Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 30, 1913, PART TWO EDITORIAL, Page 2-B, Image 16

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    2 B
Social Functions Postponed Until
City Recovers from Shooks.
Ltss Jtnmbrr of Victim of Tornnilo
of Lust Snnilnr Arf llelim
Housed In the Humes of
floclnl Cnlonilnr.
TOBSDAT Miss Oortrude Movers en
tertain at birthday annlvergary party,
Mi. II. O. Van New, hostess of the
meetlm? of the N. T. C. club.
.WEDNESDAY Omaha Woman's club
benefit roatlneo and evening at the
Brando! theater; Crelghton Tan Hel
lenic: dance at Chamber'; Mrs. Charles
Oruenlg. hostess of the W W club;
Mrs. A- P. Whltmoie, hoateas of tho
Bridge club, Mri. IJ. M. Homan, hostess
of the im club: Echtlohting-fluriea
weddlnp In Milwaukee.
FHIDAT Et-A-Ylrp danoe at Chambers.'
SATURDAY Mr. and Mrs. John F Dale
entertain the Harmony club,
i Members of the Players olub will take
active part In tho play to be given on
Wednesday afternoon and evening by the
Woman's club at the Brandols theater
Hfor tho benefit of the relief fund for tho
vlottms of the tornado.
A one-act play will be presented by
tho Players' club preceding the play by
the mombers of the Woman's club.
At tho matinee, a one-act play. "Rasp
berry Shrub, Sec," will be presented by
Mrs. Harry Poorly, Miss Arabella Kim
ball, Miss Margaret McPhcrson and Rex
A "Season Cycle of Dancing' will be
given by puplln of Miss Cooper.
The members' of the Woman's club will
then present a play, "The Sldhe or Fnrles
of Ben-Mor," Those taking part will be
Mrs. a A. Collins, Mrs. Grant Williams,
Mrs. W. O. Nicholson, Miss RuUl Thoinp
non, Mrs. Franklin Bhotwell. The fairies
will be Misses Uernlco Drome, Helen
Kroner, Mary Aid and Eileen Edwards.
At tho ovenlng performance the curtain
raiser will bo "A Queon's Messenger,"
poreaentod by Miss Anna Hourke and
Mr. Charles R. Dochcrty. Th4s will take
tho place of the play, "Raspberry Shrub,
Bee," given at tho matinee.
Society Girls Will Help Unfortunate.
Ambitious to do all they can for tho
unfortunate of Sunday night's storm,
many of tho young society women will
put their shoulder to the wheel of re
lief by selling benefit tags Monday. The
total receipts of the sale will go Into tho
general relief fund and tho headquarters
will bo established at A. Hospo's store,
ffhoao who are going to participate In
tho work will bo stationed at various
corners downtown.
Miss Mary Marston Is In charge of the
movement Tho captains are:
Misses Misses
Pauline Hourke. Margaret Baum,
Dorothy Morgan, Carmellta Chase,
Katherlno Thuramel Eleanor Cuahlng,
Esther Ityrne. Oretchen MoConnell,
Elisabeth Congdon, Dorothy Hall,
Caroline Congdon,
Mamie Bpleeberger,
Gladys Peters,
llortenso upiesoer
er, Fanny Itosenstock.
Dorothy Morton.
Daphne Peters,
Bldney Stebblns,
Louise White.
Minus a Cook.
A family rtsldlng In tho devasted dis
trict in tho west Farnam neighborhood.
Are hoping that their old colored mammy,
who has been looking after tho culinary
duties of the household, will return.
Tho last time tho family saw her, she
(was kneeling In front of tho badly
damaged home. "Oh, good. Ix'd, which
am no'th and which am southT" she
cried. "Why, Aunty, that la north ana
this Is south," some one said. "Well,
thank tho Lo'd, dat alnt chi.ngod," and
off she started for her owu homo In
North Twenty-fourth .street.
Fan-Hellenio Dance.
