4-B TIIE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: MABOH 30, 1913. The Omaha Sunday Bkk. FOUNDED BYBDWAKU IWgKWATli.it. VICTOR P.Q3KWATE.K, BDlTUlt. PEE BUILDING. FAltNAMAND UTtl. Entered at Omaha poatofftce as second, class matter. TKIIMH nil" SIJHSCHIPTlUN-. Sunday Bee, one year Saturday Bee, one year ' Dally Bee, without Sunday, one year.. wally Bee, and Sunday, one year -w DELIVERED BT CARRIER. Evening and Sunday, per month o Evening, without Sunday, ter month-. c Dally Bee, Including Sunday, per mo..ic Dally Bee, without Sunday, per mo. ...Wo Address all complaints of Irregularities In dellevery to City Circulation Dept. REMITTANCE. Remit by draft, express or postal otdel, payable to The Bee PubllshlnK company. Only it-cent stamps received In payment of small accounts. Personal eheaks, ex cept on Omaha and eastern exchange, not accepted. offices; Omaha The Bee building. South Oms.ha18 N street. Council Bluffs-H North Main street. Lincoln 26 Little building. Chlcago-lMl Marquette building. Kansas City Reliance building. New York-S West Thirty-third. St. Louis tOJ Frisco building. Washington-726 Fourteenth 8t.. N. W. CORRESPONDENCE. Communications relating to news And editorial matter should bo addressed Omaha Bee, Editorial department. FEBRUARY CIRCULATION. 50,823 State of Nebraska. County of Douglas.ss: Dwight Williams, circulation manager of The Beo Publishing company, being duly sworn, says that the average daily circulation for the month of. Fobruaiy, IMS, was 50,823. DWIOIIT WILLIAMS, Circulation Manager. Subscribed In my presence and sworn to before me tnis 7in uav or. areni w (Seal.) Notary Publio i Bnbacrlbera IcrtIiib; the city temporarily should hare The llro mailed to them. Address Trill be chnriffed am often am requested. Tornadoes always havo tho last word. If you sympathize, now Is tho time to holp. Many a man bogan to Blip by plac ing his foot on tho brass rail, Nothing but tho mortgage loft to indicate -whore many a homo stood. Now watch for end-of-tho-world-ers after theso elemental distur bances. Got tho ghouls, who, for any pur pose, attempt to coin money out of human misery. It has been a weok of national agony, but tho spirit of Americans la unconquerable. t In tho mattor of tornado Insur ance again, hindsight Is usually bet ter than foresight. - A correspondent writes to ask what great purpoBO has the boy scout Movement met, Qlro it up. The senate may bo sura that James Hamilton Lewis is to havo the vary latest thing in togas. Tho universal brotherhood of man has not been realized, but wo havo mado notable progress, toward It, The British suffragettoa should ajeo by now that . dynamltp blows thorn into prison much faster than into possession of tho ballot. Somo newspapers aro commenting on tho long life of our navy officers. "Why not? What- could be more conducive to health than riding around on tho beautiful ocean? If our law-makers at Lincoln will pass tho appropriation bills, they may adjourn any old day now with out drawing down on them the slightest resembianco of publio protest. The way to "spare- us" a special election" Is to kill the water district bill altogether, and no long-felt want will bo denied, except tho want of the $6,000 political engineer for a perpetual guaranty of his Job. Mr. Bryan Is unfitted by nature for any official position which demands' Judgment Mr. Hearst's newspapers. Yet Mr. Hearst and his newspa pers fairly tore up the earth in one campaign trying to elect. Mr. Bryan to the highest offico in tho land. I Tho wonder is that many deaths were got caused by live wires imme diately after the tornado, when peo ple began tramping about In tho darkness ovor the devastated dis trict. Thero is occasion here for thanksgiving. They're taxing- this and taxing- that From roal estate to last year's hat; The wholo blame thing's been done to death. "Why not begin to tax our breath? Philadelphia Inquirer. Sometimes even that seems to be taxed as heavily aa tho traffic will bear. Lincoln seems to be going through the same experience that Omaha had In Its first commission plan of gov ernment try-out. All kinds of tim ber arallabje lor commlsslonershlps, but altogether too much basswood and willow and not enough oak and hickory. Out-of-town visitors ore unani mous in their verdict of pralso for tho prompt, systematic and energetic way in which Omaha has taken in ( band ttfe work of relieving Its tor nado sufferers, and repairing tho damage dono. There is satisfaction in that. Where- It Hits Hardest. Whore dlwutor like our terrible tornado hlU hardest Is In its blind