I THE OMAHA Sl'XDAY 13 WIS: MAHC11 .'10, 1013. 11-A Council Bluffs GRAND JURY MARES REPORT Fix Bond of Jimmy Griffin,- Ex-Ma bray Gang Member, at $500. INDICTMENTS AGAINST - BOtS Willie nrlx, Seventeen-Year-bld Station Robber front Grlnnell, ' U Charged with Larceny, " The grand Jury made a partial report yesterday afternoon, returning nine In dictments against men nowu'nder aVfest and locked up In the county Jail. ' "Jimmy" Griffin, who assisted so ably as a .Ma Dray mixer oy oying tragically whenever the exigency of the case seemed to demand, and taking fatal falls from Ihe famous "Red Leo" race horse at every other "race" In which he rode, to pro vide means of frightening away the doubly deceived mike, was Indicted for ' the prosaic offenso of Interfering with a horse doctor. The doctor happened to be an assistant to the state veterinary and ' was seeking to examine some horses sun .pected of suffering from glanders, and Jfmmy Is said to have rode them in the one winning race of his- life and got them out of the way and where the veter Inarv could not find them. As In his .'other experiences, he won In the utgln 'iilng, but lost In the end. The offense Is a felony with penitentiary The bond was flxid at $500. ('home Boys with- Housebreaking. noy Wtllctts and Ray Babcock, the ,two youths who destroyed about $300 worth of lighting fixtures of the most expensive character in Pullman coaches In the yards of the Union Pacific rail- Council Bluffs IOWA DONATES MONEY I House of Representatives Pastes Bill for $10,0C0. day morning she arrived here. Finding that the storm had passed on both sides of Council Bluffs, sho returned -o her FOR, SUFFERERS FROM STORMS home on Thursday. Otherwise he would not have been permitted to have I nm Iso Passed ltetiulrinsT Hull seen her father beforo his sudden death. Arrangements for the. funeral will not be madr-untll after word has1 been re ceived from' Mrs. Hogan. (The First Cheerful News Minor Mention Ooanoil Bluff Offlee tfhe la at 14 XOBM at. Tslapaeoa . roada to Place Frost Olnns on Locomotive Cabs for Pro. teotlon of Engineers. j (From a Staff Correspondent.) DEB MOINES. la., March 29.-Speclal.) , TeUiramO-The nous of representatives today paiied a bill by Haten of Potta wattamie county to appropriate 10,000 to be placed In the hands of the governor Immediately to be used for benefit of the sufferers from storms In Ohio, In diana and Omaha. Frost I Glass In Cabs. The house today passed a bill requir ing frost glass on all cabs of locomotives to protect the engineers, also a mil to permit street car companies to give free passes to deputy sheriffs. The house passed a bill to permit county boards to adopt county uniformity -BaVls., drugsT I Ytctrqta; $15, A. jHospe Co. Corrlgans, undertakers. Phone 143. Woodrlng Undertaking Co. Tel. 33J. Blank book work, Morehouse & Co. FAUST SEEK AT'ROCIERS' BUFFET. Lewis Cutler, funeral director. Phone $7. a : . a w . v. . j j iiiauiuii.wi J- Hchnorr. Phone 522. wl. i,,.. .... . , . i county Doaruo iu uuuhv .... Wrk 1 9 of text books without submitting to vote See Borwlck for wall uaDer and t aint- or tne people, Education nlll Is I'nsiru. The senate Thursday passed. SS to 1, v. nm n l.trntlnn bill relating o mo ifnr of state supertntenuent 01 sunouis, mjiklnir the superintendent nppointive hv the covernor ana proviuing irM.. spectors. The bill Is tne same as me one which the house last Saturday failed lng. 309 and 211 South Main street. Scientific watch repair work, the kind that Is appreciated, at Lefferts'. TO SAVE OU TO BORROW. SEE C. B. Mutual Bldg. & Loan Ass'n. 123 Pearl. WINDOW SHADES TO ORDER Con tinental Furniture and Carpet company. BUDWEISER on draught-The Grand. Budwclser In bottles at all first-class bars. . .It) DUBS. UUV .w. Tornado insurttnce, we write it, 25 i-elits , hnA na oriDOBltlon to the bill and a hundred. Bell & Mulqueen. Baldwin block. no debate. A default divorce decree was entered ColloKe Controversy by Judge Wheeler In the district cdurt Tfc nHesentatlon of a bill by Kimball yesterday In favor of Bertha Bucking- . . the state Board of Educa- nam against Ham Buckingham. They .. .u...nn were married at Qlcnwood on October tlon and the colleges, starts discussion 1. 