PoKy and Her XuriH, axjb fatfauorvb Wt, Cento (Maun w. (Uparxoyjou ajic. P ixmiiL oJahal -Hou in fir. ZAD CXAUSfe ROM EMltiS? la?t will mo tamektt (i W.wd) tor na AUHLa ttd&tt WANT ADS Want ads received at any time, but to Insure proper classification must bo presented beforo 12:00 o'clock noon for the evening edition mid beforo 7:1.0 p. in. for morning and Sunday editions. Want nds re ceived after such hours will havo tlieir first Insertion under the head alaB, "Too Late to Classify." CASH IlATKHToit WANT ADS. REGULAR CLASSIFICATION. Ono insertion 2 cents a word. Two or hioro consecutive inser tions 1H cents a word. No adver tisement taken for less than 20 cents. NOTE The Deo will not bo re uporulblo for more than ono wrong Insertion duo to typographical error. Claims for error cannot bo allowed after the 10th of the following month. An advertisement Inserted to bo ran untJI forbidden must be mopped by written order. Verbal or telephone. cejicclIatJoBs cannot bo accepted, CHARGE RATS: Six words to Uio lino. Oh insertion 12 cents tier line. I lit. nt- mnrn rnHBpr Hivn inaun . i Uons 9 cents per line. One line Mr month $1.80. Twenty cents a minimum charge. Advertisements charged to patrons having eccounts are measured by the Unc, not by tlio worn. VHMTH 1HD FU.S-ttAt ( AUTlCUn KELLY -Mrs. Mary, aged 80 yearn. Funeral Tuesday morning at B:30 from the family residence. 2120 Burdette bt., to Sacred Heart church, 224 and lllnney bta., at 9 o'clock, interment ramlly burial lot In St. Mary's cemetery. CAHILL Nellie, aged" 20 years. Funeral Wednesday, April 2, 1913, At S:30 a. m.. from family residence. 3013 CLeavenwortft; street to Bt. Peter's church at S a. m interment Holy Bepulchrc cemetery. V" BWEKKfeylMWM5A!,Ae 45 ears, victim of t4ra4o. , ' Funeral tram reslteace Of mother, tit North Thirtieth street. ', ' . utT.TiMhn. bbi1 74 vears. -died March' 2. iwJ, t his ,homo two miles north of Henaofi. JIG leaves Desia-ea inn wiuun one. mn, J tU Hill, aed one daughter, Mrs. Jry K, Blair, and.neveral grand children. . . , ' . Funeral at lhe home at bis, daughter, Mrs. Blair, Tuesday at 2 p. m. Frlemls Invited. Interment at Forest Lawn cemetery, . Funeral services for Mrs. Mary 'Rath key, aged t8. and lie two sons, Clarence, aged 17, and Victor, hged 1. will be held Irotn Leader's chapel, Twenty-third and at'irK.: T . ... . . , . i .t i . Kathkey; her father and mother. Mr. and Mrs. P- Pedexsen; two brother, II. 0. Pedersen and N, . Pedersen, and one sister, Mrs. Emma Johnson, all residents f Omaha. Social dance of Omaha camp No. 120 this evening is postonped on account of catastrophe. All members of Veata Chapter, Kensing ton club O. K. F, No. are requested to meet at the Mowlc Temple; Wednesday Morning. AftW S, at 8 sharp to sew for tornado Cofferers, Bach bring thimble and shear, CARRIE HAMLIN, president. BtmrttA. ATKINS, . secretary. fJARS Or THANKS. wish to thank our many frltnds Mid nelgklxirs. and especially the Water company eMptoycs. for their kindness and avmaathy attd the beautiful floral offering given u at the , Aeath of our nusoana an iaiar. MKi. F. O. XUNU. MKHs ClfARLEW MuLLEIt V wish to than our many frlefCda for the kindness anil sympathy shown us In our late bereavement, also tor the beauti ful floral offerings. PAUL DAVIE. y. G.. DAVIE. M, N. BT LILTS AND FAMILY. HIR.TH8 AKB DEATHS. Births Jamea and Anna Clark, lfill Cass, boy; G, O. and' Dora' Loster, 4319 Underwood avenue, boy; A. and U Marsh.. 4ai California, girl; C. and A. Greco, 30a North Eleventh, boy; M. and A. Carroll. 2811 North, Fourteenth, boy. DeathsVlctorla Davis. 60 years. U23 Jackson; Emily E. Arnold, W years. 14U North Eighteenth; Ruth Draggo. 7 years, tornado; J. O.felJndquttt, years, umhr WANTED fkmamb Ajreats and 3aleMrwatn WANTiiD Girl with good references tor housework In family of three; laun JreM employed small house. 