THE? OMAHA SFNDAY BEE: APRIL , 1913. DRESHER WIZARDS RENEW TORNADO SWEPT GARMENTS Twisted, Soiled, Stained flowns, Ktc, Again Mode- Crisp, y Now nnd Beautiful. SOCIETY LADIES' PRAISE Over 2,000 Rugs Cleaned Hero Since Hcccnt Tornado. MARVELOUS WORK DONE Hugs Como in Soiled With Anything and Everything. CURTAINS, ETC. RESTORED J)resbr Cleaning; Estabushraant Front a Boon and a Bar lag to Hundred Who Xava Already Xki Too Much Xa th Storm Omaha won Indeed unfortur.a.ta tn t Ins visited by a tornado. Hut Omaha iru equally fortunate i having Drosher Brothor Dry Cleaning and Dyeing establishment In lta mdst, after such a oatastrophy na a tornado had gotten In ita work. It Is an absolute foot that Drosher Brothers. In their tftf.OOO plant at SOi Ha Famam St hare saved untold thou sand of dollars for residents of the stricken district. Over 2,000 ruga have .been oleaned at Treaher 1 slno that mernornbla Easter Sunday; rug worth from to P.0O0 each; floor coverings that have been aont hero stained with paint, soakad with mud. spattered with Ink, bedrar 0led and bedrtuslod: woe begon houro hoid effeota Indeed. In evsry case theao ruga have boon put Into an absolutely new condition. It doesn't matter how badly the rug may bo crumpUd or soiled t will again beoomo a beaWlfui. clean pnd perfectly colored floor ooverlng if only It oomoa '. the Dreeher establish ment Intact. Hundreds upon hundreds of etorm dls trlct householders were about ready lo throw thelf rugn away, but wero pre vailed upon by Dreshcrs to hare them cleaned via tho "Dresher" procooa in stead; the result Is almoet new rugs; an Immense saving of money and Just that much more happiness In the world. Here Is a llttlo Incident that will so to show Dresher's unlimited ability In the garment cleaning lino. One of our loading West Farnam oo ctcty Indies was horrified to sea three pr four precious and exceedingly beau tiful dresses and gowns fly out of a battered side 'at her residence durlnr the rnccnt tornado, but after the usual tears and regrets consigned the pretty gar ments to their fate. Drwher Brothers delivery man hap pened along about this time, however, and gathered tip th garments for the Kocjety lady; one of the gowns was found In a near by tree! several Were blocks away In the btrrt; white still another was found- on a neighboring housetop knotted and twisted up just like a ball of rags. All of the garments wero mora or loss rain soaked and stain ed and rolled with grease Borne wore even torn aulto badly. '.Dresner Brothers, however, undertook to restore the sKowns and thi rult is that the lady Is again wearing thwa identical garments tn some of the ton lest affairs Omaha affords. She will challenge any obwver to detect that tl)a garments were over In any tornado) there Isn't ot mark or' blemish on the Clothes and they ore s'etvlnjf as nicely as new drowses direct from sotno swoll dressmaking establishment, Dresners have been uuthorlxed to give out the., lady's name on application but rip not earn to piibllsti it in a newspaper. Come in though and got all ot the proof you wish. Now then reader, did YOU suffer any from the tomadoT Wouldn't it pay you to havo Dreshors look over your gar ments and rugs betoro you consign them to tiie rag boxT Wouldn't you bo pleas ed to find that you would not be com pelled to purchase) as many now things a you had thought you would! Well, Just phone Tylr 345 for n man; or drop Into Drosher The Tailors at IMS Farnam St., or into the Pompolon ltoom of 'Th 6 Brandels Stores. And never forgot that Drcahera pay express charges bne way on all out-of- town shipments ot