SEND US YOUR ORDERS NOW The best thirty storm pictures, made for THE BEE, have been reproduced in a PHOTO PORTFOLIO OF THE OMAHA TORNADO, printed on fine paper, 7x9 pages, with striking t , i j j j i j r i rv 1 n i T :i x. 1 10 ,4- cover, jusiwnai: you want to sena to your menus, rriue, iu cents, oy man, iu any ctuuic&s, jl tcnw The Omaha Daily Bee The Every Day Ad Consistent use of Bee want ads brings substantial returns. It's the crcry djr uso that pays. THE WEATHER. Unsettled, Cooler VOL. XLII-NO. 245. OMAHA. MONDAY MGUNINO, MARCH 3l, 1913 TEN PAGES. SINGLE COPY TWO CENTS. 3- FLOODED CITIES START THE WORK OF REBUILDING improvement in Weather Helps Des titute, but is Dangerous to Public Health. PURE WATER 18 NEEDED Chairman of Committee Issues Ap- lal to Other Cities. DUPUY Declare FLAYS UNDERTAKERS that Visitors Wanted. Are Not PASSENGERS ARE QUESTIONED Host Dead Were Caught in Streets Going to Work. BODIES COVERED WITH MUD Hcnrchera Wdc Through Sen of Utility ooze UotlteM of Hun dred! of Dead Animals LyliiK In Streets. . Investigations yesterday tended to con firm the estimates of deaths In the floods that swept over a score o( cltli In 0.ito and Indiana last week ut between 6u0 and 600. ".The latest estimates snow tile follow llig deaths: . OHIO. f Dayton ISO Hamilton 01 Columbus 4 ZauesvUle 10 Uelaware 14 Chillleothe .... 16 Coshocton S Mlddletown 9 valiar Junction. 6 Harrison 13 Clear. 3 Van Wart 3 Maamlsburg ... lBj nau. ia Tltftn 16 Mount V.mon.. 10 rremont 14 XTanklln 4 Troy 9 Vsntoe 3 Alansfleld 1 Globe Center. ... 1 Wooater 3 Loudonville .... 1 Hew Bethlehem.. 2 unto total .471 IWDIAlfA. Peru 301 Tort Wayne 8 Terre Xauta 4 W. Indianapolis.. 1 Hrookrllle IS Washington .... 4 Frankfort 3 Iioganaport 1 Stash ville 1 Ifunoie 1 uaiayeita x Newcastle 1 E. Mt. Carmen... 1 Shellburn 1 - .-Indiana total .' , SO Brand total - 631 As the tlOJOTSO. rivers recede the death list gradually grows, bodies being picked out of the debris and found 1,11 tho low lands. ' Ultra consprv&tlvo estimates place Jhe number of dead In this state at not more than 500. ilowevcr, no authentic information has been received from Marlettva, Ports mouth, Ironton and scores of smaller cities and villages where losses may have occurred. The largest Increase In the death -list was at Hamilton, whero ninety-one bodies have been recovered. DAYTON, O., March SO. The work of rehabilitation began here today as the work of rescue approached its end. The all Important weather showed Improve ment as viewed by refugees as It was warmer and pleasant to frost and water chilled bones, but the sanitary experts accepted the rise in temperature with mixed feelings, for the cold had retarded the decomposition of animal matter and refuse. Secretary of War Garrison conferred with various officials and heads of com mittees and wired President Wilson that the death list would not reach 00, and otherwise epitomized the situation and de parted for Cincinnati after a flitting view of the city from an automobile. It Is probable that he will go to Co lumbus tomorrow. . W. E. Blackwell, In charge of the morgues, estimated the dead at 250. Members of the citizens' relief commit tee are apprehensive of a water famine. It Is believed there Is little chance that the present supply can be made to last until the water mains are In use again. A alt for Bottled Water. R. H. Grant, In charge of thu relief supplies committee, tonight Issued an ap peal to aU cities In the country, asking that' as much bottle water be shipped to .Dayton as possible. It is especially de sired that this water be pure, as it is practically Impossible to boll the water for drinking purposes. Medical supplies were reported woefully short by Major T. V. Dupuy, who Is in charge of sanitary work. Drugs here were largely destroyed and the medical chests of the militia as well as supplies tent by other cities, have, in many In (Continued on Page Three,) The Weather For Nebraska Fair. For Iowa Fair. Temperature, at Omaha Yesterday. 5 a. m 6 a. m 7 a. m 8 a. in 9 a. m 10 a. m 11 a. m 12 m 1 p. m 3 p. m 3 p. m 4 p. m 6 p. m 6 p. m 7 p. m 4? 48 58 58 4? 54 . SS , 62 , 66 . oo , 63 , 63 . 