037 B. Uth Ave. Phone Harney 6078. THREE sales ladles of pleasing appear ance, to demonstrate the Vacuum Mas sage machine: K to S a day easily made. Room 303 Neville Blk. FatJtor; uit Tlratlea, TTiB Neferoka Teiepaone. company can, pc a itmitsq numocr oi gins in tn op ratine department Applicants must fur nish refereneea Salary paid while laarn- ins. Jvviy u. f - juaniDen, xnstrt fie Chief. l&Ui and Douglaa Bta. WANTED Two tlrst-elasa hair dress ars, must he thoroughly experienced In all beauty culture work; excellent opportun ity Apply H, 3. McCarthy,1 Hair Goods Parlors, Brandels fitoras. HasMktni sail Vowecttcs THE 6KKVANT O-IRL PttnRI.Eil f.VKD Zhm Bee wU run a Ssrvaat WanUd Aa FRKK unUI you est th. red rwiulU, TM appllea to reUnts Omaha. Death Omaha a&d Council tfa, Wring your ad to The U fflc OIKL far ArsJ housework, good yfic. Mm. Lli4sle, ra CharUs at. A LAURlMtf8 for Friday, one with icieronre. -jt; ?, Tne normandle, Park OIKL FOH. general i housework; 8 Pa1sJhere Was a ixcnait cu tfyvu Acnrk, Juvtto- &Uuuaj HELP WANTED FEMALE Ilonnekeepers mid IlumeNtlcN, Olnl. for Kcneral housework; no laun dry work. 411 H. Mth Ht. Harney Sees. COMPBTKNT. neat wnlte Klrl for iten- eral homework:' references required; family or two. Apply at ism cumins. KRLIAHLE2 Klrl for general housework. I M40 Can. H GAM. i WANTED Good woman cook; u'.v wages; nice place Arkln's UeUturaiiL 11 S. lStti, second floor. ami or woman wanted for general hoUxiwork One who can go homo nights. 422 N. mth Ht. WANTED At once experienced girl for general housework; small family II, S3S WANTED A laundress. Harney iXi. 381& Farnam. WANTED A good reliable mlddlo nged ,1 to ea fo? ' work three Vn SZ.ll . woman, Catholic preferred baby and do light houre fsmlly; good home and wages. 'Phone Benson WS W. WANTED A good cook, no' laundry. 416 8. 31th St. II. 0. Qini j to assist In care of 2 chlldtuii; no washing or Ironing. 1039 S. 2Cth Ave. """a-nnnn Hrl m n.lt with Efiicrai ' l..Au.eo?Mi must' bett fond Wofh children! j Mrs. W. iL Johnson, D02S Davenport Harney 1720. OHIL for general housework, good home, best of wages, no laundry. Mrs. j W. J. Hynes. 3810 Harney. Tel. H. 4700. aim. for general housework. 614 S, 10th Ht. Douglas K790. l- COMPETENT second irlrl with reft dices. 127 H. 35th Ht- pnone liarney ana. OOOD girl .mnll family Ueorgla Ave. for general housework; t; i and good wages. C15 1 WANTED-Compctent girl for general house work. Small family. Mrs. F. J. I McShane. 701 Park Ave.. Phone II. 91 WANTED A girl for plain cooking In small family, where second' girl Is kept G25 S. 29th St. Phono II. 1934. GIRL for general housework. 29th Ht. S46 So. aim, for general housework. 54th St S22 N. OIUL for general housework, for eigner preferred. Harney SKS. 4019 Burt WANTED A'' competent cook. 32d Ave, Harney 200. COMPETENT girl for general house Work: family of 2 Mrs, a. E. Haverstlck, 124 8. SSlh St, Tel. Harney 7fftr SVANTED Girl for general housework and to assist In care, of two children; uo washing or Ironing. 1033 So. 20th Ave. H. 2009. , WANTED A competent cook. Mrs. N. B. Updike. 3H14 Jackson. II. 2934. "GIRL for general housework. Mrs. W. O. Lyle M4 Park Ave. GIRL for general housework, Good home, pleasant surroundings. German or Swedish preferred. Call 4312 Budette.St.. or phone Webster 743. WANTED Neat appearing colored Waitresses. Apply 8:30 a. m Monday a"c Room c"- D .aiuir. EXPERIENCED iHUlidrss wishes work all the time. Call Tyler 1634. GIRL for general housework. So. OT48. aiRLfor general houseworlf. H. Ol. 1219 Farnam. . NEAT B037. white girl for housework. H WANTBD-Competent second girl. S7(. Mrs. J, Magee. H MUrellaneons. TOUNG "-omen coming to Omaha a strangers aru invited to vltlt the Young Women's Christian association bulldtns at Bt. Mary's avenue and 17th Pt. when they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. Look ,fo our travelers' guide at th Union statlea. OOVERNMPNT Jobs on to woaiea excellent salaries, lntluencs Unnece. sary. Write for list of positions opsn. Franklin InsUtute, Dept 732B, Rochester. If. Y. HEIJ WAX rCD MALE AUeUIHi auadMiM-ii ullu Kuilcllura. Live Agents will write Jaeger Manmacturlng Co., 607 Brandels Theater Bldg.. Omaha. MANAGER und solicitor, Nallonal UL Ins. Co.. U. 8. A. 1215 City Nat Bk. Bldg, WANTED Salesmen. Immediately; cal, endars. wallpockets and novelties; full Una or side line. Nebraska, Minnesota, Colorado, Kansas. Lincoln Novelty Ad vertising Co., Lincoln, Neb, WANTED ealesmen for farm specialty. Our men last year cleared 1100 per week. ualu Hrothers, ucdar itasiaa. la. FOR BALE A few unclaimed ALL WOOL Dundee suits, 110; alterations tree. DUNDEE WOOLEN MILLS. Northwest Corner Uth and Harney Sta. AGENTS Fast selling specialty agents are making flO per day. Write for terri tory, w. lee, ripring valley, otinn. AGENTS Ask us about our snappy household specialty linn that will clear you (30 to tM wekly. National Aluminum Mfg. Co., Box 19X 1 A-l collectors on commission; city routes. 