Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 30, 1913, PART TWO EDITORIAL, Page 10-B, Image 24

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In The
Furniture Dept.
1 Vcrnta Martin Bo1
Full size, hoavy
2-lnch post, 1 link
spring, full size, 1
felt compr ob b o d
mattress, 1 pr. C-lo
SI Z95
uutuivuii ii'u i u v r i a
pillows, all in the Worth $20
sale for ........
Oak Dining- Table, round,
6 ft. extension, bought to
sell at $13 $8.75
Oak Dining1 Chairs, golden
or fumed $1.50
Solid Oak Dresser with
French beveled mirror, reg
ular $9.50 value $6.75
Combination Oak Wash Btands
at 83.50
Kitchen Tabloe, 4 2-lnch top,
Kitchen Cabinet)), 2 drawers?
bins 83.50
Good Kitchen Chair, each..(J5
White Dress
At Scarcely half
the Actual
Retail Worth
Seasonable White Goods,
Swisses, Mulls and Lawns,
eto., bought to sell for 18c
and 19c yard-: 10c
Imperial English Long
Cloths and Nainsooks, 36
inches wide, soft chamois
finished, bought to sell up
to 35c yard 18c
Sheer Wash Chiffons, now spring
fabrics, Persian and French
Lawns; bought to sell up to 76c,
yard : 39
Rnmle Cloth, tho now dross ma
terial, heavy round thread, every
conceivable shade nr mlnr
bought to sell for 25cyd., XQd
f mmmm " saaasatasaajsssnssisssssssssBHBsiiasBiaw tmmmm m m m - . ,Vin n n n n n n n
Spring Millinery Underpriced
The most charming lino of absolutely authentic now
Millinery styles over shown in Omaha, at prices that are
below all competition. ( ,
A Few Specials for Monday
An Immense Assortment of Untrimmed HaU inTtlnir,- Chip;
Milan, Hemp, some with silk velvet fold, to $2.50 values,
your choice '. 98c
Fancy Feathers, in all tho
classy new effocts and col
ors, values up to $1.25,
choice 39c
Leghorn Untrimmed HatsMany worth $1.00, ohoico, 39c
Five Rousing
Specials in the
Rug Department
Extra Quality Axminster
Rugs, 9x12 size, $30.00 val
ues, 50 patterns for selec
tion, on sale at . .$15.75
Seamless Tapestry Brussels
Rugs, bought to sell at $15,
all newest patterns, 9x12
size, on salo at . . . .$9.98
$0.O Wool Fibre Kh All col
ors. 8.3S10-6 alee, at. . . .85.75
8.50 Sewnleaii Art Squares -8x9
tie, pretty patterns, , , ,81.03
Stoves and Ranges Special
Monday and All Wee$
A high BTdde cast Range, with high closet .825 OO
Range as above, equipped with T Shelf Is20 00
Cook Btoves up from ' i nnn
Ofl Heaters ,,,,' .'.V 08
BROOMS HAXF P1UCIC A good 4-tlo Parlor Broom, usually sol'd at
36c or 40c , lf)
BRASS WASH BOARDS Full size, made of heavy and'bes't material
tarougnoui, woru nuc
If Yon Are to Succeed In Life Yon
Muit Know What You Want.
Wntch It l'lajr and Sort Orer Its
Tlilnitra and Go to Hud or
Trouble to Achieve Borne
Result Longed l'or.
A child at htr mud-pie making Is a liv
ing lesson for everyone who sees her at
her pattlme. Don't pass htr with an In
different glance nor a ''Gracious, see
how that naughty child is soiling her
The little one, intent upon forming the
black mass under her palrn Into some,
thing of form and plan, Is In miniature
the mau or woman who is working life
Into ti thing of use and beauty. " It is not
In either case an easy task, but watch
th child and learn of her.
