..... . . j-., ., ,. .mwmw, w ii iIWlJIW)Wlll THE BEE: OMAHA, MONDAY, APRIL 7, 1913. 7 WANT ADSi Want nils received m nnv tlmo. but to insure proper classification must bo presented before 12:00 o'clock noon for tlio evening edition and before 7:30 p. in. for morning and Sunday editions. .nt nds re ceived after such hours will hnro their first insertion under the head ing, Too Late to Classify." CASn ItATES FOR WANT ADS. REGULAR CLASSIFICATION. Ono insertion 2 cents a word. Two or nioro consecutive insor tlons 1J6 cento a word. No adver tisetnent taken for less than 20 cenU. NOTE Tho Bco will not bo re sponsible for, mora than ono wrong insertion duo to typographical error. Claims for error cannot bo allowed after tho 10th of Uio following month. An advertisement inserted to be run until forbidden must bo stopped by written orfler. Verbal or telephone cancellations cannot be accepted. CHARGE RATES: Six words to tho lino. Ono insertion 12 cents per lino. Two or moro consecutive inser tions 0 cents per line. Ono lino per month $1.80. Twenty cents minimum charge. Advertisements charged to imtrons having accounts nro measured by tho line, not by tho word. UBATU AND FUnCaAl OTlCKS. NIELSEN, Anna,Aprll 4. IMS. Ago 63 years & months and 13 days. Funeral services will be held from family residence, 2711 Bprague street, Tuesday, April 8, at 2 o'clock p. m. In terment Forest Lawn cemetery. Friends invited. Deceased is survived by her husband, Hans Nielsen, one son, William, una one oroiner. turm niemcu. . . UinnAtlW jP. CAM TTndrn.Vrs: new location, 2213 Cuming street Tel. Doug. 714. HE LI WANTED FEMALB Office and Clerical. WANTED Lady bookkeeper and ste nographer. Address Y 107, Hce. FEMALE CLERICAL. BTENO., Ins., $60. Steno and Bookkpr, $70. 8TBN0. and Bookkpr, $55; 2 office clerks. 120. STENO., 135; Bookkpr, 100. x WEST, RBF. AND BOND ASS'N. 752 Omaha Nafl Bank Bldg. Factory anil Trades. THE Nebraska Telephone company can nie a limited number of girls In the op erating department Applicants must fur nish references. Salary paid whlls learn ing. Apply C. F. Lambert. District Traf fic Chief. 18th and Douglas fits. EXPERIENCED fltterB wanted, women ' only; also experienced alteration hands. Apply Orkln Bros. Cloak and Suit Dept, 2d floor. FITTER WANTED. Women fitters and alteration hands wanted at once. Apply, cloak and suit dept, 2d floor. ORKIN BROS. LADIES WANTED to decorate pillows at home: experience unnecessary, good' pay. Call forenoons. 2307 So. 13th. Housekeeper and Domestics THE SERVANT G-IRL PROBLEM SOLVED The Bee will run a Servant Girl Wanted Ad FREE until you get tht leslred results. This applies to residents tt Omaha, South Omaha and Council fluffs. Bring your ad to The Beo office ar telephone Tyler 1000. WANTED Two good girls for general housework in private family. 3177 Dav enport St. Phone Harney 264L, WANTED Experienced girl who is a good cook. No .laundry work.. ,Mrs. W. J.. Hynes. Harney " 4700. TOUN.G colored girl to assist ,wlth gen eral housework'r one' who "can go home ntghtH. 118 South 19th 'St. 'Douglas 4107. WANTED Qlrl for housework In pri vate' boarding house. 809 S. 20th. D, 4069. WANTED Young girl to asslet with housework; must go home nights. Web. 1012. 1G2S Emmet St. AT ONCE Girl to assist with general housework; must go home nights. 4923 Capitol Ave. Harney 6492. WANTED A good girl for general housework; no laundry work; good wages. Tel. ii. vm. A CAPABLE woman for general house. work; family or two. ii. ma. U All AULf 1 I 111 UO , UC good cook; good wages. Mrs. Lister Tur. ley, no No. 4lBt st OIRL for general housowork. 4U3 Dodge. OIRL for general housework; one who can go home nignts prererrea. 4zs n. law WANTED A girl for plain cooking; small family; also second gin. u oo 9th St Phone war. nwa. EXPERIENCED girl for general houso work. Mrs. W. C. Lyle, 634 Parle Ave. WANTED Qlrl to assist In general housework. 3506 Harney St EXPERIENCED girl for general house work; references required. Mrs. a. H. Fetters, 2711 Poppleton Ave. Tel. H. 11 U. COOK wanted; references; good wageo, 3718 Farnam St. Phone H. 1519. WANTED A girl for general house work at once; good wages. 325 So. 3th, COMPETENT girl for general house work, small family. Call Monday after- noon. 4902 Underwood Ave. ""COMPETENT girl for general house work; family of 2. Mrs. G. E. Haverstlck, 124 S. S8th St. Harney 764. WANTED Qlrl for general housework; good wages; small family. 3821 Cuming. II. 3174; WANTED An experienced nurso girl with . good references. Mrs. Frank Wllhelm. 8623 Jackson. Harney 1477. WANTED A good girl for general housework. 3617 Farnam St. H. 4048. WANTED Flrl for general housework. Harney 4930. MARRIED man to work on (arm house and garden furnished. Geo. W, AVrl ght. Bushnell. Neb. WANTED An experienced girl for gen eral housework: good wages. At 615 S. 29th str-et WANTED A young girl to assist in general housework. Telephone IL 2C12. WANTED An experienced cook. Mrs. M. II. Updike. 