Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 12, 1913, Daily Sport Extra, Page 2, Image 2

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Medium Sized Hats
Are Now in Demand
This is as we predicted in our Easter an
nouncement. Then everyone else was advocat
ing extremely small hats, but we were convinced
that it was a fad of short duration, and that well
dressed women would very early in the season
demand more becoming shapes.
So we advised our customers accordingly,
and you have no idea of the number who now
compliment us upon our good judgment.
For Saturday Over three hundred beautiful
Hats are displayed, priced from
$5.75 to $12.50
Stylish SorosiS Creations
Viewed From Every Angle
SOROSIS SHOES are decidedly out of the
ordinary. Their class and character, newness and
originality of styles are the very latest fashion in
footwear. The most fastidious woman is bound
to admire the shapely models we are showing for
Spring and Summer wear. Every worth-while
style is represented. It makes no difference what
your taste may be, conservative or ultra fashion
able. Sorosis shoes have a model that is sure to
appeal to you.
Individuality Tailored Into
Every Suit
$19.50, $25, $30
These suits are hand tail
ored from choice fab
rics in styles that have
been personally se
lected by our buyer when
in New York last week.
Exclusive Fashions, $19.50,
$25.00, $30.00.
No Extra Charge for Alteration
Our coat, dress and waist
sections are always very popular
more so than ever this season.
New models are received daily.
Always marked at reasonable
prices to insure quick selling.
DRESSES, $7.50, $8.75, $15.
COATS, $10.50, $16.50, $23.
WAISTS, $1.25, $1.75, $2.25.
The store for Shirt Waists
Women's Washable Gloves
Each day our snlos of washable leather gloves increase.
.They are practical gloves for street wear. You soou have,
the price of them in the cost of cleaning alone. Ask to see
them and we will tell you more of their good qualities.
Long lengths are $2.50 and $3.00 a pair.
Short lengths are $1.19 and $1.50 a pair.
We carry the celebrated "Elite Fitwell" make.
Children's Wear for Spring Has
Not Been Neglected
In this interesting section of the store are many dainty
garments for the little folks. You will enjoy seeing them.
Children's Weiir Third Floor.
Dresses A complete assortment of beautiful dresses,
dainty styles for spring and summer wear. White and col
ors, sizes one to ten years.
Spring Goats, Hats and Oaps for children six months
to six years of age.
Three Desirable Toilet
Goods Specials Saturday
Combination package, con
sisting of one jar of: cold
cream, one box of face pow
der, and one box rouge, spe
cial for Saturday, 20c.
Nail enamel, in stick form,
regular 25o, 10c.
Powder Puffs, special, 5o.
Really Good Hosiery
Costing But Little
Cotton hose, all black or
with Maco split soles, 15o a
Special, Silk Lisle Hose,
25c quality, 18c a pair.
Silk Boot Hose, lisle tops
and soles, silk boot, 50c a pr.
We Are Exclusive Agents in Omaha for
the Celebrated
10c--McCall Patterns'" 15c
culate Ms reporta In pamphlet form.
Dollen was defeated.
Sugarman's amendment providing for a
recall was changed by the house so that
members df the board may be recalled
under the state law. This amendment
amounts to nothing, because the recall
bill by Norton Js not yet a law and Is
tied up In the senate and may not be
come a law.
Combination In Control.
The stock-yards-water-board lobby had
the bill sewed up tight, and with the
exception of the open meetings and the
publication amendments, none of the num
erous ones offered had a chance of be
ing carried.
The fight for tho combined lobby was
led by Mike Lee and Norton, aided by
Mockett and Reynolds with a word now
and then by Dollen. The amendments
proposed by those who had tne Interest
of tho taxpayers at heart wero offered
by Sugarman and, talks made for them
by Simon. Foster. JilcKlsslck. Anderson.
Hubbard, jUpsteJtlcTvnnd Hoff. ,J
Hoff de(lvtf e,Q. an extendedSpeech' Jri,
the Interests. .pjrhe people pt tfjoi'ence.
