NOW READY--The best pictures of the storm district were made for THE BEEThirty views have been reproduced in a PHOTO PORTFOLIO OF THE OMAHA TORNADO, printed on fine paper, 7x9 pages with striking cover and explanation. Just what you want to send to friends. Price, 10 cents. By mail, 12c' he Omaha Sunday Bee PAST ONE. NEWS SECTION PAGES ONiTtO TWELVE, j VOL. XLII NO. 41. MORNING, MAKCll HO, I9Ki SIX SEraONH-FOUTY-EiailT PAOHK. SINGLE COPY FrVH CENTS. 1 1 u THE WEATHER, . Fair ' ASK LEGISLATURE TO ALLOW COUNTY TO VOJ MILLION Plan for Restorating District Laid Waste by Tornado Approved by Commercial Club. COMMITTEE TO GO TO LINCOLN Fourteen Men Named to Request Authority of Lawmakers. IMMEDIATE ACTION NECESSARY Senate and House Will Adjourn in About a Week. GOVERNOR MUST RECOMMEND IT Time for Introducing Bills in Usual Manner Past COUNTY OFFICIALS CO-OPERATE Majority Vote of Elector of Doug la Co ii ntj- Required to 3Inke .Mo lie j- Avnllnblc if Lug lulntnrc Favor I'lun. Immediate restoration of the district devastated by the tornado last Sunday Is now practically up to Governor Morehcad and tho Nebraska legislature. The Com inerclai club yesterday afternoon coin cided with the opinions of the committee of fifteen who were appointed tthe day before to work out a plan of restoration 4ln ImmiJl.ln lnlilll1illni. T-.1 . i - I.- LNOk IllllliVUiniC IVUUIIUIIIQ compllshcd -throug the voting of fl.VA), 000 In bonds by Douglas county. The following committee waa appointed by C. K. Yost, chairman of tho executive committee, to go to Lincoln for the par PObo of presenting to the governor and state legislature a request tor authority for Douglas county to Hubmlt to tho peo ple a proposal to vote bonds for restora tion purposeb in an amount not to ex ceed $1,000,10): Messrs. John I- Kennedy, chairman; J. C. Dahlman, J. A. C. Ken nedy, It. C. Peters, II. W. Yitcs, C. T. Kountze, George A. Magney, John A, Klne. C. C. George, C. M. Wllhelm. Vic tor Jtoscwater, M. Doorlcy, Joseph Pol .ar. C C. Belden. " ' .,. This committee will leave for Lincoln tomorrow morning. Quick Action .ri'CJnr-, There was quick action by tho execu tive committee yesterday afternoon on the plan endorsed by the restoration J committee at Its noon meeting. The executive committee- quickly approved the Ideas of the restoration committee and Chairman Yost appointed the committee li go at onco to Lincoln to handle tho matter. I ne legislature will adjourn In about a week and It was seen that If the plan of voting bonds was to carry action must he had at Lincoln as soon as pos s.ble. Tho time for Introducing bills In thi usual manner has expired, but a bill may be presented, considered and pasted upon tho recommendation of tho gover nor even at this late day. The county commissioners and County attorney have announced that they will co-operate in submitting the proposal and I- Is understood that a majority of tho legislators arc In sympathy with It. If tho bill goes through and an elec tion Is held, tho bonds will have to bo carried by a majority- voto of the electors of Douglas county. .Tho proceeds of tho bonds, according to tho definite plans, will be lent and used for reconstruction pur poses, tho loans being made on easy terms and at a reasonable rate 'of In terest. If tlm I ho vnrinlln enmmltieeft work out tile work of lebulldlng tho destroyed district will be accomplished with energy and dispatch, so that all evidences Of the tornado will bo wiped out in tlm near future and Omaha will emerge from the disaster with renewed courage jtnd Increased commercial stand ing throughout the United States. Ilellef Fonda (iniiv Itnnlilly. The general relief committee now has Its work well In control and with the funds which will be available for that purpose It Is believed all necessary food, shelter and clothing for thoso in need, will be available. Considerable amounts of money are being received, not only from Omaha, but all over the country. A special committee of five, appointed by Chairman Yost of tho Commercial club executive committee, . will go to Chicago probably early this week to con fer with heads of railroads centorlng In Omaha about restoration donations. Ar thur D. Brandels Is chairman of this commltte and the members are John U Kennedy. W. II. Bucholz. C. 13. Yost and Arthur C. Smith. President A. L. Mooter of tho Union Parlflo already has sent a request to Chairman Lovctt of the. hoard of di rectors asking that $26,000 be given to ward the permanent restoration fund. Omaha banks also will be asked for donations. The First National, United States National and Omaha National have been asked for $1,000 each. The committee which is arranging the actual work of reconstruction will hold a meeting at the City hall at 9 o'clock this morning. The price of The Bee Sou venir of the tornado is ten cent: Some unscrupulous newsboys were reported to charge IS cents, but the price to all ia ten cents. OHIO IS ABOVE FLOOD STAGE River is Sixty-Six Feet at Cincin nati and Still Rising. PEOPLE, ABANDON THEIR HOMES All Motrin Are Crowded nntl Hun dred of VnilN Move Uoodn to HlKh Cround llrldKc A p. nrnnches Submerged. AVASHINGTON, March S9.