Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 30, 1913, PART ONE NEWS SECTION, Page 5-A, Image 5

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for storm sufferers. The church build- '
lug was completely destroyed mid 'ha i
homes of flteen or moro families U this j
JOHN A. SWANSON, President
"SVM. L. UOLZMAN, Treasurer
Touchine Evidence of Community of ' ?hurc." Were destryed or badly damaged, .
Auubmiib Aviuiuix oi ooramuiuvj ui hut t))C conKreKBton pInns ,0 contnlle lls
Feeling in Omaha.
Services, thoso of Sunday being held at
the Plrst United Presbyterian church ,.t
2 p. m.
I.lltlc Kllrnbetli Writrn (lint She
Feels Sorry nnd fcends llrr lilt
(if Help for Children Who
"A fellow feeling makes us wondrous
kind," wrote Colloy Clbber, once when
he ' was asked to contribute to the relief
of yi fellow Thcsplun who had fallen Into
This sentiment Is upparcntly true of
alf'tlmes, and has been often. proven on
occasions when calamitous visitations
have overwhelmed great numbers of peo
ple. One of the best Illustrious of It
reached The Beo on Saturday morning
when' the mall brought to tho editor's
desk 'contained n big 'sheet of paper, In
the njlddle or which was printed In type
writer characters:
Accompanying this was a note us fol
lows:' ' .
"fi'o the Editor: ' Xn appreciation of
the pathos expressed In last night's Bee
cartoon. Little Elizabeth, aged 6, was
very .much. .Impressed with' The Bee's
cartoon', last evening, which represents
the; little girl giving ,her doll to ono of
the" cyclone sufferers. Having escaped
with slight wreckage of her own home,
her-heart Is very sympathetic. Tho abovo
Is hefc typewritten letter. - We found her
busy with tho scissors, cutting out the
enclosed, her own thought of helping to
mitigate the. loss of llttlo children's play
Tho enclosure referred to consists of a
number of Illustrations, .cut. from maga
zines, and Jtlst 'such sort as'would amuse
a ohlld of Elizabeth's age. Of more value
than onytiilng Is the Bentlment that
prompted Elizabeth In her generosity;
may the hardships of life never so touch
her as to destro -ythls beautiful quality
of heart and mlndl
Schools Open Monday Luke. Long and
Saunders schools will open Monday morn
ing, according to E. Vrj. Graff, superin
tendent of schools, who. visited the dam
aged buildings to Inspect tho progressvof
reconstruction work.
Benofit at lyric, Theater A lecture
will be glvetf at tho Lyric theater, Eight
eenth and Farnam street, Monday eve
ning by Rev. Bell, tho evangelist, sub
ject, "Tornadoes, Cyclones, pestilence,
arid How to Avoid Them," An. offering
wilt be taken at the door.
Travelers Will Help Member Tho
Travelers' Protective association- has In
stituted a relief department under the
yupervlslon of Georgo E. Bege'row, ,643
(Brandels building, and nil v members who
'have suffered any Injury or loss ana need
help are requested to apply there.
Belief Stations Open Sunday All re
lief stations will remain open Sunday ad
oil any other day. A force will be in
charge of each station, consisting ot
'medical advisers, lnvostlgators itid dw
trtbuters, j
City Hall Open Sunday The restora
tion committee has- placed a desk In tho
council chamber of tho city hall and will
confer with' home' owners whose houses
ii$d Immediate' repair and will
(them all possible -Assistance. The desk
will be in charge of Harry Tukey and
Sam Burns, Jr., and will be open Sunday
ifrom 9 to C o'clock and every day there'-
To Illuminate Arch Mayor D&hlman
will havfs the Welcome arch lighted the
early part of the week for the Omaha
Woman's club In commcndatloji of the
benefit performance which the club will
give Wednesday afternoon and. evening
at tho Brandels for the relief fund, Boxes
for- the afternon and evening are selling
fagUfC T; Kountze.has taken a. box for
the evening. Mrs. P. j. Halter and Mrs.
George Joslyn for the matinee.
Woodmen Have Headquarters Wood
men of the World relief committee ,nead.
.quarters In tho Woodmen of tho World
.building, rooms 202 and 203. Send in re
ports of needy members now don't wait
.or phone Douglas 3308. John Kennedy,
.city manager, chairman.
