Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 30, 1913, PART TWO EDITORIAL, Page 3-B, Image 17

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Will Be in the Woman' s Club Benefit Play
Large Corps of Them Make House-to-Houso
Cavasa for Sufferers.
Women Are
Doing in the World
Miss Sadllek will bo Leon Weltmtui, vio
linist; Mrs. J. S. llorton, soprano, and
Mrs. Wulter Silver, pianist. Huskies a
paper on Xaver Scliarwenka, tomu of UIh
compositions will be rendered.
Cluli .Mee(ltii.
MONDAY - Business meeting of tlio
Omaha Woman's club at the club rooms
at 2:30 o'clock; meeting of the directory
of the Omaha Woman's club at 1:30
o'clock ut club rooms; meeting of tho
young woman's class In European his
tory In the lecture room of the public
library at 7:30 o'clock.
TUESDAY Meeting of tho Persian his
tory class in the lecture room of the
public library at 10:30 o'clrfck.
WEDNESDAY Meeting of the Book club
at the home of Mrs. W. H. Shorraden
at 10:20 o'clock; meeting of the litera
ture department of tho Woman s club
at 10 o'clock at tne ciuo rooms. i
THTJIISDAY-P. E. O. luncheon at the
home of Mrs. Zachery at 1 o clock; meet
ing of the Omaha Story Tellers' leagua
ut tho public library at 4:15 o clock In
the lecture room. , ...... .
FRIDAY' Meeting of the trench history
class in the lecture room of the public
library at 10:30 o'clock.
LUB women Ivavo directed their
work toward aiding and as
sisting in the relief work for
tho victims of the tornado.
Tho Omaha Woman's club
will KiVt a benefit perform
ance. "Tho Sialic of Ben-Mor." at the
Uratidcla theater the afternoon and even
ing of Wednesday, April 2. Mrs. E. M.
Byfert, Mrs. N. H. Nejson and Mrs. I J.
Hcaley arc in charge of tho affair. Mrs.
Kranklln Shotwell and Mrs. Grant Will
iams will take the leading parts. They
are both assistant leaders of the oratory
department of tho club. Miss Lillian
Kltcli. leader of the dopartment, will di
rect tho performance and the entire cast
will be members of the Omaha Woman's
club. Miss Mary Cooper will have charge
of tho dancing of the program, as many
of her pupils will give numbers. There
will be no expense to this benefit and
tho entlro proceeds will bp given to the
relief fund. C. W. Turner. Jr., manager
of the Brandels theater, has glvon the
club the use of the theater at both per
formances. The Douglas" Printing com
pany has printed both the programs and
tickets free of charge and Theodora Lioben
lias furnished the costume free to the
cast. The tickets have had a big sale
and can be exchanged at the box offloe
Monday for reserved seats. Following
is tho cast:
Bridget Hegarty Mrs. S. A. Collins
Malrln Mis Ruth Thompson
Barney Mrs. W. C. Nicholson
Shlcla Mrs. Grant Williams
Norah McDlarmuld
Miss Charlotte Oravea
Padralc Mrs. F. A. Shotwell
Four Sidhe, or fairies
Miss Bernice Brome, Miss Helen Kro
ner, Miss Mary Aid, MJss Eileen
Dance arranged by Miss Cooper.
The Omaha Woman's club will meet at
2:30 o'clock Monday afternoon In the club
rooms, when it will have a business
meeting. Plans will be discussed for the
benefit which the club will give Wednes
day at the Brandels theater.
The director- of the Woman's club will
meet Monday afternoon at 1:33 o'clock In
tho club rooms. -""
The music department of the Omaha
Woman's tlub will meet Thursday at 1:30
o'clock In tho club rooms, This program
was to have been given last week, but
on account of tho storm was postponed
until this week. The program for the
afternoon will be Seharwenka program.
In charge of MUs Ht!on Sadllek, a former
yvpl of Scharwcnka. Tbosa auUtlng
The literature department of the Omaha
Woman's club will meet Wednesday
morning ut 10 o'clock In the tfub rooms.