1901. The grounds of the action were again on that subject. His bill provides cruelty and habitual drunkenness. The .. .v. .t,n , ,iuntlintlnn except road and plumbing in several private custody ol : their two children was awarded domf gclence whlch may be dup- coun,esnCeoneW,crha IT JtetyTL I The funer'a. of S. W. Clark, who ex- Heated at each of the three colleges, coun a, one charging larceny irom a plre(J BU(jaen,y of henrt usease ye8ter. Thcre , a 8Ub.commlttee of the senate building In the day time and ,he other day afternoon at the home of his son- -nmmittee at work on a bill which will simple larceny. The offenso of these 4n-law, A. B. Towne, 213 Turley avenue. , """ V ,-, nf .iuAv and forbid hnv li nueullarlv vicious and the evl- will be conducted by Dr. Buxton, rector define the courses of stud ana lorou bojs is peculiarly clous ana tne i evi o g church . be boord from maknK any changes In dence of the most dlreot and conclusive takon t0 lne former nome of Mr clark future except upon the pcrmlfflon .character. Both appear to be moral de- at Junction City, Kan., for burial, leav- " ,,'.., ,.,.if The senate is generate, and b6th have been police court lng here at 3:30 this afternoon. o th 'eg.s ature teelf f characters- i-eier Aianias was appointed y juage ""i"" " " , . ," . cn&raciers. I ....t...-.. . t.-- i. .mi.i without notion. The majority of the Indictments are estate 0f James Papnas. a Greek who . J. boys. Harry Royce, IT years was killed In a train accident here on inspectors oi ." ,," in 'i n nnimn rfLttuaiuci aatnat old. V 'V'''; property left and" Manias states" In his ,,eVeatlng the Dixon bill teT provide r boys, was Indicted for the theft of a J10 petiton that he sr R creditor. .Tht petl- . 7 ,"?' ,? f eountv accounts an check from "the office ot'tns 'BMer' cal tton for the appointment of an admlnls- state Inspection of count accounts an : . -i... ru- trator dlsdoipn th fart that Pnnnna km naut thn bill. It provides that tin- station in tne wesi pari oi mo 1:11. jhc llrnn1L'n atnfltlC Vila follnw Hraalf. l.v un.' I . . . i t . 1. - .t.tA Bilillfn .h.r la lnronv (rnm nhulldillC. "."i"."X''..- . "."'to;. Shall De appoinim. uy two . .... - I ..u...t,, uai.ico xu.iiao, nuui uamca . ... , . ..v,.- .nti In m.Th 11.1 . , b- wilnric! vnnlli 1 Tnlntna a as .lamna T.lnlmrhn" 9 a a suilicmni. uuinuo. T UU1II1 UtO "' . I - I -i . "- I , ' , .h irl.H n aton trains on th Great Jonn PP- "e esiaie is sman. examination oi meu v, ... . . .....j ..... . I SAID MRS. JONES to Mis. Smith. JUBt tiM nnd these experts shall Inquire int V, . V rhU !fke aL that window and see these:,, 'mat-tors Rnd make reports to the at anrt hit nnon the plan of Dlllng on the ground, only 16c per box; rlpo to- torney general In case there Is nn thing .1.. ,i, i .u.ral nlacs. was jnatoes, 18c. Here's a snap, rnlslns only wrong with the accounts, "r;".:: .. ; " "mV:. LA ? iV'SSS? KLef l.. -PeC-1!, Iowa nnUcrlc. Arc Sanitary with a view of causing a train wTeck. vinegar .in glass Jars a; caullIlDwor. me ,iale ' u--,. .. ... .. .-.