He proposed on .amendment .that Vlor--once
be "annexed to pmah,a and that
the new town" be called drealer Flor
ence." He said Omaha was going to gob
ble up Florence anyh6w, nnd had already
taken their water plant and their streets
and might Just as we'll. tak.0 The whole
town. He said his' pic-ple ha to help
pay for Omahaa "'white ejephant," and
he wanted to be Jn the cVtys , The "amend
ment was opposed by l.V. -who said It
would make tho bill M'nconstltuttonal, and
so It was killed: .
Lancaster" 'Men 1 Against Omaha.
Mockett and Otil'ehirdsoh of Lancaster
were very actfvo ln their support of the
bill, and the former made frequont mo
tions to have' It engrossed for third read
Ing without considering all the amend
A motion was finally carried that every
emendment be sent to the deik, those not
forthcoming Immediately should not be
considered. The amendments were then
read and hastily dispatched, and some of
them with very IttUe discussion.
linker of Thomas and Speaker Kelley
opposed the bill and voted for many of
the amendments. The speaker said:
ennnot understand why any democrat
would oppose the, proposition to permit
.the people to vote whether they deslro
to create this water district. It ts a dem
ocrats principle to let the people rule,
and I believe those who favored this
proposition will hear from their constit
uents In no uncertain terms."
Should the bill pass In the house on
third rending, as It likely will, It will
then he returned to the senato for con
currence In the house amendments. The
Water board lobby Is now busy trying
to lino up tho senato to , stand for the
elimination of the stock yards.
Iloll Call of " Members. , .
The roll call on the motion to "reco'm
.jnend the bill for passage results as fot
lpwsi Yeas Allen. Anderson Of Boyd, AVer.
Banks, Kartells, Hollen. Brott, Busch.
Chappell. Uronln, Davis, Druesodow,
Klmelund. Kltwood. Erlckson. Palsteod,
Klsher. Koulon.. Fox. Fries, Fuller, Funk,
Orecnwalt, Grucber, Uustafson. Hag-
- - - ' II . 1 1 a 11 II I AM
ulster. Jackson, Jeary, lveckley,
Knudson. Korff. Lee. Losey. Mallory.
Maurcr, Morns, .Murpny, fticAinsier, w
R. XI. J43, by Clustln Deficiency appro
priation for Mate School for Deaf at
Omaha, $4,200.
11. It. 24J, by Ilraln Fixe tho salnrles
of the state prison board at $1,000 per
H. It. 1M, by Schaupp Appropriating
16,000 for a mnltary swer at Beatrice In
stitute for feeble minded.
H. 11. 845, by Game and Fish Committee
Appropriates $3,000 for additions and
betterments at tate fish hatcheries.
H. n. 36:, by Douglas County Delega-tlonc-Double
shift for South Omaha flre-
"hI'h. 72, by Busch Appropriates $20,000
for memorial armory at Nebraska City.
H. n. J08, by Snyder and Hubbard Ap
propriates 150.000 for a tubercular hospital,
at the Hastings anylum.
,fl. F. 425. by Hoaglsnd of Lincoln-Creating
water power districts of various
counties over the state.
of Cuming. McCarthy of Oreeley,
Nichols, Norton. Orr, Palmer. . llerson,
Potts, lleagan, Rclsche. Reynolds, men
nritunn. Uudiilll. SchfUlDD. Schunth. Bcott.
nearie, cjnueiar, uirami, oiouutm, n
on. Van Deusen, Weston, Wood-67.
Nays Anaereon or .uougias, Airacreu.v
of Kearney, Baker. Brain, Uuckner,
Burkett, Corbin, managnn, rosier, utiles,
Harris, HostetUer, Hubbard. Jones. Mc
Klsstck, O'Malley, Pllger, Qulggle, Simon.
Smith. Bugannan, Yates, Mr. Speaker 23.
Absent ion.
Druesedow, Davis and Lee only of the,
Douglas delegation favored the bill. Sev
eral who opposed the bill voted In tho
affirmative because of Blmon's motion to
put the. stock yards back In the bill.
You'll get the best style, the
besj quality of materials and a
good fit in
Brooks' Suits
We have taqm priced. as low as
and as high as $35.
Every garment the best value
at the price.