61 , 59 8 p. m Local Weather Record. . 56 .Temtiernture at Omaha Yesterday 1913. 1911. 1911. 1910. Highest yesterday 67 65 60 Lowest yesterday 4S 40 28 4t Mean temperature 58 K 16 si TpKClpltatlon 03 .06 .S3 T - Temperature and precipitation depart Drra from the normal; . Jjrmal temperature 4J Excess for the day , IS 'Total deficiency since March 1 34 Normal precipitation 04 Inch Deficiency for the day W Inch Total rainfall alni-e March 1 .. l.Oainrhei Fxcess ralrfali since March 1 1 70lnche Kxrett for -or p rlol It!" I 11 Inrhen . Deficit ncy for cor period. 1911 .10 Inch I INJURED ARE CONVALESCENT Tornado Victims Still in Hospitals Reported Doing Nicely. SURPRISINGLY In- Comnnrlnloti to l.nrni- .Nil in Her Treated at Different InMltli tlona ( Mini Were Fatnll)' Injnred, 1'eports from the vurlous hospitals yes terday Indicated that most of the tornado Injured still confined to them were doing nicely. Many have been discharged since the day after the catastrophe and wtthln another week the number will be reduced considerably. After then only those with major hurts will be obliged to remain. In compurlson with the large number of wounded',that were originally taken to the different Institutions surprisingly few were fatally Injured.' The official,, Jlst ounuay evening jitootnia rouo a coi'Mtv'Iiospital. V. J. LePage, 4518 Martha street. fracture and scalp wound, Mr. Mathtney, IffiS MiiEun street. Klla Douglas, colored. Twenty-fifth and Lake streets. Pope Cowle, Twenty-sixth and Q streets. Hanna Hargudine, Forty-second street and Grand avenue. William Eagan, Forty-fifth and Marcy streets, not Injured. Mrs. J. S. Uagan and two children, 5411 Mayberry avenue, deep wound, arm and scalp wound. Mrs. Nellie Eagan, 902 South Forty fifth street, scalp and leg wound. Loretta Eagan. 002 South Forty-fifth street, scalp wound. OMAHA GENERAL, HOSPITAL. Mrs. Mary Abernathy and two children. 2201 North Twenty-fifth street. Henry Elklns, 2124 Northv Twenty-first street. . , . William Eck, 3823 North Tweniy-imru street. Gertrude Gilpin, 3463 California street. Mrs, Frank Griffin. 5117 Poppleton ave nue. . .. . Ella Golden, Z302 xsortn xwcniy-iiiiii street. . Mrs. John Irwin, 20SJ rorin iweni)- fourtli street. Georgia Jackson, 2314 ratncK avenue. Albert Lee. 2201 Rurdette street. Joseph Levants, 2315 California street. John Lindsay, 1414 North Thirtieth street. Earl Merrlam, 2S74 innney sireei. .Mrs. W. A. Morrow, 2826 Decatur Btrcct. Lawrence McGregor. Boston, Maes. Mabel Peterson, 4420 Juckson street. V E. Panabaker, 3625 California street. Essie Robertson. 2203 North Twenty- fifth street. ,.. Fred Reeves, jiis rsorni i weu.j-w,... street. . , Mrs. H. Strlttmaner. Mrs. Ethel J. Sell. 3465 Cal forrila street. Rosa Smith, 2302 North Twenty-fifth street. , , John WalU, zn-n imhc E R. Wlggs. 3230 Evans street. William Wiggs,. 3230 Evans street. WISE MEMORIAL HOSPITAL. -Esther Raker, Twenty-fourth and Har ney streets. ,,....n, .rPet. Joe cooper, oio D,;"Av.. N Cox. mV street. South Omaha. Mrs C E? Duncan. 4101 Farnani street. Mrt W F. Dunmcler. 3820 Chicago street. Ca t.. iitn rt. Mrs. Bert iicias. t. J A FiBher. 4518 Marcy htreet. jr.e ifovhftrri' avenue. Mrs. Glvatlnsky, 4S07 Marcy street, ilelen Griffin. 217 Poppleton avenue. D Kassler, 1902 North Twenty-slxth street, . v-.u Txpntv. James Mcuonaiu. ui elghlb avenue D...,f. .lMJt. Mrs. MacKoviix, it ...... Mrs. Putman. 5140 Burt stre-'t. .... N. Petersen. 127 North Twenty-eighth Charles Pastner, Foriy-bccond Jackson streets. Robert Robinson. Forty-second Harney streets. r-.harles Roodwlck. Twenty-third and and and Center streets. Mrs. Sheppard. 4249 Harney "trcet. Frank Tryon, 2419 North Twenty-fourth "'Sirs.' Vlzovlcek. 663 South Forty-second avenu. CLARKSON . HOSPITAL. Mrs. ' Abbott. 2211 Irard street. Mrs. C. S. Bowman. James Carroll. Mrs. M. Dragoo. 4824 Woolworth ave- "Marlon Dunvllle, 3321 Lincoln boulu- VMr! and Mrs. Holm. 369' North Thirty eighth street. Mrs. W. Holman, 4530 Mayberry avenue. Florence Jones. 4318 Jackson street. H. A. Mllke. 4S01 Pierce street W. E. Shaffer. 