ing blow to hopoa and' ambitions. Sudden doath ls-traglc and heart rending, and phynloal suffering carries' duo pest -dlstross, booause nothing can replaco loved ones lost or mitigate tho cruel agony of broken limbs and torn flesh. Tlino, however, assuagon grief, and In tlmo also-wounds will hoal, though leav ing scars, and in time houses will be repaired or rebuilt. Blasted hopes and crushed ambi tions, however, ofton fall to rovlvo. Think of tho man or womnn who has tolled for years to got ahead In the World, who underwent sacrifice to oduculo children, whosb hard enrncd savings have boon Invested In n homo, bo It over so lowly, who was beginning to plan for the futtiro, and then In a moment Is sot back to start all over ngaln at the beginning, with the years flpwn and tho strength to do again stopped. That is whero tho blow strikes heaviest, where Us doadonlng offectB last longest, whero It- takes a mightier effort for tho fallen to riso, whore mental anguish Is keenest, whore comfort, sympathy, and help aro most noedod. Attention to Rural Churches. Most religious denominations are porploxed with tho reported decay of tho rural church llfo, especially markod In tho last decade. Somo are attempting to dovlso ways of ro- hablliation, and ono hits upon tho Idea of Inducing tho cream of Its seminary graduates to doyote the first thruo years of' their nc'tlvo min istry to country churchcB. If the rotrogrosslon In tho country Is duo to a lack of capablo leadership, this plan shohld work out with splendid results, if It can bo mado to work at all. Tho tondoncy is for tho young minister to do tho best ho can in selecting his first field of labor, and that seldom means a country church, or' a mission church, as it happens to bo In many cases. Tho rosult Is that Uiobo who cannot got tho at tractive pulpltu go to tho remote places and, a leading church papor says, this has becomo so common as to suggest that tho young man who takes tho mission church could do no hotter, and this invites odium, which hlndors good work. Tho ldoa is to creato a fund undor homo mission boards for aiding min isterial studonts through seminary with tho agreement that they aro to glvo their first throe Years to thn homo mission or rural flold. This, it 1b believed, w.ould glvo tho coun try tho advantage of oxc'nntlnnnt ability, rojuvonato country life and in turn croato now religious, ro sourcoa available to tho entire nroDa- ganda. The thoory seoms plausible. inaamuoh as tho church, as well as most other groat agencies, has drawn much of its slnows from tho country, seems high tlrap, it woro looking more sharply to tho Imnnrtnn r cultivating its sourco of BUppllos. Simplified Spelling. In glancing over the list contained in tho fourth edition of now spelling rocenUy issued, ono is inclined to boliovo thero aro some things even worse than tho old sys tem of orthography. Thero may bo an advantage somqwhoro In spelling following" without the "w." "echo" with tho "h," jand "gone" with tho "o," but "whore may we ask? Or Wh V Rno.ll llhvnlHnh "fvdlnln.. l a - ...... w uuu odd "od," and phonograph "fono graph," and enough "onur?" bo wo really owe that much tq simplicity, or ovon to euphony? ,Havo wo not some sugni aoot to tho appearance of things, if not to our ancestors? But If revisions in our BDiMllnir aro bogun, why loto the whelp dis tance? For lnstanco, why stop at spelling physician i-y-s-i-c-l-a-n? if wo aro going in for simplified spell ing, let us go In,' right and spoil this word "flzlshun," which is much moro simple .than tho otor. And so on down the list many such Improve ments suggest themselves. Whatever groat and Important need is to be met by this spelling reform we confoss our ignorance of it cortainly cannot bo mot by any half-way work. Re form to be offecttvo must bo drastic and complote. That Municipal Paper, Tho citizens of Los Angeles by a referendum vote havo '.'recalled" their municipal newspaper, foundod a year ago for the purpose of secur ing publication of "reliable news" "concerning all departments of civic llfo. It cost 136,000 a yoar to maintain the papor nnd by a large majority the venture has been dis pensed TVlth. It must be almost solf-ovldont that whatever ills or faults the dally newspaper may possess aro hot cur able by tho remody of a municipal organ. Tho roason is that no "organ can over boconio or take tho place of a newspaper, Tho business of a newspaper is. Intimately related to publish news with all possible ac curacy as to "the facts, and as tho paper is Intimately related to and and depondent upon popular