TIE BEE: OMAIIA, SATURDAY, APRIL V2, 1913. BATTLE AGAINST MALARIA' Drainage Congress Discusses Rela lation of Swamps to Disease. DR. EVANS MAKES ADDRESS fhrrlnn Jar Hstlnctlon of Man qnltn "Will Atlil Ten nnllnr lo VIhp of KTfrj- Acre of Sonllicrn I.nnil. ST UJLMS. April 11. -The delegates to the National DralnaKP congress bcBnn today the work of onranlilnir the vari ous local dralnupe boards ami committees Into a national dralnaso federation. A malarial conference at which the rela tion of swamp land and floods to dl. e. aho, was held today and the re port was submitted to the ceneral conv mlttc of the conRress. Whjle the coiiBreaa wail waltlnB for tlrtft rVport. It heard an address hy Frank n.. Knight of Clilcauo on "The Business Mans Intercut In flood i;roteotlon." Colonel W. E. Piper of Chicago, chair man of the executive committee of the National Fraternal congress, spoke today jon the Interest of fraternal Insurance or ders In drainage, as It affects actuaries' tables of longevity. The. executive commltteo was, not ready to report Its plan for the credtlnn of a national department of public works ursler tho supervision of a cabinet mom-, bcr. , Tim commltteo lias not yet reached an agreement as to wjint brunches of the Rovernment service should bo placed 'un der the :(ew department. Ir Joseph Hyde Pratt, stale geologist ot North Carolina, spoke this afternoon on 'The Reclamation of North tarollna Pwartip Kinds.'' tr. Kvans of t'hlcago said malaria could be annihilated In tho south by fighting mosquitoes, draining swamps, educating the iieople to sleep behind svrrens and distributing quinine to those who could not buy IL He said that tho extinction of the mosquito would add 110 to the value of every acre of land In the south, and under Antimalarial condition the total corn crop would be doubled. Dr. Kvans said that In Illinois malaria had practically been killed, particularly In Chicago, lie said that negroes brought from the smith to work on the Chicago dralnaRe canal Infertcd mosquitoes with malaria and then It was necessary to take measures to stamp out the disease. "Thirty years ago," he continued, "Chicago, New Tork and Brooklyn each had more malaria than any southern stale has today. The fight against mal aria la nothing new. India and China have had to handle the problem." . Five Hundred Are Browned in Ohio COL.UMHUR O., April H.-Itcv(sd sta tlstlcs "compiled by ftclrt agents of the lied Cross reporting to the headquarters In this city-TVcre Riven out today showing than 6G0 or more persons were drowned In Ohio. In tho floods of March 2b. The last previous estimate of the same au thorities had made, tho list 416. DR. FRIEDMANN WILL ATTEND GRIDIRON DINNER PIlOVIDBNCn, It. U April ll.-The three Uhodo Island physicians who have been selected by Dr. F. F. Krledtnann to share some of "the secrets of his treat ment for tuberculosis wero given their first Instruction at St. Joseph's hospital today. Dr. Friedmann will go to "Wash ington 'on tho midnight train tonight to attend the dinner of the Gridiron club and to appear before the Washington Academy of Science tomorrow night. From Our Near Neighbors Wrcplnar Wnter. A son was born to Mr. and Jlrji. Carl Kuglcr. April 9. Mrs. William Peters visited1 relatives In Plattsmouth this week. Mrs. Charles Hansen Is visiting her parents ut Wausa. Neb. Mrs. William KlUtnnii and children Visited relatives In Omahu this week. Mrs. Oeorgp. Htpner If visiting her daughter. Airs, lidward Kcnn6rty, In Omaha. ' . . ' ' . i . Kxlenslve -repairs1 on tho-Congregatlonal church are underway und It will