THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: MARCH 30, 1913. Omaha Van and Storage Company's Concrete Building GIANT STORAGE LEADS ALL 100 Omaha Van and Storage Company's Twin Structures Ideal. ABSOLUTELY SAFE FOR GOODS rlnl C'onrrele llnnntM, nlth fllrrl Doors nnil All llrvlcra for Krp)i ItiK All Artlclm Hafp from IMpnien (a. liullt to endure, built to keep safe ihi1 inluablo goods of Omaha anil the --tntt, '.hp immense fireproof biilldlnK of the Dmaha Van and Storage company 'iro Ircts itself Into the view nt Sixteenth ind Leavenworth streets ns ono of lit' finest liulldliiKK In the city. The struc ture occupies half a block of space on this site, the second building giving In l'ompany one of the finest stoiage'1 r. the west. A few years ago the rim :oncrcte building was erifted. And now Iho firm has Just completed n twin struc ture, which Is shown in a photograph on this page. I The first building Is used for the Iik nge of household goods and the second will be employed for merchandise, civ. Die structure Is made of concrete and relnfoiced by bteel. .1 Is absolutely fireproof and In It are sepurate vaults and rooms for the storage of various goods. There are evenly heated rooms for pianos. There are looms where neither dust nor moisture will Injure any article In any way. Everything In this huge building Is safe. 1'nkn L'nrr of All. So large is the storage that the com pany can take care of all household goods and all things that need to l stored In the city of Omaha. It Is an excellent place and the way In which It Is used by Omaha shows how well appreciated it a The Omaha Van and Storage compiiiy Is one of the largest films of Its Wind in the middle west and the new building simply adds to Us ecjurpmenl and ,jlvts It a chance to take care of all the needs of Omaha. Visitors to the new storage have declared that the building Is ono of the finest of Its kind they have evor seen. It Is not only one of the best made the strongest and safest but It Is also one of the largest. It rise eight torles. The Omaha Van and Storage company has a large line of moving vans and drays. It stores household goods, packs them for shipment and take care of thrm In all ways. Tho rcuon this firm has become so popular In Omaha Is due to the fact that It has always given good service. Kfflclenoy In tho men who work for the firm and the best of equip ment have enabled It to do work which other firms have not been able to ac complish. With the new structure It Is doing more and a greater business than was before possible, and It Is doing It Just an effectively as It handled the trade before the second large storage came. Fireproof Stnrnare Doors, v The storage rooms are equipped Trtth fireproof doors made by the Variety Manufacturing company of Chicago. In this building are 1,303 of these doors, protecting the rooms from fire. They are approved by the underwriters- of the country. The Variety Manufacturing company makes cross elevator and freight house doors, steel window shut ters, rolling steel shutters, steel window frames, Donne steam exhaust heads, blacksmith and wrought Iron work, etc Tile from Nebraakn Cttr. The hollow tile used 1m constructing the building were sold by the Nebraska City Brick, company, of which Charles A. Tramp Is secretary. It Is a fin grade ot tile and was used In this building be cause of the desire to have the best that could be bought It Is recommsnded for all excellently constructed buildings. The Nebraska City Urlck company manufac tures all grades ot brick and hollow tile building blocks and drain tile. Very Fine Roof. The roof ot the Omaha Van and Stor ago company's new structure Is J.-M. asbestos roofing, made by the Johns-Man-vllle company, whose office Is at 1000 Far nam street, In this city. Tills roofing Is composed solely ot mineral properties tsbeitos and Trinidad asphalt This same looting has been placed In the Union Pa cific building, the plants ot the Haar mann Vinegar and Pickle company, Pax ton & Vlcrllng Iron works, Kggerss O'Flyng company, Transmlsalsslppl a rain company and Nebraska Blau Oas plant. Underwriters' lrop fire doors are con sidered among the best manufactured, and In this new building there or 1,303 of them. They are absolutely fireproof, and keep the concreto rooms as safe from Injury as It Is possible to kesp them. These are made by the Variety Manufac turing company ot Llnooln. This com pany also manufactures steel windows, shutters, rolling steel shutters, stesl win dow frames, cross horlsontol folding doors, cross sldo-up doors, etc Honest Construction, All. Grant Parsons, the general contractor who erected the Omaha Van and Htorago company's storage, Is known for the thor oughly honest buildings he erects. He makes the best kind of structures, and this new storage house Is an example of the kind of buildings he puts up. This structure Is on of the most substantial ever built In the state. It Is substantial In every detail, and stands as a prise monument to the contractor, an Omaha man. With the new storage ths Omaha Van