THE OMAHA SUNDAY BKK: MAIU'II 30, 1013. 5-B Business and Trades in Mexican Capital b " M SPOTrlRht, 1913, by Frank O. Carp?ntiT . i UAH" i 111 voine iaK8 n. walk with me through the I business sections of Mexico I City -..nd s?p how o:r lnolv , slater republic bus. foils an! Bets gain. It li now ! p. i m. and wo arc on the Avetilca it .Un , Francisco, In tho hcait of thp capi'al I It Is tho busiest hour of the day In Washington, Berlin. Paris and Iirlon Here the streets are deserted, the stores are closed and their show windows arc covered with blinds of corrugated Iron The front doors of the chief business establishments are locked with sreat bolts, and the town makes one think of the dead city of NIJnl-Novgorod on the Volga when tho fair is not on. What Is the matter? I Has the revolution airaln broken 'ooiw nnd have the people fled for their lives' t Nothing of the kind. These arc the J business condition at : o'clock every ! week day all the year through Tho ' stores nave been open from 8 until 1 and thoy will open again from 3 until " They are closed now for breakfast and the whole rlty, merchants and clerks, drummers and customers, have gone homo for their breakfast or mid-day siesta. The average Mexican tamlly has enly coffeo and bread upon rising, and ! its first real meal of the day Is now ' serving. The city will tako two hours to eat and start It on the rood to diges tion, and will then go back to work. Take your stand on the corner and look up tho street. An hour ago It was hlack with people, and the automobiles and carriages flow back and forth so that you could not cross without the risk of your life. Now there Is not a car nor horse to be seen and the only men are the policemen who stand and mope at the corners. Transportation In Mexico CItr. Hut let lis go down to the Plara and wait till tho street cars brine the crowds back from their breakfast. The Plaza Is tho street car center, to which nearly every electrlo lino comes. They run in trains, a dozen often being nose to tall on tho same track and the midday traffic forming a big part of the receipts of the road. Our tramway companies get only one trip out of tho business man every day; that Is. his fares morning and even ing. Here thcro are two more fares at midday, for almost all go home to their meals. Tho cars wait for the stores to knock off and run In long processions when bringing them back. Tho service Is good and tho average fare Is equal to 3 cents of our money. Or, If you go second class, they are cheaper. All kinds of traffic here Is lower than ours. Cabs cost 50 cents gold per hour and you can have an automobile taxi at 15 cents for the first three-quarters of a mile and at 5 cents for every additional quarter thereafter. Walts are charged for per hour. This Is so, notwithstanding the cabs are as good as our own and they go quite as fast. Mon'N Hats Which Cost 40. But it Is now 3:30. Tho cars have emptied tho clerks and customers into the stores and business is well under way. Let us cross the Plaza and stroll through the arcades which run along Its west side, with stores at the back. Ue tween tho pillars are booths, where ped dlers aro selling all sorts of notions. The stores have goods of many descriptions behind their old-fashioned glass windows. Tho most Interesting of all are the hat stores. They contain headgear of all sorts, from the most modern mens shapes of Now York and London to the gigantic sombreros of plush and Telt which tho old-time Mexicans wear. These sombreros are loaded with silver and gold In the shape of embroidery tnd most of them have heavy bands of gold braid round their crowns. Some anrcr Stun". But let us go on with our walk. Look at tho sign over the store In front of which we are standing. Tou might think those letters spell "Hats and 8ombreroe. ' They do not. They read "Puerta del Sol," or "Gate of the Sun." A little further on Is a barber shop called "La Perla," or Tho Pearl," and around the way a to bacconlst sells cigars and cigarettes un der the sign of "The White Cat." I know of a pulque saloon-pulque is the beer of the peasant, which goes by the title of 'The Sanctuary," and In the street of the Holy Ghost there Is another called "The Hang-Out of John the Baptist." Some Htores have such names as "Vesu vlur..'1 "The Violets," "The Pearl of the ncriiVnt " "The White nose." "La Per- fumlstu." and "The Drinking Place to Hidalgo." The old-time merchant never puts bin own name over me store, dui. like tlm Chinese, chooses Instead some