tako two or three months to complete It. The marrlago of Harry U. Heed of tluldt Hock, and, MIm Clara, Ppmlugo of Wertng "Walerj took. place In Lincoln oh Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Ulrd returned to their home In Stockton, Kan., Wednes day, after an extended .visit with relatives hero and ln,tt) vicinity., , J C Hltchmnn'and wlto of Omaha, vls Jted here a few days with his parents. Mr. Hltchman 'departed Wednesday for Mexico and will operate a large sugar plant MredAmcs.Ingwerscii nnd-'Dodson. re turned to their horn In Bprlngvlew. Nrb.. list Wednesday.', having visited." their mother, Mrs, "William Ihgworscn, here -for several days. V. J. Davis of this place, has sold his ranch near Durwell. Neb., for Jffl.000, tho prlco did not Include alt the stock, and a number ot horses will bo placed on his Cass county .farms. . T. Wl'Uson, for many years day , operator hero for tho Missouri Patelfie. has no!d,h) residence to JohrtTloulnsoli. t Mr. ahd Mrs. Wilson Will soon go to IjouIsvMc. Neb., where ho will bo agent for 'tho samo company. Vnller. Mrs. Ntfyes Is. visiting with her son, Isaac Noy.es, for. a few: weeks. Mildred Turk of Omaha la standing her acat(on with her aunt, Mrs. Holdsworth. Mrs. Alex Hmlth and children of Ben son ore visiting Mrs. Hronson this week. Mrs. Margaret Holdsworth spent Wednesday In Qmahu visiting her slstar, Mrs, J. Turk. Mtsa Amy Kennedy enmo up from Un coin Friday for a visit with her brother, Y. C. and J. A. Kennedy. I). A. Fya cwne homo from Omaha Tuesday attortioon til and haa been con fined to tho house all week. Ths Valley Woman's Christian Tern Iterance union give a social at the home of Mra. II. P. Ferreo Thunday afurnooo. The Junior Christian Endeavor society of the Presbyterian church gave a very enjoyable social at tho home of Mrs. II. P. Ferree Friday evening. Tho regular monthly meeting of tho "Busy Hen' was held In the Hubbard hall Wednesday Bfternoon. Over lfiO were served, Mrs, M. Nlsh. Mrs. Mona han, Mr. Klanhammcr and Mrs. Wall Mroem served. ' r The Board of Education of the Valley echools elected the. following teachers Monday evening: Frank F. Adams, su perintendent i Mrs. Frank F. Adams, high school; Mrs. Cecil Moore, grammar; Mls Hilda Parsons, Intermediate; Miss Eva Harrier, third and fourth; Miss Kdna Weekly, primary. Tho other Va cancies will be filled very soon. The annual congregational meeting of tho Presbyterian church was held In the church Saturday evening. The following am the nffloem for the coming year. Charles Miller, elder; Irving Preshn and I'ercy Ferree. trustees; a. j. mciiuihiu, treasurer; Mrs. A. Uurdlner, collector; Miss May Nichols, argantet and cliorts ter. Tho Kunduy school officers are: Mrs. lnmm. suDorlntendent: Mrs. Fer- w. assistant; Marie WalUtroem. secre tary. Mra. Earl darner, treasurer; Ruth Hubbard, organist; Freda llelmbach, Itbrartan. , . Mrs. John Tcager died at her home Wednesday night. Mra. Itusa Ycager was CO years of age and haa been suffer ing from Brlghl'a disease for sevrral years. She had spent the twenty-ftvo years of her married lire in vuuey, was . . 1. 