work amounting lo or over, YOVM XAX with o years es perac la Sfaa's Clothing, aow msmk of a lug city store, U itif maX etiaage. V it of (fecaaoe faraishaa. sTo objso i to leaTlsr city. AMr 1000 oar Osaka See. SYDNEY r Jllnsri lurn.,r..t IS Jt. lll.,1 . .i ' " .wimmwu rMt4inutc, winder cummer. SpUndkl 10LOOO tea IMS Kwdutii flrit-vlsH reus W iyjnty tm. ttM-ORAIIO TOUR SOUTH EA 4-1123 Hojflola. Btmos, Awtolls. Kr Zohci, TililL.A m W Owl Reunj th. WMt V a 1H YUitlnj b mntlntnU tnd varlifi emit dties (tteo-OTm) Mw.hilU--S.llin,, AB 8. !t MV Trtt TSS 0m i. J, Ca, tn HuU it, FruelM UOTUbS. Htel Kupper Eleventh and McGea Bis. Kansas City. M. LOCATED iff THK RETAIL AND BllOPriNo msTnini' A hotel of quality and refinement at icdjoouauia prices, uuropean plan SI to H per day. Tako elevated car at depot marked 87 th St, dl- ryct to Hotel. XUrPKR. BENSON HOTEL X Pro,. SCHOOL CHILDREN LEND AID Work Like Trojans in Helping Gen eral Clean-Up Work. TWO THOUSAND GET REAL BUSY Surprise Their Elder by the War They Are Able tn Illp In Clear-, tntr Up the IlnbbUh In Tornado rnth. Nearly 2,000 .ohlldren from the public and parochial schools were turned Ioom In the most littered part of the storm wrecked section, and at 11 o'clock the majority of the squads were able to re port their lots cleared. So erithuslaatlc were the "kids" that they Insisted on moving the neat piles of rubbish they naa made to different parts of the lots. At Twenty-fourth and Lake streets, a rlvnlry between schools sprang up tho Instant the captains gave the order to charge.' Green pieces of cloth, which were once window blinds, were utilised for "flags," and the names of the schools wcro scrawled upon them, hoisted on long poles nnd planted In the middle of the heaps of debris. Shortly before noon an episode at Twen ?. -fifth and Ersklne threatened to In- flnltoly delay the clean-up brigades. A rich of boys clearing up tho Uttered a found a stack ot Illustrated Sunday ipom and immediately sat down to peruse the funny section. Charley Belhelmer, 7A. Long, sat down on the sign of the Central sohool, ploked up a paper and deolared he was hungry. Others, following his example, protested against working all day without anything to at, and their commanders were com pelled to march them to Laku school, where the teachers had prepared a lunch on of sandwlohes, coffee, doughnuts and pies. Poor Pieces of Pin. My, Uiey must have been worklnir hard," said one of the teachers as she rrad a boy bis fourth piece of pie. n appetites they have. If they would only study the way they eat they would be wlssrds In lees than no time," Tt 'em eat," said Nathan Bernstein. who had been In charge of the boys of the Omaha High school, "they've earned It Never saw boys work so furiously In my Ufa." Superintendent B. U. Graff ot the pub lic schools was elated at the manner in which the boys went after the Jobs as signed them. The girls, too, he pointed out, had done their full share toward cleaning up the littered district They carried tho boys food, and In several cases aotually joined them In the work. All through the district where the 6.000 men and boys were laboring to help clear away the shattered houses, carpenters worked rebuilding and repairing the less damaged residences. Clear the Ilent panday. W. 8. Jslne, In general charge ot the clean-up work, visited every district. lending encouragement and thanking the men for tho prompt response to the "call to arms." Late In the afternoon he said the workmen had cleared two-thirds of the district, and tho rest ot It would bo oleaned up Sunday. E. D. Gepson, In charge ot the