fancy title which gives no indication ot who ho Is or what he Is selling C0T22 JBushs Jot Vferppixig Hkprr A Gam e - Chi dJren 22k& riding trousers of buckskin, with solid silver buttons lining the seams. A fine pair costs $20, and the short roundabout Jackets embroidered with Bllver are like wise as high. I enter a saddle establish ment next door which has saddles and bridles with trappings of sliver, and am told that the haclendado often spends several hundred dollars on his equestrian outfit In addition to the cost of bis horse. This land Is one of the rich and the poor. The rich have so much that they squander their money, and the poor are so desperately so that they do not realize how poor they are. The most of them dress In cotton with a blanket whloh costs not more than a dollar. They have leather sandals whloh are nothing more ' than two strips of thick cowhide large enough to cover the sole of the foot and tied on with strings. Such footgear costs about 26 cents a pair. Odd OnilnfM Methods. The customs Inside the stores are aa Btrange as the signs. It Is only the de partment stores and principal shops whloh have any fixed price, and you aro usually asked three times what the merchant thinks you will pay. ThU Is especially so as to foreigners, whom the clerks aro sometimes allowed to charge what they please, In which case thoy may recelvo a percentage of all over tho regular price. There Is but little cutting of prices. Our motto Is quick sales and small profits. The motto of the Mexican merchant Is big profits no matter how slow tho sales, and he keeps his goods on the shelves until the price Is paid. He buys on long time and one and two years' credit Is not uncommon. He sells largely for cash and he often gives credit. But I am told he will not pay cash, even If he has Idle money when buying new stock. I find that mercantile credits hero are as good as those of the United States, although many men charge that the Mex icans are tricky In dealing. They are said, however, to meet their bills, and It Is claimed that 90 per cent ot these long credit "sales are paid In full. The English and Germans understand this and tako advantage of It. whereas the Amer ican more often demands cash with the order, thereby losing a sale. Fine Store In Mexico City. There are now many American stores In the Mexican capital, and most of them have fixed prices marked In plain figures, but, even so, you can get iome reduction In these days of hard times. About the finest establishments are the jewelry stores. They are filled with gold and sil ver trinkets from Paris and with, precious stones of all kinds. I find such places in almost every block, and along the Ave nuo Francisco are many which would be a credit to Boston or New York. Thero ore al.-o big groceries, dry goods stores and hardwaro establishments. They sell Mexlean drawn work, stamped leathers In the s"hape of pocketbooks and purses, and Spanish funs, laces and mantillas. Nearly every tuch shop has a half peck or so of opals, which It selU by tho piece are filled with petty merchant, whose establishments consist of a cupboard and counter set against one of the pillars. These peddlers sell all sorts of things, and they are of all ages and of both sexes. Here the wife of a shoemaker stands with her back against the wall and a half dozen pairs of sharptoed chil dren's shoes on the flags before her. Next her Is a blackbearded man ped dling bridle bits and ornamental Mexi can spurs, while near him, perhaps, Is a cane peddler who has carved sticks to catch' the eye of the tourist. In all the villages there are little stores run by Indians and here there are street peddlers nnd market men who do not average more than $5 or tlO a day In the amounts of their sales. Peddltnsr Goodn nt the Capital. Mexico City Is full of peddlers and they accost you on every block. There are hundreds of men and women selling lot tery tickets. I meet one such every time I go outside my hotel. He is a na tive Mexican, six feet tall and as heavy aa former President Taft. He has a bright colored blanket over his shoulders and on his head a sombrero as big as an umbrella. He also wears a red uhlrt and trousers and a brown Jacket, gaily embroidered. This representative of Dame Fortune walks up and down Six teenth of September street all day long asking every one to buy his lottery wares. I photographed him today and he Insisted on having a copy of tho picture the moment I snapped It. There are many lottery ticket sellers about the