Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 10, 1913, Image 1

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    The Omaha Daily Bee
Looking Backward
This lny n Omaha, ten, twenty
and thirty yenra ngo. Sec our
Ktlltorlnl imge.
VOL. XLU-NO. '254.
Afttr Peaceful Night, Reassuring
Bulletins Are Posted by At
tending Physicians.
Three Thousand Pilgrims Gather
Under Window and Pray.
Officially Announced that He is
Suffering from Influenza.
Wnlk About nuil Talks, to Trove
(lint llecent Statement to
(omit tlon ArfWholly
LONDON. April 9. A Central news dis
patch frum Home says the pope suffered
fioni a fnlntlrig fit In stint: two hourH this
afternoon, and It was rumored In the
lobbies of the Italian Chamber of
Deputies that the pontiff was In extremis.
I'rof. Marchlafuva, however, continued to
assert that the pontiff Is no worse and
that there arc no grounds for anxiety. .
ItO.MK, April I.. The condition of the
pope was much Improved today. Prof.
Mnrchlafava, the Vatican's physician, vis
ited tho pontiff for over an hour this
niurnlng ami found his fever greatly re
dined. Ills temperature was only
HlUhtly above normal, but ho still suf
fered grtut depression and weakness.
Miuchlafava's examination of the pope
of a most minute character. He de
clared afterwards that there was a no
ticeable improvement In tho pontiff's gen
rrn! condition, but stated that the relapre
lip suffered yesterday did not appear to
lir- -n the decline.
Three thousand pllprlms gathered In
i he -ourhe of the morning on the Piazza
I)i fc'au Pletro in frtnt of tho Vatican,
under the open window of the pope'o
apartment, nnd prayed for his recovery.
Thunder nml Unit Storm.
A thunderstorm, accompanied by a
heavy fall of hall, disturbed Mm pope
this morning. His nervous system has
heroine very sensitive since the beginning
of his illness.
ProT. Marchlafuva assured tho Asso
ciated Press this morning that his holi
ness was suffering only from an attack
of Influenza, which Is causing a con
bldcrablc amount of anxiety, because of
the condition of the patient and his
giat age.
The reports as to the pope being acutely
nffected wth nephritis, or Inflammation
of the kidneys, are, said the professor, an
Kolntly . unfounded. .. . . ... . .
"Whnt'tll5pTldrinfr needs above all Is
rest." continued tho physician, "and the
twenty-four hours ho has spent In bed
completely Isolated from affairs, has al
ready produced a salutary effect. All the
symptoms of a dangerous character,
which have been mentioned In unautho
rized reports, arn either Imaginary or
grossly exaggerated. The present condi
tion of tho pontiff excludes any danger.
, unless complications should Intervene."
Pope Plus dozed for a short time this
afternoon. When he was awakened he
appeared to feel too weak to take much
notice of those around htm. He smiled,
however, when ho was visited by his
sisters and his niece, who sat quietly In
the room for some time without disturb
ing him.
The temperature of the pope ross
slightly at 3 o'clock this afternoon, reach,
ing 0 degrees. ,
While official reports state that the
amelioration in the condition of the pope
continues, It Is reported In other quarters
that the pontiff Is suffering from diffi
culty of respiration, thirst and prostra
tion. 1
All illBrlmnKe Suspended.
Everything Is being prepared at the
Vatican to give tho pope a long period
oi rest. All pilgrimages have been bus
pended during this month and the Ameri
can pilgrimage, which left New York on
April 5 under the direction of Rev. Jo
seph Schrlembs. bishop of Toledo, will
not be received by his holiness.
Several cardinals, including Kampolla,
Vlvcb y Tuto, De- Ial, Martlnelll, Val
cpnlo, .lllsletl und Aglidardl called per.
tonally at the Vatican this morning to
Inquire about the pope's health. They
v. ere not allowed to see the patient.
The callers were Informed by Cardinal
Merry Del Val that an Improvement. nad
taken place In the pope's condition and
that theie was no real cause for alarm.
The official Vatican newspaper, the
obsrrvatorc Itomano, sayB In Its evening
edition today:
We are glad tp be able to give the
assurance that after his relapse on Mon- ;
day eve ning the condition of the pope Is j
constantly and notably amelorlatlng," i
Statement ly rhyalclnn. i
The physician In attendance through J
the night reported that at midnight tho
pope's temperature showed a alight rise.
(Continued on Page Two.)
