Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 30, 1913, PART ONE NEWS SECTION, Page 10-A, Image 10

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Probably You're Not A CLOTHING EXPERT flg
beyond knowing what you want,
or don't want when you see it it's
likely you leave the matter of quality of goods
and workmanship to someone's "say-so."
Most people do. But you need not. There's
a sure way to know you're getting right
style, service and permanent satisfaction.
for iKa
tkao hark mairntmD
for tha
For forty yean it has marked the product of a
great Tailoring Establishment which makes its goods
the very best it knows how.
We put it on our Clothes for your protection; it has never
yet appeared on an imperfect garment. Insist on seeing
it before you buy; it's your sure guarantee that you're
getting what you. pay for, the greatest Clothesvalue
your money can buy.
On Sale in Omaha by
B CcMom Bwt. It Cot
I .
Disquieting Rumors Still Interfere
with Work of the Committees.
School Trnchcm Pnr Special Atten
tion to Young Girls, Women
nil Children nnd Are tilv
Ins Vnlnnblc Help.
Visiting Soldier
Reports Progress
and Gives Praise
Hon' the slshts and work In the tor-'
undo district ! impressing the out-of-town
militia men can be gathered from
the report made by R. A. Hanna on his
return to his home in Lincoln on leave
at abeence, who is quoted in a Lincoln
newspaper as follows:
"The progress which has been made In
the reconstruction of parts of Omaha
following the tornado of Sunday has
been remarkable. Searchers hsTvs now
irons through the entire ruins and re
moved all vnluables. Now what re
mains to be done Is to rebuild that part
of the city. And even that work Is
progressing rapidly. Carpenters and other
workmen are busy on the scene of do
itructlon and on many of the houses de
molished roofs have already been re
placed. "Tbe Lincoln) guardsmen havo fared
well during their service, and wllh the
exception of two men, nil are in good
health. Since their arrival In Omaha the
Lincoln mon have been stationed at the
south end of the storm-swept district,
the part whloh was filled most largely
with the expensive homes'. The men are
on duty twelve hours and then off twelve.
Quarters are maintained In the armory,
Where oots ero furnished for all.
"Criticism has been heard In Omaha
over the faot that the guardsmen and
regulars have been assigned almost ex
clusively to the south end of the de
molished district, leaving the north end,
where many of the poorer persons lived,
almost unguarded. With the removal of
valuables, guard work; is now nearlr
completed, and the men may be recalled
oo n.
"Some little alarm haa been felt in
Lincoln among friends and relatives of
the men in Company F over the report
that one had lost his mind as a result of
the scenes of destruction and horror. The
man was not of the Lincoln company, but
was a militiaman from Omaha who was
stationed at the telephone building whloh
dlreotly following the tornado was
turned Into a temporary hospital."
Hex cotton felt mattress, weighs a lbs.
tull eUe, art ticking, roll stitched edge.
The Persistent and Judicious Use of
Newspaper Advertising Is the Road to
Business Success.
let Rid if
Piles at Heme
Pimple Homo Remedy, Eaj&y Applied
Gives Quick Relief and ProrenU
All Danger from Operation.
(Send for Tt Trial Paokafs and ror
it in Toaioasa.
Don't even think of an operation for
Vlles. Remember what h M rtn
doctor bbMj Any part of to body out
away is gene forever. One or two ap
plications of Pyramid Pile Remedy and
all the naln. fire and torture oeasaa. in
a remarkably short time the congested
sins are reduced to normal and you
will soon be all right again. Try this
remarkable remedy. Bold everywhere
at drug stores. Bend tor a free trial
paokage and prove beyond question It I
the right remedy for your ease, even
though you may bs wearln a. tUa
Just send in the coupon below at ones
Tor ne free trial treatment. It will show
you ooncluslvelr what Pvmt-M mi.
Remedy will do. Then you s&n'get the
rrguiar package for M cents at any drug
store. Don't suffer another needless
nitwit. Writs now.
VtteA& Drug Company, Of Prr.
mid Bid. Marshall, Mich. Kindly
send om a trial treatment of Pyramid
P1U Remedy at rocs, by mall, FREB,
In plain wrapper, so I can prove U
splndl4 rauUa.
Btaek-ralconsr Co., Undertakers.
Bailey, the Sentlst, City Nat'l. D. 2CG6.
ridellty Storage k Tan Oo. Doug. 1516,
Have Hoot Print It Now Beacon
Tornado insurance,, the good kind. Kd
B. Turlilnton, 02 Use llldg.
O. 8. Slgntter Law offices removed to
6(3-8(5 Omaha Nat'l. Bank ntdg. Tel. DS17.
Zjlghtlng Fixtures repaired and refln
Ished. Jurgess-Oranden Co. Douglas 081.
