Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 30, 1913, PART ONE NEWS SECTION, Image 12

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    1 kJRjr,
14 A
TllPTflR MR & n&V HP RESTi 2 "nf'!i .vc." nibie school,
'vuvu iuh r uni ui ituui 1 iirmiiBii r.naeavor. 6:9).
Congregaitons Whioh Lost Churches
to Hold Services Elsewhere.
SllnlMrrn Ccnrrnlly Will I'rench
Sunday SliirnliiK: nml Uvenlnir
on Some Aspects of the
llccrnl lllsnstcr.
The forty-tnird trlennlnl convention of
thr Protestant Episcopal church will be
held In New York City this year. The
convention will open October 8 anil con
tinue In session about three weoks.
Diocesan conventions arc entitled to
four rlerlral and four lay delegates each.
Missionary district)) are each authorized
to elect one clerical and one lay dele
gate. Several Omaha churches were demol
ished by the cyclone Easter Bunday even
ing and the conKrcgntlons are without
homes for Sunday. Neighboring congre-Rp-llans
have gladly offered their churches
as places of worship lor those lost In the
fury of the suirm. Nearly all of these
churches have announced services for to
morrow. The Danish Lutherans, who lost their
cnurch In the storm, wilt unite In a spc
Hnl thanksgiving service with the Norwegian-Danish
Methodist at 11 a. in.
ftmday morning In the N'orweglan-Dnnlsh
Methodist Episcopal church. Twenty-fifth
and Deratur streets. Rev, Laurlen of
the Danish lAitheran will preach, and
Uev Petersen give a short address. The
Lutheran congregation will hold their
services in this church until they get a
building of their own. Sunday evening
service, S p. m.;. preaching by Rv. It.
Petersen. . .
Iter. U Walter Mason. D. D., of Pitta
burgh. Pa., will occupy the pulpit of tit
First Unitarian church at Seventeenth
and Cass streets on Sunday ;nornlnr. rep
resenting the American Unitarian asso
elation. Dr. Mason Is a( sneaker of much
charm and power 'aiid' tho people of
Omaha are to be congratulated upon the
opportunity of hearing him. Tho service
wilt commence at 10:C o'clock Sunday
morning. No topto has been assigned, bu
Mason will deal with some of the aspects
of the recent disaster.
At Iowo Avrnuo Presbyterian church
tliero will be a special musical Sunday
evening, March 30, at 8 o'clock. Ilev,
N. McGlfflii, pastor; Mrs. Robert Muller,
choir leader; Miss Morehouse, organist.
The choir will bo assstcd by Mrs. V. D
Benedict and Miss Dorothy Front!.
Organ Voluntary Proverbs S33.
Invocation Lord's prayer.
Hole -Green Hill," Miss Frantr.
Solo and Chorus "Savior, When Night
Involves tl Skj-" (Shelly), Mr, Vance
and choir.
Anthem "The Strife Is O'er," choir,
iolo "Kaster Song" (Dcnisej, Mrs. V.
I, Benedict.
Plymouth Congregational church will
meet at tho United Presbyterian church
Twenty-first and Kmmet streets, Sunday
at ! p. m. for tho Bible school and at 3
1 in. for tho sorvlco of worship. Rev
Frederick W. Leavltt -will preach from
tho text, "Deep Callcth Unto Docp at tho
Noise of tho Waterspouts." Committees
aro at work to care fur the church prop
erty and urrange for time and place of
meetings in tho Immediate future. On
Wednesday evening ut 7:S o'clock tho
mid-week prayer meeting and business
meeting will bo held nt the residence of
C. H. Wltticy. 1921 Wirt street.
Trinity Methodist Kplscopal will hold
service nnd Sabbath school next Sunday
morning. Tho building Inspector has care
fully examined tho building and pro
nounces the soutji side of tho church
safe- A large force of men aro at work
clearing away the debris and everything
will be In readlnoss for Sunday.
On Sunday mornlns at 10:15 u'clock, at
the Third Prosbytorlan church, Twentieth
and Leavenworth streets, n thanksgiving
scrvlco for deliverance from last Sun
day's storm will be held. In the evening
at 7.90 tho postponed cclobratlon of
David Livingston centennial will take
Tho congregation of tho Zlon Baptist
church. 2215 Grant street. Rev. W. F.
