OMAHA SUNDAY APRIL 9-B Mt SKMHNTS. AMVRKMBNTIIt r sen Lssn ! rssn BtQ if bbbbbbbbbcsbbbssbmsbbBbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb T-JJ3 A r 1" O O N -3 A a 3 Al M PRICES TOAI1GHT POPULAR PRICES ALG.FIEL9S IDEATES MINSTRELS the oLosar aiaaxar ah 3 oE8r OF ALU lYl.NJMSL SHJkVJ hlZ am &lktxaK sf rr r.trz &?vhf sQ vtxf HHQ HQBV W III JWl Jf W 27 YS9 CMriiJJUS SUCCESS Tussiay, W3iri9siay, Thursday 'Matinee Wsdnasday , TTiTC OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: 1 ., , ; - .jr-reyrr: , .. .... wm cMi wearers m. jmhh laz c r If 35a.j2aZBcZ Hitchcock At he&2'aaclcis OR his twenty-sovenin season, Al O. Field. who -will bring his stars ol minstrelsy to Omaha for two perform ances today at the Broa dels theater, has provided a brand new proi;am,of features. Instead of the automatic seml-clrclo for the open ing spectacle, a display through which runs a plot has been prepared. The title, "minstrelsy, Past and Present," gives a clue to the possibilities that have been worked out, and the. scene, a hotel veranda and Jawn at Ormond Beach, Fla., onthe eve of the great automobile races, affords an opportunity for a tropical scenic production that employes a num ber of startling mechanical effects. "All Hallowe'en" or "Ush Mum's Dream," -l the" title of a 'most pretentious dancing 7 ketch and senic spectacle showing Gob In' Dell and Hades. "The Opening of the Pahama Canal," with the first boat passing through the lock forms a basis for a historical and patriotic pageant that employs the services of the halt hundred members of the oompany. The personnel of the company Includes names of those highest' In minstrelsy, at the head pf which stands Al G. Field himself. At the Brandels theater on Tuesday. Wednesday and Thursday, with the regu lar matinee on 'Wednesday, Cohan ahd Harris will present Raymond Hitchcock Sn the' musical play, "The Red Widow," a work by Channing Pollock, Rennold Wolf and Charles J. Gebest. The first act has Its locale In London, but that Is merely to start 'Cicero Hannibal Butts, a retired millionaire (Raymond Hitchcock) on his way to St. Petersburg with a beautiful young "woman, known as "The Red' Widow," so that he may become harrow lnsly Involved, In dynamite and pistol plots treacherously conceived by a band of nihilists, In which "The Red Widow" Is the leader, to snuff out the life of the cxar and such royal personages as may stray within her range. To become a j? arty to all this crime, Cicero Hannibal Butts finds It necessary to elude tho vigilant eyef a suffragette wife. Also ho -rinds It -necessary -to -pose as the hus band of "Tho Red Widow," whose pas time unknown to him is sharp-shooting at kings. The widow's love for a captain of the; Imperial Guards, and Mrs. Butts' timely arrival In St. Petersburg avert a tragedy. Punctuating the scenes ln'whlch Cicero dodges the secret police, and Juggles hot sizzling "bombs" are eighteen musical numbers that embody all the spirit and dash expected In any musical piece flying the Cohan colors. Mr. Hitchcock will bp assisted by Flora Zabelle, who will be seen -as the designing "Red Widow." Others In the cast Include Minerva Cover dale. Marie Richmond. Gloria Gray, Nan Brown, Theodore Martin, George White, George E. Mack. Edward, Metcalfe, George Romalnt Charles Prince, 8tanley Fields,, and a large chorus ot singers and dancers. The orchestra will be under the direction of Karl Wexelbauro. "Hanky Panky" Is a Jumble of Jollifica tion and to- cap Its pretentious, claims It is one 'of the latest 