The Pan-Hellenlo dance will bo given
by tho Greek Utter fraternities of the
professional departments of Crelghton
university next Wednesday evening at
Chambers' dancing academy. Tho com'
blned membership of the frats la nearly
110 students, and tt Is expeoted that.
with the assistance of alumni members,
and Dleda-es. nearly that number of
couples will attend.
Elaborate decorations hava been plan
ned, and a nine piece orchestra will fur
nish tho music
Omahans Return Home.
Mrs, Carl F. Hartmann, who spent eav
oral weeks In New fork visiting relatives,
returned home shortly beforo tho disas
ter and has been asetstlng her husband,
Major Hartmann, who has oharge of the
relief work for tho tornado victims.
Miss Louise Dinning and Mrs. J. 7.
IMnnlng returned homo last Sunday oven
lng from an extended stay In California.
Where They Are,
Dr. and Mrs. H. B. Hamilton, who lost
their homo at SUM Cuming street In the
atom Sunday evening, are at preaent at
the home of Oeorge N, Welch, 10CB South
Thirty-second street.
Mr. and Mrs. James H. Morton and
son, James, whose house In Bemla park
was destroyed, are now at the home cf
A. C Kennedy. Mrs. Morton Is recover
ing from bruises received during tho
Btorm. They will take a house at SSIS
SlamUton street
Mr. and Mrs, George A. Josiyn have
four habitable rooms In their houso and
nave remained there.
Mr, and Mrs. Barton Millard are with
Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Merrlam until the
repairs can be made to their home.
Colonel and Mrs. S. B. Curtis have been
staying with Mr. H. C. Bostwlck, but
their house Is about ready for occu
pancy again. Mlsa Curtis and Mrs. Dlmon
Bird went to the Loyal.
Mr, and Mrs. O. R. Sherman are back
In their house, which they expect to re
model. Mrs. Sherman and daughters
stayed with Rev. Frederick T. Rouse and
Mrs. Rouse, whoso daughters, Mary and
IWlnltrod, were at tho Sherman's when
the cyclone atruclc None of them wore
Mr. and Mrs. F, A. Nash have four of
the Crofoot children with them, but re
pairs on tho Crofoot house are nearly
complete so that they can soon be In tt
again. Mr, and Mrs. Crofoot are in
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Boldrlge are now
at the Loyit. For the first few days
Mrs. Baldrlgo stayed with Mr. and Mrs.
F. W. Judson while Mr. Baldrlgo and his
on, Malcolm, were with Mr- and Mm.
Joseph Baldrlgo.
Mr. and Mrs. s. D. Barkalow and Miss
Barkalow have been staying with Mrs.
John G. Bourke, but Mr. and Mrs. V. U.
2avla, who are in California, wired
them and Mr. and Mrs. Theodora Rlng
walt and family to go to their house and
occupy it as if it were their own, put
ting their servants and motor at tholr
disposal Mr and Mrs. Rlngwalt were
Home from the East
at Mr. J. HI Ileum's home while Miss
Mary Rlngwalt was with her aunt, Mrs.
T. R. Rlngwalt. They all wont to tho
Davis homo Thursday.
-Mrs. B. B. Wood and sons, Benjamin
and Robert, are with Mr. and Mrs. T. E.
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. MoVann are at the
Loyal as are also Mr. and Mrs. Halteck
Mr. Frank Burkley, Miss Burkl'iy and
(Miss Mary Burkley are at tho Hotel
Loyal while their house Is being re
Miss Elltaboth Pickens will bo the guest
of Miss Gladys Peters for some time.