public school battalion, said he dlu sot ropeat single request or order, for hU lieuten ants were quick , to execute every com mand, "Only trouble was," said Uep son, "that they wanted to work too haf I, Then, too, they had to vent some surplus onergy In play." Two blooks were glvo to the school kids to olettf. In order that the records might be1 kept straight' and credit given where oredlt belong these two block on North Twenty-fourth streot-wera di vided Into about a dosen subdivisions, over which the flags of the nevoral chools floated triumphantly. Play (or h While. Across from the ruins of the pool hall on Twenty-fourth street, where sa many lives wero lost prankish' Paclflo school children hoisted a "dummy" mad of a green and red dress, the waist being green and tho skirt red, and across thH scarecrow they blatoned In black letters the name ot their school. After lunch the students were allowej to play a whllo and then were ordere-l back to the Job. They did not grow weary, although the majority ot them were working at 8 o'clock In the morning, Principal L. C. rtusmlsol of thd HIki School of Commerce, who led th; boy ot that Institution Into the devastatea district and helped to wipe out the path of the tornado, declared he had formerly reit mat no student body In the world could outstrip his tn the search for of. clency and that now he was Under the Impression that they could work as well as study. J. J.. Clklns, who had oharge of the parochial school boys, took charge of his young workmen at Twenty-fourth and Burdette streets, at 7:20 o'clock, the ma Jorlty of them-having reported to him at that time. It, I.. Carps, athletlo director In the public schools, gathered a company ot thn public school boys together before S o'clock and Joined them In picking up th debris, Many ot the boys brought rakes and shovels. SWEDISH LUTHERAN CHOIR TO GIVE TORNADO BENEFIT On Thursday evening at t p. m., at the Bwedlsh Lutheran church at Twenty third and K streets. South Omaha, there will be an entertainment given by the WtUlng Workers and choir, under the direction of 1 Dewar Challlhor. when the following program will be presented) Scripture reading and prayer ... The rtev. F. O. Cllman. incna Aim. "Sweet and Low?'., , me unoir, Heeding ..,.., rtuth Johnson. "Qing Me to Bleep" , Minnie Espegren, Mabel Dahlgren. Address , L Rev' p- O. Ellraan. "The Rosary Emma Espegren. Piano solo , Vletor Wlig. "Tit Willow" Jeanette Dicker, Bother Johnson. "The 'Bong God Goes Forth to War".. , Choir- Violin solo , Hennlng Karlqulst "Rustle of Spring . E. Dewar Challlnor. "Good Night, but not Goodbye" jni. nut not uoodbye" Florence IlloamniiUl National anthem, Swedish and Ameri can , , The Choir. MINNEAPOLIS BANKERS SEND $4,000 FOR RELJEF . ,4v if dig no, ..w ! CVfJITQU a draft for KO09 from the Minneapolis Clearing House association. With the draft was a letter of sympathy which also said that the members had not be fore realised the extent ot 'th loss ot )lfo and property tn Omaha ACTIVE IN THE W0EK OF TOR NADO BELIEF. MRS. T. w. artAY. General Relief Fund Now $207,166 and More is Coming In Previously reported. ...11ss.2n.21 ... uu.oo inrvuin umana tit9... Phllfl If. Tflnv Tl.lM. Unn B.OO Paul F. Clark. San Jose. Cat. through State Journal, Lincoln. Cltlsens of Uod Cloud, Neb Cash ,,.;,.,, lCmnlavaa of Qwlr, a .00 U2.0G l.W 9.00 SS.00 Through .Omaha DaUy New ' " " .ijiwiur o. ............... vv.w jnrougn vorld-Herald 1,0.20, M. 8. 6.00 ilea tag (additional) . K N. Jordan. Wllhailv Mnn .50 C. EX Smith, nilllnirs. Mnn 6.00 23.00 Luxus Mercontlne Co National Candy company, St Louis, Mo A f f I A .mhUu.. . 