14 THE BEE: OMAHA, SATURDAY, APRIL 5, 1913. I WANT ADS Want nils rccclvco at any time, but to Insure proper classification must ho presented before 1:00 o'clock noon for tlio evening edition And before 7: SO p. in. for morning and Sunday editions. tnt nds re ceived after such hours will havo tliclr first Insertion under tho head, fng, "Too Late to Classify." cash a,VTEs"roh want ads. REGULAR CLASSIFICATION. One Insertion 2 cents a word. Two or more consecutive Inser tions Hi cents n word. No adver tisement taken for less tiian SO cents. NOTE Tho Ueo will not bo re sponsible for more than one wrong Insertion dire to typographical error. Claims for error cannot be allowed after tho 10th of tho following month. An advertisement inserted to be run until forbidden must bo stopped by written order. Verbal or telephone cancellations' cannot be accepted. CHARGE RATES: Six words- to the line. One insertion 12 cents per lino. Two or more consecutivo Inser jUons I) cents per line. One line per month $1.80. Twenty cents a minimum charge. Advertisement! charged to patrons having accounts uro measured by the line, not by tho word. SHU.T11 AXU FLMSUAI .NOTICBS ATENERY Patrick, aged 35 yean, at St. LouUiTW April 'l. lie Is survived Ly bis w (low. mower ana vwo Sir"', ',7 Frank Clark and Mrs. Frank Neu- V. Hi Funeral Saturday morning from' Union Station at 9:20 to Bt. Marys cemetery. J. A. TAGGART U SON, unoerxaKeni, pew location. 221J Cumin street. X CI. .$uoug. 714. CAIID OF THANKS. Wo wish to thank our many friends ifor floral contributions and kindness upon the death of our beloved husband and father, MRS. J. HIIX. Mil. AND MK8. J. H. HILL. Mlt AND MRS. BLAIR. ', ws wish to thank our friends and neigh I tors for their kind assistance and floral .offering at the death of our mother, who Uost her life In tornado ot March a, 191. Mr and MRS. P. It. BTEYJCR, Mr. AND MRS. WILLIAlK. 8TKYBR. Mr, AND MRS. JOHN BTEtfER, , MRS, LIZZIE FEBLA, fti iritANK T1ETZ. MRS, HARVEY STANLEY, MRS. ROSE AMIS. BT. JOHN'S Lodge No. K, A. F. A. M., will hold funeral services for our lata Brother Charles A, Tracy, at Ma sonic temple on Baturday. April & a: p. m. Members ot the fraternity and Irlends are Invited to be freati. J. F. BRAMMANN, W. M. C. E. HERRING. Secretary. BIHT11B AND DEATH. Blrths-W. and Matlna Anderson. 1720 w n-v,l..lhlr.1 tnrln fflrls: T. J. and Harriett Collar, hospital, girl', Q. and, Moll e juason, uo .riiio, uuj, j. and. Olayds McQuillan, 406 North Thirtieth, boy: Frank and Agnes Neaj, hospital, boy i H. C and Mary O'Uonnell, 3236 Gdgen. girl; P. D. and Minnie Sin th, hospital, girl; Tom and Rose Wensveins, 1455 Bouth Fourteenth, girl. . rv.n,k.TT. itarxherir. SA years, hospital! Louis Standlsh. 45 years. Fifteenth and Webster; N. M. Short, 72 years. Ill Pa olflo; 11. H. Wood. 83 years. 80S North Twenty-seventh avenue; C, J. Kw, W .m vnrth Twentv-elchth: Grey For. M years, hospital; It P. King, 2310 Fowler avenue; C. A. Tracy, i yeara, Twenty-fourth avenue and Harney street; MrsAC. Btafford, 67 years, hospital; A, Mdgnuseenrt69 years.. 6W Locus. MARHIAQB fclUHNSKS. The following marriage licenses have been Issued: Name and Residence. Age. Louis H. Kolnek, Omaha 23 Minnie Dwinn, Omaha.. 19 James Tf. Fleming. Omaha 87 JSdna Molander. Omaha IS Arthur Parmley, Omaha.. 21 UesHe Peska, 'South JJjnaha 1 George B. Scott. Dos Moines, W 3Sssle M. Hcrrick, Extra, la.., 22 MUILDIHG PERMITS, liaatlnBs & Hevden. 2 houses on .Twen ty-second. S3.000S R. F. Grant, 3S08T North Ulneteentn, irome rweuiny. j.wj. HKLI WANTED F EM A LB Oftlco and Clerical. WANTED Lady bookkeeper and ste- nograpner. Aooress x wi, nee.- Vmototx aarf Trades. THE Nebraska Telephone company oan se a limited nuraoer of gins in tne op watlnr deoartment. Acnllcants must fur Btsa references. Salary paid while learn ia, Apply C. F. Lambert. District Traf- Z1Q .met, 10111 I,U iWUKIM ow, I9XPBRIENCED fitters wanted, women only; also experienced alteration' hands. Apply Orkln Bros. Cloak and Suit Dept., 3d iissr. Xeaackeeyers nual Usmestlea TH1 SERVANT GIRL PHOBLKM OLVXD-The Bee will rua a Servant Mrl Wanted Ad FREE until you get the ' Mire results. This applies to residents it OoMtha. Isouth OmalMi aad Council If Jsluffs. Bring your ad to The Use office l r teupnone Tyier issa ,1 WANTED A white ft housework. W 4JS. girl for general GIRI or woman wanted for general v housework. One who can go borne nights. GIRL wanted for general housework. 1612 Corby Bt Tel. W. 1144. William Itud. loir. WANTED A middle aged woman or young Bin to assist in general house- wont Appiy zuv uurt tit. WANTED A woman to work for hus. band s board and room, with small wages. ma. Dodge at. u. tuu. WANTED An experienced nurse gtrl. "with good references. Mrs. Frank Wil- helm. Tel. liar. Z24S. Harney. WANTED A competent cook, also sec ond maid. Mrs. Ernest E. Hart, 6S 3d tit., uouncii limits. EXPERIENCED gtrl for general house. worn, gooa wages ana home. 1X3 N. Uth Bt WANTED- A young girl to assist lu general housework and care for baby, jtti emmet oi. weoster suu. EXPERIENCED cook; refereuoss quired, good wages. H. 1518. rt' WANTED A clrl for general house, Work at once; good wages. 335 V. 27th dt, WANTED Ap exp. girl for general nouseworK in a small family. 