Mrs. W. F. Holmes, 1021 Wirt street.
whose house was damaged, Is now at
the homo of Mrs. N. A. Inkey, 2007 Wirt
Mlis Juliet McCune and Mr. William
McCune are at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
F. Bykos.
Miss Florenoo G. Alexander, who had
Just purchased a now homo at 114 South
Forty-second street, was fortunately out
visiting Sunday night when tho storm
truck there and took tho bulldt.iar off
of its foundation and caved In one Bids
of It. Miss Alexander U now rostdlna- at
1114 Georgia, avenue and has ordered her
iiuuio rouuiu at once. a
Mr. and Mrs, W. F. Baxter and "iholr
two children, who have been staVlnr with
r, ana Mrs. Kllpatrlok and Mr and
Mrs. J. R. Rlngwalt, have taken a house
At 1S9 North Thirty-second street andar
moving into it.
Masquerade Postponed.
ino masquerade ball whloh was nlan-
nea oy joage b. of II., to be given April
a, has ben postponed Indefinitely.
Benefit Box Parties.
Mrs. F. U Hallcr will have as her
guest at tho benefit to be given by the
Omaha Woman' club at tho Brandels
on Wednesday matinee, Mosdames F. H.
Colo, Oeorge Tllden, M. D. Cameron, Ed
ward Johnson, C. W, Hayes,
Others who will ontertain attests at
box parties are Mrs. C, T. KounUo. who
win havo six guests, and Mrs. George
josiyn, six.
Meeting Postponed.
me mooting of tho Yountc People's
uuktijt ui xcmpie Israel, which wan
plannod for April 6 In the vestry of tho
lompio, has been postponed until Bun
day, April 11
Musioale Benefit.
" . uavia nus doomed not to
postpone her piano recital, which had
been set for Tuesday, April 8, but Will
hit u on that date at the Young
omens tnristian iioclatlon auditor
ium, donating half the proceeds to tho
renex runa.
Schliohtinff-Surles "Weddinir.
The marriage of Miss Athlyn Buries of
Milwaukee to Victor U. BohlleMin r
Omaha will take plaoe Wednesday even'
tng, April 9, at the homo of the bride's
mother, Mrs. W. II. Surlea, 5GJ Twenty
sixth street. The bride will be attended
oy airs, cnester Wanvlg. matron of
Konor, and Miss Oertrudo ICeen. BmMl
Wash., maid of honor. The ribbon bear
ers wilt tnolude the Misses Anna Laurie
Baoh, Ethel link, Ruth Btark, Irene and
urace wamooia. Mary Boose, Ruth Rob
ertson, Mexico, Mo.) Gertrude Roso. Au
nurn, n. r. Lillian Powers. Chlcasm.
mw jvuin urpoK. Kenosha. ltun
SchllchUng will attend his brother ..
dcsi man.
Social Settlement Club.
The Dramatlo club of the Social Settle
ment will present "The White Pllsrim"
me uranaeis Monday evening, April
unaer me airectlon of Miss Mary Wat
iace ana Miss Joy Hlggtna The Dm
ceeds "will go to the cyclone relief fund.
The cast Is as follows!
Harold, James J, Domett Wolf. V. L.
Cavanaugh; Blgurd, Charles E. MoAvln:
Sir Hugo, T, J. A. Craig; Frtoth, John I
... ..u..i.4u, ucoino, i.uas uamti; Thor
dla. Mamie Lank: Gtrda, Mamie Bloup;
iiny isaoeue, aiarie Oatronlo; White
Pilgrim, Joy Hlgglns; attendants, etc.
Douthirt-Schwed Wedding.
t-arue nave Deen received In Omaha an
nounelng the wedding of W. F. Douthlrt
and Miss Bchwed. both of New York.
Mr, Douthlrt haa been a frequent visitor
In Omaha and had many friends here.
Easter Event Postponed
For the first time In twenty-one years,
the Daster egg hunt, whloh was post.
poned from last Sunday, haa been can
celled. The money will be given to the
relief fund Instead.
Mazda Society Ball.
Tho Mosda society to commemorate Its
first anniversary, gave a ball at Turner
nan, Tnirteenth and Dorcas streets.
