine bleached mercerized Table Damask, good pat terns, 68-inch wide, 59c values 3Qt$ Halt bleached Muslin, 3C-lnch wide, good weight, 10c values '. . . . .fig New lino of 36-lnch Percales, light and dark colors, values to 15c 105 Voiles or Poplins, with fancy silk stripes, 25c val ues at if)! Linen Suitings, 33-lnch wide, 19c values. . lS&Ji Dress Ginghams; plaids, checks, and stripes, 12&c va,uea 8tt Clean Up the Yard Plant the Garden 75c High Oradc D Handle Shovels 49o I Garden lUkes 19o Good tirade 'full size Garden Hoe 19o 4-tlne Spading Forks 49o Poultry Hatting- Our famous double galvanized aiamonu mean, 7o per square root; tn full rolls, per J 00 square ft 6O0 Screen Wire, per square pot So BFXGXAXi 8AXB BXBO OAOZtS. Thr Bird Enjoys a Clean House In the Spring". Small fancy Japanned Cages, choice of three colors , 790 Medium fancy Japanned Cages, choice of three color 89o Large fancy Japanned Cages, choice of three colors , , 9So Extra large Japanned Cages, choice of three colors , 81.39 Extra fancy Japanned Cages v, 81.49 fancy Brass Cages, tl.96 to 8-1.95 Breeding Cagea $2.60, 83.60 and 84.00 Parrot Cages 83.35 to 84.60 large tubs nnd wringer 91.49 A Faw Mora Bnans for Mondavi Wire Coat Hangers, six for 109 Wooden Coat Hangers, four for.. ,10o 1-hole Gas Plate. ..... 49o I-liole Gas Plate 8 So 11.50 Circular Chemically Treatefl Mops , 98o Wash Benches, large enough for two Ott-ri. HKirt tioaras, Danswqod, war ranted not to warp 09 o 5H-ft Extra Wide Skirt Board 890 IXI. Folding Iionlng Boards . , B3o 160 Folding Ironlrtc Boards. . 81.19 We Are Exclusive Omaha Slstrlbntsrs of White Mountain Refrigerators, Hoyden's Mammoth Heat Millet IT'S QTTAX.ITT OOODS. A Saving of 35 to SO for the People. The best quality Pork noaats. per pound 12Vio The best quality Pork Ixilns. per pound ioc The best No. 1 Pot Itoast, per pound 13o, 100 The best quality Hindquarters Mutton, lb 10io The best quality Korequarters Mutton, lb DHo No. 1 bean Bacon, best quality pound aoo Fancy Breakfast Bacon, lb. . . 17Ho Good Breakfast Bacon. Ib ISo No, 1 Regular Hams, Ib . 17V&0 No. 1 Itegular Plrnlc Hams, per pound .. ., 134o Mince Meat, Ib 80 Drugs. Toilet Goods and Drug Sundries Hotlce Prices. Special Sale Starts Saturday Morning, $1.00 Hlze pure Hydrogen PeroxLln. extra size, for aso 2Cc slxe puro Hydrogen Peroxide, at loo thrco for aoo JS St1,1."01 sll0e Polish for 5o 10c Williams or Colgate's Shaving oap for 80 Ono pound Moth or Camphor Balls for 10 c Physicians' and Surgeons' Soap for , , , 80 lOo bottle Household Ammonia for qq S0J? lo Saaitpl or Dr. Qravos Tooth Pasto for 3B0 25c size Snnltol or Dr. Graves' ootli Paste for X0o 2 slz.B Fonds' Ext., Ssnltot' or Peroxldo I' ace Cream for lBo -,L p0,c,?8, Tar T Woodburv's 'Facial Soap for 180 10c Jap Pose or Palm Olive Sobp ,.at l?i0 bnr ' 15o N 471.1 White Hoso Glycorlne or Pears' Honp for, bar... loo 10c bar Samon's Vegetable Soxp or jj0 ISo WIlllamB' Violet or Carnation Tnlcum Powder for 100 m 8Z0 7''omlor or Or'nnro Flovver Cold Crenni for JOo Four bars of Ivory Sonp for. .150 IRc pkg. of 20 Mule Team Bornx tor q0 If''an1 i'-CI Jrn,r nruHlicsa't'soo nn1 I-BO giinrnuteed Bi Brusbes for ; 750 Mnth Hairfi, business suit slVe 4oi Overcont sl fi9o 100 Moth Cards, cleaner "t'h-" moth balls, for arw. 100 Dr. Klnkln's riuonm Tniii.i. for 35o 1.00 nnd X1.B0 Hot Water Bot"- PD0 $1 00 nnold Flow No. 3 Fountain SyrltiRo for 00 " ir iiii rvvvv'innAAfvxr f Now Is the Time to Select Spring Furnishings while stock nro utniMinlly romphMc nnd Sioclnl April Salo Price Mould offer snvliiR opporttiiittlcK you .Miii-Hummcr t'lcnrnnccs. ncnrrely exjicct before tho Men's Union Suits, to .