cathedral and In front of the national pawnshop and also at the entrance to the ring where the bull fights are leld. There are street peddlers selling cloth ing, some selling straw hats and baskets and some who are loaded with toys and traya of candy and sweetmeats. I saw a man today who had a score of bird cages lied to his back. He was peddling canaries and parrots. Near him was a woman with an open umbrella filled with picture postcards and farther on walked a porter loaded with dressed chickens, which were tied by the legs In a great bundle, ire offered them to tho passem by at so much a piece. There ore men who carry klda over their shoulders and peddle them from house to house and boys who go along with great screen like frames of shoestrings tied to a stick. There are some men peddling books and others with mirrors and notions for women. Thero are some who drive live turkeys through the streets so that you can buy your Thanksgiving bird on the hoof and know It Is fresh. Tin- rinnie-ChlcUvn Mellem. Thero are even peddlers selling game cocks. Think of tho demand that such a trade must Imply. There Is a game chicken man now. Wo can see only his legs, which show out below the great framework of baskets covering his b.ick and reaching high over his head. Out of each basket waves the tall of a cock, and as he goes by we hear a great squawking. Each of tho baskets con- nf a limousine. It is of bright red, trim med with silver. The embroidery runs round the crown, and It has eight strands of silver wire ns a hatband. That hat which hangs above It Is gray. It Is em broidered with leather, and at the right and tho left aro two sombreros of hlack, laced back and forth with great bands of silver. There are hats us green as the wing of that parrot which the peddler has thrust Into our eyes, and hats of plush as white as snow, with golden em broidery woven about them. I take up ono of thobe sombreros and put on a blanket to make myself look like a Mex ican, and am photographed to show how they look. My hat weighs several pounds and It Is woith 40. Other clothing costs almost as much. I go Into a tailoring establishment fur ther on up the street and look at somo will bring twice as much as a turkey The cocks havo their heads tn&Ide the baskets that they mny not peck at ono another. Cock fighting here is a favorite sport and game chicken peddling is a regular business. They Sell liy the Pile. It Is wonderful how email the soles of these street peddlers are. In many places the merchants sit on the street, with , I. n .,riil nfwirrilns- in niirmtv. Let us slop and look at some of them. Some of these stones are beautiful, and ,a'ns ,a ame cock una tho bcst of t ,en' Here is a hat as big around as the tire on especially fine one will bring tlOO and upward. Others, which may reflect all the colors of the rainbow, are bunched together and sold at a few dollars a pint. There are cigar stores everywhere. Every ono In Mexico, from the lately weaned baby to the grayhalred old grown-up on the edge of the grave, smokes cigars or cigarettes. This Is so of male and female. Mexico makes ex cellent brands of tobacco, and that about twice as cheap as In the states. Tou can get a fairly good cigar for a nickel, nnd one that costs 10 cents here would be worth 25 cents In the United States. The cigarettes, which are often put up In black paper, look deadly, but the to bacco In them is mild and I am told they are good. Amrrlcnn Shop. As to the men who are doing the bust ness, Americans own most of the stores selling curios, hardware and drugs. The French havo the fine dry goods business, and the Germans have big establishments of various kinds. Many of the latter are hankers and others are wholesalers. The German merchants as a rule speak Span ish, and not a few of them have Mexi can wives. As to the Spaniards, they hold somewhat the same place that the Italians do In the United States. They have the corner groceries, and they also peddle goods all over the country. Some of them stay here only a short time, and then go back to Spain to spend what they have made. I, niu! of Small II net it , Mexico has many house Industries, and there are towns that make certain kinds of wares which are peddled about over the country or sold In small vhops by the natives. About every city market yon will find booths devoted to fancy work, pottery, shoes or cheap dry goods and notions. Every town has Its plaza or public square, and around this are ar cades upheld by pillars which run along In front