3-A HARD SLEDDING FOR BILL Insurance Code Measure Likely to Have Rough Path. FHATERNALS ARE UP IN AIR Builders Hustle on Roof of Hopper's House OMAHA'S ONLY MODERN CLOTHING STORE KING-PECK CO. "NOME OF QUALITY CLOTHES" At MOWAPD Allegation Mnde bjr Them thnt Pro poaed Hetrare 'Will nlook Fntnre of Theae Concerns In State ) of Nebrnakn. FORMERLY KING-SWANSON CO. THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: MARCH .10, 1913. 5 u r 4 (From a Stuff Correspondent) LINCOLN, March .-(Speclal.)-The bill revising; the. Insurance code as pre pared by a commission paid to re-arrange the 'Nebraska laws Is liable to have hard sledding- In the house. It has passed the senate. Members of fraternal Insurance com. panles have the Idea that :t this bill becomes a law It will wipe out of ex istence every fraternal Insurance com pany In the state. Senator Cordeal, who sponsored the bill In the upper house, insists that It In no way effects fraternal Insurance companies, and Insists that the fear belnx thrown Into the fraternals Is being done at the Instance of old line companies that are trying to kill the bill The section which. It Is alleged, "Jinx"' the fraternal Is as follows. Sec 142. Discrimination. No life In surance company shall make or permit any distinction or discrimination In favor of Individuals, between insurance of the name class and equal expectation of life, In the amount of payment of premiums or rates charged for policies of life or endowment Insurance, or In the dividends or other benefits payable thereon, or in any other of the terms and conditions of the contract It makes; nor shall any company, agent, solicitor or broker make any contract of Insurance or agreement as to such contract, other than ts plainly specified in the policy thereon; except that any life insurance company doing business In this state may Issue policies of life or endowment nsurance with or without annuities on the industrial plan with special rates of premiums (but with out discrimination) less than the usual rates of premiums for such policies when issued to members of labor organizations, lodges, bencfclal societies or similar or ganizations, or employes of one employer, who through their secretary or employer may take out Insurance in an aggregate of not less than 100 members and pay their premiums through such secretary or employer. The fraternals Insist that under this rectlon agents of an old nle compnny will he permitted to walk Into a shop and by making an extremely low rate Induco the employes to "cancel their fraternal policies and take out other Insurance. U Is expected tbey say, when ohl lino com j aniea have the field to themselves, rates will bo Increased. Another objection to the bill Is In sec tion thirty-two which Is as follows; Sec. 32. Name of company to appear on policy.-.' Every Insurance company shall conduct Its business In this state In Its own "name, and the policies and contracts of insurance Issued by It shall be headed or entitled by such name. Two or more oompanles may Jointly Issue an underwrltcr'H policy upon which must nrpear'tho names of the companies guar anteeing the same and such companies jshall bo Jointly and severally liable thereon: Provided this limitation shall not apply to any Insurance company ad mitted, to this state and Issuing an under writers policy prior to the passage of this act. , Th clauso o exempt from this section companies now doing an underwriter's business Is said to bo for tho relief of a compariy which recently bought out a Lincoln concern. Tha section giving the right to the in surance board to prescribe the particular tform of policy it Is claimed, delegates legislative powers to bo tho board which Ms beyond the'-authorlty of the legislature. a4 It Is also Claimed that there Is no de- i'inand for a revision of the Insurances laws of this state, and those oppoxiniC the measure insist the code commlnbiim went beyond its authority In drafting such a bill. Some states have taken iuur years to revise their Insurance laws, and It Is Insisted that this legislature Is no wiser than any other, and if It docs enact this law it will do so with very few members realizing what It Js doing. Regardless of Senator Cordeal's un qualified endorsement of the measure and his standing In tho senate as ono of Its most painstaking and hard working members, many believe tho measure no aponsers is a vicious one, 'uncalled foi and entirely too long to be seriously understood by our present leglslatuie. Senator Cordeal, however,, has full