-j i. .i.u i.i.mi n im rond hanon. aiin ih - hni. ain lb - small, but an excellent meeting was naa. was inaicieu im K.wrr.'i... iT'i,i Tin t t, a. . cornmlt murder. our New-York, coffee. JZlic lb.; Peabury, u-ll. ..,.,,. h ...n.rnliv In thn Ml v ' Willie Brix, tho K-year-old youth from 30c; Falcon flour,' 11.40; prunes, 12V4c lb.; ni-.n hi a.iot in rohhlna- the I apricots, ac lo. uartel & miner, lei. Jo. u'nek Island' railways station at. Weston. ' Mrs. iotin Morris, 'for forty-four years kock isiana Ya; 5 cltyydled shortly bo- as indicted for larceny frorrf. a Tmlldlnrf forB no Frld.v a, th. famiiv home. 131 His 14-year-old com' south Fif tenth street, after on Illness of In the day time. best of condition, and that there has been a vast Improvement In bakery conditions In recent years. The effect of this has been to greatly Increase the confidence the people have In bakery goods and to make the consumption oi DaKery ureau almost universal. New nullillnic nt Tenchem' College. Construction has been commenced on a iade in crime. Dewey Woormer, Is underleven month. Mrs. Morris was 73 years a i - . .i..'(,.'.iiJ.m,rt'tn oia, .ana was porn. in .westpori, ouniy jthe, protectorate .of the Juvenllequrt,hnd MayQ jrand '' ah0 is survived by her ,na Deen staying ior noitni m mo lnusoana ana sigm cnuaren, an grown. iCreche preparatory to being permitted to They are , M J and T F New York; .(i- a ilia Ytmm nun .in linnnan. in i . . . " . . . . .. -ww..- '""H1"" .-...-. - Nicholson. Kathenne, .Nellie ana ina- tiM 000 hulldlnc at the state teachers Hhe custody of his mother.-. The-grand fbetK.' all of this city Two of the daugh- new l'11""1 i a "Jury will continue Its work later in the ters, Katnerincanu iiiiiaDsm. are xeacn .... ,,. . ers. in the city schools. The two sons in i""cii' '" " New York have risen to prominence 1 thrnuKh their connection with the con- --TKT mTilr "Ririci structlon of the Pennsylvania tunnels S. W. lilfl.rK .JJ16S and suhwavs in. New Y'ork City. They ' 1 V - . . ... .... . . . n n .1 , .. llQ0vif I i qqq art funeral, whicn win oe aeiayea uniu an Ul XlOCtl b ill3DCtl3t5 of the absent children have been com municated .witn. yesterday After an acute illness bf but one hour college at Cedar Falls, the same to be a demonstration building or working place for practical work in education, and also a laboratory for the investigation of new problems in education. Utilities Discussion. Today was taken up wholly In Ihu arnato bv consideration ot tne dul to A trlaernm received here yesterday I ,u ... t r,.,i,n ,inuiu onm. e illness Of DUt one pour .v, r n.n. esiauiiBii in .una. a i'"""- " - . . i aiieriiuuu viiiuuikcu mv uu..-. , ,.m ..... -.h u. nnnri.r Kanlinrn 1 VI cox UlaJK. iui.,.i Cmltv, n Atl.-ln. at his home In mission, anu mo uK ' years old died at the home of nis l-'reeport, l. uenerai iKins wuu inu tlon uy section anu ..-vvU ;ih.r Mr. n. n. Towne. "15 Turley uncle of C. A. Atkins of 'this city, amendments considered. Again as on :::;: .t . nVWk vesterdav aft-noon. ?"; 0IJ2XU?!1 Vffn"."" H-Varn! other occasion, tho senate divided as to r-i-.i, i,a,i hs.r. In 11 health for v.h nnnornl Atkins was well Known the advisauillty oi coniromnB mo :nu . . I i r-t II muff. Ilimiiirh fpjinllAtlt vlaltni . . .. -1 . . 1 ....... tim. nearly a year and last November came ;n uunui. i;o ntcipauy owneu iim. ui ...... hi at Junction City. Kan., he has made hero and his Prom'nenco ft new amendment to requite to make his home with Mr. and Mrs. neBBee. He attended all of the rounlona that the people of a city shouia vote on Towne in the hope of bettering his or the society neia uuv-ouncii muu. im the mRUer berore tneir cuy or no uwn auiM. Tha chan nroduced hv-"..?lways n!8J?nei 5 Pmj.n,.n pri: Llante should come under the commU- . . 