'I. vjs. GIRL for general housework. C Lye. 634 Park Ave. Mis. W WANTED Competent second glrL 74. Mrs. J. Magee. H WANTED Competent cook. Mrs. E. A. Wickham. S3 za Ave., council Bluffs. GIRL for general housework; two family, good wages 2033 Dodge. In . WANTED A good girl for geairat nouseworit. sen Farnam at. Tel. it 4048. BACHULOIt wants housckeener undet 17 years old who Is looking for a good corns. Address i, in. care ties. WANTED A good girl to assist general housework. Bellevtie, 118. In n YOUNG sir! to assist with housework and take are ot small child. 1705 Park Ave. ii. u. GIRL, for general housework, fed. H. i17. as a WANTED Two eoud girls for general nousewora in private ramuy J17I uav niton at. t-jione ttarney zeti. . WANTED A comrnt girt for general fcouiework In small family. Ill H. JBth ATt. it izm. GIRL for general housework; no wash HELP WANTED FEMALE Housekeepers nml Domestics. WANTED A competent girl for general housework In family of two. Mrs. V. tl. Manger, lfttl So. d Ave. A TOUNO girl to assist In general housework. 2289. Mrs. Will Schall. homey WANTED Young, competent girl tor IlKht housework. IMS N. 24th 8t. NEAT white girl for housework, wages. Harney 6037 Good WANTED Girl to assist with general housework SfOS Harney St WANTED Experienced girl who Is a good cook. No laundry work. Mrs. W. J. Hynes. Harney 479). YOUNG colored girl to assist with gen era! housework; one who can go home nights. US South 15th Bt. Douglas 4107. WANTED Gtrl for housework In pri vate boarding house. ECS 8. 20th. D. 4055. WANTED Young girl to assist ulth housework; must go home, nights. Web. 3012. 1628 Emmet St. Miscellaneous. TOUNO ""smen coming to Omaha ai strangers art, invited to visit the Youns Women's Christian association bulldlntf at 8t. Mary's avenue and 17th tt., whart they will be directed to suitable hoarding places or otherwise assisted. I.ook for our travelers' guide at the t'nlr.n station. OOVBKNMKNT lobs open to women. Excellent salaries. Influence unneces sary. Write for list ot positions opsa Franklin InsUtute, Dept. 733B. Rochester. N . Y. HELr WANTED MALE Auents, saieauicii nuil Solicitors. Live Agents win write Jaeger Manufacturing Co., 07 Brandels Theater nidg.. Omaha, WANTED salesmen for farm specialty, pur men last year cleared tlOO per week. Bain Brothers. Cednf Ranlda. Ia. AGENTS-35 a day. Work all season for good men demonstrating to housekeepers. Write for free sample and catalogue, Bherman Necessities, 03 Stone St.. Sagi naw. W. B. Mich. FLOOD, FIRE AND TORNADO. Great est selling book. Large, fully Illustrated, only $1. Big terms. Bplendld profits. Sample free. ZIEOLER CO., PHILA DELPHIA. 1 C&nt InV.afArf In a nmtnl nnr-A will bring you a $35 to $40 a week proposition. Galloway Bros., Bowman Co.. division li. Waterloo. la. FOR HALE A few unclaimed A 1.1. WOOL Dundee suits, 110; alterations free. DUNDEE WOOLEN MILLS, Northwest Corner 16th and Harney Sts. AGENTS Fast sellln? suuel<v icanii are making tio per day. Writs for terrl tory. W. LEE. Spring Valley. Minn. Hoys. man & MoConnell Drug Co.. leth and VUUHQ Oil, WANTED A rood bov t deliver Bin, cerles. II. A. Homers. Ml Douglas St. Clerlual nuU Ufttcn. OFFICE MEN A wholesale implement house In Omahn desires to emnlov vnunir man keepers and stenographers who have good nvevcra uuu oinuuirriipncra wno nave gooa i education and ability to work from ont department to another until they art competent to handle remunerative posi tions and finally develop Into salesmen or men for managerial nositlons. Mmi bo able to furnish first class references ana oona ir requirea. We want young men of ability, not loafers or ordinary fellows who have shifted from one com pany to another. Exnerlenca In lm. plement business preferred, but not neees- sary. n you nave the education and energy and asabltlon we will teach you the rest Salary will be what you are worth. Position permanent If you have the sense. Address P 149, care Bee. Factory ssd Trade SPRING rush la eemmenelna- In h9 automobile business; learn now by prac tical experience In completely equipped seeps; tlOO to 3160 earned monthly by good men. Writs National Automobile Train ing Asa'n, ttl! North 20th St, Omaha, Nab. Drug stoir isnnipti Jobs Kntet, Bee Hide. THOROUGHLY experienced furniture iscker. Apply at once. Orchard & Wil. helm. WANTED Experienced lob comnoiltor: nonunion. I. A. Medlar Co.. 418 8. 14th. Mtsccllaneuas. WANTED' FOR tl. 8. AltWY AhU. bodied. Unmarried men between ages ol II and 33; cltlxens ot United States, of good character and tempeiate hablta who can speak, read and writs the Eng. Ilsh language. For Information apply to Recruiting Officer. Arruy Building, lim and Dodge Str., Omaha, Neb.: COS Fourth Bt. Sioux Cut. la.: ISO No. lUth St. Lie. coin, Neb. FARM hands, laborers furnished free of charge to employer. Evans' Employment Office. leiT Dodge. Tel. Doug. 8014. WANT a Telegraphy Job! We have one waiting for you. It's yours just as soon as you can Qualify for It. It's a steady all tho year round year In and year out position, with good nay and better op portunity for promotion. You can qualify lor it in a xew snort mnntns at muxlks COLLEGE. OFFICIAL UUION PA CIFIC and ILLINOIS CENTRAL R, R. TRAINING SCHOOL Free transporta tion to your post of duty will be given to you. aena tor our catalogue today, BOYE8 COLLEGE. BOYLEB "BUILD ING. H. B. BOYLES. PRESIDENT. OMAHA. NEB. WANTED More railway mu.ll clerks. postoftlce