on fldence In his measure and will do nls best to defeat the ."Insurance lobby," residence: ok c. l. hop ter, iais corbv street Have You Nasal Catarrh? Can you breathe through your nose? I mean, can you breathe free ly through each nostrin If not, do you know what the reason Is? It Is nasal catarrh. It may not be far ad v a n c e d You may not have thought of catarrh, or given the matter very inuch heed In any way. Dut lr you B.B.HAHTMAW.M.D, flnU that yu Columbnc, Ohio. can not breathe freely thr o u g h each nostril, be sure there is something wrong. Nature Intended you to breathe llirough the nostrils, llotlr nostrils. Try first one, then the other. Every mornlpg yhen you get up practice deep breathing through the nostrils. Put jour finger on one nostril and hold It tight while you breathe through the other. Backwards and forwards, tq this. At the same time you should take Tcruna. The dose on the bottle Is one tablesjioonfuf. You had beter make It three tcaspoonfuls. Tho reas.on why I direct this Is because I want you to take a teaspoonful of Peruna and as you swallow it down breathe the fumes of It out through the nose. Then the next teaspoonful do tho same thing, and so on until the three tcaspoonfuls are taken. This, however, Is after you have thoroughly cleansed your nore by deep breathing. While you are practicing the deep breathing you may snuff up the nose a, little salt water. A teaspoonful to the quart of warm water. But after you have thoroughly cleansed your noso then take the Peruna as above directed. Do not put It off. Do it now. IX) It before your nose gets bad. if only one nostril Is partially .stopped now It will not remain ju long. It will atop up entirely. The other will ht stopped, 'too. Begin uow. No. 5i and ho stakes his reputation that thy bill Is a good one and thatln no way will it hurt fraternal insurance. KingfalfaTMills Sued for Accounting NEBRASKA CITY, Neb., March 2). -(Speclal.)-Charlcs C. Bickel of uni versity Place has begun a suit 'n the district court against the KlngtalTa mills to prevent the officers, II. H. Hanks as president and Wllber AV. Sim as (secretary, from removing tno book of the corporation from this state until they have made a full accounting o the stockholders. The mills were burned some time since and the stockholder? had u meeting and decided to have the books audited and the corporation ilsjolveil. The land and all of the remaining build ings were sold to some of the local stock holders and matters were to havj besti settled up and a full accounting made to the remaining stockholders and thi cor poration dissolved before anything was removed. Mr. Hanks went to Chicago and began the erection of a new plant and Mr. Sim was packing the books and office furniture and fixtures to as to ship them when the restraining order was secured. In his petition Mr. Utcke! states that the corporation owes Mm 12,000 borrowed money and be holds 13,000 of the stock and that no account ing has been made to him regarding the 160,000 or $70,000 Insurance which was had on the plant and part of which hui been paid over to the officers abovo named. Mr. Bickel Is one of the directors of the company andv a brother-in-law of the president, H. H. Hanks. Otoe County Towns Send Aid to Berlin NEBRASKA CITY, Neb., March 23. (Special.) Nebraska City has raised a purse of something like $2,600 for tho peo ple of Berlin, whose homes were de stroyed last Sunday evening. Syracuse raised $1,000, Unadllla $500, Elmwood $100, Avoca $1,000 and Dunbar $1,000. Tho county commissioners arc caring for the Injured and they are all doing well. The Miller family Is at Auburn, Mrs. Tcncy near the Becene of the storm and Mrs. Nutzman at Syracuse. Both women had their legs broken and It Is thought Mrs. Nutzman will havo to have one limb amputated to save her life. The others Injured, all of whom was not dangcroirs, are recoverlnjand will bo able to caro for themselves In a short time. Mrs. Mathena, whose husband was killed and she blown out of tho Missouri Pacific section car. Is here and will bo sent to the home of her niece south of the city to Le given a home. Tho people of Berlin have already begun the work of clearing away tho debris and many of them will rebuilt as soon as tho weather and con ditions will permit. The bank has been opened for business while It is undergo ing repairs. Thero was something Itko $20,000 tornado Insurance on property In Berlin. WILLIa'm BENSON BURIED AT FULLERT0N HOME GENERAL- FUND IS LOW Legislators Forced to Register State Warrants Received, COUNTIES SLOW IN SETTLING lit'Klalntora Spend Time; Inrratl KfttliiK' When Might llnve l'naaed Law to Muke Trcnaurera Vay Up. iFrom a Staff Correspondent.) IjINCOUN. March .