Declares It Mennt to Cast Tia Re
Mratlona on Board.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Neb., April lL-(8peclal.)-The
house adopted a report this morning
of. a, sp.ecfalCQmmltteo U;the (ffct that
It mesnt tovcast no reflections, on mem
bers of tho... State Board. 9f irrigation
When It recently adopted rt Teport criti
cising, the board for Its action, In regard
to tho, water power, sites Of tho staie.
This clears the record of any reflection
Grant Martin, the attorney general,
who recently expressed" Ills opinion of the
action of ,tho "violent ward."
Iowa Supreme Court. Rulei on Ante-
Nuptial Contracts.
Bill to This I'.ikI roc Throngh I
linrrkryr Mln Tnsnrnncir- De
partment Separate from
Auditor Created.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
DKS MOINES, la,, April 11. (Special
Telegram.) Chief Justice Ladd of the su
premo court, held In an opinion by the
high court today, that an ante-nuptial
contract providing for the salo of the
homestead without the consent of both
husband nnd wife is contrary to public
policy. The point ruled came up In the
case of tho cstato of William I Adams,
deceased, of Chickasaw county.
Tne senate this dfternqgrjiipiused the
SeTrral Appropriation Measures
Also Receive Approval.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. April 1I.f-(Speclal.)-Senato
file 425, a bill Introduced by Hoagland of
Lincoln, providing for the organisation
of water power districts was passed In
the senate today by a vote of 20 to li
Grotsmnn, Krumbach, Ollls, Smith. Tal-
cott. West and Wols voting no.
Sonata file 423 provides for the publlu
control and conservation of the water
powers of the elate to the Interests of
tho people of the state. Any number of
electors, not less than 100, may file a.
petition with the State Board of Irriga
tion to pass upon the feasibility and en
gineering problem of any power site for
the proposed district. It the state engi
neer reports favorably on the proposition
then a petition Is tiled calling for an eleo-
tlon nnd organisation of the district. A
board of directors manages the district,
but the control of the district is In the
hands of the voters of the district. The
district will oontaln all of the territory
deemed feasible to be served. If after
the district Is formed It Is found that
there Is power enough to furnish outside
the district the district may be enlarged
to take In that territory. The water
power district may tile upon any power
site In the state not already appropriated
under the law existing and that their
rights shall date from the filing.
The committee appotnted by the senate
to confer with a like committee from the
house on the code Insurance bill consists
of Cordeal, Heasty and Ollls,
Several appropriation bills were or
dered for third reading, Including house
roll 574 which called for an appropriation
for the relief of Mrs. Roy Blount whose
husbsnd was killed In the battle during
the capture of the escaped convicts last
winter. The bill was cut to C600 for Mrs.
Blount and a like some for the Infant
child. The first proposition called for the
original amount to be expended for a
farm which she should have the use of.
but which should remain the property of
'the state. It ts understood that Mrs.
Blount preferred the 15.000 In cash to the
use of the farm, and the claim was so
Among other appropriation bills passed
were house roll 1H, for J108.0M for build
lug at state fair grounds; bouse roll 4&9,
for 145.000 for building at othorpcdlo hos
pltal. Lincoln; house roll 404, for 175.000
for equipment and building at Lincoln
asylum, and S33.000 for twine factory
the penitentiary.
The following bills were passed by the
Wilson and Bryan
Will Speak Before
D, A.E. Gathering
WASHINGTON, April 11. President
Wilson, Becretory Bryan and Ambassador
Jusserand will be among the speakers at
the opening of the' convention of the
Daughters, of the American Revolution
Monday to welcome moro than 1,000 delo
who are expected to attend tho wee's
Up to tonight there were MO registra
tions with the coiftmlttee on credentials.
The total voting strength of the organ
isation this year ts placed at 2,110. This
Includes 1,292 chapter regents, 740 chap
trr delegates, 4S state regents, 30 vice
presidents general and 10 general officers
of the organisation.
bill to,cr.eat6 a. wrknl'eiwmpouatlon
iaw'by a votc'f 5 to IV hebllj.jhad
been under tUscussJpn k wbt' a'nu was
amended in a score of wayeV leaving but
little of Its original form. ' ,
Tho senato also passqd a, Ijlll to create'
a state Insurance department and to
take the Insurance business out of the
hands of the state auditor, fixing tho In
surance commissioner's salary at $3,000 a
year. ,
The senate alfo passed a bill which has
already passed the house to add one
more supreme Judge, making reven In all.