4330 Mayberry avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Walsh, 131f South Forty-eighth street. METHODIST HOSPITAL. Ous Anderson, 321 North Thirty-sixth avenue. Francis Gro Jeun. J51S Webkter htrtef G. L. Hammer. 3 North Thlrt) -elgth street. Mr G. L. Hammer. WS North Thlrt elghth street. Ella Holmes SOS North . Thltiy-fitth street. FUa Nelson 363 North Thirty-eighth ; Continued on Page Two.) Sightseej?;kongs L .mnrwVv ... -m MJ few died immmmi mmm 7id Mm laVLsVLsassfH 'jmjMmmm immmmmBTSiM yjLft BmmZS9mmBtStBmmmmmmmmmmmWlm IIP Mil III V ZacJklxLg 201:0. WOULD JAIL GUY CRAMER Greatest Fight o fthe Session is to "Come Off" Today. CRAMER STRUCK SUGARMAN llollen or Icnox Will Make Mtronir Flirht AKnlnnt Ilenoln t Ion to In carcerate Cramer for Six Mourn Without Trial. (Fiom a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN. Neb.. March 30.-(Spcclal.) The sensational fight of the session will come in the house tomorrow when an effort Is made to adopt the resolution Introduced by an Investigating commit teo to send Guy Cramer to Jail for six hours without a trial on the charge of having struck Representative Sugarmau, Hotlon of Knox expects to make a fight against the adoption of the resolution, and If pressed too hard he may make some disclosures that may put the house up against the proposition of suspending or expelling one of its members. The committee appointed to investigate the Cramer-Sugarman Incident, through Its chairman, Nichols of Madison, haa made two reports to the house which flatly contradict each other, and Bollen will rely on these conflicting reports to prevent the house taking any summary action against Cramer. In the first report Nichols reports Cramer hit Sugarman after adjournment, or words to that effect, and he reported examining several witnesses to prove the assault had ocourred. In the second report Nichols reports the assault ocourred In the presence of the house of representatives in repre sentative hall. As a matter of fact, the assault oc curred during the noon recess In the lobby of representative hall. tayn Snnrnrmnu Incited Cramer. Bollen will Insist that the house had no jurisdiction, Inasmuch as the assault did not occur while the house was In spsslon. He will also attempt to show that Sugarman incited Cramer to riot and was himself to blame for the asrault and Ills remedy lies In the courts and he cannot get satisfaction at the hands of the house. Bollen will Insist that the In cident was not an assault on the peace and dignity of the house and, therefore, the house has no Jurisdiction In the matter. He believes the committee Is deserving of censure for having made conflicting statements regarding the assault and he Insists If It had been made n the pres ence of the house there would have been no necessity for the examination by the committee of a bunch of wltneiisei. In stead the, committee should have sum moned Cramer to the bar of the ho ite and he would have been summarily pun ished as In the case of contempt In Urn presence of the court. Some believe the committee in Its (Continued on I'ase Two.) ooking Over the Ruins IV. an. 33 Cuming fS6e& Madison Will Aid. the Omaha Tornado Victims MADISON. Neb., March 30. (Special.) A mass meeting of the citizens of Madi son will be held Monday evening at 8 o'clock at the Hasklns' theater, to con sider what should be dono to assist the Omaha cyclone sufferers. The meeting Is called by Mayor Fred H. Davis. The citizens of Madison deBlre to extend their sympathy to the unfortunates In Omaha In a substantial way, and It Is thought that the action of this meeting will re sult In a plan, which will comprehend the entire city and make It possible for all to do something, thus distributing the burden from a few to many. LEGISLATURE IS WAKING UP Lawmakers Are Beginning to Sec Error of Loafing on the Job. TOOK THEMSELVES SERIOUSLY Stnr Chnntber Seealon Attempt" to Pick Out Dllla of Ileal Importance from Antonn Mnea that Una Accnmnlnteil. I (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Neb., March 30. (Special.) Though late in the season and the scaleh. are beginning to drop from the eyes of borne of the house members and they are beginning $.0 take a tumble to them selves. These several house members have concluded they have