011 tno program, uencrui A.nino .... . marked favorable results and he had postmaster at Freeport at the time of his slon. Allen proposea 10 revoke v.no shown no acute symptoms vnd none death and held the position for a nurn- prBVlde a way they could vote themselves ...u . k.. .nhi. w a. an. ber of years. Dr. Smith Atkins Joined compromise was effected and adopted. In the main the features of li. v . w . liar, anil tncratnr TI1PV n p nar.ntiv In hla normal health at the ... . .....in.' tnr (Tronnnrt rirni noon luncheon and after Mr. Towne had eral Atkins had lived for many years tno bu as prepared by the committee are returned to his duties a. secretary of at Freeport and he Jft b?,ed8h. bclng adopted. Senator Allen has had about 1 o'ciocK the Commercial club, about 1 ociock,. on - printed as a woamuw w u uu.cU was seized with acute pains in hli chest. d.B0Overed that Mr. and house bill y'th amendments made by a nr Trovnor was called and responded m .t. v ntfa did not leave a will dls-1 housa committee. in a few moments, but the 'iart re- nosing of their extensive property' Inter- Tne Kenerftl impression Is that while fued to respond to the known remedies U. or Ifa wlllh.d made anda, w. pas a blll d ,n and he died peacefully. He was con- and gouth avenue It was lost when every house may pass one, there will oe no 0111 scious to the last. v vestige of the house was mown uwoy in tnat w, Bet to the governor, ine sen- Mr. Clark had been traveling ton -the S their soT one" oT the two ate today amended the bill so tnat . Modern AVoOdmen for a number of years heirs, us administrator for tho purpose valuations for rate making shall become and had always been active and success- of settling the estate. He wiib empowered . th(J vaiuaton of all utilities for taxa r,.i m th huslness world. He was mar- to act foe both parent;. s each had nurooBCS. - - ' i-aanarato emtiiuB. knv uuiri ihc . . . ... .... ried at Junction City. Kan., In WIZ, " daughter. It was discovered yesterday The senate concurrea in me iiuu .xn.. iiarri.t AnriattioH Hmlth. wh j died thfttithe.tornado mat ouiucrateo ne 1 lyin- L-.niim,nii to the bill in relation w . T.. . . .-..x.-jj on.Tilll.wt Mra. Sarah Liiniirer " ' . - . -1.1.. . ' 1 ...... ... II. I. . 1 1 r IT I f. hV IhCI- IIUHIK v" ' " . - . " . . . , . . .1 na II R V I II K I IE? 11KIII W eerBi jti "' .had also destroyed the win sne naa ten. nmui -- .. .two daughters. Mrs. ffcwfia ald Mr & lareef-part ofr-.the property was In her designate a Justice who shall hold court Hogan or Junction uity. v nen mo nnwi name, anu nr j,ubwmi "itm Un matters reiauns w of the tornado calamity reached Mr"? Oppose Amendment. xioxan nrr ttiijuciy "00 bic.hj .hi... w..u n. wlll.t JUQKe vjiiruii umn mo tii - . . .-. r " - - - 4 .1... ... n. by the failure to get telegraphic word from her relatives here and on WVdnes- Much to the surprise of everyone, the i'--'Zi'' 1 ZtM.1kA tliat 111. nr. 1. I ... ....Mlilllnnnl some unw :.- hmi committee on ""W L.i. snorted-the resolution In viumir a. nil 11 11 nil m.vw. 1 r.inrn in 1 1 1 e unicnun'o - D.....o . .o - . ., . ... iinn to forbid sales OI imuora iW Tiral Estate Transfers. Hfinlt nostnonement and a minority 01 The following real estate transfers were the committee recommended aaopun. Health Is the foundation ot all soo4 reported to The Bee Friday by the Pot tawattamie County Abstract company; Referee to Farmers Lodge No. SO, Danish Brotnernpoa 01 America, e 20 feet of the north DO feet, lot 6. block 9, Neola, Ja.. referee's deed 550 hlnrk to Council looks. The wise woman realize! thlalKm tn xiarv k. Waiklns. lot 8. and take, precaution, to preawra ht,r hJliSPJl health and Btrentth through tha pa-l deed ;; 800 rlod of child bearlnr. She remain. Bam. to J. v iiaor tew. w nw pretty mother by avoiding- a. far a oree's deed 15.000 poulbto the Bulferine and dan.er. of Vrrf'Kt 1? and lot except such occaalons. This every woman the e 10 feet, all in block 7. Jef j .1. . v. . .... u.ih.r'a ferics' subdivision to the city of may do through the use of Mothers Councl, Biuffs. la., wd Friend, a remedy that ha. been .0 lony Brandt Croker and wife to Isaac i .... ...I .i.inmn ihnt an mueti r.. Miniucn, b "i , ,u " . -www-.,-. 