of the stores. These arcade An Unfailiag Prescription for Kidneys and Bladder The following simple prescription has proven one of tho best remedies known for weak, deranged kidneys or bladder: Get eix ounces good pure gin, add to It one-half ounce Murax Compound, one half ounce fluid extract Buchu. Take one to two teaspoonfula of this mixtura after each meal and at bed time. It is surprising how quickly this stops back ache, rheumatic pains In the Joints, dlzzl ness, pains In the groin, or other fre quent annoying symptoms that are well known. For best results, good pure gin should be used in this prescription also genuine Murax Compound, which comes only In sealed wooden tubes. Any sub kiltu'e will not work so well. Almost any -oj' t ii -gist has these Ingredients. Any. c c V! -nix. , . disease, chronic rheumatism o,- ire-d diabetes come from neglected kidneys. Treatment should be given at first sign of disorder to avoid the seri ous forma of kidney disease. Advertise- their goods spread out before them. About the cathedral are scores who sell candle, peanuts and fruit. Tho peanuts are not measured out by the glass or the pint as with us, but are counted. You can get about ten for a cent. Another pile may be four of five candles, and a third may be four oranges laid up like a pyramid. In the great market, where most of tho Mexicans do tholr meat and vegetable buying, are llttlo piles of potatoes con taining a dozen tubers not more than an Inch In diameter. Such a pile may sell for a nlokel. Onions and green peppers are counted, and squash and pumpkins are cut Into pieces and sold by the slice I saw women today buying cabbage at one cent a slice. Think of a cent's worth of cabbage I But there are many poor here, and a cent's worth will flavor a stew. These small plies are for the poor with whom ten or fifteen cents may buy a whole morning's marketing. Vearetaulns and Fruits. You must not think however that the market business Is made up of small trading. It Is one of the finest markote on the continent, and I doubt whether better fruits nnd vegetables are any where sold. The celery and lettuoe are especially delicious. Nearly every vege table cartbe bought all the year round, and the great variety of climates gives you apples, peaches and pears and also oranges, bananas, pineapples and lemons. You can have strawberries for breakfast from January to December. Tou can buy & pineapple as big as your head for a nickel, and fairly good oranges cost a half cent apiece. Porters go along with great baskets of fruit As we stop to look at some pep pers one who has two bushels of pine apples on his head slips as he passes and the great rosy fruit rolls over the floor. No one laughs, however, and the natives help him pick up his wares, Ontalcle the. Market. Some of the most Interesting peddlers are outside' the big market. Tha streets surrounding It are lined with booths in which Indians are selling wares of all I kinds, which have been brought In from the country. Here Is one man who has pottery, consisting of balls, cups, saucers and carafes, all made of burnt ol&y. He also haa plates for the children as big around ass a copper cent, and our the size of a thimble. Near htm Is an Indian who has clay savings banks in the form of little red pigs with slot holes In their backs, and next him Is a man peddling whistles. The whistles are made of black clay. They have as shrill a noise as that of any policeman's whistle made of nickel. You can buy two for a cent, A little farther on Is a man peddling ! rat traps made of steel hoops, and beside him are two Indians selling turkeys which are thrown over their shoulders. I price the great birds and am told I can have one for $1.86. We weigh It and It kicks tho beam at twelve pounds. But here comes an Indian cargador with a load of wrapping material tied to his back. It consists of bundles of dried corn husks and will be used by the butchers and other market people to wrap up small purchases of every description. Every market man and market woman keeps a stock of these corn husks on hand, and the great load which the In dian carries will be easily sold. FRANK G. CAItPENTEU. A WOMAN'S GOOD LOOKS Depend on her general health and freedom from pain. Many a woman took old before her time because of those irregularities which are essentially feminine. Starting from early omanhood,be suffers from frequently reearriog derangement! that upset her womanly health. If she be beautiful she grow into that mellow le without wrinkles