I ss- THE OMAHA SUNDAY RICK; MARCH .10, 101.1 -0-A V QHHHSSl Itl tt'NixrT 1 1 u mwn i, ti mii rMaMwji , ' m w 1 1 m i j inium 1 1 iG THE ENTIRE WEEK BEGINNING MONDAY, MARCH 31ST r. Every day this week we will bring forward new lots specially priced to make every day a great saving occasion in this Anniversary bargain triumph. There never has been a time when genuine bargains wore more in domand than right now, and there never linB been a time when any western store was so well able to supply those bargains as we are this week. The merchandise we offer this week cannot possibly be bought so cheaply at nny other time in the entire season. Sheets and Pillow Cases at the Mast Amazing Redactions in Our 31st Anniversary Sale r Ksk for Fnirhaverf Sheets and Pillow Cases Monday. These seamless, Well made bleached sheets and pillow cases are made from sheeting that is bettor than the well known Pepperell brand. Note big savings for Monday: Brae 63x90 Sheets 59o vnlue, in the Anniversary sale, each 45c Size 63x99 Sheets (55c value, in the Anniversary sale, each 49 'Size 72x90 Sheets 65c value, in the Anniversary sale, each. . ; 49c Size 72x99 Sheets 75c value, in the Anniversary sale, each 55( Size 81x90 Sheets 75c value, in the Anniversary sale, each 55( Size 81x99 Sheets 80c value, in the Anniversary sale, each 59c Size 90x99 Sheets 85c value, in the Anniversary sale, each 65c Size 42x36 Pillow Cases 16c value, at each "l-IOn Size-45x36 Pillow Cases 18c value, at each .J L2t , . BASEMENT. i As a Special Feature of Our 31st Anniversary We Offer to the Men of Omaha SPRING SUITS of a Quality That Never Before Sold Any- where in America M atLessThan$12.50, Monday, For One Day, at . Silk and Cotton Dress Fabrics Assorted lot of dress fabrics for street and houso gowns, suit able also for draperies, linings, lounanuoiw, etc., una ln eludtH fltllc Jacquurd ncurflnirs. plains, silks. etc. worm up to soo a yara zy, 33 ana 56 ins wine, ynra. ........... Bmnt a, lilllUKU, 15c mJ ft ''7x90 mmei, Matched rtady-to- M ghf that uiually nil for BOo; Annlveriary tale prlc, tach 35c 43x36 and 48x36 wfll made Pillow Ca, nanally told at laUoj An. nlvtraary cal prlc, ea-oh .Imported Shirting Madras, in Basement at, a yard, NGat stripes in various colors that are woven into the cloth A rare bargain Monday in the basement 7!C 15c In our 31 years in the retail business we have never known a better bargain in good clothes. Fine blue Herges, tweeds and worsteds in two and three button models every suit extra well tailored. The- colors arc brown, blue, tan, grey and neat stripctf effects. The 'tailoring is of high quality, the suits will appeal to well dressed men who know stylo when they see it. 15c WHITE PIQUES, 7i2c YD. Mill remnants in lengths suit able for skirts and suits IGo would bo the regular price, but ior a disc Anniver- mm 1 sary special wo offer M I it Monday at, yd. Dnitraant. Tic 26 PIEOE SILVER CHESTS at $3.08 Stratford pattorn plated silver ware C knlvoB, 6 forkB, 6 tablo spools, C tea spoons, 1 butter unite, 1 sugar biiom always soils at 57 -Monday special, at Main rioor, S3.98 Ifflst Anniversary Sale of Millinery! 210 $10 TRIMMEB HATS WILL GO AT $5 These hats which we offer for five dollars Monday are such models as you would ordinarily be glad to pay $10 for. You can choose from 200 hemp and milau spring hats in the small and medium shapes, trimmed with clever fancyeffects, Bulgarian bands, ostrich novelties, plumes, ribbons and wings. Every hat is an authentic, new style and there 's not one that isn't worthy of a ten dollar price tag. Monday on second floor. S5 $350 Untrimmed Hats Special One Day $1.50 $i Twenty different styles in the correct new spring shapes, in cluding the popular new Tarns. Many silk velvet faced hemp hata in white, burnt, black,, Nell rose, new blue, etc., at. . . . . STRAW BRAIDS Full bolts of-braid in the popular shades v. jr g new blues, Nell rose, green, black, white, etc. worth up to K j"j P 81.25 In 'en and twelve, yard bolts, nt J 4 Beautiful Cluster Silk Popples with Folinge Old rose, light. blue, geranium, pink, etc. worth 7oc, at uunch Imported American Heauty roses, June rosea, clusters of 12 rosebuds and foliage in a bunch, new shades, worth 81.5U, at bunch 3 c 59c 3aW BASEMENT The close flttinff, small and medium trimmed street hata made of horse hair lirald In black, -brown and navy Slut Anniversary sale, special, at $1.50 and $1.98 39c Rare Bargains in Lace Curtains Drapery Goods Anniversary sale offers remarkable opportunities to save handsomely on dependable curtains. 