Mrs. K. It. J. Edholm will be tho leader
of the morning and will be assisted by
Mrs. A. B. Powers, who will read Ros
tand's "Cyrano de Bergerac."
The Book club will meet Wednesday
morning at 10:30 o'clock at tho homo of
Mrs. W. II. Sherraden, 173S South Twenty
ninth street, under the leadership of Mrs.
Ida M. Hanchett.
The meeting of tho Omaha chapter of
tho Daughters of the American Revo
lution, which was to have been held at
tho home of Mrs. Frank Crawford Tues
day afternoon, has been postponed until
April 8.
The Wyche Story Tellers' leaguo will
meet In the lecture room of the public
library Friday afternoon at 4:15 o'clock.
Miss Cordelia Hadorly will be the leader
of the afternoon and will bo assisted by
MIsb Rose Carr, Miss Kulakofsky and
Miss Kate Swartzlander, who will tell
stories of "Honesty" and "Greek Myths."
The Benson Woman's club met at the
home of Mrs. C. C. Williams Thursday
aftornoon. In placo of tho program the
members of tho club made garments for
the relief work and voted to give to to
the fund. They men again Friday after
noon at the home of Mrs. IC. R, Parker
and continued the work on the garments
which they sont to the Auditorium.
The housohold arts department of tho
Young Woman's Chrlitlan association
will bo In charge of the vesper service
Sunday afternoon In tho association audi
torium at 4:30 o'clock. There will be
special music by members of the depart
ment and an address by Mrs. Frederick
J. Burnett on a subject appropriate to
this line of the work. Miss Hane, do
mestlo science director, will be hostess
at the social hour which follows. All
young women are cordially Invited to
The membership campaign, which was
scheduled to occur at this time, has
been greatly affected by the conditions
following the storm. We wish to Im
press our members with tho knowledge
that It Is upon the Income from our
campaign memberships that we depend
for a very large share of our Income
at this time, and that It Is very essential
that those whose ronowals are now due
should send In the momborahlp without
waiting to be solicited. The number of
those working In the campaign is very
limited and we will not attempt to
reach all whose memberships are ex
piring. Credit may be given to cither
side or to any Individual.
The Persian history class will meet
Tuesday morning at 10:8") o'clock In the
lecture room of tho public library.
Mrs. R, R. Zachary will entertain the
Omaha chapter of the P. E. O. society
at a 1 o'clock luncheon. She will be as
sisted by Mrs. Myer. The luncheon will
be followed by a business meeting,
The young woman's class In European
history will meet in the lecture room of
the publlo library Monday evening at 7:30
The Omaha Story Tellers' league will
meet In th Kcturo room of the public
library Thursday afternoon at 4:16, Mrs.
Dox will bo the leader of tho aftornoon.
Tho French history class wllll meet
Friday morning In the lecture room of
tho publlo llberary at 10:30.
Tho French play which was to have
been given at thu open meeting of tho
Woman's club Monday afternoon has
been postponed Indefinitely.
Tho Dundee Woman's club, which was
to havo held Its meeting Wednesday
afternoon, has postponed It Indefinitely.
British Ministers
Involved in Marconi 4
Wireless Scandal
LONDON, March 29.-Hrltlsh ministers
of fitato were moro Interested than as
at first thought In Rtock transactions at
the time of tho agreement made by the
British government with the Marconi
company for the ereotlon of a chain of
wireless stations throughout the British
A second deal by David Lloyd-George,
chancellor of the exchequer, and the mu
ter of Ellbank, tho chief liberal whip.
Involving an additional 3,000 shares in
an American wireless company, wai re
vealed during yesterday's meeting of the
parliamentary committee of inquiry.
Tho deal was first divulged In 'he
cvldenco of Sir Rufus Isaacs, the attor
ney general, and was confirmed by Mr.