4 Jacltson-B addition -nnd. that It Is In no sense an expert' vi,,rf in., w . t.... . -.vinn alnraval.T W Rrhumwav and wife to u,cuw uuf"u" ""'7.7-7'- -.am. lot 4 and n 10 feet ot lot produce, the best reiult.. It 1. for s block 4 Jackson's addition to external application and o penelratlnr.1. council Bluffs, la., wd. ....... .. .. tn It. nature a. to thoroughly lubricate p. c. Hvargord to MCMffl every muscle, nerve and tendon In- nhans' addition to the city of Tolved during- the period before baby cornea. It aid. nature by expanding the akin and tissues, relieves tender ness and soreness, and perfectly pre pares the system for natural and sale motherhood. Mother's Friend has- been used and endorsed by thousands ot to Tornado Sufferers YOUR DE HAS BT TO US a BEEN WIPED OFF THE BOOKS! Every cloud has a silver lining! Your losses are going to be our losses! Read on! At a meeting yesterday of the directors of the Hartman Company, it was decided to CANCEL COMPLETELY all unpaid balances on accounti held by sufferers who have lost all their fur niture in the recent catastrope. All we ask is that you call or telephone us at once and you will be passed, without hesitation, A RECEIPT IN FULL FOR ALL MONEY OWED US. Isn't that good new, after all the bad luck we've been having ? This great organization, with stores all over the United States, is better able to stand losses than you are. We realize that the prosperity we have enjoyed for years is due to you, the people your confidence in us and in this time of trouble we're going to stick to you we're going to make good our oft-repeated claims that we are founders of happy homes and now, when you need happy homes the most, when we KNOW you haven't got the money, we want you to come and partake of our offer to again feather the nest that will shelter you and your loved ones for probably all time to come. Don't let your pride make you hesitate. COME! Duty Not Dollars is Nw the Call ! NOTE THIS WEEK'S SPECIAL OFFERINGS DiHINfl ROOM FURNITURE Well made and strongly constructed Din ing chair, made of hard wood, nicely finished, price 75? Genuine American quarter onk. Dining Chairs, with heavy panel back, braced arm and legs $1.29 Large sized, solid oak Extension Table, massive pedestal and claw feot, n de cided vulue S9.t)5 Colonial Buffot, with largo canopy top and French plate mirror, strongly con structed of solid oak, brilliantly polished, for $12.35 Golden oak, bent glass end China Oubinot,. with adjustable shelvos, grooved for plates, a largo selection, priced up from $11.75 Massive Sideboard, beautifully carved and finished in a rich shade of golden; a high-grade piece of furniture nt $13,95 BEDROOM FURNITURE Sanitary fet top Mattress, strong ticking, weight 40 lbs $2.85 Solid oak Chiffoniers, five- largo roomy drawers, brass pulls, strongly con structed $4.95 American quartered oak Hotel Dresser, French plate mirror,, beautifully flnlsliod,- nt i'-$5.8j5 Large,, stre, . spjld oak Dressor, French1 bevolod t plate mirror and three large, roomy- drawers with' wood pulls, JR7.35 Massive 2-Inch .post motal' Bod,, all 'colors', and nil sizes, wonderful values at this low price of..- ,.$(. 