Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 27, 1913, EXTRA, Page 7, Image 9

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    TUF. TWFr. n!!1, TliriiSDAY, MAltril '27. V.)Vl
Beam Driven Through Piano 3816 Chicago Street
Melorose Beauty
Main Hour Toilot
W li o n In tho Ijljt?!?
store Thursday ri(
ro to tho t'uro
KhoiI Grocery and got n
cup ot our "C a p 1 1 o 1"
Hrnncl Coffee It's free
Some Stick 1.0 Their Posts for Two
Olio filrJ l Ki'UiltTfil I iinoiiHni It.v
IleJnu Thrown .littiliiMl, n Trt-e
Hint Then Wnlkt, to Hie
V!i!U- their homos wore :i twisted iiirri
oil ruin umi debris, many of the telephone
operators stuck to tlielr posts at the tele
phono office followini; the storm Sunday
nlsht and worked all through the night
and the following day. The sixteen glrla
at the Webster street exchange, which
was struck by the cyclone, performed
cciintlrss deeds of heroism.
With everything around them In a
Mate of great turmoil and wounded and
dying lying on the floor of the tele
phone office, tho girls remained In their
seatB at the swltchboaul In the Webster
exchange and flashed news of the ca
tastrophy to all parts ot tho city.
Day opeiators, who were nt their homes
during the storm, walked many miles
to the exchange offices to assist the illght
.forces In maintaining the service. Rose
Gillette and Myitle l'eats. who reside In
Florence, walked all the way to the or
yfloe at Klghteenth and Douglas street
to tako up their pots at the switch
board. Elslo Wseedler ot 0313 Dewey avenue,
was on her way to the Douglas exchange
when the storm struck. She was at
Thirty-fourth ami Cuming streets and
was carried nearly a block by tho terrific
galo of wind, v sho was caught between
two trees and rendered unconclous. Some
time later sho was found by two p&llce
officers, who had to chop away portions
of the treeB to free her from her perilous
position. After regaining conclousnees
Bho walked to the telephone office and
worked through the night and folluwlng
Clara Schesehy left her home In East
Omaha after the storm for the Douglas
telephone office. She walked all night
through the devastated section of the
city and got to work at C o'clock Mon
day morning. Minnie Botttter and Helen
Klllott, Thirty-eighth and Grand avenue,
also walked to tho telephone office.
Mrs. May Gamble, a former telephone
operator, left her 2-year-old baby and
walked to the Douglas office from Thirty
third, and Hamilton street to assist the
opuratora. She worked for twenty-fout
hours without Intermission.
yhile there were twenty girls Injured
only one was seriously hurt. Miss Mary
McDermott, 4902 Pacific street, was
caught In her home under a heavy tim
ber. Sho walked to tho hospital. She
was night toll operator at the Douglas
The telephone company Is supplying
tho girls whose homes were destroyed
w-ith clothing and other necessaries. The
operators who worked so diligently are
to be handsomely rewarded by the company.
Peculiar Incidents
in Connection With .
Sunday Night Storm
AiorrK ChriEiensci, Fifty-Mxth .ind
Valnut street!-, and wlte weio thrown
w:th thlr two children for :t distant e
of eighty feet and hut led beneath tho ;ub
Msh of their own bam. Ono, of the chil
dren, asrrd 10. was killed, while tho other
vaa apparently bllghtly Injured. Mr.
C'hriEtcnsen was badly shakeu up and
Mr?. Chrlstcnsen was Injured severely,
rcrhaps internally.
Sir. Itathke. Sixteenth and Frank streets,
was thrown for a d 'stance of MO feet
east of his hom., while his wlfo and
two boys were thrown a half mile nortl
Tho latter were found In Olscjn's pasture,
all of them dead
Joseph I.. Tl'.lman and daughter of
Ralston, were hurled 100 feet Into the side
of a building next to the postofflce. As
ho was lielns hurled through the air lie
covered his face and hands. When he
regained consciousness two massive tim
bers were on either side of hhn, and he
was barely sTatched.
-As Sir. Meadows and wife kuw the storm
approaching they made for the cellar
Mrs. Meadows succeeded In getting Into
tho cellar, but her husband was left on
tho top steps. The entire house and eve i
the cellar steps, was swept away, whll
Mr. Mejido'ws wan rented nn the rfunt- of
j tho basement, little harmed by "the" oaes
I lug wind.