1,..,t.n.. l,..l.v.. I church and Is survtved by a son, rtoy Hmlth. and a daughter, Mrs. Pearl Tay lor of Kimball. Neb., besides her hus band and axed mother, who lives with them. The funeral services will be held Saturday, probably. ling and children recently returned, from Colorado, where they have lived tho last six years, visited at the Nolto homo ono day this wt.ck. ' Pn'iillllon. . Miss Edna Wilson, who teaches In Omaha, Is homo for tha spring vacation. W. N. Jamlcson, Tormor county attor ney, was out from Bouth Omaha on lost Wednesday. uiiH. ito x:hivj ui uiiiuuu viquru. ins Tirirthhr, James 'T. Hegjey, several days' Mm. John Hamilton of Waterloo, at tended Ihn honrtnv ft,, tlin ltlnlAv .ulll I Ounty court Monday.. , William ;tobe)'tsop, an attdrnfy fr6m" PJattsmouth, was transacting business at the court hotiso Tuesday. Superintendent H. A. Collins conducted tho eighth grado examinations at the court house on Thursday and Friday. The- Woman's club Is planning for' an entertainment for the benefit of tho tor nado victims. Tho food sale given for the same purpose last Baturday netted J&O.W. t im"- AV v- Kmle'i assisted by Misses Lillian Kfflnw ami t-ini... ti. i " talned at dinner at thelnr hbme Friday evening fdr Miss Ethel Empkey. Those Prese-nt Wary Misses Nettle MAnn-Ynd Delpsch of South Omaha. Effle McClure, Mae Linger. Ilertha Linger, Charlotte Im- ucin iti, ni liooloy. Nora . LeyF;""'ln .r'ffl''. Fannie Alsworth! Lllxa Wilson and Mrs. Tom Doolcy. SphlnnfTeTd". J. M. BIwclI Is alok.at ha home, on u'visiv " Ireny HnddauKet:Ariher.o lnMTekma;. "a'M ' vUHIng a few day. toC5farp?' ci'ty!,08n SVed hU tMmli afVeS'tens. Tnr"0 l0 Wl Ham Wltmus, ar., Is very 111 at the home of Charles krani&ek. " hereHGndaV vlsltTn hraher!0'' W8 AntSr.0y CJ?,mft0 accnr.anled her brother Albert to his homestead In Cherry county. vi.i iJk fH.i. .a,1a JSVegeno Tlrlcknoll Msltea friends at Dunbar over Sunday. tni .V "um lu illr"' tresion lor os per aero. John Nottleman has the contract to n f- JTfldcn,c fr N. J. Christiansen near Ashton, 8. D. .M&.J?nY? Mr"i.W',.l.f- I,3nl" nav moved to Paplilion. Mr. Kills Is to be epgineer at the cream condenser. Mr. and Mrs. Solomon ZoeDan return.! home last Sunday after a winter's visit In California, ,.T",Doard r IWucatlon haa electel Miss Newman principal and Miss Matl son. now In the University of Nebraska, assistant for next year. The superin tendent's plaoe s yet vacant. JOHN A. SWANSON, Pres. WM. L. HOLZMAN, Trcas. A Revelation in Fine Tailoring.. Spring Suits MEN of discernment, we direct you to a magnificent collec tion of spring suits. Gracefully designed, shapely, well molded, beautifully tailored garments the last word in clothes perfection. You men who have paid $40, $50 or even more for suits, are urged to compare our fine garments with any you have ever worn. Garments su perior to the best made-to-order clothes are an accomplished fact here. Presenting the acknowledged best in ready-for-service clothes. Celebrated Color fast Best Blue Serge Suits Here's every man's suit a guaranteed blue serge knows no equal for all 'round good service and good looks. Colorfast serge fame ha3 spread from coast to coast an exclusive Nebraska featuro. Afore than one thousand Colorfasts aro ready for your choice. All sizes In over fifty different models. Young men's 2 and 3-button modols and smart N'orfolks. Also stouts, longs, short stouts, stubs, every size up to 52-Inch chest. A -guaranteed saving of $5.00 to $8.00 on SK..J10 to $30 Masterpieces of the Weavers' and Designers' Art Stunning, rich, new weaves, finest American and imported ideas. Beautiful white on black; hair lines on gray; silk striped novel ties; luxurious plain tones and striking mix tures; invisible plaids, tihecks and exclusive novelty patterns. Run the range of high grade American fabrics from Hockanum to Globes none are missing. Scotch and English tweeds, Fronch and German'weaves. 2 and 3-button models a wonderful diversity of styles, new collar Ideas, new lapels, soft fronts, seml-Engllsh and high grade stand ard models. Undoubtedly the most complete) and com- EttB:.....