The Btate Bank ot Omaha pays 4 per
cent on time deposits, t per cent on sav
ing accounts. The only bank In Omaha
whose depositors are protected by the
depositors' guarantee fund of the state
of Nebraska, 17th and Harney streets.
Tor the Kelt if mad Gem moving pic
ture theater of Benson will give the en
tire receipts for Monday to the relief
rined for Insulting Women John Ma
tter, an old man of about 70 years, was
brought Into police court for the seobnd
time this week, charged with insulting
women on the streets. He was fined l&O
and costs.
Qtve Fart of Their Commission Thuet
Bros. & Melady of South Omaha hava
notified the citizen's relief committee
that until April 6, per cent of thoir
commissions will bo donated tor the
benflt of tornado sufferers.
Nebraska IColtne Flow Company Helps
The Nebraska Mollne Plow company,
by C. T, Dunkle, local manager, has con
tributed $200 to the tornado relief funds
with the postscript: "If this Is not suf
ficient, and you need more, let us hear
from you."
Keart in Klght Flaca in sending a
check for (5 for the benefit of the storm
strloken, Charles W. Meeker ot Imperial,
Neb., wrltos: "I only regret that I
could ' not make this check 1600, but the
widows mite Is taken by the great giver
of all good as equal to the gift ot the
Would Adopt Child Mr. S. O.'Fltzslm-
mons ot Hayes Center, Kan., writes that
In the event thore are any girls between
the ages ot 1 and 3 years left parentless,
she will ndopt one, giving It a good home.
Sha sends along the names of several
church people of Hayes Center, whom
one says will vouch for herself and husband.
VWU1 Contribute Use of Trucks The
McCord-Brady company has four large
Advo, trucks which they have turned over
for use from 1 p. m. Saturday afternoon
to Sunday evening for all destitute suf
ferers who wish to move furniture or
other belongings. Anyone desiring their
usage should call up H. O. lloel, care of
the Auditorium relief station.
Va-s Get X-onr Sentences Twelve vag
rants who were arrested In a lodging
house at Eleventh and Douglas Friday
morning, charged vrtth receiving clothing
rrom the relief stations and selling them
to seoond-hand dealers, were ranged be.
lore Judge Foster, who scored them se
verely. They received from thirty to
sixty-day sentences each.
xooma Thrown Open Iter. A. "Wasr-
ner, at the People Mission church. 1201
Chicago street, was preparing ten rooms
over the mission for a Christian Indus
trial home for the dependent orphan chil
dren, but he's now letting them be used
for those who lost their homes during
tne tornado, sir rooms now unoccupied
ana a Jarre Ulnlnr room and vitrn.n
the doors of which are open to you. Tou
are welcome.
Saloonkeeper Sued Mrs. Johanna Pla
cek, wife of Emll Placek of South Omaha,
has brought suit against John Lankas,
saloon keeper at Twentieth and Q streets.
lor S5.W0 damages, alleged caused by sell
Ing liquor to her husband. Mrs. Placek
charges that her husband, while lntox
leated, fell and. sustained injuries, and
that the liquor he drank changed him
from a kind husband and father to
harsh and improvident one.
Wnaay Bound Orx Ous Kinney, who
with a pal gained entrance to the Nov
elty Bklrt company, m North Sixteenth
street, by prying open the rear door, and
attempted to make away with six coats
and four vests, was bound over for
hearing on Monday. The men were dis
covered leaving by the night watchman,
Louis Sater, who was retumlnc from
lttoeb. Satcr grabbed Kinney, calllns for
fcttlp, and was answered by Officer Brink,
man, who was in the ncJgfcbornood. The
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Neb., March 5.-(Bpecial
Telegram.) The supreme court has de
clared unconstitutional the law nnacted
In 1911 which created the Nebraska
Stallion Registration commission. The
court affirmed the decision of the How
ard county district court.
The case was started by Frank lams
ot Bt. Paul, who alleged that the com
mission was Interfering with the business
of the horseman. He attacked the con'
stltutlonallty of the act.
The court held the act unconstitutional
because tt , created executive omcers
which was beyond the authority of the
Judge Letton In his opinion suggested
that It the act Is a good one the present
legislature can remedy the detect by
creating a commission out ot the present
executive officers.
The Omaha Ad olub, whtch recently
ottered prizes aggregating (300 for prize
essays by pupils of grade schools, high
schools and universities, of Omaha, South
Omaha, Uinson, Dundee and Florence,
has sent out circulars requesting the
winners to donate their cash prizes to
the rollef fund.
Principals of the sohools are requested
to asoertatn the wish ot the pupils. The
contest will be held, and the papers
will be In by May 9, but in plaoe of
oash, it Is suggssted that a medal, In
scribed to show the amount given to
the relief fund, be presented. Each win
ner Is then to be accredited with the
amount ot his winning, on the books
ot the relief committee.