Bolts, pastor, will worship Sunday in the
old Shlloh church, corner of Twenty.
Klxth and Franklin streets. Until a now
building can bo provided tho services
will continue there.
Kt Paul's Lutheran congregation, Twen
ti -eighth and Parker, whoso ohurch
buildings were completely destroyed In
last Sunday's storm, will meet for Its
sen ices at tho usual time next Sunday.
Jn the morning at tho chapel, corner
Thirty-fourth and Seward streets, and
In tho evening at tho- Danish Lutheran
church, corner Twcnty-slxth and Ham
Mlon. A lecture, will be given Sunday after
noon at Barlght hall. Nineteenth and
Famam streets, by Frank Draper, an
evangelist from Now York City. The
eubject of this lecture will be 'The Judg
nent Day What Is ItT What is It For"
Tuesday the ladles of the Church of
The Covenant. Twenty-seventh and Pratt,
meet at the church to sew for tho'ey.
clone suffers. Any friends who desire to
help wju be waloome any time durlnu
tbo da.
Tho annual Raster concert of the
chorus choir of the North Side ChrUtlnn
church, which was postponed on account
the storm last Sunday, win bo pre
sented Suuday ovanlng under the dlrec
tlon of Mrs. H. J. KirsehsUIn, the or.
iranlst and choirmaster.
at 10:JO nnd
Preaching by
First Morning worship
evening worship at 7:30.
tne pastor, ttunaay school at
oirangera ana visitors weJeeme.
t alvary Twty-fim, and iumlUeB
Rei fc. IS Curry, Pastor Services at
130 and ?30. The concert that was to
t.ave been given Kaster Sunday evening
will be given this Sunday evening. "Chris"
tie h Old Organ" in story and song. Bap
tism, nible school noon. Wednesday
8 00. mid-week devotional services.
Immanuel, Twenty-fourth and Plnkncy.
Rev J H. Kbersole. Pastor-lrcaehliur
by the pastor at 1):X) and 7:30. Bible
school at noon. Young People's meeting
at 0 30. Morning sermon, "uod'a Call to
tbe rnsaved." The Lord's supper will be
pWrvod Hvenliur. ."Jqrw From the
Turnado." Believer' baptism All ira
!;otne. Midweek devotional meeting
Wt-dnetday at 8:00.
Christian Science.
K.rst Church of Christ. Scientist, 8t
ilarv avenue and Tw.nty-fourth stri
bervires at if and Subject of lesson,
sermon, "Reality." Sunday .school (two
!un. 9:45 and 11:00. "'
First, Twenty-sixth and Harney. A. D.
Harmon Pator-ilornlnK service. 11 a
tu sertnou subject. "Ufe Conslsteth l.ot
hi t . Abundance of Our Possession " etrtiu, J jo p. la; seunou ml.
North Hide. Twentv
(5T: lrv' ,,.J- Klrsehsteln. Mlnlst.i
Mornlng worship at 10:30, when a dedi
catory ssrvlce will be held, making tliu
fitst anniversary of the new church,
which was dedicated one year ago. Blblo
school at noon; Christian Kndeavor at
6:1 n. m.; evening services at 7.30, when
tho hour will be In charge of the choir.
First. Corner Nineteenth and Daven
port, Rev. Frederick T. Rouse, 1'astor
Mornlng worship at 10.30. Sermon by the
pastor, topic, "Lessons From the Storm."
The evening service will be at Kt. Marv's
Avenue Congregational church, where tho
Orlnnoll College Olee club will sing.
x,ary" Avenue-Morning worship at
10:30, subject, "Omaha's Tragic Test.
Men s forum at noon. Dr. S. It Town?
will speak on "Sanitation." Rvenlnc of
sacred song by the Iowa College Olee
club and the St. Mary's Avenue Ohurch
quartet nt 7:30.
All Saints'. Twcnty-slxth Street and
Dewey Avenue, Rev. T. J. Mackay,
Rector Berrlces nt 11, topic, "Does Uod
Send TroubleT-I.essons of the Tornado.
Jo evening service.