favor for Its support, responsible to its readers for what it says and does, the privately-owned paper is more amenable to public reproof than an official organ could possibly bo. The f reo press contemplated by the authors of the constitution was not n prossownod or controlled by tho government. It was a press un trammolod by any restrictive Infl ence or hamporlng manacles In any way calculated to lessen Its ac countability to tho public. Official organs muy bo sot up nnd main tained, but they are not, and cannot bo newspapers in tho real aonso. The Psychology of Exaggeration. It Is too bad that, as If adding to Omaha's calamity, the news fakor must play upon our mlsfortuno by gross oxaggoratlon. His earliest statement of losses havo been per sisted In until thoy havo evidently boon accepted as true all over the land. While thero may havo been some excuse for distortion at the first, natural to most minds undor tho stress of shock, thore is no ex cuse for lotting theso roports stand uncorrected. One of tho moBt re liable and conservative Now York papers discusses oditorlally our loss of llfo at 300 and property at $12, 000,000. Similarly tho report has been repeated that Omaha had $1,000,000 on hand at tho very start for roliof. One report oven quotes Commissioner Ryder as saying so, which shows that the exaggeration was neither accidental or excusable, Undor conditions such aB those visited upon this and other communi ties during tho week, the mind In stinctively tends to magnify Instead of minimizing results. A cyclone or tornado is nover thought of In tho positive, but always tho suporlativo dogreo. Our mental processes seom Incapable of accurato conclusions undor stress, which, howevor, is not surprising. To see ten lives and a hundred houses swept away suggests a hundred lives and a thousand houses. Yot men do not trust tholr distracted senses for tho facts; they sook them out by diligent search, having found which, thoy revise tholr conceptions, If thoy aro honost. But some will ovon then grudgingly accept or frankly reject tho truth, preferring to cling to tho first Im pression simply bocausri It Is moro torrlblo. American Adviser for China. It is nntural that China should again como to America for an offi cial advisor to tho now republic as an aid In tho reform of its constitu tion, for America is the sourco of its inspiration for constitutional gov ernment Dr. Sun Yat Sen, founder of tho republic, Is a product of Amor lean social and educational lnfluenco, as aro many of tho men associated with him In this great revolutionary roform. Tho summons of Prof. Prank J. Qoodnow of Columbia university to Borve as advisor to the Chinese gov ernment Is only another tribute to our scholarship and Institutions. This Is regarded In the United Statos as a most fortunato BOloctlon, for in the long years of his sorvico at Co lumbia Prof. Qobdnow has exerted far-reaching influonco upon other scholars, who havo gono to tho ends of tho oarth. Indeod, ho has had undor his tutolago somo of tho young loaders of tho Now China. The English-speaking secretary to Prosldont Yuan Chi Knl, in fact, is a graduate of Columbia, which has received its quota of tho young Chinese sent to this country undor tho terms of tho Hay agreement, growing out of ho Boxer lndomnlty concession, to bo ed ucated In our colleges and universi ties. Prof, Goodnow's opportunity will be groat, and his ability to moet tho tost Ib aoknowlodgod. His eminenco as n student and teacher of consti tutional government and economic development Is recognized abroad. Another scholar thus goes forth into the field of politics of tho widest pos slblo domain to prove, no doubt, tho eminent fitness of scholarship for tho practical administration of govern mental affairs. - The Home in Court Tho Chicago Tribune suggests that our courts aro rapidly becoming dc mestlcatod, that wheroas family quar rels In tho past wero quietly settled around the fireside by calling on eld erly undo or aunt to act as arbiter, the man and wife today parade their grievances boforo the rld In civil court; that Instead of a bod slat in the hands of a stern, but loving father for the boy who stolo an apple, today the lad is haled before an auBtero Juvenllo judge. All of which, opines the Tribune, suggests the wisdom of women us Judges and assistants to judges as specialists in domestic problems. Perhaps we shall come to that wo have come to so many queer ends but where is tho assurance of Its accomplishing the desired object? It Is sad to observe how poorly our pres ent modern methods of reform seem