The Omaha Sunday Bee PAST FIVE WANT WANT AD SECTION PAGES ONE TO SIX. VOL. XLII NO. 41. OMAHA, SUNDAY MOBNING, IMAKCIl iiO, 1013. SINCrLE COPY FIVE CENTS WANT ADS Want nils rccelvco at nny time, but to Insure proper classification must ' bo presented before 12:00 o'clock noon for the evening edition and before 7:30 p. in. for morning and Sunday editions. Wnnt nds re ceived nftcr such hours will lmvo their first insertion under tho head lag, "TooVLate td Clnsslfr." CASH HATES KOU WANT ADS. REGULAH CLASSIFICATION. Ojie insertion 2 cents n word. Ttv'o or more consecutive Inser tions Hi' cents a word. No adver tisement taken for less than 20 cents. NOTE Tho Deo will not bo re sponsible for inoro than one wrong iiisertion duo to typogrnpiucni error. Claims for error cannot bo allowed nftef" tho 10th of tho following month. An advertisement Inserted to bo rnn until forbidden must bo stopped by written order. Verbal or telephone cancellations cannot bo accepted. CHARGE RATES: Six words to tho line. One insertion 12 cents per line. Two or more consecutive inser tions 0 cents per line. Ono lino per month 91.80. Twenty cents a minimum charge. Advertisements charged to patrons having accounts arc measured by the line, not by the wont. UK ATI! ASO irU.NKUA. .NOTICES. PRENDERGA8T Mary, sued SI years, aunt of Matthew M. and Joseph P. Mc Grath. , , , Funeral Monday morning at 9 o clock from Taggart's undertaking parlors to St. John's church. Attention Banner lodge and all mem bers of the Fraternal Union of America: The funeral of our late brother, C. P. Wesln, will be held on Sunday at 2 p. rn., March 30, at the Swedish Mission church, Twenty-third and Davenport streets. W. 11. RKILY, W. P. J. B. MASON, Secretary. Banner lodge No. It and all members of the Fraterna Union of America: Hie funeral of our late brother. J. B. Brooks, will be held at the chapel of Bralley & Dorrance at 2 o'clock p. m.. Saturdaj, March 29, 1913. W. D. REILY. V. P ' J. B. MASON, Secretary. ARNOLD Emily Elizabeth, aged 66 "rnmeral from, residence. HIS North Eighteenth street Monday, at 2 P- m. Friends Invited. CARD OK THANKS. . - wr a MpOnl.inn and family de sire ' to extend to their many friends heartfelt thanks for the r loving kind ness at tho time of death of wife and ' mother. Elworlk Johnston 2813 N. lfe killed In tornado, wishes to thank friends and especially those of the North west trn freight house for their kindness and iympathy. Wc wls'n hereby to express our ap- preolatlon of the kindness and fympathj of our many friends and for the floral offerings sent on tho occasion of the - funeral of Mrs Dauble. ANDREW J. DAUBLE. MARGARET DAUBLE. ANDREW H. DAUBLE. We wish to thank the people of Omaha 'for the courtscr and hospitality they ' showed us In our breavement and loss ol "'home and little one. MR. AND MRS A. B. STANLEY. ,Wo wish to tfthnk our many friends aiid neighbors for their kindness and : sympathy shown us at the death of our daughter ana sisier, rion, auu iu. n.j beautiful floral offerings. H. L. Cassell and Family. LODCI. NOTICES. Funeral services for Mrs. Mary Rath key, aged 48, and her two sons, Clarence, aged 17, and Victor, aged 15, will be held from Dodder's chapel. Twenty-third and Ci'ming streets, Wednesday, at 9 a. m. Interment at Forest Lawn.. Mrs. Rathkey is survived by her husband, Christian Rathkey; her father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. P. Pedersen; two brothers, H. C. Pedersen and N. A. Pedersen, and one sister, Mrs. Emma Johnson, all residents of Omaha. Social dance of Omaha camp No. 120 this evening It postonped on account of catastrophe. St.- John's lodge No. 25, A. F. and A. M will hold funeral services for our late brother, Fr. Otto Kunz, at Masonic Temple,, on Sunday, March 30, at 2 p. m. All members of the fraternity are earn estly Invited to be present. J. T. Brammann, W. M. C. E. HERRING. Secretary. North Omaha lodge No, 28, Degree of Honor, will hold funeral services for our late sister, Sadie Chrlstensen, at Dod-, der's chapel Sunday, March 30, 1913, 2 P. m. Interment, Forest Lawn cemetery. Members of sister lodges Invited. Mrs. J. T, McDonald, Chief of Honor; Mrs. Effle Hanson, Recorder MAIlIUAGi: LICENSES. The following marriage licenses have been, issued; Name and Residence. John- Loos. Lincoln Margaret Hick, Omaha Nicholas Authon, Council Bluffs Clara Wach, Council Bluff j , Samuel Marks, St. Joseph V. Gertrude Burnham, Omaha..., Henry A. Shelton, Grand Island... Age. ... 21 ...20 21 ... 18 ... 57 ... 43 37 Roaq Rodack, Grand Island 2T Vlnce Palmupy, South Omaha 27 Mary Slalre, South Omaha 30 Byland B. Logan, Modale 27 Estell Jacksop, Modale 21 Trlbulato Sebastlano,' Omaha 21 Marietta Cavalerl, Omaha IS Andrew E. Lefflngwell, Lusk, Wyo... 23 Frances Do Castro, Luck, Wyo 2) George Llngelbach, Waterloo, Ia 40 Maude E. Blsson, Omaha 28 Michael A. W. Michaels, South Omaha. 28 Marie Duck, South Omaha 20 HEM WANTED FEMA LB 1 ' Ast-nta uud Ml?,ooieu. WA NTE D G I rl with ,good references' for housework In family of three; laun dress employed; small bouse. 