-(Spcclal.-State warrants are not nearly as popular as theye were when the session Of the legis lature first opened by reason of the tact that there Is no money to pay them and the holder Is forced to have them regis tered or tako them down to tho money changers and have them discounted In order to get enough to pay that board bill and that room rent. A great deal of this could have been avoided If the members of the legislature had paid any attention to the request of the state treasurer to fix the law so that county treasurers wouldd be re quired to remit the state treasurer all money duo the state before the 15th of cath month. Hod this requirement been put Into the law with the emergency clause money now being held by tho different county treasurers of the state, belonging to the state, would be ln the hands of the state treasurer and In all probably the members would be getting their money instead of having to dispose of their warrants to tho money changers at a discount. How Time Warn Spent. However, the members seemed to think that, tho needs of the state would be better subserved by spending the stato's money In Investigating trips. Instead of passing a few laws which wpuld really be beneficial, and, while $140,030 were ap propriated at the beginning to pay ex penses of the legislature this has long since passed Into the unfathomless past and there Is nothing left to- make the leglsaltor smllo or the hard worked em ploye happy. has drawn, cannot bo denied. The atti tude of studied detachment In which the story Is told makes It particularly significant. NEW I.EAT MILLS. By William Dean llowells. $1.M). Harper & Bros. This new novel pictures the simple conditions of the middle west, is n story of American country life after tho Mex ican war, when husklngs, burn railings, quilting;), spelling-matches, coon hunt ing and candy pulls were the amusements of a homogeneous community. There is no need to dwell upon Mr. Ho well's art; but It may bp doubted whether In any of his books he hag drawn a more sym pathetic character thnn that of this un successful Idealist. CONCERT PITCH. By Frank Danby. C0 pp. .3G. The Mofcnilllau compnnv. The heroine. Manuijlla Wagner, has her youth ruined by the cold-naturod and ex acting stepmother. Finding herself en- Have you noticed our windows? This is an age of things as they seem" The work! judges quickly: You are taken for your l'aee value. Thus the extreme importance of Good Dressing. We had this idea in mind when selecting the fabrics and having them tailored into the Quality Clothes We are showing now adays they're made to reflect the individuality of the man who wears them. Come here, put one of the Quality Suits on your back. You'll see what wo mean by clothes of distinction that breed confidence in tho man" who wears them. $10 to $40 THE CASE OF JENNIE BRICK. Mmy Roberts lllnchiiit. ISt l'. Bobhs-Mer rill eompaiiv. gaged, she hardly knows how. lo Lord them In tragic manner Harry Cntlngford, whose nnclent anil Impecunious house Is to benefit b Sir Hubert Vngner' new made million?, Mnnuclla breaks the bond tncuutlncntlv upon Information of certain unsavory episodes In her flanceV past llfi. Thn she engages herself to 1-ord Lynsons, v hoin she loves and he loves her tenderly, but a series of uuhnppy mleundci stand ings drives her from her true heart's haven to becomo the runaway bride of a youthful composer, who really loves only his own genius. Nor, even then, are Manuclla's sorrows complete. In the end most of her wrongs are righted some of I In the Invcutlgatlon. ! a f guii- not soon , In l forgotten. In In t .( i iRlitly II I the nuthur tiOK th.' lender a (let I" jl, I one Miiletfce while nhe Rtli'S him llimitf j with her inyetcry In thi m.t; iml 8'i th i Mrs. Rlnelmrt draws a clever plcturt! reader goes on mid mi, llwpy o.i cllim, of tho seamy side of life In her home ntwn a In deepest Hiiapui, et mi,, town. From the iler front of Alle- tlnually In good spliltu. Chiiiiy nnd tho streets of Pittsburgh slirf tnl.es her characters. Mrs. Pitman, who- keepa tho theatrical boarding house and who hns had better das. Is a icul crea tion. Mr. Reynolds, always conrrrnol nbotit the comfort of a ' stray dog or oat, Is mi amusing personality. Mr. Holcombe, the retired grocer, who u,lis SOCIALISM SL'MMUli i:V. My Monll Hlllquit. 