Thursday ovenlng. Souvenirs were given
to nil. Miss Frances Bemlk and Miss
Alblna Walasok presented the olub with
a beautiful pennant with the club's im
blem Insorlbtd upon It. Those present
Catherine llufferty,
J. Brofleld.
Emmn Kent.
Ix)ulne Thompson,
Irene Bteoker,
Maude Bvoboda,
Ida Bemerad,
Anna Petska,
Clara Kemp,
Agnes Beda.
Blanche Wavrln.
Katie Taylor,
Anna Barta,
Anna Laurenoe,
araoo Kaiser,
Rose Kuncl,
Winifred Van Book,
Emily L. Jelen,
Clara Valenta,
Elisabeth Gluts,
Clara Broderdorp,
Nell Kaiser,
Catherlno ICatser,
Roeo Seohrnoletar,
Elotso Bhramelc,
Eleanor Vinton.
Josephine Smith,
Flo. MoGrinser,
Mamie Chvalo,
Mary Jane,
Alblna Walasek.
Frances Bemlk,
Julie, Btenlcka,
Anno Flour,
F. OoUoher,
Marie Mollner.
Catherine Mollner,
P. Petska,
Walter Kolaeny,
Marnle Bloup,
Bessls Turinok,
Marie Cstronlo,
Lydla Turlnsk.
Maria Ostronlo,
rime Treyiml,
Irma Vanoura.
Mabel Vancura,
Anna Xleputko.
Htofahla K eDotko.
Anna BtUlmock,
ness uvojiax.
Houhla Rod.
May Patterson,
Marie Vasko,
Agnes Ynmbor,
Rose Dworak,
Agnes Dusek,
i ranoes frcnaj.
Anno, ICouba.
Tlllle ICouba.
nose Bheatak,
Ixjuleo Hohaoek,
T. Yunek,
Marie Yunex.
Emma KmenL
Blanohe Kaiser.
Frances Kryoelt.
Fun Sohroll
Anna l'etnrs.
Mayrae floukop,
ranmn Miner,
Ilnlen ifcnai.
TCr Malek.
jltolta Bmrkovsky,
E. V. Bvoboda,
Frank Prelner.
james mvojick,
dames ovojieii, a,
Charles Bmrkovsky. W. J. Btelpflug.
A. Weier,
m J. Walker, ' Dllbert Dorothy,
Ed Jaxohson.
Ed Bvoboda,
V. J. rtruhn.
Axel Johnson,
Amn Forroy,
Frank Vasko,
H, B. euohy,
Patrick Cognn,
John Havel,
A. Kinney.
H. F. McOowsji,
C. J, ICemmy,
James C. Barta,
Charles Btenloka.
V, U CavanauBh,
Bort Cavanaugh,
Harley Huetrla,
Franols Bchosel,
Henry Noll,
Hrnr)' Hanson,
li Wavrln.
U Korlako,
Charles Bemlk.
Frank Pros,
E. Walasek,
W. Korslk.o,
C, Kerst,
H. Bnyder,
J Walasek,
J Korslko,
L. J. Wavrln.
Joe Ecker,
William Zemanek,
M. Trummtr,
Ray Benolken,
J. J. Bchnelder,
J. F. Kuncl. Jr..
Albert Angerly
William Bruhn.
Ed Hart.
George Holland,
Louis j anion,
O. Hanntgan,
Frank Blmms,
H. a Rogers,
F, Btorok.
A. Wachtler.
Fred Bnrsell.
Jamas J HtlL
Albert Dletkon,
M. Meltllngcr,
John Priborsky,
Edward KemPf.
Charles Mollner,
TjiiiIb Dusek.
J. O. Norgard.
I,, p. aroDocK,
H. B. Orobeok.
C. A. Broderdorp,
John Broderdorp,
Wnllaoo Dolan,
Otto m Bartos,
J. Conray.
Frits Llnd.