-Herc Is to day's special flood bulletin Issued by the weather bureau: "The etage of the. Ohio river at Pitts burgh Saturday morning was feet, a fall of 6.0 feet since Friday morning. He ports from the stretch between Pittsburgh and Parkcrsbirg are missing. "At Cincinnati tho morning stage was sixty-six feet, sixteen feet abovo tho flood stage, and nj further rise of about two feet Is expected. Present Indications at Cincinnati point to a Somewhat lower crest than first reported, about Ixty elght feet Instead of seventy feet. Further Hlse I3pectcd. "At Louisville tho morning stage Is 41.1 feet, thirteen feet abovo the flood stage. A further rise Is expected. "Reports from Evansvlllo are missing. The last advices from that point indi cated that tho lowlands would bo Inun dated last night: The Cairo stage this morning was 40.1 feet above tho flood stage. The river at that point will rise moro slowly for tho next few days. The flood situation in the lower Mis sissippi remains unchanged." People Abandon Home. CINCINNATI, March" 29. With tho Ohio river covering the etitlro lower tc tlon of this city and with refugees from the stricken up-state towns coming in by hundreds, Cincinnati today faced a situa tion that will require the combined ef forts of All Its relief and civic organiza tions to copo with. Kvery hotel is crowded to Its capacity, while every' mov ing van, automobile truck and freight street c,ar has been pressed Into servico removing families from the flood area. The Ohio river reached the stago of 65.9 feet at daybreak and was rising at a rato of 1V4 tenths of a foot an hour. More than sixty city blocks nio under water with Its depth ranging from be tween half ,a foot to ten feet. Suffering has been at a minimum ow ing to a warning sept out early that a stato of seventy feet would probably bo reached before tho waters began to re cede, The city was practically cut oft from traffic communication with Covington, Ky., early last evening when tho ap proach to the1 suspension bridge became covered with water at a depth that pre vents car or foot service, Ilrliljre Approaches SulinierKed. A rise of another foot will put the south Covington and Cincinnati street car com panies' lines, which operates all street cars entering from Kentucky, out of com mission, owing to tho fact that the power house will become swamped at this stage. Tho Central bridge, leading Into Newport, was abandoned early last evening. Tho water reached tho second floors of a number of business houses along Front street and was half way up on the first floor of several blocks of houses on Second street. Several lines of tho Cincinnati Traction company, operating In tho lower district, have been aban doned. Ileassurlng word from the packets, com mission men and general produce mer chants canio early today, when It was estimated by experts that Cincinnati had enough food supplies to last It at least ten days without Inconveniencing any one. Sixty city blocks In Newport and Cov ington aro under water and, as almost all of the manufacturing plants on that side of tho Ohio aro located In the low lands, thousands have been thrown out of employment. t?ecretury of War Garrison, accom panied by Major General Iconard Wood, arrived hero today enroute to Dayton. It was decided that Major General Wood should stay In this city and assist Mayor Hunt and th,o Red Cross society In clearing the situation here. Accom panying Secretary GarrlEon to Dayton, via automobile, will be Major General Rhodes and General McCoy. ' In the six Kentucky cities across the Ohio river from Cincinnati the authorities today estimated there were 12,40) persons .already homeless -and that more than ,3,500 houses are flooded. Newport, Cov ington and Dayton, Ky., Immediately op jioslto Cincinnati, are most affected. Anxiety In Louisville. LOUISVILLK. Ky., March 29. Atten tion turned here today to the Ohio val ley and the threatened overflow fartner south. In Indiana, not only In the Ohio river towns