The Weather
Probably rain or snow; colder.
, . . 5 a. m 3S
(.A L I W C a. m 36
'xSusZ' 7 a m 37
;TfL' S 8 a. m 3.
K S 9 a. m n
VCSLT 10 a. m 3S
VTV- rn 39
f ' i p-m i
w J. 4 1- ni
8 p. m
GET THEM NOW--Imitation is flattery, only the imitations are so poor. The best thirty storm pictures made
have been reproduced by THE BEE in a PHOTO PORTFOLIO OF THE OMAHA TORNADO printed
on fine paper, 7x9 pages, with striking cover. Price, 10 cents. By mail, to any address, 12 cents,-
Many Twenty-Dollar
Gold Certificates Are
Found in the Streets
I.KAVKNWOHTH, Kan., April 9.-Thre
postnfflec Inspectors have begun an In
vertlgatlon of tho finding here of hun
dreds of dollfrs in gold certificates, be
lieved to be a portion of the V),0QO stolen
by Charles Savage from a mall truck In
the Union stntlon hn Kansas City five
years ago. Developments show that per
sons have been finding the certificates,
mostly of the $i0 denomination, for over a
month, and have been keeping the matter
scc--t. It Is estimated that at least J1.000
hns been picked up In gutters, vacant
loin and back yards.
All the money known to have been
found was discovered within a radius; of
eight blocks of the home of a relative
of Charles Savage, at whoso home he
stopped before Ids arrest. One theory of
th investigators Is that the money was
concealed In a tice and dislodged by re
cent high winds.
At least 2,000 persons engaged in the
Eearch for money yesterday. Probably tile
exact amount that haa been found never
will be known. It Is known that three
Polish boys several days ago found five
gold cettlflcates in a field. They did
not realize their value and torn four of
the bills to pieces. The other they sold
to a negro for K cents.
A negro woman who was cutting greens
In a field, Kcrcamod when she stepped
on a snake. A negro man who ran to her
assistance killed the snako and picked
up four twenty-dollar bills from a bunch
of weeds. He refused to divide with the
The Inspectors saw .Savage In the fed
eral prison and told him of the money
being found. lie grinned, but refused to
answer their questions or volunteer any
Robbers Take Money
from Officers Sent
to Capture Them
OGDKN, Utah, April 9. A posse Is
scouring the hills today for two men
who late last night obtained $1,000 and
escaped after a running fight with two
The bandits had demanded that Mrs.
Thomas D. Dee and Mrs. rt. E. Bristol
leave tho money on Canyon road. The
detectives disguised themselves as women
and drove to the spot with the money
In a has.
Instead of arresting the men, they were
compelled to turn over the money at t.e
point of sawed-off shotguns. Then they
opened f're, but tbn robbers escaped.
Snow in Northern
Nebraska and
South Dakota
SIOUX CITY, la.. April 9. A .blanket
o t. snow-. fronv four to-teiL'lnehes.deep, one
of the heaviest falls-of tho winter, cov
cred a large part of South Dakota and
northwestern Iowa today and la still
falling. Snow blockades are feared on
western South Dakota lines. Tho snow
will be of great benefit to the soli. The
snow Is eight Inches deep at Valentine,
Neb., and Is still falling.
Hundred Patients
Await Dr, Friedman
PROVIDENCE, R. I.. April 9.-More
than 100 consumptives In all stages of the
disease were at the State Tuberculosis
sanltnrlum at Wallum Lake when Dr.
Friedman arrived today to conduct a
clinic. The doctor planned to treat every
Inmate during tho clinic, provided hla
supply of virus held .out.
ST. LOUIS. April 9.-Dr. Albert Vo'i
Hoffman of St. Louis today directed hlf
attorney In New York to apply for an IP-
junction to restrain Dr. Frlcderlch V.
Frledmann of Berlin from closing a con.
tract with anyone for disposition of his
tuberculosis vaccine In. case Dr. Frled
mann should attempt to put his remedy
on the market.
Dr. Von Hoffman claims to hav o
prior contract with Dr. Frledmann for
the commercial Hunts to the vaccine, and
today gave out the alleged contract. This
Is dated October 24, 1912, and follows:
"Dr. F. F. Frledmann has Invented a
new cure for tuberculosis and applied lor
patents In the United States for same
and Albert Von Hoffman, a citizen of
the United States, desires to acquire .'ho
rights and privileges of this patent. Mr
Von Hoffman will pay thirty dnys after
such discovery Is recognized by the meo
leal congress of Berlin and Vienna as an
absolute cure for tuberculosis the sum of
lv0.000, and sixty days thereafter Mr.
