12 T11K BEE: OMAHA, SATURDAY, APRIL 12, 1913. O C 1 & vBee-Hive Friday, April 11, 1913. By MELLIFIOIA. AX BXOAOEMENT of more than usual Intercut Is that of Miss Vlolot Joslyn, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George A. Joslyn, to Mr. David Magowan. Tho announcement wan to have been made at a largo after noon tea to be given by Mrs. Joslyn at their beautiful home, I.ynhurst, but the house was bo badly damaged by the tornado that the plans wero changed. Miss Joslyn t not only popular In society, but Is unusually accom plished, and has been re-elected secretary of tho junior class of the Omaha Society of Flno. Arts. Miss Joslyn attended Drownell Hall and finished at the Miss Bangs and Miss Whltans School for Girls, In Rlverdalo, N. Y. Mr. Magowan comes from Kano, Pa.andila assistant superintendent of the Swift Packing company at South Ohmtia'. Ho is a graduate of Cor nell university. The date of the wedding has not'beon decided. '.N The New Shade of Hair. ited hair, $7 and up" I read thl n' on the wnll a I sat In the chair at the ' hair dresser's ge ttlnit a shampoo, Then 1 K thought of- how much mone y Mme. Otfta I'etrova at the Orpheum was savlnr ' cause of her wonderful hair. A young noclety Klrl was Veen to mi ' the Rrmt Polish actrnss, so we ver a taken bohlnd the scenes. Mme. Tetrova was most charming to us. The first thins I noticed was that Mme. I'etrova' nialil also had red. hair. It was certainly strik ing, because It was so different. The - hair of madams Is distinctly Titian, and it gllstwi from careful grooming. It. Is the shadp that Is so popular In society at present. "I naw Jims. Nazlmova In New Torn last winter;' ventured my friend by way of conversation to Mme. Petrova. "Don'J my I am like Mme. Nazlmova,-' said Mme. Petrova, "for 1 do not want i to be like nrnne." Then she graciously showed us her gown. Mont of her evening gown nre 1 of the new metallic brocauV with court trains to match. The gold 'doth brocade seemed to match her hair, and with this was worn one American Beauty rose Another gown wan of silver "brocade and $laek. The only colors Mme. Tetrova wears are different shades of green and blue, and black and white seem to he favored ' Theater Party. Mr. and Mrs. Ward nunresa, Miss i Flora Zabelle and Mr. Raymond Hitch cock hod luncheon together yesterday . at the Hotel Loyal. Following; luncheon they occupied a box at the' Orpheum. Where They Are. Dr. and Mrs. H. P. their home In'Sunset, taken apartments nt Jensen have sola Dundee, and have the . Potter. C. C. I. Club Meets. Tho C. C. It. club members were enter tained by Mrs. Frank Alvord Wednesday afternoon. High five was played and prizes were won by Mrs. Harry .lid n.ondson, Mrs. Alvord, Mrs. Harry Staner and Mrs. John Reeves. Mrs. Henry Staner will be hostess at the next meeting." Orpheum Party. TheHungry club gave Its annual thea ter party 'Tuesday evening. After nn en joyable evening at the Orpheum, tho members, and 'ladles retired to the Hen shaw, where an after theater supper was served.. During the evening Mr. I M. Van Hcrg rendered several vocal selec tions, accompanied by Miss Fuller, as also did Miss Schnartz and Mr. Cols Yeoman. On this occasion for the first time the members of the Hungry club saw the club flower, the "Droba Incana,' or "Hungry Flower," which the officers Imported In order that It might grace the table on this occasion. Those present were: Misses Mora Cook, Kvelyn Jone. Kdlth Hchwartz, Mildred Hlldum, Althea Fuller, lonn I.lmlsley, Oanell Cook, Margaret Oreenslate, (Jail Yeoman, BIslo Farrell, Kssle Aarons, Ituth Hyrne, Uda Wherry. Messrs. Hay Farrell, I,ee Wherry. ColeYeoman, lAltueT. Hlldum, U M. Vanberg. M. J. Foley, Charles Htepanek, Cecil Vaughn, Wallace Unn, Dewltt Don. Carlos, Al Irwin, Ot-orge Yeoman, Louis R. Uostwlck. Misses Fannie Smith, Ila Ilridges, Helen Drlscoll, Emmie Rlevers, Ituth Hawktnson, Bthel Clark, l'lorenee Cole, Ooldle Alplrn, F.tsle Housman, Mable Housman, MHrgaret (.'hrlstlansen, a race Uerg, Dorothy Bayer, Messrs. Art Mahoney, Hert Heermann, Clarke Russell, James D, Hunter, Howard Levlsey, Olen Hmutz, Oeorge Morris, William Pearlman, Kd ltyan, Ray Connolly, Vance Howler, Taul Moore, Percy Jenkins, 0. 