ChUrch nt Ihn nj ut...,l, f t.
tleth and dhli n i t i 7V.iir'
-Holv commiinlnn K a m ' Dit....
school. 9:; holy communion, "jj ; evening
prayer, 7:30.
St. Mntthlas' Tanlh nnH U'nMl,l..,l.n
Rev. George H. Southworth, rector lloiy
juiimiimii ni . aunuay scnooi nt iw.
"'""'"is prayer nnu sermon oi 11
8t. Paul's, Thlrty-second nnd Calforlma,
IteV. J. W. Jones. Pnatnr-Hnnlri at
and 11. Special Intercession for tornado
Grace Kngllsli. Twenty-sixth street be
tween Pppplcton and Wool worth, Clarcnco
N. Swlnhart, Mlnlster-U n. m., "Sunday's
Signal . 8 n. m "Tk. o.T..
day school at 10 a. m.; Wednesday service
s p. m, '
St. Mark's 'Knirtlah., .. n,.-
dntte street, Dr. L. Oroh. Pastor-Sunday
services 11 a. m "rin,i'a ii0.nir..inri. .
Ui Vrnl,"h or.10 l-rnw?" 7:30 p. in.. "Warn
ing olees all Around." Sunday school nt
Sii. X0lns 1'P''' Christian Kndeavor
nt U:4fi p. m.
naUHlrfJ Chapel, Thirty-ninth and
Uold 1'reachlni? m 8 n . c,,t.,..o,i,..
8 p. in. ' '
Kountse. Memorial, Farnam Street and
TWnntj -sixth Avenue, Rev. Oliver D.
Hartxly, Pastor Thu -regular services,
both morning and ovenlng. Sunday
school nt 10 a. in.
Zlon Kngllsli, Magnoila Hall. UOi Alnos
avenue, nev. u. w. Snyder, Pastor-Her.
yjces at .1:30 p. m.. subject: "God's Tench
'i8 .'I1 (3ret Disasters." Sunilay scluwd
at 2:J0 p. m. .Tho Iwlullcs' Pnstots Aid
society will meet Thursday afternoon nt
the residence of Mrs. J. O Bcobee, US0
.-wiiu .: iiHicMui sireet.
ai. I'aui s. until l.'Mstcr Kvonlug at
iweuiy-eignm and Parker. Rev. K. T.
Otto, Pustor-Servlces In German ut 10,
in unapei at corner Thirty-fourth and
Seward. Rvenlng sermon In Kngllsh at
I., in uanisn l.uineran church at
jweniy-sixtn and Hamilton streets. Hun
day school at this place at 3. Contlrmu.
tlon class begins April 7.
St. Mathew's Kngllsh, Nineteenth and
?,n.",,tl,arl' HoV a w' Snyder, Paatot
"Iblo school for all at 10 u. m.. subject:
Tho God of Oilr Father." I'ostpoiiod
Kter services nt 7:80 p. m., subject:
The Resurrected Life." Kaster comT
munlon, Kaster offering and reception
of members. Choir will render the fol
lowing anthems; "Hallelujah! Christ Is
Risen," by Caleb Simper. Slug Glad
Songs" nnd "Shouts of Triumph Rose,"
by Hershey. Congregation meeting at
Close of service. Chnlr rnhenmnl T ilnv
evening nt the residence of the pastor.
Rev. G. W. Snyder. 1709 South Central
botllevnrd. Th Ymitic Pnnnl..' .ni..
Will meri Frlil ii v rvotilnir fit
ui .'iism nureiRu iioy, isH spring street
McCnbe Method St. W. If. TTmlprwnnri
Pastor McCabo Methodist church will lm
rcpairea ror service Sunday morning.
There will bo nrt evening service. Sun
day school nt 10 o'clock. Tho subject
iiiurning service is, ''.MCCabu s
New Field of Opportunity." V
Hwinllsh. It 11 r-t nml ISTni-ih Vlnni...1l,
Gustavo Krlckson. Minister'-SUhdnV
school, led bv Mr. RmwHvnll nt 1ft ut.
mon. subject. "The Publican's Praypr.f at
11. Knwdi'th league servlca nt ri.r.
Oak Street. Twentieth nml nl( rtnv
T. C, Webster, Pastor Preaching by the
I'ueiar hi n aim s. tiio evening subject
wii dc, "ine ivnsior iiorror nnd its Les
sons. The Bib o school will bn at SM. In.
stead of 3. Young People's moetlnc ui
7. Midweek- meeting, Thursdny evening
Hanscom Park 10:30. soln bv Dr. .innnln
vniiino, luVIOllCtl 1UUSICT CailUUU,
"The Resurrection Hope," by tho choir,
v) .Kiuiiia, mi 1'inrcnce i'pu rson. or-
People s Christian union at fi 30 p. m.,
-"nual business meeting and congrega
tional meeting next Wednesday evening.
tnr?,tvTw,n,'-tnlr'1 Roulevard. C.