3614 Jackon St. H. 3034. GIRL for general housework. Mrs. T. Brlce, 2511 No. 22d St. Web. 6621. Miscellaneous. YOUNG "omen coming to Omaha ai rtrangera are Invited to visit the Young Women's Christian association bulldlnv at St Mary's avenue and 17th ft. wheri tbty will ba directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. Look foi our travelers' guide at the Union station. GOVERNMENT Joba open to women. Excellent salaries. Influence unneces ary. Write for list ot positions open Franklin Institute, Dept 712B. Rochester K. Y. WANTED Cash girls; must be over 16 years nld. Apply at once, Superintendent Brandels Stores. HELP WANTED MALE Akruid MMcaiiMMi auil Sollclturs. GOOD solicitor wanted for soliciting OHIC8 specialty. Aoaress u m, care nee Ivr.UiAUUi, men unu nuiucii ugclllv wanted to sell our "specialty; big money euslly earned. Write today for free par ticulars. The Doty Mfg. Co., Greeley, Colo.' WAN THD Experienced carpet sales men. Apply superintendent llrandols Stores. T , t . . T 1 1 T T.". ntA mma . . . - FOR SALE A few unclaimed ALL WOOL Dundee suits, 110; alterations free. DUNDEE WOOLEN MILLS. Northwest Corner 15th nnd Harney Sts. AGENTS Fast selling specialty agents are making HO per day, Wrlta for terrl tory W LEE. Spring Valley. Minn. """ WANTED salesmen for farm specialty. Cur men last year cleared 1100 per we Bain Brothers, Cedar Ranlds. Ia. HELP WANTED MALE Aitenta, Salesmen unit Sollcltoils. AGENTS wanted to sell nn entirely new line of show cards, price tickets and other novelties; 3M varieties; big profits: particulars free. Industry supply Co., Dept 1. Elgin. 111. our v. ., WANTED-For Saskatchewan. Canaan, experienced retail lumber agents; good salary Call on W. E. Moprc. l'axton hotel, April 8. for personal interview, ur write me. Fairfield, Neb.. W. U. Mooru. the retail trade; complete rango of styles and prices: liberal commission with ad vances; territory (Nebraska and western Iowa): only men having acquaintance of retailers and some knowledge of hosiery nefd apply. Write Manufacturers Dis tributing Co., W. Jackson Blvd., Chi cago, 111. Live Agents Season now on. Write Jaeger Mfg Co. wi urnnueis xneaier Uldg. GET IN THE AUTOMOBILE BUSINESS $50 TO $100 A WEEK Selling wonderful new Invention lo motor ear owners. Nothing else llko It Sells on sight. Only live wire dependable salesmen, ac customed to making big money need ap ply. Exclusivo territory. Address Bin Four Horn Co.. Dept S. Watseka, III. WANTED Cash and transfer boys over 16 yars of age. Apply at onoo, supertn- 'vim'n. jji aiiiciH mores. Clerical and orric. ,''- Vr ---iJ ""lo ruAvn .w.iw TRNT MT.Tv.' TM tnnu vin a run ,vt TIONS "'".i-uiuuu i-um- CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO.. ivio-in vy motional isanK wag. WANTED-nAt Hotel Monroe. Qrlnnoll. Ia., good, reliable hotel clerk for day work. Must furnish reference. Factor? and Trade. HPmNTl null I Mm'm.nH. I .k. automobile business; learn now by prac tical experience In completely equipped shops; 1100 to 1200 earned monthly by good men, Write National Automobile Train ing Ass'n. 2814 North Mth R Dmnh. Neb. Drug store isnn Jobs Knlcnt. Bee Uldg. WANTED Experienced Job eomnositnr! nonunion. I. A. Medlar Co.. 418 S. 14th. CARPENTERS. TWO experienced carDentera. IMS fln. 2Sth street WANTED A flrst-clasB foromau for sneet metal works; must be good me ohanlo and able to do drafting and etl mating In ventilating systems ind other gonerai sneet metal worx; a man with some knowledsro nf furnace wnrk nro- ferred, In answering this ad Live full facts as to what you are capable of '19- ing; no ooozo lighter need apply; mar ried man preferred. Hunt & Schuetz Co. Sioux City, la. WE WANT MEN to learn the barber trade; few weeks completes; come now; union at Dusiest season; wo control many excellent positions: our dlDlomas recog nized everywhere; tools given; wag-s wruie learning; see our oner, uau or write. Moler Barber College, 110 6. 14t- St. WANTED A printer's boy with refer ences. Western Lock and Gun Co., UM turning au CIOAR maker wanted who is an amateur hall player, pitcher preferred. Address Y 114. Bee. HARNESS maker wanted who- Is an amateur ball player, pitcher preferred. Address T 113, Bee. Miscellaneous. WANTED FOR U. a ARV.Y Able bodied, unmarried men between ages ot IS and SB; dtlsens ot United States, ot good character and tempeiate habits, who can speak, read and write the Eng. llsh language. For Information apply to Recruiting Officer. Army Building, IMa and Dodge Sts., Omaha, Neb,: 60S Fourth St., Sioux City. Ia.: 130 No. 10th St. Lin coln. Neb. FARM hands, laborers furnished free of charge to employer. Evans' Employment Office. 1617 Dodge. Tel. Doug. 8014. BALL players wanted. Call on or writ ran.!, ise try, Avon, a. u. LOCOMOTIVE firemen, brakemen; wages about $100; experience unnecessary. Send age, stamp. Address Y 109, Bee WANT a Telegraphy Job? We have ono waiting tor you. It's yours lust as soon as you can qualify for it. It's a steady all the year round year In and year out position, with good pay and batter op portunity for promotion. You can qualify for it In a few short months at BOYLKS COLLEGE. OFFICIAL UUION PA CIFIC and ILLINOIS CENTRAL R. R. TRAINING SCHOOL. Free transporta tion to your post of duty will be given to you. Send for our catalogue today. BOYES COLLEGE. BOYLEB BUILD ING. H. B. BOTLES. PRESIDENT. OMAHA, NEB. HELP WANTED MALB AMI KICnAl.g. MEN-WOMEN Get government parcel post Jobs, 120 week; write for list of po sltlons open. Franklin Institute. Dept 214U. Rochester, N T. ANY Intelligent person may earn steauy Income corresponding for newspapers; ex perlence unnecessary. Address, Press Correspondents' Bureau. Washington, WANTED SITUATIONS A GOOD girl .wants place to assist in general housework. Bellevue 118. FOSITION as grocery clerk wanted. 12 years' experience. References. 11. j. Jepsen. Phone Web. 1189. 