875 Brandels Bldg. WANTED Bonded salesmen, take charge of territory, canvass farmers. Valuable, unequalled, up-to-data ma chine: bur money for hustlers. Write today. J. B. Relst & Sons. Harrlsburg. Pa. Fstotory and Trad. . WANTED sign painters. Crane Blgn Co., is wenrasaa hi, siour uuy. Wanted Lunch Room Help; no Ex perience Required. Baltimore Dairy ' Lunch. 1517 Farnam. WANTED Good all-round mechanic: must be. good at latho worm nttfd. not ap ply unless ran furnUU reference Address Y-31, care Bee. TIIK BEEt String on Delioia's Legacy O DEAR.' , OMDGR.tfOEAR.. ' gRACt UP 'HE. HUSBAND J-J , B.i (SoUMGn n 1M J flnfeM DOLLARS. (upv uzdVOUJ .l A ,W .1 I TMIMk iT RAPER. wE. A t p rif ( )rmhn announcements business chances business personals money to loan I " ' r I J. O. Vfl rll i 11 II. IH IM 1 ' . m ' ftlftt-r I -I L A V V a a a a mm. u a I n . . ! - ... I I I . . . 1. AAKONtf' Jewoiiy. coiner Farnam. Spring clearing hII novelt jowelry. sitlc on Anr Ml I'll IKT Moilll Cornclfi nlrt nnlv bv rs. Albert. 211 City Nat. OK. lildc. lionoUed Bt34 for aw ointments. a N(?unit w.-Nnv. nn inm unit wtr A fences clicuuer than wood, last llfe- A IlKIN'S KOSHlvIl UESTAURANT uuuntltv and J stands for quality. economy. 316 S. lMh St.. !d floor BULL DKUQ CO.. 1216 Farnam. Crutch ruboers, crutches, elastic trusses, all kinds of rubber goods anythiug vu 2i."nt irom a arug utore. Ul.nM!'JT, Mine.. 214 No. Uth. Tel. XJ D0UC as IMi. IV hultt UWdtf. IVht.li V.tii hull f,,t.. .yiliiiiiiU In the laiem eiytx foi Jl? T Rad IJumb?r Wreciting Co. All kinds VJT 1LauSd' y stcond-hnnd mach- miry; PlPes, shattini.' and belting. HOKN Candy company distributors fur ' Johnston'a" cuocolates. The ap tSr.il.. ....I .....Hi... r ..." prcc atou candles. Vuu win n.,.. know now good candy can bu till you try wiecc. Aiwjyn ircmi ui ,vour aeaitrs. L . ".'"V T I ILLSHJil auniuifluiu. 31a l una ri Tel. Web. KUd. Lying In uouplUl. ''t1 ,,on" for.convultjKCellW and de- I - .ted. Kegu.ar phy.iciu,, in attendance, I Tl'rLUaU 'ilff. w? 'Xl rf? On .a'blccltrnc: Arthur B."Bunn II r?K"'. ,Jt?...JPr )rtct: ..to...0maualpiioto2ratihdr. Flatlron Bldg., Omaha. 1 u,, ,,., B!lrucl- ,V ,w ,,ltn.. 6U I Ucttcr bo af than norrj?. Have Kerr uo your title wora. IUUKIUS liAUUU AUiSNCy, IS iV Dougu bt.; uutctb ,tt ull tin,,ortaiil citlea; supplies MALl'i Imlp hi Ai.l, TV it ONIIlslT B. Mfr. of wlgo. toupees, 1VI switciieu from combines, SI. alun XI IN EBUASICA CYCLE CO., "Mlckers," ! lith and Harney. Douglas 1602. Wu rent, luoulr. veil neeillta. parts of all sewing machines. N EBUASUA AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL. LEAK.S AUTOMOUILE ENOl MSEltiNO. Wvlte- for new cata- loguc. lttb-11 Dodge Ht., jOmatia, Neb. OMAHA STOVE KEPA1K "WOltlvS., Doujsias, Tet. Tyler X). watur iroilts. grUtca lor furnaces, Hteam - hut water heaters In stock. OMAHA riLLOW CO., 1721 Cuming. Doug. 2467. We make mattrossea and pillows tt, your order, renovate feathers, mattresses und down covers. Prices reasonable; work guaranteed. PICTURE framing at reduced price. See us for portrait work. Omaha Art and frame Co. 1711 Leavenworth Ht. Q UALlTr printing; prices right Phone Doug. 3ZG and lot us quote prices on printing Barton Ptg. Co.. 606 S. 13th. YOU can have clothes satisfaction. Spring and summer woolens. Lan deryou. Tailor, 396 a lb flt Far nam Hotel Bldg. UELP WANTED MALE, Factory nuil Trades. SPRING rush Is commencing In the automobile business; learn now by prac tical experience In completely equlppd shops; lioo to a earned montniy oy good men. Write National Automobile Train ing Ass'n. t< North 24th St.. Omaha, Neb. Drua sturr tinaiiMi job. Kntet. lie Kldg. PRINTER wanted; wages, 212 per week. Write at once to the Sun. Red Oak. la. Miscellaneous. WANTED FOR U. S. ARViT Able bodied, unmarried men between ajfoa el 18 and ; cltlxtna of United States, of good character and tempeiate habits, who can speak, read and write the Eng lish language. For Information apply to Recruiting Officer, Aruy Building, lita and D4c B-ts., Omaha, Nab.: s6 Fourtft fit., Steux City, la.; 129 No. iota at. Lin coln. Neb. WANTED Yeung man to teach begin ners on vloUn; one with some class ex perience preferred. State salary expected. Address I) 250, care Be. FARM hands, laborers furnished free, of charge to employer. Evans' Employment Office. 