M Rohrhough. Pastor-Sunday nohool,
V.:4.i n-,,ni-; worship. II a. m.; subject.
The Message of the Storm.", The 8
?..oc,!rVKrn.m ,!V.bJ' y"'lnB People; sdb
Jtct, "Livingston Centenary."
First, Seventeenth and Cass. L. Walter
V;. Dv. Mlnlster-Htiblect. "Hut
theLord Was Not In tho Wind," I Kings,
Mlscrllnnroits. I
International Hibio Students' Associa
tion. Hayrlght hall. Nineteenth and Far-iitin-Sunday,
3 p. m., Frank Draper, well
,m.ow" ."'bio lecturer from New York
wl'l speak, subject, "The Judgment
Day; What Is It? What Is It For?" All
Free Kvangcllcal, Twelfth and' Dorcas
Scrvlces 10 a. ni. nnd 7:30 p. m.; Sabbath
school at 3 p. nt.; Rev. R. Hllkerbaeumer
or Peoria, 111, will conduct the services.
AM (lormanu Aannilnltt. ilrnnrfn.. n . ..
InvItedT " -'"" "
, Rev. Charles W. Savldge will preach
Sunday morning nt ii n m nt ihn rinv.
ety theater, subject, "Was the Roar of
the Cyclone tho Voice nf Ond?" In Ihn
evening at the People's church the Kaster
program of tho Sunday school will be
Grace United Kvangcllcal, Camden
Avenue nnd North Tweiity-aeventh,
Thomas M. Kvntis, Pastor Preaching at
II a. m. and 7:30 p. m., Sunday school, 10
a. in.; Chtrlstlnn Kndeavor at 6:45. p. m.;
morning thome, "The True Spirit of
Benevolence," evening, "Lessons from the
Recent Cvclone." All members renuested
to do present; everybody welcome.
Seventh Day Adventlst. Twenty-fifth
and Indiana Avenue Sunday evonlng tho
subject will be "A Warning Mnssago to
Oinahn, What tho Good Book has to
say Concerning the Calamities In Omaha.
Dayton and Other Cities of the United
Otto F. Brnnstetter of Oklahoma, the
icond lecturer of the Socialist Lyceum
course, will speak nt tho Lyric theater on
Sunday at 3 p. m. The subject or nis
lecturo Is "What Is Poclallm7"
bedding and food to send to the needy
in tn tornado districts.
Mrs. W. H. Peters was stricken with
paralysis Sunday evening and died Jdoti
day morning. Mrs. Peters was 72 years
old nnd came to Nebraska In lSw.
.lust before the storm Sunday evening
a red dint settled oer the village and
some think It was not from Nebraska
soil, hut came from a great .distance.
During the tornado Frank Ward had
twenty mules hurt, some of them so
badly that they had to be killed. They
were in camp on West Farnam street
The little son of Herman Olessman,
who was burned so severely a few weeks
ago. Is recovering nnd has been brougnt
rrom the hospital in umana to Jonn
Glessman a.
In Omaha Suburbs
ganlst; Loo O; Kratx, choir master.
Trinity Methodist Knlscnnnl Tivonlv
first and Hlnnoy, Rev. Thomas Hltlinll.
Pastor Morning servlco at 10:30 n. m.,
Sabbath school at 12 noon. The congre
gation will Join with the North Side
I'resoyterian cnurch in the cvcnlntr m.r.
First. Twentieth and Davennnrt.
M. 11. Williams. Minister-Sunday
school nt 9:15. Public worship nt 11, ser
mon by the minister appropriate to thu
recent calnmlty, "A Voice In tho Storm."
