Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 30, 1913, PART TWO EDITORIAL, Image 15

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VOL. XL1I NO. 41.
CopvrlRhi. 1915. by f tie Star Company. Ormt r.ritnJo TllBhtt Reserved
III II) IIIMW1 I I ilMWiIiilll1 M I "li l' . ' HWIMMi W&Ei&UU W I I N I III! Willi i H I 1 1 I" 1 hi ill I
i cordon. V HSKiiklH
The Latest GIove-Fitn'ng Hat. with the
New Donkey, Ear Trimming.
By Lady Duff-Gordon ("Lucile")
EVER were the early Spring
hats bo small and so lack
ing in freakish features. I
am very pleased with all
the shapes that Paris smlleB on Just
now. Later in the Summer, of jcouroo,
wo will have the wide-brimmed hat,
but Just now everything Is the hat
petite. Every shape seems to de
mand its own particular decoration.
Then, too, there are some Btraws that
demand a certain kind of trimming.
The rough hemp, for instance, part"
stand having the least bit of decora
tion, while the finer straws need
- In the first picture I am showing
!you the tight or glovo-flttlng hat
This, as you can see, is created la
heavy or coarse hemp. Its color is
a bright, rose. Hats of this kind, by
the way, are invariably very vivid ia
tone. The only decorations are tho
two small donkey ears, ono turning
up and the other down. These are of
black velvet covered with a rose cord
or braid. This 1b a shape, that is pari
ttcularly good for motoring, as it flttf
so snugly and also protects tho hair.
In the second I show you what I
call tho "Up-and-Down" hat The
lovely paradise feather In this case
is divided; half stands up, half turns
down. This up and down effect prorai
ises to be very smart this season;
Tho. hat is a pale tan Milan straw;
and is very small indeed.
Just below thlB is a hat that is
slightly larger than any of the others
that I send you. This I call the Tarn
o' Shanter hat. The crown, as you
can readily see, is modelled on the
full velvet crowns that were bo chio
last season. This 1b created in a
black Milan. The curiously twisted
.feather is of several shades of green,
and it is placed Just at tho back of
the crown.
One of tho most chio hats that I
have seen this Spring Is this "All-in-the-B&ck"
affair that will be becom
ing, to most women who ore not too
tall nor stout The slender svelt
woman can wear this most charm
ingly, but all others should beware.
The straw is of smooth hemp; the
brim is turned up in the back, and on
this turn are placed several uncurled
ostrich feathers and a standard of
stiff quills. The color scheme is do-.
Rightful. The hat Is a deep lavender or or
chid; the satin scarf is a deeper shade,
while the feathers and quills are in several
orchid Bhades.
And now I want to attract your atten
tion to the odd little gown In the centre of
the page. This Is created in a blaok and
-white striped taffeta. The apron draper'
on the skirt and the bib of lace on the
bodice are very novel toucnes. I think that
variations of this chic little model will be
popular this Spring In New York. Notice,
too, the bang' that shades the wearer's face.
Bangs are really coming back, and will be
the mark of the latest Spring and Summer
But hats and bangs do not a wardrobe
You will be wise to lay In a good, stock
of ribbons, for I can promise you that you
will find uses for all you buy. For, to begin
with, long Dlrectolre sauries of three and
one-half to five incheB wide black moire or
corded velvet ribbons will be a distinctive
feature of many new dress models, and one
which, I need hardly perhaps remind you,
can be easily added to some dresses al
ready in your possession, which otherwise
could hardly lay claim to any novelty, but
which as thus adorned will pass muster as
up-to-date on occasions not perhaps of the
very first importance.
Then how do you like the Idea of a taffeta
ribbon which, whatever the color of its fire
the famous
"Lucile" of London,
and foremost creator of
fashions in the world,
writes each week the
fashion article for this
newspaper, presenting
all that is newest and
best in styles for well-
dressed women,
Lady Dull-Gordon's
Paris establishment
brings her into close
touch with that centre
of fashion.
Lady Duff-Gordon's
American establishment
is at Nos. 37 and 39
West Fifty - seventh
street. New York,.
The Novel Striped Silk, with the Odd Drapery on Skirt and Bodice
patterned In tho satin Itself and
only tho flowers standing out bold
ly, and yet softly, in tho velvet
Fringe, too, Is being used' again as
an edging for some of the narrower
silken ribbons, but it Is very modest
aa regards its width, though, on the
other hand. It Is pcrbnps a llttlo
thicker and fuller In texture than
last season. A black fringe edglug
of this kind looks wonderfully well
when tho ribbon is of ceriuo or ipur
ple coloring, and indeed some such
vivid tone is needed for tho black
The Tom o' Shanter Hat with the
Tortured Plume, and (Above)
the "Up and Down" Hat.
Showing the New Trim
ming That Paris Likes.
fringe to bo shown off to the best
On these same Dlrectolre hata
there will, in other cases, "be deftly
draped and looped, some silken rib
bons, with a plain colored or black
centre and somewhat daringly con
trasted border, while a. feature is
also going to be made of black rib
bons with a Roman stripe border.
, New "Danceless Ballet" Tells Beautiful Poem Story
A QUEER new method of Torpslchorean expression has Just been demon
strated in London by the Russian dancers a ballet without any
dancing whatever.
Tho ballet,, or series of tableau, is foundod on a poem by Stephan
Mallarlng and lasts six minutes, during which a'.atmplo poem story is told
In movements.
The scene in this case Is a sunny glade. A faun lolls dreamily playing
the flute, and now and then toying with grapes. Nymphs come to bathe, he
draws peacefully near, 'but frightens them away. He gazes for a while at
the veil one of them dropped In her flight and then resumes his fancy.
The performers In this new poem ballot do dancing, but
music composed for the occasion accompanies tho movements.
It Is said that tho gist of tho story is told easily In the mere attitudes
assumed by the porformers.
This simplified expression Is to bo extensively tried out In Covent Gai
den ahd many predict that It will be as popular as any of the classic dances.
The "AJI-in-the-Back" Hat, the Very
Latest Word in Trimming.
inch wide centre part, where little pink'
roses and blue forget-me-nots are lightly
scattered, is Invariably provided with a
rather wide border of white moire, beyond
which Just a tiny plcot edging of the
chosen color Is in evidence.
You can imagine perhaps that it Is very
pretty, especially in pale blue beige or rose
shadings, while it is specially dainty, too,
in all white as to the ground work and
edging, but with the tiny flowers in those
same soft shadings of pink and blue. An
other novelty Is a very wide or pastel-colored
taffeta ribbon, with a central and far
spreading device of faintly colored flowers,
divided In very uncommon and effective
fashion with four or Ave narrow stripes of
either gold or silver; metallic effects, I
must tell you, being destined to be very
much In evidence in every form of trim
ming. Stamped revere ribbons are also to be
noted, and can be admired, too, when, tor
instance, a raised design of soft pure roses
and green foliage Is shown against a back
ground of 8axon blue satin, a tiny plcot
edging of black being a final and very effec
tive addition. The same design looks well,
too, carried out in nattier blue shadings
on old gold, while when black satin Is
chosen as a background you will find the
velvet roses, shading through some won
derfully blended tones of mauve and pur
ple and blue, the green of the leaves being
from the new "Dancelwi Ballet," in which tn performers toll a alory by more movement of the bod