1900 Pairs ol Lace Curtains of All Kinds Made to $1.98 Sell From $2.50 to $3.50 a Pair Monday on 3d Floor SI.25 If! Pr YARD WIDE BLACK DRESS SILKS Messnllnes, indcstructiblo black and colored dresB and lining taffotas, peau do roine, black Ratin uucnesso, etc This Is romilar $1 25 a yd. quality, at yd. . , Mlu Floor. 69o 600 pairs of Etamine Curtains that are worth as high as $8. 00 a pair, will go on the Third floor Monday, at, per yard 10,000 Yards oi Novelty Net, Curtain Net and Aliover OQp A Lace, Worth as High as $1.50 Yd. Monday on 3d Floor tJL IU 5,000 yards of Serim, Marauisette and Etamine that is xvorth up to SOo a yard, will go en the Third floor, at, per yard IOC 16-INOH SHADED OSTRICH PLUMES The season's bost colors, such ns now blue to taupo, cerlso to taupo, gold to brown, and whlto to black. This Is regu lar $4.00 value, special Bale, at Second Floor. $2.51 A large cluster of six medium Blze roses in an Rood colors basement barKaln square 75c values, at Full Size Lace Curtains, Worth Up to $1 Each, Basement at 25c Ea Travelers' Samples ot Lace Curtains, Worth Up to $i, Basement 15c Ea 200 Employes Wanted at Once in All Departments Apply to Supt., Brandeis Stores. EMBROIDERIES 45 Inches. Wide, 29c Yd. Fine embroidered Voile Skirtings choice designs In blind relief and heavy Japanese effects many rire worth as , high as 50c a yard ' Anniversary special, yard, Mnln Floor. A. T?.rnnAnvi:MA. ATSam. ChIa On Main ah UAH am mum y uuuuii aaic Floor John J. Clark and Chadwick Best Six Cord Machine Thread, Monday Wash Edging All colors pretty patterns an excellent qunl ity that is regularly worth up to 8V2c a yard, at yard 2c Shoe Trees, pair IOC Hair Nets, dozen 10c New Shell Barettos, ea., 25c 2c 29c RICH HEAVY SILK LACE BANDS ) s ) V !5 Women's Tailor- d Suits, at . . . Strikinelv handsome suits, man tailored in the latest models from the season's Crochet, Vcnlse and Macratne effects 4 to 6 Inches wide white, cream, ecru and ulacK also ir 1 inch fine Shadow .itce Flounclngs and 18-ln. Aliover Shadow and Orl ntal Lace, worth 76c. at yard Slain Floor. c Btnartest fabrics. Anniversary Wall Paper Sale New Spring Papers, with borders to match, worth 6c, ..at ,t. 3c Parlor, Hall and Library Pa pers, regularly worth 10c, at arbll 5c Beautiful Bed Room Papers, 'with cut-out borders, worth to 18o, at, roll 8c 30-in. Plain Oatmeal Papers, Gold Parlor Papers in rich designs, worth up to 30c, at, roll 12C Oatmeal Papers, sun-proof patterns, worth to GOc, at, per roll 16c to 27c Varnished Bath Room and Kitchen Papers, worth to 30c, at, roll 19c We take orders for paper hanging. Reasonable prices. Dress Shields, special, pr. 5c Black Darning Cotton, ball 1c Skirt Markers 10c Safety Pius, card lc Hooks and Eyes, will not rust at 2y25 Silk Elastic, j'ard 15c Inside Belting, yard 5c BOYS' NORFOLK SUITS at $2.25 A really remarkable offer smart, snappy Norfolks in grey and brown mix. These Bargain Specials in Wash Goods Should Bring Thousands ot Women to the Basement. 27-lnch Bilk Stripe Voile, yarn dyed and faBt color, mado from boat selected cotton 25c valuo, In now spring coloring; at, yard 36-in. natural colored dress linen every thread t Jt n j.1 r v pure linen, maae irom me iinesi se lected flax and launders perfectly very special, yard An exceptional offer In printed Irish Dimity beautiful fabric for dainty, cool summer dresses. These 27-Inch dimities woro bought at n great reduc tion they are worth 20c a yard, special, yd. 15c F VIM J I V V 15c beautiful IOC While Goods That Are in Greatest Demand Now Ottered at Much VEILS and SCARFS All Silk Marquisette Volls and Scarfs tvIUi satin striped bor ders black and colors 2 yards long and regu lar G5c and 75c values Monday, at each . . . Main Tloor. 39c I5C Less than the Regular Prices. 27-in. fino white dotted Dress Swiss, also lace stripe effects a fabric that retails at 25c, Monday at, yard Extra lino rersian Lawn, pure white IQL n and full 32 ins. wide-25o value, at yd. 2(j 40-in. Mercerized Japaneso Nainsook, soft, silky fnbric. for undonnuslins launders splendidly and will not turn yellow box of ft ft rn 10 yards uUL.UU Imperial Long Cloth Polntor brand chamois QQ finish 30 inches wldo, 12-yard bolts OJC 25-Inch wldo Whlto Cotton Cropo, soft finish for under muHllns, house dresses, etc. requires no ironing 12 BATH TOWELS Those are extra large, Bplondld wearing bath towols, mado to sell regularly at 40c. Thoy aro offered for Monday at, each Main rioor. 