0. C. Prom. The big social event for tho Oinnhi High school students will bo tho 'ide officers' hop this evening nt Chambers academr. Ies Hlhoux club and I.nral club will each have attractive cozy ooi ners. The hop Is In charge of Foyo Por. ter and Ralph Campbell Eureka Whiit Club, Wednesduy afternoon tho member of the Eureka Whist club were entertained s t It si I J 1 w a V 4- V In Buying a Piano Yoi Can't Be Too Careful About th Quality of thi iRstrHMMt Yin Purihui YOU DON'T want just a pretty piece of furniture; you want tone-quality, you want quality of material and construction that is going to give you satisfactory service through many years. Our RigHlir Line Offers Yon Some 25 Standard Makes fer Selection Every one of which is the very best pro duood in its class and ovory one of which wo back with our absolute guarantee of satisfaction to you. Our April Piano Sale offers buyers some rare bargains in Used Pianos. Some have been taken in exchange, but most of them nro instruments-whioh have been rented. All have been overhauled and put in Al condition. See these snaps: 1 Ebersole $150 1 Steinway .-.S275 lEmerBon $160 1 Steger $175 lHardman S150 1 Steger $150 1 Kimball $125 1 Steinmetz $100 IBehrBros $75 1 Hampton $140 lWeiler $140 1 Vose & Son $125 1 Hoffman Bros.. . .$125 1 Ohickering & Son $125 1 Lexington $100 1A. Nay $50 Most Piano Quality for Any Given Price. HAYDEN OS by Sim. M. K. Hlnlr, Mrs. Planth and Mm. F A Newland were guest of the club. Twelve member were present and the scores for the gamo were won by Mr. J. J. Mullen, Mr. Blair and Mrs. Coulter. The club will be entertained b Mrs. J. U. Crltes In two weeks. Dancing Party Postponed. The dancing party which wa to nam been given at Chamber' April 18 by the Omaha Woman' club of the rallwav mall service ha been postponed until Tuesday evening, April 29. Prairie Park Club. The Prairie Park Needlecraft club win sew all day Monday at the ciuti nousi making garments to be distributed by the relief committee. Ladies Aid Elects Officers. The tAdlcs' Aid society of the Emanuel Ilaptlst church, Twenty-fourth and Pink ney streets, held It annual meeting Thurnday afternoon and the officers for the ensuing year are: Mm. C. A. Sher wood, president; Mr. C. P Itodmin, treasurer, both of whom were re-elected to office, while those elected for the first time are: Mrs. Jame Army, vice p-esi. dent; Mrs. Pilgrim, secretary; Irene fc.a ton, corresponding; secretary After the business session their wai a social enter tainment. ' Sulphur Springs Club, Mr. and Mr. W. B. Roger entertwned the members of the Sulphur Spring club Wedensday evening. Two table were placed for the game of whist and the prises were won by Mr. and Mr. George Parker and Mr. and Mrs. D. I Morgan. Mr. and Mr. W. B. Worley will enter- tain the Club In two week. In and Out of the Bee Hive. Mr. Albert Drelfui, Mrs. Kalrbach anj son, who have been the guest of Mr. and Mrs. I-ouls Illller, will leave Sunday for Denver, where they will reside In tho future. Mrs. H. S. Boyee, accompanied by Mr. Iloyce' mother, Mr. If. J. Boyo . of Chicago, spent a' few days this week vis iting the former' parent, Mr. and Mrs. . C. Patterson. Mr. and Mr. Charlen F. Weller have returned from an extended southern' trip, having visited Tampa, Orlando, Chat tanooga, etc., and are at home to their frlond at the New Hamilton. Mr. and Mr: Tllchard - Hollen of Chi cago nre spending Thursday and Friday as the guest of Mr. ami Mr. Harlev Moorhead. Mr. Hollen wa formerly Mis Julia Hlgglnson of thl city. They are returning hpme from a visit In Den ver. ! Personal Gossip. A daughter WaV born Thursday to .Mr. and Mrs; Ira Merle Myers. Mr. Myern wn formerly Mis iessle Free. Mr. John A.! Townsend of Detroit, formerly,' Mtn Mary B. Meyer of thl city, la vlsltjng at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Dexter U Thomas, iGU Farimm treat. Every suit in this $15.00 sale is of a quality and style for which you would willingly pay $25.00, $30.00 or $35.00. An occasion of unusual im portance to women who de sire a new suit combining style, quality and economy. 