$2S-$30-$35 Powerful Values, Spring Suits at $15 and $20 Emphasizing our right to the title of the mbst complete clothing store in the West. Men and young men who set $15 or $20 as tho price to pay should come to value-hoadquarterB. Unmatched values, worsteds, cheviots, cassi meres, homespuns, novelty (weaves, two and three button models. Norfolks, semi-English or standard models, a guaranteed saving of $5 to $8. Remember, our basis of price Is actual value re gardless of the attractiveness of patterns. Here's a new way of selling coupled with a better way of buying. We're here to serve you bettor at every turn In the clothes road. Wonderful Spring Suit values, at. . Extra Size Men Special Notice To You You're particular about your clothes, and you've had a time of it getting a fit elsewhere. Guaranteed satisfaction for you here on every count. Every pattern picked to suit the size it was designed for; every model built on scientific lines by expert journeymen tailors; the most diverse range of proportions ever assembled in the West. Personal service here that takes pride in recommending the most serviceable fabrics, patterns, colors. All sizes up to frl fk S. GQC 52 inch chest. Supreme values and all prices by easy stops from plU tO pjQ RAINCOATS, Gabardines, Slip-Ons Omaha's Largest and Best Showing $5 to $20 New Shirt Section A Store in Itself Thousands of beautiful new shirts. Entire center aisle main floor front devoted to a remarkable showing. Excello, Fault- w, Monarcn, wiison uros., Empire tho range of r - tH ars th& possibilities In gooa sulrt making. All prices J Jtav to 2.50. Remarkable values at less, Arrow, styles covers from 50o Underwear No Limit to Your Choice Complete stocks our specialty what you want when you want it. Union suits in all sleeve lengths, all log lengths and all combinations of sloeve and leg lqngths. All desirable weights C -b Superior, Rlteslze, B. V. D. and many other leaders, $ TlT In solid comfort, perfect fitting union suits at ; . . . . J A World; of Hosiery at Your Feet No wonder we're dolnir tjhe hos iery business of tho town. Ml the celebrated guaranteed hose for men, Holeproof, Interwoven and other favorites. McCallum silk as well as service box. All prices for all purseB .. ISc, 25c, 3Sc, 50c S"d VI ' COMPARE THE CLOTHES IN OUR WINDOWS WITH ANY ON DISPLAY IN AMERICA JOHN A.SWANSON.prcs WM.L.HOL'ZM AN.tpuas w i i i i i ii mm rm -TiMrffiTTi rrrg-i COERECT APPAREL FOR AiEfr AND WOMEN Our Beautiful New Clothing Section Visit our cheerful, newly equip ped clothing section, second floor. A welcome In the air here that makes you feel at home. A place where men may bring- thlr wives; a place where women may buy boys' clothes and be comfortable. Plenty of chairs, rest rooms, whle aisles and a flood of daylight. KlUhorn.' Mla Maly Now vlslted.ln OmahaiTuen day. J A. Gibbons was ,a, Uenoii; visitor editcsda)'. MUs Anna Uroadfleld of Omaha visited here Monday. Mrs. George Todd of Waterloo called un relatives Jira.atur.ay. , Mrs.' Henry Johfinon " entertained the ladles' kenslngton Saturday. Mrs. J. P. Hanger and sinter, Mrs. K. IiaD, visited here last Baturday. Miss Wandell of Kcrlbner. Neb., visited at the A- Mookelmann home this week. Mrs. J. M. Uruuner visited Tuesday at W aterioo with the Dr. Hlehardson family. Mrs. Charles Haas came from Omaha Wednesday to have her Injured hand dressed. Miss Hilda Meyer of Springfield visited Kunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Meyer. John Mangold and family came Satur day for a visit with