Booth Omaha Men Assist The South
pmaha Carpenters' union has given tho
services of fifteen men to tho citizens
.relief committee for such time thef
may 'be needed to help, without rhargc,
la the storm district.
Will sew for Sufferers The Woman's
association of tho Plymouth Congrega
tional church ' has been called by Its
president. Mrs. W. O. Paisley, to meet
at the home of Mrs. C. II. Samson. 1336
South Thirtieth street, on next Friday
afternoon to sew on children's clothing
Donations Left
at The Bee Office
Mrs. 11. H. Brandels
A. James Love
G. A, Llndquest
Mr. and Mrs. D. M. lllldebrand,
Seward, Neb
Gustavo Nikkei, Jansen, Neb
J. II. Bell
The Uco Publishing Co
H. Cv 13
II. Mandrel!, lnglcslde. Neb
P. J. Mcrlner, Grand Island, Neb.
E. J. Spauldlng, Gothenburg, Neb.
It. Ik Curtcr
C. W. Meeker, Imperial, Neb
Mrs. S. R. Baker, Council Bluffs..
8. W. Llghtner, St. Edward, Neh..
L. R
D. H. Ledwlch
School children of York. Neb
Robert Kcmnier, Columbus, Neb..
Nebraska Mollnc Plow Co
Fred Simon'
T. R. Whiting
M. Roach, Burkett, Neb
Mlna and Will Swan,back
Uf. Charles ROsowMer.:
J. J. Blake. i.:. .
J. 1). Tower & Sons Co.,.Mcndota,
Storz Brewing "Co
E. 11. Bcdwell
John Buck '
Father Smith
Cash ; '
JJr. J. C. Moore
Clyde Moore, M. D
John Engel, Duncan.,..' ,.
C. A. Sherwood .'
IWilllamsburg City Ins. Co., paid
. through Rlngwalt Bros
Itlngwnlt Bros.
C. C. Dally, Council Bluffs
fW. D. Williams
,Wllliam I. Klerstcad..,
From Hastings, Neb.
A. L. Clarke $100.00
MclClnloy & Lannlng 00.00
J. N. Clarke i.... :5.W
Stein Bros. Co 26.U0
C. G. Lane 25.00
G. B. Tyler 25.00
E. A. Brattdds... 25.00
J, II. Haney & Co.. ' 25.00
Wlllium W. Udwninn 15.00
Kauf & Rlnderspnchur.... 15.00
W. A. Taylor 15:00
J'hllllp Fuller 10.00
A. Pickens & Son 10.00
C. K. Lawson Co 10.01
,Falk estate 10.00
.Farrens & Nelmoycr 5.00
Twldalo Shoe Co 5.00
.A. II. Brookes 5.00
.Barnes Clothing Co 5.00
.... .. a -. ' p rtn '
,scumiiz.fl ueineu ii.w
2.00 1
WW .00
0. 00
bUO .00
1. U0
.McGrath' Hardware Co.
JIarry Haverly & Co..:... 6.00
..Sorensen. & Kernan , 5.00
Jllglnbotham & Pickens... 5.00
,Dr. James V. Beghtol.... 6.00
.Vastlno Bros 5.00
.PIzcr & Co , 6.00
iW. T. Cornelison 6.00
.Hastings Tribune 6.00
.O. Z. Zlnn 6.0J
W. P. Mead 6.00
,The City Bakery 6.00
Jacob Fisher 5.00 -
.Hoeppner .& Uerl(ng 6.00
,V. B. RolllnB 5.00
.Rutherford Bros 6.00
A. H. Mansfield 5.00
A.. R. Thompson 6.00
J. H. Lohmann 5.00
J. H. Spotts 5.00
Georgo A. Welling 5.00
Georgo V. Helman 2.50
Gaston Music Co 10.00
Mrs. II. C. Wecden
Twelfth Ward Progressive Im
provement club
J. S. Johnson.. Shenandoah, la
Mrs. Armstrong
Omaha Cold Storage Co
Goorge B. Rehm, Chicago, 111....
Employes of tho Machine Mi's, nnd
Engineer Co., Council Bluffs....
