Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 26, 1913, EXTRA, Page 7, Image 7

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llMfllPW I 111 1 1
Young op Old!
No matter whether you are a man or a woman, twenty
years old or seventy, all you need do is send your full name
and address on the coupon printed at the bottom of this page,
and it will be sent to you, without a penny from you. Age is
no barrier to health, and this offer is open to all Old People, as
well as middle-aged and young men and women. We want
to send every elderly person a full-sized one dollar box of
Bodi-Tone on twenty-hve days trial, the. same as we send it
to the young and middle-aged, all at our own risk and expense,
to prove how Bodi-Tone acts in ailments of the old as well as
the young, to prove what it does for persons suffering' from
bodily weakness and ailments, whether from age or other
wise. This trial offer is'open to all men and women, freely,
generously, without reservation or limitation. Thousands of
persons, old and young, have sent for Bodi-Tone on trial,
without paying a penny, and found it put new flesh on their
bones, new vigor in their minds, new vim in their muscles and
new vitality into every vital function, and we want you to try it,
no matter what your age, to see if it will not do as much for you.
All you need do Is to say "I Want to Try It"
and a dollar ben will be banded out to you.
It makes no difference who, where or what you are, Bodi
Tone takes all the risks, and asks no pay if it does not benefit.
You don't need to write a long letter, don't need to fill out any
tiresome blanks, don't need to send any money or stamps.
We don't ask to know your ailment and you need not write a
word about it. All troubles originate in the body, and Bodi
Tone sets the body right AH you need do is clip out the
coupon, which says "I Want to Try Bodi-Tone," fill in your
name and address, and we will send Bodi-Tone to you. This
is how Bodi-Tone wants-to be tried by old and young, this is
how it wants to prove its curative- powers. We are glad, to
send it to, you without aepny, glad to giveiyou achahce to
try it, to learn about" this medicine which has brought.riew
health and vigor to so many sick, suffering and feeble persons,
old and young, glad to show you how health can be created at
aU ages with the right medicine, made from the right ingre
dients. If Bodi-Tone benefits you as it has benefited thous
ands, pay us a dollar for it. If you are not satisfied, don't pay
a penny. We won't ask for pay or dun you, for we leave it all
to you. Clip out the coupon, and send for it today.
does just what its name means cures disease by toning all
the body, arid we want you to try a box at our risk and see
what it will do for your body. Bodi-Tone is a small, round
tablet, that is taken three times every day. Each box contains
seventy-five of these tablets, enough for twenty-five days'
use, and we send you the full box without a pennyin advance,
so that you can try it and learn what it is, so you can learn
how it works in the body, how it cures stubborn diseases by
helping nature to tone every organ of the body. Tone is a
little word, but it means a great deal, everything in health.
When all the organs are doing their part, when each is acting
in a perfectly natural way, when all therfunctions are healthy
and performed with natural vigor, when the energy, strength
and power of resistance to disease are all at a natural point,
then the body is in proper tone. Bodi-Tone makes all of the
body help in the cure by restoring tone to each and every
part. This is the power which underlies all of Bodi-Tone's
great work for the sick; this is the way it cures disease and
makes healthy bodies; this is the power it'offers you to help
you get new health and new strength.
Not a Patent Medicine
Bodl-Tene Is not a Patent Medicine, lor its ingredients are
not a secret. It contains Iron Phosphate, Gentian, Lllhta,
Chinese Rhubarb, Peruvian' Baric, Nux Vomica, Oregon
Grape Root, Cascara, Capsicum, Sarsaparllla and Golden
Seal. Such Ingredients guarantee Its merit and elllciency.
When you use Bodi-Tone you know just what you are using,
know it is good and safe.and know you are taking the kind of
medicine to provide real help for the body. It is a pure remedy
that satisfies the most exacting. It contains no narcotics or
habit-forming drugs, nothing your own family doctor will not
endorse and say, is a good thing. It does not depend on
killing pain with opium, cocaine, morphine or other dangerous
drugs, It does not excite the body with alcohol, but it tones
the body and cures its disorders with remedies Nature intended
to tone and cure the body when that power was given them.
Thus, Iron gives Life and Energy to the Blood, Sarsaparilla
drives out its impurities, Phosphate and Nux Vomica create
new nerve energy and force, Lithia aids in the Kidneys, Gen
tian dors invaluable work for the Stomach and digestive
forces, Chinese Rhubarb and Oregon Grape Root promote
vigorous Liver activity, Peruvian Bark raises the tone of the
entire system, Golden Seal soothes the inflamed membrane
and checks Catarrhal discharges, Cascara gives the Bowels
new life in a natural way, and Capsicum makes all more val
uable by bettering their quick absorption into the blood. A
remarkable combination that does wonderful work for health.
