Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 02, 1913, Page 14, Image 14

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Appointment of Sifting Committee
Came of Situation.
Threatened irHh AM-Iht Session.
im Awtll nrttirn of Absentees,
When ArrttMenl to Watt
, Till Toitar Reached.
(From a Staff Correspondent)
DES MODs'KS, April l.-8peclal Tel
egram.) The senate came to an Interest
ing deadlock today Over the time of ap
pointment of a sifting commute.
On faction wanted a sifting commit
tee to take charge tomorrow and too
other wanted delay. The vote 'Was nearly
even, but with the .advantage with those
who wanted haste, Thoe In the minority
resorted to an order for call of the
aenate to fetch In ten absent member
more to secure delay than otherwise. For
a time the senate was threatened with
an all nlsht session to await the return
of the absent members, but a compromise
wa effected to wait until 10 o'clock to
morrow. The Issue Involved back of It la that
of temperance legislation.
Cotlesce )nnrrel Dirt nrblnjr.
One of the disturbing element jf the
legislature hkn been a Quarrel btttween
the alumni and soma faculty numbers of
the three state college and the Boerd of
Education over the exact curriculum
which should be maintained, wid tspe
clally over the proposal to consolidate
the engineering departmenU. The house
passed the Mil to reprimand the board
and order that the studies continue as
they were when the board waa org an tied.
The senate -haa not acted on the same,
and although a desperate effort has oeen
made to force It to do so there Is small
chance of action. The bill wilt go Into
the hopper with other to be handled by
the sifting committee.
Utilities Bill Causes Debate.
The most extended debate of the ses
sion came over the bill to create of the
railway commission a publlo utilities com
TmlMlon and to give It authority over all
'the telephone, cos, water, light and power
-plants of the state in the matter oC rate-
maklns'. service and taxation, it devel
oped thai the strongest opposition to this
comes from the places where tliore are
municipally owned plants. An effort was
made to patch up the bill so as not to
Interfere with these exempt when the peo
ple s eteetaft. There is alto fear In
Hsioes that' the effect would be to en
able lara corporations to secure fmn
cMhhi where they have none1 now or have
their franchises converted Into Indeter
MMfo one. There Is. however, no great
expectation the bill will become a law,
as the house Is not prepared to act o
such "an Important measure.
Advertising; for a School Man,
The city of Des Molne Is advertising
for someone capable of becoming super
lntendent of the sohoots. Superintendent
yf, O, Klddoll has resigned and will go to
farming. He received 95.000 a year. He
Had been with the schools In some ca
!ety for 'sixteen years. It Is almost
certain that the board wilt elect Prof.
35. C. Tboroburg, auperbitendent of
crades. fee Um ptaee: bwt, through new.
paper an4 potittaal Infteetice, a campaign
U Was; MMMie te get some one from a
ssstomss. fM, esuiaidatos have already
tt: O. y. 8Kh, Peoria; V. M,
Osakam, Itewtk Omaha, and Peter Oleeen,
CTg'w4ilf sMnHH
IiHMHrwMtM n Hennehol Shew
Tk club w.emen of the eUy orgeats s4
sM started Saturday evealnc a "House-
shew" (a the Coliseum, it was
by Oevenw Clarke and Mayor
Hm. A WteffMun of congratulations
was reeetved lrem Mrs. woodrow1 "Wilson.
The show Is te oofitinuo several days and
5il fee carried on as a means of showing
what can be done to make households !
better and to carry oh the activities of
the heme life te the best advantage.
At Wark em Vttlttlea Bill.
When tho house took up the publlo
utilities b'll passed by the senate its
first action was to change the method of
. selection of the members from appointive
to elective and to leave the number at
five, as provided In the bill. This would
pfcviate the- nebetslty for increasing the
"Kttwker. The hiuse then proceeded to
Atscuee otfctr features or the Dili at
Jeftgth, with Indications that seveniays
wttl be tafctn.u wHa the same,
; , w CeVe Satyleweat. ,
The senate e-Aay passed a bill to pro
vtH far the emsl.tloB and printing it
new stiprtswiswt to the code tot lowa.