ncrosH from Kentucky, hut In the valloya of the White- and Wabash as well, ample warnings have been glv.n all persons living In the lowlands and It Is not believed that the flood will be tho direct oause of any losa of life between hcto and the Mississippi. The property damage, however, will run Into the millions. Tents hae been sent to several Kentucky towns along the Ohio and Mleslsilppi and other steps taken to care for the refugees. Tho principal anxiety In taulsvllle 'c felt over the possibility that tho placts which supply power for the urban and lnterurbaii electric railways In Kentucky I and In southern Indiana will be put cut of commission. Bulgarian Army 1 Advancing Toward Constantinople LONDON, March .-The Bulgarian troops pierced the TchataIJa lines In the neighborhood of Lake Derkos, on the Black sea, today, and are pushing for ward victoriously on Constantinople, ac cording to a Central Now dispatch from Sofia. HOST OF VISITORS Arrangements Being Made to Handle Thousands of Sightseers in Omaha Today. MORE STATE TROOPS COMING Adjutant General Orders Them Here to Stand Guard. RELIEF BOXES IN READINESS Fifty of Them Will Be Received to Receive Contributions. CERTAIN STREETS TO BE OPEN Vlnltnr Will lie Permitted AlnnK These Linen Without Passe Frrnh Troops Are lions Ordered Into City. Preparations are being made for the tens of thousands that arc expected to visit tho ruins of tho Omaha tornado today. Certain streets have been or dered to be kept open to tho puoltc with out requiring passes. Three companies of state troops have been ordered norc ny Adjutant General Hall to help out In guarding tho ruins , during the ' Sunday rush. Relief boxes will bo placed at fifty different points along the track -if the ruins. Into these boxes anyone wish ing to donate may drop donations. liach box will be guarded by two persona dele gated by the relief committee. Tho vari ous hotels In tho city n,nd tho depots also will have such relief boxe in plain sight. Those at .'ie hotels will ,-ematn for some time, while the plan Is now that thoso In the stricken district shall ba operated only Sunday. Additional Troop to Gunril. The additional state troop arrived at 3:45 this afternoon. They aro Company A of the Second regiment from Kearney, D of the Second from Hastings and Com. pany B of the Second front Holdrego. The strength of the Hastings troops !s about sixty men, that of Kearney nnout forty and that of Holdregc about inlrty flveT .This will swell tho force of state troops now on duty by about 135 men. After Sunday tho matter of relieving some of tho state troops will oa conrl.i- ered. as the large force will not be needed artcr that time. Fresh troops from vari ous parts of the rtate fill be called !n from uimo to time, while" somo of those who have been here lbi)geit""Vt7Sl bo dis charged from guard duty. Colonel H. J. Paul of St. Paul of the Second regiment, Lieutenant Colonel w. F. Samuions of the Second regiment from Kearney, Major IVer S. Johnson of Stan ton of tho First and Major C. H. Johnson of Schuyler all have been ordered io re port to Ihe adjutant general In Omaha Sunday evening. Streets Open to I'ulillc. Streets to bo kept open to the public during Sunday where no passes will ne required arc Sherman avenue. Florence boulevard, Twenty-fourth, Thirty-third, Fortieth, Forty-eighth, Leavenworth, Farnam, Cuming, Seward and Lake streets. J. P, Morgan Taken 111 on Easter Day LONDON. March 29,-An unconfirmed despatch from Rome to the Kxchango Telegraph company says: "Herbert L. Paterlce, eon-ln-law of J, Plerpont Morgan, admitted today that Mr. Morgan has not lft his hotel sluco Easter day, when ho became 111 during church servico and was forced to re turn Immediately to his hotel. He is taking a complete rest under tho In structions of his doctors." Tenehcrn Kleet Offleern. NORFOLK. Neb.. March SU.-tSpeclal Telegram.) North Nebraska teachers vlosed their annual session here today, electing tho following officers: President. C. A. Mohrman, Nellgh: vire president J. J. Malone, Humphrey; secretary. Minnie O'Neill; treasurer, N. A. Houscl, Madloon. House Demolished by Tornado Rapidly Rebuilt Drawn for The Bee by Powell. !SE KILLS FLEEING STATE Bfli ROBBER Robert I. Brown of Barnes, Kan., is Shot by Robber. POSSE GETS THE BANDIT He Fnlln liidcr ltnlu of Ilnllcta Three Block from the llnnk C'lutcliliiH' the Untc of Stolen Gold. BARNIiS, Ivan., March 29,-Robert I. Drown, cashier of the Barnes Stato bank, was sho). ami killed today by a man who had robbed tho Institution. Iatcr a posso of cltttens shot tho robber