F. J, Moraveo
f George McBrlde
Mrs. A. E. McCafferty
Wilbur Jones
P. S.
A. B. AlpIrn.,V.
W. II. Wallace...:
M. E. w. .v
Rosa V. Schrlver, Denver
Edgar R. Hart. ....)
Cash '. '.
J. E. Rugg......
Cash, Council Bluffs,',
A Reader :
A. A. McLaughlin
Rev. E. J. Flanagan....1
John W. Parish.
Cash ,
C. N. Fitch
T. N. Crosby .
FVom. members ot tho Omaha
Produco Ass'n. (already reported
Trlmblo Bros lfO.PO
The Jerpe Co'mml slon Co. 100.00
Say Goodbye
to Pimples
Stuart's Cnlciutn Wafers Will Drive
Tlieiu Away. Creams Will Never
. , ( Do it; Tlioy Can't.
Za need for any one to have a com-
filexlon disfigured by plmpLtM, blotches,
Iver spots or blackheads. Just clear the
blood of impurities and they 11 go away.
10. 00
2o CO
( 10.00
Smcaton &Browne.
w. o: Perry
Marsh fc Marsh 60.00
Foral & Kuncl
Nagle & Frlcke.
R. Bingham & Son
J. B. Plummer 20.00
,T. Alexander..'. 6.00
I. 8. Hunter 10.00
George E. Clark 10.(0
Younk-Burko Co 25.00
Adler-BIock Co 15.00
Glllnsky Fruit Co 60.00
B. Blotcky 25.00
Total t3.4OO.O0
eJl My mends Marvel at the Way
Stuart's Calcium Wafers Drove
Those Ugly Pimples Away.
Stuart's Calcium Wafers cleanse and
clear tho blood, driving out all poisons
and impurities. And yoti'll ' never have
a .good complexion until the blood is
rriiese little wafers may be used with
perfect, freedom. Science knows no more
powerful blood cleanser. They are en
tire!." free from harmful drug . ur
opiates. .Your doctor prescribes these
hundreds tof times a year,
Stuart's Calcium Wafers go right Into
your blood. Their purifying, beneflcUI
effect upon the blood is felt throughout
the body, -pot in a year or a month, but
III a few days. You feel better al over
because your blood, the life-giving fluid,
is doing its work properly.
No matter how bad your complexion
is, Stuart's Calcium Wafers will work
wonders with it You can get these lit
tle wonder-workers at your druggist
Xor 0 centa package. Advertisement
By Clarence Mitchell. Aged 11 Years
Belgrade, Neb. Blue Side. i
There was a little girl whose name was
Minnie; her folks Just camo from Ger
many. They lived In a large forest far
from any city. They had Jus) got com
fortably settled when the biiby took pick.
Tho father had gono to the city the day
before and there was no one to go for
the doctor except Minnie. She was 11
years old. The nearest doctor lived about
three and one-half miles from thero and
Minnie was to go on foot to the doctor's
house. Sho was rather timid about go
ing alone, so she' begged her mother to
let her younRer sister go with her. and
nt last her mother consented, so they
went. They reached the doctor's safety
and were soon on their way back. While
they wore gono th creek , which they
had to cross had risen several inches and
was still rising when they got to It. They
could not see the stepping stones. They
did not know what to do, and did not
rea'lzo the danger In crossing tho creek.
Minnie looked very white und scared
now, and would not let her llttlo flutor
reo hrr face. Minnie said. "Hattle, lets
i play like I am the horso nnd you ride
on my back across the creok. And so
Hattle got on her back, but while she
atopped to rest at the bunk, the creek
had risen about two feet. Hattle besan
to cry. Minnie eoothed her little sister
us best she could. Minnie stepped In
the water. Sho stumbled and fell. The
next thing sho knew some ono was help
ing her up the bank. A man carried her
and Hattle home So, when the doctor
got there he had two patients Instead of
one. The llttlo girls' bravery was never
r&3 ffl ttTCtf.M Wtf
We Guarantee
to Undersell
Any Store in tho
Two Importers Sample Lines of
Imported Flowers
We Guarnnteo
Satisfaction or
Your Money
Including our entire stock, will be placed on sale Monday morning at 8 o'clock. For your convenience,
the entire stock has been arranged into five large sections 19c, 39c, 59c and 98c.