She bends ber rosy fac above the
black mas and puckers her wee fore
head Jnto s network of lines. She Is
tti ifn nnun trnm nn mini
imnri dujhi Mnu ur riiAn
The store that best serves and saves cuts down the cost of living for you
by remarkable reductions on prices of necessities at the season's opening.
All our splendid resources have been drawn upon to bring together the most complete and best
stock of spring merchandise ever offered in Omaha and on account of existing circumstances
we are going to m irill 11 m m mi-ir s-i v That in real
a i-. r- m
uwpiytuivucprire., m p I - WW"
beginning Monday- Jr.M. J, JLllA.
in a great
Every department throughout this big store joins hands in
ever experienced. Every day scores of items will bo offered at,
Pillow Top and
With each purchase of C skeins
of Embroidery Floss at 2Cc. A
snnp you cannot afford to miss.
New Spring Tailored
Suits and Coats
, Sweeping price reductions on abso
lutely new High Class Garments that
you'll certainly find matchless at these
after Easter sale prices.
175 Beautiful Tailored Suits Made to
sell up to $30.00 and $35.00 come
in eponge, taffetas, Bedford cords,
fine English tweeds, poplins and fan
cies; nobby new designs C f Q. fTfk
in all sizes; your choice P rDU
New Tailored Suits Made
' to sell nt $12.50 and $15.00,
Serges, Whipcords and fan
cies, choice designs, coats
satin lined,
Artifical Flowers of all kinds
nice clean new goods, val
ues up to $1.00, go on salo
at 10c, 25c, 39c
In Domestic Room
PopllnB, all tho wanted colors,
good 10c valneB 12$4
Indigo Dluo Apron Checks
ginghams, 7o values 5j
Fancy Crepo for kimonos. 19c
values I2ttrf
Percalos, light and dark colors,
86 Inches wide, 12 He values,
yard 7id
Bilk Strlpod Poplins or Voiles,
all good colors, 26c values, at,
yard XQfk
Fancy Dress Gingham, pretty
plaids and checks, 12 Vic val
ues , 8H
Curtain Scrim with borders, In
white and colors, 36 Inches
wide, 16c values lOr
Anthrlclte Blue Prints, 6c vaf
ues 3Wd
Cotton Challies. 30 Inches wldo
1-2 Ho values
, , If a
studying her tnoterial. We should study
ours. The little one takes stock i f the
unpromising material. Bo should we.
The child sees that the mud Is illppiry
and that it needs some substance of
firmer materia to hold it In solid mass.
She looks right and left, twists her little
body about and at last ee what , she
needs, some dry soli In a crevice of a
rock. The smalt hand scoops It up In It's
hollow and places It beside her to awnlt
her need of It. We. finding a lack.of the
stout stuff of self-reliance and determina
tion, should find and appropriate It. If
In the planning of her pies she sees fiat
the mixture will be too thick and heavy,
she seeks a water filled hollow for IU
softening. If we. surveying the character
material from whloh life Is made, find
the materials orude and hard, we should
seek that with which to soften It. In
terest in some other human being or be
ings than ourselves Is the commounat
remedy for that state.
Works Out Ideas.
As the little girl kneads and smooths
and pats you see that she Is working
after a pattern. She knows how larte a
pie she Intends to make, "how big
around" It will be, how thick it will p
and whether it will be flat on top -r
slope from a glorious, curving, cake like
M X. I
I " ' - 1 '-i
v m
A boautiful line of 45-inch
i Flouncings in finest Swiss
and Voile, regulnr $2.00
values 98c
200 Spring Coats In u
brond range of most want
ed fabrics and colorincrs.
also a few winter weight
coats, will go on
sale nt
r Wo to-7Go SUkB, including
uiw., ovur o,uw ytis.
?y .4f;ovo'y.JJress aiiks
'to $100 alues7in noHVesF'
and figures, over 5,000 yds.
ed in this big lot, at yard. . .
