Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 30, 1913, PART TWO EDITORIAL, Image 20

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    The Omaha Sunday Bee Magazine Page
Copyright, 1913, by the Star Company. Great Britain Rights ReserveO.
The Unusual Triumph of
a Cherokee Indian Chiefs
Great-Granddaughter and
How the Ghostly Tom
Toms of Her Forefathers
Drummed Her to Success
A Portrait of Miss Washburn, Painted
by Ponrhyn. Stanlawa, the Distinguished
Artist, in Which Her Indian Character
istics Appear.
London, March 25.
Cborokees, . 1b hunting buffalo In tho
Happy Hunting Grounds. Thirty yours
ago thoy burled him out on tho Chorokoo Strip
with nil the weapons of tho chaso, nnd his fa
vorite pony closo boBldo him, bo that ho might not
lack means to llvo well In tho Country-Ovor-Thoro.
If tho Happy Hunting Grounds Ho anywhoro
within easy dlstanco of tho plaoo earls nnd
dukes and thinks like that go when thoy llo,
Eagle Faco must bo wondering why so many
curlouB shades aro looking him over Just now:
shades In armor, In rutflos, breochos, yannioru
and farthingales.
They'ro doing lt, because London has discov
ered in Grace Washburn, old Eaglo Face's great
granddaughter, tho real American beauty;
havo also discovered the roal Amorlcan llnoago
of Miss Washburn, and specifically bocauso half
a dozen descendants of those same dukos, carls,
etc.. haye formally offorod thomsolvos In mar
rlago to hor. If ono has to bo so careful of tho
family ono marries In this life, think how careful
one has to bo if dead.
Graco Washburn bocamo famous in Now York
for two things beforo London found out tho
other things. Ono thing was hor beauty, and
too othor was her horolsm in smashing tho win
dow of a Broadway trolley car because tho con
ductor had denied her a transfer. The window
had a "Thou Shalt Not Steal" sign on It, and
ductor had denied hor a transfer.
At that tlmo Miss Washburn was twonty, and
Borvlng In her first engagement at tho Winter
Garden in Now York, doing; an onorraously ox
citing duel with Mile. Datlo, tho dancer. After
that sho appeared as tho star In tho famous
Sd.aU PlEy' "A nom"nco ot tho Undo
But nobody know anything about her Indian
ancestry until one night when Graco was sit
ting in a certain famous artist's studio with
several other interesting actresses and a couplo
of playwrights. Tho artist had an old Indian
war drum, and one of the men who had lived
lor years out West began to tap it, slowly.
Tho tapping, had gono on only n few
minutes when Miss Washburn aroso
and began to danco. It was n vory
strange dance of Blow stops and quick
abrupt clutchings of tho hands to
earth. It wovo itself around and
around tho little company, watching
sllontly while tho girl, cheokB rod
and OyOB VOrv brlcht. wnimil rmmil
and round about boforo tho big opon
flro. Suddenly the man with tho In
amn drum dropped it with a thump. Immedi
ately MIbs Washburn stopped dancing.
Whore did you loam that danco?" criod tho
Westorn man cxcitodly.
..t!'1 don,t know-" sald Miss Washburn, frankly.
It Just camo to mo whilo you wero Playing. I
had to danco it"
"That's tho danco of tho Chorokoes to tho
Corn Spirit," said the musician. "I didn't think
thoro was n soul oast of tho Mississippi that
even know thoro was such a thing. I saw It ton
years ago, bocauso I am a blood brother of tho
Chorokcos. It's a very sacred, socrot danco.
Come, now, who taught you?"
"Honostly, nobody." said Miss Washburn. "I
JUBt had to dance that way whon you sot tho
tom-tom going. My groat grandfather," sho
went on hesitatingly, "was a full blood Cherokee
They looked at hor In astonishment. Tho girl
bofore thorn was tall and lithe, golden-halrod.
fair skinned.
"An Indian," they said. "Impossible!"
"Ah, but wait," said Miss Washburn, Sho un
twlstod hor hair and brought It down on each
sldo of hor face. Thon sho crouched boforo tho
flro and turned hor proQlo half toward them.
Hor oyebrows. drew thomaolves Into a straight
lino, tho muscloB of hor faco hardonod slightly.
A gasp wont up from tho clrole. For there,
crouching bofore them, was not Miss 'Washburn,
but an Indian maiden, primitively beautiful, as
though sho had Just stopped from tho old forest
Even tho noso Seemed to grow sharply cqulllne
and the mouth Arm and strong as that ot Poco
hontaB. Tho girl Jumped up with, a laugh and the
illusion sped.
"There," said Miss Washburn, "you saw my
rospectod and rovorod old great grandfather.
Eagle Face, Spchem ot tho Cherokeo Nation!"
Thereafter the story camo out Eaglo Faco
It appeared, was ono of tho really groat men of
tho Cherokeos, a tribe noted for tho nobility of
its malos and tho vlrtuo of its women. A Now
England woman of excellent family, going to
tho Strip as a missionary, had fallen In lovo
How the South Pole Writes Its Autograph in Space
""1HIB lntnrnntlnt- rilnrrnm nr. - .
