Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 31, 1913, Page 3, Image 3

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    THE BLB: OMAHA, MONDAY, MAKCIl 31, 1913.
1 . To wear a long, tight
fitting corset that has no
gores or bands of elastic to
make it comfortable,
c 2. To buy any corset
that is made with any elastic
except Nemo Lastikops
Webbing or Lastikops Cloth.
These fabrics are Nemo
patented inventions, used
only in our own corsets.
There are imitations, all made
up with the old, unreliable "hose
supporter" elastics. If you buy
them, you waste your money
no matter what anybody tells you.
Be a Wise Woman!
HE greatest limb-reducing 65
corset in existence
No. 409 "Llmshaplni
A f .1
A new arrangement or the
Nemo "LimshapinR" device,
adapted to very long corsets.
Adjustable side supporters, and
a new arrangement of front hose
supporters, producing complete
reduction of too-full upper limbs.
Low bust.
Your thinnest gown will fit
i. .i ...
without a ridge or a wrinkle.
You'll be fashionably slender, and
comfortable in any position.
ITOR women who do not need
1 .uj .
No. 403 low butt A
No. 405 medium butt TE
The Relief Bndi now hive eUitic
inner endt, miking them fit more inugly
and comlorttbly.
Moduh long ikut figure-reduction
all around, butt AJ to ib 34.Q0.
Accept no of&er cottet when you ak
tor a Nemo. J
I(A-) KOPS BROS., Mfr.. New York
A mild system of treatment that o tires
Pile a. Fistula and Rectal DUeases
without the use of a knife. N chlor
oform, athar or other general an
aesthetic used. No unneoeaarr de.
lay from business. An abaoluta euro
guaranteed In erery case acoepted.
Tnqcure first, then the pa) . That's my
potior. It's fair and square, I also tire a
written guarantee that the cure nil! last
a life time Writs for m Book, which
gives full particulars.
tiff. . R. TARRY, 240 Bum Bf3. Ommhm
Guide for I'uultrr Ilalarra.
Kuins of Diamond
(Continued from Pafte One.)
i ktuiicoa, been delayed by washouts nml
oilier nilalmpa of tho flood. However, a
tralnload of supplies Is cspcctcd toon
from WaslilnRton.
lltIclo ITnilcrtnUcra.
Tho nctrlty of certnln local undertak
ers called forth the wrath of Major Dupuy,
who Issued a ntatoment In which he
called them "Ghouls" for their feverish
activity In seeking out bodies, and It !
alleged, sonio times burying; them with
out mahlnc roport to the authorities. Ho
declared that they were "trylnjj to work
a hold-up came on helpless friends and
relatives of those who have lost their
Chairmen of the various committees
were unanimous today In asking that
word be spread broadcast that tners
sIshtseclnR visitors are not wanted hert.
The railroads have been Informal uf this
attitude and conductors are refuuInR tD
accept passenccro who cannot ihov that
their prescnco here Is necessary.
There were thousands of visitors .n the
city today. Mont of them were iron sur.
roundlnc towns. The signs "llillsf car"
which many of them bore wore manifest
fo gcrlcn. The majority of the bodies of
tho flood victims will be found hurled
under the debris In the Mlat"! canal,
under great plies of wrecfcae -tnd far
down thi river at Mlnmlshurg-, Atlddle
town and Hamilton, In the opinion 'if men
who have examined the ground.
Ffw Cnnght In Home.
Ji"ew pooplo were caught In thilr homss,
as most all of them had received suffi
cient warning of the approaching nlsns
tor to enable them to get out nerote tho
flood assumed dangerouB proportions.
Those who woro drowned, for tho most
part, were caught In the streets, Mtnor
vhllo on iholr way to their tU:g t
business or cmploymtnt, or while tryina
to got to places of safety when forced to
Iloo from their houses.
Lloutcnant I-catherman, surcon of the
Third regiment, Ohio National Guard,
who went throuah the flood In West
Dayton, said that ho saw scor of dead
bodies floating down tho Ml.iml rlvr
and many people wore swimming, nut
there was not one chance In ten thousand
that thce were saved, ho -mid. Tho
water was Icy cold and tho current ter
rific. "The flood" ha i elated, "came when
hundreds of people wero In thy stioctJ.
ncofflng at the Idea that a flood could
con-.o. Hadn't the levees always pro
tected them? Had Dayton ever had t
serious flood? Why bo alarmnd? Ana
50 they woro carried to thlr death.