to compare with the past in conduc ing to the wholesome conditions of tho homo, if the comparison may bo made partially from the standpoint of tho ever Increasing number of homes blasted by divorce and boys sent to various correctional Institu tions, boys, who, perhaps, are llttlo different from the lads of other days. Before resorting to additional public expedients to reform the home, would it not be wise to attempt some reform within tho home, Itself? That, of course, suggests a difficult task, so long sb parents are diverted from the supreme Importance of maintaining the old-fashioned fireside as the cen- tor of chief attraction to themselves and their chlldrpn. Like Mother, Like Son. Tho llttlo boy, his brother and widowed mother had lost their lowly cottage and all belongings In the storm. Tho child was sent to a friend to ask for work for the mother. The friend offered him a coin. "Oh, no, mother wouldn't want me to take that," he said, drawing back. "Why, you need it; you havo no money and no home," urged the friend. "No," porslstod the boy, ".mother says thoro are so many wOrso off than wo," and ho took tho money reluctantly. Rather largo altruism for a lnd of 8, but it was genuine. Evidently U roflectod tho stout, true heart of the lonely little widow seeking nothing but tho opportunity of earning bread for herself and two llttlo boys. Weak, orrlng humanity scales somo lofty hoighU sometimes, and It seoms to riso highest from the lowest depressions of adversity. Many an object lesson of tho nobility of character Iibb come from the tense trials of tho last week to teach us what It means to llvo. Such a mother of such a son will not -wont long after he grows up, and she must not want now. City Charter Limitations. While in tho framing of a home- ruio charter tho charter-makers have a practically free hand over nil strictly municipal activities, they are still subject to limitations which rulo out many suggestions that urn hnlnir offered. Good advice is always do- sirea ana welcomed, but unless those giving advice havo a fair notion nf charter Jurisdiction their suggestions are apt to bo moro or less Imprac ticable. Tho work of tho charter-makers, it should bo understood, must be sub ject to tho general state laws. It Ib the consensus of legal opinion that thoy cannot ropeal or change laws that apply uniformly throughout tho state or to all cities. If so, wo can not through our charter abolish tho 8 o'clock, law or tho Albert law, any more than wo can resclmP'the law making It a felony to steal or to sot up a gambling dovlco, although wo might possibly add local regulations on top of stato restrictions. It is a question whether wo can altor the distribution of governmental powers. For oxample, judicial power is vested with tho regularly constituted judgos, and poor relief devolves upon the county. Tho charter-makers cannot take ovor tho county hospital to the city any more than thoy can take over the county court house, so that suggestions relating to reorganiza tion of county hospital and poor farm, however portinent, como as goods to the wrong market, unloss it is the desire to have tho city dupli cate work now dono by the county. Charter-makers are limited In many other ways by tho peculiar traditions of our own city govern ment, by property and Institutions bolonglng to the city which are, and must be, maintained by the existing debt burden and by present and prospoctlvo financial resources. In tho vory nature of things, Omaha's new charter must be a revision and rearrangement rather than a brand new factory -product built for nn ideal city. It is inevitable that large numbers of strangors from around about will visit Omaha to view the district de vastated by tornado. This is a natural and not reprohonsible curi osity tho result of a situation that is presented whenever such a catas trophe occurs. To tho credit of the railroads it should bo said that they aro not exploiting the storm damage in a spectacular way and, though ro questod to do so, havo refused to put on special trains or to promote tornado scene excursions. Visitors who como on their own accord, how evor, should bo treated courteously, and will in turn be expected to de mean themselves properly. Ib Woodrow Wilson tho twenty, eevonth or twenty-eighth president? Tho question Is agitating tho public mind and may have to go to The Hague for settlement It depends whethor Ororer 'Cleveland bo con sidered one or two presidents. Hid most ardent admirers think he will rank in history as the equal of throe. Lincoln has started tho wheels for a homo