clerks, carriers everywhere o count parcels post; earn 170 to 4150; write at once staling position oesireu. Ameri can Institute. Dept 19. Kansas City. Mo. WANTED Laborers at Rourke Ball park, Friday morning, April 4. G. E. uaira, WANTED An unmarried man to work about house and stable. Apply to Ieonard Everett, is iean ot., council muffs, la. HELP WANTED MA1.K AND KRIUtH., MEN-WOMEN-Oet government oareal post lobs, 320 week; write for list ot po sitions open, sranann institute, ucpt I4U. Rochester. N Y. AN'V Intellleent nerson mar earn ateauv inoome corresponaing tor newspapers; x perience unnecessary. Aaaress, j-reos correspondents- Bureau. Washington. WANTED SITUATIONS WANTED Small aet at books to keen atternoona or evenings. Tel. Web. 1M1. t WANTED Day work. Call. Doug. 7896. POSITION by a widow In a resoectahla widower's home. Prefer the western states. D 133. Bee. MAN and wife want Place to work In olty or country as hired man ajid house, keerwsr; willing to work; honest and re name. Address a J. care Bee. ANNOUNCEMENTS MONEY! TO LOANLOW , :io Bes Bidg. . Douit. SOOL Union Loan Co D. a. Griffith, wig mfr. 12 Prenxer iiitt HAZEL LEAF PILE CONES-Ueat remedy for Itching, bleeding or protrud ing piles; too postpaid; samples free. Sher man a juci;onneii uruc l,o.. umana. Gibson's Buffett SSI South 15th Bt HAVE your piano re.inianed, good tut new. Weirlch Fixture Co Webster I57T. MME. BENNETT Makes a specialty ot reblocklng and cleaning ladles hata 214 N. 17th. D. 3507. NOTICE. Any ona wanting bricklayers, call Douglas 1859 Labor temple; from ll:S0 a. in. to 1 o'clock p. m., aftr 5.30 call Har ney 6511. Ed. Shannon, secretary and business agent of Bricklayers' union, BUY STYLISH EASTER CLOTHES On credit We clothe the entire family at tl a week Beddeo. KIT Douglas St THE TIE THAT ENDURES ts a lucky wedding ring from Fred Brodegaard Jewelry Co., ltth and Douglas Bts. At the Sign ot the Crown up the Golden Btalra. I A. B. C. of Omaha , AARON'S Jewelry, corner iSth and Farnam. Sprlne clearing sale vn all novelty Jewelry. AltTlnT Mouei Corsets sold ony t Mrs. Alberts, 211 City Nat. Bk. lildg. 'Phona Red 8434 for appointments. A NCHOR FENCE CO. Iron wd wire fences cheaper than wood; last life time. 207 N 17th Bt Tel. Red $14. ARKIN'B KOSHER nESTAUHANT stands for quality, quantity tnd BELL. DIlUQ CO., 121S Farnam. Crutcn rubbers, crutches, elasUc trusses, all kinds of rubber goods tnthlni you want from a drug store. BENNETT, Mme.. 214 N. 17lh. Tel. Douglas 2507. Why throw "our old hats away, when you can nave them retrlmmed In the latest styles for 7 GROSS Lumber Wrecking Co .!! kinds laundry, dairy second-hand msch Inery, pipes, shutting and uelting. HORN Canday company distributors for "JohnstonV' chocolates. The ap preciated candles. You will never know how good candy can be till you try those. Always fresh at your dealers. HILLSIDE Sanitarium, 31st and Ohio. Tel. Web. 5620. Lying-in hospital, rest home for convalescents and de bllltated. Regular physician In attendance. IP VOU have scrap metal, rubbers and rags, write for prices to Omaha Metal end Rubber Co., 101 B. 3th ttl. KERR Abstract Co., 305 B. i7th Bu Better be safe than sorry. Have V mrr A .,,-,.- n,lf KOENIO'S LABORTAOENCY, 1320 Dodge St.; offices In all important cities; supplies MA1K help ot ALL kinds FREE of charge 'Phone Doug. ua. MOMIkIT'H. Mfr. of wls, toupees, seiches from combings, 31. lon- N' EHRASKA CYCLE CO.. "Mlckel'S, ictn ana Harney. Dougiat Wc rent rerjalr. noil needles. Darts of all sewing ninchlnes. N' EBRASKA AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL. LlSAilN AUTOMOBILE KUl NEERING. Write for new cala- logue. 1416-17 Dodge St., Omaha, Neb. 0' MAHA STOVE REPAIR YVOKKH. 1206-s Douglas. Tel. Tyler 20. water fronts, irrates for furnnces. steam and hot water heaters In stock. 0' MAHA PILLOW CO., 1721 Cuming. Doug. 2467. Wo make mattresses nnd nlllowa to vnur order, ro'iovkto feathers, mattresses and down covers. Prices reasonable; work guaranteed. PICTURE framing at reduced prices. See us for portrait work. Omaha Art and Frame Co.. 1711 Leavenworth St. Q UAL1TY printing; prices right. 'Phone Doug. 32G6 and let us quote prices on uoug. ail printing. uarion rig. uo., wo a. mn AKNOUNCTMENT8 FOUND AT LABT SCREEN DOORS. Windows made up and Installed complete. Order now before spring rush. Omaha Window Screen Co.. 624 N, ICth, basement. Doug. 4892. We are makers of Ferry's patent metal corners for windows tt doors. SWEEPER VAC Vacuum cleaner, economical, durable, efficient; price, 110.00. M. Montgomery, State Agent, 1714 Farnam St. relatione Doug. 2S6.'. WtddliiX uiil.iiiilict n.Hiith lni. Co. CAMERAS bought and exchanged. - -v . w.. . , Jordan, Douglas 72u4. 1823 Lcavenwoith. i ELEC. vacuum cleaner, $1.50 day W. 6C24. ATTK.1CTIONH. OMAHA film exch.. lUth mid Doui:. Mo tion picture tuaciiiiu and (Urn bun,ulns. ALTOMtmrt.iv DRUMMOND'S Big new garage at zctb and Farnam. ROBES And radiator covers at It.M and ua BEST AUTO PA1NTINO. Vur ,loor. slip covers; new to4 and I'oUIrs built to order. WM. PFEIFFER CARRIAGE Works. 23th Ave. St Leavenworth. D. 6932 tiou reward for any manneto we can't re- pair. Coll repairing. Buydnrfor. 210 N. lSlli K 1 T" ' 1 T i REPAIRING. luurpny uia. iiS.' BEST AUTO PAINTING. Fore doors. slip covers; now tops and bodies built to order.. WM. PFEIFFER' CARRIAGE Works. 