13F Relief To Those Who lad Their Home Damaged by the Recent Cyclone Our representative who lives in Omaha and whose home was to tally destroyed has appealed to us to help In the relief work. And we wish to offer &H those whose homes were damaged all paint necessary at actual cost of manufacture. Call or write our Mr. Phillips, 4924 Davenport street, Omaha, Phone Haruey 2l33. We guarantee that there Is no better paint made. A guarantee can be no stronger than the firm that offers It. We are th,e largest exclusive paint manufacturers In America. THK OOLOKCRAKT COMPANY,. Cleveland, Ohio. Burbarik Pleased With Outlook for Beautiful Hotel "I venture to predict that Omaha will have one of the most attractive hotels In America," writes William It, rjurbank, lekseo of the 11,000,000 hotel, to A. U need, treasurer of tho company. With Thomas It, Kimball, the architect, Hurbank Is making a tour of Inspection of eastern hostelrles, getting Idea for the new Omaha structure. He Is pleased that the board of directors secured the additional twenty-two feet west of the slto given by Arthur Brandels and John It, Kennedy. He says he can reallzo his Ideal of a hotel In Omaha's new jna. Samson Invites All to Buy Carnations Samson has Issued an edict for alt loyal subjects to help the young women to help the tornado sufferer by buying carnation today. Following Is the edict. edict: Saturday, April 15, will be home carna tion day, when carnations will be sold on 'the street and the proceeds of the flower will be turned Into the general relict fund for the tornado sufferer. Sam son mukes a special request for all mem bers of Ak-8ar-I)en to assist these young ladles In thl good work. Mrs. J. C. Hurkhart Is chairman of the organisation and will have ISO young ladles assisting her. The carnation are to be bought at wholesale and sold at a moderate price. Thera will be different stutlon In arloua part of the olty, where flower will be sold, and from which young ladles will go out selling them. 1510 DOUGLAS The Store for Women An Annual Event that Interests Every Woman Semi-Annual Sale of High Grade Tailored Suits at One Popular Price Following our usual custom, we begin tomorrow our semi-annual sale of Ladies' High Grade Tailored Suits, marked at a price that is within the reach of every economical woman. We have assembled for this event hundreds and hundreds of beautiful new spring tailored suits for women and misses, in all the prevailing new styles, colors and materials, actually worth from $25.00 to $35.00. Your choice Saturday for only To those who have previously attended these sales, the mere announcement is sufficient and hundreds will again be on hand for this one. But to those who may not have attended our previous sales, we wish to state that it will pay you well to come here first and inspect the values we are offering. We are willing to let you decide whether to purchase or not. Our entire second floor, with plenty of extra salespeople, will be devoted to this great semi-annual sale of wo men's $25.00 to $35.00 suits for $15. Sale starts at 8 a. m. Saturday. JULIUS ORKIN'S SUIT AND CLOAK HOUSE MASS MBBTIHGAT CITY HALL Relief Work to Be Considered Sat urday Evening. ACTING MAYOR ISSUES A CALL Will K-cln11r Tnkr lip Contem plated Action of Hip brU Drlesntloii nt the Xn tlonul 'Capital. A mas meeting 'of the citizen of Omaha Is called for this evening at rtie r.lty hall to consider questions In ref erenco to the relief work now being car ried on In Omaha. The matter mentioned especially In the call of Dan B. Butler, acting mayor, 111 'n reference to what Omaha should ask from the Nebraska delegation at Washington. Following (b the cajl for the meeting: In vlow of the telegrams that have ap peared In the paper from Washington In reference to the tornado and tho cpn templated action of our representatives In Washington to secure assistance from the government, the mayor has thought It advisable to call a meeting of rep