The house voted defeat for the highway
bill, which undertook to provide a special
tax levy for making permanent roads.
Wilson Asked to Give
Dr, D, L, Jaoobson a
Diplomatic Post
WASHINGTON. April ll.-Presldent
Wilson took under consideration today
for a dlplomatla place Dr. D. L. Jacob
son of Colorado, presented by Senator
Thomas. Some nominations may be sent
to the senate tomorrow or Monday. Rep
resentative Levy urged the president to
favor postponing the dato for tho begin
ning of collections under the income tax
until a year after the tariff bill went Into
The president got through hjs list of
callers In quick tlma and went Into con
ference with his cabinet.
Swift Block in
Pueblo is Burned
PUEBLO, Colo., April ll.-FIre early
today destroyed the.Snlft block, onn of
the largest buildings In Pueblo. Five
persons living In tho upper stories were
Injured and many had narrow escapes.
The loss exceeds $30,000.
Buffalo Faces Poisible Tieup of All
Its Industries.
Traction Company Offers to.uein-
tate All Employes, bnt He
fuses to Becoanlse the
BUFFALO, N. T., April 1L With street
cars running under military guard over
only ten miles of the International Rail
way's 00 miles of track and a general
strike of all union labor In the city
threatened, strong Influences were
brought to bear toay upon the corpora
tion and Its striking carmen to reach an
arbitration agreement.
Mayor Fuhrmann sought to reopen the
negotiations deadlocked last night and
the state board of mediation began an
investigation of the whole strike situa
tion. The railway company today posted
page advertisements in all the newspapers
giving the terms upon which It agrees to
settle the strike. These are briefly tho
re-employment, unconditionally, of every
man In the service of, the company on the
day before the strike was declared,
"whether he belongs to a union or not"t
discussion .of complaints and grievances
or troubles of character with a com
mittee of its employes" after the restora
tion orits service, and arbitration of dif
ferences upon which this committee and
the company fall to agree.
The district attorney announced today
that In response to complaints of citizens
he would present to the grand Jury evi
dence as to whether the company has
violated the law requiring It to use only
trained motormen.
(Continued from Page One.)
can be held in the senate committee
until II. H. 350 .passes the opposition to
the public welfare bill can claim that
the subject matter has been provided for '
and the public welfare bill can be killed
for some apparent reason other than Jt is
opposed by the Board of Agriculture.
The publlo welfare bill Is being held In
the committee where It was killed under
the pretense of reconsideration. Though
the finance commltte has held two meet
ings since the bill was killed, no further
action has been taken. Members of the
finance committee refuse to discuss the
action o fthe committee, but Btate that
the publlo welfare bill will probably come
out al right In the end.
The pubic wefare bl haa the backing ot
the Nebraska Press association and the
State Association of Commercial Club?,
with more than 20 organizations In the
The Store of the Town
Saints Hear Talk
By Indian Chief
LAMONI, la., Ajiril ll.-(Ppeclal Tcle
cram,) A meeting of unusual Interest
was held this morning when die Saints'
church was crowded to hear tnlks by the
Lamonite brethren.
The meeting was presided over by three
men whoso missionary labors have been
among the Indians for several years
Hubert Caso of Kingfisher. Okl.; Alvah
The election of officers, especially for i Christensen of Independence, Mo., and
the highest office In the gift ot the or
ganisation, the president generalship. Is
being looked, forward to by arriving del
egations with keen Interest.
Fryingpan Shoals
Lightship is Adrif t j... ,
WASHINGTON, April ll.-The Frying
Pan shoals lightship ts adrift and send
ing 8. O. 8. The revenue cutter, Semin
ole, and the lighthouse tender, Cypress,
are rushing to Its aid. The lightship has
fourteen officers and men. The last calls
received were very Indistinct.
(Continued from Page One.)
when he sits up and when he coughs,
These and other symptoms are attributed
by the physicians to renal neuralgia
arising from Influenza, and remedies have
been applied to Insure, freer action of the
Internal organs.
Prof. Marchlafava Is apparently not
quite satisfied with the progress ot the
recovery ot strength. He Is indexible In
his decision not to allow his patient to
undergo any exertion.