$'2.00 values, medium nnd lipht woiglit, in nil sizes, on sale nt 98c, 6.9c, 49c Men's Balbriggan Shirt3 and Drawers, to $1 vnlues, medium or light weight, nt 45c, 35c, 25c Men's Pronch Flannel and i 15c and 26c quality Socks. Imported Madras Dress Shirts, to $3 values, nil nowest colorings, $1.45, and 98c Men's Hats A BIG sample line Imported and Domestic Shapes, la eott and stiff felt, all now Spring styles, made to sell to $3.00; choice Hoys' nnd Children's lints 50 dozen of them, In cloth or felts, made to sell to a f 1; Saturday at. ... tDC Linen Handkerchiefs, reg ular vnlues to 125c, full size, Snt. 12 Vise, Men's Pajamas, in nil sizes, made to sell to $'2.50-, will go at 98c and 69c Men's Mercerized Union Suits, mnde to sell nt $3.00 Snturdny, nt $1.45 $3.00 and $3.50 Auto Gloves, the very finest, I Men's Dress and Work Gloves, to $2.00 vn. qualities, on snle nt $1.45 ues, light or medium weight, 98c, 49c blnck, tan and colors, ev ery pair'guarnnteed, will go on sale at 12M:C "d 8YzQ Men's Laundered Shirts, now spring patterns light or dark colors, all coat stylo, at 45c Men's Night Shirts, all sizes, made to sell to $2.00, your choice 98c nnd 49c Traveling Goods Snaps GKNUI N K Cowhide Suit Ciiho With heavy Btraps, clasps and lock. Genuine Cow hide or (irnln Leather IJk leather lined. Hard w o o d Steamer Trunks Canvas cov ered with heavy slats; your choice of any of these extraordinary bargains at, EACH UU1.VIVB CUV- $5 In Glove Department. Monarch, Derby and Fownes Kid Gloves, in all newest colors and styles, $1 to $2 Lambskin Gloves, black, Avhito or tan, $1 values 69c Kaysor Silk Gloves, 12 and 16-button length, nil colors, with double tips ....75jC to .. $1.50 Ohamoisotte Gloves, 16-button length 50c Remarkable Undorpricings In Corset Department. Odd lots of Corsets that sold to $3.00, now stylos, nil sizes $1.39 $1.50 Values in R. & G., W, B. and Knb.o Corsets, odd lotB on snle Saturday, to close, choice 98c $1.50 De Bevois Brassieres, at 98c 75c Brassieres, snaps, 49 C Boys' Blouse Waists, 50o to $1 vnluos..49c and 25c Ini Hosiery Department. Lndles' Bilk or Mslo Hose, full faBhloncd, to 7Dc value. .40jj Lndlcs' nml Children's Hoso. reg ular 19c values, at ....lSJsb Lndle' 15c Hoso, plain black or with whlto feet, nt pair. .JOt Sovorftl other specials Saturday. in Women's Spring Underwear ; dainty muslin underskirts, Princess slips nnd silk combination suits, mnde to sell to $3.50; Saturday, at $1.98 Gowns worth to $2.50 Fancy crepes, fine nninsooks nnd cmnbrics; nlso fine combination suits; special, nt 98c Corset Covers and Drawers Vnlues to $1.00; specinl 49c Lisle Union Suits To $1.00 vnlues, in nil stylos, rogular and ox- trn sizes, on snle Saturday, nt 49c Lisle Vests To 50c values, lace or crochet yokes, all sizes; on snle Saturday, at 19c Children's Muslin Pants, lace trimmed, nil sizes, nt . . 