937 S. 3Sth Ave. Phone Harney 5073. FIVE brlzht. capable ladles to travel. demonstrate and sell dealers; $25 to $50 ! per week; R. R. fare paid. Goodrich i Drug Co.. 1308 Harney St. ' WANTED Women to take charge W ! womens" gloves and hosiery In first class I departmant store. In city of 150.000. Must , ue expenenccu eitner as buyer or assist ant buyer. Applications treated confi dentlally. Address Y 103. Bee. TEACHERS for permanent or summer work, first; class salary to those who meet our requirements. Give references and experience In first letter. Addresu I '78, care Bae. Ti(REEales ladies of phasing appear ance, to 'demonstrate the Vacuum Mas sage machine; K to IS a day easily made, tloom 308 Neville Blk. Clrrlcal nnd Ufllce. STENO. $60; steno Ins., $50; steno and dark.' $40; steno Invest,, $5; steno and bookkeeper, $70; steno -and bookkeeper, $40; steo and bookkeeper, $65; billing cleric. $00i. office clerk$25-$30. WEST- REFERENQK 4 BOND ASS'N.. '752 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. Clerical and ufflc. BOOKKEEPER, and steno. $fiO; Sten ographer and office clerk. $60: Assist ant bookkeeper. SIO; Office clerk, $35; Cashier. $3fi and board. CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO., 1015-16 City Xntlonnl Hank Bldg. Factor? niul TniUra. TUB Nebraska Telephone company can use a limited number of girls In the op erating department. Applicants must fur. nlsh references. Salary paid while learn Ins. Apply c. F. Lambert. District Traf flo Chief. 18th and Douglas Sts. WANTED Two first-class hair dress ers: must be thoroughly experienced In all beauty culture work; excellent opportun tty. Apply H. J. McCarthy, Hair Goods Parlors, Urandels Stores. WOMEN for Janitor work In office bldg. Apply 228 State Bank Bldg Housekeepers nml lluuicatlca THE SERVANT GIRL PROBLEM GOLVED-The Bee will run a Servant Girl Wanted Ad FREE until you get thi Jealred results. This applies .to residents if Omaha, SoJth Omaha and Council Bluffs. Bring your ad to The Be office r t;jphone Tyler 1000. GIRL for general housework; good cook. Mrs. Lliidale, 1722 Charles St. WANTED Experienced girl for general housework; small family; no washing; good wages. 101 S. 35th St. Tel. II 6772. WOMAN or girl wanting good home rail w ifill nni.4.,1. GIRL for general housework; small family; good wages; no washing-. E23 s. 26th Ave. Douglas 3130. GIRL for general housework: refer ences required. 2435 Saratoga Court. Web. 992. GIRL for general housework. 1S23 Wirt. Web. 2726. - A LAUNDRESS for Friday, one with references. Apt. 7, The Normandle, Turk Ave. and Pacific. II. 1741. GIRL FOR general housework; no laundry work. II 3192. WANTED Girl with good references for general housework, in good, modern home. Address, AV. T. Graham, Laui'jl. Neb. GIRL for general housework; good wages; no washing, 2029 Dodge. GIRL for general housework, ler. W. 4231. 3045 Fow- GOOD girl for general housework in family of two; must be good cook. Mrs W. If. Munger, 1624 So. 32d Ave. GIRL for general housework; no laun dry work. 411 S. 38th St. Harney 6669. COMPETENT, neat wnlte Ctrl for Ben- eral housework; references required; family of two. Apply at 1814 Cuming. RELIABLE girl for general housework. 3040 Cass. 11 6GS4. WANTED Good woman cook; big wages; nice place Arkln's Restaurant, 316 S. 15th, second floor. A NEAT, capable girl for general housework; at once. Douglas 6043; after noons or evenings. GIRL or woman wanted for general lioumworl; One who can go home nights. 422 N. 19th St. WANTED A competent white maid for general housework; no laundry. ..Mrs. Eastman. 634 S. 40th St. Phone II. 4335. WANTED At once, experienced girl for general housework; small family. II. 3323 WANTED A laundress. Harney 4952. 3815 Farnam. WANTED A good reliable middle aged woman, Catholic preferred, to care for baby and do light housework, three In family; good home and wages, 'Phone Benson 195 W. . WANTED A good cook, no laundry. 41S. 38th St. H. 2050. GIRL to assist in care of 2 children; no washing or ironing. 1039 S. 30th Ave. It. 2009. A GOOD clrl to assist with general housework; must be fond of cntuiren MrB w Johnson, 6029 Davenport. Harney 1720. ; ; ; r . GIRI, for ceneral housework, good . , , , home, best of wages, no laundry. Mrs. W. J. Hyncs, 3818 Harney. Tel. H. 4760. GIRL for general housework. 514 S. 10th St. Douglas 8790. "COMPETENT second girl with refer irri ees. 137 S. 35th St. Phone Harney 5913. GOOD girl for general housework; mall family and good wages. 615 Georgia Ave. WANTED Competent girl for general house work. Small family. Mrs. F. J. McShane, 705 Park Ave., Phone H. 92. WANTED A girl for plain cooking In small family, where second girl Is kept 625 S. 29th Bt. Phone II. 1936. GIRL for general housework, jr elgner preferred. Harney 3568. 4019 Burt WANTED A competent cook. ,12d Ave. Harney 206. 206 So. COMPETENT girl for general house work; family of 2. Mrs. G. E. Haverstjck, 124 S. 38th St. Tel. Harney 764. WANTED Girl, for general housework and to insist In care of two children; no washing or ironing. 1039 So. 30th Ave. H. 2009. WANTED A competent cook. Mrs. N. B. Updike, 3614 Jackson. H. 2934. GIRL for general housework. Mrs. W. C. Lyle. 534 Park Ave. GIRL for general housework. Good I home, pleasant surroundings. German or Swedish preferred. Call 4312 Budette St, or phone Webster 743. XW ANTED Neat nppenrlng colored waitresses. Apply 8:30 n. m., Monday morning, Green Room Cafe, Brandcls Stores. , EXPERIENCED laundress wishes work all the time Call T. 1634. Miscellaneous. YOUNG omen coming to Omaha ai trangers art. Invited to visit the Young Women's Christian association bulldlnv at St. Mary's avenue and lVth St, wher they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. Look for our travelers' guide nt the Union station. GOVERNMENT Jobs open to women. Excellent salaries. Influence unneces aary. Write for Hat of positions open. Franklin Institute. Dept 732B. Rochester. N. T. , LADIES earn $12 weekly coloring post cards and pictures; samples and In structions 20 cents. Dept. 45, Roxbury Card. Co., Roxbury, Mass. LADIES make aUDDorters. 312 Per 100: I no canvasslne: material furnished. I Stamped envelope for particulars. Wa- ,.. 