rule chartqr convention. What's tho matter with a water dis trict including Havelock, Collego View and University Place to take over Lincoln's water plant and re lievo tho good people of Lincoln of the necessity of managing their own property? There was no hysterical outpour ing to "spare us a special election" when the commission plan of city government was framed conditional on its adoption by popular vote at a special elecUon. nor when the $8,250,000 water bonds wore forced through by two special elections. Mr. Bryan expresses pleasure over the result of tho senatorial election in Illinois, where the deadlock ended by the choice of one democrat ant ono republican senator, and froze out the candidate of tho progressive party, Just what Is It hero that pleases Mr. Bryan.? i iay m vraatm; COMPILED FROM DEE, FILES MARCH ilO. ? OOP I Thirty Years Alto A grand muslcale and literary enter tainment was irlven at the North Pres. bytcrlan church, the nrocrnm Including musical numbers by Ella Armstrong, Ber tie Ulakler, I'rofessor 11. D. Pell, Grace Pratt and .Icttle Hulbert, Stella Shllt, Linma Ulakler and Arohlo Pratt nnd W W. Held, and recitations or reading's by Florence French, Hattte Hapgood, Jessie Carew, Ella Prou, Rev. F. S. Blayne"y and Hose Eddy. The republican primaries were held to choose delegates to a city convention. Among the delegates still around were E. K. Long, Fred Behm, W. J. Connell, E. W. Slmeral, W. J. Broatch, Ed. Leeder, Joe Redman. The Cozzens house, renovated and re built some time ago by the firm of Her & Chapman, has at last been rented to me nrm of 8. J. ealsman for five years A whole fleet of prairie schooners passed through, the city westward bound The Paxton hotel is making a good move In having their cmralnr donnort the south side of Farnam street seems to De hopelessly lost in the mud. Max Meyer ft Bro. offer two prizes to roller skaters, a gold chatellne to tho ...... vwiuHMiiiru lauy sxater and a goia naage to the best gentleman skater. Mr. and Mm. T. C. Brunner are mmtrn. lng the loss of their CvminH ,,,v. ter. Kaloolah C, whose funeral will take piace tomorrow from tho residence on iNinoteenth and Cuming streets. Mr. and Mrs. W. L Wright. Sev enteenth and Ueavenworth streets, an nounce tho advent of a babv rlrl. New notary publio commissions have come tor w. J. Martin. W. O. Hemlng. way and Miss Eva C. Babcock. Twenty Yen Aim At -tho rogulnr meeting of the Pressmen, Storeotypers nnd Eleotrotypers' union .-no. zi, tnese officers were electeiV H. Taggart, president; O. P. Black, vice president; . u. Rowzee, recording cor respondent nnd financial J. Buckley, treasurer; M. J. Buckloy, O IP. Black and F. H. Taggart, delegates to central Labor union; M. J. Buckley,. ueiegaie to me international Typograph leal union. The city council's charges against tho uuara or Health proved to be a Jug handled affair when aired in an invo.H, gntlon nnd the whole affair developed Into something of a farce. Councllmen Elsasser, McAndrews and .1niVlhan n... dpalsniUed as the inquisitors for the coun cil nnd Drs. Somcrs nnd Towne nnd Chief inspector Bherrer of the health rt.na, ment were questioned, but no evidence oi their inattention to business wan urought forth that aroused any serious inuugnc Plans were made for the funemt n.t. urday of Dr. Rueben H. Plcard, who died ai me age of 74, nt 1816 South T.nh street, after a residence of thirty-five years in umnna. The Continental Clothlnir advertising a gale of spring overcoats iur anu ib all-wool, dark seal-brown melton overpoats from is to S10. "The Nabobs" waa a musical nnmcA, presented at tho Farnam fitrt wun jonn is. Henshaw as the leading - v t-it.;4 , IUUU. Ten Yours Ago United States Senator Fulton of Ore gon stopped In Omaha enroute to his homo at Astoria. He formerly resided In Pawnee City, Neb., and had been there to visit his mother. Mrs. (Grandma) Anna Louise Lobeck. 