How many, of course, no one knows ex
actly." flodlrn Lniler WrPcknKr
In one district, it "as stated at sani
tary department headquarters, dozens of
bodies could bo seen under plies of
wreckage, hero a hand and there a foot
flicking out from mulct tho debris. Ef
forts weio diiected for several hours In
an attempt to get at these bodies, hut
none had been taken out when night foil.
The work of extending succor to tho
marooned Inhabitant)! of tho districts
which still are flooded continued during
the day. In many sections wero to bo
seen rowboats, skiff and canoes making
their wuy with extreme difficulty among
the heaps of wreckage and overturned
houses, among meshes of telegraph, tele
phone and electric light wires, seeking
out possible victims who had been un
carcd for. Among tho organizations en
gaged In rescue work is tho company of
naval reserves from tho United Htates
ship Essex at Toledo, under command of
Captain A. R Nlcklelt. TIib company
reached Dayton irti a Hpeclal relief train
from Toledo on Thmsday and immedi
ately launched n number of boats In tho
raging torrents which were swooping tho
city from end to end. Up to 6 o'clock
tonight the sailors had been fonstnntly
on duty and had to their credit a total
of 970 rescued and they were not thinking
of sleep when darkness fell
Hunt Heacuea ;!7f,
One crew. In comma n i of Knslgn E. K.
j Dlebald, with two boats, rescued 375 per
sons from the business section and that
district immediately east of Main street
and west of Eaglo street. Many of the
people were taken from their homes only
after the sailors had mounted to the tops
of partially overturned houses and
chopped their way through to the attics,
where the Inmates were huddled together
waiting for death to ent-r.
Another crew, under Junior Lieutenant
Ross Wllloh, succeeded In saving 30),
while three boats In command of Senior
Lieutenant Theodore Schmidt rescued 214
persons. The majority of these lattor
were taken from box cars, warehouses,
freight shedB and grain elevators In the
railroad yards. It was here that ti.
water attained its grealext vfoiunvv. rush
ing In whirlpools betweoa the Irregulat
buildings on elthor aide of the tracks
Navigation was extremely perilous on ac
count of many submerged box cars, flat
ears and overturned sheds.
Several tlmos the sailors were capslied.
but managed to keep with their bpa's
Crowd Around the M oving Picture Show
Theater on Lake Street Attracted
and right them again. Not a life was
lost, either among the reserves or among
tho hundreds whom they attempted to
While sailors worked Incessantly to
save lives. Lieutenant Walter Gayhart.
nlfo of the ship's company, succeeded In
establishing a supply station In Kast
Fifth street, where many refugees con
gregated, nnd Issued rations to'tho suf
fering. IIo slept tonight after seventy
one hours of continuous labor.
n VIM lor Allimril,
Only tboso doing relief work or having
official business were allowed out of
doors lifter C o'clock tonight. With tho
additional military forces which arrived
the city was thoroughly policed. Tho
city was In darkness again tonight. Kven
with tho careful policing during the last
few nights some robbing has been done.
It hns been Impossible to do much relief
work at night, nnd the ourfew order was
duo In purt to the udvlslbtllty of keeping
tho men where they can protect thoir
own households. If necessary. Fronts ot
stores have been broken down and mer
chandise exposed. Some of this has been
stolen. One tblef gnthcred a quantity
of Jewelry and was making away with It
In a traveling bag when arrested. Major
Dupuy Is angered at certain undertakers
and expressed It In the following state
ment: "These body snatching ghouls
who operate us undertakers will be
treated as they deserve. If It takes tho
entire military power ut tho command
of tho medical department of the Ohio
National Guard. There are a number of
reliable undertakers In Dayton who
have compiled strictly with tho order
to report tho recovery of all bodies, but
thero have been reports received here
of numerous Instances of undertakers
grabbing bodies nnd rushing them to
their own establishments. Then they
either prey on tho grief stricken relatives
or tho public will have to pay for the
burial of the unidentified dead.
3l:iy. Arrest Duilertnkrra.
"All medlcnl nnd military officers have
received orders to promptly nrrest any
undertaker or other person, who recov
ers a body and does not Immediately re
port It to this department. It was said
at military headquarters that a total of
only forty-six bodies was reported up to
this evening, although It was known that
no less than 121 bodies had been taken
to different moigues nnd to private
homes. Tills was ascertained by a com
putation of returns made by different
rescuing squads engaged In the flooded
Major Dupuy stated that he fears an
epidemic of some kind, unless the most
rigid sanitary rules are enforced.