'production efforts of Lew Fields, who has given the play, which will be seen at the Brandels theater Friday and Saturday, April 11 and It, with matinee Saturday, a cost of players, each a star in his or her particular field, composing an Imposing, array -of stage talent Max Rogers of the immortal Rogers brothers, 'Bobby North, Harry Cooper, Hugh Cameron, Clay. Smith," Christine Nielsen. Myrtle ' Gilbert, Virginia Evans, Flo May, Wil liam Montgomery and Florence Moore aro among the funmakera who have con tributed to the success of this musical extravaganza. The trio of writers who have been prominently identified with ioz eZfa 1' all 'Fields' kuooeeses are respoaalblo tor "Hanky Panky." Edgar Smith l the author of the- Jibrotto E. Ray GoeU wrote the lyrics, while A. Baldwin Bloane composed -the Jingle airs that -are being whistled In the cities tho play has already -visited. The first scene of the musical play reveals tho Villa at BIlgewater-on,-the Thames, of 6Ir J. Rufus-Watllngford, the 'get rich quick" expert, now a member of the British peerage. Clay Smith Is the musical Blackle DaWj while Solomon Bumpskl la portrayed by Harry Cooper and Max Rogers .and "Bobby" North I.resent a lovable duo of German come dians, -who bring back memories of the Rogers Brothers in the height of their fame, Florence Moore danoes and grimaces her way through the play, to gether with William Montgomery, who presents a college freshman of the most amusing type. The second scene of 'Hanky Panky" Is set on the campus of the University of Chicago, whllo the closing set Is the American estate of Wnlllngford, the fronded financier. The chorus of fifty pretty girls Is divided Into sets of blondes, brunettes and Titian haired beauties, while the production is the product 'of tw Fields' over fertile and Imaginative brain. nana Marshall will be the attraction at the Brandels theater Sunday, April 13, for an engagement of one night, whe Clarence Bennett and company will pre sent her In "The Price," by Geonie Broadhurst. Few plays have created euah wide spread Interest among Omaha .thtator goers as has Graham Moffatf Scotch comedy, "Bunty Pulls the Strings,' which will begin a week's engagement at the Brandels theater on Jtfonday night, April H. "Bunty" comes to Omaha after a two years' run at the Haymarket thea ter, London; eighteen months' run at Collier's 'Comedy theater. New York, and six months at the Princess theater, Chi cago. The eastern critics have said that "Bunty Pulls the Strings" Is without doubt the greatest laughing success t the century. It Is a play of types, in which aualnt characterization figures I largely. Canny Scoth humor that smacJtg of the soil abounds throughout the play. There Is a sufficient quantity ot Homely wisdom and kindly sentlment"tn"the Plnce as .well. Its dialogue is said to be ot 'such a spontaneous and .natural sort that It does liot seem overdrawn even In Its funniest moments. At tho Boyd this week Miss Lang and her company will offer for the flrat time in Omaha "Just a Woman," a smart comedy of manners by- Avery Hopwood and Channing Pollock. It was flnt played by Graco George under the title of '"'Clothes" and Is listed among her successes. The story of the play ueals with the fortunes of. a girl who has been left penniless by- an extravagant lather. but who finds It necessary to keep up her end among the very fast set of New York's fashionables. She thinks he s In icnjoyment of an Income from mining stocks left her by her father, but the, money Js being furnished by a Jawyorj