Von Hoffman agrees to pay the sum ol
WO.OOO. Accepted, Dr. F. F. Frledmann.
Suffragists Deny
Threatening Judge
LONDON, April 9. British suffragettes
declare they are not responsible for
anonymous letters threatening death to
Justice Sir Charles Montague Lush. th
Jud,je who sentenced Mrs. Pankhurst to
three years' Imprisonment.
Tho secretary of the militant suffra
gettes' organization said today:
"Human life Is sacred to us, as much
so now as be'fore the sentence on Mrs.
PHILADELPHIA. April 9.-The direc
tors of the Pennsylvania railroad at a
meeting today passed a resolution au
thorlzlng- a 10 per cent stock issue amount
ing to about Jt3.O0O.COO. This means that
a present stockholder has the right t
subscribe at par for new stock to the
xtent of 10 per cent of his holding"!.
Federal Garrison Opens Fire otuPosi-
tion of Sonora EeynA
jsignt iia
fat When Shells Fall
Among Them.
Men Found on American. Side Carry
ing Hand Grenades.
United Stnten Army Officer Close
I'll 111 lc Mulldlnira ou Humor tlmt
llelieU Will Ansault the
NACO, Ariz., April 9. Machine gun fire
between the federal garrison of Naco,
Sonora, and the constitutionalist forces
opened at 8 o'clock this morning. The
attacking party, however, remained at
a distance. OJeda's federal troops had
expected a vigorous assault on the town
at daybreak, but tho rebels apparently
were not eager to renew the fighting
after the counter of yesterday.
Arrangements were made today to bring
more wounded to Nnco, Ariz. It Is re
ported that a large number of soldiers
of both armies are lylnir helpless In the
field, suffering Intensely through lack
of medical care.
The Yaqul Indians, fighting with the
Mexican constitutionalists against the
Huerto government, stoically refused to
attack Naco during last night. Their
chiefs explained that If killed at night
! tho Indian braves believed their souls
would float through Indefinite darkness
Tho Yaquls did somo of the hardest
fighting yesterday.
Seven Mexicans Arrested.
Seven 'Mexicans arrested by tho Ninth
United States cavalry "patrol yesterday
carried dynamite hand grenades, suppos
edly to assist In the early attack from ,
the Arizona side of the line. Major Reed
of tho Ninth cavalry placed a row of
cars loaded, with coke along the border
to lessen the danger to residents of the
Arizona town.
As In previous Mexican border battles.
American physicians and volunteer nurse
were not wanting. Two army Phvsl
c'ans and a Naco doctor In army ambu
lances visited tho state troops' camp to
find more than fifty wounded soldiers
uncared for on the field. The leaders
would not permit their removal to the
American side, where tho federal Injured
are being treated. The civilian physi
cians remained during the night operat
ing on the most serious enses.
neliela IVlvrn Dnck.
At hoon OJcda began vlifoiously shell
ing thw-j)ostluns held by the rebel troops
tinder Calles nnd Dracemonte. The rebels
replied with machine guns for a few mln
utes, then retreated under the galling
fire of the federals. Calles and Brace
monte, both well, known constitutionalist
leaders, had advanced their forces close
to the town. The retreat of these troops
Is looked upon as an Important backset
for the rebels.
United States troops at 1 o'clock this
afternoon placed Naco, Ariz., under strict
martial law, closing every public bulldlm;
and policing the streets. These measure
were taken for the safety of the popula
tion -of the American town after word had
been received that a concentrated ultiU;
on Naco, Sonora, by all the rebel force.i
was Imminent.
Godair's Secretary
Sues for Bequest
ST. LOUIS. Mo., April 9. Miss Irena A.
Gormley of East St. Louis, III., filed suit
In the circuit court here today against the
executors of the estate of the late Arthur
G. Godair, widely known as a stock
buyer, to recover the full valuo of the
bequests made to her In Godair's will.
The estate Is valued at J160.000.
Miss Gormley for ten years was the
private secretary of Godair. who was
killed In an automobile accident on
March 19. A large portion of Godair's
estate was willed to Miss Gormley and
the remainder to Mrs. Godair. Miss
Gormley signed a compromise to accept
J2S.00O0 In lieu of all bequeBxi-.