I Harry Synder, between Thirty-third and
Thlrty-fouith on Hurt, stayed In n!s
house, while tho wind carried a clothes
basket full of clothes thiough a window,
moved the house from Its foundation, hut
left two coal oil lamps burning unmo
lested. Sirs. Synder gave birth to 1i
baby girl Slonday nlliht at tho homo of
her mother-in-law, Twenty-sixth and
Hamilton streets.
Mrs. C'ronln, with her grandson, 2927
Seward, witnessed the destruction of thel.
little home, although neither of them
was Injured The wlndcloud deposited a
two-seated carriage In tho parlor as It
passod, hut took pt-iictunl'.:. tin i .-. .
fHiiiding in exchange. Adams. ZDl'J Seward, has the n,
houru left standing In that dlMrlct 1
though the house is lelt standing,
entile dwelling Is gutted and bits of gls
and scantlings were driven Into the wall:
with great .force. In spite of the smash
lllg ot nil the windows and the genera
mlxup within doois not a disii on tli
shelvcH or in the cupboards was IiiJuh J
Directly behind the house an auth)ol'll
was loft unscathed, while Its protretliiv
garage was lifted ami went sailing 'mo
the distance.
The Omaha's Woman's club will give ,i
benefit for the relief work In the city at
tho Urandels theater the afternoon and
evening of April 2. Sir. C. W. Turner, Jr.,
manager of tho theater, has given tho us"
of the thentcr to the 'lub for the occa
sion. Tho Douglas Printing company
will print the programs and tickets for
tho affair as their donation to the benefit
Not only are the club wonirn giving tills
benrflt, hut thero are about fifty of them
under the direction of Sirs. C. W. Hayes,
president ot the club, at the Auditorium
assisting In the relief work. Slany of
them aro doing field work.
Persistent Advertising Is the Road to
Ultf Returns.
iti:i:cn,i) its Kocxniiousii
Men and teams , yesterday com
menced clearing away the debris of thi
Missouri Pacific roundhouse, wrecked by
tho Sunday night tornado. As snon as
the site is cleared, a now structuio Will
be elected.
Tho Missouri Pacific's new roundhnusa
will he double tho slzo of the old oh,
containing twenty-five stalls. It will
bo of steel and concrete construction and
equipped with tho most modern ma
rfoJniry for carrying on the work of tho
men employed.
More of These Great TRIMMED HATS
Values That Set the Whole Town a-Talking
YI'jS! AnotTIcr collodion of thoso siniirt now creations that again dcinonst rates-our abil
ity to give you "Millinery l5onutil'ur' at the minimum price. At the threshold of tho
spring season when ou need a new hat or trimmings, ou will he able to fill your desire
oThuriula 1Spry hut Is strictly tlilB BcunoirB product nntl Is well worth morn tlinu tho prlco wo nok. Tho
-now nhnpo.9. th" bright, llvoly colorn of tho trlmmlnga nml the stunning offectH will nt onco suggest herttl-
wcar of superior qunllty. Hero s thp way wo offer theni for Thursday:
Spring hats at
Regular Price, $7.50
IZ Spring Hats $750
! Regular Price, $10 P &
regular marked prit
For Thursday we offer our entire stock of
French Ostrich Plumes at 12U per cent off the
Spring Hats
Values up to $20
Women Who WearJhe JR (Si G Know
tie True Goodness of a Scientific Corset
BECAl'SU It's built to fit your own figure. Hut thoso who see know you've nn H. & O. becnuso of tho trim grnco of
your gown. Among the 10,000 women who puy nn It & (5. corset ovory single duy oT tho year aro women with
every kind of figure, tnll, smnll, slim, plump, dulnty. stutely. There Is nn H. & G. Corsot for you ono tlint fits
you and suits you exactly. When you tome In, see nil styles of It. & 0. Corsets till you como to ono plnnned by tho
designer to fit your particular figure.
U. .V (i. Corset Style
tires, medium bust, e
front clasp with silk
tif til batiste, prettily
R. . Style A202 This
Corset Is cut on long lines
Unit make ihe stout figure
appear slim, made of excel
lent sateen, henvlly boned
with wedgo front claSp, 4
supporters; dj 1 AA
Thursdny V V"
K22D -This correct model Is just the kind for tall full flg-
xtremoly long over hips, lnces on both sides and nt bottom of
elastic laces, nllowlng freedom of body when Routed. Honu
trimmed, six supporters attached, sizes IS to '.10, Thursday nt.