T"HI8 Interesting diagram ox
I plains tho reason why It is
Impossible for explorers to
know, with absolute mathematical
accuraoy, whether they have
reached tho North or South Pole
It shows how the earth, spinning on
Its axis, wabblos slightly Uko a
pinning top when tho original
speed of Its revolutions slackens.
Except for this slight eccentric
motion of tho revolving earth, tho
Instruments carried by polar expe
ditions would enable them to de
termine within probably a fow
yards the precise location ot either
Iole. Owing to tbt motion, they do
well to come within two miles of an
.curate calculation.
The wblto line In tho diagram
Indicates the irregularity of this
oscillatory motion, showing how far
on each ot two years 1905 and
1010 the South Pole deviated
from its truo theoretical vsltlon.
This osrlllatlou. therefore, draws
an Imaginary circle upou thut "vni"
of the earth, somewhere within
which the actual Pole U This
circle Is about seventy feet in di
ameter, but is sufficient to add an
almost prohibitory element to the
difficulties ot calculating tho Polo's
Every schoolboy understands,
more or less clearly, by what
means It Is possible to determine
the Pole's location with reasonable
accuracy. The mariner's compass
shows the direction, north or soutit,
and the sextant for measuring tho
height of the sun above the
horizon measures the distance
tfrom the equator. The calendar
and an accurate chronometer, to fix
dttes and hours ot the day. and
tables of logarithms to raluce the
labor of calculations, complete the
means of counting the degrees, as
they aro covered, until tho coveted
"00" of the Pole has been reached.
So It will be seen that the earth's
slight, eccentric motion called
"Nutation" is not Important, ex
tp as a problem tut matbeoia-tlclann
BHb iOjHSSMWByQHcByjBPfeyjte SHtBb 't tBfl9iBBBBB7j5N9ifr9Bl
with him and married him. Their descendants
had married other whites of excellent stock.
Dut though threo removes away from hor rod
ancestor, MIbb Washburn confessed to a un
canny closo spiritual connection with him
"Tho first night I
wont on the stago I
was frlghtoncd nearly
to death," sho said.
"I could not walk,
oven. But as I stood
there I heard In my
ears tho beating of
tom-toms, and away
deep down In mo It
s o o m o d a strange,
strong o h a n t. Tho
beating of tho tom-toms
grow louder, and as
tho sound Increased, I
felt my fear go from
mo. At last I was per
fectly 3olf-contalned.
I danced and danced
woll. I went through
tho thing without a
slnglo hitch. And all
tho tlmo, high over
tho muslo of tho or
chestra I heard tho
sound of tho Indian
drums and the chant
ing. I suppooo that It
was my Indian blood "Old Chief Eagl. Face,
that had come to my Miii Wathburn'. Great
SalZdnnifhRS BP,rlt G'"'hr, wM Quit,
tnat had enabled mp."y d.n iu -f
of my ancestors to go Tm Tom'
to tho stako laughing.
Anyway, It saved me.
at.Stirht?moaramr,a9ghCK Von"
S? ecouSgoBrmdesfbac2
with something else added to i?" fl6dg0d and
Inherited memories," said the artist "Th.
Bub-conscious coming to tho surra , Jho
trolling you. In those times you ara an
maiden in reality." an Ind,n
than an Indian?" hat ,S mr real,y Amor
afterward, and only a few 'Sn aL 1 r
don. mJ!'4rss z
F -land rhZ Breai success of the season la
AniorfMn &iHon- Mn stan'y. Ith almost
Amorlcan Intelligence, got the idea that if ho
lEES' 0d ,a roal American musical comedy com
P.nny P1??""! mtlslcal comedies, he might find
It profitable. Immediately the most gllttermYo
S?rSrt,n lh MW thAmfrican S
. comedy stago offered Itself.
Zl tSSSS1 ot th0 Go,d0 Fleoce
Over to America came Clifford C. Fischer,
tho general managor of the company, to pick
out the best crew of pulchritudlnous buccaneers
that over invaded any land. By scores and hun
wdV ,0y paBSe bo.fore h,m- Ju"t then Miss
Bft5n?or H!8 dec,sln was instantaneous.
There s the real American girl at last" he
The Lovely Profile of Miss Vashburn, Called in London a
"REAL American Girl," Because of Her Indian Ancestor.
said. "I've seen German - Americans, French
Americans, English-Americans, all kinds of
hyphenated Americans but here's an American-American
at la3t What will she take
to go?"
The tom-toms sounded In MIsb Washburn's
ears again. Old Chief Eaglo Face stood beside
hor. And off she went to London In the royal
suite of tho White Star liner Majestic, with a
maid, a secretary and a trained nurse, all sup
plied by tho theatrical management, as the star
of tho organization that Is to wipe Mr. Edwardes
off tho English map. Also there was an ex
ceedingly expensive contract In her private hand
When . she got In England the story of old
Eagle Face leaked. It was because at another
private dinner Miss Washburn again heard the
tom-toms of tho Chorokoes, and was Impelled
to do a surprising ancient dance of propitia
tion to tho Winds. A famous English ethnol
ogist was there, saw her, and was startled.
