Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 26, 1913, EXTRA, Page 9, Image 9

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Some Growing Children
are under size under weight. Some grow
tall and thin, others are backward in studies
pale and frail improper assimilation is
usually the cause. '
If your children are not nigged and
ruddy and rosy bubbling with energy
and vim at all times, you owe them
SCOTT'S EMULSION-nature's concen
trated nourishment to build body, bone,
muscle and brain.
Children need SCOTTS EMULSION to progreu.
Scott & Bownk, Bloomfield, N. J.
Stack-Palconer Co., TJnaartakers.
Bailey, the Dantirt, City Nat'l. D JBRS.
ridaUtr Storage ft van Co Doug. lsig
Lighting fixture!, Burgesa-Qranden Co.
Hava Rout Print It Now Heacon
O. 0. filguttar Law offices removed to
843-S45 Omaha Nafl. Hank lildg. Tel. D317.
Soolaty Will Wot Meet Owing to the
situation tha Douglas County Medical so
ciety will not meet this evening.
ror Immediate Be palm of any kind on
your buildings call Douglas fi3. P. Peter
pen, general contractor. 637 Paxton block.
Plenty of men.
Open Houie Postponed The open
house to the members of the ComnfercUl
and Ad clubs, which was to have been
held Friday evening, March 28, is caliart
off on account of the disaster.
Pim National Bans of Hemingford.
Neb., pays 6 per cent on time certifi
cates, also have few mortgage farm loaJis
to place at 7 per cent, ;300 to $1,000. Cal
vin J,. Wlldy, president.
Seven Per Cent On Your Money- -Hastings
& Hoyden, 16H Harney street, can
get you 7per cent on your money In
amounts from $500 up, first-clasa security,
hort or long time loans.
The State Bank or aniana pays 4 pr
cent on time deposits, J per cent on sav
ing accounts. The only bank in Omaha
whose depositors are protected by the
depositors' guarantee fund of the state
vt Nebraska. 17th and Harney streets.
Burlington Officials Here Leo Sprat
lcn, on tho official itaff if President
Miller of the Burlington. Is In the city to
assist In tho relief work for his rod.
With General Managor Holdrcge he made
a trip over the stricken district.
School Children Organize Principals
of public schools have organized their
pupils Into relief brigades and under I he
direction of President B. Holovtchlner of
the Board of Education are searching lut
teachers, pupils, parents and school dls
trlct employes who are In need.
Banquet Postponed The banquet of the
Company L association, which was to
have been held at the Calumet restaurant
at 7:30 o'clock tonight, has been called
off. The meeting was to have been the
first' In fourteen years. Tho association
yearn ago was known as the Thurston
Street Being Cleared Laboring under
great difficulties Street Commissioner
Kugel and Commissioner McGovern of
the department of public Improvements
have 300 laborers working to clear vhe
streets of debris. The snow has added to
thu difficulty, but tho work Is being
carried on.
Ryder Says Greatest Need Will Come
in Ten Days.
Propone Schema, to I,onn Money to
Ioaera at Xnmlnnl Cant thnt
They Mny Ilerormtrtict
Plans for rebuilding trie wrecked por
tions of the city are already under way.
a movement to form a corporation for
the purpose of aiding those who need It
having been already broached by several
of the men who arc In position to afford
such assistance-. Commissioner Ilyder,
who Is In charge of the temporary relief
work, that tho greatest strosa
will bo felt within the period when reac
tion from the Immedlato shock Is noted.
Speaking of this last night, he said:
"The next ten days or so will be taken
up with the work of caring for the tem
porary needs of the stricken; then will
como the real strain of rebuilding the
ruined homes. To this end we must tnlie
Immediate steps for tha formation of a
committee or organization to control the
situation that the work, may be systemat
ically pressed." '
I'lnn to Ijonn Money.