9c PEARL BUTTONS ucean l'carl Muttons, all klnm in largo and Bmall sizes 3, 4 and 8 but tons on card, at card. . . Main rioor. 6c TRIMMING BUTTONS Fancy rhincstono trim ming buttons In all col ors Monday at a doz.... Mam floor. 5o tures ?3 values Anniversary apecial, at ' Bucment, Clothing- Sept. i.25 Fashionseal" Suits for Women Scores of now spring models that surpass the ordinary $33 and $40 suits sold elsewhere. Buy the Rugs You Need for Spring During this Anniversary Sale The Savings will be Remarkable We will show on our third floor Monday an immense qunntitiy of Axminster and mm AA WiHnn Volvot. T?nrra n Hy12 my.n. Tlin nnttoriiR urn the most attractive now 0 mm. 30 floral, Oriental and geometrical designs. These rugs aro worth as high as Jj.UU li eacb very special at 36x72 Axminster Rugs at S2.59 Newest spring patterns, particularly fino lino of floral designs are here. Eegular $3, $3.50 and $4. values. Our S12.50 9x12 'Brussels Rugs at S7.98 Those aro rugs of excellent grade in all tho now spring patterns. They aro offered Monday at a raro bargain. SMALL RUGS A wonderfully attractive lino of velvet rugs, a m 27x54 size, will tJ go Monday at .11 Third rioor. W V Women's Pure Silk V Boot Hosiery "With wide lisle garter tops, lisle double soles, high splic ed heels and toes in black, tan and white GOc values, at a pair... I Anniversary Week We Offer All Our FirstQuality Hair Goods At 1-5 Regular Prices All our finest Hair Goods, matle in every imaginable shade and designed for this season's fashionable coiffures, will go on sale at Vz the prices of a few days ago. Specials in French Convent Hair i Beautiful 22-in. Switch- P shades, only. , S4.95 f Manicuring, Shampooing and Hair Dressing 24-in. Switches, in all shades except AH 7X white, for 00, U Men's Hats and Furnishings at the Most Remarkable Bargains Men's Sample Soft and Stiff Hats in every dimension of crown and brim now spring styles worth $2, $2.50 and $3.00, on sale Monday at Men's Sample Caps in becoming English Golf and Norfolk styles, made from serviceable materials in new English patterns $1.00 values, nt Boys' Caps in new plain and fancy colors and pat terns, including true blue serges made to give good service 50c values for $1 50c 25c Women's Black Cravenette and White Nubuck Shoes Also black velvet shoes new lantB button styles well made and extra well flnlshod shoes for wo men in all np sises; Anniver- fW fl Hh III J UJ' cial , Stain Floor, Old Btor. Stationery I5C Dox of fine llnon finished stationery, containing 48 sheets of pa per and 50 envelopes reg ular 2Cc values Monday, it Men's Lisle Hose Serviceable Hosiery, various weights, in black, tan and mode spliced heels and A toes; values to Joe, per pair. mim ixiiu1 imrii'nii .1 (UIU . 124c Men's Neckwear Rich Silk Four-in-Hand and Silk Knitted Ties in all 1he late spring shades; reg ular 25o valueB at, each,. , . WOMEN'S LEATHER BAGS at $1 EACH Men's Negligee Shirts at 55c Detached soft collars to match. Mostly samples and seconds of fino shirts that would sell reg ularly up to I1.2G all sizes, at . k. 55c Wo offer 500 leather bags in all shapes, sizes and colors. Real seal, pigskin, real morocco and real goat seal leather and silk lined. None worth less than $2 many worth more, at.. Main rioor. I UNU SI CORSETS Corsets designed for me dium and stout figures. Made iu fancy brocho withsmedium bust, ex tremely long over tho hips and limbs, 3 sets of heavy, web garters at tached. Regular $3 value in sizes 19 to 26, go at L4IUL pU VtltUU $1.69 $1 Corsets at 69o Mado in coutil, embroidery trimmed, with skirt hook attached, heavy wob gar ters, rubber but tons. Regular $1 values, in sizes IS to 30, at , 69c ANNIVERSARY SALE OF BOOKS FINE SATIN DAMASK at 69c Yd. All linen tablo damask Bought :it Publishers' Cleanup Sale We visited the leading book publishers of America and secured their surplus stocks at less than cost of making. Fresh, now, clean books that are sell ing everywhere at 50c, 75c, $1.00, $1.25, $1.50 and $2 are now offered at surplus tio 25c 25c 72 inches wide and selling regularly at ?i.uo a yard. An Anni versary special. Monday, at yard. . . Main rioor. 69c