to death as ho was trying tu escapo from town with a bag of gold. Brown mot death, instead of obeying the order to throw up his hands ho grabbed a revolver and filed at tho robber. Brown was at tho counter counting money when he was confronted by a masked man pointing two rovolvers at him. "Put 'cm up," was the robber's com mand. Brown Instead ducked, reached Into a drawer, got his rovolver and hod cm- ployed- It without effect In tho robber's direction before a bullet through tho head killed him. John Potter, assistant cashier, ap peared at the back door and was met by two bullets from tho robbpr's rovol ver, neither of which struck him. "Yoif better not get In this," sneered tho robber, who kept Potter covered while ho gathered Into a hag JWOO In gold (Continued on Page Two.) JIO'lB, 11 ilAHti IinjjQi;. CALIFORNIA. "Thy Will Be Done" . I i 1 I v i I i I . , ',777 1 ! ' J I I ft r La Judge Admits Going Outside Record in Nelson Contempt Case KANSAS CITY, March Judge Joteph A. Guthrlo', In preparing his decision sentencing William R. Nel son to a day In Jail for contempt of court following the publication of an artlclo In Mr. Nelson's paper, tho Star, concerning a divorce case, went outsldo the return mode by Mr. Nolson on tho citation, according to tho Judge's testi mony on cross-examination today at the hearing of the contempt case before C. C. Crowe, commissioner of tho Missouri supreme court. Judge Guthrie said ho was Influenced by "other facts," including nn hrtlcle published in the Star following tho cita tion, and by what ho conceived to be tho "general policy of tho Star toward tho courts.' SH0TT0N ESCAPES FROM LEAVENWORTH PRISON LKAVUN WORTH, Kan., March 19. Clyde Htrntton, serving u flvo-yenr sen tence In tho federal prlfon at Fort Lrnv enworth for the robbery of tho McCool, lnd., post office, rsrnpcd today by crawl ing a mile through the prison sower. Two other prisoners who made tho attempt with Stratum were captured. Tho captured men wero overcome by sewer gas and wore pulled out of the sewer unconscious. When rovlvcd thoy declared Htratton had escaped. Stratton, a college graduate, was taken In a raid In Chicago, following the mur der of a Jeweler there, hut wax not formally connected with that crime. L DAYTON IS OPEN TOSIGHTSEERS Citizens Swarm Through Mud and Shallow Water. TELEGRAPH OFFICE OPEN Xotlee lit Sent (1 11 1 thnt I'rlTnte Me tine. Cim not lie Handled Spirit of Optimism Nor l'reviill. DAYTON, O., March Citizens of Dayton swarmed over the central part of tho olty today for tho first tlmo fince Tuusday morning, when tho flood rushed over the lawn. The military announced that thoso who would dare tho mud nnd occasional patches of flood in tho hoi Iowa might miss tho bridges from other parts of tho city without official per mission, Tho flro loss In tho center of the city covers only four blocks, lying within tho district bounded by Jefferson, St. Clair, Fourth and Second streets. Thp Western Union Telegraph company aucccedod today In oponlng an ufflco In tho Ucckol house In tho center of the city anil waa Immediately swnmped with telegrams from persona desiring to as sure friends and relatives of their safety, 4110 nun waa out,- nro engines were busy pumping water from basements of) the principal buildings, ami a mora opti mistic spliit prevailed than at any pre vious tLiiM Miico tho torrent of tho Miami river rushed over the city. IMenly of Food In Sight. Food poured In front every quarter by wagon, train and automobile; gangs of men were everywhere busy with Bhovol and nxo and pick, clearing away tho debris. It was hoped to have onipunip lug station working within forty-elght hours, which would provldo the hydrants with water In cuso of flro. In tho UtH'.!tl house, which was at lltxt supposed to hare been burned with heavy lowi of life, the wntor never reached tho Mecoud floor. Tho lobby, however, like every othur building In the flooded dlstriot, was Inchon deep with mud. jmiiio western unio.. operatora wera marooned In their office for foity-two hours. They subsisted on 11 barrel of oabbago which floated down thu alley ai .hu tide of th building. Another refugee In this place was a horse, widen toHl In the water for twenty-four hours and partook liberally of the eabbag. Then suddsnly it bolted Into tht street and was drowned. tferetury of War Garrison arrived at Dayton this afternoon and at a confer anus with John ii. Patterson, chairman of the committee of fifteen, degided t oidsr federal sanitary experts lierj. AO. solutii ourfew regulations maintain and none Is allowed out after 