Robert Cowell 6f the firm of Thomas
Kllpatrick & Co., after making a survey
of the devastated district, called attention
to tho fact that the time to orngnlzo for
the rebuilding of the devastated district
Is now.
"I would suggest," said Mr. Cowell,
"that a corporation bo formed at once
for the purpose of loaning funds to those
who want to rebuild at a merely nominal
rate of Interest. In the list of losers are
piany who are proud and sensitive, who
do not want to accept charitable aid, but
who will. If proper arrangements can be
made, take advantage, of the help that
might be extended by" a properly organ
ized company. This means will be, In my
Judgment, the best way to assist these
Jolka. . Thontaa 'Kllpatrick & Co. will sub;
scrme j5,ooo to the fundi to be made avail
able at once. I ask olhern who are In
terested In this to Join with me."
This Will Stop Your
Cough in a Hurry
Sate 92
by Making Thin Conch
Syrup at Home.
I Tins rccipo makes a pint of better
cough syrup than you could buy ready
inadjo for $2.50. A few doses usually
conquer tho most obstinate cough
Btopu even whooping cough quickly. Sim
ple hs it is, no better remedy can bo bad
at any price.
Mix one pint of granulated sugar with
Vi pint of warm water, and stir for 2
niWutes. Put 2& ounces of Pinex (fifty
cents' worth) in a pint bottle; then add
the Sugar Syrup. It has a pleasant
tasto and Jasta a family a long time.
Tako a teaspoonful every one, two or
three hours.
Vou can feel this tako hold of a cough
in a way that means business. Has a
good tomo effect, braces up tho appetite,
am!, is slightly laxative, too. which is
helpful. A handy remedy for hoarse
ne&ti, croup, bronchitis, asthma and all
Nthroat and lung troubles.
..The offect of pine on tho membranes
5s well known. Pinex is tha most valu
able concentrated compound of Norwe
gian white pine extract, and is rich in
guiiacol and all the natural healing
pine elements. Other preparations will
Hot work in this formula.
This Pinex and Sugar Syrup reclpo lias
bttained great popularity throughout tho
United, States and Canada. It has often
been imitated, though never successfully.
A guaranty of absolute satisfaction, or
Money promptly refunded, goes with this
recipe. Your druggist has Pinex, or will
EW it for rou. If not, send to The
Pinex Co, t. Wayne, lad.
Morris, Returning from Dance, Al
most Meets Death in Mud.
When Jay Trnpti Kntrr Poll t Ion In
Hope of Ilrttrrtnu Condition-, Nritr
111 llonir Mil) or Doctor .Still In
nt rixtiiK Mini Hole.
Tho guexts of the lu' wuc Mr hti.l now xl, y of produrlnn t iliiil iin-i. Ml
.Mrs K II KukHlisky Tho members are comedies Is going to men uitn uiiroHl
Mr and Mrs. A II Murdock, Mr and I Three distinct nerforinancM utit li irivrn
Mrs J 11 Ashe. Mr
ljverty and Mr. and
Mrs. It M
J liaM-ttv
A surprise party was given Thursday
night. March 50. on Ilay lleldlng In
honor of his nineteenth birthday. The
evening was spent In playing games
and singing and a good time wns en
enjoyed by nil those present
At the Theaters
Joe Morris of Twenty-seventh ond (I
streets was saved front a inlry death at
Thirty-sixth and T streets last night by I
passersby. Morris was on his way homo
from a wedding when he inlsjod his foot
ing and fell Into a mudhole nt Tlility
sixth and T streets Tho mire wns so leep
that he sank nearly to hlr. hips and i.ta
struggle brought on cramps, .lay Trapp.
Jerry Hresnahan and John Imvclle who
were returning from Italston heard tho
man's cries Rhd run to his assistance.