It. At J. Style 11223 An
Idenl model with tho now
fashion lines. Kor average
figures, made of strong ba
tiste, well boned throughout,
six supporters attached, sizes
18 to 110; spe
cial Thursday.
II. ft O. Style C30a Kor, ave
nge figures, It Is especially ds
slrable because of Its splendid
comfortable medium bust, eon-
I II. handsomely trimmed, alx
supporters, well honed and has
long, graceful hip Art
i& to ,io, nn
Thursday, at ... V"'""
B. & a. Style F230 This corset
Is Intended for stout figures,
heavy honing, combined with
strongest material, rulnforeed
In front produces, this corset
of double strength, made in all
sizes up to 3G,
for Tliut
day. at
i to 36, .
:Orkin Brothers Your Home Store-
Mayor Asks that
New Troops Be Sent
for the Relief Work
Mayor Dahlman has telegraphed ftov
iinor Morehead asking that the stato
.nilltla now on guard duly In the storm
district be relieved and other companies
'e brought here to replace them. Some
of the militiamen of the nine companies
now guarding the ruins have worked In
cessantly. Mnny of them have asked that
they be allowed to go home, as tl'elr Job-i
aro In Jeopnrdy becauso or their absence.
If other militiamen do 'not" replace them,
deputies will be sworn In, although the
city administration believes the gtmrds
u'fn aro more adapted to the work.
$5.00 and for dresses worth up to
J12.M $10.00 and $12.60 for dresses worth
up to $:0.O3. On pale Thursday K-ir par
ticulars see our adv on page 10. Juuii;
Orkln. MIO Douglas St
Women df Dundee have established a
i cllcf supply station In the Hart building.
Fiftieth and t'nderwooil avenue. Mrs. C
C. Oeorgo was placed in charge and will
bn assisted by Mrs. W. Jj. Sclby, Mrs. It.
C. Peters, Mrs. K. A. Hfnson and Mrs.
John Hnrt
I More than $30o war la sed at the meet
' Inc. to be turned oor to thrt Omaha gen
leial relief mi.imlttee. Tho supplies re
! crlved nt .ho Dundee station will be
sent to tho relief stations of the afflicted
All of the people connected with the
Plymouth Cougregutlomil church nnd
Sunday school nre asked to meet in I tie
United Presbyterian chinch, Twent;
flrst and Kmmct streets, Friday evening
at S o'clock to consider proper action in
View of the total destruction of their
church building.
Tho morning service on the day of Ihe
catastrophe was1 one of unusual beauty.
Mrs. J. O. Goodwin was the soloist, the
chorus choir exceeded Itself, a class of
nine was leeelved Into the church, the
building was filled with worshipers tnd
fragianty with tho -odor of lilies and
hyncluthu. A universal spirit of entlunl
asm and good cheer 'pervaded the large
audience, In drnmntlc contrast with tnt
scene of desolation In the evening.
(Iratefnlly accepting the prompt and
generous Invitation of the Klrsl 1'nlled
Presbyterian church on Twenty-first tnd
Kinmet streets, the people of Plymouth
church will hold their services and Sun
day hchool there for the present
rtov. F W. Ieavltt. minister of Ply
mouth Congregntlonal church, and his
daughter, Carolyn, had n nnrrow exeapo
from death In the house of W J Holmes.
1C21 Wirt street, which was partially de
molished. hugi two-by-slx timber
was driven Into the room where they had
been sitting before tho storm broke. Mr.
l.eavltt has been given a home and a
study at the tesldeiico of M. II. Copctnud,
1922 Wirt street, while his daughter la
being cured for by Mis. li. 1). Van
Court and Mr?. Katlierluc Van Court nt
1902 Wirt street. When tho walls of Ply
mouth church tell they did not crush
tho celling over the church study Thus
Mr. l.eavltt was able to remove his
library and bookcases unharmed.
V. (. V. Il. llef ileitiliiunrtrrn.
The Woodmen of tho World has
opened relief headquarters on the second
floor of the Woodmen ot tho World build
ing, Jnhti Kennedy, city organization
mnnagcr Is in charge. Needy memben
aro Invited to call.