? urevhwis code aUleMenU have
Ms srtntee, and K contemplated that
the swgf limint eMail be reprinted every
tMt "legteUttre sisslon to embody ail
Him latest efcaaces In the laws. A worn-
Vntsston of irtx three from the house and
rM freni the senate hi provided and
M eeeftMlseton will eVect an editor ot
"tew ee sttsafefMHl at . to handle
t-wi. tllM Mil carries an estimated
swKIIMiHr Mil A4t4.
Tfre senate passed the Mil which nad el
rd' itaseed the , house to provide at
bounty fo the . killing of crows, the J
counties wa. authorisea to offer a bo'uety
of i eerits for each crow,
The senate passed a bill oy Senator
TVWte to require .that raBroads "hoi post
trala bulletiBs ruX stations showing,
hew Iftle the trains are or whether on!
time- , J
A house MH was passed providing for.
increase of the pay of city a&d town as-1
essors. I
Btrret .Kcctlon of Senators. 1
The. senate passed a bill to provide that
when the amendment to the United
State constitution Is ratified In regard
o the direst ejection of senators the ma
chinery of state eleotjons shall bo no
ch typed thui senators n bo nominated
at tlte prinwry and be elected the same
other state officers.
Tk senate passed a house bill to au
therke tho filing of petitions before the
Jriwary for the nomination ot candidates
for township ofdeers.
JU JiM t9 e Paaa
" lHsiroace eempanles have raised ob
ject! en te their bUt which passed the
annate, but which was amended, so as to
aM, them to inur what they ray would
b nesdl'ses expense. The bill undertakes
is sreveMt dteertsflltiatlon fn. tasurance by
amaWMC rote eutUag by anybody. It
ate retwras that the eomp&plef shall
file sohedaJesi setewwg their rotes, to be
-used its a baets far the antl-discrlmlna-tten,
It was intended by the companies
the the sohedvles to W, filed should be
genefoi In oharacter, but the bill pro
vMea, fa) etfeet, tliet the companies shall
Me seh4dule sowing each and every
Individual rMc te a sky. This would be
an liMossibltjty. and now the companies
kae Reeded tkd bl ought not to be
BAoSted at all. '
The plaoed on the calendar for
tatsmwrew as a sputal tutor, a bill to
make nn appropriation to pay ths ex
penses of vetorans of Hip Oettysburg
battle to return to the field for tlio semi
centennial reunion, also a bill to ptovld
an appropriation to nld in the home com
ing celebration of the war veterans neat
summer in Iowa Other bills passed by
the senate:
By Boettger Authorising sale of tract
of land In Davenport for cemeUiry pur-noses.
uy wiaonrroviding that recorders'
must Index articles ot lncorooratlon as
By Jones Defining: runnlncr awnv with
an automobile as malicious mischief.
Liquor LeRtalatlon.
It now grams probable that the only
legislation affecting the Bale of liquor In
Iowa will be the daylight saloons bill,
which Is pending In the senate. All other
bills seem to have disappeared. This one
will come up In due time In an amended
form, and probably wtti be passed. It Is
very objectionable to the liquor Interests
and will be fought hard In tho senate.
At the same time It. Is onq that Is not
very greatly desired by the temperance
forces of the state and Its defeat would
not be regarded as serious.
Osteopaths Have Split.
The osteopaths ot Iowa have devjdod
greatly on a hill pending In the legisla
ture and a new state organization has
been formed with C. E. Thompson ot
this dty at the head to take a hand In
legislation. The bill which has caused the
trouble U a bill to create a board for the
examination and certification of persons
ontltled to practice "mechimo therapy,"
which tho head ot the osteopath college
here Is willing to have take the place ot
the present board to certificate for oste
opathy, Now a large body of the practic
ing osteopaths of the state have decided
they prefer the present arrangement And
do not want to be classed with "mechano
therapy" people.
No Appointments.
Governor Clarke has as yet made no
appointments to the state board ot edu
cation. The terms of four of the mem
bers expire Charles Ureriton, T. K. Hoi-
brook, Henry Blcher and D. D. Murphy.