82, died nt the home of her daughter, Mrs. William Fried in Fremont, so word camo to Charles O. Lobeck, a son in Omaha, who went at onee to Fremont preparatory to bringing the mother's body to Omaha for burial nt i.. Kill cemetery. One hundred Knights of Tvhi. turned from Blair at midnight, joyous in spirit over their entertainment there. uo aosolutcly nothlnir In ti,. - improvement; the funds are short and we must economize." was the order given iu lare superintendent Adama hi- park commission, which hold a meeting 'and wnnt hi... k , oiiuuuon. uespite The stringency, however, the lxard authorized - lu van v-ourt & Winn for macadamizing Thirtieth street frnm street to the north city limits. This was Known as Florence boulevard. Tho Kountze Memorial church .u. last of Its Lenten concerts for the bene. i.i or me ureche. It drew a large and delighted audience. Mrs. J. Osborne Hanna and Mr. Holmes Cowper and Mr. Tom Kelly, who led h r. ... - tc-auvni chorus, came In for renerm. .nni.,,.. for their parts of the program. People and Events Experience Is a surnaaslrur hnn.t.r protective Insurance. Henceforth the Irishmen of Omajia need not hark back to 1839 for weoll. the Big Wind. If Austria would tackle some nation near Its siie, Vienna ultlmnfm. nvutu be worth watching. Living clove to nature" Is an tlve lure while nature Is Deacefnii. hi.. posed. But when nature gets on Its high norse and roars the wise one scoots for the cellar. Mrs. Mary Muroskl. a Polish hhh. i- Phlladelphlo. danced at the bridal ball witn 113 partners at 12 a head, earning nifty fund for household neeea&H m.. bridegroom, looking on. cheered her to ma limit. Large bunches of moss ar imllns. rr the Judicial body In Missouri these days. Vwn n Kansas city, last week. Judge Lucas smashed precedents galore by fin ing a lawyer for maktnr frlvnlm,. mo tions designed to delay a case readv to go on trial. Mis. Mary Belle Shedd. one of th . - I i. "i ouon. gen a cincn on an in herltance of W,O,000 by getUng married on , ' .. , murj-ieu ana raising a family or one or mora and raising a family of one or more, The marvelous intuitive facultr of th sex blaze, forth In the fact that Mis. ... . . , . ... . l x- ., . , . ..... ......... ... ""& "v viiutu 1 In reform efforts that high and mighty officials are Jeered at because they co uruo a. auieroni orana or water than that supplied to the common herd. Thing . inr i. . ..u - - ""VJ - when officials cannot enjoy a superior , -1 . .. . . . ...hi. 1 article aa a chaser at publio -ZDCDH I without being ceiled down. MUFFLED KNOCKS. It s the tireless energy of some people that makes them tiresome. There Isn't much hope for a boy who wears curls unless he hates 'em i. ..... , , . . .on Omaha as July passes into August. it Is much easier to cast your bread J. ?. . AT. ... .... .... . UDOn the Water than tn ilrnwn vniir h.ir. rows. . . , . The woman who pr f ers comfort to sty 1,. OOIl Ueltt the rptllltntlnn nf tiulnir i.n- 'oon gets the reputation of being oc centric One nort of suit that Is always made large enough to stand a little nhrlnkage Is a damage suit. Has It ever occurred to you that you can save yourself a lot of trouble by keeping It to yourself? If you are going to have a falling out with a girl, stick to a hammock. Don't take her up in nn aeroplane. Many a man saves money by not using tobacco, but It Is doubtful If the money has the same soothing effect. The fellow who makes up his mind ho Is going to marry a certain girl In spite of all obstacles would rather be consist ent thnn happy. Covetousncsi Is the most common fall ing. Tho poor envy the luxuries of the rich. In splto of the fact that these same luxuries don't teem to make the rich any happier. New York Times. BLASTS FROM EAM'S HORN. The darker the prospect, the safer It Is to count on God for help. The man who Is living a lie has the devil after him with a redhot crowbar. Don't bear down too hard on the grind stone, If you don't want the boy to leave the farm. No man will be right In his conduct while' his thinking Is wrong. The harder time St. Paul had the loss he wished a vacation. The man who pays the taxes on tho land often gets the least out of It. The smaller the congregation the harder It ought to be to dodge tho preaching. There are men who think tho dlnuor horn makes better music than the pipe organ. Some folks are llko cheap restaurants everything In the front window, and no meat on the table. The farmer knows better than to tap a cottonwood tree when he desires maple syrup, but there are men who will put two cents in tho basket nnd expect to get a blessing that will shake the house. THE SILVER LINING Cities and districts suffering from storm and flood should take heart to remember one thing. Such a spring as the present one Is usually followed by harvests of almost immeasurable abun dance. The most Important industry in this country is the live stock Industry. Its products in a year exceed by 10 per cent me value of all the iron and steel pro duced annuallly In the United States. Now a year of floods is always a year of grass. Pastures will be fat this yoar and meadows stand wnlnt hip-i. Our chief Industry will receive a wonder- rui sumuius. Floods may drown out some wheat, but they will srlve u u bumper crop of