been taking themselves too seriously and that really making the laws for the state as exem plified by the present house Is a dullu hIon and a snare 'and a roaring farce. All of which came out at a star chamber session of three democrats last night when they got together to pick out some bills of state Importance from the mass now on file and pass them. They had the opinion that the legislature had done nothing and would do nothing unless the steering committee got busy at once. They propose to bo the steerers. Those present at the meeting were Fall stead of Richardson, Busch of Otoe, El wood of Antelope, Relsche of Dawes and one or two others. i On the outside with no Invitation to enter was Bollen of Ce dar, and Knox, while down the street was Potts of Pawnee, chalrmanr respec- (Contlnued on Page Two.) The General Relief Fund amount now to over $150, 000 to which is to be added the money collected on Sun day, which will be reported thi$ morning. in Omaha Sunday . ....2.. 73 COOKED FOOD FOR HOMELESS Relief Committee Sending Out Pre pared Victuals to Stations. MANY USELESS DONATIONS tireal .Unity People Are .Sendlnir In Article Ont of Itepalr nnil of I'rnctlcnlly no Itenl Service. Food already cooked and prepared for the table was sent out from the Auditor ium yeslerduy morning and afternoon to the various relief stations for tho benefit of the sufferers who have no place to preparo food, even If It were received A squad of cooks were busy all Satur day night and Sunday morning In the basement of the Auditorium cooking food and forwarding It to the stations. Cap tain Strltzlnger. In charge of the relief work at the Auditorium, says tho food Is being given away as fast as It comes to the stations and continued calls for more prmrcd Into the Auditorium all day. Stock Department Hnpplleil. Another feature which Is proving of great benefit Is the receiving of large bundles of clothing for babies and for women In confinement. People all over the city rushed large quantities of baby clothes to the Auditorium upon learning that It was needed. Bundles containing apparel for the little tots were wrapped at the headquarters and shipped to the various stations whore It wus greatly In demand. Ifaele.a Donations. Captain Strltzlnger complained yester day of receiving many ai tides which nro of little or no use. Ho said peoplo hud sent In old stoves with the doors and legs broken off and which were of no practi cal service and Just caused unnecessary expense of hauling them to the Audi torium only to be then thrown away. Ilnlntlea for III, A limited supply of eggs, fresh milk and Jellies and preserves are In the hunds of the general relief committee and will be sent to sick people who are absolutely In need of them, but will not be sent out (Continued on Pago Two.) PAT CROWE RELEASED FOR HIS ROBBERY STORIES MINNEAPOLIS, March 30.-Pat Crowe, who was serving a ninety days' sentence for ordering more chop suey at a local restaurant than he had money to pay for. was released from the workhouse Saturday with two-thirds of his time yet to serve. This action was taken by the court because Frank At cDmihlil. unnr. ini.,M.nt ,,r .,rir,n i..i,i .us i.i. " V " " , - . that the stories he wus telling of his numerous escapades In the old days were having an evil Influence on the young prisoners, many of them serving their first sentence for trivial offenses. CONYICTS FOOD IS YILE Report of Committee Suggests May Prison Reforms of Importance. DISGRACEFUL Modern Lnnaunae Mnn the Joint Committee of Mcnnte nnd llonae Cannot Dlacrllic Food Condi tion In Nelirnaka I'cna. (From r Staff Correspondent,) LINCOLN, March 30.