Tho mlra nt this part of the road -s
frightful. People residing near the place
in that section of the city generally h.wu
complained to Mayor Hoctor and to City
Street Commissioner John Fennoll In
vain It Is said. Recently Jay Trapp en
tered the political lists with tho avowed
Intention of bettering the conditions af
tho streets near his home. Mayor Hoctor
came out In an uutomoblln and then
sent out three or four men from the en
gineer's office with little sticks whloh
were placed In the ground nt Intervals of
overy few yards.
Hoctor Open-. Flrr llnll.
Despite the agitation of the city nftor
Sunday's cyclone, Mayor Tom Hoctor
was busy enough to get through a reso
lution In tho city council yesterday al
lowing the opening of the now fire hall
at Twenty-ninth and II streets. The
meeting was one of routlno except fr
tho usual bid for votes made by his hon
or who says that If he Is elected this
tlmo ho will give South Omaha another
"business administration for three ycais."
Centurion Dramatic n 'siiecfin,
A house crowded to the doors rewarded
the first dramatic efforts of the Centu
rion club last night at the New Orpheum
theater. The club has been organized
for six months and during that time has
built up an enviable reputation for Itself.
Last night's performance drew plaudlu
repeatedly from tho large attendance.
Singing, dancing, and a short playlet
wero tho chief attractions of tho oven-lug.
So great was the success of the venture
that tho managers announced last night
that the performance would probably bo
repeated for the benefit or the storm victims.
Mnirlc City nnsslp.
For cyclone and windstorm insurance
call Joe Murphy. So. 71
For Rent Six-room modern house, good
condition. Phono South 2116.
Mrs. A. D. Menefee has returned from
a visit with friends at Lincoln.
Boydl "Seven Sisters."
nrandolst "The Quaker Qlrl."
Empress! Vaudeville.
'Qayety: Extravagant.
Hippodrome i "The Sunny Side of
XErurt Burlesque,
Orpheum i Vaudeville.
Matinees at Empress, Oayety, Hippo
drome, Xrug and Orpheum theaters.
Vniidevlllf nt the Km press.
What In some respects Is the most in
teresting bill of the Kmpre'ss season Is
being presented nt that theater this Week.
A tabloid musical piny, "Fun In a School
Room," Is more than pleasing. It Is put
on by soven young men and women, nnd
has several very catchy songs. lliury
Hotmail nnd company have a cleverly
written sketch which possesses much fun.
It Is well done, too. Nellie Herger, n
contortionist. Is not what might bo ex
pected, for she is good 111 her work, be
ing much.nlmvc the avrrngo of the con
tortionist class. Ilancy and Long are
present with some brand new songs and a
little dancing that most persons will llku.
Tho motion pictures aro Interesting.
Promises of (lie Press AkciiIk.
Only three more performances of that
beautiful musical play, "The Quaker
Ulrl," will be given nt the Hrnndels
theater, the engagement closing on
Wednesday evening. The company is
bended by the clever comedian. Victor
Maude Adams has had the most suc
cessful engagement In Chicago that sho
has ever known In that city, where bur
following Is not only Inrge. but exceed
ingly loyal to her. The play that sho
presented was Hurrio's "Peter Pan," and
tho desire to sco It whs bo strong that
all of the seats for her performances
wero disposed of before tho actress
reached the city. "Peter Pan" will bo
seen at thu lirainlcls theater on Monday
and Tuesday.
The Interesting experiences of Mclntyrc
ahd Heath, the high-priced vaudeville
team at the Orpheum this week, would
fill a book, and one Interesting thing Is
thnt "Tho Georgia Minstrels" is founded
upon their own experience. When you sco
them carrying their trunk back home you
know that It really happened. The 'two
men have been together for forty years
and during that tlmo they have never
had a word of disagreement. They al
ways insist upon occupying mo Hame
dressing room, for thoy enjoy each other's
company ns much off the stage as on.