Miss Gormley now says that when sht)
signed the compromise Blip did not realize
the full value of tho estate.
The National Capital
Weilnemlnj-, April 1), JOt.1.
The Hennle.
Senator Phlltnn InlrnliinaH a 1.111 n II.
.....uuuwwu M.I, 1 1 A
a minimum wage for women.
A bill for Inspection of coal mines was
Introduced by Senator Works.
Senator Bacon Introduced a bill for ths
purchase of homes for American diplo
mats. A bill to prohibit senators and repre
sentatives from acting as counsel for In
terstate commerce corporations was In-
nuuucea oy ."senator uorah.
discuss tariff with President Wilson at
3 P. m. In the president's room at tho
Adjourned at 12:40 until noon Saturday,
rorelcn rplnllnnK en m m I u .. n , i
McLean resolution requesting President
Wilson to propose an International con
vention for migratory bird protection.
Senator Rnrnli fntmriii.Ari a Kill
lug for acceptance of deed for Lincoln
uimi caoin irom Lincoln j'-arm associa
tion. vlded In a bill reintroduced by Senator
A bill to prevent Interstate railroads
from limiting their liability on lost ship
ments was introduced bv Senator Cum.
The House.
Not In session: meets Thursday at
Ways and means committee decided to
hold meetlncs daily durincr discussion of
tariff bill In house.
Democrats met In caucus,
1 WmM'iltAf1
TL m il l mu
Drawn for The Bee by Powell.
Committee of Six is Appointed by
the Restoration Committee.
Will Find Out the Mtntnn of Hnclt
Applicant Ilefare IjOhiiIiiht from
the (ienernl Restoration
Fan tin.
A committee of six whs appointed yes
tsrday by the restoration commltteer to
go, over the fluid of the tornado-swept
district1' to investigate definitely some
thirty or forty cases with a view to giv
ing aid and advlco In tho matter of res
toration and rebuilding. Thn committee
consists of T. G. Northall, G. N. Hypse.
A. W. Johnson, C. A. Uylander, Edward
Btone and C. Peterson. The committee
will probably work as long as Its services
li; this capacity are necessary. Although
they have but thirty or forty cases as
signed them at present, It Is likely that
other cases needing their Investigation
will come to light from time to time.
While another committee haa already
Investigated the conditions of tho homes
throughout the district, this committee
Is appointed to Investigate the special
cases, with the definite Instructions, to
sec what Is the best course to be taken
In the Individual cases looking toward
tho rebuilding of the homes. If tho In.
dlvlduals are In need of loans to go
ahead with their building, the committee
Is to look Into the prospects of that party
negotiating such a loan with a loan 'com
pany or with Bonie individual. If parties
can obtain their loans outside the fund
of the restoration committee, jso much
tho better, for the work of the restora
tion committee Is the restoration of the
affected district In any one of the sev
eral ways that may bo brought Into ac
tion. Where tho party cannot negotlato
a loan the committee will recommend
that the restoration committee make such
a ' loan from funds' subscribed for the
Stillwell's Attorney
Springs Sensation
ALBANY. N. Y April 9.-Counsel for
State Senator Stephen Stlllwell, accused
of extortion by George H. Kendall, pres
ident of the New York Bank Not com.
pany, sprang a sensation today at the
cross-examination of Mr. Kendall before
the senate judiciary committee when he
asked the witness:
"Did you go to Italy to be treated for
a mental disorder?"
The question was withdrawn bofore the
witness had an opportunity to answer,
but Attorney Wilson, Stillwell's counsel,
declared he would repeat It.
Dr. Charles I Bailey of Albany, an
alienist, continued to occupy a place be
sld Stllwell's counsel. He observed the
witness closely and occasionally Jotted
down notes.
Rebel Force Under
Gonzales Defeated
MEXICO CITY, April O.-Adherents of
Caranza, rebel governor of. Coahulla,
commanded by Pablo Gonzales, were de
feated last night, sixty miles- north of
Monterey. The fighting lasted two hours,
but the number of casualties was not
given In the dispatch received today.
General Trucy Aubert Is advancing on
Monctova, in Coahulla.