1820 N, 23th. WANTED by a young girl, position as assistant bookkeeper, can use typewriter. Call Red 5007. HIGH school girl wants work durlng" sprlng vacation. South 2702. WOULD like to hear from any agricul tural implement firm, requiring the serv ices of a middle-aged, high class, ex perienced traveling salesman. Highest class references furnished. Address O 141, care Omaha Bee. WANTED SITUATION. A middle-aged, experienced man would llko position of night clerk in some good hotel. Address A 186, Bee. WIDOW with child wants position as housekeeper In respectable family. Ad dress M 143, Bee. ANNOUNCEMENTS D. 8. Griffith, wik mfr.. 12 Krenzer ink Gibson's Buffett 322 South 15th St NOW OPEN. KAPLAN'S KOSHER CAFE Northwest Corner 16th and Harney. Finest Kosher meats in the city. HAVE your piano reflnlshed, good as new. Welrich Fixture Co Webster 2577. MME. BENNETT Makes a specialty ot reblocklng and cleaning ladles hats. 214 N. 17th. D. 2507. THE TIE THAT ENDURES Is a lucky wedding ring from Fred Brodegaard Jewelry Co., 16th and Douglas Sts. At the Sign of the Crown up the Golden Stairs. FOUND AT LAST SCREEN DOORS. Windows made up and Installed complete. Order now before spring rush. Omaha Window Screen Co.. 624 N. 16th. basement Doug. 4692. We are makers of Ferry's patent metnl corners for windows & doors. Wedding announcements. Doug. )t Co. Klec. vacuum cleaner. 11.60 day. W. 6624. Ill'IPT. T .T.l A V T T r TH nrtMlpe.D... remedy for Itching, bleeding or protrud ing piles; 60o postpaid; samples free. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co.. Omaha. CAMERA8 bought and exchanged. Jordan. Douglas 7254. 1823 Leaven woith. MONEY TO LOAN LOW rate, aiu uee Bldg. Tel Doug. 2304. Union Loan Co. I have a full set of fine negatives SxlO size; will make up photo albunms, 'an tern slides or postal cards, on order. 503 Wellington Bldg. C. M. Hobart, Omaha, Neb.. Tel. D. 2183. Persistent Advertising Is the Rood to Big Returns, A. B. C. of Omaha AAHONS Jewelry, corner 16th ant Fnrnam. Spring clearing salo on nil novelty jewelry. , AIIT1ST Model Corsets sold only by Mrs. Alberts, 211 City Nat Ilk. tlldg. Phone Red M34 for appointments. A NCHOK FENCE CO. Iron md wira fences cheaper than wood; last time. 207 N. 17th St Tel. lied Sit. A RKIN'S KOSHER RESTAURANT stands for quality, quantity and economy. 318 S. 15th St.. 2d floor. BULL DRUG CO.. 1216 Farnam. crutcn rubbers, crutches, clastlo trusses, all kinds of rubber goods anything you want from a drug store. BENNETT. Mme., 214 N. 17th. Tel. Douglas 2507. Why throw your ow hats away, when you can nave them retrimmed In the latest styles for 117 GltOSS Lumber Wrecking Co. Ml kinds laundry, dairy second-hand ms.cn- Inery, pipes, shafting and uelttng. H ORN Canday company distributors for ".IrthttifnnV1 i.hn.n1atfl. Thn HIV nrrpltttixl mndlnii. Ynu will never Know how good candy can bo till you iry these. Always fresh nt your dealers. T TILLSIDH Rnnltnrlum list And Ohio, XT. Tel. Web. 5D20. Lylng-ln hospital, rfnt hnrnn fnr fnnvnlincentfi und de bilitated. Regular physician In attendance. I F YOU have scrap metal, rubbers and rag, write tor prices to omau Metal and Rubber Co., 101 S. 8th St. TV ERR Abstract Co., 305 S. i7th SU l Better be safe than sorry. Have Kerr do your title work. KO EN I O' S LABOR AGENCY, 1320 Dodge St; offices In all important cities; supplies MALE help of ALL Kinas free of charge, 'rnone uquk. w, M ONHEIT'S. Mfr, of wigs, toupees. I m 1.1. 41 Mnn. n 1 ivilt'i) 1IUIU tuiuuuiho, .v.. hclt'B Beauty Parlora. 403 B. 1ft. l 15th and Harney. Douglas 16t2. 1 We ront. renalr. sell needloa. parts of all sewing machines. NEBRASKA AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL.. LEARN AUTOMOBILE ENU1- NEE RING. Write for new cata logue. 1415-17 Dodge St. Omaha, Np.d. rvMAHA BTOVE REPAIR WOKKB, I 1 1206-8 Douglas. Tel. Tyler 50, Water fronts, grates for furnaces, steam ana not water heaters in stocK. OMAHA PILLOW CO.. 1721 Cuming. Doug, 2487, Wo make mattresses and pillows to your order, renovate feathors, mattresses and down covers. Prices reasonable; work guaranteed. TTklCTlTRH framlnir at reduced prices. T Bee us for portrait work. Omaha Art and Frame Co.. 1711 Leavenworth St ATTRACTIONS. OMAHA film exch., 16th and Doug, Mo tion ploture machine and film bargains. AUTOMOBILES DRUMMOND'S Big new garage at 26th and Farnaa. EOBES And radiator covers at U.S0 and no. BEST AUTO PAINTING. Fore doors, slip covers; new tops and bodies built to order. WM. PFEIFFER CARRIAGE Works. 25th Ave. Sc. Leavenworth. D. 23. 1100 reward for any magneto we can't re pair. Coll repairing. Baysdorfer. 210 N, 18th UK 1 TV 1 T. KEPAIRING, iuurpny uia niw SECOND-HAND AUTOMOBILES BARGAINS In opv und closed 2-hand electrics. M. A. Yant 2313 Harney. D. 3205. WILL sacrifice my 40-horsepower run about: never been used. Address A 427. core Bee. WANTED To buy for cash, good second-hand touring car. Address E 215, care Bee. 11USINESS CHANCES. FOR SALE General store, clear stock; stock invoices 13,500 and building 11.500. Central Iowa. Address Y 106t care, of umana uce. STOCKS and bonds. Investments, real estate. Franklin Brokerage Co., 1623 Doug. RELIABLE firm desires service of bright young man who can invest some money ana taKe charge of one depart ment. Address D 218. Omaha Bee. TO get In or out of business, call oo QANGESTAD. 