hay, and the hav cron of tho United States is worth more than 40 per cent more than the whent crop We think little about it because it in chiefly consumed on the fnrm and reaches tho market In the form of meat. but a year of good grass is a good year for tho American farmer. Another thing: A Wet snrinir xtinri tho margin of profitable cultivation west ward, on the prairies the bluc-Jtcm apHE5S5eH5H5dScN25H5HSHSe Valeska Suratt's S Removing Suoerfluous Hair Miss Valeska Suratt Br Mlu ValMka Suratt T EMOVING superfluous hair Is a On thn .in, U IMO WllllllUCU UOC tl. U. MBIT remover Unnecessary. Therefore It should be quickly effloaclous and absolutely harmless to the skin. The formula I have perfected I believe solves the prob lem as nothing else has ever done. That Is why It has become eo tremendously popular. This formula never Irritates, reddens or spots the skin. It dissolves the hair as by magic. Try It and you ..-HI ... nnnirlxn.il ll.i ml ... J . - . Jfc. !,. .. ..... . hair n.,. w wu , lllblll .lunuicu. U. WUII1CI1 could beautify themselves to a remark able degree If they would remove not only the heavy hairs that appear an the face, but the soft down that Is so fre- i4uiuj bvc. uii i.o mm. nnu taw. A IU9 down Is seen more often on those whose cumiJicAjuii ib very ubiu ur very aarK. Get one ounce of simple sulfo solution, ... suu vui. B . nv .ta uiug .mm iUT one dollar. Apply It with the finger tips iu uie Buci iiuuit. fiair Kreuiiig me nair moist with It for two or three minutes until It has been dissolved. Then wipe It nff with n. damn rlnth ann xirnah 41k. skin. """"-"S .V"? your hair r .. , u . .S ... .v., " u J u V 1 ,1 1 U. ... mUU esty will not Prevent me from savin P!11 ! am known as the only woman on the American stage who wears no switches, miffs or other hair mnk.hir switches, puffs or other hair make-: All the hair I have Is my own. I It ,J."."B?.J71 P!?-.6."0""- "6 ' grew iiuj luiuium vriiiuii is uuuih mu same lor for me: mix nan a pint oi aiconoi wnn nair a pini oi water, to tnis aaa one ounce of beta-quinoL Shake thoroughly and I prefer, you can use Imported bay rum 1 1 ....... . u. . i.. .1 mk. Instead of the water and alcohol. The beta-qulnol you can get at almost any drur store for not more, than fifty cents. This formula should be applied very freely to the ecalp after brushing It gen- nrnllillr fnr n fpw mlmitpa nil Avar With ."- - " oiuuBijr iur u lew nuuuics an over iiud the tonic thoroughly Into the scalp with the ttnot tins. gras will Invade arena usually g1v n over to buffalo grass and farmers west of the ninety-eighth meridian will see ' signs of a good corn year and plant ac cordingly. Golden streams of grain will converge on Omaha as July passes into August. ine ricn valleys or unio, mo mm mmt I . . . n thn tinlnn In value of agricultural prod UCts, will wave Wim grass nnu corn aa , , 8Ummer and nda .tll9 I ... . . ....... ucts, will wave with grass and corn as wealth of their dp.lry and meat products to the food supply of the nation. Strango as it may seem, with mo vory ut structtveness of storm and flood uie bound up those sufficient forces which multiply the cattle on a thousand hills and make the valleys laugh with abun dant harvests. St. Louis' Republic. SUNDAY SMTT.ES. Father I'm sorry to have to say, my son, that from what I hear about town, you must be running Into debt. Son You are mistaken, sir. I am al ready In debt; my creditors aro doing all the running. Boston Transcript. "He's one of our best citizens." "That so? Doing a lot for the town, I suppose?" "You bet he Is. Why. he's so busy doing things for the town that most election days he's too busy to vote." Detroit Free Press. "How are you getting on In your new position?" "First-rate," replied tho statesman. "I have gotten so I don't have to think twice to assure myself that the high hat on the hall rack wasn't left by a visitor." Washington Star. "It Is Impossible to get a fair estimate of the output of the American hen." "Why Is it impossible to get a fair record?" "Because, no matter how you fix It, the record Is bound to be a fowl one- Kansas City Journal. "What Is the matter?" demanded the grand duke. 