Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 30, 1913, PART ONE NEWS SECTION, Image 13

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    12 A
Tornado Torn Home Be ing Rapidly Rebuilt,
toient a number of women are vtwln.(,
making up equipment (or lit 'j foiKu
about to be uihercU Into Ihti world. Tri.
Various articles needed are trapped In
bundles and when a call comes n one
of theic bundles Is rent out.
The new calls for general supplier have
averaged about eventyrlve per day stncu
'.he station opened. '
l-'cedlnv Jinny Utrry Dm).
Meals are still being nrved and thy I
ranga around 600 per day. I'ariles tui
Mlshed meals sit at long tables near ttm
east end of the Auditorium, where thny I
are given the very beat kind of plain, 1
wholesome food. For a day or tvo th ,
free eats were taken advantage of oy (
'.he hobo element that has drifted Into
'the city, but thete men are not :om!ng
Ton Much Like Work.
Two days ago several hoboes were fit
'tin? at the tables at the noon hour it
.vas known by Captain Strlti!3ger that
t.iey belong to the nover-work class, and, ,
Firing thrm, he told a couple of soldiers
what to do with them. When thj men !
(finished their meal the soldiers stepped
in front of them and gently out firmly I
' Now, boys, we'll go out and work on
'the streets and pay for the dtnne."
Marching In front of bayonets 'lie men
were escorteJ to the tornado lone, where
thry put In the afternoon removing deoris
'.'mm the street. Since thon not .1 hobo
ha appt.'cd for a free meal at CuptaiN
trtttlnger's hotol
Bee Souvenirs Sell
as Fast as Printed
The first Copies of Thn lie souvoii't ,
of the tornado Were off the press nt
noon and were gobbled up Ilk hut cakes (
The preisei will be kept g-liidlni nil
night and all day Sunday In un effort to ,
supply the Immediate demand. They are
sold for 10 cents. Postage Is S cents I'
not sealed and C cents If seated.
A Hardware Store has just two things
to sell yeu
Hardware and Service
Key to the Situation Wee Advertising
Residence of Rev. M. V. Higbec, UOll Mnpta Street, Will Soon Have a New Hoof American Flag Flics
trom TP- aAlAlMBlfli
How tho Omaha Calamity Was
Handled by Other Papers.
I'rratatrnt HrportM of Kaceaalve Mor
tality nnil Teinlora of Aid
Picture I'lny n lll I'nrt
In thi Account.
Omaha's tornado news played an un
usually brief engagement on the front
pages' of the country's newspapers. For
about two whole days it held the spot
light before the mighty floods In Ohio
and Indiana swept the tornado sensation
into the bark pages.
The destruction of telegraph lines left
the outside world practically in the dark
as to the extent of the disaster. Know
ledge of a dlsuster of some dire nature
crept abroad through country telephone
reports, converging nt Grand Island, Lin
coln and Falls City, from which the tele
graph gave tho outside world nn inkling
Df a calamity- The Western Union office
In Chicago nt 3 a. m. Monday, gave out
an "unconfirmed report from Grand Is
land" that "l.OOO were killed In Omaha
by n tornado late yesterday afternoon,"
ind that "a part of the city is in
flames nnd appears doomed."
in substance this was meagre news of
the disaster, which reached New Tfork
a'nd San Francisco Sunday night. Early
mall editions of New York papers did not
mention the report. Papers In the Chi
cago circuit carried the report and some
further Inkling of the disaster, drawn
from passengers on the Hurllngton Limi
ted, which reached Ralston after thn
blow and helped to succor tho victims.
A tip from Kansas City about the fate
of the town of Yutan, and telephone
rumors gathered nt Lincoln, constituted
the sum total of news from tho stricken,
Isolated city on Sunday night.
Wild lJxnKKcrntlona.
Inability to ronimunlcato with the city
gave wings to the wildest rumors and
exaggerations, displaying to a marked
degrco the. common human falling of
painting n dark picture blacker than It is.
In this regard Denver's sensational sheets
rastly held first place in versatility of
mellow colors bordering tho block. "A
Bosom of Flames" nnd "Tho1 Dynamiting
it Bonk Vaults by HUrglars," piled havoc
on havoc's head, and put "to shams the
puny efforts of yellow Imitators.
Railroad men on trains leaving Omaha
Sunday night dlutrlbuted wield stories
nf thA rnlnmltv at Sioux City. St. Paul
ind Des Moines. One' told of the Wood
men of the World building being so
badly damaged that It would have to be
wrecked. Tho flvo fires in wrecked
buildings at different points appeared
to these rfpe Imlnanltlon "A nighty con
flagration" that spelled doom for the
btrieken City. "I will say." said an ex
cited, passenger to a Des Moines reporter,
"the destruction at Omaha is four times
worse than the papers make It out."