22th Ave. & Leavenworth. D, UI22. FR SALE New, corrigatcd steel gar age; cheap if taken quick. Phone Douglas 1117. BothwelL 8KtX)NI).HANI AUTOMOBILES BARGAINS In open and elosed 2. hand electrics. At. A. Yant. 2318 Harney. D. 32ns WILL sacrifice myato-horsepower run about: ncv.fr been used, Address A u cart Bee. WANTED To buy for cash, rood sec ond-hand touring car, Address E 315, care ueu. , UUSINKSH CHANCES. FOR SALE General store, clear stock; stock Invoices 33,500 and building 31.500. Central Iowa. Address Y 103, care of Omaha Bee. 8TOCKS and bonds. Investments, real estate. Franklin Brokerage Co.. 1513 Doug. FOR SALE No. 1 power blacksmith and wagon shop; consideration, 52,u0l if taken at once. Address, Box 87, David City. Neb. SNAP Butcher BhOD In town with rood location; 1,300 Inhabitants; only 2 shops In town; good business; good reason for selling. Address box isi. womacn. neu. CAFE FOR BALE In live S. D. town or 1.600 population. Business men are all live wires. Good business, good reason for selling, F, E. Reld. Beresford, 8. D. FORT GEORGE THE NEW "PAY ROLL CITY," In the heart of the Central British Col umbiacommanding the trade ot the great Peace River district One hundred million dollars will be spent In railroad construction nlone In the next four years, opening up. this great Inland Empire; Fort George Is Its pay roll center. If you want absolutely reliable Infor mation about present or future Invest ments anywhere In British Columbia: about business openings ot all kinds; op portunities In the trades or professions; about timber, farm lands, sawmills, brickyard openings, address FORT GEORGE TRUBT CO., Capital 11.000.000. Fort George. B. C. FOR SALE Variety and grocery, stock; will Invoice about 33.000; low rent; In a f:ood live town In central Nebraska; do ns a good business. Address Y 96. Bee. PARTY with some money and service to invent can nuy interest in weii-estao-llthed firm: best references. Address A .47, Bee. nmana. TO get tn or out of business, call an GANOKSTAD. 404 lies Bldg Tel. D. UT- GROCERY tor sale. Kennebeck, 505 Bee Itoninlns; Ilcnaca for Bale. TWENTY-room cheap. Red 7892. place; housekeeping1 DUS1NESS PERSONALS. Attorneys. Dan. HorrWn. H Ree Bldg. Doug.' sm Architects. PLANS and estimates furnished. J. F. cottreii. 4ioj r. win. weDater 5S1. Artists. TORNADO "SSSSff ALBERT itOTHERY. 607-8 Karbach Blk. Ueddlnar and Henovatlnar. SPECIAL TO STORM VICTIMS. Ws are making a special low price on our mattresses and Pillows during month of April and will also allow 10 per cent discount to storm victims oniy. itenovate feathers und mattresses. Omaha Pillow Co., 1721 Cuming, Douglas 2467. Carpenter. PAT?PT?.MrrrF!RR Union furnishes -"- --"' carpenters. Call at Labor Temple. Douglas U59. T!"B.T Bonders' Information. CONTRACTOR and BUILDER C. M. JBSPER8BN, imy N. 33d. Tel. Webster 21ft. CONTRACTOR' AND BUILDER Esti mates furnished; repair work promptly attended to. Otto Thomson. Web. flfMJ. TORNADO For repairing, quick rebuilding and es timating on houses call Chas. A. Fors lund, 2822 Cass. Tel. Harney 4393. .BUILDING f Contracting and building solicited. WM. OUINN, DOUULAB 4453. CARPENTERS rSSSZ with J. F. Wilson fe Co. Webster 4322. llnllilera Information. CHAS. W. BRADER. contractor and builder. All kinds ot repairs. Web. jjoxxivLvxrjopromptl. ntten(1ed to. Charles A- Anderson. Tel. Benson 834 J. Chiropodists. Carrie J. Buford, 632 Pax. Blk. Red 47. Key to the Situation Bee Advertising.' Chlroprnctor. J. C. Lawrence. D. O., 2322 Howard. D.M61 Crratnerles, Dnlrlcn and Knpnlles. DAVID COLE CREAMERY COMPANY Everything Electrical. Electrical Utilities Exchange. 352 Bee Bldg. Detectives. L W. LONONECKER. G17 Knrbaeh Blk. JAMES ALLAN, 312 Novllle Blk, Evi dence secured In all cases. Tyler 11 X NATIONAL Detective Service (Inc.), 40i Omaha Nat. Bank. Doug. 4317. OMAHA Secret Service Detective Agoy., bonded. Bulto 42S-9 Paxton Blk. D. 1318. Drags. DRUGS at cut prices; froiglit paid on 310 orders; catalogue tree. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co.. Omaha, Neb. UreMmnklng, Dressmaking. Fit guaranteed. Web. 4100. Dressmaking by day. Call evening. W.34Q CHILDREN'S ready-made dresses; rea sonable prices; ages 1 to 12 years. D. 64jj. Terry's Dressmaking college. 20th & Far. Everything lor Women. SPIRELLA CORSETS, MRS. M. ROSS. Resident corsetlere for Kountx Place Appointments. Doug. 8166; 1909 Farnam. DRESS pleating, buttons covered, all sizes and styles. THE IDEAL PLEATING CO., 200 Douglas Blk. Douglas 1936. IHrR T-TT cm baths, massage, facial and XUlVTiJ-Oilu.i. rentin.nf. Anl B 1803 Farnam. RELIABLE curtain cleaner, all kinds, fine hand work; 10 yrs' experience. D. 2732. Florists. A. Donaghue, 1607 Farnam. Doug. 1001. HESS & SWOBODA, 1415 Farnam St. L. HENDERSON, 1619 Farnam. D. 1258, BRANDEIS cut llower dept., ntw store. O. EDERER. florist, 1904 Bristol, W.179 BATH'S tlorists. Boyd Theater Bldg. For Men. Toupes, wigs. Hair Dept, Brandels Stores, Motorcycles, WRITE FOR LIST OF SECOND-HAND MOTORCYCLEB. MICHEL'S NEB. CYCLE CO., 15TII AND HARNEY. atovtnsr, Stoma; and Cleanlnsr. McLaud & Son. Van & S., 3-horse van, 2 men. 3U0 hr., 2 hrs.. 31 per hr. D.4S39.W.64S. Nurseries nnd Seeda. BTBWART'3 SEED MAN, 113 N. 16th. HAZEL DELL NURSERY. West ot Florence, office 21th and Pink. ney, Omaha, phones Florence 1532 and Web. 3495. Full lino or fruit s'lade and ornamental tree; ihrubs. ln?s and roses. FRUIT TREES! SHADE TREES! Shrubs nnd small frul.s; no agents. We savo you the comm nston. Write or phone us for catalogue. Tel. Benson-534-J. Benson-Omaha Nursery. Benson, Neb. P. J. FLYNN. PROPRIETOR. SEED Corn and other seeds, samples tree J. M. Maher. Fremont, Neb. Osteopaths. Alice Johnson, 303-9 Brandels The. Bldg. Pnlnts nnd Glass. BARKER Brothers Paint Co. carry a big stook of Keystona the washable and durable wall paint Fun line Bherwin Williams paints and varnishes. Carter lead. Woodman oil and Pratt & Lam bert's varnishes. Get our prices. 