"Thero nre thousands of dead horses
and other animals strewn about the
city," said tho surgeon. "While wo are
pressing Into servlco largo number of
pose of tho carcasses ns many of these
are burled beneath great heaps of heavy
wreckage, which it Is necessary to re
movn before tho bodies can bo taken to
the Incinerating plants.
All Ilrilir Slock DrMroyetl.
"To add to the menace of tho situa
tion wo found that with ono or two ex
ceptions every i-tock of drugs It; Day
ton was destroyed by tho flood. Many
of our officers are without medical or
surgical supplies. A lieutenant doctor
enmo to mo today begging for supplies.
Hp said ho had several obstetrical enscs
to euro for, besides several urgent surgi
cal cases, but had nothing to work with.
Medical knowledge does not do a man
much good If he hns not drugs and in
struments. "Already thero ore a considerable num
ber of sick people, hut we aro maklirc
every offort possible to care for theso
patients. A maternity hospital has been
establish In Dayton View, an emer
gency hospital Is being operated under
extreme difficulties, however In the court
house, and a hospital for contagious
diseases already is treating several cases
of chlckuupox, mumps and measles.
"There are Innunmerable cns of u
grippe, pneumonia, acute rheumatism,
toiibllltls and the like being treated by
the doctors of our corps, and many other
cases have been- reported by local
Major Dupuy stated that the city has
been divided Into six sanitary districts,
caoh district In chargo of an officer of
the sanitary corps of the National
As It will be several weeks before the
sewer system Is In operation again, a
large corps of men will be kept active
In disposing of refuse and In disinfecting
ull promises occupied by refugees, Strict
orders regarding the disposition of gar
bage have, been Issued, and the people
have been advised by means of bulletins,
posted In conspicuous places In the
streets, how best to prererve the public
A small army of sanitary Inspectors
has ben pressed Into service and every
ffort will be made to prevent any out'
break of a pestilence. It was owing to
th4 frightful ilood conditions throughout
the entire territory, of whloh Dayton 1
the. heart, making transportation farllt
Ues uf ull kinds ureleas, that supplies for
the medleal corps did not reach here
until several days after the flood broke
-evernl cars of lime already huv? rcar-h. -i
Much Attention.
the city nnd ninny moro are en route
from different points. A carload nf am
bulance supplies Is on tho way from Cin
cinnati. Arrangements for placing Hntiltary
measures In tho hands of fedcrat offi
cials wero completed at the conference
between Secretary of War Garrison. Major
General Leonard Wood, Surgeon General
Hupert niuo and tho local relief com
mittee, headed by John II. Vnttcrson.
After Secretary Garrison hnd talked over
tho telephone, with Governor Cox ho de
cided that while tho stato militia would
be nhlo to police tho city tho federal
government should havo chargo of the
Mr. Garrison stntcd that Major Thomas
Ilhondes, in co-operation with Mnjor
James C. Normoyle, would havo chargo
In Dayton. Major Normoylo hnd experi
ence in furthering relief In tho Mississippi
flood district last year.
Secretary Garrison gavo out tho sub
stance of his telegram to President Wil
son as follows:
"I find the situation at Dayton to be
ns follows:
"Tho flood has subsided so thnt tlie.v
havo communication with nil parts of tho
city, no ono being now In any position
of peril or without food or shelter. The
National cash register plant has been
turned Into n supply depot and lodging
place for those who havo no other pres
ent plnce.
Surtccoii (ienernl I, end Work,
"Surgeon General Hlue nnd sumo of
his officers aro here, ns tiro nlso omc
navnl surgeons. Wo aro till working In
concert. Tho governor, tho mayor, tho
locnl committees and the '011110118 have
all expressed much gratitude, at tho ac
tion of tho national government nnd havo
welcomed us warmly, all of them stating
that tho fact that a direct representative
has been sent to their community has
bcVn of tho greatest benefit to tho morals
of the city.
"I find a competent forco Is already
organized to clean up tho streets, remove
tho debris ami do general work of that
description nnd have agreed to work
under the direction of tho nrmy aurgeon
I lenvo In charge of sanitation. Tho
National Guards have their adjutant
general, George I. Wood, here. In com
mand of tho military situation, and ho
hits cordially offered to co-opcrato In
every way with our work of sanitation.
"I think that tho situation hero Is
very satisfactory and that this com
munity will find Itself In a renssured
position within a very short time, ,)iid
facing only their problems of repair,
restoration nnd rehabilitation.
"I will go back to Cincinnati tonight
to got Into touch witli matters left un
finished there, nnd will go to Columbufi
ut the earliest moment. Governor Cox.
tells mo that ho thinks mutters arc lu a
satlsfactoiy condition nt Columbus; mat
hu has amplo Immediate supply of
medicines and other necessities, and that
much ot each is on the wny. The
weather Is very flno and thero docB nut
Bccm to he any cause of iipprelionslnu rf
further floods In the vicinity of Dayton."