1 -J 100.00 Wn..1.. n.1 . mi , M.20 J. It Itumelhari 10.00 paramount Knitting company. Chicago, lit through Byrne- Hftmmur 9A nAtitdhittUn Leo A. tTnffmnii itlAfaL!l' ' 25.00 2S.0O 0.00 .2S 1.00 .16 15,23 Methodist 8unday school, itlvsr- E. J. Sheedy, Gle'nvlll, NVbl.. Cash Junior class. 19U, Lothro'p sohooi uonunenw et commercial Na tional bank, Chloago. III., thmUKh SJAfrhflnt U.tlnn.l L000.09 100.00 100.00 10.00 6.00 . 600.00 250.00 -1.00 L. E. Waterman A Ca.. Naw Tork City, through F. J. El- licit Kountse Memorial church!!.!!!!! uovernment inspector, Denver, throUvh Jnhn Walh Register k Leader' Co.,' Des Moines, la. through Governor Gearirn. W. Cl&rVn.... Mayor George W. Burnslde, Bloux Falls, S. D, A. II. Hall, tlnatnn Mnm cash, II. W. L. a. ituuei. city comm ss oner.. 26.67 Hats made and sold by. daugh ter of Will Crary and others.,. H. M. H. .!.... 1.76 10.00 and. .Lea Rosenthal, tri- uuta to the late Charles 13. Trnftv A.. 10.00 iiio jonn iioyia ca, uoitimore, Md., through J. a Juss 100.OO LiKiriD Al I11UI II 26.00 J. II. Bradley. Lincoln. Neb 10.10 18.00 10.00 2.00 25.85 200.00 60.00 Oprek boot blacks, through Mayor Danlman , li L, Saylea C. F4 W Chadron opera houso, P. n. Nelson ,. Omaha Woman's club , Beacon Mfg. Co., Providence, William Buchanan. Texarkana, IC Elllng- Tex., through D, worm 25.00 Omaha Rubber company , 100.00 uraii nniey r Co.. New York., a H. Cahn & Co., New York.... F. K. Harris, through Great 100.00 23.00 Western Stove company E. J. Manlx, Sioux Falls.S. D., Ihraunh Wrlirht A Wllh.lmu 2.60 6.00 Two men from Sioux City, whose nearts were toucnea alter viow- i ri ir i tin nasinipiinn . . 10.00 26.00 100.W 6.00 Julius Sternfeld, New York City, O. A. Johnson, Fairfax, 8, D,,,.. A. K. W.. Wood, S. D. .. Thank offering for safety of loved ones, Sioux City's relief 00.00 100.00 United States Radiator Corpora tion, Detroit, Mich C. Retss Coal company. Sheboy- San. wis., through J. A. Sun erland. 660.00 260.00 0,M 33.00 33.60 23.00 6.00 L. F. Sunderland. Kansas City.. First Baptist church Sunday adhnol. Chleas-n. Il Employes Stock Yards Nat'l Citlaens of Overton, Nb-, ..'.!!!! to. is. m. itaiaeman J. O. Aleen. Aurora. 111. Erward McConnell A Co., New York City, through Albert Cahn 100.00" Total tw.iea.u Donations Made Through The Bee to the Relief Fund Previously reported ...,.t 11,093 t- . Btunr, Benson. Neb w. Mrs. a. j, uamsey, Auburn, Paul u'SnglVsh!!!! John Ftnlayson m. vraves , A railway mall clerk.. C. Koehler, Hastings, Neb. , II. B. Talbart, Hastings, Neb. .. Thomas Shea. Hastings. Neb H. A. Rloh, Hastings, Neb. Mrs. Frank Otass, a Omaha.... A sympathiser - A friend of the sufferers, John son. Neb. Newark Aid society, Newark, Neb Ida Camp No. 1U2. R. N. of A., Newark, Neb. , 8. Jorgensen, Central City, Neb. CltUens of Loup City, Neb C. II. Morrill. Stromsburg, Neb.. A. K. Cady. St. Paul, Neb , Bladen, Neb, ,, C. F. Beeton. Beatrice, Neb. A. Ferer & Son 20.00 20.00 6 6 163 100, 60, 34, 3, 10 20 Fourth "A" class, Cass school.. Lo Angeles Time I LOCO, Total 215.6SJ.63 COUNTY OFFERS TO SETTLE WITH CALDWELL & DRAKE Offer ot 268,237.12 In payment of the balance due Caldwell & Urafce, builders ot the county court house, was made In formally by the Board, of County Com missioners, Thl was in answer to a pro posal of the contractors to accept about 178,000. as a compromise. Caldwell ft Drake still ow local sub contractors tlV,&,47, but this necessarily Is outsld th calculations of tn comrals sloners, v ilBflTflUTnW nniMTUDC! AnTTOfl uitmuiiiuii uuunimw numu: Second Prelirninary Contests Will Be Held Daring