16C9H Farnam Bt. t'lione uoucias w. Patents. .Tin 1 r A DTTTtjn T7-CI t ... 646 Brandels Theater uiag. uoug. uw. D. O. Barnell, Paxton Blk. Tel. Red 7117, Prescription Chemist. NTT RTT.TT.TnT?. Qraduate prescrlp . XI. OIliILiIliDlUon chemfit 213 No. 25th. Free delivery. Douglas 1072. Plambcro. STANDARD PLUMBING CO.. Doug. 3893. Radlusa Treatment. H. P. Jensen. M. D.. 333 Bee Bldg. D. 6817. Printing;. DOUGLAS Printing Co. Tel. Doug. 644. WATERS-BA 11N 11A Hi PUT. CO.. Ol Ity printing. Tel. Doug. 2190. 624 a 13th. Lew W. Rabor, Printer, uLwi't! BEE BLDU. laNTIlAWUK ON COURT. Store and Office Fixtures. POOL tables, store, restaurant fixtures bought sold. Levy, aiq w.. south Omaha. nV-qirH MfM if-flU, ihnwn.u,. .H.I,, lng. etc. We buy, we sell. Omaha Fixture ana uuppiy co., iiwtws a. iztn. u. jiu Tinners. Tin WnrVllchanlcill3r Promptly done. Trunks and Snttcases. FRELING & 8TEINLE. 180l Farnam Bt Trusses Deformity Apparatus. ARTIFICIAL LIMBS. ELASTIC STOCK INGS. THE W. O. CLEVELAND COMPANY. 1410-1412 Harney Street Exnerta in flttlna- trusaes. Hfnrmlt braces, elastlo hosiery and supporters. Wines and Liquors. WILLOW Springs beer, liquors, cigars, sandwiches. Alex Jetes. 602-4 S. 13th St VIRGINIA DARE wine, 65c a largo bot tle. Klein Liquor House. 522 N. 16th St EDUCATIONAL THE MID-WINTER TERM OF BOYLES COLLEGE Is now open, yet It is not too late to en ter. Students are being enrolled dally. Comnlete courses tn Business. BookkeeD. lng. Stenography. Telegraphy, Civil Serv ice and Salesmanship. The catalogue is free for the asking. Call, write or p'.ione tor It at once. Address uoyies college, 1307 Harney St. Omaha, Neb. MOSHER-LAMPMAN COLLEGE Winter term now open. , Unsurpassed classes. Finest quarters. Graduates are guaranteed good positions. Work for board. For tree catalogue and full in formation, address Mosher-Lampman Col lege. 1315 Farnam St. Omaha. Neb. Da acinar. Special prlcea In April, learn to dance where all the others do. I5t Harney Bt, L1VK SrOCil Ft lit SALK lliiraca mill Vehlclea. AN opportunity to select from our cn tire stock of horses, which consists ot many well matched teams, single wagon and driving horses. We are compelled to dispose ot this stock because our trade Is commanding auto truck service A ten day trial will be given free of labor charges and will arrange to ship to any part of this state or Iowa free of charge. Responsible parties can buy this stock by paying a portion down and the balance to suit purchaser. We advise to call and Inspect our stock before purchasing else where. Ask for Manager McCauly Trans fer Co., 2226 Howard Bt Phone Douglas 3760. FOR SALE Cheap, high-grade single buggy and single harness; almost new. 1507 Yates St. LOST AND FOUND OMAHA & COUNCIL BLUFF8 STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. Persons having lost some article would do well to call up the office ot the Omaha & Council Bluffs Street Railway company to asocrtaln whether they left It in the street cars. Many articles each day are turned In and the company is anxious to restore them to the rightful owner, Call Doug las 48. LOST A gold fob with Yale-Havard seaL April 2 on 40th St., between Far nam and Harney. Name of owner on back. Return to 401 8. 40th St. Reward. Tel. Harney 209. 1 LOST Male Scotch collie. 6 months, white and tan. Return 3602 Pacific St, or call H. 303. Liberal reward. VnTTWn -Arthur a Dunn, commercial 1 uuixw ihotoftsnlnr. 1727 Howard. Flstlron Bldg. D. 3365. DOG Eight months old; brown legs and head black back; small terrier eyes; bob toll; 35 reward. Return to John C. Lynch. Court House. MEDICAL Piles, Fistula Cured Dr. E. R. Tarry cures Piles, Fistula and other rectal diseases without surgical operation. Cure guaranteed and no money paid until cured. Write for book on rectal diseases with testimonials. DR. E. It. TARRY, Bee Bldg., Omaha MONEV TO LOAN Salary and Chattels. $10 ANDUPWARDS We make loans from 310 and UDwartL payable In monthly payments. Reason able charges. Our treatment is courte ous. All deals are private and confi dential. Your furniture, piano or ottiir personal property will be sufficient se curity. We also make loans to ralary employes without an endorser. Twenty one years of square, fair dealing makes this business the largest ot Us kind in the city. Omaha Mortgage Loan Co., 1603 Farnam, 215 Board of Trade Bldg. 'Phone Douglas 2995. MONEY TO IXIAN ON PERSONAL PROPERTY .ND SAL ARIES. RATES VERY LOW. TBKBO EASIEST. CONFIDENTIAL. RELIABLE CREDIT CO.. 3d Fl., Suite 306, Paxton Bldg. Doug. 1411. MONEY LOANED SALARY PKOPLE and others upon their own names; cheap rates; easy payments; coniiaenuai. u. . Toiman, eoa Mew urn, xsat. uanK iuas. DIAMOND LOANS at 2V. and S Per cent. Your goods Insured against fire and burglary while In our possession fr-e. W. C. Flatau. 