and crowfeet about the eyes or the blue circles underneath. It h invariably the rule that such women suffer little, or not at all. from womanly derangements whioh tap the health and leave in the face the tell-tale story of pain and suffering. Dr.R.V. Pierce, the famous specialist in the diseases of women, found prescription in bis early prsotica that soothed the organism peculiar to woman hood oiled the machinery, as it were, of the human system and helped the woman to pass those painful periods that scar-lined and aged her face. This remedy became the well-known Ur. fierce s favorite rretcnptioa, that has benefited thousands of women and saved them from misery tnd suffering at different periods in life. Mas. IIauzlt E. fmoi, f 44 Bright Street, fhrnla. Out., writes : I am now a wU woman aiter suffertns; for tare yaws and doetorins with sevcrsl different doctors, each ena nirtnr it wu somethlnr auTrr nt, end tho Uit ooe, of tr putting ros UirMgti a thorough examination, said I was iufrartnjr from a growth, which. In tlm. would reanlt lo cancer, and uid I would not live mare than two tn if not oper ated upon right away. I became hopeletsly discouraged but would not caoaent to IM operation aa I was too waak and too much afraUl, but at laat. through the adrtoeof a friend, I triad Dr. Ptarva's taadiciriM. and afttr uilnr two battle of the ' Favorite Prtscrrptioa ' I iraro4iaulr fait a change. I alae ntad two boxes of IltaSing Ouppoaltarla ' and eight boxea of Lotion Tablets,' and can eafalr p:iIm the nama of Or Pierce's medicine to all who suffer from anr female dlv-aio, fr thetc tneuinnM ar au tftejr are claimed to be, ant i nope wtu tietp ethers u LIBS. Pjr.RO. they lutv beluod ma ' Drs. Mach & Mach THE DENTISTS Successors to Bailey It Mach Tha largest and best equipped dentM office In Omaha. Experts In cha-jo cf all work,' moderate prices. Porcelain fillings lust like the tooth, All Instru ments sterllzed after using. 3d Floor Paxton Block, Omaha. Web. 1 URNITURE CO. SOUTH 2Q BELOW OMAHA PRICE DAY, BUT EVERY DAY GET OUR 85.50 Rug Prices 6x9 Seamless Brussels at 9x12 Seamless Brussels at 9x12 Seamless Velvet at $9.75 $15.00 9x12 Axminster 2? $17.00 See our largo line of Body Brussels and Wilton Rugs much below Omaha prices. The Metropolitan Life Insurance Co, while sympathizing deeply with all the Tornado sufferers also desires to make very prompt payment of any and all still outstanding claims and therefore to expeidite matters request that claimants advise Supt. W. L. KILLY, 437 Omaha National Bank Bldg. Telephone Red 7399 of their present address, in order that such claims may be completed and settled at once. The Company also wishing to preserve the interests of their more than One Thousand Policies in the Stricken District requests that . all Policy Holders communicate their present address when their representative will call and give full information. ree to non-members Is 91.001 to members BOo, paid cash, medlolne in cluded. An experienced dootor In charge. Hours 9 to 8 1 Sundays 1 to 3 P.M. punxixa onniiraiBT. Salts 338 Bee Dlag Omaha. HOTELS. The Questions answered .below are' ga eral In character, the symptoms or d4 eases are glren and the answers will ap ply to any case of similar nature. Those wishing further advice free, may address Dr. Lewis Baker. College Bid--Colltfe-Elwood eta.. Dayton, O.. enclosing- self-addreesed stamped envelope for reply. Full name and address must be given, but only Initials or fictitious name will be used In my answers. The prescrip tions can be filled at any wll stocked drug store. Any druggist can order of wholesaler. Hotel Kupper Eleventh and Mcflee Ht. Kansas City. M. "Aoilou. M." ait. roar cMI4rn for td welting 10 to U drop. In waUr bfor nmlt, U tollowlni: Tloctur. cubtba. 1 drtm; tlnctir rhus arcmaUe, 1 drams: comp. (lull balm wort 1 ei. Mix a-.ll. Tills ihould b. glvm about an. hour befor. m.tli In watrr. ... Dostor. "I bat. a v.rjr ume mm of eiUrrh ot th hul anil throat. My blood It bid and mr stomach and ar. iIIkM, I would Ilk. a cur. ai I lulltr irettlj." D. K. 1 would adTti. tha (allowing local treatment. OuLIn 1 ow. antlitptto Tlltna pow. der, to a ha I f tcaipoonlul add on. pint ot winn water and Irora th. palm ot th. band inutf th. water throuxh tb. nottrlli sateral tlm. a day. Mil a l.r.l taaapoooful ot tb. Vllao. powder to on ounce ot lard or aMlln. and applr Ihla balm to tb. nsatrll. aa (ar up a poaatbl. Fur In ternal treatment uh tb. following. Obtain tho following at any wall atock.d drug