I-'Iftrcn Tlionnniid Are Fed.
Fifteen thousand persons subsisted o
day on rations given out under direction
of tho relief committee Ten thousand
of these, it Is estimated, wero In their
homes and food was carried to them In
boats and automobile). About t,oftO ar
ICth and Jaekaen Gti,
Of Household Coeds and Pianos
Phono Doug. 1516.
('ring caied for at the relief station
This shown n marked reduction In t'"
number of persons being publicly fed
The relief committee has made no at
tempt to keep a record of the number of
rations sent out 'l'liero Is plenty of food
and It Is being plnreo into bucket In
lots to serve five peisons for two da.
Caudles aio given out with the food
The i diet stations hnve been inxed to
capacity now for the flood has subsided
enough for people to leave their homes.
Homes of persons more fortunate have
been thrown open to those whoso houses
havo been swept away of destroyed.
Homes usually homing four or llv per
sons In many Instances now nra shelter
lug from twenty to thirty.
Beginning early today the relief -hnl-mlttco
sent out tons of food for theo
people Some were found In tli! more
remote sections who hnd not tasted looO
slnco Tuesday, but. comparatively, these
cases were few.
Dr William Colby Ilucker. asilstant
Bllll III!"
Without that
That offensive taste and odor in some beers is easily
Light starts decay even in pure beer. Dark glass gives
protection against light.
'While beer quickly deteriorates when it is
exposed to direct sunlight, such deterioration,
although greatly retarded, will eventually take
place in diffused light. Beer exposed to tho
rays of the sun will very quickly acquire the
so-called 'skunk taste'."
Extract from Proceedings of the Second International Hrewers' Con
gress held in Chicago October 19-21, 1911. Vol. 1, page 300.
We have adopted every invention, every idea that
could make for purity.
The Brown Bottle is only another step in Schlitz
Our beer was first brewed in a hut. Today our
agencies dot the earth. Our output exceeds a million
barrels a year.
More and more
Schlitz. Why don't
Plionea: Doug. 1597; Ind. A iKi
Hchlltz Mottled Deer Depot
TS3 S. 8th Htreet, Omaha, Nebr.
rhonr. 434
II y. Gerbrr, 101 H. Main St.
Council Illuffa
vi t m m m
I nat Made ivmwauKee ramous.
Weather-Proof Cotnpo Rufeto MoIIlig
In rolls complete,
full directions for laying. Guaranteed 15 Years.
Also complete line of Tarred Felts
and Building Papers
Large Stock for Prompt Delivery at
Lowest Prices. For Sale by Local Dealers
DlstifcuttOHs, OIVIA.nA, NEB.
siiigcon griicl.i' ,f the l ulled f iiitr-!
public health service, who Ctunt' hi.,
from Washington at the dliertlon t Urn
secretary nf the treasury with flirgeon
UpiierHl lllur. tonight gave the Asso
ciated Press thi following outline of the
sanitary conditions existing In the city.
"A survey of conditions In Dayton to
day shows that the sanitary iltuallon
Is not so bad as was at ftrat thought.
Citizens have been warned to boll all
drinking water and to bury refuse city
water Is now flowing under twentv
pounds' pressure. Hewers In lome sec.
lions are ngnln In operation. The city
expects to have others working tomor
row. 1
"The city has been divided .nto six (
teen snnltnry districts and tonWht phvsl-
clans who have been sworn In an dis- I
trlct snnltnry officers are being In
structed as to their prerlse .lut'es as
brads of' these districts."
Surgeon General Hlue 'ind Hr Itm Kcr 1
will go to Hamilton tomorrow to ob-M-rve
tho situation there
or Odor
people every year are drinking
you f
&e that crown or cork
is branded "Schlitz."
The Beer
m m m
with nails and cement for laps, and 1
Sloan's Liniment has a sooth
ing effect on tho nerves. It
stops neuralgia, toothache and
sciatica pains instantly.
Mrs. 0. M, Dowkkr, of Johanneibnrg,
Mlch.,wrltei: "Sloan's Liniment relieved
me at Neuralgia, Thoso pains hare all
5 one and I can truly say jour Liniment
id stop thorn."
is also good for rheumatism,
sore throat and sprains.
At ill Frict ., Se. 11.00.
Dr. Earl S. Sloan - Boston, Mass.
the best
33 Sfl