1614 Dodge St Red b619. HALAIIY LOANS. CHEAPEST RATl-;a. Star Loan Co., 601 Paxton block. T T on furniture, pianos and IVIOTIPV real estate at a very low AVAWllV rate oMnterest Nebraska Loan Co., Douglas 1356. 220 Bee Bldg. OFFERED FOR RENT Apartments nnd Flats. SIX-ROOM modern flat 1112 & 11th. Gordon Van Co. SI m N. llth St. or 210 8. 17th St Tel D. 364. T7T"rT?T TnP7 Storage and Van r I I Jr. A I Y Goods stored, a. AA-'A'AA A. A. In 0 v e d. packed. snipped ibtn & jaexson sis. uoug. imb. FLATS AND APARTMENTS. 1007 So. 30th Ave. 6-r., strictly modern "St Louis" flat first-class In every re spect in choice residence-, district, JJl.w. Key at 1011 So. 30th Ave. 2522 Chicago St, nearly new 6-r.. strictly modern, heated apartment, within easy walking distances to business section and In desirable residence district $45 to May 1 and $35 from May 1 to Oct 1. Key at 2520 Chicago St. Bee this one if you are looking for a bargain. G25 Bo. 18th St., beautiful 4r.. tteom- heated apartment, strictly modern and up-to-date In every respect, $45 to May 1 and $35 from May 1 to Oct 1. We have others. See our complete printed list before renting. PAYNE & SLATER CO., Omaha's Rental Men. No. 618 Omaha Nat Bank Bldg. FIVE-ROOM. Bteam-hcated apartment. The Mason, aist ana Aiason ais., w. Douclaa 1571. 322 Brandels Theater Bldg. 8-ROOM modern flat. 538 Bo. 24th Bt Har.4141. 4-room mod. apt. 565 So. 28th. B nSISMtr aHM kanSA m w A h - a . Chula Vista. 30th and Poppleton, $42.60. Conrad Young. 322 Brandels Theater. Douglas 1571. E-ROOM modern flat Web. 978. THE STANDARD. Rtrlrtlv modern. 6-room. steam. Heated flats; bath, Inside hall, pantry, gas range. hot water; janitor; reterences; -vimer, to $xi; summer, $iu less. SPECIAL TO STORM SUFFERERS. PAYNE & SLATER CO., Omaha Nat Bank Bldg. Office," STANDARD. 1101 No. 18th. Beard and Rooms. Very Reasonable. Large front room, suitable for two gentlemen; board If desired; very close in. zuo uarney. rnone uoug. 47. STRICTLY modern rooms, excellent board; centrally located, eis a 13 tn vous. 1203. PLEASANT room with board for two gentlemen or man and wife. In private family. Tyler hit. Fornlaaed Rooms. 131 N. 31st Ave., south room, modern. NEWLY furnished rooms, steam heat 1705 Jackson Bt. Tyier iul Furnished Houses. 9-ROOM HOUSE COMPLETE LY FURNISHED 3217 Dodge. Harney 348. Mrs, Balch. WEST FARNAM HOME. Ot nine rooms, furnished complete, all modern. In good condition. Owner will lease one year at $75 per montn. burnished house to rent. 3Hi Dodge St. 9 rooms, splendid furnished. Inquire at h0U,e THE BYRON REED CO.. Phone Doug. 297, 212 So. 17th Bt Furnished Housekeeping Rooms. I-ROOM apartment in new flat 3013 Davenport. Mlotola an d Apartment. DODGE HOTEL Modern, reasonable. 119 8. 24th Bt. two all modern rooms. CALIFORNIA HOTEL Steam, heated rooms. $2 per week and up; free bath. Houses and Cottazes. J. C. Reedrj furniture & stored: lied M'LAUD t- Son move trunks. 25a, 50C. Douglas 4333. Mnvinar. cacklns and storage ot houst hold sootli and olanos Is our business. Omsha, Van and Storage o.. ftieproof ttl, .-, sou 8. ism. oy uie viaauci Branoh office. 30f a 17th Bt Tel. D. 1133. FOR RENT 4-room modern house In good condition. 4537 N. 37th St. Phot.e II. 6324. GLOBE VAN & STORAGE CO Stor age. $3 per month. We contract your pncklng, storing and hauling. D. 4235 and ROOMS, modern. 112 'N. Jeth. D. ml. OFFERED FOR RENT llouetra nnil (.ounces. FOR RENT Elght-ropm house, good re pair, 326; 3114 Woolworth. Selby, 438 Board of Trade. D. or H. 1510. FERRIN VAN & STORAGE CO. H. Goods & pianos. Tyler 1200. W. 2147. H. nit A U a Moving nns, wagons, ex-ViH-n ' I i press, naggago, tirepioot stor EXPRESS CO aKe- '"ml"" pack. JJAJTJ.VLOO UMnj5 and .torage, piano moving; reasonable prices, careful men. 416 N. 17th. DOUGLAS 3354. 410 No. 22d, 10 rooms. 2 baths, 350. 3027 Chicago, 8 rooms, modern, 340. 3128 Chicago, 8 rooms, mod., barn, 335. 712 No. 22d, 7 rooms, mod., brick, 335. 2100 Cap. Ave., 7 rooms, mod., 335. 2630 Davenport. C rooms, 312.60. 4C04 Isard, 3 rooms, ts. 1211 So. 13th, 6-room flat, for colored, $18. RINGWALT, Brandels Theater Bldg. 7-ROOM house and large reception hall, strictly modern. 331k So. 20th. D. 6067. C-ROOM house partly modern, on car line; large yard and garden and lots of shade. Tel. Florence 296. S ROOM modern bouse at 113 So. 44tn Bt.. ISO. Tel. Harney 3361. SIX-ROOM flat. 2408 Cuming St., 320. Nine-room all modern dwelling, 1123 S. 32d St., 150. ALFRED C. KENNEDY. 209 First National Bank Bldg. Phone Douglas 723. FOR RENT 2-story frame awelllng on - rtt hetueen 2fith and 27th Sta.. all mrtrlAt-n lmnrnvemnnia. Tho Crelghton University. Tel. Doug. 2320 Houses In all parts of the olty. Crelgh, Sons & Co.. Beeltldg NEW house, 8 rooms; up-to-dato. Larlmore. 2231 SAVE money In shipping huusehold goods, auto, etc. Missouri River Freight Forwarding Co. Tel Doug. 3tt. 216 S. lith Insurance -ao'We10! i.iiouj,aiBwV 8later Co cts Gm National Bank Bldg. Phone Douglas 1016. FOR RENT OR BALK Nine acres. six-room cottage, rood barn, and welL 39th and Vane Sts about three blocks irom street car. Call Webster 3246. FOR RENT 6-room modern house, ex- rept furnace, 320. 2432 8. 