95 Heavy Colonial DrosBor, with largo French beveled pinto mirror, woll constructed ot gcnulno solid oak, American quartered oak finish - , $13.75 LIBRARY FURNITURE Large solid comfort Ilockor, largo and roomy and made ot high-grade solid oak, with bent arms; whllo they last, $1.35 Goldon or fumed oak Writing Dcbk, con veniently arranged interior and of largo "10 $4.95 Combination Book Case, gonulno quartered oak, large book compartment, magazine closet and roomy desk. ..... .$12.85 Heavy Colonial American quartered oak Library Table, with massive pedestals and large, roomy drawer 1 $6.85 Gonulno Nantucket loaihor Rocker, mas sive In size nnd built to stand years of hard use, finished in American quarter sawed oak, reduced to , .$6.45 3-pleco MiBslon Library Sot, consisting oC table, rocker nnd chair, fully upholstered In imperial leather, finished In early English of fumed 3 plocoa. . $13.65 NO MONEY DOWN If you lived In the Cyclone District, whether you were our patrons or not, you can buy what your needs are and first payment can be extended to suit your convenience, We will waltl KITCHEN FURNITURE Kitchen Chain of hardAvood, well CQp braced and nicely finished U3U Kitchen Cabinet Base, 2 blna, 2 drawers, kneedlng; board, made ot hlifh- QQ QR grade maple QOiQO Large and roomy kitchen Cupboard, con structed of American quarteraawoa oak, conveniently arranged for china tC "I C and kitchen utenalla WUi I Q Sliding Metal top Kitchen Cabinet, made of seasoned oak, large chna compartment, rake and bread box: f 26 value, ape- CI7 QC daily priced at OI I iuu Hurtman's Regent Range, complete with warming oven, towel liars, pouch feed and alx-hole topi guaranteed a POT ir perfect baker OfcvilO Boiler's celebrated Kltcfien CablnetH, wuxeil oak throughout, every known convenience for the kitchen, a great labor-saving Q I Q QC device; priced up from W I 3iOd GAS STOVES AND RANGES 120 00 Oii Range, with four-hole top, larga oven, KUnrnntcp to give per- Q I 4 AC foct servlco tiUO Cast, Cook Htove, made of the finest material, four-holo top, and perfect baker, QC fully guaranteed OiU Snyder's & Trenkauip'n 2 nnd 3-hole burner OaHolIno Stoves, 'npeclully J DC priced for thin sale nt 'uu 2-holo burner a.85 A THOUSAND RUGS TO CHMSE FROM SI'KCIAL FOR THIS WKKIC Ornulno Wilton Velvet Rug, in Oriental or floral designs, heavy weave, size I I TC W I HIV llxU feat, nil 118.00 value, at.. BRASS ARB METAL BEOS Full l no Metal Red. comes tn all colors, all sixes, with all-steel sldo rails, J I en specially price! at V I lOiJ Iron lied, beautifully scrolled, heavy chills and brass trimmed, decidedly J OF handsome bed at iiOO Two-Inch continuous post metal Red, finished in vornls martin or gold bronze, C OC with five massive fillers DiUO 118.00 Brags Red, satin or bright finish, mas. slve 2-Inch posts, with ball-bear- Q Qfl lng castors diSU Massive Rrass Red, continuous 2-Inch posts, heavy fillers. In bright or Batln I C IT finish, specially priced at WluilO Two-Inch continuous post Chllles fiteel Red, with massive Hi-Inch fillers, finished with five costs or wnlto enamel, thoroughly baked , $7.85 1414-16-18 DOUGLAS STREET 1414-16-18 DOUGLAS STREET :et I 1,600 2,200 IVnirwIl niuffs. W. d... J. a. Leypoldt ana wire to Miles D. MOUCJt, 101 s, Dioca , naiiivirw addition to the city of Council liluffB. Ia., w. d .' Klght transfer, total a.!Sl CARD OP THANKB We -wish to thank mothers, and 1U use will prow a com-Jour many friends and neighbors for then fort and benefit mrm . to any womaa ia MllMfl&Zt3 need oi sacs a remedy. Mother's Friend to sold at drox atoraa. Writaf9rtrMfee6k.tr eiyecta&t aaetaara, wktek, stuck vataaUa tatenaattoa. kindness and sympathy, and beautiful flowers Bant us. In our recent bereave But In tha