The Greatest Flower Exhibition Ever Held in Omaha
Thousands of beautiful flowers will be on display. Every popu
lar imported flower of season will be at our flower exhibition.
The low cost of this large flower purchase enables us to include our origi
' nal entire stock of imported flowers at far less than the wholesale cost
Section One at 19c
" Consisting of pretty June Roses, Rose
Buds, Sweet Peas, Hyacinths and Fal
iages. Flowers in every color and every
spray worth up to 50c, flower exhibi
tion sale price, 19c.
Section Four at 59c
A beautiful variety of French wreaths
made of beautiful small flowers and Hun
dreds of pretty French flowers worth up
to $1.25. Flower exhibition sale, price,
59c. . . k
Section Two at 29c
This group of beautiful flowers, con
sisting of all kinds of roses, lilacs, pan
sies and largo variety of other popular
flowers worth up to 75c. Flower ex
hibition salo price, 29c.
2 FLOWER C IRLS, Age 14 to 16
, Must apply Monday morning at 8 A. M
and como neatly dressed In white. Prises
will bo given to 1ho neatest drcsaod flower
Section Three at 39c
Beautiful American Bouuty Roses Jiud
imported Roses in all colors, also Fus
cias, Wisteria and French boquots,
worth up to 98c. Flower exhibition
sale price, 39o.
Section Five at 98c
Gorgeous French flowers, flower stiok
ups, flower wreaths, flower ornaments,
every flower in this section sold wny
below tho wholosalo coBt.' Actual valuo
$1.95 to $3.00. Flower exhibition, 98c.
Thousands of Garments for Dress Wise-Women
OMAHA women are wide-awnko. Monday many more women will readjust thoir idoas on tho
wearing apparel situation in Omaha. This great sloro has taken a pronounced lead there's
an obvious reason for it. Prices hero are based on a now wny of selling merchandise Better
styles at prices that make' value-giving what you have always thought it should bo. Wo urge cver
woman to compare prices, study values, scrutinize styles. Bo suro to visit our new suit dept Monday,
Distinctive Smart Spring Suits at $28.00
Smart individuality characterizes ovory ono of our many charming suit models at $25: many of thorn
aro oxact copies of styles thnt retail at doublo this prlco and pobsofb tho samo distinctive stylo. All
tho newest fabrics and colorings. Tho tailoring and finish is of tho finest character, at
Women's Suits at $10
You'can look all over tho city and you will not find buUb
equal these offered for less than $18.75. Tho styles
arc plain tailored, made of fino nil wool
serge. Colored navy, Copen, and black
Beauti.ul Suits at $15
Silk Dresses, $22.50 Values, Monday, $15.00
Theso suits aro copies of higher prlco huHb and aro nosl-
tlvely tho host valuos in the city. Materials, Bergos, Bod-
iuiu curun, uiuKUHuiB nna nil m0 smartest
materials sevoral stylos in tho Balkln
Dlouso included; $22.50 values, at
Crcpo de Chines, Crcpo Jfoteors, Charmcuso and all tho most wantod'
spring fabrics in tho new.est shades are to bo foilnd in this apodal lot
of dresses. A remarkable special In silk dresses at ,
A Showing ef Newest Coats at $15.00
This is a season of such fascinating stylos and fabrics bo full of nowness
not one, but many separate coats will bo found usoful and nttractlce.
Serges, fancy checks, styllBh Ratines and two-tono diagonals. An ad
vantageous opportunity for discriminating buyers; $22.50 values, at. .
mi U'
Corset Service Here
You know that in othor otorea
only tho highest priced corsets
aro fitted. Hero you .may buy the
lowent priced corset and have tho
eatlfrfnctlon of a perfect fit, '
An xporlenol octrartiare
will fit and altar ir ot
oh all ooraata bought In
our new corset department.
We show tho moet aelebrated,
makes. '
nemo ooBssrra
$1.00 to $5.00
Corset i Dost, 3d Floor,
Woman's Section.
All Fraternal Functions Arranged
For Are Postponed.
Vnrloun Amoclntlona Arc AiixIoiim to
Hrnr' from Any Mrmbcr Hint In
In Need of Ailtancc of
Any Kliul.
NIlRlit MUundrratandliiK.