who has notions of taking her to sup-' plant his wife, who Is flirting with a l French nobleman. A rich younrr man,; wants to wed tho girl, and out of this fact grows a rather complicated situa tion, which la finally cleared up alter It looks ,as if the whole thing had been wrecked. The comody Is smartly written, and Is rich, Injts. wlttlolsras. Its .cynical, wisdom,, and Its biting. .satire. It is also tho first dress play of the season, and as such will give ,the .star and -the other women in the' .company a chance to shoiv their new gowns. The first performance will be at the matinee this afternoon. The talking moving pictures, the latest and most wonderful tnvontlon of Thomas A. Edison, will be shown at tho Orpheum this week. For the last seventeen, ooro Mr, Edison has been endeavoring to cVimbtna his two earlier Inventions the phonograph and the" klnetoscone. During the closing hpurs of 1912 the. manufacture of the machine was begun. The demand .was great for tho latest amusement fon ture and the order which the Omaha Or pheum booked earlier than most play houses, was filled three weeks ago, Since which time the work of Installing the mechanical contrivance has been steadily progressing. The pictures ex- THE "White Pilgrim" BY Dramatic G!ub of Settlement Oenefit for Cyclone Fund Brandels Thoatre MONDAY EVE., APRIL 7TH Popular Prices, OSo, SOc. BENEFIT BALL FOR TORNADO SUFFERERS to bo given by Omaha Homestead, No, 1404 Brotherhood of American Yoomen BARIGHT'S HALL lOUi and. Pornam Bta. Wednesday Evening, April 9th, 1913 Come and Help n Good Cause, Tickets 25 Centa. Air 62zs JZippeJr&JXJ- ? plain themselves. In the first reel a leo hirer comes forward and explains the history and purpose ot the Invention, Illustrating his words by practical demon strations. For Instance; A plat's "Is broken and the sound of breaking china Is heard. A youth enters and seating. himself at the piano plays, tho notes reaching the audience perfectly syn chronized with the touch of his fingers on tho keys. The second part of tho (Continued on Page Ton.) AaiUSHMRIfTB. Phone Doug-. 4B4. Matlneo Every JDay 2115. Every Xfifht 8UB. ADVANCED VAUDEVILLE SSirra 'TODAY Presents His Zjatest and Greatest Invention, TALKING MOTION PICTURES MADAME 0L6A PETMVA Zn Comedy and Tragedy Direction of 7esse Xsky The Versatile Actress Miss May Tully tn "THE BATTLE CBT OP rRESDOX" A How Tleld for Pun 8y Bosnian Bulger and May TulVr Frank Coombs and Ernest Aldwell Two XSen Who King. Mr. & Mrs. Cordon Wilde In Old and Original Animated Bhadow erections. Wm. r. --Bully & HussoyJsmes The Sportsmanana the Valet. Plrst Appearance After Pive Years' World Tour. AlburtiiB 1st& Jesslo Millar The American Eooontrlo and Lady Oornetlst, Assisted by "Dolly" Presenting "A Boene at the Palrgronnds" The Throe Gllnoerettls Acrobatto Hovelty ond Bounding Table PBZOBS i ZSatin so Gallery 10o, best seats Q6o, except Saturday and Sundayi Ulffht 100, DSc, -OOo and 7Bo. MARTIN DECK Offers Madame Sarah Bernhardt April 14, 16, 10. 