Isn't that a corker?
, Publicity I'lctnrea.
The value of picture books of cities
In the newspaper morgue Is strikingly
shown In the treatment of the news of
the tornado. Confirmation of the disas
ter reaching the newspaper early on
Monday enabled them to handle th
story with extensive pictorial trimmings
on" Tuasday morning. fThe Chicago
Tribune, the New York Herald and the
Philadelphia North American reprinted
the comprehensive blrd'seye view of
Omaha printed by The Bee twelve yearn
ijgo. Fairly accurate drawings showing
the path of the tornado made these
views the most Informing of any pub
lished. The panorama picture of Omaha
taken from the High school campus, and
the business section at Sixteenth and
Kamam streets, wore used by all papers
carrying half tone picture. A rare nov
elty In the picture line was pulled out
of the morgue of the New York Sun a
picture of the southeast section known
us "Tralntown," some thirty years ago.
In Addition to this rarity the Sun printed
pictures of several fine homes, the Coun
try club houses and a column sketch of
the city's history and activities
The New York Tribune featured
"Joslyn's castle Omahu's show place. '
the Field nnd Carter Lake -lub houses,
and mentioned, umong other fine build
ings, "the magnificent Douglas county
court house, which was completed In
IkSn," a tribute to a vanished Institution
that entitles the Tribune to a photo
graph of tho new court house,
Two out of three newspapers'od out
,of their picture stocks the fnmliliir tace
of Mayor Dahlmnif?.and plaudits for hi
announcement to President Wilson ie
gardlng outside a!d were general. 'Witn
p,000 homeless," exclaims tho Nv Yoik
Herald In u page headline. "Omah.1
,proudly has not called for aid." Picture
of Governor Morehead nppcared In many
IMililK U the Au'lllJ.
As late as Thursday morning me pros
(association persisted In the clulm ot
"moie than 200 dead In Omah.i pioptv
innd "more than fifty dead in the vicin
ity." This "veracious vehicle" of Imagi
nary news sent out this unquallf'd state
ment of the situation: "Ho far as money
might relieve conditions were perfect.
Tenders of sums aggregating Xl.OUU.UuO
were in the hands of tho commlbJ oners
when the day ended."
Headline screams about the disaster
,are notable chiefly for size, the l.Jtial'j
Kvenlng Times leading with a tD-lncn
type. "Storm Wrecks City of Omaha.'
A hint of the old-time hcadllna builder
.echoes in the page line of the IO-okuiv
IGate City's announcement of the news:
"March Lion's Jaw Drips with Human
Ralston Relief
Fund is Growing.
Contributions to the amount of X3.292.25
have been received by the Ralston relief
committee in charge of L. Hp ward.
Work has already been started caring
for the needy and homeless and Mr.
Howard says It Is tho Intention of the
business men of Ralston to build up the
llttln hamlet again and give employment
to the 200 workmen who are now Idle.
Work In rebuilding the town will start
within a fsw days. Following are the
contributions received up to noon Satur
day! Douglas County Commissioners... W.000.00
Burlington Railroad
Rev. Bagshaw, Vice President
South Omaha Relief Committee. 2SO.O0
Mrs. Mack ;,.oo
Charles Winter jo.oo
Received through Rev. Cornish.... 7.35
Willing Workers' Society of Jr-
vlngton, Neb j no
Homestead school 1,50
Cash .xo
Total $J,2!2!xi
Key to the Situation Ben Advertising
Untiring Efforts of Captain Strit
zinger Brings Good Order.
Various Department Are nml Tlioac Who Suffer
from I nnl trillion Do bo
Very Foolishly.
Cnptnln Strltunger of the regular army,
with headquarters nt the Auditorium und
In charge of thu distribution of nil sup
plier Into the tornado adiic, has been
forced to bed after a continuous vigil
of 120 hours. He went on duty Monday
morning and from then until this morn
ing had not been to bed. Due to his un
tiring efforts, he has brought order oul
of chaos and the distribution of pro
visions and supplies Is going on with as
perfect system as could be found In an
army camp.
At the Auditorium, Captain Strlulnger
has had 100 or more clerks and helpers
working under his directions und the
result has been that all of the local
relief stations have been kept In touch
with the situations nrnund them.
The Auditorium has become ' a greats
storehouse, loads of provisions and
bundles of clothing, bedding and house
hold furniture coming In and going out
every hour of the day.