A man who lisped had bought some
pigs and he asked a neighbor for the use
of a pen for a few days.
"I have Jutht been purchathlng thome
tthwlne two thowth and plgth. I want
to put them in your pen till I can flxth a
plaith for them."
"Two thousand plet!'" exelalmed the as
tonished neighbor. "Why, my pen will
hardly hqld a dozen'."
,-Vou don't understand me, Mlthter
Hcnt. I don't tiiay two thouthand plgth,
but two thowth and plgthV
"I hear you." said Mr Ilent 'Two
thousand pigs' Why, you must be irazi:'
And then the llsper gae It up.-Thc
t'ountry Companion.
Prdctlcally alt of the social functions
that were urranged for last week among
the different fraternal orders were post
poned until some future dute, and others
will not be given at all. In the case of
the Shriners' bull It wns cancelled and
the money that It was to have cost will
bo used for relief work."
All of the affairs that were .held turned
over their net proceeds to tho organiza
tions that aro holplng the' unfortunate.
Uoth tho Masons and tho K)ks have
opened relief stations In their respective
club rooms and are taking care of those
members In need.
Slodrm Woodmen of America.
Any member of the IJ. & M. camp. No.
915, Modern Woodmen of America, who
Is In distress on account. of the recent
tornado is urgaptly .requested to report
tame to the cleric of the camp, A large
number of the members of the camp
have volunteered their services to assist
members In repairing, rebuilding or In
any other work that may b needed. A
large force of men Is ready' to work to
day and will also turn out again in force
next Sunditv.
Improved Order of lied Urn.
Kontenelle tribe No. 78. Improved
Order of lied Men, will meet next Mon
day night at Harlght hall. A full at
tendance Is requested and reports cf all
members In distress should be made at
tho meeting or to S, II. Hattfrotli,
sachem, or J.
Ii. Nlckerson, chief of
Itoynt NHKliIinrft.
All Itoyal Neighbors who have suffered
In Sunday night's storm aro requested to
get In touch with city deputy, Mrs. Sarah
King Glfford. 3302 North Twenty-seventh
street, or phone Webster 6183.
rrnTders' Protect I vr Association.
If any members of the Travelers' Pro
tective association havo been injured or
havo lost any property they should re
port Immediately to Nebraska head
quarters, C43 Drandeis building, Omaha.
Tliposojihlc Hoclp.
The lecture by Mrs. Walter I. Smith
of Council Mluffa on tho "Product of Invo
lution," which wns postponed on account
of the storm, will bo given nt the
Theosophlo rooms, Baldrldge-Wcad build
ing. Twentieth anod Karnarn streets, this
evening at 8 o'clock. Mrs. Hmlth will
take the Hlble to lllustrato hor conten
tion that the Christ Is a product of evo
lution and the Biibject will be treated en
tirely from tho Theosophlc standpoint.
I'rntrrnnl 1'nlnn of Amrrlcii.
Banner lodge, No, It. of tho Fraternal
Union of America, wllyl have a card
party Tuerday afternoon In the Woodmen
hall, Fifteenth and Douglas streets.
Cnnl Party Postponed.
The card party and dance which was
to have been given by Omaha council
No. 2S. Knights and Ladles of Security,
Monday evening, has been postponed In
definitely. All tickets out will be good
when the party Is given. A business
meeting will bo held Instead,
rades of the Grand Army of the Republic
nre cordially Invited, The charter mem
ber aro W. S, Askwlth. W. W. Ford, O.
It. Rathbun, W. C. McLenn, A. K.
Uhoades, S. K. Spalding, J. II. West,
John G. Willis, U. U. nail, George C.
ilonner. J. llclllss, B. 13. Campbell, D, O.
Clements, P. Flannagan, John B. Iuray,
Levi Grate, S. It. Jackson, Charles Kohl,
U F. Mngln, W. It. Mathls, F. U Otis,
William Stewart, Ed Sullivan and Fred
"mitt." .if minff nAllllnlnna T . .4 .. 1 .. L 1. .! ' . .
........ n-.-o , u,Uu,j,i,iU ursi aay, nut, wnen I saw I illT 11J1IKI1B iiiiu liuouiuins WHO
Tfentr-I''lf Ih Annlversnrr.