All for Health
Each one of these valuable ingredients serves to assist, to
help, to build upon the others' work. Each adds a needed
element from nature to the body. Each has work to do and
does it well. They are used because of this ability. We
claim no credit for discovering the ingredients in Bodi-Tone,
each of which has its own well deserved place in the medical
books of most of the civilized world. We simply claim the
credit for the successful formula which we invented, for the
way in which these valuable ingredients are combined, for the
proportions used, for the curative force which thousands have
Found in Bodi-Tone. Most of these ingredients are as old as
civilization itsejf, for the curative forces Bodi-Tone uses are
the forces which have always existed in nature for the restor
ation of the body. Many of its ingredients are regularly
prescribed by the medical profession for various diseases and
irregular conditions, being used either separately or in combi
nation with SUch drugs as each doctor may favor, for there
are wide differences of opinion among the doctors of various
schools. The exact combination used in Bodi-Tone is what
gives Bodi-Tone the far-reaching and thorough curative and
restorative power that makes possible the remarkable cures
experienced by Bodi-Tone users, cures which prove the
difference between Bodi-Tone and common remedies. That
is why we want to send you a box on trial, as soon as you
write for it, for we know you will find it different and superior.
Yoia Need It Now
If you are tired of ceaseless doctor bills and wearied of
continual dosing without results, you need Bodi-Tone right
now. If your local doctor has done you no real good, if you
have given him a chance to do what he can and the ordinary
medicinal combinations he used have failed, give this modern,
scientific combination of special remedies a chance to show
and prove what it can do for you: Its greatest triumphs have
been among men and women with chronic ailments, who had
tried physicians and specialists at home and elsewhere without
getting permanent benefit, and for this reason all chronic
sufferers are invited to try it for twenty-Jive days at oufrisk.
Bodji-Tone offers its valuable services to you right now,
right from this page, If you are sick, If you need
medicinal help, If your bodily organs are not acting
"as they should, if your body is not in right and natural
tone. That Is what Jiodl-Tone is for, to restore health,
vigor, vitality and strengthby restoring tone to thebody.
If there is anything wrong with your Kidneys, Bodi-Tone
helps to restore tone to the Kidneys, 'helps to set them right.
If there is anything wrong with your Stomach, Bodi-Tone
helps to tone, the Stomach, helps to set the wrong, rfght. If
there is anything wrong with your Nerves, your Blood, your
Liver, your Bowels or your General System, the health
making ingredients in Bodi-Tone go right to work and keep
on working day after day, exerting always a definite action
that produce's curative results of the kind sufferers appreciate.
If you have Rheumatism, Bodi-Tone helps to eliminate the
Uric Acid from the system while it restores tone to the Kidneys,
Stomach and' Blood, thereby preventing a continuance of
Rheumatic poison and putting new activity into muscles,
nerves and joints. Bodi-Tone should be used by all women
suffering from any Female ailment, for its toning properties
have been fo.und to be especially valuable in all such ailments.
All elderly men and women should use Bodi-Tone, even
though th'eyihave no serious trouble bothering them, and feel
strong and healthy for their age. Bodi-Tone acts as a "body
tonic" for the aged, helping to renew the blood, steady the
nerves and promote a good appetite. It aids in digestion,
elimination and other important functions and causes sound
and refreshing sleep, which is so much needed by all old
people. Its special action in the Kidneys is helpful to any
elderly person, whether or not there be any known Kidney
trouble. Repeated failures to get any real benefit from the
ordinary medicines have caused many old folks, variously
afflicted, to believe that all kinds of sickness and disease is a
necessary part of old age, but the success of Bodi-Tone proves
how good health may be enjoyed even during advanced years.
We Take All Risk
Why delay another day, when a trial of this proven medi
cine is yours for the asking. Why keep on suffering, when
by clipping the coupon, filling in your name and address and
mailing it to us, you can get a twenty-five days' treatment of
this great remedy which has already restored thousands to
health, which folks everywhere are talking about. It just
costs a stamp and you don't pay a penny unless it benefits
you. You take no chances, for the value and curative powers
of Bodi-Tone have been amply proven by three years of
glorious cures. It is no longer a new remedy, but a remedy
with a history a history of cures that has astonished the
doctors and delighted the sick. It has been tested in thousands
of cases, covering various ailments in both sexes, at all ages.
An Aged Couple's
. Remarkable Experience
I Camtron, W. V a. About fifteen months ago I was taken
'with a Diarrhoea. I called the doctor after I was bothered for
a number of days and he pronounced It Chronic Inflammation
of the Bowels. I doctored with him for three months without
any relief, when solnething went wrong with my Kidneys. V
called in another doctor, but got no better. I lost twelve
pounds in weight during the summer, and could neither eat nor
sleep. Oh, how 1 suffered. At last 1 sent for a box of Bodi
Tone. I took three doses the first day, and I have not been sick
at my Stomach since. My Bowels got all right and gave me no
more bother, and then, all at once, my Kidneys commenced to
let better. U gained five pounds in the lirst three weeks,
Today I can say that I haven't a pain left In my body haven't
had for a number of months. I a'm 77 years old." My husband
has. experienced equally good results, lie had the Grippe and
was a wreck when he began to use Bodi-Tone. We had to
bring in the doctor allthe time. The doctor would inject some
thing In him and he would get easy for a little while. It was
his Heart. He has not had a spell since he took Bodi-Tone. The
people tell me 1 look ten years younger. Mrs. John McGaY.