404 Bee Bide. Tel. D. 3471. CAFE FOR SALE In live S. D. town of 1,600 population. Business men are all live wires. Good business, good reason for selling. F, E. Held, Boresford, S. D. FORT GEORGE THE NEW "PAY ROLL CITY." In tho heart of tho Central British Col umbiacommanding the trade of the great Peace River district Ono hundred million dollars will be spent In railroad construction alone In the next four years, opening up this great Inland Empire; Fort George Is Its pay roll center. if you want absolutely reliable Infor mation about present or future Invest ments anywhere in British Columbia; about business openings of all kinds; op portunities in the trades or professions; about timber, farm lands, sawmills, brickyard openings, address FORT GEORGE TRUST CO., Capital 11.000.000. Fort George, B. C. GROCERY for sale. Kenneb'eck, 505 Bee TEA and coffee business in a town 7.000 inhabitants: no competition: good busi ness; will bear strict Investigation; will invoice about 12,000) good reason for sell ing; no trading proposition considered. Address C 249, caro Beo. FOR SALE The only feed store In a good, new town, doing a good business: wo handle cream and poultry, butter and eggs also; I have to leavo on account of 111 health, write owner, is. i mbulb Stapleton, Neb. WYORPTiriNAL BUSINESS CHANCL. I offer for sale the 22-year estaoliBhed department store, St Joseph, Mo.. .of my deceased husband. B. F. Well. Business running as heretofore. Stock consists of well bought nnd com. nnrtlv1v new merchandise, ernceries drv goods, notions, boots nnd shoes. Lo cated on best corner of the leading avenua of downtown district; has best class ot trade in that section; large country catn trade; always has beep very profitable business; small expense; stock will in voice In the neighborhood of 115,000. Terms cash, or will give tlmo on pare at 6 per cent If satisfactory security la offered; will give long time lease on present location. MRS. B. WEIL. No. 634 North 24th St, St. JoBop'n. Mo. Ilnnuiluu Honaea for Sale. TWENTY-room place: housekeenlnir cheap. Red 7892. BUSINESS PERSONALS, Architects. PLANS and estimates furnished. J. F. Cottrell. 4102 N. 19th. Webster 8S1. Artists. TOHNADO Damaged oil paintings j.kjlvimuj restored perfectly. ALBERT ROTHERV, 507-8 Karbaeh Blk. I!eddlnr anil Renovating-. SPECIAL TO STORM VICTIMS. We are making a Hpecial low price on our mattresses and pillows during month or April and will also allow 10 per cent discount to storm victims only. Renovate feathers and mattresses. Omaha Pillow Co., 1721 Cuming, Douglas 2467. Builders' Information. CARPENTEIu0ennte4urnl''he Call at Labor Temple. Douglas 1859. CONTRACTOR and BUTLDER C. M. JBSPERSEN, 1600 N. 33d. -Tel. Webster 217. CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER Esti mates furnished; repair work promptly attended to. Otto Thomson. Web. 6003. TORNADO For repairing, quick rebuilding and es timating on houses call Chas. A. For lund. 2822 Cass. Tel. Harney 4392. T .BUILDING T 1 Contracting and building solicited. WM. GUINN, DOUGLAS 4153. Ill S1NK38 lEHSONAlS llulltlera Information. OAHPENTM'RS! Rnd tuinicr. shop VuWVL JlX J.UjIK'52m N Figure wun j. wiifton & Co. Webster 4922. .lunucr. rtii Kimis oi repairs, wen. w.i. ....- ... .... a. . . . . ESTIAIArn,i!Jur"lhfl. repair work iJ . Promptly attended to. it x. jiiurrpoii. Ari. i.rnson mi j, E E UlTTjTjt'onfftctor. Douglas 4051. m im ict'ttir worn jrompiiy icnueii 10 Paper hantrlng. nnlntlnir: cnnA wnrk. nutit prices, free estlm. C M. Bllger. W. 475f.. A. C. LESSARD, carpenter, glazing, re- k'nn vin. n mtfcmuy. lyier lost. WALLACE W. 11KNDERSON. Wi 5033. Chas. Frlcko ft Co.. Tel. D. 67fi5. Chiropodists. Carrlo J. Bufortl. 033 Pax. Blk. Red 4SS7. Key to the Situation Roe Advertising. Chiropractors. J. C. Lawrence. D. C. 2322 Howard. D.R4C1 Crenmerlrn, Ualrlra nnit Supplies. DAVID COLE CREAAIERY COMPANY DruKi, DRUGS at cut prlcs: freight raid on 110 orders; catalogue free. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. Neb. Everything Kleotrlcal. Electrical Utilities Exchange. 352 Bee nldg. Detectives. L. W. LONGNECKHR, 617 Karbaeh Blk. JAMES ALLAN, 312 Neville Blk. Bvl dence secured In all cases. Tyler USt). NATIONAL Detective Service (Inc.), 403 Omaha Nat Bank. Doug. 4317. OMAHA Secret Service Detective A gay,, bonded. Suite 423-9 Paxton Blk. D. 1319. DrcaamnltliiK, Dressmaking by day. Call evening. W.3423 CHILDREN'S ready-made dresaos; rea sonable prices; ages 1 to 12 years. D. 64o3. Terry's Dressmaking college, 20th & Far. ISverythlttK for Women, SPIRELLA CORSETS, MRS. M. ROSS, Resident corsetiere for Kounts Placo Appointments. Doug, 8155; 1909 Farnam. DRESS pleating, buttons covered, all sizes and styles. THE IDEAL PLEATING CO.. 200 Douglas Blk. Douglas 1936. mrTRTrTQPTbatha, massage, faolal and J.UXVlVJ.OXlluUr treatment Apt 8, 1803 Farnam. RELIABLE curtain cleaner, all kinds, fine hand work; 10 yrs" experlnnce. D. 2732. Florists. A. Donaghue, 1607 Farnam. Doug. lOOt HESS & 8WOBODA, 1415 Farnam St L. HENDERSON. 