1 - . . .. . ... bash Supply Co., Desk D-174, Milwaukee. Wis.' LADY to take half Interest and charge of offices in good proposition covering Nebraska and Dokata; $150 cath required; state occupation. Phone or references. Address G 132, Omaha Dally Bee. HELP WANTED MALE Aiii'Uli, buicaim-H huiI hultcltora. Live Agents will write Jaeger Manufacturing Co., 607 Brandeis Theater Bldr.. Omaha. WORLD'S greatest flood and cyclone disaster. Thousands dead, 400,000 home leas. Fire, famine, pestilence to follow Everybody wants' the official history. Largest, best book, first ready. Ilcturea from photographs. Stories of eye wit nesses, thrilling escapes. Best terms. Credit given, Freight paid. Outfit free. Postage 10 cents. Order quick. Globe As sociation, Chicago. TERRIBLE flood and cyclone disaster! Over 9,003 lives lost. $50,000,001 In property destroyed and thouiands of famlllea made homeless. Read most complete ' book published. Fully Illustrated. Only author ized edition. Complete outfit free! Credit given. Everybody will buy! Best com mlsaion. Make $25 dally. Write at once American Educational League, Chicago.' i't.'iiii llKia VVANTE1) .MALE I AKenta, Salesmen unit Snllcltoda. HORRIBLE flood and cyclone calamity Nearly 10.000 lives. $110,000,000 In property lost; 400.000 homele;s largest and most complete Illustrated book published. Story told by survivors. First ready, freight prepaid, tremendous seller, outfit free postpaid largest proflls. $30.0) dally ea Anstyer quick. Hamburger Printing Co Book Dept. 435. Chicago Opera House ChlcaRo. . NATIONAL VACUUM CLEANER. Patented nnd guaranteed. Over 197.00.) satisfied customers In Untcd States and Canada. Best known vacuuni cleaner on market. See new metal ftcxtblcNprlng ad justing nozzle. Also makers of fast fil ing Daisy 3 bellows tvpe machine. Writ for prices, ljinnlng 8tone Pales Co . Gas Rid C hlcago. AGENTS Our nb!o1uteiysquare $30 to $o7.60 weekly salary and SO per cent com mission proposition assures steady work ers unlimited prosperity. Gallon ay Bow manCompanv. Dlv. 1!M. Waterloo, la. EARN $75 weekly as my palesmanager for great premium proposition. Free out fit and Instructions. .Clinton Mfg. Co., Clinton Bldg , Columbus. O. SALESMEN to sell Lace Curtains oT rect to the home; n big, live proposition for live men who get results. RJtter Hays. J802 Vlnewood. Detroit. Mich. THE Famous Woodward Tire Pump. Every car owner and dealer a propcct. Our agents are coining money. Wood- I Toledo Ohio oieuo. unio warn son. V.B9-39 Nicholas Bldg . WE "want high-class man to represent us as state agent. Helling California. Mlzona nnd Mexican lands and securi ties. Write for Information. Llheral proposition. First Moi'tgagn and Real Estate Co., San Diego, Cal. WANTED Special offer to young men iwith or without salesman's experience, (must be willing to work and net good lvalue received for services. P. F. Collier kfe Son. 225 Paxton Block. $30 WEEKLY taking orders for cut rate groceries. Experience unnecessary. Send for agents' sworn statements and Us' sworn statements and AT EBRABKA AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL, tflt free. Standard Mer- ' l LEARN AUTOMOBILE ENGl ny. E. 9th St., Cleveland, O I, NEERINO. Write for new cata- territory, outfit cantlle Compa AMERICA'S GREATEST DISASTER Horrors of cyclone, flood and fire. Book now on the press St) pages. Sells for $1. Liberal terms. Be first In field and get the business. Prospectus and outfit free. Send 10c for mailing. Quick. Thompson Publishing Co., St. Louis, Mo. MANAGER and solicitor, National Life Ins. Co., U. S. A. 1215 City Nat. Bk. Bldg. WANTED Salesmen Immediately: cal endars, wallpockets nnd novelties; full line or side line, Nebraska. Minnesota. Colorado,' Kansas. Lincoln Novelty Ad vertising Co.. Lincoln, Neb. WANTED salesmen for farm specialty. Our men last year cleared $100 per week. Bain Brothers. Cedar Raolds. Ia. FOR SALE A few unclaimed ALL WOOL Dundee suits, $10: alterations free DUNDEE WOOLEN MILLS. Northwest Corner 15th nnd Harney Sts "SALESMEN Do you want $10 a day side or main line retail and punch board deals? Ten propositions. American Fac tories Co., St. Louis, Mo. To Salesmen nnd Post Cards Dealers. Dnn ltllnrit-ttrl nhnlmrra ny nnct f-arH niailB i t0 yoUr order for .1.50, cas, th the ; or,icn. send U8 any Fle photograph or negative of flood, fire, tornado or other disaster. We will fill your order promptly. Special cash discount to sales men and photographers. National Photo graph Co.. Cedar Rapids, la. WANTEJJ Salesman to cover Nebraska with line of fruit ciders. Very liberal commissions with $40 weekly advance. Crown Cider Co.. 3)7 Commercial St.. St. Louis, Mo.. Dept. 6. - SALESMEN Sell our new food prod uct. "The Best Ever" Hulled Beans with chicken. Lady Washington Co., Se attle. Wash. SALESMEN Double your Income by selling the greatest cigar trade stimu lator on tho market. Cawood Novelty Company, Danville, III. SALESMKN WANTBn In lianillf nlir fine line of calendars, some exclusive ilul signs; over 300 special styles of leather ikouus; a complete line or lans anu novel- ,...,.i 1 1,. nH I ,V0, , , J 1. IllCIIIUIUIlUa 1IU Ul, 11 ! 1 , UIBIIC0, liberal compensation. The Elwood Myers Company, Springfield. O. PURE FOOD PRODUCTS, are now demanded by all Intelligent con sumers. Our system of employing men to sell direct solves the problem. Special Inducement for men starting sub-salesmen. Full particulars upon request. Name reference and county desired. JOHN SEXTON & CO WHOLESALE .GROCERS, CHICAGO. SALESMAN, to call on physicians. Es tabllshed trade. Expenses and commis sion. Also one for central Nebraska. P. O. Box 121, Philadelphia. CORSETIEREB Our proposition beats them all. Why not get the best. Ex clusive territory. Give references, ex perience. Write now, WADE CORSET CO.. Station L, New York. WE start you In business, furnishing everything;" men and women, $30 to $200 weekly operating out "New System Spe cialty Candy and Popcorn Crlspette Factories" anywhere. Opportunity life time; booklet free. Ragsdale Co., Drawer D, East Oronge, N. J. KEMPER-THOMAS CO., Cincinnati, want traveling men for advertising fans as Klde-llne. Quick money. $76 weekly. Copyrighted designs. Selling season now on. Apply Fan Dept. WE wnnt high priced salesmen to pre sent our proposition to business men only. You sell nothing. -Carry no samples. Ex perience unnecessary. H. O. Jones. Sec retary. 