Epworth league at 6:30. Publlo wornhID
at 7:30. Tho program planned for Kas.
er evening will bo given. Mendelssohn's
'Chrlstus" will be sung by the choir
under the direction of Thomas J. Kollv.
Sermon by the minister, "The Last Say-
K,v rtt .lanu flit tlm rrn '
Dundee, Fiftieth and IIihIpiuvo.i
Avenue, Grout K. Flslier, .Minister-Morning
sorvice at It a. m., "Omaha's Calam
ity, or Tho Problem of Natural Kvll."
Kvenlng service at 7:80 p. in.. "Doe the
Stormy Wind Fulfill God's Word?"
Young Peoples' society of Christian tin.
deavor at 6:30 p. m.
Castellar Street. Sixteenth and Caste!
lar. C. C. Meek. .Minister Services nt
10:30 a. m. and 7:S i. m.: Subbntli rhii
at 12 noon; Junior christian Kndeavor at
J p. m.; Christian Kndeavor at 6:15 p. m.;
annual congregational meeting Wednes
day at 8 p. in
Ilenson. A. J. McClunir. Pastor Sunrfnv
school at 10 a. m. ; morning worship at
ii a. m. ; nrisiiau r.nueavor at :n) p.
m,; evening worship at 7:S0 n. m mi,i.
week service Wednesday at 8 p. m.
The Cliurch of the Covenant. Twenty.
seventh and Pratt. Charles H. Flemlnt.
astor Morning worshlii uf 10:15 ti, nu
ubjeot: "Saved." Communion, hnnium
roceptlon of members, etc.; Bible school
at 12 noon; Kndeavor at 6:4.', n. m dhh
evening worship ut 7:30 p. m. The full
master program ny the Sunduy school,
postponed from last laird's duy venlng.
will be given. Subject: "Ho Is Risen."
Wednesday evening service led bv iir
FHlrvlew. Fortieth Avenue nnd Prntt
Street. Charles H. Fleming, Pastownn,8
bciuioi in i.v), Hiiernoon wursiup at 3;
subject: "Saved." The 1 mini's umuir
babtlsm and reception at this time. Tuesr
day evening the last lesion In Acts at the
First. Corner Seventeenth and n.wiir.
Rev. Kdwln Hart Jenks. D. I)., Pastor
1-udiic worknin hi iu ao a. in : Knnciui.
school at 12 noon; Christian Kudaavor at
o;io p. in.; evening worship at 7:30 p. m.
Bveryone Is Invited to attend.
Third, Twentieth and Leavenworth. Rov.
leorge Jack. Pastor Sunday sohool nt
:30 a. in . publls worship and rmnn i.v
the pastor at 10:44 a in., theme: "Who
Hath Gathered the Winds In His Pints "
Praver meeting by the Christian k...
deavor society at 0:30 p. m.; celebration
of ''Davlil Livingston's Ccntunntnl" n
I ;ji li. ill.
Central. Twenty-fourth and Dedg,
Hugh II. Sper, Pastor Morning worship,
sermon by pastor, 10:30; Sabbath soh-jol
at noon;; young people's meeting, G:J0;
evening worship.
North, Twenty-fourth and Wirt. M V.
Hlgbee. D. D.. Pastor Communion at
10:30; Sunday school at noon; Young I'uo
pie's Soelety of Christian Kmleavoi ut
6:30: evening preaching at 7:30: thsnin,
"Lssons from the Whirlwind." Prayer
meeting at 7: Wedensday.
Lowe Avenue, Fortieth and Nleholu.
Rev. Nathaniel MrGlffln. D. D.. Panlor
Mornlng service at 10.30: subject. "Les
sons from the Storm;" Sunday school at
noon; Christian Kndeavor at 3 and Hut
p. m.: imc rod Kaster musical servle bj
Mr. Mullls and the choir at 7H p. m
annual meeting of the congregation
Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock.
United I'rmbytrrluu.
First United. Twenty-first and Kmmet.
a i iiougias l'ator-ervlee at uul
a. m and . 30 p m . preaching the 'IV
pustor. Bible S' i jo at noon, Vouug '
A fine daughter was born to Mr. and
Mrs. R. Hyrnes Kaster Sunday.