20th. Phone Harney 17&9. NEW 10-room brick, all modern, hot water heat 2632 Harney, 360. inquire X. O'Brien. Harney is)i, uougias uie. O'tWKia IIUU.C, lltWUVI II, VUi, llt.l school, good neighborhood. H. 399. 0 YlIW V. ..... n Mn.1AHn ma nsat MAGGARD VAN AND STORAGE CO packa, moves, stores and ships household goods and pianos. Douglas 1496. COLE Express and Storage, Piano and turnlture moving. D. t7ii BUILDINGS FOR RENT IN COUNCIL , BLUFFS. 318.EO Kft S. 12th St, C roms, gas, bath, city water. 118.00 1100 Ave. A, 6 rooms, gas, bath, city water. 315.001314 7th Ave., 5 rooms, city water. 315.001312 7th Ave., 5 rooms, city water. 14.60 3525 Ave. A., 5 rooms, gas, C. W. 312.501529 Ave A. 6 rooms, gas, C. W. 311.001303 Ave. C, 4 rooms, city water, 311.00-3620 2d Ave., 4 rooms, well, 13 lota 310,001405 8th Ave., 4 rooms, city water. $10.002533 4th Ave., 5 rooms, well. $ 8.001616 10th Ave., 6 rooms, city water. 1 8.00 1st floor, 2757 west uroaaway, rooms, city water. $ 7.00-2d floor, 2757 West Broadway, 4 rooms, city water. 3 6.60-110 N. 16th St, 3 rooms. C. W. 312.002235 Ave. E. 4 rooms, city water. 8.002304 Ave. C. 4 rooms, city water. 314.002321 Ave. C, 5 rooms, city water. All of those houses witnin a tew min utes' ride of business center of Omaha. H. W. Binder & Co. 6 Pearl St.. Council Blufs, Ia. Phono 219. 8th Floor City Nafl Bank Bidg., umana. Phone Douglas nm. TT ' Largest List Payni HfYMCAC & Slater Co . 616 Omaha XXVMUVW Natlnnat Aanlr mricr. BIG store and basement. 16th and Via ton. 316 a month. 6-room, modern except neat, per montn. istn ana Vinton, itu oo. inn. Anton Gatek. Tel. Doug. 349. WEST Farnam. now Btucco. 7 rooms, 319 N. 88th Ave. $50. EIGHT ROOM brick, partly modern. 206 N. 44th St, $16. Five-room cottage, not modern, 17U a. 18th St, $12. Six-room flat, modern except heat, 20th and Harney Sts., $25. ' Six-room modern cottage fronting Hanscom Park. 3401 Woolworth Ave, $30. HARRISON & MORTON. 916 Omaha National Bank Bldg. $30 PER MONTH. ntnfl modern S-room house for rent at northeast corner of 35th and Hamilton, PETERS TRUST CO. WANTED S-room strictly modern cot tage, one block from car line. 2869 Mor edlth Ave. Web. 1414. Stores and Offices. Omaha. Would also consider renting part ot sample room uuur, cayevituiy good for automobiles. Racine Sattley iron ItENT-For wholesale, light manu farturlnr or retail ourDoses Farnam Bt. after December Si the three-story and basement building, zzxiuo at ro. ion Farnam St Upper floors have light on three sides. Inquire at room 314. First National Bank Bidg. tel. uougias, izu. Ill a loth, basement; barber, printer. STORE for rent 24x24. 112 S. 14th St Phone Douglas 7777. OFFERED FOR SALE Furniture. trnriNITIIRE for sale. Telephone whater 6177. Majestic apartments. No. 8. No dealers need apply. THltEK.PIECE narlor aet kitchen cuo. lnet and an upngnt piano. iei. u. vi. DETROIT JEWEL GAB STOVE and sanitary couch; bargain. 2116 Harney Bt Mnincal Instruments. OWN a good piano; we will help you; genuine bargains; no fakes. G. H. Harr Piano Co.. 3d floor Boston Store. D. 2017., Electric pianos and SS-note players, $200; some $190. 119 N. 15th. Catalogue. D. 2043. Typewriters. TYPEWRITERS for rent: 3 months. $3. CENTRAL TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE Miscellaneous. SAFES 2-hand. American Supply Co. Kindling. $4. II. Gross, lumber & wrecking HALL'S sates, new and 2d-hand. Corey & MoKenxle Pfg Co., 1417 Harney. D, 264L FOR SALE New and second-hand carom and pocket billiard tables and bowling alleys and accessories; bar fix tures of all kinds; easy payments. The Brunswlck-Balke Collender Co., 407-409 South 10th St SAFES Overstocked 2d-hand safes, all makes. J. J. DerlghtCo.lS18FamanrSt POOL tables, store, restaurant fixtures bought sold. Levey. 2510 N- South Omaha. EMPTY Ink barrels for sale. Apply Bee Publishing company, 17th and Farnam streets. STORE FIXTURE8. coolers, refrigera tors, grocers' display counters. Ice ma chines. The United Line. 1117 Farnam. ""BOOKKEEPER'S Web. 978. roll-front cabinet. PERSONAL THE SALVATION ARMY solicits cast off clothing; In fact, anything you do not need. We collect repair and sell at 131 N. llth St, for cost ot collection, to the worthy poor. Phone Douglas 4125 and wagon will call. INVALIDS NEED PENSIONS. 1,13 subscriptions to the L. H. Journal. $1.50; a E. Post. $l.U. and Country Gen tleman, $1.50, will earn $3,000 for the In valids' Pension Ass'n. which will insure myself aud fifteen other .sufferers $10 a month each. 4 , Must have 32S In April. Your renewal worth iOcents. DON'T WITHHOLD IT. Phone Douglas 7163, Omaha, Neb. GORDON. THE MAGAZINE MAN. irtCOAflTi' Swedish movement. AIA&CjAUJ'j jjee Bldg. Douglas 413 6373. Mrs. Hedlund. massage. Swedish move ment Hurs P-li. 1-6. 401 ware mi? u. no. 61-DAY BLOOD REM ED V. Bexten pharmacy, HU and Dodge. PERSONAL, YOUNO women coming to Omaha ai strangers are Invited to visit the punR Women's Christian association building at lth and St. Mary's Ave., where they will be directed to suitable boardlm.' places or otherwise assisted. Look toi our travelers' aid at the Union station. E. BELLE, scientific massage; hath; drugless treatments. ,03 S. 16th. Apt. B- MAGNETIC Vm-ton"' Urott, D-tSC. MASSAGE, salt glow. Mme. Allen ot Chicago. 109 S. 17th St Dnuclaa 7665. Massage. Mrs. Steele. 1807 Farnam, 3d fl ANNA MARKS Massase ISO Far. Massage. Mrs. Rlttenliouse. 