Mall orders for tho Sarah Ilernhurdt
engagement nt the Orpheum April H, in,
1C, 17, and IS nre now being received at
tho Orpheum. The box office Bale will
commence next Monday.
uaiiy. starting nt I to, , an him! n p m .
and both evening performances will be
week's out rtalnuimt nt the
Is being furnished liv llttu-
f'liiirlle Hounr.l nnd tin Columbia nor
les'im rs om .if tlir mnt-t evenly Imlatii ,
musical organisations on the Columbia
circuit, (lilies' dime matinee dally.
"The Jiintln lr Paris fllrls" are pla -
1 Ing nt the Krig this w,.rK with nn nug
i mented shon A strong olio la one of the
Relieves Neuralgia
Sloan's Liniment gives instant relief
from neuralgia or sciatica. It goes
straight to tho painful part soothes
the nerves and stops the nain. It U
also good for rheumatism, sore vNV!
tnroat, ciiest pains and sprains. ou
don't need to rub it penetrates.
Pains All Cone
Mrs. C. M. DovtKhK, of Johannesburg,
Mich., wiles : "I wish to say your Um
ment is the best medicine in the world. It
has cured me of nctir.(;ia; those pains
have all gone nnd I can truly say your
Liniment did cute me."
Pain All Cone
Mr. J. K. Swinukr, of 547 So uth St.,
IHilsville, Ky . writes - - 1 suffered with
quitea severe neuralgic headache for months wlthoutany relief. I usedvour
uiiuuciu jur iwu vi mice ingius ana i naven t suttercu with my head since."
Prioo 2So., 60o., nnd $1.00 nt All Dealers.
Send for Sloan's Free Ilook on Horses, Address
EARL S. SLOAN, Boston, Mass.
For Rent-Two rooms furnished for MIsb I.ang und.uer conipany ro scoring
No. 22d.
spent Sunday
Several Bodies
of Ralston Dead
Yet Unclaimed
All the Italato.n storm victims were
brought to tho undertaking rooms of
Bernard Larkln In South Omaha. Tho
funeral of Mary Moran, daughter of Art
Moran, Cudahy's Ice house foreman, will
be held Wednesday morning at 9 a. m.,
at the residence of Jerry Rlordan, Thirty
ninth and S streets, to 8t Mary's church.
Interment will be made In Holy Sepul
chre cemetery, in Omahn. Mrs. Moran,
whose death was currently reported, Is
not seriously hurt. She Is at the Rlor
dan residence and Is Improving.
As yet no relatives have appeared to
claim the bodies of Mr. nnd Mrs. O. It.
Eald, who were killed in the Ham resi
due. They are iftrurtgen in this part
of the country.
James Kimball, husband of Mrs. Edith
Kimball, and father of Frances Kimball,
both of trhom were killed In the storm,
wfU arrive frotn M home In Winnipeg.
CarjiJa. ca Wedctzdar.
The body of a man said to be J. J.
ZlcDonzid or Bert Tbamix. remains on.
rfatani. ?ro.
isxnt. tlatlsy, who was taken to thj
Teeth, Onrha, hospital ta a d'yter con-J
CSiiau, It waa thought, win recover. He
la not Mriocaly tcjttred. lira. Ed Mote,
whoae hody nu recorered from tha
Papplo ctkIc yeaterday morning, la alao
at Larkln's undertaking rooms. No
funeral arrangements have yet been
light housekeeping.
Miss Mary lloutt
her father, V. B. lloutt, in Lincoln,
Mrs. J. W. Roebuck of Chicago was
the guest of Miss Bertha Johnson over
Mr. and Mrs. C. V. AVInter nnd family
have returned from a month's visit with
relatives in Missouri.
Mr. and Mrs. H. Marling have returned
from Excelsior Springs, where they went
for Mr. Marllng's health.
Joe Kopletz had the big front window
of his offlco smashed by Suikay's storm.
F. A. Cressy's window woa aUo de
molished. Tho rear portion of Fred Ktter's' store
was torn away by the windstorm nnd
the rear of Paul Hennl's store was car
ried away.