Mrs. Frank Rico was called to Iowa
Inst week by tho serious Illness of her
Xlrs. Taylor gavo a very enjoyable
party for der daughter, Helen, in cele
bration of her eight birthday Wodnesday
Mm. M M.' Presba was-callfd to I iwa
last week on account of an accident that
Injured her brother very Borlously.
A dnughter whs born to Mr. hih! Airs.
F. M. Hulls Thuraduy morning, March 27.
Mrs. Reach, who wan Injured In the
tornado Sunday, Is getting along ns well
us can be expected. It Is thought she has
no very serious Injuries.
Mrs. W. G. Whltmore, Mrs. N. K.
JohnKonf Mrs. Margaret HoMsworth.
Mrs. Charles Pierce. Mrs. Hronson and
Irving Presba were Omahu visitors Mon
Mrs, Hurt, whoso farm buildings wore
destroyed by tho tornado, Is getting new
furniture and will move Into the house
on the Monntlon farm until further ar
rangements cun bo made.
Tho Thrnno family have been moved
Into the homo with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas
Larsen and Mr. and Mrs. Warner moved
tp Valley Wednesday.
Rev. Mr. Carlson moved his family Into
tho parsonage of tho First Dnptlst Church
at Hyarsvllln Friday, A, Anderson will
movo back to his old homo vacated by
uev, uariBon,
Misses Hulnh Hyers, Kva Harrier and
Mildred King came homo from Peru
.Tuesday to spend the spring vacation.
Valley schools closed Thursday for the
Hprlng vacation. The teachers were given
Friday also by tho Hoard of Education
that they might attend tho association
at Fcmonii ... ...... , ,
Mrs. Bert Cornelius and Mrs. John
Ilntchclder of Craig were calling on Te- friends Tiiursday.
Mr. and Mrs. Guy Young nnd children
were down from Lyons to spend Kaster
Sunday with air. young's parents.
W. L. Mason enmo up Sunday from his
home nt San Antonio for several weeks'
visit with home friends at Tekamah.
Mrs. Hetiry Lydlck and daughter Cora
arrived Wednesday from southern Call
fornln, where they have been visiting lor
tno last seven weens.
Mrs. C. W. Conkllng and Mrs. Robert
Daley arrived from Chicago last week.
Mrs. Daley will visit at the Conkllng
home before returning to her home In
Mrs. McCue left for StaPleton on Thurs.
day, where she Is holdlhg down a Kin-
cnid homestead. She has been visiting
at tne nomo or ner daughter, Mrs. a. u.
Howard, for the last several weeks.
The Knights Templar of the Blair com
mandery held Kaster services In Teka
mah this year at the Methodist -hurch,
the sermon being delivered by Rev. Mr.
MacOregor. After tho preaching services
they had n roast dinner at the Masonic
Dale Smith of Craig nnd Mlsa Nellie
Hamilton of this city wero inlted In
marriage nt the Catholic church In thu
city on Wednesday morning at 8 o'cIock
Rev. Father O'Drlscoll of Blair officiat
ing. The brldo Is the daughtor of one
of our well-to-do farmers northwest of
Teknmuh. Tho groom Is a young tarmer
Ilvfng near Craig, where they will make
their home, beginning housekeeping at
l 4
' Weeplnu; Wntcr.
Miss Freda Morse Is visiting friends In
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Olhcrson of Morris.
Minn., ar visiting relatives In nnd near
i.r., (.... ii....H
Miss Abble Colo is homo from her
school at Oshkosh, Neb.
Mrs. M. M. Hutler Is visiting her daugh
tor, Mrs. John Johnson nt Herman, Nob.
Mrs. K. W. Williams nnd children de
parted Monday for their home In Anoka,
Harvey, son of II. A. Pltllllns. sus
tained a broken nrm Tuesday morning.
caused from slipping on tho Icy pavement.
The Junior class of the blah school clvn
their class play In tho opera house
Wednesday. April 2.
Superintendent 11. II. Ilelmund attended
the Southeastern Nebraska Educa
tional association rcld In Beatrice March
.'i ami aim occupied a placo on
the program.
W I) ttUti nt nlnhnin,,,! . .Il. 1
his brother. C. W. Hlsh of Weeping Wa
ter a few days IIiIh week.