resentative citizen and civic bodies of tho city Saturday evening at 8 o'clock at the city council chamber to consider the situation and determine what action should be taken In reference to advising our representatives of our wishes In the matter. The governor and other state officials have been Invited to attend, a wcjl a the officials of other stricken communi ties In the state. DAN B. nUTL.HU. Acting Mayor. DENIZEN BOUND OVER ON A BIGAMY CHARGE SIMON BROTHERS BUY OUT RAAPKE COMPANY The rtaapke Grocery company, Eleventh and Howard streets, became the property Thursday of Jacob and Louis Blmon of Council Bluffs, where they have bem engaged In the retail trade. They camo to Omaha twenty-eight year ago and since then have been associated with their father In business, the last eleven years of which were spent In Council Bluffs. The business there will hereafter be conducted by the father and another rod, the style of the firm being B. Simon & Son. Louis rtaapke Is one of the oldest grocerynien In Omaha, haying been en gaged In the business for the last thirty two years, Simon Brothers company have opened negotiations for larger quarters at Twelfth and Howard streets. William Denizen, bigamist, was bound over to the district court at bonds placed at J1,KK In police court. Denizen, on April 30, 1912. wa married by Judge Fos ter to Minnie Dlekhotf under the as sumed name of William Ubeland. Denizen told hi bride that he had used the name Ubeland through an error made by the clerk whllo Issuing the marriage license and that It would be corrected Inter. Minnie Dlekoff knew that Denizen had TIMELY NEEDFULS IN ARTICLES AT CUT- TOILET GOODS rtoxall Tooth Paste at..l0o Harmony Toilet Water nt aso, SOc, 70o 60c Pebcco Tooth Paste. S9o 60c Poiuneian JUassacn 'fegiCTft: 2Bc Berset Dental' Cream' 14o P0MPE1AN JOsCofln hnmS "Ve CrC"i MASSAGE . COc Hind's Honey and Al- CRFAM ' mond Croam 39o I-'alrbunk's Falrv Nnnn ao 25c Sanltol Tooth Paste 19o 10c Williams' Shaving Soap 3o 2Kc Packer's Tar Soap 14a Jl VIoletta Louisette Powder 59o 25c Victor's Tooth Powder 13o EXTRA SPECIALS Ivory or Wool Soap, -i-j 3 cakes for I IC l-lb. pkg. 30 Xul Team Borax.... Oo SASSAFRAS BARK Tim 1 hers So, 10o, 16c, 30o and 30o a package. Demonstration at 16th and Dodge Store, by Miss "Blllie" Murphy of MELOROSE BEAUTY CREAM and all the other. Wlllard White Co.'s Celebrated Toilet Prepara tions. Sold at cut price at our stores. RUBBER GOOD Good Bulb Syringe 39o Household Itubber Gloves ,.3So 2-qt. Fountain Syringe 49o Ttubber Ice Bags. 2-qt. Water Bags. 3-qt. Fountain Syringe C9o Nipples, 'best kind 5o Atomizers, 35c to 91.35 35o to $1.35 .493 AND TOILET PRICES PATENT ME09CINES $1.00 Gray's Glycerine Tonic 89t $1.00 W.lne of Curdul for ,.89o Dr. Cooper's Medicine 4Dc. 89o $1.00 Hostetter's Bitters . .89o $1.00 Squlbbs' Sarsnparllla ,...75o Ozomulslon 490 89c Hexall Orderlies lOo, 35c, BOo Scott's Emulsion 45c, 39o Hay's Hair Health 45c, 89o I.lsterino 15o, 20c, 45o, 89a Hexall Kidney Cnro 45c, 890 Borden's Malted Milk 45c,' 89o $1 l.ydln Plnkham's Compound at...89o Glycothmollne 25o, 46o, 89o Hexall 93 Hair Tonic 50c, 81.00 Fellows' Syrup for 89c, 81.34 Spruce Pepsin Tablets -.50o, $1.00 $t Gucrtln's Nerve Syrup.. , 89o Sherwin-Williams Paints THE PAINT THAT LASTS. We liav sold It for li years. Been on the market for DO years. M pint Family Paint 15o 1-gal. con Outside Paint $3.00 1 pint good Varnish 35o 1 quart Inside Floor Paint 50o 1 quart Mar-Not Floor Varnish .. .85o Sherman & McConnell Drug Co. .. ii.muiia vrr inn 1'VJUIl U.UiltlV JW'JAAlJIJ BTUHKO, Sherman & .McConnell Drug Co., Corner 10th and Dodge. Owl Drug Co., Corner 10th and Harney. The Harvard J.oyul Hotel IMiarmucy, Hotel Loyal Hlock. Pharmacy, Corner U4th and Knrnam. been married before, but asserts that he said he hud secured a divorce. Sho met him when she made a trip to Utlca, la., t marry his brother, but Instead ran away to Omaha with William. The couple lived together In this city for about a month, during which time Denizen worked In the Union Pacific machine shops. Min nie, who was acquainted with