Let the People Rule
, Kruttschnitt Of fers
to Deed Back Land if
Charges Are Dropped
NEW YORK. April 9.-On behalf of tho
Southern Pacific railway today Julius
Kruttschnitt, chairman of the board of
directors, offered to sell back to the
government at tho prevailing price for
grazing and agricultural lands 6,300 acres
n Kern county, California, of which the
government .ajlqaea . .JLhtu railroad ,)bA
v"uvuaiui I lilt UUU liUUUi Ui
Kruttschnitt promised to 'uee Ills influ
ence with directors to this end on con-,
dltlon the government's charge againit
the officers of tho company wero pub
licly withdrawn. His offer was declined.
Mr. Kruttscnltt was pn the wltncs
stand again today before tho special ex.
amlner for the federal court of Califor
nia In the government's suit to cancel
tho patent for this land granted to the
railroad In 1WI. The government con.
tends that the land contains oil worth
several million dollars.
In reply to Mr. Kruttschnltt's proposi
tion William N. Hills, special attorney
general, said:
"The government will not withdraw tha
charges of fraud so far as they
the men In the conspiracy In the securing
of theso lands."
King Nicholas Will
Abdicate if Powers
Coerce Motenegro
LONDON, April 9.-Klns Nicholas of
Montenegro has definitely arranged plans
to abdicate his throne If force Is em
ployed by the European powers against
his little kingdom, This announcement
was made In official Montenegrin cir
cles here today.
The arrangements for this action were
made by King Nicholas In consultation
with King Peter of Servla. The agree
ment provides that King Nicholas shall
abdicate, and with his family, quit his
country. Montenegro will then effect a
union with Servla, while King Nicholas
and his family will be given an appropri
ate provision from the civil list and will
reserve a right of succession to the Sorbo
Montenegrin throne.
House Progressives
Outline Program
WASHINGTON, April 9.-The leglsla
live committee of the house caucus of
progressive got down to work today fol
lowing a conference with members of
the oxeoutlvo commltUe of the national
progressive party. The house progres
sive met with Walter Weyl. Dean Iswls
of the University of Pennsylvania, Paul
Kellogg and Trances Keltar, and re
viewed the ambitious legislative program
outlined by the house members of the
Jane Addams, who was to havu at
tended the caucus, Is abroad, and she
will be called on later for her views on
progressive legislation. The conference
dlfl"iisped at length the details or tho va
rious measures to be framed to embrace
the reforms urged by the progressive
Tho legislative committee of tho cau
cus, headed by Itepre sentatlve Kelley of
Pennsylvania, Immediately took up the
work of drafting the bills, and some of
them will be Introduced In the houso at
an early date.
Wi'm'n Asks Demoorats on Senate
Committee to Meet Him.
Chler Executive Tiikm Position tlint
n Henil of Pnrl- He Slioulil lie
llrnnl In the Pnrty
WASHINGTON, April 9,-Prcsldcnt Wll
son anmmnced early today that he
Wbu!d""nieot the democratic members of
the finance commliteo In th president's
room at the capltoi at & o'clock this
afternoon to talk about the tariff.
Although It had been unofficially an
nounced before President Wilson took
office that ho expected to go to thn
president's room at the capltol at fre
qucnt intervals to bo In close touch with
congress, tho news that ho would maku
the first visit today, following so cloudy
or tho notable scene of yesterday, when
the president read his message to a Joint
assembly of tho house, set official circles
by the ears.
Tho president sont word early today by
Secretary Tumulty to the members of the
finance committee that he would Ilka to
meet them at 3 o'clock. The pivot of
torlff reform, It Is generally recognized,
will be tho scnats, where the democratic
margin Is small and whero opposition to
certain schedules already Is appaicnt.
When Mr. Wilson last discussed with the
s.-nate democrats of the finance com
mittee tho method of turlff reform they
uigucd as a unit for splitting the bill Into
separate schedules, assuring him Ihal
wider attention would be focused on
each schedule and that agreements among
senators might be eliminated, Mr. Wil
son woa anxious that unanimity of
opinion prevail betweun the two houses
and has declared that tho arguments ad
vanced by both sides ara good.
Kree Wool nnil free Muuar.
The first tendency, and In this, lio was
counselled by Representative Oscar L'n-
(Contlnucd on Page Two.)
Stilwell Face to
Face With Kendall
ALBANY, N. Y.. April 9.-State Senator
Stephen J. Stilwell of New York Clty.
rlmrged with attempted extortion In con
nectlon with pending stock legislation by
George H. Kendall, president of the Nuw
York Bank Note company, faced hla ac
cuser yesterday before the senate pudl
ciury committee who is investigating the
Kendall, the flint witness called, said
Stilwell wanted t&OQ for drafting a bill,
but compromised for fcSO.