death of our beloved ran and brother. Mr. and Mra. Robert Jep aoa and family. CFfcU sot ajat aak aLaot oar lava tcrti- iTsomiiiiimiais Sa& wmrnanmc It Is expected that the senate will also receive an unfavorable report tomorrow on the same amendment; also reports on all temperance bills that are Doiore ino legiHlature. Serum Laboratory nt Ames. There does not now seem to be any doubt the state serum laboratory for the making of serum for hog cnoiera will be removed from near Des Molne to near Ames, where It will be placed under charge of the college, the Ulreotor to be appointed by tho president of the state college. The laboratory will mane serum and be authorized also to procure virus, but neither shall be uistriouiea nor used without the approval of the di rector. Outsiders manufacturing the serum must secure a license from the di rector and pay a fee. Not to Call Oat Troops. The house has passed the blll which makes it impoaslble for a sheriff to call 1,M)0 out a company of the National Guard to do police duty. This act must always be by the governor, whether the company is located In the city where the disturb ance arises or In another county. There Is a disagreement, however, over the pay ment of the costs, as some of the sen ators desire that in all cases the county responsible for the calling out of the Uoops shall pay the cost. Judges Wut More Ijr. A delegation represenUnaT the district Judges ot the state has appeared before. the legislature to urge that the bin to locrtAse tbe lay of district Judges be passed. It proposes an increase from to continue on the bench on the meager 1 lng reports and subjecting themselves to control and regulation a to stock Issues and other things. Tin house accepted the senate bill, which will therefore be come a law. It affects a large number of big utilities corporations In Iowa. Uoilrli-lliiim 011 DriiKKlsts. The house toduy parsed the Rrickway blll to restrict druggists In the sale of Intoxicating liquors. They must secure a duplicate of the physician's prescription for liquor to be filed with overy appllca- 1 (Inn for tho tame, nnd are forbidden to make any sales at any time except upon pit-M-riiitlon fium 11 doctor. 240 pay. A conference Is to be held on the bill In relation to the pay of the wardens 1 and employes at the state prisons nnd the per capita compensation for the sup port of the prisons. Amend Lair as to Doctors. C W. Miller, member of the house from Hremer county, who represents the American League for Medical Kteedotn and has consistently made a fight against the exactions of the doctors, has pro posed the following additions to the bill fixing and defining unprofessional con duct on the part of a doctor, and the amendments have been agreed to In com mittee: The demanding of a fee manlfwttly ex orbitant for a surgical operation. The splitting or division or agreeing to split or divide any fee or charge paid or to be paid on account of any operations performed, or to be performed, upon any patient with any other person for any service performed or agreed to be per formed in consideration of such other person acompanylng, brlnglni: or refer ring to him a putlcut for any treatment or operation, or on account of such other person anslstlng him In reference to such treatment or operation without the knowledge and consent of the putlent or the person having the patient in charge or the patient's administrator or exe cutor In the event of the patient's death Knowingly misstating the cause of a death In a death certincate. except where an exact statement would render tbe physician liable to a salt for libel, or subject the decedent or his family to pobHc odium. PhtIsi Cnrp sratloa. Tfce boos teday passed oa of the mod iCrasttt sauna c ierfatatVnt yet to bt BmaeoJaiL. Council Bluffs cycle officer. The men had not been arrested at midnight. INJURED IN MILLS COUNTY ARE RECOVERING OMJNWOOD, In., March 23.