1W7 Dodge. Tel. uoug. suit. WANT a Telegraphy JobI We have ono waiting for you. It's yours Just as soon as you can qualify for It. It's a steady all the year round year In and year out position, with good pay and better op portunity for promotion. You can qualify ror u in a tew snort montns at uuxusa COLLEGE. OFFICIAL UUION PA CIFIC and ILLINOIS CENTRAL R. R. TRAINING SCHOOL. Free transporta tion to your post of duty will ba given- to jruu. dcuu tor uur caiaiusua iDaay. BOYES COLLEGE, BOYLES BUILD ING. 11. B. DOYLE 8. PRESIDENT. OMAHA. NEB. HELP WANTED MAIttfi AND FKHAI.B. post jobs. 20 week; write for Hit of po- .ftt.n. LP., h 1. f I n Tn.tl.i... T ... . .,V,JU Wfr ' -..... W.l.u.V, W,t 21411. RtMhester. N Y. Income corresponding for newspapers; ex perience uiincvcBBury, AU,urvin. ire Correspondents' Bureau, Washington, CALL ua when you nonl u iitnoc. rapher; large list to select from; services free to employer and employe. Telephone uougias skis. Lt. v. smith & uros. Type writer Co., 1316 Farnam St. WANTED SITUATIONS a biuuk. ana Dona salesman who knows he can sell, wishes to get In com munication with a reputable house. Chi cago experience. Address C 168, Omaha Bee. WANTED SITUATIONS MAN wants place to work tor board and room. G 797, , WANTED Small set of oco'ss to keep afternoons or evenings. Tel. Web. 1S8L POBITION as housekeeper for family of two; no laundry work. Address, J 162, care Bee. WANTED Position with real estate firm; A No. 1 references; German descent Addresc. L 160, car Omaha Bee. HIGH school girl wants work on Satur day afternoons. Phono South 2702. wivrirn siiit.ti.. v.. ........... . '' .L . all around office experience of 4 yearn, Address W. T- Zimmerman, 510 Y. M. ANNOUNCU.MENTS ffrwmtr'io LOAN-LOU 44- Unlou Loaa Co, OMAHA, TUESDAY, APRIL Copyright. 1912. National News Ass'n. r-y - , ? ! ! HAZRti .LEAF P1L1S CONES-UaJt remedy for Itclilnp, bleedlns or prolrud-Itii- piles; UHj postpaid; samples free, dher- man & aicuonneii urujj ,o., oraana. Gibson's Buffett 322 South Uth St MME. DENNETT Makes a specialty of reblocklng and cleanlne ladles hats. 21 N. 17th. D. 2507. BUY STYLISH EASTBU CLOTHG3 On credit. We clothe the. entire family st tl R week. Beddeo. 1417 Douglas St V1BQ1NIA DA BE wine, 65c a large bot tle. Klein Llqudr House. fi22 N. ICtll Bt Wedding announcements. Uiug. I't. Co. THE N. C. LBAKT COMANX, 7nrmrlv Ivnfpra. Learv Co.. ongrat' trs and printers. 71s ft loin. Douglas I8t THE TIE THAT ENDOHES Is a lucky wixldliie rliifT from Fred IJrodegaard Jewell y Co., 10th and Douglas SU. At the Sign of the Crown up the Golden Stairs. FOUND AT LAST SCREEN DOOBS. Wlmliiws made un and Installed complete. . J ....... k.r.i. Mlirtntr rnah f 1 r.1 tl h :i Window Screen Co.. 624 N. 16th, basement. Doug. 4G92. Wo arc makers of Ferry's Ul ll is I nut, 'v w . n I' - - - Pi uu... - - patent metal corners for windows & doors. . - 8"j? cents for book containing uc . . , . V. I ntinlnffmnhl. a ... . . T Doug, sks. HAVJ2 your piano reflnlshcd, good as new. Welrlch Fixture Co Webster 2577. ATTK ACTIONS. OMA1 film exch., lbtli ana Doug. Uot, pictuto m-ctilne ann dim Darrein. AUTO.MON:r.E3 lioo reward for any magneto we can't re pair. Coll repairing. Baysdorfer. 210 N. 18th DRUMMOND'S Big new garage at 2tSth and Farnam. ROBES And raaiator covers at I2.K0 and uo. 1 HAVE S shares of 7 per cent preferred Portland Cement stock with a par valu of 1100 per share for which I paid WIS in cash. Will trade for a good automobile, either light touring car or roadster. Must bo In good condition. Address A 104, Bee, stating year und model i f car. , BEST AUTO PAINTING. Foro doors, slip covers; new tops and bodies built to order. WM. PFEIFFER CARRIAGE Works. 