1619 Farnam. D. 12GS. BRANDEIS cut flower dept., new store. C. EDERER, florist, 2P04 Bristol, W.1798. BATH'S florists. Boyd Theater Bldg. For Men. Toupes, wlgB. Hair Dept., Brnndels Stores. Motorcycles. WRITE FOR LIST OF SECOND-HAND MOTORCYCLES. MICKEL'S NEB. CYCLE CO., -15TH AND HARNEY. Muvlnir, Stoma- and Clennlnsr. McLaud & Son, Van & S., 3-horse van, 1 men. 11.50 hr 2 hrs., 11 pof hr. D.4S39.W.64X Nurseries and Seeds. KTT.Tfi'n Corn and other seeds,- samples tO-UXJiv freo j M Mohorf Fremont. Neb. STEWART'S SEED MAN, 119 N. lth. FRUIT TREES1 SHADE TREES! Shrubs and Bmall fruits; no agents. Wo save you tho commission. Write or phono us for catalogue. Tel. Benson 634-J. Ben son-Omaha Nursery, Benson; Neb. V. J. FLYNN. URORRIETOR hazrl nrciJ. KltnaERY. West of FJorehco. offlco 24th and Plnk-I ney, Omaha, phones Florence 1532 nnd Web. 3495. Full lino of fruit, shade and ornamental. trees; shrubs, vines and roses. GOOD hrtrdy varieties of Beedllng plrms, nprlcots and apple trees, also black and Junebcrry bushes. 10c nnd 15c. Edward R. Williams.' Phono Benson 235. Benson, Neb. Osteopaths. Alice Johnson, 303-9 Brandcls The. Bldg. Palnta and Glass. BARKER Brothers Paint Co. 'carry n big stock of Koystona the washable and durable wall paint. Full Una Sherwln Williams paints and varnishes. Carter lead. Woodman oil and Pratt & Lam berf s varnishes. Get our prices. 1C00H Farnam St. Phone Douglas 4750. Patents. HIRAM A. STURGES. patent lawyer. 646 Brandels Theater Bldg. Doug. 3463. D. O. Barnell, Paxton Blk. Tel. Red 7117. Prescription Chemist. NTT RTr.TTiTT? Graduate prescrip No. 25th. Free delivery. Douglas 1072. Plumber. STANDARD PLUMBING CO., Doug. 3991 Rndlum Treatment. II. P. Jensen, M. D., 332 Bee Bldg. D. 6817. Printing. DOUGLAS Printing Co. Tel. Doug. 644. WATfiRS-BARNHART Ptg, Co.. qual Ity printing. Tel. Doug, 2190. 621 S. 13th. Lew W. Raber, Printer, ugims! BEE BLDG. ENTRANCE ON COURT. Store nnd Offloe Fixtures. POOL tables, store, restaurant fixtures bought sold. Levy, 2510 N., South Omaha. DESKS, safes, scales, showcases, shelv ing, etc. We buy, we sell. Omaha Fixture and Supply Co.. 414-16-18 S. 12th. D. 2744. SHELVING, counters, drawers, rubber roofing, doors, sash, finished lumber und other lumDer at uig Dargains. uwoiax Wrecking Co. D. 3412. Tinners. TMn WrrU-Mechnnlcal,y' Promptly done, ilii w urn. q w,g & Bon H 10C7 Trnaaea Deformity Apparatus. ARTIFICIAL LIMBS. ELASTIC STOCK- THE W. O. CLEVELAND COMPANY. Surgical and Hospital Supplies, 1410-1412 Harney Street Experts in fitting trusses, deformity braces, elastic hosiery and supporters. SKILLED LADY ATTENDANT. Vacuum Cleaners, SWEEPER VAC Vacuum cleaner, economical, durable, efficient: price. 110.00. M. Montgomery, State Agent. 1714 Farnam. Doug, 2865. Wines and Liquors. WILLOW- Springs beer, liquors, cigars, snndwlohes. Alex Jetes, 602-4 S. 13th St. VIRGINIA DARE wine. 65o a large bot tle. Klein Liquor Mouse. 622 N. 16th St. EDUCATIONAL THE SPRING TERM OF BOYLES COLLEGE OPENS MONDAY, APRIL 14 in both the day and night sessions. Tha catalogue Is ready. Call, write or phone for It at once. Complete course in Bust ness. Bookkeeping, Stenography, Teleg rnphy. Civil Kervlco and Salesmanship. Hoyles College, 18th and Harney Sts., Omaha, Neb. Danclnir. Special prices In April; learn to dance where all tho others no, ima Harney st Key to the Situation Bee AdvcrtlilngT" LIVE STOCK FOlt SALE Horse and Vrhlclrs. AN opportunity to select from our en tire stock of horses, whtefi consists of many well matched teams, single wagon nnd driving horses. Wo are compelled to dispose of this stock because our trade Is commanding nuto truck service. A ten day trial will be given free of labor oharges and will arrange to ship to any part of this state or Iowa free of charge. Responsible parties can buy this stock by paying n portion down and the balance to suit purchaser. We advise to call and Inspect our stock before purchasing else where. Ask for Mnnnger McCaulv Trans fer Co., 2226 Howard St. Dnuclas 8750. 160 FOR VCO-poiind mare; wjrka sin- gle or double, l&a s.27tn omtna. FOR SALE CHEAP. Bay horse, sound and gentle, good driver, city broke for buggy or light delivery use. Tel.. evenings, Har. 1574. LOST AND FOUND OMAHA COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. Persons havlnc lost some article would do well to call up the office of the Omaha A Council Bluffs Street Railway company to ascertain whether they left It In the street cars. Many articles each day are turned In nnd the company Is anxious to restore them to the rightful owner. Call Doug las 48. TTniTMr) -Arthur E. Dunn, commercial tholographer. 1727 Howard. Flatlron Bldg. D. SS65. LOST Male Scotch collie, 6 months, white and tani Return S002 Pacific St, or call II. 303, Liberal reward. FOUND Ladles' gold watch, Burt street morning after storm. Information, telephono" Harney 30K8. , MEDICAL- Piles, Fistula Cured Dr. E. R. Tarry cures Piles, Fistula and other rectal diseases without rarglcal operation. Cure guaranteed and no money paid until cured Write for book on rectal diseases with testimonials. DR. E. R. TARRY, Bee Bldg., Omaha. MONEY TO LOAN Salarr and Chattels. MONEY LOANED SALARY PEOPLE and others upon their own name; cheap rates; easy payments; confidential. D. . Tolman, 503 New Om. Nat. Bank Bldg. $10 AND UPWABDS We make loans from 110 and upwart, payable In monthly payments. Reason able charges. Our treatment Is oourte oub. All deals are private and confi dential. Your furniture, piano or othr personal property will bo sufficient se curity. We also make loans to salary employes without an endorser. Twenty one years of square, fair dealing makok this business the largest ot Its kind in the city. Omaha Mortgago Loan Co., 1603 Farnam, 215 Board of Trade Bldg. 