-8pec!al.) All persons Injured by the tornaao In Mills county will probably recover. The Ijiubert. fnther nnd son; the Merritt family, mother and daughter; thi Hea- soners, Mrs. John Bevern, (he latter in (llrnwood hospital, the others at the resi. denco of R. R. IX-ttn In Lyons township, ore all reported doing nicely. Thw McDonald family, husband and wife; Clyde Merritt, Mrs. K. K. Latnbert and daUKhtcr Rrrtha. aged 11, were In terred from the Methodist church yester day afternoon. The G ten wood Commercial club selected Dr. r. V Donelan. J. W. Carter and V C DeLashmntt a general executive com- Auto Crashes Into Buggy, Hurting Two James Griffin, 3549 Avenue A, and Will, lam Wilson, 3201 Third avenue, vere painfully Injured at 10 o'clock last night when an automobile, driven at a speed of about forty miles an hour, smashed Into the rear of the buggy In which fiey were riding. The accident happened at Twenty-ninth street and Hroadway wh'le the men were driving west toward their home in a buggy owned by Griffin. drivers of the automobile, which bore, the number 2627 Nebraska, evidently did not see the vehicle ahead of tbem until It was too late to stop. The light rig was en. tlrely demolished and both men thrown out with .great force. Roth received bad bruises. Griffin about the head and body, and Wilson's knee was wrenched. The automobile did not stop, but con tlnued In the direction of Omaha. Che police department was quickly notified and the. Omaha police station was called upon to station men at the bridge to arrest the drivers of the car when they appeared. They did' not cross tl.e bridge, however, they turned back, but did .lot One go to the scene of the accident. . Dr. thousand dollars- was subscribed st once-Tubbs was called to the eta tlon -vnd mittee to care for the destitute. sod a store baUdtng donated for heait- dressed the wounds ot tbe Injured men It it&dee tlat all torrfRn quarters. Two subcommittees for detail after they had been brought there. It Grlnnell College (llee Club Concert. What promises to be a rare treat toi music lovers of Council Hluffs and vl-t clnlty will be a concert given by tha Grlnnell College Glee club this evening In the First Presbyterian church. This ciud nas been secured through the ef forts of the Young Men's Christian ns. soclation and the proceeds will go to-. uaras equipping the boys' department. The club on Its numerous trips tnrough. all parts of the west has acquired a rep. utatlon of being "the best In tho west" and press notices from all cltlps where tney have been give unstinted praise as to their musical ability. The club is uni der the direction of Prof. p. B. Peck, who Is professor of violin Instruction at Grlnnell. U Is hoped that an music lovers Will come out to hear this com. pany and further the effort of the Young Men's Christian association to secure en. tertalnments of a high class. Short Dimension. We have a complete stock of short dU menslbn at all times, such as 2xfa 8x' 2x8's, 2xl0's. 2x138, 4, , 6 and 8 feet In length at a bargain. C. Hafer Lumber company. Marrtatre Ucenses. The following marriage licenses have been Issued; Name and Residence. 1, P. I. Nelson. Council Rlufts , jg Frances Jonas, Council Bluffs so Martin L. Volker. Kearney. Js --1 'Jessie Wagner, Cameron, Neb . j . - - - Henry w. Terung. uaebolt, la as a, saDat thax mold. nut. aHutd. luu&cr uunub wtttj,Jtt Eulucsua. lav ax to jnaltt o ur. 4 car was Gcorgu lUUoati'. furuier mutor- ciazu Schmidt, Omaha... .,.M