The pope today expressed a desire to
read the newspapers, saying that after
what was Invented when ha was ill the
first time, he ts curious to see what they
have been capable of doing after his re
covery. Prof. Marchlafava, however, re
fused to permit him to read, whereupon
the pontiff exclaimed: "That shows
they must have killed and buried me."
This evening's edition of the Osserva-
tore Romano, the official Vatican news
paper, says:
"In confirmation of the happy news ot
yesterday In regard to the health of the
holy father, we are able to give rsur
ances that conditions continue entirely
Look for th signature ot E. W. QBOVE
Cures a Cold In One Day. Cures Grip in
Two Days. 26c Aftvertlsemtnt,
James B. Yates of Ripley, Okl
Main Interest centered in the address ot
Chief Three Fingers, interpreted by
Philip Cook. Both these men aro full
blooded Indians of the Cheyenne tribe
and the former Is the chief of the settle
ment of 6,000 of that blood near El Reno,
ree Fingers ub in the full
his order and standing among
his own people, while Mr, Cook was In
civilian's dress. With these men wero
two squaws, ono the granddaughter of
tho chief,' tho other tho wife ot Mr, Cook.
All these Indians are baptized members
of the Reorganized Church of Latter Day
Salnta and declare that among their
tribe there la a greAt awakening spirit
ually and that they' arc ready to be
baptized In great numbers. j
At today's butlness meeting an attempt
was made to change the system of repre
sentation, debate upon which occupied
most of the afternoon without coming to
a vote. Tonight was college night. A
llvoly program was given In the interests'
of Graccland college, the main address
being given by Sam F. Burgess, a young
lawyer of St. Louis.
PHILAPKlWilO Pa- April H.Immj
gratlon officials here were utartled v.
terday WlienRUdolph Gcrtzen, a German
farmer,' In reply to the question as to
whether or not he had 25, which Is
.riccessary before Immigrants can land,
carelessly pulled out of hl pocket J14,
CO0. The German had little difficulty In
passing Inspection with his wlfo and
eight small children.
Brand New Stock
Big, now stock of fino Luncheon
Specialties, Wines and Liquors
have all arrived and our store
having been repaired and remod
eled we ask your Inspection and
Luncheon Specialties
All regular 26c and 36c Sar
dines, Olives, Mackerel, Her
ring, Pickles, Preserves, on
Family Liquor lipt.
$1.26 bottles Old McBjrayer,
.at 89d
$1.26 bottles Old Gucken-
helmer 95
60c bottles Fine California
Port Wine 29d
1309 Farnam St.
You're just
as ymung as
you feel"
Somehow lifeless clothes
nfe all right for the "old
fellow." Btit who wants to
be an "old fellow" or a
Therefore we've a selec
tion of choice garments that
possess the style and charac
ter that makes you a "live
one" without being giddy.
Just side-step the clothing of doubtful merit and
birth and get our kind of reliable and suitable fash
ions that are tailored for young men and men who
want to. look young. -
$15 $18 $20
and as high as you want to go.
Then with our new Spring Hats and Haber
dashery we're ready to put on the embellishments
and make a new man of you.
Browning, King & Co.
Geo. 7". Wilton, Mgr.
Woman Abandons
Her Hunger Strike
ST. J08EPH. Mo.. April 11-Clyda1
Boseley of Des Moines, la., a prisoner
In the city workhouse here, who haa
been On a hunger strike for four days,
relieved the situation last night by de
vouring a half doien sandwiches, She
called for food after the prison dootor
had begun to mako preparations for fois
elbly feeding her. She had become
weakened by tho fast and the authori
ties were alarmed. Today she Is pes-.
taking of the prison fare regularly and
with relish.
Too Hurt Tried the neat
Nw Too Can neltah tb Dftst
on draught and In bottles en and after
Aprlt 11th.
Be sure and have a cass of this dell
clous brew sent to your home. Phone
W. J. Boekoff retail dealar. Doiiciss lit.
The Shoe for You!
Just bulging out with tho smartest shoe styles you have ever seen.
For Spring will meet your highest requirements, and our accurate knowledge
of just what shape is necessary tor your foot will insure you the ut
most comfort and satisfaction
319 South Sixteenth Street.