Kicher is filling an unexpired term. It is
known the governor Intends to reappoint
Brsnton, as he is th4 one favored on the
board and formerly the member of the
board having charge of the State
college at Ames. . As to the ate ot the
others, nothing la known, but the gov
ernor has signified he- will wait until
after the legislature has decided on the
attitude to be taken toward the board on
matters relating to the curriculum.
Lumber Hearing; to Dabuejne.
The agents of the Interstate Commerce
commission engaged In making tho in
quiry into alleged dealings of the lumber
trust have closed so far as Des Moines
is concerned and have gone to Dubuque,
where other witnesses will be examined.
The Inquiry failed to develop anything of
great Importance here.
Fall to Catch Green.
After a twenty-four hours' search, fed
eral authorities and the polite almost
haVe given up hope of eVor capturing
1'cter Greco, the young Italian held for
white slaM-ry. who escaped from Ocorse
B. Bldwell. deputy United States mar
1hU Saturday.
Venus Mae Berry, Who Greco Is alleged
to have lured to Des .Moines from Omaha
for Immoral purposes. Is 111 at Mercy
hospital, although her condition Is not
considered serloUs. Chiefs of notice ot
all cities within a radius of 500 miles of
Des Moines have been notified of Oreco's
Bldwell said yesterday he was con
vinced that Oreco was guilty of the
crime for which he was held. Ills be
lief was strengthened when the prisoner
broke away from him and laid himself
liable to being shot down.
The Berry girl is of the opinion Greco
may return to Omaha where he formerly
lled, although shells not desirous of
prosecuting him. She seemed delighted,
according to the officers, when told that
Oreco had escaped.
Wt( Win In Crettton.
CItESTON, la., April 10. (Special Tol
gram.) Today's municipal election, fol
lowing a most violent newspaper cam
paign, resulted In' the election of Prank
Stream for mayor by a. majority ot 300.
Dr. Stever, candidate of the "drys," made
a gain of 150 over the vote ot two years
ago when Mayor Reynolds, "wet" candi
date, had 350 majority.
Bt Vitjws f
Omahft DittMUr
Sunday, March 23d
for 15o a set of 12
Sent postpaid
cards address
Be. BIjLjZ
MM Howard sH.
Omaha, Keb,
"Ostmi rtrar onrm."
Sally tt-f lB-M-eoe
Xros" lo-M-ge-7Bo
Rpterel's College Girls
A positive Uugh riot with Abe Reynolds.
Dan Coleman. May Florlno Linden and
jseaince, ragume violinist. Society s
newest craze. "Tansro Donee." Beautv
chorus of fair graduates.
wtaies' Dime MaMaes Today
"Worth Climbing the 3KU1
Body Mat. 10!
rags. ie-90e
The tabloid fore comedy, Te a en stop.
Daily at 2:s6, 7:30, 9:00 p. m. Bsneflt for
tornado victims Frldav. Knt ..u,v.i
at both performances every evening.
Oharles rrohmaa presents
Zn Xr Qreatest Saccess
Mat. pvery Bay, IllSl Svery jTljrkt. 8 US.
this rt-MI8g CECIUA. LOrTUS, Mr. 64
Mrt. Jtmralo Burr, nrry WolfonL Wllinn'.
Conttr C!rui, Ua O'Dur, The TUsos. The Four
jaur, rnmm nrmijr tttiew, Frlct: M9UI
o OtlUry, 10a: Ixit iritf, He, toQ StturtUr
tnd mattx. NlttoIQ, ti, t0. He, 8ARA1I
SCatlnsest Wednesday Saturday
The Dawn of Tomorrow.
Kiiuq Theatem
MatUse Today 9lM, Tssdgnt ft
Bohemian Burlequers
Xiadles' oUy lm Mattn ee.
QygrTT yof t
dmiha Woman's Club Benefit Performance
WidMisiay MitiRii ni Rigiit, April 2
a Reason cyclk op dancing
Slrsctlon of MISS OOOFSK.