238 Schwlnd Bldg.. Dayton, O. AGENTS Fast selling specialty agents are making $10 per day. Write for terri tory. W. LEE, Spring Vnlley, Minn. AGENTS can make $10 to $20 Jallv sell. Ing $1 book on "Horrible DUaatrr by Hood and Tornado." Greatest opportunity for agents since "Titanic." Enormous du. mand for Aubenbeck book, 350 pages, 50 illustrations; representatives senttu scene of disaster for true account and photo graphs of appalling calamity; big profit for agents who begin at once; part of publishers' profits contributed to Red CroMs relief fund; purchasers thus lielp sufferers; highest commission, 50 per cent or better, freight paid, credit given. Ex. tra Inducements to general agents or crew managers. Outfit free; act quick; be first around and make $10 to $20 a day International Bible House, Perry1 jiuiHiniK. i-iiiiaaeipma. LIVE solicitor on high grade proposi tion. Excellent opportunity. 1M0 Far nam. urai-ciass, experienced w A X' rr i.-t. , mi . . ti?r" "."L"1"?" . lor utnern and central iieuruBha. State experience and salary wanted. Address Y 97, Bee. WANTED Agents. leciUmnt ..,t,..i. tu,f.for "lot machines; patented. Sells on sight for $1.00. Particulars. Glsha Co.. Anderson, Ind. A postal brings absolutely free our monthly directory containing complete In formation of responsible manufacturers and dealers throughout U. S. and newest best selling articles. Distributer. 56 Pino St.. N- V. WOULD you bTTatlsfled to earn $6.00 dally? We give valuable premiums. Send for new spring catalogue and sample free. N. Hlnsberger. 11S5 Wilson Ave., Chicago, HI. LIVE agents wanted; Introduce hlgn sialic apei-iuiiy inio every nome; quick write to Great Western Accident. Des -iiuuira, ia.- AGBNTfi make IV) per cent; profit sell Ing our gold window letters, novelty signs and changeable signs. 800 varieties. Enormous demand. Catalogue free. Sul ill" C' lS Van Uurtn St" t-'n'cato. uK iroii;s. wnie me Alfred SDe- , r.nnT,.n.,TZ; rancauun iivuiK uuianie uiliunu 10 travel. ciaity Co., ltd N. 12th St., Muakogee. OKI I ti J V i, . "'P1 mgr.. Salary $18 per week and expeneea: t . I I1.UI I ro vllnir 1.1.1 rw . . . I ..u.. ............. ... . . .... tfinv . -rt ...i,i,. , ,. 77 r i ' "" --'.. i.iuh. llltuenai, I l'ul:iin iiimn-r.i;. AtiuiniB Altxdliuei' InM. tn irrhSni. t"in.K S0,le5tlon Cdb" tli)' citY "'"man. $100; traveling sales! Supply Co., Morgan Park. III. inets to merchants: write for free som- man, gro. trade, $100; traveling salesman ' ... Vi,;.r;,., i a r. c:-. . Plea. Sayers Co.. 662 Laclede Bldg., St. candy. $75; traveling salesman spec im' W ANTED Ideaa; If you can think of k"1". bookkeeper and typist $75i bookkr ami i ""ne't'lng simple to patent, write us for acivw ... ii. . r-1 : accountant 11- hnnwLiii- i.m -SK .ii" valuable Information. Randolph & Co.. AGENT and collector wanted, pos t on ?,Y.V,J , V '. "OOkkPr, ins, exp, $75: iatent Attorneys Washington n C pleasant and permanent; a money maker" b.oolkpr.'.nn,L "ten." r,i bookkpr and I - "ornets, wasnington. li, l. experience nnn.rci.a,., ' ' Bteno.. 5, office elk.. S65: strnn u , ARE YOU out of a Position, or dlsiuiiia. A . B. C. of Omaha A A RONS' jew city, corner Pith and Farnnm Spring clearing sale on nil novclt Jewelrj . ARTIST .Model Corners" sold ontv To" Mrs. Alberts. 211 City Nat. Ilk. Bids. Phone ne tm for appointments. ANCHOR FENCE CO. Iron, and wile fences cheaper than wood, last life- tline.SU7 N. 17th St. Tel. Hcd Ml. A "KIN'S KOSHER RESTAURANT jX "i"ns ior quality, quantity and economy. 316 8. Kith St.. 2d floor BhifP" c o-.1J16 J-'nn.atn. Crutch lu V,rJ cIutc,ie. Castle trusses. iou h-.,,?'!?8 of r"bber Koods-anythliig ou wnt from a drug store. Inery; pipes, shafting and beitlns. H1Jhni,odi?'-.0,ni;U,iyi "'trlbutor. ior Utated, Regular p1ibic.hii In attendance, I ii i ""uni aim o- IF YOU blue scrap metal, rubbors nmi CfJSTj. x"""..,fr '"!!. Omaha """" mm ivuuuer vo.t 101 o. Stll St. Kerr do your title work. KOENIG'S LABOR AGENCY. ISSj Dodge St ; offices tn all important i i cities; supplies MALE help of ALL i kmdt FREE of charge. Phone Doug. 3252 A If nNIIPIT'q xtir ., "; : . Mfr. Of WlSS. tOUOeea. VI switches from . . . ... r. helt'a Beauty Parlors. 403 's. 16. D23U, NEilASK S'CLE CO., "JxMtiv:' Ifith and Harney. Douglas loci t nWo rent" "Valr. sell needlvs, part of all sowing machlnea ! iiia-n uoqge Bt, Omalia, Neb. f 1 M.-i,JV J,TUVB REPAIR WORKS, 1206-S Douglas. Tel. Tyler 20. Water frontSL BTAtAB fnr flirnni..H alaaM am. hot water heaters in stock. OMAHA riXiLOW CO.. 1721 Cuming! DOUV. 2467. U' mnb..,.,... . and pillows to your order, renov&ta ".triers, mattresses' and down covers. trices reasonable; work guaranteed. OMAHA STOVE IlKPAiTi vTiuk.-," 1106-8 Douglas Tel Tyler M Halter .fronts, gratea for furnaces' steam "ut wmer neaicrs in stock. PICTURE framing at reduced prices. See us for portrait work. Omaha Art and frame Co. 1711 Leavenworth St. QUALITY printing; prices right. Phone Doug. 366 and let us quote prices on printing Barton Ptg. Co.. 605 S. 13th. RlifO Hotel, now open for "business". Modern every respect. Special fam - - - "y rate by wk- or '" MM Cumins- YOU can have clothes" satisfaction. Spring and summer woolens. Lan deryou, Tailor, 300 S. lth St. Far nam Hotel Bldg. HELP WANTED MALE. A ire n fa, Salesmen ami Sollcltora. WE positively have the fastest selling household patent on the market. Wool farlne Co., Pittsburgh, Pa. AGENTS-"1'II Take One." Send for sample and particulars nml h.i. .1.1. every few minutes. Big profits, i'erma- unnt ...J,. '"-" ..V1""- ........ .,i)iinm, ivriio looay. 11. U. Workman Supply Co.. Brlnkhaven. O tift .'rrt.. : . 1 - -r Garden hose m.nd; w.'...k. ".'"" HA1 IJJiLf LB.nVflSPri In anil 1 1 " M'-- -?"Y?! "o tools, rcqulrfd. 'Standard Specialty Co., Indianapolis. Ind. , HUNDREDS make $50, $75 weekly selN lng guaranteed hosiery for lurgest inuiiu- iciurer in America. Why not you? Com plete outfit free. Write quick to our city office. Madison Mills, 4S6 Broadway, Now York City. IF you want the best agency proposi tion ever offered wideawake canvassers, write us at once; exclusive territory. The Wabash Pottery Co.. Rosevlllc, Q. AGENTS Wo pay and give valuable ! premiums free for a few hours' -nl, i Sample and catalogue free. C. Andcr- son & Son. 4239 Crystal St., Chicago, 111 LET the parcel post help you. Add ($15 to $25 weekly to your present Income. Start during spare time and build up a permanent business of your own. We jhow you how and help you make good. No canvassing; experience unnecessary. Returns quick. Write today for valu able free booklet, "Mall Order Success." Pease Mfg. Co.. Inc.. Dept. C 66, 66 Broad way. Buffalo, N. Y. ENDLESS neckties sell on sight; girl made $87 in ono week; man mado $20 in one day; looks Jlke any stylish necktie; ties In a different place each time; wears 20 tlnmcl m 1 n n, .1 . s 7 . . " ' ...... , wine nir t"ms and free sample outfit. Endless inecKiio jq uumoei mag., Kansas city. Mo. BIG profits for you. Manufacture Bar ley Crisp. New confection; 6c package costs you lc; machine, Instructions com plete $7.60 prepaid; send 10c for samples. Barley Crisp Co., 1631 Hyde St. San FraSnclsco, Cal, AGENTS Wanted Own your own bust ness. Sell Frltch's Vegetable Soap. Write for free sample. J. A. Frltch. St. Louts, Mo. AGENTS wanted to handle our house hold specialty. Quick seller; big profits. Write today. Florak Park Supply Co.. 2601 N. 26th Bt, Parsons. Kan. AGLNTS-$2,500 accident and health policy, with $15 weekly for sickness or i-iliiC3" . Yearl'- No lues or assessments. $5,000 policy $10 yearly. A1m special $1,000 accident policy $1 yearly. Guaranteed by state. Permanent Income assured. Se. cure territory. Underwriters, Newark, N. J. PEOPLE demand our fast-sclllnc article. Our "No-Talk" selling system will make hundreds of sales a day. You can m,a k6 l I? dally' 8?nd for proof Hlgbee Sales Co., 1011 North Thlrty-thlrd, Omaha, Neb. - . -- ii aaicainen. calling On grocers and general stores to carry line of Rogers silverware for premiums; light m.p,.1s: '5'?J commission each order. Bid!!' cMoT C- 1,eOP,M aa SALESMEN traveling to sell specialty to merchants. Does away with twine Makes neater package. Costa less and advertises merchant's business. Liberal commission. Old Colony Sales Co., Old Colony Bldg.. Chicago. AGENTS Ask us about our snappy household specialty line that will clear you $30 to $S0 weekly. National Aluminum Mfg, Co., Box 1993. 3 A-l collectors on commission; city routes. 876 Brandeis Bldg. WANTED Bonded salesmen. take charge of territory, canvass farmers. Valuable, unequalled, up-to-date ma chine; big money for hustlers. Write today. J. B. Rejst & Sons. Harrlsburg. Pa. Clerical anil Office. sale. $60: steno., R. R., $76; steno, and secry, $S5; steno., grain. $06; atcno., auto mobile exp.. $6S; steno., young man J50 young man with exnerlxne In r. U,.i' atore for portion as travclln galesniaii. expenses and $65. WESTERN REF. & BOND ASS'N. Originators of the Reference Business, 7o3 Oraaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. B D?ukuV-,W,W714 ' ,:t"' Tcl ' f.!!iim0Ji;,P.tiU,ln,'.M; ,el,rn ."?w by ,pr'c: : POSITION as housekeeper for'famlly of iTni. i ""' how yur old tlfnl experience In completely equipped two. no laundry work Address .1 162 letrln n ed In ft. ii'f" .y.U .can. ,mve h ,hr,: AV? to ,"u'c,, mon "V caro Bee. ' AU.iress. tinmineu in tic latest styles for $1? men. Write National Automobile Train. --. - tKOSS Lumber WrecklngUij All kfmu i lnK 'n. JSH North th St., Omaha, i " ANTr.D-Posltlon with real estate I t Laundry. Dalrv a.,..h'.' ...I"? Neb. t firm; A No. 1 references; German descent. I . . TA . r . . " HELP WANTED MALE llt-rlml nml iltflcr. BOOK MCh.PLItH. stenographeis an I clerk who are out of Positions nr nlih to get higher no see us and learn our proiHi-ltlon for placing competent help. NATIONAL REFERENCE CO., 89 1 Urandels llldg. We receive more rails daUv roi com pel exit linl-i Mvn we can fl'l. Give n. our qualification nnd vn will frankly slate whether c can assist you In se curing n position or not. CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO. Established SIX YEARS In Omaha 1011-16 CIU National Bank Hldg. Factory unit 'I rmti-a. SPRING rush Is commencing In the ' " vm stnr.-itinii. mii lviiiet. ilea mil. WANTlcD Good all-round meelnlr! " 1 r,u B'n painters. .'rne sign Co . m Nebraska St., Sioux City. 1AII.ORS, cutters, etc., $50 ens V tcrms miction n a or rnvs for coinnlnt rntira nf Ina in ruiunir Mild iieslcnlna- mn ' "'Kning. iim liroadway, New York, and ..: .. . .,.', II Ol., v IllVtlftU, 111. Write for particulars Mlaeellnnenna. . i nu run u. M. AHMI-AD tvirflrH linilmrfUH 1...- Tl ' I v-.f,ln m . . ... 