Is Their Own I'liull.
All over the tornado rone It Is known
tlia there nre still n number who have
not been properly provided with pro
vls'ons and clothing, but In a measure
this Is due to their own fnult, ns they
have not reported to the local stations
At these stations, the nnDllcnnts clve
the location of their- former residence
nnd a glance at n map shows whether
or not they were In the tornado zonr If
they were, they nre Immediately given
assistance", but If not. the eases romn ltl
for Investigation, tills course bring pur
sued to provrnt Impostors sei-urlng sup.
Piles needed for those who sustained
losses by reason of the tornado.
There nre thousands of articles of cloth.
Ing at the Auditorium and loads of "t aro
going Into the tornado rone every hour
In the day, where 'hey are distributed.
1 A lumber department was established
'this morning nnd before noon twenty or.
olers had gone out Parties came lo with,
bills showing Just what they would ned
'for repairs on their houses and tlmv weru
'at once filled. The same was dnno with
(reference to other kinds of bulldlns ma
Ucrlal. IXulilUh Stork Department.
. The stork department has been estab
lished at the suggestion of Captain etrlt.
linger, and already there have neen sev.
cral calls made upon it. In this depart-
The Persistent and Judicious I'se of
Newspaper Advertising Is the Rond to
Business Success.
Martin Wyman has applied to the re
lief station at 27 Franklin street foi as
sistance In caring for ten persons ren
dered homeless by the tornado. Mi
Wyman nnd his wife, who live at 230.1
North Twenty-seventh street, hsve ex
hausted their own available funds In pro
viding for the necessities of the sufferers.
More than two weeks ago Mr. Wyman
lost the first finger of his right hand In
the saw mill where he was employed.
He will be unable to work for some time
He considered his own affliction slight,
as hts home was not touched by the
Mr. and Mrs. J. Hllgendorf and their
two little boys, aged 2 and 5 years, nro
at the Wyman home. Their houso at 2121
North Twenty-eighth street, was wrecked
The children were burled under tho
ruins, but were rescued by the neighbors,
among whom was Mr. Wyman.
This Should Keep
The Baby Healthy
When It is III Don't Become
Alarmed But Give This
Fine Laxative
U Is often difficult to tell just what Is
the matter with a crying, peevish baby
or child too young to express Its feel
lugs In words, but us a general nile the
mother will find that there is u tendency
to constipation, which has brought on a
headache or nervousness. The little one
has no pain, but feels "out of sorts."
The first thing to try Is a family remedy
containing good but mild lnxatlve prop
erties, and many mothers will say that
their choice would be Dr. Caldwell's
Sjrup Pepsin. Thousands of mothers
keep It In the house for such emergencies,
nmong whom may be mentioned Mrs
Jennie Manuel. Altatnont, 111., who began
to give her baby. Frederick. Syrup Pep
sin when he was 6 months old. nnd has
used It ever since' with gratifying re
sults. She writes that Frederick, was not
growing well and threw up his food, but
nfter a few days' use of Syrup Pepsin
he jvos able to retain his food and gained
rapidly In weight. Thousands of others
are glad to say that Syrup Pepsin saved
them many an lllnesn and mnny a large
doctor bill, for by administering It
promptly, when the first symptoms of
Illness were noticed, they prevented a
serious ailment.
It Is so pleasant-tasting that no child
will refuse It, and as It does not gripe,
the child Is glad to tpkc It ngatn. A bot
tle can be obtained of nny druggist for
fifty cents or one dollar, the latter being
For thirty yours you havo known thnt wo havo tho
hardware. We have demonstrated that nothing can im
pair our sen-ice. Notwithstanding the fact that Sunday's
tornado left us without evon ouo toamstor, our wngonn
were on the street by eight o'clock Monday morning and
orders were started within a few minutofl of tholr raoolpt
AVo did not even wait for a pass through tho linos. Wb
ran the blockade" to serve our cuetomorB in tholr morg
eney. We "delivered tho goods" in tho fullost soubo of
the word. Our
Tinners and Furnacemen
have aJso worked at emergency epood, and aro still work
ing. We're not telling what wo will do, wo'ro junl doing,
John Hussie Hardware Co.
2407-09 Comioi St. "II jtm tor it oi DomIc It'l tljht"
the slse bought by families already fa
miliar with Its merits. Results are always
guaranteed or money will be refunded.
Syrup Pepsin Is for all the family from
Infancy to old age. and because of Its
mildness families should prefer It over
nil other remedies. It Is absolutely safe
and reliable. You will never again give
cathartics, pills, salts or such harsh phys
ics, for they are usually unnecessary, and
In the case of children, women and eld
erly people are a great shock to the sys
tem, and hence should be nvoldcd.