25th Ave. & Leavenworth. P. Wit XK 1 T" If, KHi'AimNO, iviurpny lia it KissE? (SECOND-HAND ATTOMOBILE3 BARGAINS in open and closed 2-hand electrics. M. A. Yant. 2318 Harney. D. HQS WILL sacrifice my 40-horsepower ma about; never been used, Address A i' care Bee. I OWN some clear cheap land that I would like to trade for k good modern runabout automobile. Give make of car and description In full In first letter. Address 0 107, Omaha Beo Paper. Omaha, Nab. ELECTRIC coupe, practically new, bar gain If sold at once. Address F 761. care Bee. WANTED To buy for cash, good see- ond-hanTJ touring car. Address K 215, care Uee. BCK1NES8 CHANCES. Mr. Merchant: We maka auction sales and guarantee to get you money: No steak of Jewelry or clothing too Urge or smalt Crook & Roth. Auctl'rs. 411 N. luth.Omaha WANTED A live man to take oharge of the sale of a townslte. This Is a re sponsible position. Applicant must De in a position to Invest IC.000. Address H. H. Harper. Northport. Neb. iron. SALE Stock and fixtures of the Flshrr-McGIll Co. 401 N. 24th St., South Omaha, Neb., consisting of printing plant, stock of stationery, rubber stamp outfit and soda fountain. Call or address Walter J. Clarkson, trustee in came ruptcy, 454 Omaha Nat'l. Bank Bldg. Phone Douglas SCSI. Omaha. Neb. vnn. SALE A 11.000 note, running two years, drawing 6 per cent; secured by 10 acres of valuable land, worth M; wll1 sell to net Investor 10 per cent; protest waived; Interest and principal guaran teed. Address. O. H. Co.. 123 N. 14th tit., Lincoln. Neb. STOCKS and bonds, investments, real estate. Franklin Brokerage Co.. 1623 Poug. ARE you in the market to buy a good, clean hardware business, In ceptrnl Ne braska? Wo have a good one for sale,' but not for trade. Address. Y 1W. Bee, FOR SALE No. 1 power ulacksnntn If taken at once. Address, Box 87, David City. Neb. FORT GEORGE THE NEW "PAY ROLL CITY." In the heart of the Central British Col umbiacommanding the trade of the great Peace River district One hundred million dollars wilt b4 spent In railroad construction alone In the next four years, opening up this great Inland Empire; Fort George Is Its pay roll center. If you want absolutely ireltable Infor mation about present or future Invest ments anywhere In British Columbia; about business openings of all kinds; op portunities In the trades or professions; about timber- farm lands, sawmills, brickyard openings, address FORT GEORGE TRUST CO.. Capital 81.O0a.O0Q. Fort George. B. C. ESTABLISHED retail cigar business for sale In Omaha. Neb. Good location Plenty of room tor wholesale. Reasons for selling want to go Into another busi ness. Address, II 131, Care of Omaha Bee. FOR SALE I have three notes ot A,!t 1VIO irh. mnnlnv 1 9 mA 1 vrjri well secured by real estate. I ran veil to net purchaser a per cent AddrAjs, u, H. Co.. N. 14th St. Lincoln. Neb. TRUSTEE'S SALE ot clean stock ot general merchandise. clothing, eta, at 234 N. Walnut St. Grand Island. Neb. Invoices $8.129 21 Will bo sold In bulk to the . highest bidder at auction, Thllrsday, April 3. 1913. at 2 o'clook p. m. The stock can be Inspected at any time. J. H. WOOLLEY. i 1L TRUSTEE. IAVE J'ou money to Invest In some thing aa safe and more profitable than stocks and bonds' I have a first mort gage for 112.600, 6 per cent, on 160 acres of fine Iowa land tor sale; title perfect Write X. H. Talboy, Onawa, la. GROCERIES ami barber shops for sale. Kennebock Co.. 60Q Bee Bldtf. 1, 1913. Drawn for The Bee by BUSINESS BLOCK. To exchange for farm. This Is u very substantial 2-Story brick with platb glass front, cemented basement, twb suites liv ing rooms on second floor. Located op poslte court house, next to best grocery In city and opposite large hotel; fronU two streets and at junction of two car lines. This property could not be re. placed for less than 112,000. Will ex change for small farm at $3,00, but farm must be worth the price. M'QEE REAL ESTATE CO. 105 Pearl St. Council Bluffs win SALE-Variety rind srrocerv stock: 'will Invoice about 12,000; low rent; In a good live town in central .Nebraska; do ing a good business. Address Y 86. Bee. PARTY with soma money and servlcs to Invest can buy Interest in well-established firm; best references Addrej A 747. Pre, Omaha. FOR SALE Brunswick bowling double alleys; cheap It taken soon. Address-Y 105. Bee. FOR SALE OR RENT Oarage, In good eastern Nebraska town, brick 'building. Address Y 104, Bee. TO get In or out of business, call on GANGESTAD, 404 Bea Bldg. Tet D. S471 BUSINESS PEltttuNAIiS Arehl teolx. PLANS and estimates furnished. J, F. Cottrell. 4102 N. 19th. Webster 881 Attorney Dan Horrlgan, $11 Bee Bldg. Doug. 3323. tlulldern' Information. CONTRACTOR and BUILDER C. M. N. 33d. JESPERSEN. Phont Web. 2170. 