George Crook post No. NI, , Grand
Army of the Republic, will celebrate Its
twenty-fifth anniversary the evening of
April i at Ha hall in the court house The
comrades of the post and their families
arc requested to be present. Other corn-
To the Voters ami Clllsena of South
Ill soliciting your support of my can
didacy for the nomination of city at
torney at tho primary on next Tuesday. I
deem it my duty to call your attention
to the fact that I am opposed by every
gutiKSter and combination of professional
politicians who look upon tho proplo and
tho people's good money ns their legltl
niuto spoil. True to my election pledges.
I 1 avo stood between the people and
their spoilsmen, and for that reason the
gang and their affiliations have markoil
me for slaughter.
Hera are sumo of the reasobs why the
politicians do not want me tow city at
torney: . Because I believe the revenues of
each year should fully satisfy to dis
charge all the debts and liabilities con
tracted by tho city In thnt year;
hecauso I have insisted that ac
cording to law all back tax monoy
should bo carried forthwith Into tho In
terest and sinking fund, and not pent
In hiring unnecessary help in the dif
ferent city departments merely with a
view to Increasing the strength of cer
tain perpetual officeholders.
!. Because I would not permit the city
treasurer to Increase his already too large
office force by hiring additional tax collectors.
3. Because I firmly refused to counte
nance a scheme whereby the paving tax
burdens of certain Influential citizens
, should bo Imposed upon the city at largo.
i 1. Because notwithstanding tho
Insulted tho wives and daughters of hrfn
est men on tho streets of tho city,
6. Became I drew a special ordinance
seeking to eliminate tho slot machines
from the city.
6. Becnuso I havo fought grafters at
every turn of the road so that you and
every citizen might get a square deal re
gardless of politics, race or creed. Be
cause when tho chief of th'e fire depart
ment says he can man his forces with
twenty-six men thnt It Is dishonest to
employ twenty-nine men. I don't under
stand why tho city with SGOO.000 on de
posit, Is the only depositor who gets only
3 per cent Interest on Its money.
Uven my opponents nro compelled to
ndmlt that I have managed the affairs
of tho puoplo with nbsoluto probity and
Justice to all. If you are with me Against
grafters and gangsters, I want your sup
port on Tuesday.
succeed I didn't care to, try again."
"I am surprised."' answered her mother.
"I thought you would always remernbet
the little saylns; that I taught you. when
you wero small, 'Try, try again' "
"I will begin right away to do what
you say," said Dolly, and she went right
to work to try and get her problem. She.
tried and tried and at last she sot It.
When she came to school the next morn
ing she found that she was the only one
that got It, and It was just these threa
words that helped her, "Try, try again.'
The man who has piled up a fortune
never wasted any tlmo wishing he was
Almost any man can succeed If he has
a little good sense and a little good na
ture. A man Imagines his troubles would dIK
appear If he had all the money he la en
titled too. Chicago Inter Ocean.
c. Munpnr,
City Attornoy.
Try, Try Again.
nL..norotI,y Anderson, Aged 13 Years,
2613 Chicago Street. Red Hide.
"I am so tired!" exelalmed Dolly, as
she came In from school one day.
"What's the matter with you, my little
dear?" Interrupted her mother, who
thought her llttlo daughter was sick,
"Well, you didn't let mo finish my
sentence. I was going to say that I was
tired of a problem that our teacher has
given us for three days. No one lias
gotten It yet, but she says some one has
to get It before she shows us how to do
it," answered Dolly.
"Are you suro you have tried very hard
to get it. Dolly?" asked her mother, who
never liked to show her little daughter
how to do anything until she had tried
her best to get It. 4
There was a long silence, but when
Dolly spoke she said, looking much
ashamed: "Well, mother, 1 don't know i
what to answer you oa that. I tried
Dn.De j F BaiixV
This institution is tha only one
in the central west with separate
buildings situated in their own
ample grounds, yet entirely .dis
tinct, and rendering it rosslble to
clissify cases. The one building
being fitted for and devoted to the
treatment of non-contagious and
non-mental diseases, no others be
ing admitted; the other Rest Cot
tage being designed for and de
voted to tho .exclusive treatment
of select, mental cases requiring
for a time .watchful care and apo
dal nursing,