Slreotlon of XXBS rzxox.
Vrtoes -SOo to fl.Oe) on sale at bos office.
1 Fun Quart Whiskey FR
Try It At Our Expense
Taw ore all sorts of eltims for suMriorltr smonf dlitlllws Md Ksll CMet
JIWtr Hoot". n4 while v fl tare th our Ftls 1 Bur wBtk omTvs
mm. . im cqnuta in qniiir. er snce. still sr sot cols to uk mmb
tlU tT iwonctr nd batter wbliker thaa noil Kail
to Ilik timlr moctr ou oaradrnnt tkaretoru. tit sre coles to tlv tUtoliOlr
fr, one tali at bottle to Mil. Wo wp jroulto proT. br lBln K. test
rU t-Btar WbliWr It pure, vholMO, fullr oi. racllow M ob be and afeors
alt haa real wbftkey atran
a its r IB1I you WUI
want yoa to M halt watar to I It you Ilk
ar Jlouaaa aaliatournrlca., Anfono eaaaaillr nndentand that ahonle we Intt
li out boUlat ef wblakar frt tbat we would tM doodad with raonaaU vri. paopla and daalart and lar onrtalTaaotwqtoe faartulentlaeiat.
This w cannot do, but poTrthalMi, tho bcttl is in W'koaaat s0)iU.
w ar ta oar crapoainoai
Wo will etna you one full uart boUla ot fall t Star Vhlasar, th.
K,nSJ,. .'"? ,0BJt.T.Uu !"r nr,t OTd ,or 'n11 botfaa of Tals s.
?.!"JIYI fk,r for M.4J and wo pay the aiprais ehaiaaa. Alr yo tocoIto
t&a D ,11 1 1 n it . . h hnlllk. - . . W .... i. . . . . .
.. .vi.i,ir .MiiiKwrT. ig ubt9 ma priTiiezo or reiumiBfir ui mm hi a
bnttlaa and tho one xt. bottle too. mar kt fn aad wa
ramalnlns 8 fcflttlaa and th
win immeuuuir raturn your K.s.
taal bottle free. T the ft.a bottle and It not ubiolntalr saMataetorr
and tha bait whliktr you etar taiud at onyiftUa. juittatura to aa tha
t bottlaa and k tho froo bottla and wo wlA ratnnd your .5 withonk
etiln er arraneet. With each ertirwe tire a frea Gold Tlpptd aius
and Tatant 3orketaw. ttamambar. wo aay wo pay tha tturaia ahatcait
look eloia baforo you nai ot tha Jow prlcaa ot Mall Order Xouae
to gt your ordar and uako you. pay tho expraie ehativ
We naaa te proTo anparlotity in tha whlikar butlaaaai we am to
eroTO (Wlnr a tree Wit bottla. that yli K8tar "Whlikar
has so aeual. Onr quart bottlaa are full li-oanta euarta and aot abort
S?if?4 '1" IPfVlta XL'H 'aaant wa nako ad bock thiol with
our raid i capital ot I4M.000.04. It you wast real whlikey sad not waek.
5!7 fotlnj. your ramlttaneo on our traa tait proportion
The tut la th taat, that will proT aor than we wrlu, ddrow
ordar and UtUra sad Bake nalttaataa payable to A. FeJ. Mfr., or
FdsBJsUHJmCtv tfflds EI4f Kuss Otyt Mt.
t o OLS
JiSe Morton & Son Co.
1511-13 Dodga Street
lhe Iram
For the Man of Affairs
Hie man who appreciates the extra luxuries
of travel, , who prefers the association of other
men of his standing, and who values the saving
in time, will realize his ideal of railway travel
on the new and luxurious
Overland Limited
operating between Omaha and San Francisco.