J. P. Bwoboda,
F, L. Kulhanek,
J. KulnanaK,
W. J, Drake,
Charles Kiiuan,
J. F. Cortney,
Bruce Porter,
At Home Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs, David Meyer wlU be at
home Sunday afternoon In honor of the
A Note of Warning to
Omaha Cyclone Sufferers!
DON'T Btoro away your
Rurb, Blankets, Draper
ies, etc,, whtla they are
the loaBt bit damp or vet
To store them this way
1b equal to burning them
up for thoy will rot aim
mildew away Into ruin.
Let us CLEAN and
STORE? 'em.
Dresher Bros., Cleaners
. f 1
Tho entire lino of a prominent Now York manufacturer
now on salo at this popular "Upstairs" Millinery House.
Bulgarian trimmings, Roman turbans, Picture Hats, etc.,
engagement of their daughter. Dorothy,
to Mr. Harry S. Conn of Rochester, N. Y.
German Home Lends Aid.
At a meeting last night of the German
Ladles' society at the German Home 1100
was ralecd for tho relief fund. The Ger
man LadleV Bowling club contributed
j an extra $16, all of whloh was turned over
(his morning to the central reller com
mittee. A great deal of clothing has also been
gathered by the society, the work ot
which was conuuettd by Mrs. P. Oetssch
man. The clothing nnd other articles
were turned to Mrs. u.oc who has
opened a relief station at Twenty-fourth
, and Leavenworth streets.
The calico bell which was to have been
given by the society has been postponed
for a month. Forty tickets to the Ger-
' man opera at the Lyric theater next
Sunday was purchaced by the sOcletv for
the officers and tholr escorts. A special
meeting of the society will be held next
Friday nfternoon fir the purpose of
raising funds for membm of their so
ciety, five of whom nre homeless.
In and Out of the Be 2 Hive.
Mrs. Ben B. Wood left Saturday for
Denier to visit her daughter. Mr. Crnn
mer Mr Harry O'Neill spent Kastcr In
. Omaha nnd returned Tuesday to "Slyrtle
J Farm."
i Judge Paige Morris of Duluth Is spend-
Ing the week-end visiting Mr. and Mrs.
M. C. Peters,
j Mr. and Mrs. Owen McCaffrey and Mr.
and Mrs. Hugh McCaffrey aro visiting
In San Jose, Cal.
Miss Sutan DcGraff. who pent her
Easter vacation here wltft relatives, has
, roturned to Oklahoma.
Miss Helen Cudahy returned Tuesday
I to Chicago, having kpent Easter hero
with hor rlster, Mrs. Frank Wllhelm.
Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Hedlck, who went
to Florida to spond Easter, wcro called
home by the partial destruction of their
home In the storm. Thuy arrived Friday.
Mrs. Herman Cohn and her brother,
Mr. Arthur Brandels, returned Wednes.
day, the latter from Panama and Mrs.
Cohn from Atlantic: City. They are at
tho Loyal.
Edward A. Cudahy of Chicago Is spend
ing the week-end with his daughter,
Mrs. Frank Wllholm, and Mr. Wllhelm,
and will return this evening to his home
In Chicago,
Mrs. George Proudflt and daughter.
Dorothy, of Lincoln, who have been
visiting at Hillside with Mr. and Mrs.
W. II. Yates and Mrs. Rebo Morgan,
return homo Monday.
Mrs. Oeorgo P. Whltcomb, who has
been apondlng the winter In London, ar
rived In New York Saturday on tho
Mauritania. Her daughter, Mrs. Warren
B. Blaokwell, left last evening to meet
her mother In Chicago.
Mr. Robert Barkalow of Denver was
at tho Omaha club for several days.
having oome to see how his unolo and
aunt, Mr, B. D. Barkalow and Mrs. B.
B, wood, fared In the tornado. lie re
turned Thursday to Dtnyer.
Mrs. George Brandols and her sister.