Greatest Black Silk Bargains Ever Known in Omaha Regular $1.00 quality Black Silk
Messalines, Peau do Soie, Satin Duchess and Taffetas, 36 in. wide; you'll not find them
equalled in any other store at sale price, yard 58c
You'll find prices fully Vfi bdlow all others, considering
quamy oi our
Monday Specials-China Dept.
Star Cu; Water Sets, 6 glasses and 1 pitcher,
Por sot r $1.50
$1 set Sugars and Creamers, in grape pat
tern, big value, set ., 50c
Colonial Water Glasses, 2 for 5c
Colonial Sauce Dishes, 2 for 5c
2-quart Glass Water Pitchers, each 20c
Seed Dept.
All VeKotable and Flower Seeds a nkgg. fO'....SA
White Onion Sets. 2 quarts for 155
Red and Yollow On.lon Sots,. 4 quarts for 25i
Blue Grass Seed, lb. 20 Dluo t)rass and Clover, 3j
Here's Hayden's Grocery Prices
S3 lbs. best Granulated Sugar 91.00
48-lb. sacks best High Grade Diamond 111
Flour, nothing- finer for bread, pies or
cakes, Monday special, per sack, 81.00
10 bars Beat 'Km All. Diamond C or
Lenox Soap for , aSo
10 1 lbs. Iieat White or Yellow Cornmeal
for ,i7o
10 lbs. beat Ilolled Dreakfaat Oatmeal aSo
lbs. best hand picked Navy Deans. .38c
5 lbs. fancy Japan Rice 3So
The best Domestic Macaroni, Vermlcllll
or Spachettl for ..7Ho
Try HAYDEN'S First
summit- She knows what she wants '.o
do and in that is superior to persons rt
larger site.
This morning a woman complaining of
her dissatisfaction with life, told me sho
didn't know what she wanted. "Than
ypud better ' find out." I said, "no one
else knowa If you don't. "There are per
sons who are chronically dissatisfied.
They throw the long shadow of their dis
content over everyone who has the mis
fortune to know them and yet when they
are asked what they want they don't
know. They only know, or think
they know, that they don't want w'jat
they have. The little girl has a plan, a
pattern for her pie. How many of tis
have a plan, a pattern, for our Uvea. No
one has ever done a piece of work well
who did not have such plan or pattern.
Wa leave our beds In the morning
ui certain what we will do that day.
Vt'e follow this Impulse and permit that
whim to lead us. We - start down ne
street, change our minds and hurry up
another. We do what a friend tells us
to do, We follow advice without weigh
ing It We tark to this wind and that
We live haphaxard and work at random,
then wonder why life is a strange, criss
cross, Incompletely, unsatisfying thing.
, The child finds a gritty lump of sand
m m mmm
m If m W economies surpasses
Ljilk 1 JLiJIV OxHLJLiJ-J havc ever
making this an event long to bo remembered as the most remarkable bargain giving sale you
and even below, the actual wholesale cost. Read every item, you'll find it well worth while.
Notion Snaps
Coats' 100-yd. Machine Thread
Monday at, spool 3J
No. 2 Omo Dress Shields, pr. 15,
No. 3 Omo Dress Shields, pr. 2(d
No. 4 Omo Dress Shields, pr. JJ5
No. 5 Omo Dress Shields, pr. 30d
Many other specials on staple
Notions Monday.
New Spring
Dress Goods
Almost Half Price.
Three wonderful special
bargains hero for Mon
day's selling.