303 Bos. Str. Miss Fisher, mas., bath, elec. treat. D, 6C3 AIANICUR"lNG; face, scalp and mag netic treatment Mlts Debar, 2018. 19th. POULTRY AND SUPPLIES ADDREOS M. M. Johnson Company, Clay Center, NeVaskn, manufacturers of Old Trusty Incubators and Brooders, for Incubators and brooders: catalogue free. ac. White Leghorn eggs. Florence 215. EGGS For Hatching From thoroughbred it. C. Rhode Island Redil vlrous, hardy stock; great layers: country range: 31 for 15; 35 per lft). A. H. Baker, Benson Neb. K. F. D. No. 2, Tel. Benson 747-W. ROSE-COMB Rhode Island Red es ; iio.n-.uii8 irum mu uncst laying snow b rds, trap nested. 32 for fifteen. Tele phone Benson 328. W. F. B. King, Ben son, Neb. Letters ana wared. EGGS From nure bred, honlthv. mated stock. Leghorns. Buff Brown. White; Orpingtons. Black. White, Buff; Wyandottes, White, Black, Silver Ltced! Eggs $1 and $3 per 15. Write for Vooklet V K. Shirley, Mgr., Central City, Nbb. FEW full blooded fl, I. Red cockerels for sale cheap. H. A. Haskell, 1826 N. lith St Tel. Webster 621. REAL ESTATE LOANS. $100 to llO.nOO mndn nrnmnllv V n Wead. Wead Bldg., 18th and Farnam. WANTED City loans. Peters Trust Co. LOANS on farms and tmnrnveri rllv property, 6. 6H nnd 6 per cent; no deluy. J. H. Dumont & Co., 1603 Farnam St WANTED City loans and warrants. W. Farnam Smith & Co.. 1320 Farnam St. GARVIN BROS Loans and VJ-"JV? BWO' Omaha Nat Bank. MONEY To loan on business or resi dence properties, $1,000 to $500,000. vv. it. THuaiAB, zzs state BanK Bldg. LOANS on farms and Improved city property. 6. 5U and 6 uer cent: no deluy. J. H. Dumont & Co., 1603 Farnam ot OMAHA homes. East Nebraska farms. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO. 1016 Omaha National. Douglas 2716. HARRISON & MORTON, 916 Offl. Nat. LARGE loans our specialty. Stvll Bros 6 CITY LOANS, Bemls-Carllierg Co.. 310-312 Brandels Theater Bldg. MONEY on hand at lowest rates, for loans on Nebraska farms and Omahu city property In any amounts- tit W. BIND1SK, S23 City Nat. Bank Bldg. WANTED TO BUY. Dolgoff 2d hand storo pays highest prices for furniture, clothes, shoes. Web. 1607. D. 8055. QUIck buyers of furniture. WOULD like to buy a five or six-room house to be moved on a lot. One In the neighborhood of 24th and Clark preferred. Telephone Red 4301. WANTED Automobile engine; must bo in excellent ronrilllnn. Diva nrlro nnrl description. Box 299, St Joseph, Mo. BEST prices for furniture. Call D. 7802. WANTED TO RENT WANTED To rent 8 to 10-room resi dence with large grounds, garden, o.; prefer suburban. D.. 2433. Ask for Mr. Houston. ' SALE OR EXCHANGE R. V.. Improved Farm Half section and fcO acres; south central NebrasKa; fair Improvements. Price, $16,000. Want to trade this for town property. No agents. Address me to l'ostufflr-e, Sox No. .633. Omaha. Neb. CYCLONS3 CAN Wi?FCK CITY PROPERTY, but they cai'i wreck land. We have land for city property. . PALMER LAND CO., 1106 W. O. W. Bidg.. Omaha. 160-A. IN TWO miles ot Robinson, Kan. Four-room house, new. There Is a $7,500 mortgage from a loan company, at 6 per cent for 6 years, will take $4,000 merchan dise or an elevator In exchange. Balance tn money. S. C. Miller, Robinson, Kan. WILL take land or acreage property In exchange for, two R-room houses lo cated at 7ui-708 North ith St. Have been entirely remodeled on the Inside; new oak floors have been put in the recep tion hall, parlor and dining room; now plumbing, new heating, new combination electric light and gas rixtures, new painting Insido and out; In fact, every thing fixed up Ir. first-class shape: on east front lot, on paved street, within Hi blocks of two car lines', the Harney and Cuming streets, and within walking distance of downtowu. Price of houses out to $3,600 each. HASTINGS fie HEYDBN, 1614 Hamoy St THREE new 6-room pottages. Nos. 3U9-23-27 Vinton St, to exchange for land or acreago near Omaha. Thesa cottages are well built Uiroughout have city water, gas, bath, electric light and 3U7 has furnace. They are located within half blocji of nnvoil atreet. half block of car line, on Ugh ground. In good location. Prloo of 3119-23 Is 32.650 each, and 3127 is $2,950. HASTINGS & HEYDBN, 1614 Harney St. Miscellaneous, FOR SALE Two pieces of p'.ate glass. 4 ft 10 In. long by 22 In. wide. Call 114 8, S7th Bt. Phone Harney 4817. REAL ESTATE WANTED LIST your house with Osborne Realty Co.. 408 Paxton Blk. D. 1474. Quick results, REAL ESTATE ACREAGE FOR if ALE. Areage Acreage Some especially good bargains in 1. 5. 10. 20 and 40-acre Improved tracts, es pecially in 20 and 40-acre tTECts. Posses sion given. ' ' ORIN S. MERRILL CO., 1213-1314 City Nat'l Bank Bldg. For bargains in Florence property, fruit farms and acreage, see C. U Nethaway. Florence. Neb. Phone Florence 276- ABSTRACTS OF TITLE. REED Abstract Co., oldest abstract of flee In Nebraska. 206 Brandels Theater. CITY PROPERTY FOR SALE. MAKE OFFER An 8-room, nisdern house, 1730 S. 26th St Paving paid; $2,000. Must sell at mice. Harrison & Morton 916 Omaha Xat Bank Bids. 11.111 TO BUY, SELL OR RENT, FIRST SEE JOHN W. RUUBINS. 18W FARNAM ST. VACANT BARGAINS $50 cash, cor. 39th and Oak, $150. $50 cash. lot, Pullman, So. Qiru, 1150. $100 cash, on 8. 17th., near Blvd. $400. $100 cash, 2 lots, 2th and Saratoga Sts.'. $173 each 413 Karbach Block. Douglas 3 37 FOR SALE Cheap. 6-rooin, niui' ... ci ccpt heat, or will rent, at 4ttv t'unilutf. Key at 4647 Isard St