and Storage company becomes ready to take care ot all the business that can be brought to It this summer. The .stor age rooms are In shape tor the augmented storage business that always comes with summer, when families leave the city and store their goods. Already the Incrsase in the business Is being felt This new growth Is caused by the spring moving season. Many families that were housed In the city all summer, or preparing to board for a few weeks longer, and then leave the city until fall, when they will take their household goods out of stor age and move into homes and flats. The I lant of the Omaha Van and Storage com pany is one of the finest In the country for taking car of household goods. It protects 'pianos, clocks and all goods. There is no -way In which any article can e damaged. Tungsten, Lanpi, The economy In the us ot ourrsnt when Tungsten lamps or used as against ths old-ftshionod carbon filament Incandes cent lamps is shown In the following figures: For each candle-r d- " of light produced the carbon filamsiu lamp con sumes IS watts ot olootrtctj energy while only 1.96 watts per candlpowr are rt syilrod by th Tunfstsa lamp. t Largest and most substantial fireproof storage in the west Modernly equipped in every way to give every convenience, every safety and every bit of protection that can be desired. This storage structure is ready to take care of all kinds of. house hold goods mer chandise etc. Separate stor age rooms, that fully protect from fire, mice and dirt, are offered you. Nowhere in this state or in the middle west is there such a built building,- Investigate and you will appreci ate all we say. Moving, Storing, Packing. Large Vans and all moving conveniences. Omaha Van & Storage Corrmanv 804 South 16th Street. Phone Deuglas 4163. It's Honestly Constructed That's the reason the new storage building of the Omaha Van & Storage Co. Is one of the finest structures in the country. It was built by Grant Parsons General Contractor 809 South 7th St. Honesty in construction brings the only buildings that will en dure. The new storage building is thoroughly made in every sec tion, and every detail has been built so that the completed struc ture is regarded as a model of its kind. Honesty and substantiality go together to make buildings that Will win the praise of the building world and give the owners the best construction money will buy. THE ROOF OF THE OMAHA FIREPROOF STORAGE BUILDING is J-M ASBESTOS ROOFING Firtproof Weatherproof Everlasting COMPOSED SOLELY OF Mineral Properties-Asbestos s Trinidad Asphalt Furnished, Applied and Guaranteed by Our Contract Department. A Few More Recent and Notable Applications are: Union Pacific Headquarters Bldg, Haarmann Vinegar & Pickle Co. Paxfon & Vierling Iran Works Eggerss-O'Flyng Ce. Trans-Mississippi Grain Ce. Nebraska Blau Gas Plant "The Roof of th Worjd" "Look for tho White Top." , H. W. JOHNS-MANVILLE COMPANY Offices and Warehouses 1003 Farnam St. Omaha, Neb. THE LARGEST Minm, Manufacturers and Contractors for Applioatisn of Asbestos and Magnesia Produois IN THE WORLD Honest, Substantial Construction Demands Honest, Substantial Material sMsssMssssMMsssMsWBsnWa In constructing the fireproof storage of the Omaha Van & Storage company onljr the best the proved materials were used, and therefore the large structure is one of the model storage houses of the middle west. Into its construction went HOLLOW TILE Manufactured in Nebraska City. Neb., by The Nebraska City Brick Company Makers of All High Grades of Brick, Hollow Building Blocks and Tile. The selection of hollow tilt from the Nebraska City Brick Company is proof that this tile is the best that its quality is proved and that it is so . excellent that it is used in the best construction. . When you build remember that the best tile and brick is produced in Nebraska City and be sure to write us for prices and information. Nebraska City Nebraska City. Neb. Company Chas. A Tramp, Secretary REINFORCED CONCRETE The Turner Mushroom Used throughout the large warehouse for Omaha Fireproof Storage Co. The original flat Blab concrete construction fully pro tected by U. S. Patents. ' The Mushroom System Meuns ECONOMY STRENGTH DURABILITY Our corpB of expert reinforced con crete engineers are at your service for consultation and estimates. Send for illustrated Bulletin. CA P TTTPTW 17D Consulting Engineer, A X. iURllEfK Pheonis Building, Mpls. Brunches in ull prinuipul cities. UNDERWRITERS IRON FIRE DOORS In the new. building of the Omaha Van and Fireproof Storage Company are 1303 of our Fireproof Doors. These are known as the Underwriters Iron Fire Door. They thoroughly protect rooms against fire. They have been approved by the insurance underwriters We manufacture these doors and also make Steel Window Shutters, Rolling Steel Shutters, Steel Window Frames. Cross Horizontal Folding Doors, Cross Slide-up Doors. Cross Improved Meaker Elevator Doors, Underwriters Tin Clad Fireproof Door, Etc., Etc. Variety Manufacturing Co. Carroll and Sacramento Avenue Chicago, Illinois I