He added that beyond tho two doils
which wero now known he had never
directly or lndlreatly bought or had an
Interest In any wireless concern. Ho as
certed that there was nothing about the
Investment except what was perfectly
reputable and creditable for anyone and
took occasion to remark that he was
eorry. In spite of tho rumors as to his
prodigious fortune, that he was a com
paratively poor man.
.Soldier Who Unit llrnt on Dtitr
Since the Tornniln Ntrnclc Asia
fur AssUtnnoc fur Ilia Wife
nul Daughter.
School teachers greutly assisted '.he re
lief workers this morning when a thor
ough canvass of the territories covered
by the several relief stations was mado
by them nud those of tlio sufferers who
have bi en too ptoud to come out and
nsk for help were spnt clothing, jatlon
and ilvcn orders for furniture. .
A corps of teachers went out from the
Fortieth and Far nam streets station and
reported several new cases which were
unknown to those at the relief station.
As soon os u teacher found a place wher
help was nseded she camo direct to tho
station and placed an order for t.ia req
uisites. In. this way a number of persons
'.vtiu had been living at the homes of
uoltlibors were discovered and the nelgn.
bors relluved of some of the burdens ot
helping them.
. At tho Forty-six tli and Leavenwurtn
streets station the corps ot teaenvrs sent
out from relief headquarters found thsTr
work already don. The teaoheri if tlm
JUeals sohool already had made i can
vass of the district an.d the station had
been supplying the noods since JJonay
Muoh of the work there, as was also thj
case at Fortieth and Farnam streets,
consisted of getting orders for necessary
At station No. 6 u soldier who hed beun
doing patrol duty sinus tho tornado ap
plied for help. His homo in anothor dls
rlct had been destroyed and his wife
'nd daughter were beginning to fl the
need of additional olothlnr. Betnr on
duty In No. fi district he applied at that
station and wns given Immediate relict.
A girl about IS years old made her Iirst
appearance at the rtatlons Phe was well
idrcHsed, evidently wearing the Sunday
clothes she had on nt the time of tho
tstorm She asked for "something to
'work In mul wanted a coat for ner
mother." Her family was left wltnout a
home by the wind.
Inquiries nrc still pouring In for per
sons whoso whereabouts have not yet
been learned by friends since tho tor
nado. Mr. find Mrs. August Klrschsteln,
S121 Hamilton street, are being sought by
W. T. Graham, who says he has a IPOO
tornado insurance policy for them when
thoy call for it.
Jerry Clifton, an employe of the Union
Pacific. Is being sought by Vnlon Pa
clflo people. Charles Morton has Inquired
about him and has asked that any word
of him be reported to relief station No. 2.
A letter has come to the Commercial
club addressed to Miss Virginia Peterson.
Cyclone Victim, Omaha. She has not
been found.
Another letter was received Inquiring
about Mark Carroll nnd wtfo, W7 South
Twenty-fifth streut. J. J. Carroll. 330
East 123 street, New York, wrote, the let
tor saying that he had sent several spe
cial delivery letters to these people and
had received no reply.
Five Hundred from
Woodmen Oamp to
Help Their Friends
B. & M. camp. No. , Modern Wood
men, will have a working force of 3t)0 to
100 members doing rllof work In tho tor
nado tone Sunday. The camp has a mem
bership of 1,0)0 In the city. Of these
I members, a largo number lost heavily by
the tornsdo, and to aid them tho other
members are to rally to their relief. At
today noon 1W of the membsrs had vol
unteered their services and it was ex
pected by Clerk Devol that this number
would be trebled by night.
I All members ot B. & M. camp who are
to 1oln In the relief work will report to
I Samo Haynes, 1407 Lotlirop, or P. I. Dovol,
2105 Miami street, not later than 8
I o'clock, nrmod with saws, planes and
, hammers nnd clad In working nttlro.
i Undtir the direction of E. T. Bralley, H.
VS. liard. P. I. Devol. K. A. Trajrnor and
J. J. Lamareaux, this army will start out
on the work of repairing and building
homes for their lodge brothers and put
ting premises In order.
