Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 01, 1913, Page 8, Image 8

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    THE BKB: OMAHA, 'tTESDAY, APRIL 1, 1013.
3222222 2222222Hg
ZZZ27 gzSz'
Ediion'g Latest Invention Does Much'
for All Classes.
New Mnchlne (Jrcntly Appreciated In
All Cltlea Whrrr II Una Ilren
Trlrd Ont mill JVonr In
Everything it just fine, mother."
Adds to Life's Joys
It is so pleasant to sit in one's own homo
and talk to ono's friends or members of ono's
family who may be hundreds of miles away.
Tho Long Distance lines of the Bell System
bridge space and bring friends near and far
within tho range of personal communication.
Bell Telephone Lines Reach Nearly Everywhere.
6 -XT mm
There Is no recent Invention of Kdlson'a
that will reach so many plain, average,
hard-working, email wage earners as the
talking moving picture.
As a source of recreation, within pur
chase power of even the poorest, the
moving picture has already become a
world-wld Institution. Its artistic and
educational posslbllltcs have hardly been
touched. Nevertheless, it must be ad
mitted that, as a vehicle of expression,
plays are limited art. Just as tHcIn
more ancient form, the pantomlnc. Mov
ing picture plajrs nre necessarily more
or less confined to presentment of pri
mitive and fundamental emotions, fear,
hato, love, anger, while their humor must
always verge on buffoonery, subjects fit
for pantomlnc reproduction. Combining
speech with the motion picture should
broaden greatly Its scope, make possible
finer expression of motion, and transform
Its horse-play Into true comedy. In brief.
It Introduces on Intellectual clement into
the moving picture play.
The very great appreciation with which
the talking moving plcturo was received
by everyone, at its first appearance on
the vaudeville stage a few weeks ago Is
only a herald of the popularity It will
"It makes the photograph appear al
most Insignificant," commented one man
In a New Vork thfoter, "you realize at
once that you nro listening to something
much more wonderful than the phono
graph and that the silent moving picture
has been merely waiting for this,"
Hauling of Coal by
. Electricity Proves
! Very Great Success
Now comes the tale of the electric
' truck'n efficiency as a carrier of coal.
I The performance of an olectrla truck In
; this monlal service Is Interesting. In
I "'ie month It hauled a total of 435 tons of
I coalan average of 18.3 tons a day. Its
' biggest day's work was the transportation
1 of 22.1 tons.
j This truck was In service 229 hours, but
, Was engaged in hauling only 126 hours,
the remainder of the period having been
1 consumed in loading and unloading. In
j 119 trips It traveled a total of 1.005 miles.
In a single day It covered sixty-three
' miles, making seven trips,
j As the woather Is likely to be at Its
' worst when coal delivery Is most needed,
it is clear that the electric has proved Its
superiority under the most unfavorable
Lighting Fixtures j
Wrecked in Big
Storm on Easter
When the cyclone struck Omana. Hauler
Sunday It played havoc with tho lighting
fixtures In many homes where windows
were broken. The Burgess-Orandon
company have been very busy since tljo
storm removing and taking care of the
lighting fixtures. " Alany handsome
library lamps worn damaged by the wind
coming through broken windows.
At tho homo of Arthur English, n
largo library lamp was found hanging
out of the window. The cord kept It from
being blown away. -At John McDonald's
homo a bracket screwed to the wall had
been removed by the wind and taken
out of the window to parts unknown.
W. A. Smith at Forty-first and Doug
las streets had the roof of Ills sun parlor
taken away,, and with it went a hand
some fixture which had been Installed
only a week:' Neither roof nor fixture
has been found.
Dead Lamp Easily .
Revived When it
is Gently Tapped
A night or two ago. Just as Mrs. Day
was finishing the washing or her dinner
dishes, the Mazda lamp, wliicu had been
doing such faithful service In her kitchen
for so long, consigned Itself to tho fate of
all things earthly and "lit out."
Mrs. Day did not like tho ensuing dark
ness; moreover, she did not like to part
with this particular lamp. It was a sixty
watt lamp and she had enjoyed Its rays
for a long time.
The thought came to her of how the
tiny wires Inside nre sometimes sepa
rated when tho lamps "burn out." 8he
seized the broom and neatly tapped the
lamp with the handle. The second or
third time her Jarring had Its effect and
the Jarring had caused the wires to unite,
and again sho had the same bright light
with which she had been so loath to
part. . '
Hints for Persons Who Are Bothered
with Dyspepsia.
Knr to Cook Good Menla nml to
Have Food of finch AVholrsome
nfii thnt All Membrra
Are Plenned.
ill. M ZSEPTR5
5i If) LWUM
I was visiting for a few days a short
time ago at tliu home of a friend, and
after a few trials I noticed with dismay
that I was not able to sit down to break
fast with the family. Although the
father went to work comparatlvly lato
and the children comparatively early to
school, they made no attempt whatever to
sltdown to tho breakfast table together.