The Woman's ChrUtlnn Temperance
union will meet Tuesday afternoon at
the home of Mrs. H. Voro, 928 North
Twenty-first street.
The Willing Workers of the First
Christian church will meet nt tho home
of Mrs. Vance, 222 North Twenty-second
street, Wednesday afternoon.
Mrs. Arthur Moron and little daughter,
who were Injured In the storm at Rals
ton, are at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Rlordan, Thirty-ninth and S streets.
C. Bemfer. need 41 years, died Sunday.
His body Is ut Breewr"s undertaking
rooms, awaiting the arrival of relatives
before making funeral arrangements.
Alfred M. Eastman nnd Miss Anna
Turner of Sioux City were married at
the home 'of Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Eastman
Sunday, Rev. Klrkpatrlck officiating.
Under orders of Chief of Pollen John
Briggs, Captain Henry Elsrniaer with a
squad of South Omaha police spent
yesterday keeping the Ralston road open
for traffic.
chimney at St. Iuke s Lutheran church
the Cenflrmatlon union baniroet. to have
been held this evening, has been post
poned far one week,
against tornado and cyclones. Rate JLW
per tlJXO. Do it today. Phone Sooth 10
or tfO. Kratsky Bros, and get Insured
tn a good, reliable company.
Contributions for the RaUton sufferers
will be received at the Albright Insti
tute of Social Service, Twenty-fifth and
M streets. Money, groceries or clothing
will be gladly received.
Lightning struck the home of Mr. and
Mrs. L Q. Mewrus, 3514 B street, Sunday
night. Mrs. Mewrus was slightly bruised
about the head. The damage to the
house aomunts to about (too.
An Important meeting of M. W. A.
camp. No. W06, will be held Thursday
evening, March 27, wlien delegates ure 1
to be elected to the congressional district I
convention to be held in Omaha April 7.
Mrs. J. Laverty entertained the Double
Four Whist club !at Friday evening. '
another renl lilt In "oven Ulsters nt
the Boyd this week. The comedy Is en
joyable In all retpects, und particularly
for Miss Lang's contribution In the role
of MI61.
Judging from the performances at the
Hippodrome yesterday und Sunday the
Have a Cigar?
Stomach Won't Let Me
Thouxar 1 ot p(Mp1a who are In tUIn fix would
ftlvc itn ttunpc U hft bark wherft they micci witc
fating whatever hey plewfnj, mnukhiK tNxmitm
ally without after-illBtr' nml the alckrnltiK 4e
pp'iHhiK (wit nn that Induction always Minus
You can net rid of heartburn, bad breath, nmir
utomach, hentlnrt after eating, lUhlnr. erticta
tlon of parttnlly dlutatrd food, alrrplr ainffa, lr
rltaMUty. dynprrU, Mt. If you Imply buy a
IB -cent parkaiie of SamuM "rhrte-t' capruilen
at nny dm tar It rout a Inn Jutt the right
proportions of repaln, Papain. (Hyrrro-PhnxphutrH
and other harmtfun Innri'dfonta, after the pre
scription of i famoua I'mich atomnrh pclallat.
Kach little rapnuln uppllts att altlnic utonim h
with tlir nfresnary element to properly dlg;et
food At the winin time the dlKntn nerve
are rtrenKthened, o that )ou tan emoke, rflt and
cnjpy life without feel In r utoniaeh dlatrfwn
BainuePn 'Threei," fpaulm ar put up In
sealed, eaay-to-UkP, gelatin fapmilea alwiiya
freah and retnlntnjc original strength The, firnt
Stylo 77
Take n stroll
In these "Stroller-last"
etts. Br ond,
toes. "New
heels; Five
buttons that's
for style.
$4J0 19 JM.W F.vrrfirhtrt
LHWIJ A. fROSSETT. Inc., Mattn
North AMarMn. Mm.