-(Speclul.) The Joint committee of the senate and house has made Its report on the condition of the state penitentiary and its recom mendations are included. It reports the condition of the kitchen and the facili ties for preparing food, a disgrace to decent state In the following language: It la difficult to reDort unon the con ditlon of the kitchen and the manner ol handling the food, and use mod era to language. It your committee wore to rf.nrlh 111 nnnriltlnn nt 'lh. bttnhan aa It was when visited bv vfmr com mittee and to picture the receptacles In which the food was bel ugprepared, the condition of the room In which It was bclmr tinmured. the details would be so unpleasant, the veracity ot your committee might be questioned, The filth In the kitchen, when cleaning up ufter a meal, the entire repulsive condition of thn utensils "In which food Is bundled Is such as to disgrace any civilized Institution and It Is tho sense of vonr rnmmltten that Immediate steps should bo taken to appropriate sufficient funds for tho erection of a one-story building at the eaBt end ot tho yarn, connecting with tho east cell house, and In.irA mnrtlltrli tiv a kltflinn lintl dining room. Many of the kitchen utensils should bo thrown awuy and now Hinges, enameled kltchon utensils, enameled dishes for serving of the food and metal tubs for garbuge and soiled dishes should be puichused ut once. Vegetables and food are now prepared In wooden tuns and tho sollef plates and garbuge are removed from tho dining room In old broken wooden tubs that are a breach - .... . .nnNarv Inw. ot tne itiubv cimuciin jt Uliilnir Room in lin.eineni. Tho dining room Is In a basement, .,mJ.,l In iiMi nn extent that home ol the prisoners are being fed In the tor- riUUlB Ol IIIU UP" nvfMnvn. -..v i- .. .....i.i,,, Klrnrtlire nachc'l I... lii,.n.,l frnm tile rilnlllk TOOin iUO Is small, filthy, and Impossible to keep closet in the kitchen on chunks of Ice und the drainage from tho closet r Uns o over the floor. It seems remarkable thiit some pldmlc has not rsultcd from the conditions as they now exist. no mj .t nel of the penitentiary Is a new kitchen and dining room. Ilnaitltal la h Farce. The report condemns tho hospltul as unworthy of the name and suggest the building of a second floor in the east ceil house to bo used for hospital and bath purposes. It Is estimated this will cost not less than $10,000. It recommends the construction of twenty-flvo or more shower baths and tho presold baths made more sanitary and the prisoners given more privacy. At present there are two rows of twcnty-elght old bath tubs placed aide by side In the open. To make over thn baths would cost not more than $2,000. Regarding the possibility of recreation grounds tho committee Bays: Your committee Is of tho opinion that the board of commissioners should ulti mately plan to remove tho heating plant and endue house front Its present loca tion in the yard to a point outside of the yard In order to do awuy wun tne aaugei of otilhrrtik unci the introduction of "done" by the dally taking In and out of coul cars. As this would be an expens Ivn removal at this tlmo. and Other III) provements are so much more badly needed, we puss this suggestion merely with our recommendation. Would Tear Down llorae llarna We recommend, however, thut the board of public lands and buildings oi the board of commissioners take steps Immediately to teur down the old horst barn, which is Inside the yard, and was the original territorial prison. tne tew horses In the barn can be easily accom modated In the farm buildings outsldi of the walls, and this space will be needed when tho dining room and kitchen is erected. The present solitary cell house and hospital room, the green house, the Lee Broom and Duster office, the heating plant and the horse barn should all bo taken out or the yard and tin i space given up for exerclae and reoroa tlon of the men. Rut as these removali and changes will take time and money. It is the recommendation of your committee that immediate steps be taken and an appropriation made for the erection ot an eighteen-foot wire fence made of strong material, with guardhouses at proper Intervals and that this enclosure be made on the high ground In front ot and to the north of the penitentiary and that the prisoners be given opportunity to exercise in tne open air, ror at least a few minutes each dpv and oiv Siturdai afternoons they be glien a military drill i "r " P'rmltttil to take part In such I Port us Is conducive to health and phvslcal strength. The committee recommends the pass age of the bill sent in by the governor appropriating $00,000 to carry out its suggestions, t RELIEF WORK TO REQUIRE