relatives, also to at .end the benefit ball. Q rand ma "VVlcht, who hus been 111 with asthma. Is some Improved. Grandma Uay is slowly Improving also. Miss Tina Hofeldt of Omaha spent aturday and Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. O. Hofeldt Jrn?s Calvert of Clearwater. Neb.. tlted Tuesday and Wednesday with lit mother. Mrs. Ii. K. Calvert. Mra J. a. Beetus entertained the t. C. club Thursday. MIm Bmma Nolle won flirt prize und Mrs. J. M. Hrunner sec ond. Mrs. C. V. Hulling, who with Mr. Hol- Jfrfanrrkn, Guy Hood went to Omaha Wednesday. John noush waa In Bouth Omaha with a load of stock Wednesday. Mrs. Wolph an Mrs. West were shop ping In Nebraska City Wednesday. Miss Hesch of Nebraska Ctty Is a guest at the homo of Mrs. Bhoemaker this week. Miss Maud Nichols of Port Myers. Fla... la a guest at tho -Klrkpat rick home this week. J. n, Ileckncr and wife of Wausa, have boon visiting their daughter, Mrs. Han sen, this week. Mrs. Peter Opp and son, John, have been visiting with Mrs. Opp's dnughter, Mm. Chapman, at Ashland this week. Miss Ktylra Ilsker of Weeping Water, who has been a guest at the West home the last week, returned homo Wednes day. I J. I. Kong was In Grand Island this week attending a meeting of the head camp of tho Woodmen of the World. V.Pnnln.aaMnidi. 1 If . . . Clilcago this week attending a meeting niu .iimoiiiu uonieuerauon or Farm Finance H0 represents the fruit irrnw. orB of southeast Nebraska. . A Wnterlou. D. G. Hopper returned the first of the wren jrom oiorauo. Mr. and Mrs. John Mohatt and ilttlo un wtni jo umana saiuraay noon to visit relatives.. j Uawrence Uoblnsort .and Itobert. Evan were at Columbus over Saturday nlsht and Sunday. ' Reed Cm Ms of Omaha was here the jiibi ot win ween visiting at tno u. Ji King home. Mr. and Mrs. John I.vnoh nf nmiiu and, children were here, Bundar to visit at the J. J. Mohatt home. Walter Pike was at Newman Grove Miu iasi ween visuing iioyu Herrington, and ctuiiifru i iicsuay aiiernoon C. W. Hamilton, father of John. re. turned baturday last from Colorado, where he has spent the winter. Mrs. Dave Cobb and children are here from Btuart visiting at the home of her parents, Mr. nnd Mrs, George Crook. Mrs. John Illder and daughter JensU " " ? nuni ana cousin of Mrs. . j. .iibck, were nero over Sunday vis Itlng relatives. Mra Purchase, dauahtar of r mri Mra, A. B. Gates, who was visiting at her home, left Sunday evening for her home at Bchuyler. Mrs. Mowery or Cass county, dauihter of Mrs. II. It Waldron. and i(r Arh Mendenhall of Fremont were visitors over un"""? v mo . ij. wa-iuron nome. Daphne Rohwer returned Friday cven I inir from a vlirit riiirtnv v. u,AaL .uiit. I Omaha relatives. Mumirit. Xlllu nam'.. I with her to spend the holiday week at Mrs. Cora H Merdllh. ilii.. nf r ir Itlggs. was visiting the latter and faintly several days last week. Mra Mere-Jith was In Omaha a week previous with her i wo uuusiuers. misscm Hutu and Mabri, and returned there Saturday afternoon. leaving Thursday of this Week for her I home at O'NolU. , The annual election of the Elknrn Valley, drainage district Tuesday reamt'?' In 'the election of Kd O. Noycs as dlrsctiVr to succeea J. u. jujumouii, expired this spring, and who has been dl- recior since unwuiuii """vvr: four years ago. The election waa held at mo luwii nan in .w. Irvlnarton. Mr. and Mrs. Lars Nelson visited In Omatia Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. James Hole visited Bun day at ,the James Johnson home. Miss Nellie Laur of Omaha Is spending the week at tho 8. 