Rumors that white slavers have opened
houses near th' storm-stricken part of
the city and are resorting to most
despicable practices In attempts to lure
young gtrls to shame have aroused the
good women of the neighborhood and the
citizens' relief committee has received
notices from many that girls whose homes
were In the path of the storm will be
provided with food, clothes and shelter
at the private expense of these good
Mrs. J. O. White, 1H4 North Thirty
fifth street, came to the city hall and
told the committee she would give At
least twenty girls a home. Ten of thse
she will harbor In her own house, giving
them food and clothes free of charge,
nnd ten others she can place In good,
clean homes.
"I could probably find homes for more
than twenty." said Mrs. White. "But I
now havo good places for that number.
I would be glad to have these girls who
are without homes now call me, Harney
M27, or come to the Calvary Branch m's
slon, ot which I have charge."
Offers of Homes,
Others who have risen to the need to
protect the girls nnd have offered their
homes or rooms for from one to half a
dozen are: Mr,. G D. Armstrong, Thirty-fourth
and Wool worth; Mrs. C. A,
Alden, 2054 Harney; Mrs. M. J. Edwards,
1SU North Thirty-fourth; Mrs. Henry
Frankfurt, Twenty-fifth and Woolwortlr,
Mrs. George Olfford, 1021 Howard; Mrs.
O. W. Pfcston. 3612 Martha; Mrs. George
A. Pope, 4707 North Fortieth avenue.
MIrs Isabelte Lowdon, dancing In
structor, has thrown open her rooms and
asked the special Investigators to nelp
her secure the girls most In need now.
From every section ot the city, from the
most luxurious to the most humblo home,
telephone culls or special messengers have
come to the city hall with the messnge:
"Our doors are open; wo want to help.
Two hundred nnd fifty school tcnchcis
will lend mHtcrlal nld In searchlnK out
the young girls who aro In great danger
nr who havo suffered from the storm. In
command of seven teachers they trooped
Into tho district with Red Cross relict
bands around their arms.
Commanding the teachers at the zov.
eral stations are Mrs. Jcannette I.
Woodward, station No. 1: Mrs. Nora H.
Lemon, station No. 2; Mrs. Corn S5.
Anderson, station No. 3; Mrs. Clara B.
Mason. No. 4: Miss Mary Austin, No. 3;
Miss Emma Roslcky, No. '6; Miss Alice
Hlttn. No. 9.
Tho tenchers In command will report
to Major Hartmann the condition of tho
sufferers In the several aistncis. iney
w(it work In squads of twenty-nve oi
thirty and will visit every section of the
devastated region.
Particular attention will be paid by
these teachers to the condition of young
girls, children and mothers. Tney nave
become personally acquainted with the
residents in the districts where they till
work and are, therefore, qualified to
Judge ot the needs of the people,
Most Wonderful HenllnR.
After suffering many years with a
sore. Amos King. Port Byron, N. Y., was
cured by Bucklen's Arnica Salve. 28c.
For sale by Beaton Drug Co. Advertise
ment. Persistent Advertising Is the Road to
Big Returns.
Orkin Brothers v
5 Per Cent
of the gross sales of our entire store
will be given
For the Relief of the Tornado Sufferers
Every section of the store will contribute rare valuos. Como .
help us to make the amount as large as possible.
(From a ntatr Correspondent)
.LINCOLN, Neb., March 29.-(Bpeclal
Telegram.) The house spent thu !ittet-
noon discussing the claims bill, carry
ing, approximately, 190,000, and tl'e bill
to appropriate tSO.000 tor the Curtis
Agricultural school. The latter got
through, carrying a 10,000 appropriation.
and the former as It came from ths Com
The bill allows Arthur Mullen XWi tor
defending the nonpartisan Judlolary act
in the supreme court and allows Chlei
ot Police Brlisi 11.900 es bis reward for
taking part In the capture ot the scap
ing convtott one year ago. This sum.
howevtr, Is to be split up among leveral
Swell the Relief Fund For the
Tornado Sufferers.
As previously announced The Bee.
Orkln Bros, contributed five per cent
of the gross sales of their entire store
Saturday to the relief of the sufferers,
who were unfortunate enough to be
made homeless or In need of Immediate
help by the awful catastrophe of Easter
Sunday. The amount to be turned, over
to the commltteo It la understood will
be quite large.
But not being satisfied with tho re
sults of one day, they will give five per
cent of the entire sales of the store
again Monday.
Everything will be done to make the
sales as largo as possible, and thereby
swell the amount that goes to tho Re
lief Committee.
Special price concessions will be of
fered in every section of the store on
merchandise now In greatest demand,
and every man, woman, and child should
share in the misfortune of those in need,
by making their purchases on Monday.