Mrs. Anna H. Reed of Civi.. vi ,,..
a visitor here u few duya with relatives
nnd friends.
Tim wedding of Miss Mildred DoWolf
to A llbur ling of Pluttsmoutli, on Mnrch
is. was a surprise to tho bride's friends
i. W. Armstrong of NVIIch wns vtslttnc?
his mother, Mrs. O. Adtett, Saturday,
John M. Ward and wife were here
Samuel J. Stewart of Walnut Is
on n visit.
Mrs. V. II. DnPuv nf (Imnlin I.
visiting her parents. Mr. nnd Mrs. H. 't.
Mrs. Hester Smith, a daiiEliter .if Mr.
and Mrs. Sheldon Hubbard, died nt Blair
last Friday.
Claude Sack of Snrlliafleld nn.l Miss
Martha Bam of Ixnilsvlllo were married
at Louisville this week.
A BIlbscrtDtloii Is belnir taken .'nr
relief of .those who suffered tho .oss of
their homes In the tornado. Th women
of the village are receiving .'lothlng.
CrclKlitoii Noles.
Students of the arts department re
turned Friday from their Easter vaca
tion of one weak. Work commenced In
tho other departments of the university
earlier. In tho week.
Flnnl examinations in the nrnfosKlntml
departments of tho university will begin
-prn ir'nnu cuntinuo until April 25. The
commencement exercises come on Amil
23 at thu Brandels theater.
Frank MorKanthnler mid Joe Df-nman.
both members of this year's, graduating
class at the Crolghton pharmacy school,
hnvo gone to South America, where thev
havo accepted positions with a largo drug
1 1 rm.
The annual nenco contest between llm
colleges of tho Nebraska Peace associa
tion will he held nt the University of
Omaha April 4.
Crelghton representatives In the indoor
meet at the Auditorium April 4 nnd S'
urc. Gerald Duffy. Wf.llatr Win
! rank DIneen und George Schall.
The sophomore class nf tin nu.rlinnl al
lege is nsslstlng J. M. Johnson, n rlns.
mnto whose home was wrecked. In
straightening up the ruins. The class Is
working In relays and Its memhors in.v.
ur-sumuu me roif.s oi enrponters. brick
layers and plnno movers slnco they cn-
ivicu uium uieir lusK,
Scth Hall tho big tackle on tho varsltv
foot ball team, woa ono of those who
suffered at tho hand of the storm. Hnll
lives with mi, uncle on Wirt street, In the
storm-swept (district, and is a student at
tho medical college. Ho witnessed tho
"iinirui-uun oi an out His school books.
After doing considerable relief duty In
thnt section. Hall found his big blue and
white vnrslty sweater hanging on a tree
auviiui uiocks ironi nis nomu.
John Hiinklnn
.'jIMikvecn made, a dfPllty sheriff, "tid will
tako up his duties at onco. . ipklns
should mnko good ut his new po. on, as
he was captain and tackle of the varsity
foot ball team during the Inst season.
He ulll receive his diploma at tho law
wmcko next monin.
The senior class of tho dental college
Will tllkn tlm ni(inltinln it ihn
boird shortly beforo receiving their dlplo-
iii". i iiu nuiini win rnnin in iimnnn tn
me cxaminaiion.
New sautlnrv ilrlnt.lni- rmns i.o,. v
IllHtlllllvl at tln Alts rnllorre In nnl.i. r
clrlnk from them. It Is necessary to place
win niufif oi mo inco aguinst a steel ring,
which Is nlnrril 1nt nlni'i, ihn rn.n..
Tile pressure starts the stream.
Tho first nrnlltntnnrv,,
. . . ... j .wta...i,a, unit-Dig
111 the lllch Hchonl riVnnrtmnrit nf a ...
college, will lm concluded April 4, while
thoso of tho college section will last from
April 5 to S.
GeOl'iro Ware, rnlnrn.l ktii.ln.,. n
Law ojIIpro, has been placed on tho re
lief committee, nnd will look nfter the In
tcrests of the colored people. Ho was
one of the first to help In the work of
rcrcuo mid carried six bodlen from tho
ruins of tho Idlewlld pool ball.