Women-in.middlc age often complain o( hot flashes. They ore at that Ittge
of life when their delicate organism needs a tonio and helping-hand which only
Dr. I'ieroe's Favorite Prescription oan give them. Many women suffer needlessly
Irom girlhood to womanhood and (rom motherhood to old age with backache,
dizziness or headache. A woman often becomes 'sleepless, nervous, " broken
down," Irritable and feels tired from morning to night. When pains and aches
raok the womanly system at frequent intervals, Mk your ntlthbor about
Doctor Pierce's Favorite Prescription.
Mrs. J. Iunor, of 321 8. RenUlon Street, Baltimore, Md., says: "I
wroUi you about nine months ago, telllnir you of my condition. I hn a
fin baby oirlane wnltihod nine pounds when bom. 8he U my third child
and the stronveit of thrm all. My ufferlna was only for two hours. I
took teveral buttles of ' Karorlte Prescription ' and one of Dr. Plerce'a
Bmart-Weed. I never had a well day beforo I took your medicines, I was
surprised how well I felt eoild eatwas always hunnrry. and never had a
Ick stomach. The nurse who waa with me sala the medicine was wonder
ful because I irot alone so nicely after havlnar had so much trouble before.
Bhe Intends to recommend It to all her Buffering; patients. Everybody Is
aetonlihnd at me because I only weighed 102 pounds before and now I
weigh 136. t hare had several ladles come to me and aik about Dr. Plerce'a
Cwllclne. 1 am willing to recommend It to all who suffer and want help,
any want Information I will be glad to give It."
World's Dispensary Medical Association, Proprietors,
At the home of S. D. Barkalow. 402
North Thirty-eighth street, tho atten- 1
tlon of soldiers was attracted Tuesday I
night by a noise of someone moving in
the partially demolished structure. H?pon
clover investigation four men were routed
from their looting and sent flying north
on Thirty-eighth stteet. The soldiers
fired on them, but the looters made good
their escape.
Tonight when sitting around just think
how much more cheerful home would be
if you had a Victor-Victrola.
The family of J. A. Schmidt. 3416 Burt
stieet, at first reported aa being among
tho Injured are alt safe and sound. While
tho house was badly wrecked the mem
bers ot the family all succeeded Jn get
ting out with mlnor'brulses.
Stop Using a Truss
stvart's nmo-rm uui
are dLttrent from the truu, fJj
being medicine sppuutors S frol
If KJiW M mid uiuuiil pur- a gtm -Vi'EU&J
runilo bold the peril l- Bi ll 1
fXtM f1"1; n place. He ilnti. i YmT S
brou snintt the publa
uone. Tnouundt have Sut
cenfullr tretttd thimitlrea
Ittmt fl"Btd St home without hindrance
d "aL from work, and conquered
lam uibh oosunsie ceies.
Btlt ae ! eeir Bplr liml. Awarded
Cold Mdtt and Or.-vnd Prix. Preceis el reeortry it nu
riLon(urtnruillrtruM. We rewhnwe say
by Mndtng you Jrlsl ot Pupao sbioluuty rnCD
Writo umi.M Coupon and tend TODAY, rant
Plapao Laboratories, Block Jfs 81. Louis, Mo.
Return UtU will bring Pree Trial PUpao
Need a Brooch?
You can buy a solid gold brooch
it half price at Orkia Bros. Saturday,
Tlae following Omaha ani Coancil Bluffs
dealers carry. complete lines of VICTOR
VICTR0LAS, and all of the late Victor
Records as fast as issued, Yok are cor
dially invited to imspect the stocks at
aay of these establish&iemts:
Any Victor dealer in
any city in the world
will gladly play any
music you wish to hear.
$15 to $200
Victors, $10 to $100
Victor Talking Machine Company
Camden, N. J
Car. 13th aid
Harney, Ooaha
Geo. E. MIckol, Mgr.
Branch at
Council Bluffs
Cycle Co.
Talking Machine Department
in the Pompeian Room
A. Hospe Co.
1513-15 Douglas St., Omaha, and
407 West Broadway, .... Couacil Bluffs
Orkk Bros.
Victor Department
Third Floor
Cor. 16th and Harney Sts.
"Vtctor-Victrola XVI, $200
Uahogan or quartered oak