"I should think that you would all
soon have dyspepsia, eating In such an
Irregular way as this," I said tho third
morning when I came Into the breakfast
room and found the mother bringing
somo toast Just off tho kitchen stove,
som indifferent coffee and a soft boiled
egg to one youngster, who was seated at
the table, while two others played to
gether at the other side or the room.
I brought tho one electrical appliance
she had about her house, a rather large
sized disk stove, hastily connected It to
the lamp socket and started the coffee
to cooking. I then stood the plates for
the four of us on edge around the stove
so that at least one-half of them would
become warm. They could of course be
turned so as to heat the entire plate.
I broke five eggs (one for good meas
ure) into an aluminum pan. The coffee,
when done, was set down by the side of
the stovo to keep warm (It would not
have much of a' chanco to cool), and the
eggs were scrambled before we knew It,
and each fellow's portion served out on
the hot side of his plate. I then took
the little wire "pad" which Is so com
monly used for keeping hot dishes from
the table and found It to be Just the thing
for toasting bread evenly on a disk stove.
We soon had breakfast all of us -at the
same time.
There ore electric table stoves which
will do any form of cooking and perform
two or three operations at the same time,
but even if a person has riot one of these,
a little careful management Is all that Is
necessary to get a good breakfast on any
kind of an electric stove. Fritters or
anything on that order are delicious
cooked on an electric stove.
Turns Night Into Day.
A new wrinkle In the Dayton Lighting
company Is to equip one of Its electric
repair jvagons with a searchlight for
after-dark emergency worK on Its pole
lines. The truck Is run alongside, and
Its beam, directed at the pole top, enables
the linemen to make connections as con
veniently as In daylight.
A Plrnnnnt Surprise
fdllows the first dose of Dr. King's New
Life Pills, the painless regulators that
strengthen you. Guaranteed. 25c. For
sale by Beaton Drug Co. Advertisement.
Move Into a Wired House
and Have Us Move You
When looking for a' house with nil modern improve--ments,
seo thnt it's wired for electric light it is as
essentinl aa the plumbing.
A house wired for oleotrio Bervice affords conven
iences and comforts not obtainable otherwise electric
light, electric heating and cooking, the uso of eleotric
fans and other things electrical.
Best Moving Service
Our service in moving you this spring has nevor boon
equalled in the history of Omaha. Wo have large, safo
vana and all tho modern conveniences necessary to con
voying your furniture and articles without tho slight
est damage. Wo do tho work quickly, too, and aid you
in getting settled very rapidly.
If you have any goods to store, remember that our
fireproof storage, now one of tho largest in, tho west,
is the safest place in which you can place your house
hold goods.
J '7
while your home is being repaired. It would be a good
lime to have your LIGHTING FIXTURES repaired and
refinished or a few of the old ones replaced with new ones.
Burgess-Granden Co.
1511 HOWARD.
804 South Sixteenth Street.
Phone Douglas 4163.
Electricity is the right harid
of convenience.
Through the inventions of genius this great power has been
trained to answer myriads of man's demands, and today it seryes the
housewife as no other single utility can. If electricity does not serve
you now, make it your servant. It obeys your progressive, labor-saving
neighbor. Investigate the electrical devices at the shops advertised
on this page or write them for information about the conveniences.
Electricity beats music for man's march
Wednesday is Flashlight Day
25 off regular price on all stand
ard flashlights for this day only.
A Flashlight Keeps You Out of the Dark
When you have one of these devices
you always can find your way, and
are sure you never are in the dark.
We have a few $4.5Q Westinghouse electric irons left.
They go at $2.50.
1810 FARNAM.
Established 1874.
TYLER 1414.
'Wire for us and we will wire for you."
Tlnt Call Ue Depended Upon.
Electric Household Appliances,
0aha Electrical Works
Electric Elevator Repairs
Westinghouse Motors
103-13 V. lit St. Pbon Sour. 1181.
A Breakfast Convenience
You Will Appeciate
Even a child can prepare crisp, deli
cious Toast with an Electric Toaster
so simple is its operation. Just a turn
of the switch and in a minute the bread
is toasted to a delicate, golden brown.
An Electric Toaster toasts evenly and
quickly with a savory scent that gives
zest to appetite. Many recipes require
toast and with an Electric Toaster you
can prepare any number of these deli
cious dishes right at your table easily
and speedily.
An Electric Toaster
An Electric Toaster is always at your service
for breakfast, for afternoon tea or for a little
repast after a game of bridge or the theater.
With an Electric Toaster you am always have
fresh, hot toast because it toasts rapidly enough
to supply four persons.
A Full Line of Cooking Utensils
Always on Hand.
Come and See Them.
Omaha Electric Light
and Power Company
301 Omh Bat. Hmt Bid. S 3816.
Bee Want Ads are
Business Boosters
Tyler 101 1. U08 South 18th St,