Henry Mounkv. rnmnt i-rnrlna.n n? it. A
law college. Is a mcmlier of tho relief
piiiumlttce. especially deshrneri in inni
after the Interests of the Jewish families.
. Ilnmnnce nt Idn Grove.
IDO .OROVK, In., Mnrch 2D.-(SpecIal.)
Attorney Guy G. Kills of this city was
married In Chicago last week to Miss
idelheld Ashbreitner. The wedding was
n surprlso to his friends and was the
culmination of a pretty romance which
began severnl years ago when MU
Ashbrenner. as a trained nurse, came to
the Kills home to nurse Mr. Kills' father.
They will make their home In this city
urn noors made just like new h.wi
wood floors with Chl-Namel the irr.t
floor finish. Ask us. p. C. DdVol Hard
ware company, 604 Broadway.
Miss Florence O. Alexander. 114 South
Forty-second street.
H. weinsteln. SSSt Seward street.
To Those Who Have
Lost Their Homes
nml want Good, Wholesome, Home Cooked Food
at prices that nro within their means should eomo
lb tho
, "jylioro thoy can get just what thqy want.
. ', v Prices ranging from 10c up.
City National Bank BIdg.
An Open Letter to the Members of
The Conservative Savings & Loan
An investigation of tho entire stricken district, made on
the 28th inst. by the officers of your Association, enabled them
to more accurately determine the extent of damage suffered
by our borrowing members. While there was much in this irip
to depress, there was this to encourage, that on every side there
was ieyidenco that tho people of the city as a unit, aro taking
hold in an earnest effort to promptly restore properties to
their former condition nnd to get thoso suffering most back
into their own homes. Hundreds were busy reroofing and re
pairing houses nnd other hundreds were clearing uway tho
debris. Ernest activity was manifest on every hand. -
Wo found that about 5 of our borrowing members wero
damaged; that not more than 2 have suffered the practically
complete destruction of their properties and that not more than
lot our borrowing members will be obliged either to give up
their properties, or to receive public assistance by way of second
mortgage loan advances or otherwise.
Possibly a majority of our members whose properties wero
damaged have already begun tho task of restoration, using
their own savings funds, or accepting loans from friends, or
receiving' additional small loans of this Association.
To the limit of our ability, under a law' which jealously
safeguards the interest of those members who have placed
their savings and investments with us, we stand ready to lend
all assistance possible to those of our borrowing. members who
need financial aid at this juncture. Because of our absoluto
protection against ultimate, loss under our Blanket Tornado
Policy of $150,000.00, and because of our strong Eesorve and
Undivided Profit Account of ,$250,000.00, we nre already going
to tho legal limit of the proportion we may loan on property
whore, under all circumstances, such a course seems justifiable.
The Conservative Association is in an exceptionally strong
position to aid its members at this particular time, and we aro
putting forth every effort to see that funds now in our care, or
. horeafter placed with us, are used to the best advantage in the
re-building of homos.
Xo loss whatever can come to any of the building associa
tions of tho city because of the recent disaster. All associa
tions wisely and amply protected their savings and investing
members against just such a contingency as this by tornado
insurance and strong reserve funds.
The great consideration just now is for. every citizen to
aid in any possible way in the restoration of properties and
in the cleaning up of tho debris either with contributions of
money, or by personal service. The citizens of no city over
responded more promptly or uuselfishy than have our people at
jLhis crisis, andall should continue in this well-doing until
Omaha is a better city than it was tho day before the disasfe.'
Geo. F. Gilmoro,' President
. , 1'. W. Kuhns, Sec'y and Trcas.
An inefficient stenograph
er is an irritation of many offices. Sho
makes mistakes in your correspondence;
sho cannot remember what you toll her;
she does seem to be able to do anything
without detailed instruction there's no
use of your continuing with such an em
ploy in your office.
Get u stenographer who will turn
out clean copy in your letters, who knows
what to do all the time, and who really
takes tho place of a mun in your office.
Tho Bee will get ono of this kind for
you. Use Beo classified ads and tho re
suits will bring you a stenographer upon
whom you can depend.
Bee Want Ad.
TYLER 1000.
We would make this drawing for you for
$3.00, and the cut for $3.62. Let ub do your
Bee Engraving Department
Bee BIdg. Phone Tyler 1000
A little want ad does the business.