If no member of your family has ever
Ufd Syrup Pepsin and you would like
to make n personal trial of It beforo buy
ing It In th regular way of a druggist,
send your addrrss-a postnl will do-to
Dr W R. Caldwell, 417 Washington St..
Montlcello, III . and a free sample bottla
will be mailed you.
Notice to Customers of the
Our laundry plant haa boon wrookod by nfcerm
Through tho courtesy of another laundry; our vravk Wwl
bo dono pomptly. !Wo will maintain nn offioq in olU
plant, 2416 No. 24th, und will givo tho emno delivery and
servico as horotoforo.
Work on our now building will bo ruuhad R8 fflsfc ns
possible and wo will soon bo in a position to do our'worki
ourself. Tolophono in working ordor Wobetor 870, tW
need a continuation of your buelnoBB,
Lots of Beautiful, Glossy Hair,
No Dandruff-25 cent "Danderine"
Hair coming out? If dry, brittle, thin or your scalp itches
and is full of dandruffUso "Duudorino."
Try as you will, after an application of
Oanderlne, you cannot find a. tingle trace
of dandruff or a loose or falllnjf hair and
your scalp will not itch, but what will
please you most, will be after a few
weeks' use, when you will actually see
new hair, fine and downy at first yes
but really new hair growing all over
tho scalp.
A little Danderine now will Immediately
double the beauty of your hair. No dif
ference how dull, faded, brittle and
scragfy, Just moisten a cloth with Dan
dtrlne and carefully draw It through
your hair, taking one small strand at
tlms. Th effect li and omaa-
wiv .Ur l1"' Wl" h' 1,,h,t Xlu"' -"I
wiy and havo on apptaranua of abund-
anoej an Incomparable luster, .oftnuss
and luxuriance, the beauty aud shim
mcr of true hair health.
Oet a 26 cent bottle of Knowlton'e Dan
derine from any dru5 store or toilet coun
ter, and prove to yourself tonif ht-wow-that
your hair Is as pretty and soft at
any that It lias been neglected or Injured
by careless treatment that's all Tu
surely can have beautiful hair and lota
Qf it If you will just try a little
Danderine Advertisement
Household Goods and Pianos
Experienced Men Handle Your Goods.
Moderate Rates. Low Insurance Rates.
Telephone Douglas 1516
and our representative will call.
Health and Beauty Answers
m.ims-i-. a-iu
and i
Jas. Morton & Son Co.
1511-13 Dodge Street
Miss Huby An easily applied lotion
that will clear your Bkln of Hallowncts
can be made for u few cents by dlnsoh
Ing four ounce of spurmax In one-half
pint of hot water (or witch haiel) and
adding two teaspoonfula of glycrrlnu. It
will whiten and beautify your skin and
do away with that "muddy" look. It Is
better than face pownler, as It doeB not
show on the akin and will not rub off
easily. The spurmax lotion will give to
any oily ekln a pinkish appearance It
la fine for nlmnles. cold sores, freckleu
'and as a protection to the face against
i harsh winds.
Krancrs. our pimpiy complexion
loss of energy are due to lack of exercise
and eating too much solid food. You noed
a aystem-tonlo and blood purifier. Try
i tills: Dissolve an ounce of karuene in a
half-plnt of alcohol (not wnisKeyi. anamg
one-half cupful sugar and hot water to
make a full quart. Take a tablespoonful
before ach meal and In a short time you
will feel like a new person, for It makes
rich, red blood, fill you with energy And
puts color and the look of health into
your face. .
Naomi 1 have often warned against
soap shampooing. The "free" alkali In
soap la Injurious to the hair and, In time,
causes It to itpllt at the ends. A really
good shampoo Is simply made at homu
by dissolving a teaspoonful of canthrn
In a cup of hot water. Thl shampoo
lathers abundant!), removes all dandruff
nnd excess oil and leavea your hair sofl
and fluffy It, dries quickly and makes
jou imagine ou have twice a much
hair as you ever had before After Hham
roo'ng an application of a quliuoln hair
tonic (see answer to Mrs. O.I will provn
vury Invigorating to your scalp.
Kat Yes, you can rduee your weight
w.thout hcaw exnrcles and dieting. The
following formula has woikrd where
ollf ry'iledles ha fa'lrd Put four
(. -un of pan "Us In 14 P nta not walei
When "Id sali out tie aeduuMil and
i.i , . r.'.r .i r li liu. J Lc.'i
i each meal. It Ib a harmless romedv rfiid
teavrs inn riean rinn ana me HKln tree
irom flabblnes.