Denizen's first wife, wa confronted by her one day and made aware of the fact that Denizen had never Becured a divorce. Minnie left him and went to live with her parents. She Is but 18 years of agi. GATE CITY BOWLERS CONTIRBUTE TO FUND Omaha bowlers are rallying to the sup port of the tornado sufferer. At a re cent meeting or tne uaie utty lesgue a collection was taken up among those present and added to the money left III the league treasury. A check for this ' amount was Immediately mailed to The I Omaha Bee, to be added to the relief 1 fund. Thl make the third bowling 1 league to contribute to this fund. The Oieater Omaha Bowling association set the example by contributing the entire amount In the treasury, and all leagues under its supervision are following suit Recommended fur K Good Reason. l' II. a rant, 2 Waverly 8t. Peoria. Ill, ray: "Backache and congested kid neys made me suffer Intense pains. Wa always tired and floating speck bothered ; nit. Took Foley Kidney PHI and saw ! big Improvement after third day. I vkept ! on until entirely freed of all trouble and I suffering. That' why I recommend ' Voley Kidney PHI. They cured me." For sale by all dealers everywhere. Ad-vertUemtint. T. iTf Hit e-j p eft ii' Millimry Color Effect s U The color blends in this season' millinery while quiet daring have been readily accepted by fashion and such color as Nell Iloae, Cerise and Bulgarian hade are the popular color effect this season. Thl color effect I truly reflected In my entire display of artistic millinery. Authentic Styles There's much In the knowledge that; your hat is distinctive ana in con formity with the require ments of style authorities the asknowledgcd pre eminence of my millinery as a dependable authority I offers ample assurance to dlscrlm I lnattng women. Economically Priced Millinery The discriminating woman will find keen en joyment In browsing through our display of economically priced Spring Hats. Hat com bining grace and dignity with chic lines, In small and medium shapes ore shown. Hinp braid, Neapolitan. Milan Leghorn, Straws, Chip Hat and others with Silk or Mallne drap ing. Trimming of ribbon, velvet, small flow ers, braids, ostrich feather, rosettes, floral wreath In vividly harmonizing or solid col or. The price, too, 1 sure to suit, $3.50 to $10 for hats originally priced at from $5 to $20. To our old patron we need not say anything about our service, but tne woman wno nas never visuea our snop we $2.50 to $10oo Service! $2.50 to $10?! -. n . . . l 1 m V. a . -up ahAn'ii annnlntM am nro f 1 1 ! p n t Vn 1 1 1 1 n m with artistic ability, capable of recognizing and suggesting style appropriate to individual requirement. Out Price Milliner MISS BUTLER 1812 DOUGLAS STREET 3d floor Over Alexander Bnos v Store Saturday Specials If you need a Go-Cnrt, n Rocker, a Cedar Chest, a Shirt Waist box or a Bath mat, it will pay you to come to this store Saturday. We are offering in those lines, for; Sat urday only, the following special values: This Collapsible Go . Cart All This Fibre Rush Rocker steel frame, gear, spokes and a comfortable rocker for hubs. Round tubular handle Up- ,,vi r bedroom or holstered la good quality lmita- . . . . Uon leather, Adjustable back, porch' Extra 8trons and foot and hood. Locks securely durable. Hand woven from when open; folds easily. An ex- 3-ply fibre rush. Colors, tra strong go-cart, sold regularly forest green or baronial at $7.50. A special JC Cv brown. Satur- d 7C value Saturday at... J)0OU day price ..... pO0 Cedar Chests and 8hlrt Waist Hoxes We have a new shipment, making our assortment the largest and best ever shown in Omaha. As a special Saturday feature, we offer matting-covered box 27x14 inches, 14 Inches high a $2.50 value (jjj QEJ Other boxes S2.75 to 813.50 Bath Mats We offer Saturday a special bath mat, washable, vari ous sizes, your choice of colors. Made in the old-fashioned rag rug style. - Can be used In bedroom. Saturday j For Odd Pitc at Odd Pricma Visit Oar Bargain Batemtnt. Beaton Laier Co. 415-17 So. 16th Street PATaCEZTTS XT YOU WTBK. A 1 - HI MtlttMM -