'Excellency, your cook demands a va cation." "Give her a knoutlng," was the auto cratic command. Kansas City Journal. "I do not see how you Justify your claim that your model Is an advance ovor any street car ever built," aald the traction magnate. "I have provided double the number of straps," explained the Inventor. uurtalo Express. "This, I presume, Is a study In stlU life," remarked the mere man. "No, sir; that Is a landscape," replied the artist, haughtily. "That Is a Marcn sunBet." "Oh, pardon me! I thought It was a fried egg," apologized the mere matu Judge. BREATH OF APRIL. Charles H. Towne In Alneslee's. Breath of April, when earth'H rapture Shake the hills at your command, And your old, Immortal promise Thrills the gardens of the land. Let my tear-swept heart be ready For the joy that wildly wakes. When In every lane and orchard All the ancient wonder breaks. When the morning, like a primrose, Bursts to sudden flaming flower; And the hawthorn hedges whiten In the fragrant twilight hour. When the shining hills stand verdant. Like green warders of the world, And from every tree your banners Jubilantly are unfurled. Then, oh, then. In pity tako me From pale winter's sheath and khroud, And make all my burdens lighter Than the farthest fleecy cloud. Make the shadows that engulf me Vanish swiftly as a dream; Give me of your flowery knowledge. Teach me your wild pagan theme. Wrap me round with your mad muolo. Drench me In your cleansing rain, And erase my chlldlBh errors, All the clinging dust and stain. Breath of April, breathe your healing; Make me ready In that hour When tho world's sad heart you quicker With the spring's first fragile flower. Beauty Secrets. Secrets Tew People Know. Valeska Snr- , i- iimiiui Boii-maae oeauty Actress, Beveals Some of Her Treasured Experiences, Any head of hair needs a shampoo to keep the ecalp free from scruf, and iet the roots breathe. Do not use Bpap. Use esgol, which you can get at any good drug store for twenty-five cents. It nas no equal as a shampoo. STELIiA S. It la no uncommon thing for a woman to develop her bust several Inches In a few weeks' time, naturally and safely, by using the following form ula: In a half pint of cold water, dissolve two ounces ruetone. and half a cup of sugar, all well mixed together. Of this, take two teaspoonfuls thro or four times a day In n wine-glass of water, after your meals. The ruetone will coat you one dollar at the drug store. ' s $ ERUPTIONS I dp not wonder that or dinary tonics have not driven away vour Pimples. Here Is a very effective. Bate blood cleanser: Dissolve twelve ounces of granulated sugar In one-half pint of water, add ono ounce of sarsene, and mix the whole to gether thoroughly, then add more wattr to make a pint. Sarsene Is a liquid which you can get at the drug store by the ounce. Get It in the original package. Tako one or two teaspoonfuls of this mixture three or four times a day, with a llttlo water if desired. s $ S MISS a n. B. Blackheads should not be pinched out. It Injuries and spot8 the skin. To get rid of them perma nently first wash the face with hot water and soap. Then sprinkle some neroxin generously upon a sponge made wet with hot water. Then rub well for a few min utes on the parts of the skin which are affected with blackheads. You should be able to secure the neroxin at any drug gist's for fifty cents. J ? S UGLY Every spot, every freckle, every blemish on the skin of the face, nands and arms will vanish by using this mix ture; Let half a pint of water come almost to a boll. Add two teaspoonfuls of glyc erine. Keep stirring while adding one uuu.v w. AJHWllO, UUIU I. IB UUI UUtbOlVCU, Then let It coot. If the cream Is too thick to pour easily from a bottle, thin It down a little with more hot water. The cream will ha whlta anrl mtlnv Hold a wet towel to the face several times for several minutes. Rub this cream on the entire face. Then wipe oft wltVi a .oft HrV -lrt,h TVi . . .,..!.. 1 ...... 4 ..v.. ufW lall and let It dry on the face. Repeat this again at muni. Any gooa druggist will let you have zlntone far itmni nrv cents. S $ $ OLD LOOKING I never have known anvthlne- to re1m-nnra thA vi .. .,i . . , : , ' . c, D(JGI. didly as this. I have seen deep wrinkles leave entirely in a very short time by Its use, as well as crow's feet, and sag- ...a . viicckb. ii win make you look years younger. Pour half a pint of hot Water In n . hrnvl nnrl nl... . v. kai i pan of water over a slow fire. To, this uiu iwo ounces or eptol. stir until It Is dissolved and starts to cream. Then re move frome the fire, slowly add two tfthli.Brw.nf lltfl nf fflvK.rina nrA ahh.I . O" -.-v., VUII.lllUO to stir until it Is cold. Eptol may be obtained for no more than fifty cents at nny good oruK mure, mis cream should hn n n 1 1 . rl IIK.ralli. w . 1. . . i -.''.. . uilj cmu Uglily nibbed Into the skin until It ruts' disap- pearea, -rne cream win not grow hair ion the face. Keep the cream In an alix tight Jar or bottle-Advertisement.