Later, the witness testified, the senator
asked for W.SOO to get favorable action.
NUW YOBK. April 9,-The body of J.
P. Morgan will lie In state from the time
of Its arrival on the liner France on
Kilday until Monday morning In the rod
room of his Madison avenue home, where
the financier met his directors and trans
acted the greater part of his business In
recent years.
The room, which is on the Thirty-sixth
street side of the house, opposite the
library. Is 35x40 feet and Is built of white
stono and furnished with red Turkish
carpets and rugs. The casket will be
placed on a funeral bier under tho por
traits of the dead banker's father and
that of his sop. John Plerpont. who suc
ceed him.
Coercion in All Phases Being; Em
ployed by Howell and Water
Board for Their Bill.
All Kinds of Bills Made Prioe of
Their Support.
Senator Saunders Controls Fate of
One of His Measures.
I'rolinMlltr Wntrr District Measure
Will lie Connldereil In Committee
of Whole, nnil Howell Prepare
to Resist Amendments.
(From Staff Correspondent)
LINCOLN, April 9.-Spcclal.)-Thls was
another hard working day for Lobbyist
Howull, Wead and Hcafcy, who aro
sp ond Ink the tax payers money, neglect
ing thn tax payer's business In an effort
to pass a bill not In Interest, to the tax
payers of Omaha-tho Omnha water dis
trict, bill.
They nro forcing weak members of tho
house, or trying to, to vote for tho bill
by threats of having their own bills
hung up Indefinitely In the senate sifting
clmmlttce or In tho committee on munici
pal affairs. Tho measure will probably
come up for consideration today
Notice was served on Simon this morn
ing by Mike Lce, who has a distinct
Idea he Is here to serve the Water Board
Instead of thn people who elected htm,
that his loan shark bill will never nea
tho light of day unless Simon vots
against 'his soncst convictions and sup
ports the water bill. Simon sent twk.
word that he had secured favorable ac
tion on his bill In the bonne and If Sen
ator Satindern wanted to take the re
sponsibility of killing the measure, thus
becoming the sponsor and defender of
tho "body snatchers" of Omaha, it is
up to llllll.
I'll ii lull I iiur Anderson.
The committee on municipal affairs of
tha senate, of which Saunders Is chair
man, Is also punishing Anderson of
Douglas for daring to stand for tho peo
ple of Omuha against a few self-ap-polntcd
guardians of tho city. As chair
man of the committee, Senator Saunders
Is sitting tight on houso roll 3, which
gives the people of Omahii an oppor
tunity to vote on whether they shall re
ceive 1 giiB und extend tho franchise of
tho gas company. He is also sitting
tight on. house roll 407, which Rives the.
ptiopla of Omaha ah opiwrtunU'td "vote
on tho question whether they desire to
continue a dual city government or put
the water workw under tho Jurisdiction
of the city, commission. Mr. Anderson
is very anxious to get these measures
passed, but ho refuses -to stultify him
self by giving up his honest views, which
lie believes represent tho lews of his
constituents, on tho water bill to his
own bills raised. Like Simon, he is con
tent to let Senator Saunders do as ho
pleases on theso bills and tuko the con
sequences. .No Stone Unturned.
Incidentally ' tho Water bourd could
never again truthfully be called " tho
do-nothing Water board," Insofar as It
relutes to tho conduct of the members
down here, The only members of tho
houso the members of tho Water board
could not reach today were those who
absolutely refused to talk to them.
Lobbyist Howell spent a portion of tin
afternoon dictating a statement to an
employe of the senate, wwhlch probably
will find Its way to the public thrnurh
the medium of the Omaha Water board
mouthpiece. He has also prepared u
batch of amendments which will be of-
(Contlnued on Page Two.)
If you are, you don't have
to look any farther than this
paper in order to find It.
Just turn over tho paces
to the classified section and
read tho columns of rooms
to rent.
You will find a good
choice of rooms here. You
will get home comforts to
your heart's content and you
will find the prices mod
crate. These people who are
advertising in the rooma
to ront columns of this
paper aro inviting you,
through their ads, to
come and call on them
and see what they have
to offer.
So, suppose you turn to
these room ads now, check
off the locations that ap
peal to you and then go and
look up some of these places
as soon as you can.
Please tell these people,
also, that you saw their ad
i he nee und wo shall ap
prpclate your courtesy.
Tyler 1000.