'Phone Douglas 2995. MONEY TO LOAN ON PERSONAL PROPERTY 4,ND SAL ARIES. RATES VERY LOW. TBHAlo EASIEST. CONFIDENTIAL. RELIABLE CREDIT CO., 3d Fl., Suite 308. Paxton Bldg. Doug. 1411. DIAMOND LOANS at 2tt and a per cent. Your goods Insured against fire and burglary while In our possession tree. W, C. Flatau, 1614 Dodge St. Red 6619. SALARY LOANS. CHEAPEST RATKa. Star Loan Co., 001 Paxton block. T T,, on furniture. IVlOneV real estate at A.AVXAV V t f nterel planort and a very low terest Nebraska Loan Co., Douglas 1366. 210 Bee Bldg. OFFKHED FOR KENT Apartments nnd Flats. SIX-ROOM modern flat 1112 a 11th. Gordon Van Co. Ss s. inn ot., or zn a..mn at xl L, 39. FIDELITY m n.v A A. nflryH (hipped 16th & Jackson sts. Do'uu. 1511 8-ROOM modrrn flat, 633 So. 24th St 4-room mod. .apt. 665 So. 28th. Har.4141 FINE Bt. Louis flat, 611 South 22d. In quire Garvin Bros, or within. Strictly, high class D-room apartment on West Farnam street, with steam heat and Janitor service. john w. rumniNS. vm farjum st ELEGANT tn-r6om modem flat fnr rent. Just the 'right place for boarding or rooming. Call Tyler 1616 for koyo. 5-ROOM. steam heated nnartment the Mason. 31st and Mason Sts.. 140. Douzlas 1571. 323 Brandels Theater Bldg. FLATS 2954 Harney Bt, 6-r., modern, 140. 611 S. Z2d St., 6-r., modern, $40. , 324 S. 29th Ave., 8-r., modem, 135. 1717 Park Ave., 8-r., modern, 125. 621 S. 29th St, 4-r., Upper floor, 116. 623 S. 29th St, 4-r., upper floor, 115. 1212 S. 27th St., 6-r., first floor, $11. 1212 S 27th St., 6-r., second floor, 113. 1214 S. 17th St., 6-r., uecond floor, $12. 1214 8. 17th St., 6-r., first floor, 112. 2204 N. 27th Bt, 4-r., city water, 19. 3016 Ames Ave., S-r., city water, 16. GARVIN BROS., 345 Omaha Nafl Bank Bldg. 7-ROOM flat, downtown location. Wright & Lasbury. D. 162. Beard nnd Rooms. Very Reasonable. Largo front room, suitable for two gentlemen: board If desired; very close In. 2120 Harnay. Phone Doug. 4729. STRICTLY modern rooms, excellent board; centrally located, 618 S. 19th Doug. 1206. PLEASANT room with board for two gentlemen or man and wife, In 'private family. Tyler 1417.' Furnished Rooms. NEWLY furnished rooms, steam heat 1708 Jackson St. Tyler 1621. Ill N. 31st Ave., south room, modern. FURNISHED room In private family for gentleman or man nnd wlfeL well heated; near All Saints' church. D. 6071. Furnished Houso. 9-ROOM HOUSE COMPLETE LY FURNISHED 3217 Dodge St. Harney 348. Mrs. Batch. Furnished Ilouaekeeplnsj Iloonia. 3-ROOM apartment In new flat 2011 Davenport. Hotels nnd Apartment's. DODGE HOTEL Modern, reasonable. 619 S. 26th St. two all modern rooms. CALIFORNIA HOTEL-Steam heated rooms. 12 per weak and up; free bath. , Houses and Coltancs. M'LATTD Son move trunks, 25 qi LAUf Me Douglas 4338. 8 ROOMS, modern. 112 N. 2th. D. 2717 FOR RENT -room strictly modern cottage, one block from car line. 2869 Meredith Ave. Web. 1414. NEW house, 8 rooms, up-to-date. 2221 Larlmore. DETACHED HOUSES. 620 N. 18th St., 14-r. modern 16000 1108 8. 29th St., 8-r. modern 135.00 2701 Howard st, 6-r. modern 125.00 813 So. 19th St, tt-r. lty water, gas.lis.00 1009 h. am Ave., 6-r well tlg.00 4335 Frnnlln St., 6-r city water, gas.. 116.00 4117 N. 25th Ave., 4-r. city water 111.(0 2027 Center St., 3-r., cistern 1 8.00 345 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. GLOBE VAN & STORAGE CO.-Stor-age. 12 per month. We contract your packing, storing and hauling, D. 4238and D. 3785. Offices 117 8. Hth fit 520 N. 16th. FERRIN VAN & STORAGE CO. H. II. Goods & pianos. Tyler 1200. W. 2747. Moving, packing and storage of-houit-hold goods and pianos Is our business Omaha Van and Storags 'o. . fiieproof storage. 806 8. 16th. hy the viaduct Branoh offica. 3(0 8. 17th St. Tel. D. 416J. FOR RENT 2-story frame dwelling on Cass St.. between 2tith and 37th Sts., all modern ImDrovementa. Tha Creiehtnn I University, Tel. Doug. 2X20. OFKEHKD I'OK HUNT Houses nnd Cottages. RUH.DINGS FOR RENT IN COUNCIL BLUFFS. 118.60-505 H. 12th St., 6 roms, gas. bath, city water. 118.00 lift) Ave. A, 6 rooms, gas, bath, city water. 115.001114 7th Ave., 5 rooms, city water. 115.00- 1312 7th Ave., 6 rooms, city water. 114.50 X25 Ave. A.. 6 rooms, gas, C. W. 112.60 UZ9 Ave A. 6 rooms, gas, C. W. 111.001308 Ave. C, 4 rooms, city water. 111. 00-3620 2d Ave., 4 rooms, well, 13 lots. 110.001405 8th Ave., 4 rooms, city water. 110.002533 4th Ave., 6 rooms, well. 1 8.00-1616 10th Ave., 5 rooms, city water, 1 8.00-lst floor, 2757 West Broadway, 4 rooms, city water. $ 7.00-td floor, 2767 West Broadway, 4 rooms, city water. 16.50-110 N. 16th St., 3 rooms. C. W. 112.00-222'. Atfe. IC, 4 rooms, city water. 1 8.002304 Ave. C, 4 rooms, city water. 114.002521 Ave. C, 6 rooms, city water. All of these houses within a few min utes' ride ot business center of Omaha. H. W. Binder & Co. 5 Pearl St, Council III Ufa, la. Phono 219. 8th Floor City Nafl Bank Bldg., Omaha. Phone Douglas 4401 RIX-ROOM flat, 2408 Cuming St., 12a Nine-room all modern dwelling, 1122 S. 12d St., 150. ALFRED C. KENNEDY. 809 First National Bank Bldg. Phone Douglas 722 Omaha Express Co. 416 N. 17th. Douglas 3351. Moving vans, wngons, lire proof storage, furniture packing and piano moving, Two all modern, S-room houses on paved street and car line; beautiful yard at 205-CO 8. 29th St.. 125 each. Mads A. Hansen. 407 Mccague mag. six-room cottage, good barn, and welL 19th and Vane Sts., about three blocks from street car. Call Webster 3246. FOR nENT i-room modern house, ex cept furnace. 120. 