7. ' --'- wcinccn a&va I i is ana 56; citizens of United States, of good character and ttmpetate habits, who can -peak, read and write the Eng. Ilsh language. For information apply to Recruiting Officer, Army Building. th and Dodgo Sts., Omaha, Neb.: 605 Fourth St., Sioux City, la,; 130 No. 10th St. Lin coln, Neb. WA NTE D Voung man to teach begl n ners. on violin; one with some class ex perience preferred. State salary expected. Address B 200, caie Be. ARB YOU DOING WOlfunhatirniak: Ing you a steady, self-respecting man? Or are you changing from one loh to an. other and growing careless and dlssatta- fled? ' nless you are settled at some regular work or trade which will make you a success in life, find out for your own I ,n"factlon what th United States navy f.nM .',0 for you. Call at Navy Recruiting Station. PORtOff t-e Rll I nir. flmnlia Neb . nnd ask about the navy's fifty dlf- I ferent trades and the chances to learn and practice one. Find out about the good pay. steady promotion, regular hours. the healthy life, the fine training, the wholesome food, the good company, the chances to travel and save money Write for Interesting frr book about navy life, "The Making of a Man-o'-Warsman " Every parent and son should read It Address Bureau of Navi gation. Box 209. Navy Department, Wash Ington, D, C THOUSANDS of men wanted In Call fornia. but Investigate before coming and avoid disappointment. Send 25c for copy of "California Facts." telling the truth about California nnd all about work being don nt fdr grounds; what and when positions will be open: wages paid, and other matters of vital interest to people seeking employment. Address Ex position Information Bureau, 234 Phelan Bldg., San Francisco. $25 AVKEKLY and expenses tri trust worthy people to travel and distribute 1 KHIlllUeH I III I1IK WHUirnUIH HOU?. 1. 1 Umprv Chleaeo .t-'".caR' I aAA ---.- . . . .. a nun ii Li rs i 1 1 j j l an pvnene in travel . .. ... . . . . " nl oistnouie samples lor mg manuiao- i' Scheffcr. treasurer, ' " A MONEY PROPOSITION-Do you ,want own tt Independent, h mall order business, he e your own boss? Would you manage un agencv for mo In your vicinity or elsewhere? All printed mntter furnished for one-half tho profits. Write for particulars. Hnzen A. Morton. Desk 822, Tekonsha, Mich. "PARCEL POST demands additional railway mail clerks, postofflce clerks, carriers; life positions; rnlnrles $90 up. Write at once for position desired. Atner- lc"n insunue. uepi. u. unpegs w. flio - GOVERNMENT EXAMINATIONS - Most thorough preparation, $5. Returned If not appointed. Particulars free. Amer ican Civil Service School, Washington, D. C 1 NEED GOOD MEN everywhere, part or all time; learn my methods: Join me In my high class business; established 13 lenrn; authorized capital, $1,000,000: no experience needed; desk and complete business outfit free. Write today. W. M. Ostrander, Dept. 73, 12 West tint St., New York City. WANTED Railway mall clerks; ex amination May 3; $900 to $1,800 yearly. I conducted government examinations: can help you pass, Trial lesson free. Write Ozment. 43 P., Bt Iou1b, Mo. BE a detective; earn over $300 monthly; greatest opportunities. Write Detectlvu Wagner 1243 Lexington Ave., New York DEPUTIES wanted for Omaha and state; a fraternal society with "up-to-tomorrow" features. Address Grand Sec retary Beavers, Laplata, Mo. FARM hands, laborers furnished free of rhargo to employer. Evans" Employment Office. 1617 Dodge. Tel, Doug. 8014. WANT a Telegraphy Job? We have ono waiting for you. It's yours just as soon as you can qualify for it. It's a steady all the year round year In and year out position, with good pay and better op portunity for promotion. You can qualify for It in a few short months at BOYLF.,'4 COLLEGE. OFFICIAL UUION PA CIFIC Bnd ILLINOIS CENTRAL R. R. TRAINING SCHOOL. Free transportn tton to your post of duty will be given to you. Send for our catalogue today. BOYES COLLEGE. BOYLES BUILD ING. II. B. BOYLES, PRESIDENT. OMAHA, NEB. HELP AV ANTED MAI.F. AND riSSfALH. Positions furnls'd both sexes everywhere. Columbia Nat'l Exchange. 514 Bao Bldg, MEN-WOMEN Get government parcel post Jobs, $20 week; write for list of po sitions open. Franklin Institute, Dept jhu. itocnester. w r. A MV Inl Allirnt nfrnnn muv on rn alaadv Income corresponding for newspapers: ex- j D,erJ'n.c Jin?!-"" l,r,!;.,Aldtvu,,.,lnP.S!,!1, Correspondents Bureau, Washington, j i ! CALL us when you need a atenog- rapher; large list to select from: services . free to employer and employe. Telephone 1 Douglas 2213. L. V. Smith & Bros. Typo- writer Co.. 1318 Farnam St. I . t ,r-r. $5 TO $10 a day for reliable men and i women agents; samples and complete outfit free: Crodlt given: easiest. faatut. best sellers ever offered; a Bale for every call. Altz of Mollne, III., averaged $1 un hour. Fitch of St. Paul, Minn., worked only part time, averaged $125 a month for six months; Sill of Laredo. Tex., made c- fled with vour indent ne If ao, call on us Monday morning. Wo placj Vten- fgraphera, bookkeepers and office clerks National Ri. unce company, 801 Bran d e I s Bldg.. Do ug. ifW. The Persistent and Judicious Use of Newspaper Advertising la the Road to Builneia Success. lZ.W In elKht hours and savs. "Anvnnn I " f willing to work can mako $5 to $10 a I til . nel 1 .in- ia nr rent i.rr,fn n vnu fun .1- cent on choice tails free. Address Dow Sales Co.. Dipt. 1 (7 " lnin' 66. Topeka. Kan. ! af amounis iro -77;v(l.--.--... ' s -r . f . No loan for vvrt i r.w .any or gcniieman or ooa market value of fn WANTED SITUATIONS A STOCK and bond salesman who . I - ...... ...(.. , . ,.. l mntilr.itlnr, with n reniitnl.L hn. cage experience. Address C 16S, Omaha Bee. MAN wantn lilaci- to work for board i and room. O 797. Hs. WANTED Small set f ncuns to keep aft e moons or nvenlngs. Tel. Web. ISM. YOUNG lady bookkeeper and stenogra pher, S months' experience, wants a po sition In a small office: salary, $10.00. Ad dress K-177, care Omaha Ilee SITUATION WANTED By all around baker, ten years experience: sober, mm-. 