110 P $1. The 11. K. Fly co n pany. A concise anil Interesting presentation of tho soclullft movement, and oik the most eoiiiprehensh o books e.r published on the subject. ORCHARD & WILH We are showing a larger line than ever bsfore of Quality Furniture at popular prices, A careful reading of this ad will give you a good idea of some of the excellent values this store offers, FULLERTON. Neb., March .-(Spe cial.) William C. Benson died yesterday at Harlan, la., where he was nuddeniv stricken with congestion uf tin lungs arid gallstones, dying before ills wife could reach his bedside. Mr. Benson bad been an honored resident here for ifio'e than thirty years. He had Just priised his sixty-first birthday and lcavc.l a widow and four children, Lloyd, Bert and Mrs. Clarence Fuller of this city and Tony Benson of Worland, Wyo. All were present at the funeral today, us well as his brother, E. A. Benson, anJ Mrs. Benson and daughter of Omaha. The funernl was In charge of the Ma sonic order, of which he had been i mem. ber for many years. New Books Fiction. ,Onb WOMAN'S LIFE. By Robert Her pany. The WcmllIan com- Tho paramount theme of this new novel by Mr. Hcrrlck. Is tho aggression of the modern woman. Mllly Ridge, later Mllly Brngdon, and yet later Mllly Duncan, Is air adventuress; a fortuitous, somewhat parasitic creature. She Is a gallant In her way. hut with" her own forms of coward. Ice and her tyranny, tricked out In various guises, permits her to carry all before her. Finally In her widowhood she fasci nates nnothcr woman, a hard-headed laundry woman, who has never been ablo to realize any of her dreams. Mllly rulni her In the end and leaves her amid tho ruins, while she, with her little daughter, goes off with her second hus band. The penetration and keenness of the analysis and sentiment aside, the truth of the pictures which Mr. Herriclt MAN WHOSE HOME BURNED DIES OF PNEUMONIA NEBRASKA CITY. Neb.. March 20. (Speclal.) Tuesday the house of Gran ville Church, a leading farmer sidlng south of the city, was burned lind lie contracted pneumonia and died Thurs day morning at the home of Edgar 1'ur sell, where he went when hts home was destrpyed. He was born In Virginia, January i. 1830, and came to this county Don't Scold an Irritable Child If tongue is coated, stomach sour, breath feverish give "Syrup of Figs" to clean tho bowels. Your child Isn't naturally erosii, Irrl table and peevish. Mother! Examine the tongue; If coated, It means the little one's fctomach Is disordered, liver Inactive and Its thirty feet of bowels clogged with foul, decaying waste, Every mother realizes after giving de licious "Byrup of Figs" that this la tire Ideal laxative and physic for children. Nothing els regulates the little one's tender etomach, liver and bowels so ef fectually, besides they dearly love Us delightful fig taste. For consypated bowela, sluggish liver, blllousnees or sour, disordered stomach. feverlshness, diarrhoea, tore throat, bad breath or lo break a cold, give one-half many years aso, where he and nls fam lly have since made their home. Ke is to a teasooonful of "Svruo nf via. survived by his widow and one so-. rne m u few hours all the clogged up waste sour one, unaigestea rood and constipated matter will gently move on and out of the system without griping or nausea, and you will surely have a well, happy and smiling child again 'lortly. With Byrup of Figs you are not drug glng your children, belna composed en tirely of luscious flg, ttnna. and aro rr.atles It eannot be harmful, Ku'1 directions for children of all ars and for grown-ups plainly printed on .h package. Ask your druggist for the full name, "Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Benna," prepared by the California Fig Syrup Co. This is the delicious tasting, genuine old reliable. Refuse anything tit offtrcd. Advsitlntrotnt funeral will be he;d Sunday and the in termcnt In Lee cemetery, south of that city. Quakrr Quips. A man who sells his experience for lesr than he paid for It Is a failure. It's all right to appreciate the good things of life, but don't be one of them. O woman's clothes are generally on her mind, even when they are on her back. If you would stand wejl with the ladles you must give ,them your seat In a crowded car. The average girl Is terribly disappointed If a fellow doesn't go to the dogs after she has refused him. Tho Cynical Bachelor rises to remark that the proper time for a man to marry Is when he hasn't enythlng else to worry klm.-1'biladelphl Ktord. 