10c The Season's Biggest Bargain Opportunity for the House Furnisher in Our Saturday and Monday JLjpf jj Sjilc Of R.UfS SatUfday and Monday TV ONTHS of careful preparation for this event, buying early before the price advance buying direct from the mills 1V1 for cash( places us in a position to offer in our big April sale New, Perfect, High Class Rugs at Prices Actually Less Than Mill Cost of the Same Merchandise Today. Here Are a Few of the Matchless Bargain Offerings: ' 9x12 Axminster Rugs Extra qunlity, mnde to sell to $30, choice . $4J9B of 48 Jin tt erns, price 1 9x12 Bigelow Electra Rugs in most benutiful Oricntnl pat terns nnd colorings, $d2.5U val- A 50 iLf 9x12 Velvet Rugs Scnmless, big line of pnttems, mnde to sell 51 C98 LO- nl $25.00, at. ues, choice High Pile Axminster Rugs 9x12 size, seiinileys, big variety ot patterns, inado to sell at $30, on snle $yj93 at, choice '. . . t3 Many Other Specials. $1.50 Tapestry Hugs, 27x54 size, 69c $2.75 Axminster Rugs, 27x54 size, nt $1.59 $4.50 Axminster Rugs, 36x72 size, at S2 .75 Wilton Velvet Rugs 9x12 size,, choice now patterns, made to $' q98 sell at $30.00, on snle 10 9x12 Seamless Tapestry Brussels Rugs, 8 wire $A98 qunlity, $1(3.50 vnlues, nt V 10 wire qunlity, $20.00 values, at $12.98 9x12 Seamless Wilton Rugs Fine line of pattern rugs thnt wero made to sell at $35.00, go on sale $9 C00 at, choice Many Other Specials. ALL RUGS GUARANTEED PERFECT MONEY REFUNDED IF NOT AS REPRESENTED. Slenderness without Discomfort could not havo ben obtained for you from the greatest corset maker five years ago when the vogue for slenderness was new, But. today, tn the C-H a la Splrlte Corset, you can obtain not only the much desired slenderness with comfort, but a hundred lit tle Improving touches evolved through hun dreds of experiments on every type of figure. Among the C-D models, representing 240 different types of figure fitted perfectly, you will find the model which will give your figure jouthfulness. Prices, Sl.OO to S5.00. ST PAYS "The Stondard Kverj-wher for the Woman of Fashion." Try HAYDEN'S First IT PAYS Its Quality Goods at Hayden's TriaLng at Baydan'i for A BTUr of 35 to 60 Ftr 0nt for Ui Faopla by 33 lb. beat gTrmnlatadaolclen Sajitoa coffee, ,."??,r , 1'00 ! aso 4-lb. nack beat hleh etern' Breakfast ? r a a e Diamond H cocoa, lb 30o lour, nothing finer for Beat atrloUy freah effta, uieau, iJivn ur cftKes, aoaaa 300 91,10 The best creanierv but ter, carton or bulk, per lb 57o The beat country cream ery butter, per lb. 33o Heat No. 1 dairy butter, Ib 380 Oood dairy table butter, lb 35o Kull cream Wlaconstn cheese, Ib. 18a Neufcliatel cheeae, each at ,..3o Fresh spinach, pk. . ,18o Fancy cauliflower, lb 7Ho 3 Iba. fancy shelled popcorn loo S heala Taney leaf let tuce So Funcy larse head let tuce, each ?4o Fancy rhubarb, lb. 7Uo 2 bunches fresh parsley at So 3 large soup bunches lOo Large cucumbers, each at 16o, lOo 3 large green peppers lOo Fancy wax cv Kreen bean a, II) ,300 Fancy ripe tomatoes, lb. at , .lOo Fancy new potatoes, lb.. at 7V4o l-arge stalks celery So I.arRe Orape Fruit, ea. So Fancy strawberries, box loo Watch for Bayden'a Quality Oooda and Fura rood Exhibit, commencing- Monday, April 14th. Forty Special Demon. tratsona. m m - - tr n tr..r .r.ni.n. jLrLT per xai'k 81.10 10 bars Heat 'Km All or Lennox soap for. .3so 10 lbs. best white or yel low cornmeal . . .17Vio 10 lbs best rolled breakfast oatmeal SSo 7 iba. bulk laundry ntirch 35o Advo Jell, Jellycon or Jell, pkB 7Hc K-oz. cans condensed milk 8 l-3o & .I1'1' tan.cy JPn rice. The Ureateat Tag-aUbla luc ijuaiiiy vou 1-lb, pkg;, corn starch 40 Yeast Foam, pkR 3o Orape Nuts, pkg. . lOo E. C corn flakes, pk., at 6o Tho best crisp I'reUels or KtnKer snaps, lb. 6o 4-lb. like Hlar Naphtha WaahlnK I'owder . ISo Tall cans Alaska Bai rn on , loo Market In tna West for tne raopla, 16 Iba. beat Colorado potatoes 15o IE lbs. Hed Globe Cook ing onions .ISo Best Holland Seod Cab bage, lb , . . . .lc Large bunches beets, carrots, turnlpa. rad ishes or shallots, per bunch 4o J.