2413 a 20th. Phone itnrney iiKt. POT ,V Express and Btorage. Piano KVJUVj and turniture moving. D. t70. S-IIOUSI nouse. mouern, neur wti, no-. school, good nelghbornooo. it. .a i . mi o w r-i rr m Til rwl nm . , . u - -1. v.. . n n w will r-na Ir thta house to suit One of tho very best loca tions in tne cuy. umy -w. FIRST TRUST COMPANY OF OMAHA. Under First National Bank. Phone D. 1161. FREE RENT UNTIL APRIL 20 In an elegant 6-room steam heated apartment; fine location. Call Douglas sozz. 7- ROOM Hat 3d floor. 230S CumlnB St 8- room houso at 1559 North 17th St 8-1 com house at 1663 North 17th St 7-room houso at 972 North 26th St O. C. RED1CK, Attorney, 1517 Farnam Bt 202 N. 19th St.. 9-r., 160. S. W. cor. 24th and California, 6-r. apt., 135. 30th. nenr Farnam, J.w. O'ICEBFH REAL ESTATM W FINE 10-room house, modern except heat: SSth nnu uoage ou... wv "? and iiard coal "tjvo, finally decorated devlded for two families. 130.CO. H 4063. WEST Farnam, new stucco. 1 rooms. 119 N. 38th Ave. 150. 130 PER MONTH. Fine modern 8-room house for rent at northeast corner of S5th and Hamilton. FETKHB TUUbl' LU MAGGARD VAN AND STORAGE CO. packs, moves, stores and ships 1 household, goooa rnti pianoa. ....... , nil TT1 Hfl PTT1 hot water heat. 2633 Harney, 160. Inquire T. j, O'Brien, Harney 1894. Douglas 1216. rr,, rir. in an pans or n onjr. liOUSeS crelah. Sons & Co.. Bee Bldg SAVE money In shipping nousenoia goods, Tiuto. etc. Missouri River Freight Forwarding Co. Tel Doug. 394. 216 S. 17th. irivir..rwim. atrlctlv modern cottage, ;one block from cor line. 2SC9 Meredith vo. wen. nit. .1 . 1. . ... t.n11. 7kuum nouao nnu iuihu iowvw A!w 'strictly moaern. sai oo. aim, u. woi. a n r nalv mrul.rn. nn I'nr lino; large yard and gnrden and lots of snaae. i ei. r lunmt. r ti ., rlnf l.r mnll.Fn GnttflBTA. 1 block from car. Inquire 28G9 Meredith Ave. Phone Web. 1414. Stores nnd Offices. Omaha. Would also consider renting part of sample room floor, especially unAA tnr nutnmnhlles. Raclna Battler Co., lVth oi. viaouci. run x w. " , ;;, IMClUrilll. Ul I I'lUlt IUlfV.G. llttUI Bt After December 81 the threa-story . . . . 1 1 .. I ...inA . KTn AI. ana uasemeni uuiiuhik, muw .m. jv.a Farnam Bt Upper floors have light on three sides. Inquire at room 314. First National Bank Bldg. Tel. Douglas 1241 STORE for rent. 24x24. 112 8. Hth St. Phono Douglas 7777. -Y.-ato A lit .M nffinjk drw-nnil flnni-. TTn dressmaker, milliner or gent's tailor. Wright & Lasbury, 600 8 16th St Doug las 162. wnn iiitmt irinNAM rfTIIKKI'- Three-story and basement building, 1911 Farnam Sireoi, win roni iiidi iuu. basement separately. Inquire, 'Room 11, First National Bank Bldg. Telephono Douglas vm. ; FOR RENT Part of first floor, spaeo 20x80, private office room and vault in connection, very desirable location. In- BANKERS SAVINGS & LOAN ASS'N, Tel. D. 1100. lot Houtn inn nt OFFICES at 1517 Farnam Btr 2d floor. Store, 1020 N. 16th St. Two stores, now, 2104-6. Cuming Bt Store, 1411 Harney St Store at S36 N. 26th St, South Omaha. O. C. REDICK, Atfy, 1517 Farnam. Ill S. 16th, basement; barber, printer. OFPRRKD FOR SAMS Furniture. FOR SALE cheap. 4-burner gas range and kitchen table, web. 3119. Musical Instruments. OWN a good piano: we will help you: genuine bargains; no fakes. G, H. Harr Piano Co., 3d floor Boston store. IJ. 2017 Electrlo pianos and S8-noto players, 1200; some 1190. 119 N. 15th. Catalogue. D. 2043. Typewriter. TYPEWRITERS for rent: 8 months. 13. CENTRAL TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE Miscellaneous. SAFES 2-hand. Anierlcan Supply Co. HALL'S safes, new and 2dhand. Corey & McKenxle Pt'g Co., 1417 Harney. D. 264 1. FOR' SALE New and second-hand carom and pocket billiard tables and bowling alleys and accessories; bar fix tures of all kinds; easy payments. The Brunswlck-Balke Collender Co., 407-403 south 10th St. ....... A A ..in " u. bw.w. ,1,. Publishing company, 17th and Farnam streets. TTHrTO.V Int. h.rr.tu fnr al. lnMHfi.. STORE FIXTURES, coolers, refrlgera. tors, grocers' display counters, ice ma' chines. The United Line. 1117 Farnam. BOOKKEEPER'S roll-front cabinet Web. 978. , FOR SALE Two pieces of plate glass, 4 ft 10 In. long by 22 in. wide. Call 114 S. 37th Bt. 1'tione Harney 4817. 8AFES Overstocked 2d-hand safes, all makes, j. j. uengnt Co.. ism Farnam Bt. MUST sell one S-stone diamond ring and one 6V4-korat diamond ring; compelled to BAcriuce account tornano. L it, btearns, no uee uiag. POOL tables, store, restaurant flxtunss bought, sold. Levey, 2510 N., South Omaha. POUITRV AND SUPPLIES ADDRESS M. M. Johnson Company ni... . vr ... .lr ................. vj , a glutei , ,,i;u,u.nu, iiiftiiuiaiutDia ui Old Trusty Incubators and Brooders, for incubators ana nrooaers; catalogue free. FEW full blooded R. I. Red cockerels for sale cheap. II. A. Haskell, 1820 N, 18th bt Tel. Webster czi. SINGLE-COMB Brown Leghorn eg-. per juu eggs; neavy-iaying airai.i is. uooiey, beima, la. POULTKY AND SUPPLIES EGGS For Hatching llfwia: vlcrnrnll hnrHv t U trrmnt IavaM, country range; 11 for 15: 15 per 1Q0. A. II. Baker, Benson Neb. it. tr. ij. mo. z. Tel. Benson 747-w. ROSE-COMB Rhode Island Red eggs for hatching from tha finest laying? show birds, trap nested, 12 for fifteen. Tele phone Benson 128. W. F. S. King, Ben son, Neb. Letters answered. KINOLECOMJU RHODE ISLAND Reds; examine our stock; eggs for hatching. Franklin St 8. C. White Leghorn eggs. Florence 213. PERSONAL THE SALVATION ARMY solicits cast Off clothing; In fact, anything you do not need. Wo collect repair and sell at 111 N. 11th St., for cost ot collection, to tho worthy poor. Phone Douglas 4125 and wagon will call. MASS A OF, Swedish movement. 