This is the only daily extra fare train to Cali
fornia; its all-steel equipment designed along
special lines and built for use on this train ex
clusively, embodies many features never before
offered. It has barber shop and baths, buffet,
stenographer, manicurist, ladies' maid, tele-'
grapliic new bulletins and market reports, select
library, spaciousobservation end, telephone con
nection at important points, sanitary bubbling
drinking fountains, individual eloctrict berth
lights and excellent dining car service, Tho
maximum of extra comforts for the minimum
extra fare $8, Omaha to Ban Francisco, in
termediate points in proportion. The schedule
has been shortened to save a business day en
route. The running time is not increased,
but the saving in time is accomplished through
fewer and; shortened stops.
Lt. Omaha, 8 &. m. every day.
Ar. San Francisco, 9:30 a. m., 2d day.
Union Pacific
Standard Road of the West
Protected by Automatic Electric Block Safety
Signals. DustlMS Roadbed. Double Track
Non-txtra-fare train that lead in their class:
Paoifio Limited, a new all-stool train to San
.Francisco and Los Angeles.
California Mail to San Francisco and
Los Angeles.
Los Angeles Limited to Los Angeles.
Oregon-Washington Limited and Portland &
Puget Sound Express to Portland.
. Denver Special, Colorado Express and Colorado
Special to Denver. .
For literature and further information rela
tive to the above train service, fares, routes,
side trips, stopovers, etc.; call on or address
L.Beidorff, CP-AT. A.
ISM FuTBMa Street, '
Osaaha, Jfe. j
Ffeoae Douglas 3S4. '
New aid Direct Route to Yellowstone
National Park.
Apfrofci Moiels far Young Men
High Grade But
Not High
Young fellows who demand the bestand the
newest--will find "great picking" here. High or
low out, Tans, Patents and Gunmetals. Priced from
$3.50 up
16 2S '3l JDOUGLVkS.
A little Bee want td iocs the ksitess.
Ererybody retds Bee want ids
After Easter Sales Here
Offer Matchless Opportunities
for the Practice of Keen Economy in Buying
Offers You
New Lots
Two 'Noteworthy Spocials in
Men's Clothing
bought to sell at $12.50 "J JP
and $15.00 go on sale at. . . I I w
bought to sell to $35.00. Short and
broken lots from regular stock,
matohless values, at sale price
$15, $18, $20 and $22.50
Most pleasing assortment of New
Suits for Boys shown in Omaha.
Surprisingly low prices.
Gtrptt Itpsrtaent
Extra. Heavy Linoleum, 4 yds.
wide, at 8q. yard ...-59c
Wool Fibre Rugs, In all colors,
6x9 Blzo 84.49
Heary Velvet Rags, 27x54 size,
special at 9g
Iet Us Measure Your "Win
dows for Shades. Our prloes
will save you money. All
work guaranteed.
Iraptry Bepartntit
Drapery Marquisettes, In pretty
patterns, 36 In. wide, yard
at' S55
Plain Curtain Scrims, 36 In.
wide, npoclal, yard ....18
Yard Wide Fish Net. yd., lOd
SUkollne in Big Variety of
pretty patterns, at yard Qc
Many Specials In Curtains,
Portieres, etc., shown Wednesday.
Spring Millinery Rightly Priced
Our enormous increase in Bales, if nothing else, is probf
positive that our priceB are right, styles right, quality
surpassingly good, and you Know we
guarantee everything we sell to be just
as represented or money back
A Remirkabli Special Bargain
92.50 Un trimmed Hats 08c Tagal Braids
and Milan Braids with Silk Velvet fold.
Chip Hats, tho popular small no-"brlm
hats in black, white and some colors,
all latest shapes, regular values
to $2.50, choice
98 c
Several Dtlightfil Specials Wednesday ii New
Wash Goods, White Goods V Linens
the most complete showing of the worsted weaves and
colorings at prices you'll not find equaled. To buy
here means, a certain price saving.