6 o'clock. I'rliute 31oiiik- llnrred. Announcement was made by tho relief committee today, until conditions beomo normal, that no private messages o per sons here will be dsllvnred or answered, as the wire rapacity I taxed to 'ne ut most to carry official and public busi ness. The committee exprssed tha wish that iHtople throughout the country re frain from sending message pgpprnlng the safety of relatlvA and friends here, as such are futile. It !s lmpoislble to afceertaln definitely any Infromatton concernnlg people jn th Hooded districts. As fast" as the bodlua of dead are Identified the namea are be ing sent out by the news associations. CENTRA (.Continued on Page Two.) investigator: ESTIMATE 500 FLOOD DEATHS Earlier Estimates of the Nnrabci; Drowned in City and Its Suburbs Too High. This Estimate is Made by Committeq of Business Men After General Survey of District. UNDERTAKERS HOLD A MEETING They Place Number of Dead at Eight Hundred. WATER PLANT IS NOW AT WORK Supply for Eire Protection Restored at Noon. ALL SEWERS ARE CLOGGED HP It Will Be Several Weeks Beforo They Can Be Used. BODIES COVERED WITH MUD Searchers AVndo Through Sen of Slimy Oose Bodies of - Hun dreds at Demi Animals Lylnir In Streets. Investigations ycatcrdny tended to con firm tho estimates of fewer than 600 deaths In tho floods that awopt over a ncoro of cities In Ohio and Indiana last week. As the waters receded from Dayton, Columbus and other places, leaving a thick coating of mud, alarm was caused, by n. rapid rlso of tho Ohio and tho Mississippi rlx-ers, Inundating parts of cities along their banks. Thcro Is nut much danger of loss of lire In theso places, however, as tho inhabitant havo hills to flee to and aro used to floods. Hevlsod reports Indlcato that tho num ber drowned In Dayton may not, exceed 150, although theru" aro thoso who say tho number will be much greater. Tho death list at Piqua. 6.. foil off from tho estimate of fifty to twelvo hnown dead. The latest estimates mIiow tixo follow Jng deaths f OHIO, Dayton a CO Columbus SO Hamilton SO Plana ia rrlion 19 roy 9 Mlam!sburr so 18 10 vans? junction., a Tiffin zanssvuis - a iMasstiion ,, a OlUlUcoths . . Hlddlatown . cuves 2 fremont 14 Ohio total. .430 . is . 4 XXTDXA2TA. . . 'JOIFort Wayne,.,. Psni D rook villa loiTtrro Haute..., Indiana total 49 Oraad total , Xsj DAYTON. O., March S9.-Thoiigh a search at tho flooded districts here Indi cated that tho loss of llfo In Dayton will not bo mora than 150 to 200, at a meeting of seven-eighths of tho undertakers it waa announced that a concensus of their opin ion put tho totnl dead at 800. Theso esti mates were based meroly on general con ditions, and Dayton cltlrciiB today re newed efforts to explore every recess o the city to ascertain if their reckoning was correct. Iirgo rescue parties went out today to succor the Btifferors and recover the dead. Tho Bewerage system, gas and wire, communications have been nil and do Mroycd. Thousands of dead animals aro lying about the street. Two fertilizer firms began today to gather these ani mals. Water Is being served from the privato plants of tho Soldiers' Home and the Na tional Cash Iteglater company, being served from sprinkling wagons. Sencrs Aro ChiRKed. Tho relief committee has sent out an urgent appeal to people not to dump rofuso lit tho streets, but to dig cess pools wherever possible. The sewerage system cannot bo used for weeks and it will be necessary to do without gas for some time. Considering the number of persons af fected by the flood, there has been com paratlvcly little sickness, the cold weaUier being responsible for this to a great ex tent. The. cold has caused great suf fering among thoso marooned without food, water or heat, but In tho end It haa proved a blessing. ISfforta wero made today to clear away debris Iil sections first cleared of flood water, anil It was feared bodies might be found In theso mnsses of wrokBir With well organized enw rinin. t.i.. ..mi work, others" took food to persons still marooned in Itlvcrdalo and north Dav ton. It was believed, however, that by ntKhtfall most of theso people could get out, bo rapidly was the water rei ceding. Wnler Supply Itestored. Tho olty water works, which havA ,u.n out of commission since Tuesday morn- reoioreu at noon today, rellay, Ing what has been one of the mast irr4. ous phases of the situation here. ueorgo 1", Hurba. secretary to Gov- LET ERYE0DY HELP Send your contribution for the tornado victims to way Omahtt newspaper and It will be acknowledged, in the paper and turned Into official relief fund.