the Week. STUDENTS ASSIST IN CLEAN-UP Five llnndreil Report Knrly Sntnr ilny Mornlns nt the Htatlon nt Korty.niRhth nnl Leav enworth Htrrets. The second preliminaries to the annual elocution contest In the high school de partment of Crelghton unlvcmlty will ho held on April 9 and 11 at tho assembly hall of that department The younger students, making up the first division, wilt speak on tho former date, while the older students wll( speak on the latter. Those who qualified In the first contest for places In the second aro: Division 1: Victor Alvey, Ellas Camel. Earl Carroll. Aneelm Cherny, John Chco brand, Otto Cobry, Paul Duffy, James Dugher, Lawrence Hannan, John Har rington. James Hughes, Leo McCreary, Stephen McCarthy, Henry Mergen, Clem, ence Mecke, Franols O'Connell, Valen tine Roche, John Sheehan and Charles Stcnlcka. Division 2: Elmer Barr, Leo Beverldgc, Charles Bongardt Edward Epsten, Donald Keegan, William Kolley, Norbert Kessles, Aloyslus Larkln, Clif ford Long, William McCauley. Leo Moore, George Morrow, Edward Powers, Daniel Relfenrath, Francis Shaw, Cornelius Till man and Edward Walsh. University Notes. The Courier, the bi-monthly publication pf the university, was Issued during the last week. Improvements on the histology labora tory at tho medical college are being planned for this summer. The Juniors of the medical college are now working In eight-hour shifts of two at the various relief stations. The first preliminaries to the annual eloqution contests In the college depart me.n,!).eKan Saturday and will contlnuo until Wednesday. Dr. John Loosbrock, Medio '11, was one of thoio who camo with the corps of relief doctors and nurses from Des Moines immediately after the tornado. Dr. Edward Gaul, Medic '10, now prac ticing In Morecroft. Wyo., came to Omaha last week to ascertain If his parents, who reside here, had been hurt In the tornado. The senior class at the dental college will take Its state board examination at the dental, college on April 21. The mem bers of the state board will come to Omaha to give the examination. The senior class of the law department began their final examinations Thursday, although regular examinations In the professional departments will not begin until about the middle of this" month. The senior class at the medical colleen presented Dr. Mary Strong, a member of me tacuiiy ot mat department, with a large box of American Beauties Thurs day as a mark of aDDreclatlon for hr services this year. Walter Douglas made tne epeecn or presentation. Dr. A. D. Dunn of the college faculty, has received a number of requests for; reprints of a paper which he read on Mcdlstlno-Pertcardttls before the Missouri Valley Medical association meeting at Kansas City recently. Among the appli cants Is Dr. J. C. Musgrave ot tho govern ment laboratory at Manila, Philippine Is lands. classes tn the arts department were dismissed yesterday, and the students, between 400 and 600 In number, spent tho day in tho vicinity at Forty-eighth and ieavenwortn streetsr assisting in the clean-up work. Tho workers were divided into seotlons, each class consti tuting a section, while the president ot the class acted as straw boss. Dr. Leo Karrer, dentistry has been Signs of the Times When you see a wooden Indian or at striped pole outside a shop, you know what's within. You can't tell offhand the quality of goods for sale, but anyway) the signs ttand far something. Some signs, trademarks-go further. They tell of quality, of honest value, of reliability; sure and certain. For Instance, this sign- UaUimora, DE6ISKERS means Good Clothing. That's what