17, 18. PRICES i matinee 05o, 60c, 7Bo 81.00) Box seats 81.CO Hlght 85c, OOo, 75c, 91.00, S1.CO. Box Seats 32.00. Stats Now on Salo, County JSfore Dime mmee To-Day 2 THE GAY GIRLS With SullKin sn4 Abrahme. the Old la Pink with Her Dndn( Muiicl Dellt end e Broadway Beauty Chare, Mafinee gkyi Theater MATINEE TIIAY 2:15 TONIQITT ALIi WEEK Mnta. Wednesday and Saturday EVA LANG Presenting Channing Pollock's Society Driuiia in 4 Acta. JUST A WOMAN NEXT WEEK, APRIL IS David Bclasco's Play Nobtdy's Widow First Timo Kver Played Out ulrto of New York City. Week of Monday, April 7th Bruce Richardson & Co, "MOVXira DAT" A Comedy Sketch of Merit The Banclng "MARS" Danotne Bxtravatrans BLACK BROTHERS Hovelty Banjoltts MAX AND OAMFRflN WIIIIIMIIWII VntrtloanlsU araioe v inuj ana wiaer jrnoia Plays Slake Tonrsslf at Borne Any Seat 10o Any Time Night QV! OF GOTHAM i mm W . tee COHAN & HARRIS PRESENT AMERICA'S MOST POPULAR COMEDIAN AND A IK TUB IOST MUSICAL PI. AT' sssnsssssssssnPSnjr u vtrwe-- The Red Widow noon and music nt CIIANNINO rOLLOCK nBNNOT.D, WOI.W CH All 1X8 J. GGDItST Friday and Saturday stuSKy BSSS AT LABTi'TKB TBITIiII TJUTTMPH OP CHIOAOO, BOSTO xfcvr Tronic boo maurs iw back city. LEW FIELDS' ALL STAR COMPANY rSjLITTERINQ HANKY The TEXT lAST WOKS In all that Is deslrahle In the way of Ugfet musical coniedy entertainment YOU BATE BEEN THE REST NOW BED TKS BEST Has any management ever gathered toarether nnder one banner a more remarkable oompany of players than thesef MAX ROGERS B03BY NORTH HARRY COOPER HUGH CAMERON CLAY SMITH VIRGINIA EVANS CHRISTINE NIELSON MYRTLE GILBERT FLORA MAY William -MONTGOMERY and MOORE Florenca Add to this list of principals, three soore slrenle beantlas The Piok of Amsrlca's Garden of Loveliness AHD YOU. WILL MOT HANKY PANKY HASSKTTHaT WeHOIRTHAT , flMJirVT Anii I Ft ATI ON TALKING JfeMBAcafee the SCattaee. Wik eom. Moieay, April 14 "ViiS.' SCAZXi 0BSKS8 AJUS HOW BSHTO StBCSKVSB TOK BUNTY PULLS THE STRINGS Branlnffs, SOo to 9a. Wed. XaV, Best Seats, 91. Bat. Xat., Beet Seats, flJW. Sevoted to sjtrlotly JKlgb Orele Bxtravaransa and Vaudeville TWICE DAILY i, Mil, Today FAREWELL TOUT OF ROSE SYDELL LONDON BELLES Zs. the Kew Xasioal rareloal Sktlre "A FEAST OF FUN" mj ZBeladlnsr ssbi CI W. S. CAMPIELL l1 l JQHNIIIP WPI VI and the your BUsworths. YOUR LAST CHANCE So Bee the' Acknowledged Qaeea of BxtraTafanoa, IROSaiE SYDKLL Uar lladr: ThU fareeall lUnr ct MIm Bydll' la au-teUr oo tha larali It's tha atmpla Ufa tot bar hrtftr o aM bar loll -a-aak or not at all. Tbe retlramaat la iju bar) aha'a enlartalned uaroralljr (or ;ara, but nsrar battar tbaa tbta moiod, B, U ioltWOM. Mtr. Oayaty Evenings and Bonder uatlnse, inn. ana. BOa and 75o MATS. 15o and 52ztr0 . MM - . Ill-- ..... Chew sum n jv no, uui uu cimnWtnar. TJU3TBB' tfs af AT AST '21B,C TlOKBTfl Ut' PAT UATtNBB Baby carriage uarngo in hc jvuuj. Certinep Miia mr mo .huih. First Church of Christ, SCIENTIST, ot Omaha, sTenraska, Aunoonoes A FREE PUBLIC LECTURE ON Christian Science By BLISS KNAPP, C. S. B. Member of the BoarA of eotureshrp of The Kothsr Oh or oh, The rgrst Church .of Christ, Scientist, la Boston, SSass. IN THE CHURCH EDIFICE St. Mary'a Ave ond SMth Btreot. ' Monday ana Tuesday Evanlnge, April 7th ami Ui, 1018. at B:00 o'olook. Ton ana your friends are cordially lnrlted to he present. Aadnlnl br V- FLORA ZABELLE I.AIU1F. COSirAJfT TAMCKD-OF of lbs TEAR 99 ENSATIONAL, CINTILATINO TARS AND EWILDERINO ROADWAY SAUTIC8 PANKY Brtas; the OhUarea. TAIL! ID MISICAL CIMEitY THE GIU5AT Jib. SAIiUB TH3SATBE (Clilcago) SUOCK88 The GIRL QUES TION RAYMOND PAINE and Company of 90 Threo Distinct Perfomiaiaeaa Daily Starting Promptly ml 2:31 7:S-l:HSr. Entire Lower Floor Reserv ed for Both Night Shows. hone Douglas 1041. PEJ0ES 10c-20c DIME MATINEE DAILY. The Chesapeake 1508-1510 Howard Street SUNDAY Table d'Hot8 Dinner From 11:30 a. m. to 8 p.q. 50c Ap 60c April 6, 1913, JACK DENNIS Manager. AUGUST K. BORGLUM Freseats MISS IBENE TJLTJMBLX In a Piano Recital Wednesday Eyening, April 9, c-at the Borglum I'Jauo School, SMI Donxfaui A