50 pieces of Wool Dress
Goods, 50c and 75c val
ues, Serges, Panamas,
Fancy Suitings, Shep
herd Checks, Bedford
Cords, etc., on salo in one
lot, yard 28c
20 pieces of All Wool
Serge, tho best $1 Serge
made, thoroughly spong
ed and shrunk,, good line
of colors, nt yd 48c
Handsome Mannish Suit
ings, in stripes and fancy ,
weaves, mostly skirt and
suit patterns, 54-in. .wide,
on sale Monday, yd. 78c
M f
- ""''"""-"'"'". HMMHW amlam assSMS BOSS S S SSSSSaaSSSSX,
Silks at Less than Half
Bilk 'Satin Mcssnh'ncs; nil 'Silk
iqciuaeq now goods, a.t yard
otienngs Uompare them .
for the People. Every Price
aii; a Having of 25 to 50 Per
7 lbs. best bulk Laundry Starch aSo
2-lb. cans fancy Sweet Sugar Corn... .Be
2-lb. cans fancy Wax, String, Green or
Ilma Deans for" 7Vio
The beat Soda or Oyster Crackers, at,
per lb 64o
The best bulk Peanut Butter, lb...,10Ho
8 cans OH or Mustard Sardines 03o
1-lb. cans Assorted Soups 7Hc
Jello, Jellycon or Advo Jell, pkg...7Uc
1-lb. pkg. Corn Starch... 4c
Tall cans Alaska Snlmon 10c
Peters' Breakfast Cocoa, lb 80c
In her mud pie, burrows for It with her
chubby finger and throws It away A
"wotersoaked chip disturbs the outline of
the plo and she removes that and flings
It Into the road. A hard, unyielding lump
of mud, resisting the coaxing of her
finger cushions, she deems unworthy her
1-lc and that, too, Is discarded. We, find
ing unworthy motives, unyielding traits
of character, In our characters, should
cast them out. With the untaught wis
dom of the child she eliminates tbat
whlah Is not worth while, or which li
The child works with utmost patience.
No trouble Is too great, no time too
long, for her pie making. And when the
row .of strange brown objects 'stands
primly ready for baking there Is the
glow of triumph, the job of the finished
work In her baby face. We tire of our
tasks. We slight them or desert thtm.
and we wonder why we are not accounted
among the world's successes.
The child at her mud pies Is exercising
her constructive talent
She Is doing things. She Is building,
and all of life Is building. Doing things
as well as we can U the only excuse w
can offer for living. Character Is the
stuff we mould Into life as the child
shapes her pies of mud.
m m rm. m
Hose Supporters
All sizes from bablcB to ladles
high grade, rubbor buttons, best
quality elastic; on sale "(t
at, pair I !C
New Spring Dresses
and Waists
Values never surpassed in the hisx
tory of Omaha merchandising; it will
be well worth your while to see these
Monday specials
Several Hundred Dresses
Bought to sell at $15.00,
come in Messalines, Foul
ards, Poplins, Serges, etc., in
a big assortment of the best
Btyles and color
ings, at
SILK UNDERSKIRTS Made of excellent quality taf
feta, all colors, $3.00 values, QQ
on special sale, at each : sOC
to sell at $2.98, all sizes, your choice, at JIJ
JtralnrdS: Taffotas,
Silk Messalines in a full
regulnr $1.00 quality, just the thing
for waists and dresses.
with others.
Wash Goods Dept.
100 pieces of 36-inch Cambric Percales, now
selling at 12M:c yard 9c
300 pieces of Wm. Anderson Genuine Imported Scotch
Ginghams, sold at 26c and 35c a yard, will go lge
200 pieces of Silk Strlpod Voiles, regular price 25c,
will go at .... 17
100 pieces of Silk Mixtures, worth 25c, 39c and DOc,
all will go at, a yard 186'
500 pieces of 15c Batiste at 10
500 pieces of 15c Dimities at lO
Several hundred pieces of other goods
too numerous to mention will be reduced
equally to a very low price.
Out to the Lowest, to Help. One
Choice California Prunes, lb .....6c
Choice California Peaches, lb 7 Ho
3-Crown Muscatel Kalslns, lb 7Hc
Stereo Bouillon Cubes, for beef tea, 12
cubes for 33a
roB the raoras.