1 tied man. Want steady Job: west ore. , Ifrrea- aucr .Miles, ueiievillr. Kan HIGH school slrl wants work on Salnr. dav afternoona. Phone South 2702. WANTED Sit lint Ion hv vmine iimiTT 'all around office experience of A year. anrrss . i. ammerman, oio y. m. C. A. ANNOUNCEMENTS lTlVT?rate. 310 Beu Bl I J 1 Py JL tourr. 2 : " T w 1 -r Union Loan C TO WAN-UIW Bldg. aw. Co Jlk i HAZEL LEAF PILE CONES-Best -1CI1ICU.V IUI UVllllllkt UlCCUIIIfl Ul lllUlliU Int.' piles; VOc postpaid; samples free, riher man A MeConnell Drug Co.. Omaha. Gibson's Buffett 322 South 15th St. Mil 12. BENNETT Makes a specialty of reblncklng and cleaning ladles hats. 214 N. 17th. D. 2607. BUT STYLISH EASTER CLOTH E8 On credit. We clothe the entire family at $1 a week. Beddeo, 1417 Douglas at. VIRGINIA DARE wine. 6&c a large bot tle. Klein Liquor House. 622 N. 16th St. Wedding announcements. Doug. pt;. Co. THE N. C. LBARY COMPANY, Formerly Kctera & Leary Co.. engrav. trs and printers, 716 S. th. Douglas MV. THE TIE THAT ENDURES Is a lucky wedding ring from Fred Rrodegaard Jewelry Co., ICth and Douglas Sts. At the Sign of the Crown up the Golden Stairs. BEST postcard, views of Omaha tor nado; send 25o stamps or coin for four views. Heyn, 16th and Howard. 0 111 alia. FOUND AT LAST SCREEN DOORS, anit wlnilnnii nindi. lltl unci lnntnlled enm- plete. Order now before spring rush, . Omaha Window Screen Co , 624 N. 16th ( St.. basement. Doug. 4M2. We are makers of Ferry's patent metal corners for windows and doors. SEND to cents for book containing tic count and thirty photographic vlewn of Omaha's big cyclone. Dunne. Photog rapher. Flatlron Bldg., Omaha. ATTRACTIONS. OMAl.. . film excli., 16th nnd Doug. Mo tion picture machine and film bargains. Key to the Situation Bee Advertising. AUTOMOIlIrJSS DRUMMOND'S Big ntw garage at 2(th and Farnam. KOBES And raolator covers at $2.M end uja. 1 HAVE 8 shares of 7 per"cent preferred Portland Cement stock with a par value of $100 per Bhnro for which I paid $816 In cash. Will trade for a good automobile, either light touring car or roadster. Must be In good condition. Address A 106, llee, tatlng year and model i f car. BEST AUTO PAINTING. Fore doors, slip covers; now tops and bodies built to order. WM. PFEIFFER CARRIAGE Works. 25th Ave, & Ieavenworth. D. 6922. w I T-v 1 r, HHI'AIHINU, iviurpny uia it $100 reward for any magneto we can't re pair. Coll repairing. Baysdorfer. 210 N. Uth FORD OWNERS ATTENTION We will sell you 31x4 guaranteed Mlchelln tires (over B in for 30x3t) for 119.85 cash. These are new goods and will be ndjusted at any Mlchelln branch. Write for tire prices on oiner sizes. iTigge iiroiners, ifis Michigan Ave., Chicago, III. CYCLONE DESTHOYED OUR HOME Will sell for about A price new. unused 1913 touring car, standard make, elec tric starter, lights and horn. Cost $2,500. Address J 130, earn Bee. HKfJOND-HANl) ATJTOMOUILES BARGAINS In open and closed 2-liand electrics. M. A. Yant 23U Harney. D. 3206. WILL aacrlflce my 40-horatpower run about: never been used. Addreaa A C7, tare Bee. I OWN some clear cheap land that I would like to trade for a good modern runabout automobile. Give make of car and description In full In first letter. Address 8 107, Omaha Beo Paper, Omaha, Neb. ELECTRIC coupe, practically new, bar gain if sold nt once. Address F 761, caro Bee. WANTED To buy for cash, good sec ond-hnnd touring car. Address E 215, caro Ilee. BUSINESS CHANCES. Mr, Merchant: Wc mako auction sales and guarantee to get you money: No stock of Jewelry or clothing too largo or Hinull. Bank references furnished on application. Crook & Roth. Auctl'ra, 411 N. lath. Omaha FOR SALE Variety and grocery Mock; will Invoice about $2,000; low rent; In a good live town In central Nebraska; do Ing a good business. Address Y 0G. Bee. PARTY with some money and aervlca to Invest can buy Interest in well-estab-llahed firm; best references. Address A 747. Bee, Omaha. FOR SALE Brunswick bowling double alleys, cheap If taken soon. Address Y 105, Bee. FOR SALE OR RENT-Garage. in Rood eastern Nebraska town, brick building. Address Y 101, Bee. "STOCK, bond Issues, industrial, power, rallway, mining corporations purchased; underwritten, sold, commission busls; capital supplied; established house, Reuben S. Baldwin, 40 Cedar St. New York ,v , ,,..,T,, . ; r PATENTS -ec"retl ,ort ,fce returned. "-J gond sketch for free search of patent office records, How to obtain a patent and what to Invent, with Hat nt Inventlnna wnntori nml nrfr.. nt. fered for Inventlona sent free. Patents advertised free. Victor J. Evans & Co. Washington. D. C- -,,,.og7VKrtr. uMMoa u. i-....." 1NVLST YOUR SAVINGS IN FARM UIUI11 nvestors 7 per i 1st mortcai's Nebraska farms In m to $io,ooo. over 30 per cent rm. KLOKE INVESTMENT CO.. 301 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg., Omaha. HAVE you money to invest lu some thing as safe nnd more profitable than stocks and bonds? I have a first mort gage for $12,500, 5 per cent, on 160 acres of fine Iowa land for sale; title perfect. Write J. H. Talhoy, Ouawa. Ia. TO get In or out of bualnras. call on GANOEBTAD. 404 Be Bldg. Tel. D. 3471. WANTED A live man to take charge of the aale of a townalte. This Is a re sponsible position. Applicant must be In a position to invest $5,000. Address 11 If. Harper. .Noithport. Ntb. ANY kind retail atore furnished or sold. Kennebtck Co., 505 Bta Bldr., Omaha. 1 ..(... 1 1M . .. I . . I. i ii iwt tmii viiiuuii lire. lU'SINHSS C1IANCK Patents that Protect and Pay Books, advice nnd ncnrchcs free. Send sketch or model for search. Highest reT rrenccs, best results, promptness assured Watson E. Coleman. Patent Lawycr.G:2 lm..N. W , Washington. D. C FOR SA LE Stock" ii nd fixtures of the FIshcr-McGIII Co. 401 N. 21th St., South Omaha. Neb., ronsl;tlng of printing plant, stock of stationery, rubber stnmp outfit and soda fountain. Cnll or address Walter .1. Clarkson, trustee In bank niptcy. 