11. urewsier noino. Mr. and Mrs. Jenson of Florence nnd Mrs. Thompson ana lamuy were visitors at tho A. C. Dean homo Hunuay. Dewltt Babbitt of Omaha visited his sister, Mrs. B. u. Brewster, riunaay. Annie and Barnle Sundall are on the nick list this week. The box social at school No. SB was wll attended and a fine program en joyed by the audience. Receipts amounted to KO. which will go for chairs and other necessities for the school. nev. Mr. Banbern and wife of Lincoln are spending the week visiting friends in and arouna irvington. , About flftv were nresent nt tho Iadles Aid meetlnir Wedensday. Tho afternoon was spent In making quilts and garments for the relief fund In Omaha. Mr. Peterson wass taken to tho hospital In Omaha Thursday to nave an opera tion performed. MUT7. hock iircrcn. Guaranteed to t the only genuine BOCK BJ2BR brewed In Omaha. On draught and In bottle on and attar April 11th. Order a case ot this delicious beer sent to your home. Wm. J., uoekhoff. retail dealer. Thone DoUglas 119. I J i Trains to lahicrnia Relievesl DacKache Sloan's Liniment is a great rem edy for backache. It penetrates and relieves the pain instantly. SLOANS LINIMENT is also good for sciatica. Mr. TtTCna Norman, of Whlttlsr, Oallf., writes! ' I had ray back hurt In the Doer war. I tried all kinds of dope I .V. . n. . r . uuuu. mwm. iwj wr.ii ago a got a botlls of Sloan's Ltnlnt to try. The first application eauted IniUnt relief." MtsjrtBdMlan. triMlli, lla. a Q1.0S. Dr. Eari S. Sloan - Borton. Mats. LIVER PILLS Sugircoatcd and all vegetable. Dote, only one pill at bedtime. For consti pation, bilious headache. Indigestion. Ayes Pills. Sold for 60 years. A Your Doctor. kSvATL i-mOy. Par KliH '8 MAID HAIRIU niKi sa4 tnolllci Uiatuls t'.T.r t ntor Ory uur to Ita YmUifl Colon. rrTtsu liilr fuliDtr. OVERLAND LIMITED Lv. Omaha 8:00 a. m. Ar. San Francisco 9:30 a. m. Compartment Observation Car. Drawing Room and Compartment Sleeping Cars, Club Car. Dining Car. Special Feature: Barber and bathe, ladles' maid, valet, stenographer, vacuum cleaning, electrically ventilated, telephone, telegraphic neB bulletins, stock and market reports', electric lights lit every berth, electric cooking and warming devices. Maximum extra comforts for minimum extra fare & to(San Francisco, intermediate points in proportion. CALIFORNIA MAIL Lv. Omaha 3:50 p. m. Ar. San Francisco 1:30 p. m. Ar. Los Angeles (S. P.) 7:05 a. m. Pullman Drawing Room Sleeping Cars. Pullman Tourist Sleeping Cars. ' Day Coaches. Dining Car Sorvice. Daily lib)! 1 PACIFIC LIMITED Lv. Omaha 12:30 a.m. Ar. San Francisco 8:50 a.m. Ar. Los Angeles (S.P.,L.A.&S.L.) 10:00 a.m. Observation Pullman Standard Sleeping Car. Pullman Drawing Room and Compartment Sleep ing Cars. Pullman Tourist Sleeping Cars. Dining Car Service. LOS ANGELES LIMITED Lv. Omaha ...11:55 a.m. Ar. Los Angeles (S.P..L.A. & S.L.) 4:30 p. m. Composite Observation Car Pullman Drawing Room and Compartment Sleep ing Cars. Pullman Drawing Room Sleeping Car. . Pullman Tourist Sleeping Car (Smoking Room). Dining Car Service. In addition to the four trains mentioned, there are Standard and Tourist Sleeping Cars to San Francisco, leav ing Omaha on the Oregon-Washington Limited at 9:46 a. m... arming Ban Francisco 8:30 p. m., second day. The above trainB operate out ot Omaha dally, leaving the Union StaUon and travel over the smooth and dustless road bed ot the D0UILE TRAGIC STANDARD ROAD OF THE WEST Protected by .Automatic Electric Block Safety Signals For further information, call on. telephone or address Ij. BEINDOUKF. C. P. & T. A., 1024 Farnam St, Omaha, Neb. Phono Douglas 884. iMt 4