Mrs. T. : You cannot afford to neglect
your eyes, as so many do. if you want
clear, beau mm eyes that will be much
admired, get an ounce of cryntoa nt .my
drug etore and dissolve it In u pint of
water Put two or three drops of this
tonlo In each eye dally. It will strength
en your weak, tired eyed and make them
strong, healthy, sparkling nnd beautiful.
Mrs. G : Your hair needs u good stlm
ulatlng quinine tonic. Get one-half pint
alcohol (not whiskey) and ona ounce
qulnzoln and mix it with one-hnlf pint
water and you will have a better tonic
than any of those ready-prepared tonics
you have bought. Twlc a week apply
this tonio to tun scaip, running it in gen
tly and you will find it does wonderx foi
your llfeleea, falllnr hair by curing
dandruff and putting- your scalp into a
healthy condition. This tonlo eoftcua the
hair, making it silky and lustrous. Keep
the sculp clean by freqnent canthrox
shampoos and you will have no furthei
No-Rim-Cut Tires
,10 Oversiz&mtf
What Will It Cost
to Know?
What will it cost to know -and forever
what Goodyear tires mean to you?
Surely nothing at all. A No-Rim-Cut tire
the leading tire of the world will surely
serve at least ao ' well as others. And a
test may save you half your tire upkeep.
Judge by Meter
Let actual mileage, tell you
which tire to adopt. There is
no need for guesswork.
And remember that legions
and legions of men have made
this test on Goodycars. f Men
have used them for 14 years
used two millions of them.
As a result, these tires oow
outsell every other tire in ex
istence. As another result, last year
alone our sales increased by 125
per cent
No Petty Savin?
Don't look for petty saving.
Look for something decisive.
Statistics show that rim-cut-
ting ruins 23 per
cent of all old
typo tires.
And our 10
per cent over-else-
with the
averaga car,
adds 25 per cent
to the tire mile-nge.
No-Rim-Cut Tires
With or Without
Non-Skid Tread
These iir.e savings big enough
to see.
None Like Them
Eiperlonco has proved that we
control the only satisfactory way
to make tirea of this typa.jjt And
countless men now know lt.
That is whyi the 'demand for5;
tires that can't rimcutcenters.
on Goodyear No-Rinv.Cutitiresj
Then the Goodyeartire in a!
dozen ways is better than other)
tires. Our book 'will (explain,
them to you.
Be fair to yourself, and fair to'
us, by giving a test to thesa
wonderful tjres. They havo
300,000 users.
Sea if they can't
win you.
Write for the
Goodyear Tiro
Book 14th
year edition. It
tells all known
ways to econo
mlio on tires.
impanr ha. no rnnnacclnti whatemr with any ouiar
ilibcr rouoorn wtucb uatw the Goodyear nam..
Till. Cnini
Omaha Branch, 2212 Farnam Street
Phone Douglas 4190
17 D I R EGT O FtTY n
Of Auiornobilea and Acoeaaories Uj
fllella: Out from your flrngglal a hiiihU
original puckagc of ilelatoni anil w t
watrr mix enough Into a mM to rover
tli liulr not wailful. Apply i,inl in itvo
or three mlnutra remove anil uasli ti.i
tikln Soldom In It necenKiiry- to nut' Hit
Ht-cond implication of drlutone to reimw
f von a stubborn growth of Imlr Th a .a
nululehi nnd Uavrs thu ikln .oft .mil
VanBrunt Automobile Go.
Overland and Pop
Council luft tm
Omasa. .br.
('. M H Apply loronin to ryebrowa
Willi fun fliiKcr a fw tlmus t-acn wrr
ami they will grow thick ami lmtrou.
Hhoit. Htralght ttyelaihea will grow long
and rurly murtly by applying pyroxin
at Ufcli-ioiiU Willi llH.nb and foreflr'r
, I've tu.itl'.n ami don't get any pyroxin
iir f h.tir In nut WHiit'l
lt'-ml Mr t'ari ii a Ui. U'-anj
la, AcHirtlsem n
Nebraska Buick Auto Company
Lincoln Branch, 13th and P St. . E. niDI.ES, O.n'l Mgr.
Omaha Branou, 1918-14-16 T amain St run SCV?r, MgT,
Marion Automobile Go.
Dtitributors of tha
Karloa and, uanqon
Osa Oara and Btanet
ard Xlactrlca.
U101.3 rarnaju uu