it stands for. It's put into every genuine Schloss-made garment to show it really i is t genuine; all wool, reliable, worth the money. It protects you from a bad investment when you buy; and it can't be imitated. The best retail merchants carry the real thing; they have to. Ask them to show you the new Schloss-Eakiiaora styles for Spring, and be sure you see the IsbeL For Sale ia TL Da. ntL:-aaf Htll lilt im ircig viuuua u Dalits PWrted army dental surgeon, with or der to renort at Fort Liean Cnlaradrt JesSA V Prnlcr. Itfnln In Ida Itew mtltr. Is now with the army at tho Mexleai border. Mr. Craig has been studying f. tho dlplomatlo corps at th post actio. at Fort Crook tor the last two years, an when the troops were ordered to the bor der, Mr. Craig also received orders. Joseph Moonan. law 10. who hss practicing at Waseca, Minn., Is busv assisting In the organisation of a new In surance company organized along co operative lines, and restricted to the acci dent business. Mr. Moonan enjoys the distinction of being the first student to pass the necessary examination tn the senior year nt the law school and to be deprived or his diploma for a year until he nan reached his majority. A new course, providing for the derc Of "Pharmaceutical Chemist" requlrlns eighteen months' work, will be added to the curriculum of the pharmacy depart ment next September. At present the college Only gives a rourtecn-montns coursa for the decree of "Graduate In Pharmacy," with which the new course will not Interfere. When a student has finished the eighteen months of work, he will not be required to have two years nvnnrlenca before taklnsr tho state board examination, which Is necessary after the fourteen-montha' course. EXECUTION LEVIED FOR COSTS IN THE HULL CASE Attempt to compel Charles W. Hull to pay SttS costs In the suit whtoh ho brought against Mary u. Mcrceen, nis lormer wiio and William R. McKeen, and which was dismissed at plaintiffs cost last Novem ber, was made when an execution w levied In district court against Mr. Hu'l Mr, Hult had KUed to anhul a dlvort and alimony of 29L00O given his former wife. Mrs. MoICeen. The costs, which It ts now alleged Mr. Hull tolled to pay, ar for. the mot part for depositions taken by the defense and the expenses of whtoh were advanced by the McKeons. When the oos .was dismissed ut thd Instance ot the plaintiff judgment ww entered against him for the costs ana this Judgment stands on the records. Attorney Burkank, counsel for Mr. and Mrs. McKeen, said: "The statements made last November that we aompru' mlsed thl case were not true. Mr. Hu'l owes Mrs. McKeen every cent that ti ever did." An Anto ollinloxt means many bad brurscs, which Bucklen's Arnica Salve heals quickly, as It does sores, cuts, burns and piles. 26c. For sale by Beaton Drug Oo.-iAdvertlsement. aaaaaaHBSSBlWBMBaMMSMaBSSSSMMBaaaMW OMAHA MERCHANTS HAVE ' AS G00DWARES AS ANY In Omaha shops the merchandise la so excellent that persona; from -other cities, and even from other countries make pur chases here. During the last week a roan of much prominence In Germany 'bought a ring of Albert Edholm, which cost sev eral hundred dollars and sent t td his wife In Munich as a birthday present. It was an odd ring with an emerald mounted tn platinum. Not only was It odd, but It also was artistically beauti ful. Mr Edholm says the fact that this foreigner made a purchase In Omaha Is proof that merchants of this city carry goods which are among the best In the country, and that local people can get here wares which are as good as can be bought In the east. Persistent Advertising