The best strictly fresh Bffgs, dox,.17Vic
Good Table Butter, lb 85c
Fancy Dairy Butter, lb 88o
Country Creamery Butter, lb 33o
Full Cream Cheese, lb 18c
How n Wreck In 'Zero Weather
Spurred the Crew In Dnlldln ,
We were Jogging along the Brazos bot
toms In middle Texas. The train slowed
down and crawled over a trestle that
spanned a deep ravine.
"I remember that trestle well," re
marked a gray-hatred man In the nmoker.
"In fact, I worked on the wrecking crew
that rebuilt It after a washout many
years ago. We did the work on froien
The men in the smoking compartment
of the Pullman becomo Interested. The
gray-haired man lit a fresh cigar while
the rest waited In silence.
It was a freight wreck," continued the
man. "There were two or three cars of
whisky that were piled up at the bottom
of the arroyo. A few barrels were
smashed, and the sand soaked up their
contents befora we arrived. The remain
der of the shipment was undamaged. We
rolled the barrels to on side. The weather
was bitter cold something very unusual
for that part of Texas. Repairing the
trestla was a long Job, b sea use Umber
m v
Hand Bags 25c
Think of It, a full site metal frame
Hand Bag, well made, neat and
good, the Greatest snap
ever offered, cholco -4t
15 Dozen Pretty New Waists
Wool Challies, Flannels, Lin
ens, Lingeries, Voiles, etc.,
bought to sell 'at $1.00 to
$1.25; in two big lots, choice,
T:.25c and 50c
Furnishing Goods
Ladies' Underwear, medium or heavy weight, made to sell
at SQc Monday. v t 19c
Hosiery, Men's, Women's or Children's, to 25c values, Mon-
dQy Pair 12V20 and 8y2o
Mea'?.rFneW9avy. flegced or Balbriggan, bought to
sell to 75a garment, at 35c and 25c
Men,'s Laundered-Shirts, 50c to $1.00 values, all good colors,
perfect goods,, on sale 49c and 25c
$1.00 and $1.50 Corsets, one big lot, all good models
at 75c and 49c
Children's Outing Flannel Gowns Bought to sell to 76c. choice, 2ftf
Children's Underwear 26c and 35c values ik nn 72w
qdles' Btockinga, wool, cashmere
In Domestic Room
81x00 Ready Made Sheets
Good 50c values. 35
42x3,G Made Pillow Casss
good' 12 He values ....94
Lonsdale 80-lhch Bleached
Muslin, 10c values . . . .7J
Arcadia Pillow Casing, 42-ln.,
15c values lOd
Rochdale 0-4 Bleached Sheets,
good 25c values 20d
Pequot 0-4 Bleached Sheeting,
33c values 2Q
80-inch Bleached Muslin, good
8c values a
Half Bleached Muslin, 36 ins.
wide, good weight, 10c val
ues, yard 7V
P o n t i a c Made Sheets, good
weight, 69p values 59c
68-ln. Bleached Table Damask,
good weight. 29c values, 19J
15 lbs. Colorado Potatoes IBa
12 lbs. good Cooking Apples for SOo
Large bunches fresh Beets, Carrots,
Turnips, lUdlshe or Shallots, bunch.. 4c
New Potatdes. lb 7to
15 lbs. best Red Onions 15c
Fresh Spinach, per peck 10c
Fresh Cabbage, per lb lc
Fresh Rhubarb, bunch Sc
Fresh Ripe Tomatoes, lb 10c
Fresh Green Beans, lb SOc
Fresh Asparagus, lb SOc
Fresh Cauliflower, lb.. 7Ho
2 heads fresh Leaf Lettuce Be
Large Head Lettuce 7Hc
Faqcy Cucumbers, ea.lBo, lBHo and 100
had to be brought from a considerable
"The second day I noticed that, despite
the bitter weather, some of the wreckers
were going about crunching ice. I asked
one of them about it, and he nodded In
the direction of the place where the
whtsky barrels were strewn over the
ground. I went over at the first oppor
tunity and found that the cold had caused
some of the barrels to freeze and burst
The men had ripped off the staves and
had chopped out some of the contents
with their axes.