Selling Agents
For Omaha
little -arsulo yim Uk rn yittt Instant relict,
liny n imkiiRc NOW, w title rou think At It,
Two rIipi 3 rvntf, HntI family vltv, to rents.
Wrllti The Hamurl Onmlcal Oi. tlnllwt state
dUtrlbutora, Cincinnati, (llilo, for a handsom
booklet nil atotnnch Ilia ami a (7)
Sample Box Sent Free.
i Send us a irtal order NOW for
THIS is the ideal whiskey for the home
rich, pure, delicious guaranteed to
please in every way or your money back.
Iniiit On Bottlod-In-Bond
Be particular in your selection avoid
blenda and compounds and remember
there is only one way you can be SURE
of getting absolutely pure, straight whis
key and that Is to insist on BOTTLED-IN-BOND.
Thmt' What Wo Offer You
Hayner fine, old Private Stock Bottled-in-Bond
Whiskey shipped in strong, sealed
case direct from distillery to you and
all it costs you is $3.20 for FOUR full
quarts express paid by us.
There Ii No Question
about a whiskey like this you KNOW It p.,,. 4 ti. TUi. fn
Is good and pure-theU. & Government's Cut "k nd U,e Thw Coupon
(. Mini I 'roan sfn rn r nitaf v A nrl ta ai-i nuu uuua smm wu b v vr 1 1 .u
fc-v It WVUitl( XJ V ,l lliu W k JV' UMIMIIIIHIIIIlJllllllHlllIUIIIIHIIIIIUMIIHIIinilimilllMlllttmitlllllttl
Send Ua Your Ord
Try this whiskey at our risk and on our
guarantee you will find it asfitte a whis
key as you ever tasted and the best value
you ever bought or you may send it
back at our expense nnd we will return
your money without a word.
You Take No Chances
Our guarantee is fair and square it
means what it says we must send you n
Duality that will strike you as rich, pure,
eliclous pleasing in every way and we
will do it.
No letter is necessary
assurance that it is botticd-in-bond, fully
aged, lull 10U prool and lull masure.
Nowhere Elie Can You Do So Well
Blends and compounds can be had any
where and at any price but when it
comes to BOTTLED-IN-BOND Hayner
Whiskey has no equal. 9
How Can We Do It?
We sell our entire product direct from
Distillery to Consumer thus savinjr you
all the profit of the middleman and dealer
Enrloird flndUM for wblch .end ma YOVU fnll
quart bottlea of Ilarnar Trlrata Htock Dottled-ln
Ilond Wblaker ipreaa paid ptr our offar. It
la understood tliat If thla whtikey la not found aa
rcprvaentM and aatUtMtorytoinelnaTary
roar be returned at your aiime and my 13.1M la tn
be promptly rafuadod. M-105
Ro orden IliliJ for Itn than 4 quarts.
iuuuXtlu 1MM TK re m dmixi
nllMTIJ CTiw5v
(lntuirr Mai m asTRici.TrXKC0-
and Civintr VOU this fine old Whlfikev nt Karada. Nw lnlro. Oreson.'l'tab. WaililnitonorWyo:
ti iltatillxr'a rrl- mini rnuit be nn tka baali of a Quarta for SLU) by EitirMa
v. - r... i-npaia or uuarta tor aikw uy rraiini rnpaiu. la-ii.
THE HAYNER DISTILLING CO., Dept. M-105 2110 Cetitral St., KANSAS CITY, M0.
Oincti and Shipping Depots at at ST. LOUIS, 110.
DlaUUerr at Troy, Ohio
JISTAlILIinu:i) 1800 CupltAl 0OO,000.0C Full 1'a.ld
An axptrlanced doctor
tit clinrsre to riamina and
praaorlba for all dl
aaiaa. Tea COo paid caih
medlclna lnoludod. 9 to 8.
Bnndpya 1 to 3.
3ulto 330 Baa Bldff.