atore, mix by ahaklng w4H Srnip Saraaparllla Comp. 4 oat , comp. Iluld balmwort 1 oi., fluid fit buchu 1 oi. Take on. teeapoonful four time, a day. "X Y Z " wrltaai "Uy hair Is berth and dead looking and ray tcalp It oorertd with dan druff. Can you help mat" Antwtr Qet a 4 ot. Jar of plain yellow mlnyol end um It regularly and your hair will becom. auft and fluffy and H will bring back the Intene natural color to th. hair: your dandruff will b. cured end you will be rewarded with a healthy growth oj hair. "Mn. 0." wrltea. "I want aomethlng to In create my weight about li to to pound a My blood It thin, watery end I hate a pal. com pleiluo. Doctor eay I am aeDamlc." Anawer Probably your aaalmllatlie functlont art Impaired and aenema I. th. retult. I would advtae that you begin taking three grain hypo nuclene tablott at ono. and contlnu. until your blood It rr-Tltallied with re4 and whit, corpua clee Tbear lablete aid dlgtttton and cauaa th. bodr to a.Mmllat. the fatty element! In food. thut giving color, weight, and ttreogth to th field balm-wort, 1 is. o. and arrow tatwaparttla, I "Clara" writes: "I here sal a etmgfe for about a year and (ear I ahatl ne-rer b rid ot It. ."J 'li? ,?on wJth 'web. Hl I con tract. Could you gin me a rvmtdyt" Astwert I can giro you a remedy that I aa sura will ear. you and on. that is ebaolat.Ir harraleei and pleatant to take. Make a tyrup with one pint of granulated auger and one-halt pint et boiling water, put on th. tire and let It em. to a belt then cool and add th contests ot a H oi. bottle of eweence mentho-lexene. whloh you eaa pnrchaa at any drug atore. and will I here a pint ot th. flntt cough tynip you on the market today. It It about eight times cheaper than ordinary labeled cough medlolne ana win ian mucn longer. LOCATED IN THK It ETA II. AND HHOriMNU DJKTHIUi. A hotel of quality and refineinoni n . .A.jnn.lil. llflnaa T.1 1 1 r n . .... li nlan ai icDBuuftuiv i'iiivo, .win utfcfkii t'mu i . ' 1 to 4per day. Take elevated I , . car at dopot marked 27th St., di rect to hotel. 1 "Tom K ' wrltee; "1 bar. been unaUe to KI,PPI''Il.lll',Vmi" IIOTKi", Pfl ' work lor torn weckt on account ot rneumautm - - - .... . .... ( Props. t iai r- ei-r i r--r 1 1 i. . . .nivy r- a nupn 1 you alll eooii be back at your work again. Mix I VVCIM I 1C I It OCIi I UH I rftniYICn th. following at home and take a teeapoonful at i meal tlinra and at bod time Iodide of cotaaatum. Subscribe Noev. 1 1 l.i.t rnlr.l Kri.1 I Jrimi. todlum lallcylaW. drama, wine ot " , Mlchlcum, H ounce, to nip. etaence caxdlol, 1 oe. J Whit would you advliet'' Antwer' Take the following and I am aure "Mary" aayti "I would Ilk. something for Indlgeetlon. I cannot alt and am trots and Ir ritable all th tlm. I fear It will caue ap pendicitis." Answer: Afk your druggtit for tablet! trlopep. tine and take aeeordlsg to th. dlreotloat. That ar pink, whit, and biu tablets and ar. to be taken morning, noon tnd night retpectleely. This will curt your Indlgwttlon and prevent appendicitis. "Nrvoui Dorothy" wrltee: " I hate no ap petite whiteer I cannot aleep at nlghta and ray nereea ar la a terrible condition. Can you, tell what would help mat" Antwtr: The following haa helped thouaanda who you do. (Jet t ota. ayrup of hypo phoephttei comp. tnd 1 oi, of tincture oadomen (not cardamon) and take a teatpoonful before rate!. This tonlo will reetora your nerfout eyi tem and you will be itrong tad well within a eery thort time. Ellen 3. take: "I am only U year ld and weigh IM poundt. I tm ahort. fit and uncom fortable. I dltllk lo go la oompaay, at I feel embarraie4. Can you idfla a eat reducing remedy T" Anewer: Anyone who I too fleahy caa safely tak S-griln arbolene tableta. They ar cold by well stocked drutglaU In aealed tube with (ull dlreetton for uae. A pound a day, If wtej reg ularly, can be ttktn off. "Q. It." wrlltt. "rieat adyiae something to tak that will cure chronic conttlpatlon. I hare auff.reo for yeara and bare uaed many klnda of plllt, but they do not cure.'' Antwtr: I think mott of the lllneae It eauaxl by chronic conttlpatlon. If th following tabltt are taktn regularly they will gradually etfeet a cur a they ttlmuttte tb liter and bowels late healthy action. They ar packed In sealed tubea and arc called three train mlpherb tablets (net eulphur tablet!) with full direct lona (or taking. They will also purity th blood and tone op the entire aytttm. It you are dyepeptle, tak tablets trlopeptlse. Thet two medlolne you will find la tay up-to-date drsg star.