LARGER SUMS OF MONEY Committee to Systematically G About Work of Securing Addi tional Sums. CHECK UP THE LARGE FIRM! Will Ask 'for Contributions from Those Not on the Lists. COMMITTEE GOES TO LINCOLN Has Relief Measure Asking for Right to Vote Bonds. GOVERNOR TO RECOMMEND IT Only Way in Which Such Bill May Now Be Introduced. REAL ESTATE MEN ARE ACTIVS Plnil Ther llnvp Undertaken a liana Tnnlc to tllieek Up the Mat of Property Damnked by the Cyclone. With the general relief fund for the tornado sufferers mounting to $1&0,0 n round numbers, tho general relief comrnlttce expects this morning to set to work systematically to Inquire fdrther for relief monoy from some of tho busU ness firms of tho city. A '.1st of the business firms that have contributed has been made up alphabetically and the amount they have contributed will be placed after their names. This Is fof the uso of the commltteo alone In makllif further solicitations. "Wo havo thug tar not asked a single soul or firm te contribute," said one of tho committee eaterday evening and tho monoy ha been pouring In splendidly. When we come to look over the list ot firms lit the city nnd tho amounts they have given, there really are not so v.y many that have not contributed up to oate. We havo no doubt all of them are willing to contribute and we are eolmf o call them up one by one and ask them It they will contribute and how much." Expect to Swell List. This system. Is expected . to swU the list materially before this evening, al though it will perhaps take several days or maybo a week to rcuch all ot them. "Tho money Is coming in splendidly," sld Treasurer Cowcll when asked about the finances yestcrduy," but thy need s terrific, tho need Is terrlfflc." Neck 11 o nil Authorisation. A commltteo from the special flnsnce committee of the general relief com. mlttec, headed by John L. Kennedy, win go to Lincoln this morning to present the needs of Omaha before the otat legislature. They will ask for tne enact- mont ot laws permitting Douglas county to vote $1,000,000 in bonds to be used for tho upbuilding of the destroyed homes, This committee leaves at 915 this morn Ing for Linculn. There are fourteen 1 the committee, and a roll call last night Indicated that about a dozen ot these would be ablo to go. They will tako wltt them a draft of the proposed bill they desire the legislature to consider, em powering Douglas county to vote bonds In tho sum ot $1,000,0X1. The committer will go directly to the governor with the proposal, as It Is only thiuugh the recom mendation of the governor that a bill can be introduced In the legislature now that the twenty days fixed by law for tho Introduction of bills have past Real E.tnte Men Active, Tho commltteo of rcnl estate men work ing In thn affected district gathering in formation In regard to the amounts of damage in the various homes, the condi tion of mortgages, etc., has been work ing faithfully, but will not likely bo through for several days. Members ot the commltteo say it Is tho most difficult task they have ever undertaken. Only by the aid of the maps and charts kept by all real estate men aro they ablo to determine the houso number of most) places where the wreck was worst, as several houses aro often piled together In one tangled mass of kindling wood, with no house number to bo found any where In the ruins. When the commit tee does learn the number ot the houso that stood there, the next task Is .to find the owner or the renter. If the house is destroyed or damaged to any great ex tent the family has necessarily moved and In most cases no one In the neighbor hood la able to tell where the family haa gone. dimmed Addressee. As yet no very effective method ofi listing new addresses has been devised. Miss Clara Cooper has on her own au thorlty established a bureau of .'hanged ddretses In the city council chmber. Sha lias a card system and haa .1st of a great many changed addreses. but as yet no very systematic method of report- (Continued on Page Two.) LET EVERYBODY HELP Bend your contribution for the tornado victims to amy Omaha newspaper nnd it will be acknowledged in the paper and turned into official relief fund.