413 IU.JVOQ-'VUHj Bee 'Bldg. Douglas 6272. Bee 'Bldg. Douglas 6372. Mrs. Hedlund, massage,, Swedish move ment. Hours 9-12. 1-6. 401 Ware Blk. D. 7943. 63-IJAY BT.OOD REMEDY. nexten pharmacy. 12th and Dodge. " "-. willing ,u viuaiiu K.n strangers are Invited to visit the Young Women's Christian association building at 17th and St Mary's Ave., where they will be directed to suitable boarding placea or otherwise assisted. Look for MAGNETIC treatment. E. Brott MARSAGE, salt glow. Mme. Allen ot Chicago, 109 B. 17th St Douglas 7665. Massage. Mrs. Bteele. 1807 Farnam. 3d fl. ANNA MARKS Tp'trD. . Ma usage. Mrs. Rittenhouse. 803 Dos, str. Miss Fisher, mas., bath, elec.-treat D. 964 np.T t. r rA.i. . - Ing machine. 1302 No. 21st St Web. 658. WANTcri-rf,.,!.- ... r whereabout of Harry Roblnett, aged 29 years; last heard of as working In Dotya liven stable, Omaha. Communicate with "lui'ier, airs, ncjen itoblnett, Xenla, Ohio. VTANtrMiniMn. - i m ' - . miu II IUM - netotreatment Miss Dobar, 204 B. Hth. WANTED TO BUY. rinlfrnff 91 hand nawa ..... sswiw itlBIirvt, priQOa tvr luinuun, ciomei, an oca, weo. 10u7. WntTI.n tllr tn Hitw nrlva . siwk. house to be moved on a lot. One in tha neignoornood or th and Clark preferred. Telephone Red 4301. BEST prices for furniture, Call D. 7892. D. 8055. Quick buyers of furniture. REAL ESTATE WANTED WE have n. burar fnr vnur hnna-A.ll Osborne Realty Co, Doug. 1414. REAL ESTATE LOANS. 2100 to 110.000 made nmmntlv. tr. TV Wead. Wead Bldg., 18th and Farnam. WANTED City loans. Peters Trust Co. LOANS on farms and ImDroved cJLv property. 6. 5U and 6 cer cent: no dalar. j. ii. uumont i uo., ieoa marnam Bt WANTED City loans and warrants. W. Fnrnam Smith & Co.. 1320 Farnam Bt GARVIN BROS.- fi JJg MONEY To loan on hualnaa or raal. dence properties, $1,000 to $500,000. . ii, inuwAi), tos mate uang uiag. OMAHA homes. East Nebraska farms. O'KEEFE RBAL EflTATM, CCi. 1015 Omaha National Douglas 2715. HARRISON & MORTON. 916 Om. Nat LARGE loans our, specialty. Btull Bros. CITY LOANS. Bemls-Carlbarg Co., lOSna On W.h,nllfn ama mA Omiw city proporty In any amounts. it. w- uirutjiv, 823 City Nat. Bank Bldg. SALE OR EXOILANOE It. C. CTCLrONKS CAN WRECK CITY PROPDRTT. but they cah't Wreck land. Wo havo land for city property. PALMER LAND CO. 1106 W. O. W. Bldg.. Omaha. HAVE trnnA fnrm. ' dence nnd Inrnm. nmrinriv nw... - - ..wua. HM us. J. A. Olson, 601 City National Bank 'UlUH'i WIIIH.UU. REAL ESTATE CXTY PIIOPKRTY KOli SALE- $L900 5-roora cottage, with largo ttlc. city water, gas, sever, lot 60x120. paved street, near Vinton school, sightly location. tftorL looking boulevard, handy to Vinton oar barns. BEMIS-CARLBERG CO. 310-11 Brandels Theater Bldg. ..Fi bli,u 6'roorn house, modern. $1,600; also 7-room house, modern, $1600. Favornbln t.rmn nn hAlh nmn.x, ' L'? bargains not often offered. Both near , Mist M4anuvi nun q tree IS. Nine-room house, 1418 N. 16th St. mod. prn. Jot 30x115. $2.60. . Ten-room house, 1430 N. 16th Bt, mod em, lot 80x115, 12,600. Terms easy. Splen. did bargains. MADS A. HANSEN, 407 McCqguo Bldgr. lTtn 11 w. li ..nr-.r An. A homollke 6-room cottage with bath, ras and electrlo lights. Owners havo t'.xed ii. up tor a homo and It is very hlce. They are going on a form and can Use lwrsos or. mules ha part payment. Iytenn 13-000. 8o ui about ft M'OEE REAL ESTATE COMPANY, 105 Pearl St. Council Bluffs, la. T1TTV ITTirfcXf nwwnn - - A. nrftetlrnllv nAa 7 mv. . ' . . ' ,-.ww... liuuoo &1U Uhed in oak, U sawed oak floors, has ... .I" roiiiace, sleeping porOn. tiled floor In bath room, full cemented basement with laundry room, stationary and garage; fine lawn. Can bo seen njr iinir, owner uvea in Home, This property can bo bought for less than cost of construction. Look It ovsr. Will fnnkA tnrma. Tontlnn 9.1K Vn . i . . ... Phono Harney 4810. TO BUY, SELL OR RENT, FIRST BHTQ JOHN W. ROBBINS. 1802 FARNAM ST. UfinRIlN hnm. nn fnpnlhi.. nw ..u m urynn ot. leiepnone uenson 190 J, FOR SALE Bv owner s-rnnm hrlnlr house. 21,600; terms reasonable. C. C Logan. Telephone Florence 457. ACREAGE FOR SALB. AT ONCE 2 acres, 6 rooms, sleeping1 porches, near car. TeL Bo. 940. Beautiful Florence 2V4 acres, in tho city ot Florence; 7-room house and good barn, all now; cistern, cavo and cesspool; beautiful shade trees and 1 acre ot grapes.. MICE $3,500, or residence as part payment' ALWAYS BEE ME FOR FLORENCE PROPERTY. C. L. NETHAWAY. TEL. FLORENCE 276. Florence, Nob. 15-ACRB PLACE, adjoining Council Bluffs. Has new cot tago houBs, about 3 acres bearing vine-, yard, 2 acres cherries and some other fruit Good barn, and will mako a gitoa living for an Industrious man. It is in a warm, snug location, protected by hnisj on north and east, and suitable for rrult, garden, hotbeds, greenhouses, chickens or bees. Price, 15,000. M'GBE REAL ESTATE CO,, 105 Pearl Bt. Council Bluffs. Ia. For bargains In Florence property, fruit farms and acreage, sea C. U Nathaway. Florence. Nab. Phono Florence 271. ABSTRACTS OF TITLB. REED Abstract Co., oldest abstraot of. flee In Nebraska. 206 Brandsls Theater. REAL ESTATE FARM A RANCH LANDS' FOR SALE. California. A CALIFORNIA homo In tho Sacra, tpento Valley; 10 acres for fruit vines and poultry, only $400: easy terras: closo Co., Sheridan. CaU eauy IS i;!