Is the Road to Big' neturng. AND MAKERS Ohm ha Jby tke II. One that will make your friends enyy your good luck in securing" such a fine instrument at a price so small? WE MUST CLEAR OUR SHOW ROOM FLOORS OF ABOUT FORTY PIANOS DURING THE NEXT WEEK OR TEN DAYS. Some are instruments that have been rented, some have been taken in exchange, but all havo been thor oughly overhauled and put in Al condition. Prices quoted will be fully 25 to 50 less than suoh instruments should bring, Don't fail to 'see them Saturday. A Few of the Bargains 1 EMERSON Ebony case $168.00 1 STEINWAY- Ebony case 275.00 1 HAMPTON Mahogany case. $135.00 1 KIMBALL- ' A Walnut case. ..$150.00 1 WEILER Oak case .$140.00 1 WEILER Oak case $125.00 1 STELNMETZ Walnut case. . .$100.00 SMITH & BARNES Walnut case . . .$140.00 Thorough examination and comparison of these offer ings with any others in the city will quickly prove them far superior. We Guarantee Every Purchaser Satisfaction, v We Make Payments to Suit Your Convenience. Some Twenty-seven Standard Make Pianos Shown Here for Your Selection the Best Produced. Hayden Bros. Distributing Agents for the1 Celebrated Knabe Pianos Tho very name is a guarantee of all that ia best in piano stylo construction and tono quality. Tho piano preferred by tho world's most noted artists. aaaaaaaBaaaVsBlBBBBBSfesBBsfll ABnBBBalHPlsBVlSflSlKSBnKV HsHkHHGkE tlluMl' 'W SSsaBSBSBBPaalfcHHKaV SnVsaaBSBBBBB'iSaaaaaalaTHMBr 9iafls!HL"Cx'flBBBK SBBSBSBBSBSBSBSaW jallflskBaaaaaaaV 0rtnj4" irritM! "Csn you pntcrlba a renxdr tor tUnh, I eutf.r constantly vita biad&chs ana pain across my eye. My breath li rrr td which anaoys me tro&tly." An.w.r: CVir catarrh and bad breath I alwayi recommend tlw u ot aatlispMa Vllane powder. Ak your druiil.t tor an orUlnal S ox. paekase of antlaeptlc Vllana powder. Make a catarrh balm by mixing a lre teaepooolul ot the pow. der with one ounce ot vaseline, or lard will da tnt n. and uie lar up aa poealblo In the noetrtli tlmea a dar. Then take a pint oj warm water ana one-uau Kupwmm m the powder and v enutt from the palm ot tho hand. It thea directions ara louowa you til soon do urea 01 inn uramu u.v Maul" writes: "Can anything be done (or an ltchlnc aoalp. My tcalp Is alo ooTered with dandrutt and 1 am la' sreat dlatreee." inmn Yon can vera eaalir b cured ot an Ituhlnr m.1o. alaa dandruff If you will ctt s 4 o. jar ot plain yellow nlnyol and use aoourdlng to th directions glTen oa the jar, T tr three apnllcatlona bar, 'been known to our. Try It flrly and. you wilt advocat Its ue to your trieoda. "mien K." wrtteai "l am not tleany enoum. I ahould welsh 10 pounds mora. I am anamd ot my thtnneaa and wlih to baoem plump and attractive. Can you help met" Anewert Yee. I can help yoo "ffllea K." and many others In the urn. pllaht. A thorough oouree ot treatment with three grain hyp nudaae tablet will gradually give you more red and whit Wood corpuscle adding 10 your weight, health and color. gtvlnjMrou pink chaeka. red lips ana eptrkllng eyes. , Jn tablet are Backed In sealed artoo with dtrecuons. Do not pct reaulta too Quickly. In tak time to ehanga the oelU and tissue ot tb body, but you can dpnd on saining weight It you are persistent. ,.n t?" w . hm. "it Tou know ot anythlns that I could tak to cure my rheumatism, pleas te.ll m s t sutr.r all th time. Am getting wort an is line- - Answer 1 Tak the following and you will soon be cured ot your theumatttm. This Is the bast remedy that I have over known tor thts trouble. Ipdld ot potassium, I a rams; soaium salicylate, t drams; win of coleweum, h os. i Comp. eeeenc caruim, . 