1609 LET Prendergast rebuild your chmlneys and do your brfck work. Res. 1920 Emmet 8t. Web. 2501. Office 2 S. 14th St D. 6661. TORNADO For repalrtng, quick rebuilding and es timating on houses .call Chas. A. Fors lund, 2822 Cass. Phone Harney 4W2. Cnrpuntcra. Carpenters umon tUTf carpen Call at Labor Temple. Douglas lf0. C'tirni6ttki.. Carrie J. Buford. ,622 Pax. Blk. Red 4457.. Key to the Situation Bee Advertising Chiropractor. J. C. Lawrence. D, C, 1322 Howard. P. MCI Contractor". ELDERLY man wishes a position as watchman: have had experience as ele vator conveyor and chiiokinun for hotela Write W. T. Woodward. General Deliv ery. Omaha. Urearaerli't, UMlrlea nnd Supplies. DAVID COLE CREAMERY COMPANY. ETcvtsUnir Klrctrlca.1. Electrical Utilities Exchange. 353 Bee BMg. Uotcctt-rr. L. W. LONQNECKETt 817 Karbach Btk. JAMES ALLAN. 313 Neville Blk. Evl dence secured In all cases. Tyler 11J. NATIONAL Detective Service. 406 Om. Nat. Bk. Legitimate detective work sat isfactorily performed; evidence secured in all cases; watchman furnished. JO. 4317. DRUGS at cut prices; freight paid on $10 orders; catalogue frer Sherman & McConnell Drug Co.. Omaha. Neb. Ilreaaiitultiu. Dressmaking. Fit guaranteed. Web. 4406. Dressmaking by day. Call evening. W. S129 CHILDREN'S ready-made dresses; rea sonable prloea; ages I to 13 years. D. 5455. Terry's Dressmaking college, 20th & Far. GIRL for kitchen: must plain cooking. 846 B. 29th St. understand Rrrrry till air for "Women. SPUIELLA CORSETS, MRS. M. ROSS. Resident corsetlere for Kounts Plase. Appointments, Doug. 8155; 1909 Farnam. DRESS Pleating, buttons covered, all ! sixes and styles. THE IDEAL PLEATING CO.. 2W uougias U1K, Douglas IKS. TTTRITTSFT baths, massage, facial and 1803 Farnam. ariorlata. A- Donaghue. 1607 Far.. D. 1001. A1001. HESS & SWOBODA. 1415 Farnam dt L HENDERSON. 119 Farnam. D. I til SKANDEIS cut flower dept, new store. C. EDERER. florist. 2904 Bristol. W. 17K BATH'S, florists. Boyd Theater Bldg. lusuruuce. SOUTHERN SURETY CO.. health and accident Insurance, solicitors wanted. R. H. Landeryou, 234 State' Bank Bldg. Gen eral agent Motorcycles. WRITE FOR LIST. OF SECOND-HAND MOTORCYCLES. MICHEL'S NEB. CYCLE CO.. 15TII AND HARNEY. jstoTlnv, Sturtiifo and CIcmdIcx. mm McLaud & Son. Van & tl. 3-horse van. 3 men. $1.36 nr.. 1 hra.. $1 per nr. D.4S3J. W.JO Dauste tvttd lavtiKuaicraw GERMAN conversation and grammar taught by a native teacher. Address H 163. care Be. JlurBCtrlea uatl. Seeds. BTBWART-S SSEDMAN. 119 N. lttti ll.rtJ. ri,-r.T. XMMIHVH V lT..m I CVn..H.. Af,i.a 4.1th Utlfl "PlnW ney, Omaha, phones Florence iW3 ana Weh. 3495. Full line of fruit, shade and ornamental trees; enruoa. vine, aim rwc-. FRUIT TREES! SHADE TREES I Hhruha and sma.ll fruits: no afents. We save you the uommlsslon. Write or phone us lor catalogue. Tel. uenaon, mw, uen-Kon-Omsha Nursery, Benson, Neb. P. J. Flynn. Prop. KITlFTi Corn and other seeds samples tree. J. M. Maner. jrremont. jnsu. UateututUta. Alice Johnson. SfB-1 Brandels The. JMu. X 'alula nuil Utaaa, BARKER Brothers Paint Co.. carrr a big stock ot Keystona the washable and ouraoia wail paint, min line ancrwin Williams paints and varnlsbes. Cartar lead. Woodman oil and Pratt & Lam bert's varnishes. Get our prices. imH rarnam su mono u ougias fin. HIRAM A. STURGE3. nstent lawTer. 4fi Brandels Theater Bldtf Oou. .KM. li. O. Uarnell. Paxtou Hlk. Tel. Red . IT. Pcrsortptlon Cbemlat, NTT SRTTj"RT? Graduate prescrip. . XI. OEiJJ-lXUXV, Uon ohemi8t. ;j; No. 23th. Free delivery. Douglas 1072. Plumbers. STANDARD PLUMBING CO.. Doug. 33US Iliiilluni l'rentmenta. H. P. Jensen. M.D., 332 Beo Bldg. D. 6817. y Srlutluu. DOUGLAS Printing Co. Tel. Doug, eu Lew W. Raber, Printer, &Sg!fi BEE BLDG. ENTRANCE ON COUXtT. WATERS-BARN HART Ptg Co.. qual Ity printing. Tel. Doug. 2190. 624 S. 13th. Persistent Advertising Is the Road to Big Returns. Btore aud UffltlK snxturtm, POOL tnbles, store, restaurant fixtures bought, sold. Levy. 2310 N., South Omaha. DESKS, safes, scales, snowcasea, shelv ing, etc. We buy, we sell. Omaha Fixture and Supply Co., 414-16-18 S. 12th. D. 2744. Tin item. Tin VnrL-n,echanlcal,' promptly done. XIII YVUrb.G .vvilg&Son. H. 1067. TIN work, spouting, roofing and fur nace work done cheap and valley tin, flashings, tin shingles, smoke stacks, etc. E. Savage, 2S54 Far. H. 2U1 or H. 1966. Truuua Mutt nuiicitaeo. FREL1NG A STElNLE. U0S Farnam it 'Wines ami i.itiuorc WILLOW Springs beer, liquors, clga's, sandwiches. Alex Jetes. 