Members of tho camp needing assist
ance are urged to notify the clerk or any
member of the committee.
Says Husband Led
Her by the Nose One
Day Through Street
That her husband led her by the noss
from Twenty-second and Howard to
Twenty-fourth nnd Farnam streets ono
day, when he was angry. alleged by
Mrs. Edward Rlggs In answer to the
dlvorco suit brought by her husband.
Mrs. Hlggs says she and her husband
had been visiting nt the home of her
mother and that after a severe quarrel
they started home. After thoy had gone
part way. she alleges, he seised h.r by
tho nos and thus led her for several
Mrs. Rlggs also asserts that hvst De
cember, after her mother died, Rlggs
refused to give her 10 cents car fare
that she might put flowers on thej grav.
LINCOLN, March l9.-(Bpecia'.)-Mri.
Cora L. Cronk, who has resldel nt tin
Llndell hotel for the last year, was yos.
terday operated upon at a, local hospital.
Because of the serious Illness of Mrs
Cronk her son, R. A. Patterson, has
oome from hli home In Virginia to bo it
the bedside of his mother.
Hastings Sends Check
for Tornado Victims
Th Chamber of Commerce ot Hastings
has sent The Beo a rotnlttanco for I317.JO
for the relief of the tornado sufferers.
It Is the result ot a hurried canvass made
there after tho news of the calamity
reached Hastings, and bosldes extending
tho town's sympathies, advises that there
U a probability of other contributions
coming In.
Key to tho Situation Beo Advertising.
Aged Man Donates
Money Due to Him
Guldo A. Volkers, nn old man of prob
ably 90 years, has donated tWJR to th
relief 'for tornado sufferers. The dona
tion Is made under circumstances which
Mr. Volkers' lotter to the Omaha PrlnU
Ing company explains,
I am shocked nt the calamity wtiioh I
read overtook your city. I hnve . bill
against your firm for $10.83 (March 10).
1 don't want the monoy. Please tak
this money and give it to som. desti
tute family to buy coal or apply this)
trifle the best you can, It mar do soma
good to some one who needs It mors than
I, I am only regretting that I cannot
make It a thousand tlmrs more In
The Omaha Printing company at once
notified the commission that th.y would
pay the bill Into the relief fund.
Persistent Advertising Is the Road ta
Big Returns.
Color your Last
gear's Straw Hat with
Splendid for fixing up
Ladles'&Chlldrens hats.
Dries in 30 Minutes.
Waterproof tad Durable.
JatDlsckDullHsck-CanUntlRad- Navy Blue
CsdetBlu. SigoCreon Burnt Straw Brown Violet
Avoid off SB&trtufts-ltsbtaa fuiuto Qusms
oraend 25in. atatnpa toDtpt.fl.
Consider These Prices
When Buying Furniture
Time right now to select tho new furniture, draperies and rugs tlmt you will wont for your home this spring. New
stocks are complete and you can find just what, you want later you may not ho so fortunate.
For this week wo are offering special values in Tables, Beds, Chairs, Davenports; Mattrossos, ltugs, Carpets, Cur
tains, etc., that you cannot afford to overlook. All bright,now goods up-to-date patterns highly desirable. You can
save monoy by buying this week. You will realize it by reading tho prices below.
Special Values
in Curtains
il llsssl
$27.50 Dining Table, $17.50
Cenulno Hastings Tyden-locked Ouk
Dining Table, oxtendn 0 feot; either
golden oak or fumed; removablo top.
Don't confuse tills tablo at this prlco
with tho ordinary table. I "I Cft
Sale price Oil iuU
:P- .q
$13.50 Brass Bed, $8.75.
An extra special value, Two-Inch post Brans
Hod, fitted with flvo H-inch filling rods.
Footboard axtondn bolow sprinir uuf flciently
to mako up beautifully, 0 "I IT
Sale prlco Oi I O
$10.00 Felt Mattress, $6.75.
ThlB Is our best seller. Mado of unbleached felt; covered with
durable art tick, full bound and turtea. weigns run id pounus.