Miss Loretta Rogers, left Wednesday for
Chioago. The Arthur Brandels home on
Thirty-eighth street, whloh they were
oooupylng for a month until their homo
&t Fair Aores was ready for thorn,
suffered severely in the tornado, but they
escaped without Injury, and went to the
Loyal. '
Mr. .Leiwia 0. Heed, who landed in New
York last week from Paris, arrived In
Omaha Sunday with his son, Lewi a
whom he Joined In Chicago and who has
been in the Btatoe since October. They
are both guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jamoa
Ohadwtck In Dundee. Mr. Reed has boon
llvtnt abroad In Milan and Parts for
several yearn and will return there later,
having coma over here on buslnesa
LOS ANGELES, Mnroh 29. Officers of
tho Ics Angeles District Federation of
Wo mens' clubs launched today a cam
paign to banish the barrel skirt, the
draped dress and the silt gown as a
menace to morals. A resolution, unani
mously adopted, directs every woman's
olub In the district to carry on a dress
reform crusade In sahools, ohurolios and
department stores.
I VANCOUVER, B. 0 March M. Harold
(A. MaoNaughton, a leader In Vancouver
isoolety, was acquitted by a Jury la the
Court of assises last night of the murder
of Ernest Bplnard In Ootober, 11.
MacNaughton whllo walking with the
pretty wife of Splnard, a laborer, was
tattaoked by the latter and struck bln
It y6uvo no resldenco
In view and must store
your rugs, etc, have us
CLEAN and BTORE thorn
for you. We will do th
cleaning; at the LBABT
possible prloei and will
BTORU the Items at NO
charge whatever,
in au me new, oris nt colors, made to
sell at $8.00 to t)20.00. Your choice
Saturday at half price)
$2.50 to $10
Miss Butler
Out Price Milliner, 1512 Douglas.
Back from
twlth an umbrella, crushing his oltull. In
tils first trial the Jury disagreed.
i The young widow of Splnard testified
'that MacNaughton did not know sho was
married when he sought her company.
Roy Furstenberg, who on December 13
ran over and killed Isadora Levlne whllo
driving an automobile belonging to the
police department nnd was convicted of
manslaughter by a lury In Judga But
ton's court, was paroled by the Judge to
Rev. Mr. Savldge.
Furstonberg'B youth was taken Into
account by the Judge. Ills defense was
that because he was driving a polloo car
It was allowable for him to drive fast,
but It was shown that ho was merely
taking the machine to a garnge for re
pairs. Levlne was killed December 19 at the
oorner of Twelfth and Dougtan streets.
Furstenberg was convicted February 6.
Illinois Xlrm Contributes The J. D.
Tower A Hons company of Mendota, 111.,
has sent a check or S0 to be added to the
.fund for the relief of Omaha tornado
' '
Listen! Tornado Victims
Your Rugs and Carpets Are
Not a Total Lass
No matter hovr wot thoy nro or how much plaster and
mud is ground into thorn, They Oan Be Cleaned.
Don't consign thorn to tho rubbish pile until you have
talked with ub. Call Douglas 963 and we will send a man
to confer with you and quoto prices.
Wo oharge $3,00 to otean 0x13 rugs that cost new $40 to $50
and they look as good aa new. The resular price for scouring or
cleaning rugs Is 26o per square yard for carpets and light Weight
rugs 20o per yard. Why not see what can be done with yours?
We will meet you half way, and more; If after the rugs aro
cleaned, you are not satisfied with both the job and price, You Oan
IXato Them for Nothing.
1515-17 Jones Street. Phone Douglas 963.
y, B, Hinoe tills aa was written It haa oome to our notloa that solici
tors from a weU known A3ttATUU oleaaax are telling people that the
Pantorlum aoea not alt an rag, but sends tnam to other parties,
tmoa who know na and liave bean throujrh our plant know that suoh
tatamenta are false, and for the benefit of these who do not know us,
will say that we hare the largest and best rur clsanln-r facilities in Omaha
aa well aa the bistres t cleaning' and dyeing plant in irebraaka and we've
bad IS years experience.