Ho spoko about It to his earnest associates, and
MIsb Washburn consented to some experiments
to determine the scopo of her ancestral memo
ries. The results were a bit astonishing, and
will bo Incorporated In a report to tho Royal
Ethnological Institution shortly. In tho moan
time her vogue as a real American beauty is
And this odd little story is , vouched for by
some very prominent and honest men and women
in New York, and is supported by others equally
as earnest nnd well known hero In London.
What the Stars Predict for Next Month
Earth On Its Axis, Shows That the Poles, at Different Times,
Are at Some Distance from Their True Theoretical Location.
-T-fHE April lunation Is pregnant with off!-
I jtlnl U n n , . 1 .
uuiiyuniugB, iuo royal sign Leo ris
ing, and tho conjoined luminaries hav.
lng Just culminated. An increasing popularity
attonds these initial woeks of the Wilson
regime, being likewise of pleasant omen to chlof
executives generally In tho Eastern States
Obstructive tactics will characterize legisla
tive proceedings, however, and Death will visit
congressional and military circles. If Indeed ho
does not stalk into the official family of tho
Not a few deaths by lire and water, and a hos
pital or penal Institution will Buffer In this wise.
A public functionary commits suicide, and
Saturn culmlnatlpg In the mountain States sig
nifies the demise of a Western uovernor.
Some special days are as follows:
APRIL 2. Prominent social functions around
this and following day. Money contres unusual
ly active, and a market trend to correspond
APRIL 6-6. A maritime disaster, not un
likely a naval mishap; danger In shipping circles.
APRIL 9. Special activity in foreign affairs,
and a diplomatic transaction pleasantly con
summated. APRIL 12-13. Collapse of a public building;
opprobrium attaches to the conduct of penal
affairs, and placos of detention will be unfa
vorably affected.
APRIL 20. An elopment In aristocratic
circles: many scandalous reports current
APRIL 24. An engagement In high official
Ufo will bo announced or consummated. Social
functions of magnitude occur at this time.
APRIL 28. A day of accidents. A diplomatic
complication arises. Many fires reported, with
casualties on electric lines. The remainder ot
month ot pleasant augury.
Thero will bo an advancing Btock market up
to the 4th, followed by depression on the 5th.
The week of the 7th is of bullish trend, with
considerable excitement on 'Change around the
9th-10th, quick fluctuations, but reaching to
higher points. The 12th brings sharp breaks;
similar on the 17th, the whole list declining.
Actively upward on the 21st till mid-afternoon,
then closing with marked depression, which
continues over the following day. The 23d to
26th Inclusive embraces a bull movement of
some magnitude, particularly around tho 24th
25th. The 28th Is feverish and chaotic, and de
cided reaction will manifest followed by re
covery on the last two days of the month.
The elements are more or less disturbed dur
ing April, due to a Mercury equinox that ex
tends from the 6th to about the 17th, with
drizzling rains and at times storm and high
winds. The early days of the month show an
equable temperature, but a change In the glass
sets In around the 5th, and something more
than "April showers" may then be looked for,
probably sleet pr tornadlo conditions. A falling
barometer, easterly winds, gales along the
coast and quick atmospherlo variations may be
looked for. Special storm formations centre
about tho 9th-12th and 23d-25th, though these
are by no means the full areas covered. Clears
up on the 26th to cooler conditions, but a
marked disturbance again in the upper strata on
the 28th, when Moon will be in apogeo at third
quarter, and the Sun afflicted geocentrlcally by
Mars and Uranus. Tho weather improves
During the month of April Jupiter will rule
beneficently over tho affairs of those born be
tween the 7th and 10th of January, March, May,
September or November of any year. New and
staunch friends will enter the life, material In
terests will prosper, those In employ may ex
poct promotion, and ladles of eligibility will en
tertain new admirers; those In business should
amplify upon their activities.
The slow and tedious Saturn will affect the
affairs of those born between the 19th and 23d
of February, the 21st to 25th of May, tho 23d to
28th ot August, or the 23d to 26th of November;
expect 111 health, anxiety, mental depression,
and much uncertainty In current affairs;
patience and the lines of least resistance ad
Tlsable. The worst days In April for these are
the 2d, 3d. 10th. 16th. 22d, 23d and 30th
Those born on or near April 21 or May 3 of
any year may expect presents of pleasant favors.
Annoyances, martall complaints. burn3. scalds,
etc.. if bom between February 20 and March 7.
or between August 24 and September 7.
v"M"e" .tndnSJTat, nuences affect those
OcSbeTo'f 25- r0' JanUary' A or
April 1-3, 7-11. 18-19, 21 and 24-26, as natal
days augur a pleasant and proanerous veTr
and 28th foreshow anxieties, loss and ill health.