A twentieth part of what you spend
goes to the relief ot the unfortunate
sufferers; the amount will be turned
over to the relief committee for proper
distribution. It's Indeed a worthy
cause, so lend a helping hand.
New Department
Schmoller & Mueller
On Tuesday, April 1st, wo open to the public a
new department, which will include tho complete
lines of both tho Viator Talking Machine Co., and
tho Columbia Graphophono Co.
This will bo the only store in Omaha carrying
comploto stock of both Victor and Columbia "ma
chines and records, and will afford purchasers an
oxcellont opportunity 'to make comparison and se
lections. "Wo will appreciate your patronage and will
guarantee you tho samo high grado methods of mer
( ohondising in this department that have made our
piano business the largest in Nebraska. Our samo
liberal credit system will bo included in this depart
ment. Write for catalogues.
Schmoller & Mueller Piano Co.
Per Week
the Family
A superb array of tht'
Newest Spring Garments
awaits you at Omaha's
biggest and busiest credit
You'll be sure of a
"Square Deal" from
"Beddeo." That's his
Ladies' Suits
$12.50 to $40
Ladies' Coats
$7.50 to $30
$3 up
Men's Suits and
$12.50 to $30
To Our Patrons Who
From the Tornado
Don't worry about your pay
ments for tho present. When
you are able, como in or tele
phone nnd wo will make ar
ranRcments to plenso you.
Credit Clothing Go.
1417 Douglas St.
Sash and Doors
Rubber Roof ins
We have a large stock and
guarantee prompt delivery
Office 1 9th and Izard. Phone Doug. 476
"Tho Grip or Influenza is epidemic
In tho city. Tho disease has been
gaining rapidly in tho last six weeks,
according to Information obtained
yesterday at the Department ot
Health. It is believed by the health
authorities, however, that it will in
no wise be as farreachlng or as se
vere as in 1S90-'91." Trlbuno
"Seventy-seven" is the remedy for
Grip, Influenza, Catarrh, pains and
soreness in the Head and Chest,
Cough, Soro Throat, Aching Bones
and General Prostration
Taken early, cuts it short promptly-Taken
during Us prevalence, pre
occupies the system and prevents its
invasion. At your Druggist, 25c, or
Humphreys llomeo. Medicine Co., 15i5
William 8t. New Tork. Advertisement
You Will Miss
Something if
You Fail to
Read the
Protection That Protects
TION Adopted a Rulo Requiring Borrowers to place Tornado as well
as Fire Insurance on their Homes. Tho Wisdom of this Precaution
Now Comes to Cheer and Encourage the Borrowing; Members of the
Association whose Homes were Wrecked or Damaged by the Tor
nado. Our examination shows 20 Homes of Members Destroyed
and 30 Damaged. Tornado Insurance on these Wrecked Homos
Amount to $20,000, or $2,000 More Than the Total Amount ot tho
Debt. Insurance on the 30 damaged homes far exceed tho cost of
repairs. Just as Quickly as tho Losses aro Adjusted, tho Insurance
Money will be available for Rebuilding or Repairs. In addition
to this Source of Practical help, the Resources of tho Association
will be Kniploycd in Assisting the Rebuilding of Homes in the
Stricken District.
vThe Nebraska Savings & Loan Association Alms to Safeguard
tho Borrower as well as the Association, and Will Continue in tho
Future the Policy of Mutual Protection which has demonstrated
Its Value In Disaster. '
Insurance settlements have been effected as follows
Edward C. Peatllng, 3106 Hamilton street, total loss.
Thomas F. Swift, 3861 California street, home damaged.
Thomas J. Fltzmorris, 3865 California street, home damaged.
Richard H. Randall, 4808 Poppleton avenue, total loss.
Leopold Bartl, 3520 Webster street, total loss.
Delia C. Carmichael, 3645 California street, total Iobs.
Belle L. C. Houston, 3311 Lafayette avenue, 2 houses, damaged
C. F. Cox, 1415 Wirt street, house damaged.
W. R. Sleeper, 3303 North 14th avenue, home damaged
B. Jullen. 625 North 40th street, home damaged.
R. S. Wilcox, 181h and Lothrop, home damaged.
Nebraska Savings & Loan Association
Thomas A. Fry, Georgo E. Haverstlck, John R. Brandt,
President. Treasurer. Secretary.
C. N. Dietz Lumber Co.
Advises every one to look at their insurance policies and If you
find no
Tc i Jo, Cyclone aid Wind Stern lnsiraRce
Call und secure a policy. Will keep office open Sunday until
4 p. m. Phone Doug. 419.
oOr man escaped.
J Xrjr to tm Ittnatjoa-Bet AdTrt1n.