1!U.SS IIKI) (Like cut) post bed, continuous de sign, nt Heavy two-Inch . $14.50 DINING TAHIiKS (Like cut) Hero Is an excellent (able value, oil gonulno quar tersawed golden oak. HoavyBcroll uobb, round top 48 Inches In diameter, fittea with pedestal locking do- jJQ ff vice. Price each 4TrU DINING TA11LKS Golden oak, pedestal base, round top, t1 j 7C up from plJtfQ I1UKKKT Our 525.00 golden oak buffet is a barguln. All quartersawed onk, hn3 two small drawers, ono lined for Bllver, double cabinet and largo linen drawer, neavy scroll design, at , CHINA CAIHNKTH A great variety of patterns at n variety of prices. For 51 G wo can give you a good quartersawed golden oak cabinet, full awull front and ends finely finished, $25.00 IUIAHS MODS Two-inch posts, satin fin ish, at SO.OO, 811.50. S14.50 l $15.76 JHON 11ED8 Excellent values white or Vernls Martin S4.50 to SG.00 IHON IJKD Heavy two-Inch couti.iuoui post Vernls Martin un.nh. far An excellent value P 0 MATTHISSSKS Heavy felted cotton top mattresses Mattresses, with layer felt top mid bottom Mattresses, combination feltod mattress $3.00 $3.75 $4.50 -Our own at $16.00 DINING CHAIHS Full box frames lea ther seat, solid golden oak; JQ ff Bpecial, each PiiUU DINING CIIAHtS Excellent qualities. box frames, leather seats, golden oak , at-...83,25, 534.00. S4.50.-S5.01 DINING CHAinS Wood seat, at SI 00. 81.65. $2.00. $2.50 and $3.00 ODD DIKING CHAIltS Broken sets, arm chairs included, all woods and finishes, one to five of a pattern, at about half price. COTTON FKI.T MATTUKSSKS brandB and fully guaranteed. Our Special Felt Art tick, to rf 48 lbs PO.UU Sunshine Kelt-Tho best cotton felt ma - tress made for the prices each Imperial Felt A high grade mattress for. . . , OSTEKMOOH MATTItEBSES The stand ard of mattress perfection at... 815.00. 816.50 and $18.00 MATTItESSEH A few with slightly soiled ticking at very special prices. $10.00 $12.00 DIltiKSKIt (Mko cut) --Hero hi o i of our very btat values. Dic3.'lm' i sub stantially made and fltiishel. ll .s oj I KuneroiiH slzo pinto minor. Top 4'J lm.li a long, 22 Inches wide, two large an 1 iv small drawers, Golden Oak l?0 0 fhfl or genuine mahoguny. . . . li'U CIIIFFONIFH Mahosuny or Uol ei Oak, to match (hnn rr dresser , iPoUU DltF.HKING T.VMiK Gulden onk a r.l mnhogany. to match dresser and DICESSKKS Goldon oak, a l.iru and varied assortment of styles, all sub. tan tlally made and' finlshod. Wo start them t $9.00- Hxtra good bargains a $14.00, $14.75. $16.00. S17.n0- $10.00 and $20.0 J SANlTAItV COL'CHUS Good onss - -the serviceable kind. 4.25. 84.50 nnd jjjej uq I1ED l'IM.OWS All grades and sizej. $1.35 a pair to , $8.50 a fair ogany. to match dresser rij -s q rr chiffonier '. 9x12 Brussels Rug, like cut, worsted face, Oriental or floral pattern S11.95 Tapestry Brussels Rugs Extra heavy, full ten wire, all worsted face, beau tiful line of small figured patterns and soft coloring, at each. .815 00 $23.50 9x12 special Velvet Rug S17.50 $25.00 Dx 12 Seamless Wilton Velvet, extra heavv qunlitv "$1900 Axminsters S18.50, $22.50 and $2500 Entire line of spring patterns to select from. HEAVY ROYAL AXMINSTERS. 27x54.... S2.50 ! 36x3G. . . .2.75 30x72. .. .$4.50 ! 22 '(i. .81.75 Oriental rugs repaired by Armenian exnertn. Missel's Gold Modal Ilnll Hearing- Carpet Sweeper One week's trial free. CSO o- LACE CURTAINS AND CURTAIN MATERIALS Our larsc assortment consists of the newest ami bast. show our goods. Wo quoto a few of tho prices: Rl. Tim lIpRlirnu fnr B1llnnaa nnv ii'a lt V.n... i x materials much more practical, and tho prices are extremely reasonable. We invite your Inspection ? ii , 3C-lnch Swiss, per yard 4 0-inch Scrim, white ivory and ecru, per yard 4 0-lnch Voile, whlto, ivory and ecru, per yard 4 8-lnch Bungalow Nets ivory or ecru, per yard, up from. 15-Inch Cluny Curtains, 2 yards long, per pair, up from. 45-inch Applique Curtains on heavy boblnet, per pair, up from 45-Inch Point Milan per pair, up from 12 Vic 20c 2hc 25 $1.75 $2.50 84.75 WINDOW SHADKS -:t(i-inch b and 7 ft. long, dyed shades, each.... 25c a'J 30ri ?.C-Inch by fi and 7 ft. lone, oil opaque, each. 35c nd jn Hand made Opaque shades, mounted on Hartshorn rollers, each, u ji 1 1 o in , ,t . c? Let us measure your windows for shades and r'o'ds'and submit estimates free of charge. CREDIT NOTICE We offer the heIP of our Gredit Department. Terms of payment may be made to suit your conven iencedo not hesitate to make use of this suggestion. ORCHARD & WILHELM CARPET CO; Before buying your bagB, suitcases and trunks, sec our line.