You pay 110.00 or morn anywhere else.
Halo prico
$3.50 Dining- Chair, $2.75
Genuine quartor-aawod, full box Hout
Dining Chair, continuous post con
struction, upholstered In genulnn
leather, framo highly polished. Reg
ular prlro J3.G0 at any 0 7C
storu. Halo prlco. 0ilJ
Mission Rocker, $o.u"0.
Htrong, solid oak Mission 1 looker, suitable for
living rootn or dan, dull, golden or fumod
finish; hau throe wldo panels In back, middle
seat; one-ploco conatructlon from arm to
rocker. An extra goml valuo AC ftfi
Pullman Revolving Seat
Davenport for $24.75.
Stylish, substantial Davenport by day, a
comfortable, sanitary' bed at night,- the
Pullman Revolving Seat Davenport, for
which we are sole selltng 'agents in
Omaha. The only Davenport that can be
made Into a bed, Including mattroas,
covors and pillows. A child can operate
It. Seat simply lifts and closes. Com
pletn line in golden oak, fumod oak and
mahogany covers In leather. Imitation
jeatner tapestry and other materials.
special sale prlco up
The prices quoted below will astonish
you when you boo the curtains. Absolutely
new stocks, largo assortment, including
fancy Swiss Curtains, Nottingham and
Cable Nets, Voiles, Scrims and Mar
quisettes, Brussols Not, Irish Point, Duch
ess, Cluny, real Arabian and Renaissance.
A few specials:
II. 8G CurtnlriH.. 95 pair
12.50 Curtains $1.45 VaXr
3. DO Curtains S1.05 Plr
$4.00 Curtains $2.25 pair
$0.00 Curtains S3.0O pair
$6.00 Curtains. .S3. 50 pair
$7.00 Curtains $4.50 pair
20a Curtain Swiss, 38 Inches wldo, all -l ql
styles, your choice iZG
3 (To and 45o Fancy Nets, extra special,
per yard '. UC
7Bo Curtain Net, in white, cream nnd ACk
Arab, per yard .-r. .... TC7 C
$5.00 Couch Covers, CO Inches wide, 3 (JjO fyg
yardB long, your choice, each jj) 3 c O
$3.50 Couch Covors, Roman stripes and Oriental
effects, GO Inches wldo, 3 yards T - qp
Ions; Rl .SO
$5.00 and $0.00 Portieres, largo as
sortment to soloot from.....
r.r 22.95
, Rug and Carpet
Wo aro making special low prices for
this week on largo assortment of now Rugs.
Many makes any size. Our Body Brus
sels stock includes tho chintz designs so
popular, for bedrooms. "Wo call especiul at
tention to our beautiful Anglo-Persian
Rugs. Just a. few of many specials:
$3.00 Dath Room Rugs, made Hlco rag J (C
carpet, Bpecial sLX JJ
$8.50 Royal Wilton Rugs,
3CxG3 inches
Baxony Rugs, room bize, 8-3x10-6,
Saxony Rugs, 9x13,
.. $6. 7b
Axminster, 8-3xl0-G, at CjOl fif
$21.50 to ipSi4:.UU
Axminstor, 0x12, at t07 CA
$25.00 to i .OU
Royal Wiltons, 8-3x10-6,
Royul WUltons, 9x12,
Extra fine Wilton, 8-3x10-6,
at '
Extra fine Wilton, 9x18,
$2,50 Dody Brussels Rugs, 22x36
Inches, special
Largor sizes at $11.00 to $32.75
Linoleum, imported and domestio makes, per
square yard 50 to $1,35
3.6... $1.50
For Odd Pieces at Odd Prices Visit Our Bargain Basement
We have ample fa
cilltlei for repairing
your furnituro, car
pots and rugs. Will
call for them, take
best care of them,
repair them quickly
and return to you.
415-417 South Sixteenth Street.
We make and haag
window shades, any
size. Phone your
order and we will
get your shades up
In a hurry.