02-1 S. 11th St EDUCATIONAL THE MID-WINTER TERM. OP BOYLES COLLEGE Is now open, yet It Is not too late .o en ter. Students are being enrolled dally. Complete courses In Business, Bookkeep ing, Stenography, Telegraphy. Civil Serv. Ice and Salesmanship The catalogue Is tree for the asking. Call, write or phone tor It at once. Address Boylea Coliwg, 107 Harney St.. Omaha. Neb. , MOSHEE-LAMPMAN COLLEGE Winter term now open. Unsurpassed classes. Finest quarters. Graduates are guaranteed good positions. Work for board. For free catalogue and full In formattotLaddress MosheNLampman Col lege, 1815 Tarnam St., Omaha, Neb. AJujiuli.it. Special prices In March; learn to dance yhere all the others do. UH Harney pu LOST AND FOUND. LOST Scotch collie, long white nose, white markings. Phone Harney 2755.. FOUND A lovely complexion, using the Vacuum Massage Machine; for sale at Room 308 Neville Block. LOST Between 22d and Leavenworth and 25th and St Mary's, Sunday night, a black fur muff. Finder please call at 2562 St Mary's for reward. LOST Fox terrier dog. Rod tag at tached. Return to Burlington Station. Re ward. LOST 2 Atrdale dogs with collars: & and 9 months old. Reward for return to J. Dudley, 135 N. 43d Ave. H 3327. OMAHA Ac COUNCIL BLUFFS 8TKJslT RAILWAY COMPANY. - . PERSONS having lost some article would do well to call up tha office of lot Omaha & Council Blutts Utreet Railway company to ascertain whether they Lit It in the street cars. . Many articles each day aro turned la and the company Is anxious to restore them to the rightful owner. Call Uoux Us 48. . LOST My pimples and blackheads by using tha vacuum Massage machine. For sale at Room 306. Neville Block. TTniTMri Arthur B. Dunn, commercial r KJUMU nhntoKrnnher. 1TJ7 Howard. photographer. Flatlron Bldg. D. 3365. MALE Collie dor. about 6 months old. Return to 3602 Pacific, or call Harney 303. Reward. LOST Ono small diamond In platinum scarf pin. C. B. Brown Co. Jewelry Store, 222 S. Uth. $5 reward. FOUND stray hog. Owner must pay for ad. Call at once. 6323 No. SJth. Tel. Webster 362. DARK box lined with blue satin; SDanlah atamn inside lid of box. 3x6x12. Japanese damaclne bracelet large dam acme locket. 1 set Chinese cuff links, 2 sets Japanese damaclne cuff links, several long pieces of Japanese goiu cnain, Jap anese jude snirtwaitt ring, i peari rings, pearl Hiinmirst witn Diamond cen ter, large solid Japanese Jade ring, sev eral small damanclne shirtwaist pins, small purple box containing Jade neok larA nnd A "nil mber of other novelties such as pins of different sorts, etc. Lib eral reward. See Mrs, Frank Carpenter, 3325 Cumin St. MEDICAL Piles, Fistula Cured Dr. E. R. Tarry cures flies, iristuia ana other rectal diseases without surgical operation. Cure guaranteed and na money paid until cured. Write for book en rectal diseases with testimonials. DR. E. TL TARRY. Bee Bldg.. Omaha. MONEY TO .LOAN Salary una cliuttel, FURNITURE SALARY LOANS. Let us advance you enough money ta pay every one you owe and with only on place to pay; you'll be more satis fied and surprised bow cheaply w caa do It NO PUBLICITY. EASIEST PAYMENTS. Lowest Rates. Confidential. Prtvata OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO.. Established. Twenty-one .years. 1003 FARNAM ST Phone Doug. 229 Room 215 Board of Trade Building. MONEY TO LOAN ON PERSONAL PROPERTY AND SAL ARIES. RATES VERY LOW. TEltMtf EA8IEST. CONFIDENTIAL. RELIABLE CREDIT CO.. 3d Fl.. Suite 308. Paxton Bldg. Doug. 11U. -a.yr on furniture, pianos and VIOTl'PV J-! estate at a very low -j rate or interest. Nobruska Loan Co., Douglas Xt& Cliff Sterrett CHATTEL LOANS 5 to 100. SALARY LOANS. You can get It today of STAR LOAN CO.. 601 Paxion Block. DIAMOND LOANS at' 2H and 6 per cent Your Roods Insured against fire and burglary while in our possession free. W. C. Flatau, 1E14 Dodge St IUA K19. MONEY LOANED SALARY PEOPLE and others, upon their own names; cheap rates; easy payments; confidential. D. II. Tolman. 503 New Om. Nat Bank Bldg. OFFERED FOIl KENT Apartment nnd Flnta. Gordon Van Co. 219 N. Uth St. or 210 S. 17th St Tel D. m. FIDELITY oodstoTe1? XXV J-A-X X X , o v e d. packed, shipped. 