1 ww, v.u. wort, t es. : end syrup sarsapartlla comp. I 01. Mix by shaking well and take one teaapoontul at meal tlmea and again at bed time. "Helta" writes: "Can you give m a reliable WwaM9BBsWS" r Read the Want Do Yon Want a Real Piano Bargain? 1 AL GRAY Walnut case $65.00 1 VOSE & SONS Ebony caso. .. ,$125.00 1 OHIOKERING & SON Fine Mah. case $125.00 1 LEXINGTON Mahogany case $125.00 1 ANDERSON Mahogany caso $160.00 1 STEGER & SONS Fine Oak case. $190.00 1 BEHNING Ebony case $75.00 1 STEGER & SONS Best Walnut case.. . .$200.00 TkeDoCTOR S T2)r. ,ews Mafier The questions answered below are gen eral In character, the symptoms or dis eases aro given and the answers will ap ply to any case of similar nature. Those wishing further advice free, may address Dr. Lewis Baker, College Bldg., Collcge-Blwood Sts., Dayton, O., enclos ing self-addressed stamped envelop for reply. Full name and address must be given, but only Initials or fictitious name will be used In my answers. The prescrip tions can be filled at any well stocked drug store. Any druggist can order of wholesaler, rfm.Jvr?r.ooush ,ni colds? My cough I so tight that I am afraid ot pneumonia,?-' iA5"wv! Th 'htat cough can b loosmid ".-".'"il .b' u'n th foilerraeTTom li..i."r"n s Psckag of easencs tk'ini?V JTm"' "u you Proterltrt any. th ng that will cur my stomseh. trouble sud con- I am Irritable and cannot sleep." Answer: You can be very easily cured of your troubles by taking tablets trlopeptlne. This I".1?? m?,t "'en""' d Mtlsfaetory treatment for th stomach and f Uken .according tq dlroo. tloiw you will ooti be ablj to eat a hsarty mesl and. not have arty distress afterwards. Your constipation will be eurtd and your whole system will ba put In a tin condition. "John" appetite! says: "What can I do to gain aa I do not eat and am getting thla Pleas advise a remedy. and weak. Answer: by mixing comp. and by shaking Th best tonlo I know of is mad J ,t syrup of hypophosphltesj 1 os. tincture cadomen comp. mi. well in a bottle and taJks a tea)ooo. ful before flea and WM a wu win igga atmin your appeUU will return. Wrs. W. a asks: "Is It safe to reduc one's weight when It Is eicesslvet X hav oftan wanted to tak something but have been afraid It might do more harm than good." Answer I Bom remedies might not be safe, but I prescribe on which ts both afs and affee tire. Ask any well stocked pharmacy for t graln arbolena teblst. packed in sealed tubes, with full directions for noma use. Thsy will usually reduce at th rat of pound a day. "Oeraldlno" writes: "I am troubled a groat deal with headache, dlssy spells, dark spot be fore my eyes, twinge ot rheumatism. Out I be helped at a'.lt" Answer: You can not .only b "helped" but you car bs "cured" ot all th trouble you men tion. You need three grain aulpberb tablet (not sulphur) which ere packed tn sealed tube and contain full directions for use. They ar mads ot sulphur, cream ot tartar and herb medicines. If these ar taken regularly they purity the blood, stimulate tb Mver and bowels late healthy action and will gradually effect a cur. "Mother" Bcdwettlng la chUJrsa vsually a dlseasa which can b urd by th us ot th following: Tincture oubeos, 1 dram: Unrtur rbss aromatic 1 drams) comp, fluid balmvort, 1 os. Mix and give th child 10 to U drop la water on hour before each mal.ldrrt!smnt. Drs. Mach 8c Mach THE DENTISTS Buocassors to BaUsy fit Xaoa The largest and best equipped dental office in Omaha. Experts in charjo ot all work, moderate prices. Poroelaln Illllnza lust like the tooth. All lnstnu ments sterllaed after using. 3d Xloor yaxtoa Block. Omaaa, JTsb. Ads. Do it Now