"I tried a piece of the ice and found It
good. Some one said there was a lot of
fever In the Brazos bottoms, and I tried
some more. So did every one else. It
heartened us up wonderfully, and from
that time until tho Job waa completed we
worked like Trojans.
"One fellow with a brilliant mind built
a rlre and thawed out the whisky. We
couldn't us any except from the burst
barrels, but that would have been wasted
If we hadn't 'in fact, that trestle was
built on froften whisky."
"But say," exclaimed one of the listen
ers, "you can't freeze whisky. There's
too much alcohol In it"
"Not In tfc kind they used to ship down
Six Splendid Bargains in
Clothing Dept.
Boys' Suits, made to sell to
$5.00, at 2.25
Boys' Knee Pants, to $3.50
values, on sale, choice 98c
Men's Pure Worsted
Suits and Medium
Weight Overcoats, new
goods, to $15 values, at
Broken lots of Men's Suits,
$8.00 to $12.50 values, on
salo in Domestic Boom,
at $4.75
These are new goodB.
Table Linens
At Little Prices
Grass bleached and silver
bleached satin damasks,
pure linen, bought to sell
for $1.25, sale price, at
yard 70c
Unhemmed pattern Table
Cloths, size 8x10, assorted
designs, bought to sell for
$1.75 each 98c
Full size Dinner Napkins,
pure linen, bought to sell
for $4.00 doz., 6 for $1.00
Hemstitched Austrian Huck
aback Towels, full size,
pure flax, bought to sell for
50c each 25 C
and fleece lined, 35o values 12bd J
Drapery Specials I
100 Pairs Cable Net Curtains
50 in. wide, 3V2 yds. long,
made to sell to $4.50 pair,
choice, pair $2.00
200 pairs Nottingham Our
tians, 3 yds. long, $2 val
ues, at pair 9gc
110 pairs Nottingham Cur
tains, 2M; yds. long, $1.25
values, pair ST9c
125 pairs Nottingham Our
kunsi 2Mi yds. long, $.00
values, at 3qc
Many other Rousing Specials
Men's and Boys'
Good styles In stiff or soft felts
manufacturers' samples; on sale
t,MondaX S1.0O and 00 6
?fy8,.a2? 'Wren's Cloth and Felt
Hjits, big assortment, at choice c
Men's and Boys' Caps that are worn.
to 11.00, In Monday's sWle at. 330
8 uV-Vi'Ja n,ttlnKrand kerStolV re1
vunnr xrunxs 93.00
here In those days," answered the gray-
ltself."-RalIroad Man's Magazine.
Hev. William Thomas Walsh, for years
a member of the Paullst Fathers, has be
come rector of St. Mary's Episcopal
church In New York City. "''
New York Is to have a spiritualist tem
ple to cost J2SO.000. to be built to Cen.
tral park west.
A feature of the seventy-seventh anni
versary exercises of the Eighteenth
StfrS, Me.th0dUt.. ch"h of New 1 "Srk
R.iv8 Jw,aUnd,inC9 of Ernest u.
fiZXZl' .E,ho .hafl bn member of the
fiWwry.:thre yeara nd a tru8te
(Jlhrff'fifJ? hSve btn, Printed in Japan
In three little known dialects for circu.
Chlno arnonK tne oorlglnes of western
ylvthan Sherman of Whlttlng
M.m.Y.t M ,a- wh visiting
his brother-in-law, Willis W. Burnett of
saoy, Mass., aged years, traveled all
the way from his home In Whittingham.
to Adams unaccompanied.
Rev, Franklin C. Smlefeau of Williams,
port. Pa., a mute preacher and mission
ary, gave an Illustrated lecture to a num.
ber of deaf mutes. By using the dear
and dumb alphabet he described pictures
thrown on the screen. In order to enable
light was turned upon him.