16th & Jackson Sts. Doug. 1616. SIX-ROOM modern tlftt 1113 S. 11th. 4-ROOM madern apartment. Tel, Web ster 5975. STRICTLY high class 5-room apart ment on West Farnam St, with steam heat and janitor service. JOHN W. ROBBINS. 1S02 Farnam St. TO RENT A 2-room suite with bath In best apartment house in city; close In, party removing frdm city. Call or ad dress, Marlon Automobile Co,, 2101 Far nam Tel. Douglas 2643. 8-ROOM modern flat, 528 So, 4-room mod. apt. S65 So. 28th. 24th St Har.4141. 4-ROOM apartment, mod. 816 S. 22d. 6 and 6-room flats, modern except head; rent. Jit. Phono Douglas 5666. FLATS. 611 S. 22d St., 6-r., modern, 240. 1717 Park Ave., 8-r., modem, $20. 521 S. 29th St, 4-r., city water, gas, $15. 623 S. 29th St., 4-r., city water, gas, $16. 1212 S. 27th St.. 6-r., main floor, $13. 1212 S. 27th St., 6-r., lower floor. $1L 1214 S. 17th St, 5-r., city water, $12. 1214 S. 17th St., 5-r lower floor, $12. 2204 N, 27th St., 4-r., second floor, $9. 3016 Ames Ave., 3-r., city water. $6. 824 S. 23th Ave., 8-r. modern, $35. GARVIN BROS., 345 Omaha National Bank Bldg. THOROUGHLY modern 3, 4 and 6 room apartments; beautiful private sur roundings; reasonable rents. Phone Web ster 4328. TWO 4-ROOM steamheated apart ments, with bath, gas range, and .every Improvement Twenty-fifth Ave. -and Cuming St, winter rate, $18-50. Modern flat of 6 rooms, 1804 No. 16th street, $20.00. THOS. W. HAZEN. t 207 MCAGUE BLDG. DOUG. 1390. Board and Rooms. Very Reasonable. Large front room, suitable for two gentlemen; board If desired; very close In. 2120 Harney. Phone Doug. 4729. , ' STRICTLY modern rooms, excellent board; centrally located. 618 S, 19th Doug. 1203. NEW, exclusive home, choice location. large front room with board, suitable for two gentlemen. 846 S. 29th St H. 6C92 for appointment Famished Rooms. LARGE front room, splendidly fur- jilshed; modern, walking distance. Red ,4963. Z308 uewey Ave. FURNISHED room In nrlvate family for gentleman or man and wife; well heated; near All Saints' church. D. &071. Ul N. Slat Ave., south room, modern. A ntcw No. 1 furnished room, new Oat within 2 blocks of Crelghton university. 718 No. 23d St- Furlatd lloasea." 7 ROOMS, all modern, furnished, 130 a month, 2310 Fowler Ave. FURNISHED HOME IN DUNDEE For rent for the summer. No -children. PETERS TRUST CO. 9 ROOM HOUSE COMPLETE LY FURNISHED 3217 Dodge. Harney 348. Mrs. Baloh, Fnrnlaked HotisekeeplBK Root s. 8-ROOM apartment In new flat SHJ Davenport FURNISHED housekeeping room, 150S N. 17th. , Hotels and Apartments. DODGE HOTEL Modern, reasonable. 519 a 26th St. two all modern room CALIFORNIA HOTEL Steam heated rooms. $2 per week and up; frea bath. -lloasea and Cottaaes. RELIABLE curtain cleaner, all kinds, fine hand work; 10 yrs' experience. D. 2732. Jn T 3 Exp. Co., furniture as I , W PPn pianos moved, stored; - -LVV-V-'V-- Web. 2748. Red 2US9. M'LAUD & Son move trunks, Sio, 60c Douglas 4338. Moving, packing and storage ot house hold goods and pianos Is our business. Omaha Van and Storage Co.. flieproof atoraB. 80S S. 16th. by the vladuot. Branch office. 309 a 17th St Tel. D. flV. HAf A TT A Moving vans, wagons, ex UMixllA press, oaggaxe, nreproot stor- EXPRESS CO.J? 'atr-Te: piano moving; reasonable prices, careful men. 416 N. 17th. DOUGLAS 3354. 7-ROOM houso and large reception hall; strictly modern. 3519 So. 20th. D. 6087. 6-RODM house partly modern, on car line; large yard and garden and lots of shade. Tel. Florence 296. '. . DETACHED HOUSES. 1141 S. Sist. 12-r.. modern. $60. 620 N. 18th. 11-r.. modern. $60. . . 1108 8. 29th. 8-r.. modern $35, -2701 Howard, 6-r. modern. $25. " ' 813 8. 19th, 6-r., city water. as. 1109 a 25th Ave., 6-r., well, $18. 4140 Burdette, 6-r., city water, gas. $1T.S 4335 Franklin. JUr nltv nate- tr.m tic . 2617 Charles, 5-r., city water. $15. 4117 N. 25th Ave,. 4-r., city water, fit. ' 8027 Center, 6-r., well. $8. " GARVIN BROS. 345 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. 8 ROOM modern house at U2 So. 44th Bt. $30. Tel. Harney 3361. GLOBE VAN & STORAGE CO.-Stor-. age, $3 per month. We contract your Pscklng, storing- and hauling. D. 4 Sand D. 37- Offices 117 B. 14th fit. 53) N. 16th. FOR RENT-Elegant 6-room colonial t0i?50i'ie5emi.?r,c 2315 Cnmlns- RO'QMS. modern. 112 li. 2th. D. 371T tRfIM hi.iiL. .nn. ...... . , . rt... WUBWI.rb(&tfc "t reduced to $2130. Phone.