....SPECIAL.... .
Mattress Sale
Y'o will sell at net factory price, without profit to us
for one week only, a 45-lb. lsyor felt mattress with Imper
ial stitched edge, In full size or 3-4 at S5.05 each de
livered; limit of 4 mattresses to one family.
D. F. Corle Furniture Co.
the Coast
Forcible Means Are
Used to Get Seven
to Accept Charity
A family ot aortren persons huddled Into
one room of a wreaked home, who re
fused to seek assistance or to go to a
neighbor's home, haa been forcibly re
moved and plaoed la another house. This
family's home was In relief dlstrlot No.
i of which T. P. Redmond Is In oharge.
"They wero simply too proud to accept
assistance," said Mr. Redmond, "and
there was nothing to do but to help them
against their will."
Their plight was discovered by one ot
tho women wprkers In the district. This
dlstrlot was one of the first In whloh a
systematic canvass ot every home was
mads. Mr. Redmond Is receiving many
compliments on the management ot his
dlstrlot. He Is superintendent ot the
Brandols Stores and his experience as a
merchant Is Invaluable in organizing re
lief work.
Persistent Advertising Is the Road to
Big Returns.
The Best Value for the
Money Alwayj .
The Latest Street Hats $5.00
Beautiful Drffls Hats . . . .810 up
Try the ladles' Exclusive Store
Indies' Beautiful
rnrnlshlnjrs Millinery
317 South 16th Street
for Spring aro now
being shown at our
new location, priced
$5.00 Up.
Mrs. S. Richards
Oor. 18 tli and Farnnm
Swimming Pool
Reopens April
Pool has been remodeled and Im
provements trjado at great expense
thus Insuring: perfectly safe and
sanitary conditions.
Tho water will be running con
stantly and be an even tempera
ture. Those Interested are In
vited to Inspect the pool any Sun
day evening: when It la bolng- emp
tied and acrubbed.
Swimming instructions are In
cluded with membership. Pool
open 9 a. m. to 10 p. m.
A very thorough and capable
lady Instructor has been engagoil
by the management
Class for business women, 7:30
to 8:30 p. m. on Tuesday and
Thursday evenings. Special atten
tion given to children on Satur
day mornings. Phone Doug. 417.
SSary T. Ooldman'a
Oray Hair Restorer
rtstorei orlftul color
In mild. tamlthfu)
manner In from 4 in
Trad. Mrk ngUttrwl t Rnllrelj dllter.
nmmmmmamummm mi from anything eli.
Its tlfoct ! permanent.
Doei net WMh off nor look unnatural. IIii no
Mdlmtnt, bo It's neither utkkr nor (Ttujr
It'i u pur tnd cletr u water.
Don't uperimenl um whit thouwudi ot
othen hire found ( and eatlitactory Gen
erous napU and comb tent tor five Jo atampa
to eorer poataie and packing. Mention original
color of balr, Wirjr T. Ooldman, Goldman
Illdc., 81 Paul, Minn. The lirie-tfie II 00
bottla sold br all dealers. Including Sherman
& MeOonnell Drug Co.. 18th ant Uodge and
Xr7-oa No. 16th. Owl Drug Co.. IJth and Har
ney, The Harvard, !Uh and P&roam.
Send your rugs, draperies and lace
;urtalna that were soiled in the fttorni
to ua for tho best quality dry clean
ing. We do all kinds of repairing
rellnlng and altering of Men's ami
Women's garments.
Phono for Wagon, Douglas 1619,
J. C. Wood & Co.
The Old Sellable Cleaners and Dyers,
Tho Junior School
Girls in the fifth, sixth and
seventh grades received.
Uniforms worn.
For particulars concerning
the proposed removal to
the west Farnam district,
address the Principal,
Miss Euphemia Johnson.
2569 Farnam St.
Tae Moat for the Money