454 Oninhn Nat'l. Rank Bldg. Phone Douglas snsl, Omaha. Neb. com e TosoFr 1 1 ern" California! Fortunes made In short tlmo raising hogs and alfalfa Iihv Wrlto. and I will tell you about It. H. Goodrich. Brawlev. 1 Cal. FOR SALE Five shares stock of City National bank. Omaha. A good safe, per manent Invpftment. J. H. DFMONT & CO.. Wi Board of Trade. FOR HALK A $2,000 note, running iw"o years, drnwlng 6 per cent; secured by 160 acre of valunble land, worth $J,0Xl: wll1 sell to net Investor 10 per cent; protest waived; Interest and principal guaran teed. Address. O. H. Co.. 139 N. 14th tit,, Lincoln, Neb. TO buy or sell a business promptly, scs Columbia Nat'l Exchange. 514 Beo Bldg. STOCKS anil bonds. Investments, real estate. Frank Un Brokerage Co.. 1S23 Do u g. ARE you in the; market to buy a good clean hardware business. In central Ne braska? Wo have n good one ior sal , but not for trade. Address, Y (1(0. Bee. FOR SALE No. 1 power blacksnutn and wagon shop: consideration. J2.W", If taken at once. Address, Box 87, David City. Neb. CORPORATION AGENT. With good charncter and small cupltnl. A rellablH company dcslies the occasional services of such person In each county. Give ref erence Address .Manufacturer, Box 790 A, Chicago, 111. ONE good Investment or worth a life time of work. Your opportunity to get In on ground floor. Shares $10. Machine wilt do work of three men. Ilerr Automatic Hydraulic Press Co., Philadelphia, Pa. "SHOE MAX AV ANTED" MAN with experience to buy for and manage a ladles', misses' nnd children's shoe section In department store, large) city middle west. We offer exceptional opportunity to man cnpabln of filling this position nnd able to furnish references of the highest order. Glvo full particular.) In letter of application Covering rnsi experience. If married or nlngle nnd sal ary expected. Which will b treated In ttrlctest confidence. Address Y 102, Bee. GET IN on the ground floor. Un surpassed opportunity to cngngo In any lino of business In tho town of Halg. on tho Union Paclflo extension of Its North Plattc-Gerlng brnnch. Track to be laid and depot built In March or April. Town surrounded by best Irrigated farms In the state. For particular, apply to II. W. Halg. Mitchell, Neb. Special Induce ments offered to early applicants. FORT GEORGE THE NEW "PAY ROLL CITY"." In tho heait of tho Central British Col umbia commanding tho trade of thn great Peace River district -Ono hundred million dollars will tin spent In railroad construction nlono In the next four yeitrs. opening up "this grent Inland Empire; Fort George is Ita pay roll conter. If you want absolutely rellahlo Infor mation about present or future invest ments anywhere In British Columbia; about business openings of all kinds; op portunities lu the trades or professions; nbout timber, farm lnnds, sawmills, brlckynrd openings, nddress FORT GEORGE TRUST CO., Capital $1.000.000. Fort George, B. C. WOULD you like to own a good pay ing mall order business? Wo hnvp a lino Hint gets repeat orders all tho time. You can start In spare time. Invost a dollop or two a week and soon own n nice business of your own. Wrlto for partlcu larw, Nndlco, 1654 Belmont Ave., Chicago. WRITE QUICKlV-Lot me start you In a home business that will bring you big money dally. Bo your own boss. Hparo time. Experience unnecessary. Let me prove you how I received $650,000.00 quickly. Address, Cunningham, President, Bulto 59W. Brccht Bldg.. Denver, Col, ESTABLISHED retail cigar business for sale In Omaha, Neb. Good location. Plenty of room for wholesale. Reasons for selling want tn go Into nnother busi ness. Address. H 131, Cnro of Omaha Bee. FOR KALE $3,000 hardware stock In Cedar Rapids. Doing pood business. YV, A, Reynolds, Cednr Rapids, la. jjestaukant: FOB BENT A large, beautifully appointed room for dining room with Inrge-kitchen, in Tho Now Cnrlton Hotel. 15th and Howard St Apply to H. A. WOLF. 432 Brandeis Bldg. Doug. S06S, FOR QUICK SALE New stock of goods and fixtures lu new building, in Surprise. Neb.; Invoiced nt $5,000.0). C. M. Sklles. Trustee. David city. Neb. FOR SALE I havo three notes or about $500 each, running 1. 2 nnd 3 yems, well secured by real estate. I can sell to net purchaser 8 per cent. Address, U, II. Co.. N. 14th St.. Lincoln. Nob. TRUSTEE'S SALE Of Clemi Htni.k lit irAllftriil mnwilionill.a consisting of dry goads, ahocs. groceries, clothing, etc.. nt 224 N. Wulnut St., Grand Island. Neb. Invoices $8,120.22. Will be sold In bulk to the highest bidder at auction, mursuay, April , mis, at 2 o'clock p. m. Tho Block can be Inspected at any time. J. H. WOOLLEY", TRUSTEE. BUSINESS BLOCK. To exchange for farm. This Is a very substantial 2-btory brick with plate glass front, cemented basement, two suites liv ing rooms on second floor. located op posite court house, next to best grocery In city and opposite large hotel; fronts two streets and at Junction of two car lines. This property could not bo re. placed for less than $12,000. Will ex change for small farm at $8,000, but farm must be worth tho price. M'GEB REAL ESTATE CO. 105 Pearl St. Council Bluffs. BUSINESS TEItHOXALS Architects. PLANS and estimates furnished. J. F. Cottrell, 4102 N. 19th. Webster SSI. Attornc . PHONE C. E. Smith. 511 Bee. D. 3367. Dan Horrigan. CH Bee Bldg. Doug.'ssaT Builders' Information. CONTBACTOB and BUILDER C. M. JESPERSEN. 1609 N. 33d. Phone Web. 2176. LET Prendergast rebuild your chmtntyY and do your brick work. Res. 19 Emmet St. Web. a&Ol. Ofttco 200 S. 14th 8t. D. 0001 Carpenter. Carpenters un,on furnelaes cafpen- Call at Labor Temple. Dougla'g i$J9. C'blropoillaic. Carrie J. Buford. 632 Pax. Blk. Red 4587. Key to the Situation Bee Advertising