Specials in Domestic Room
Hope Muslin, 36-inch
wide, 10c value 7 &c
Aurora 9.-4 bleached
Sheeting, 28c value,
.at 22c
Table Oil Gloth,
white and colored,
45 inch wide, 20c
values ..... . . .10c
SUkbllnee, 86 Inch
Wide, 15c values" 10c
Dress - Ginshams,
plains and checks,
12 values . .8J$c
Blue striped feather
Ticking, 32 in. wide,
at 18c
Canton Flannels, 27
Inch wide, bleached,
at 7)4o
Percales, 36 in. wide
12c values ...7ac
Shirting Prints, light
and dark colors,. 7c
values ....... .5)c
Striped Poplins or
Voiles, 2Ec values,
at . 15c
New Lawns, pretty
patterns, . 10c values,
at. 7J$c
Curtain Scrim, ,36 In.
wide, 15c values, lOo
Bargains in Wall Paper
"We will place on sale tomorrow a large assortment of
paper suitable for all rooms. These papers are specially
priced for this sale, and are exceptional values.
Papers suitable for Bed o
Booms, 7c to lOo values
A good Bed Room Paper, r
at . . w w
Living Rooms and Dining j
Rooms, up from 53 C
Kitchens, up m
from r. OC
Gold Oatmeals, A
30c and 40c values swvIC
Wall Paper and Paint Dept. Fourth Floor.
Read Haydrts Elf Special Grocery Sals for Wednesday
Ws VnJca th Frtcss for th Fsopls.
A. Savins; of 29 to 60 Psr Cnt.
12 lbs. best crunulsted surar ..$1.00
10 Best 'Em All or Diamond C
Soa.p 25o
10 lbs, beat white or yellow corn
meal 17 H
10 lbs. best rolled breakfast oatmeal
at 25o
10 lbs. mixed litck feed 1 5c
6 lbs. best hand picked navy benns
at ; M3
The west domestic macaroni, vermi
celli or spaghBttl. ok. ........ 7 He
E lbs. .fancy Japan rice .......... 3So
E. C corn flakes, pkir. 3a
48-lb. sacks best, high trade Diamond
H flour, nothing finer for bread,
"pies or SaVes,"sack . ." 11.10
S tans oil or mustard sardines. . Itc
Latkb bottle, assorted pickles, Wor
cester Sauce, puro tomato catsup,
horseradish or mustard ..,...Sl-o
The best bulk peanut butter, lb. ISttc
Th beat crisp pretzels or singer
snaps, lb. ; . e
The best soda or oyster crackers .
JWjiilVcon oVAVvoVeli."pkT. THc
1.1b. pier, com ttareh ........... .sc
S-lh. csns Oolden pumpkin, bomlnr
or squash cans fancy sweet surer corn 5
Peter's bresWast cocoa, lb. , 29c
The best tea sfUns, lb. .. 10c
Golden Santos coffee, lb. ......,.S0c
Tha Is st striotly fresh rrV,osea
M .7.T7. .1740
The best creamery butter, carton or
bulk. lb. .V....1 1 3To
The best country butter, lb. . ...JJq
The best No. 1 dairy butter, lb. JIo
Good dairy table butter, lb. , ...25o
full cream Wisconsin cheese, lb. 18o
Neufchatel cheese, each So
The OreaUst TefUbU Xarkafia the
West for the People.
IS lbs. best Colorado potatoes ...ISo
IS lbs. Red Globe cooklits; onions 18o
The best Holland seed cabbage, lb. 1o
Large bunches fresh beets, carrots,
turnips, radishes or shallots, bunch,
at ........ ,....o
Fresh spinach, peck ., .....lta
Fancy cauliflower, lb ...7 Ho
S lbs. fancy shelled popcorn.... loo
t heads fresh leaf lettuce, each
Fancy large head lettuce, each -,7Uo
Fancy rhubarb, lb , 7ho
Good cooking apples, IS lbs. for., 15c
i bunches fresh parsley (o
s large soup bunches lOc
Large cucumbers, each ..ISo sund lOo
S large green peppers lOo
Faioy wax or green beans, lb. 10c
Fancy ripe tomstoes, lb. ...... ..10c
Fancy new potatoes, lb. ....... .THo
Large stalks celery ....... ........5c
Large grape fruit, each ... Sa
Fancy strawberries, box ...... ..10o
A Tan Uas ef Trass. s far We.
a4ar st w tTsaal Lew Meet,
Try Heiydn, First