Tornado Insurance
Itutcs: IB Cent per Kach $100
Knelt Vcnr.
W. Tj. SEIiHV, I1MI Ilounl of
Trade nitls-. llione Doiik. IB 10.
Is all right In some affairs, but
when It comes to food, tho open
display of neatness ana quality
is preferable as practiced at tho
Woodmen Cafeteria
l-itli and l'nrnnm.Sts.
Sally Mat., 15-25-SOo
Uvira., 15-ai.50-75c
COLUMBIA Burlesquers
ICxtruvngunra nnd Vaudeville
Mttlo I'barlli lloanl, Alw LeaH', kinulo Ve
dar and a Ulf llmuty Chorua. ThU ahoWi fir t
Tlalt to Omaba thla aaiun,
Iutllcs' 1)1 mo Matinee Today.
"Worth ClItnbliiK the Hill."
Mat. 10
MAX llliOOM & CO., in tho
Dnlly at 11:30, 7::0 and 0:00 r. M.
A Belmont "Notch"
collar in white striped
Madras. It's an
Ctrantt, Pea body tc Go.
Snow-Adding New
Impediment to Work
of Clearing Up Euins
Know, BtartlnK carlr thla raornlni, la
adding Ue quo to of burden to the tornado
swept district. While It wua colder yes
terday than today the work of clear
ing up the wrecked buildings and getting
otit the household foods worth saving,
went forward Droeressively. Under the
difficulties o a falling anow, however.
It will be harder, and a lot of belong -logs
will bo ruined.
All day long yesterday every sort of
conveyanco waa hauling away furnlturu
to shelter and every vacant building
available waa pressed Into service.
Many of the delivery wagons of grocery
stores and meat markets were tnkrn off
of their regular duty and turned over
to the aervice ot customers who wished
belongings hauled to shelter. They
started early In the morning and atl day
long wero busy doing what they could
to eava perishable property from las?..
Another bad resslt c Uu Jinow win r.
Lbe- sep3 coming la throngfe. leaky
roofs .and spaaing mmj plastered cnU
One of Ayer's Pills at bedtime juit
one Acts on the Urcr. Cently lazxthre.
Suzr-coatcd. All vesetablc
EoaCI Tor su yearts.
C. Uaa.
Ash Your Doctor.
j o
A Srrloaa Urrakdnnii
results frnm chronic cAnstliatlon. I
Klntr'K Kev Lit Pltla rellevu headiuhf. ,
Rtnmaoh, liver and bowel troublei:. S5 . '
For salt lty Rualnii Ilriig nii.-Advrtlur-mctr!.
Kay to 41u) -aituittoii-Jleu -Xd'iortbilna.
We will be g9ad to assist you in adjust
ing your insurance without cost. Pro
tect your property against tornadoes
and windstorms.
Love-HaskeBI Co.
Phono Doug. as 380
Saturday, March 29th
Omaha Carnival Olub
Admission 50c.
25-piece Orchestra
Mattnaa evsrr day ailB. Evary night 0113
TUta Wtek-MclNTTItE a IIKATII, Little Ullt ,
icm Orady, Frankla Carpottr A Co., lUrrr Ut
ue, Mlla. Lucille, Klre lluralaja. 8lr A Waal,
jlba'a Wtaklr llalaw I"rlc-lBt., Gallery
. brat aeuta tic, cicrpt Saturdar and Sunday
Uht. 10c, Z&c. tor. Tic
Mine. Barub Derotaailt coming April 14.
ICrug Theater
Mat. Today, 2:0; Night, 8:30
Ladies' Daily Dime Matinee
Tonight and All Week.
Matlnaaa Wednesday and Saturday
Pra anting tha Delightful Cotuedj
XTazt Wtik, Karen 30
VaaJaallla SUriaal
' l,HO 1 U
rAatibi imuiipc rnJToeLATa
Always Craa,a'4-T1tar'a ft . a