Stockman Cured' of Chronic
Pains in Chest, Back and Hips
RErupio, Tex. I am 58 years old, and have spent hall my
life in camps as a stockman. In the summer of 1885 my wife
came tor me In a hack. I was eight miles from home, in camp,
and could not get orf my pallet.
My back and hips were killing me.
She got me home and I got fixed
up so I could get around again, but
ever since that time I have been a
great sufferer from pains in my
back and hips. My chest also gave
me much pain. I could get no
permanent relief for twenty-five
years, although 1 was constantly
doing something for my trouble.
I want to say that this Bodi-Tone
medicine has thoroughly cured me,
and everyone around hee knows
it 1 have no more pain and feel
tine, altogether like a new man. I
don't know when to quit work. 1
am feeding a few of my old mother cows (forty-two head), for
it has been so dry here, and I am doing all the work myself. If
I had not been taking Bodi-Tone 1 surely would not have been
able td do it Many folks who know how I have been are ask
ing me how I can work so hard now, and I simply say to them
that I got the right medicine at last. I want to say a few words
about my wift.'s case. She has been bothered with Eczema for
over twenty years.1 She has been treated by many good doc
tors, but cot only temporary relief. She quit all other medi
cines and began taking Uodi-Tono Her health is all right now.
Nebraska Weman Thankful
She Did Not Pass It By
tliankftil that I did
It cured mo of
Persons suffering from Rheumatism, Stomach trouble,
Kidney, Liver and Bladder Ailments, Uric Acid Dis
eases, Female Troubles, Bowel, Blood and Skin Affec
tions, Dropsy, Piles, Catarrh, Anaemia, Sleeplessness,
LaGrlppe, Pains, General Weakness and Nervous
Brealcdown, have thoroughly tested Bodi-Tone and
fully proven Its great remedial value in such disorders.
Their experiences have proven beyond a shadow of
doubt that the Bodi-Tone plan of toning all the body is a right
plan that helps to cure these and other disorders, that it is a
real aid to nature. Many who were for years in poor health and
tried most all of the prominent medicines, have found
that one single box of Bodi-Tone did more good than all the
others combined. Others who had suffered for many months
and many for years, trying many doctors and specialists, found
their first real benefit in Bodi-Tone, after all else had failed
and hope was almost gone. It goes to the root in the body
and cures because its work is rational and thorough, the only
kind that makes cures permanent built on a solid foundation.
Read the reports on this page, then send for a box and try it
I have used Bodl-Tono and am
not paBB It by an many must do.
Rheumatism that I had for twonty
years. I bad lost the ubo of my
right arm and had nearly lost
the uso of ray back with Rheu
matism and Lumbago. I doc
tored with different doctortt,
but only to get help a llttlo
while. Uodl-Tono cured mo
after all other things had fail
ed. I am a widow, sovonty-threo
years old. My husband was a
veteran of the Civil War. I
have a good farm and a houso
In town, and am able to live In
comfort It I am well, and Uodl
Tono haB given me hotter en
joyment of life in my old age. I hope many sufferers
will pay attention to the Bodi-Tone offer and got a
box on trial like I did. I want to say that I was never
asked to pay for the trial box, but I gladly paid for It
when I saw how much good It did mo. I have told
many people about it. MRS. SUSAN WITTER.
Constipation, Heartburn, Headaches
And Cramping of Limbs
NoRTn Tonawanda, N. Y. Before I began to use Bodi-Tone I
wis very Costive and often went as long as five days without a
oowei passage. I uaa ueiuourn,
Catarrh, Headaches every few days
and had Cramps in my arms and
legs it night. Sometimes I thought
they would kill me. I took almost
everything i could get until I saw
the Bodi-Tone trial offer and sent
for a box. This was a year ago,
and I have been enjoying good
health all year. My old complaints
have all left me; In fact, soon after
I begad to use Bodi-Tone I had no
more Cramps or Heartburn and my
Bowels were moving regularly every
day. I gained about fifteen pounds
in weight. I work every day in the
wood-shop and feel as well as I did
fifteen years ago. My acquaintances
all ask ine how 1 have kept so well at my age as I have been
this year, and 1 tell them it is Bodi-Tone. John B. Robertson.
Doctors Said It Was All
Off With the Old Man
OswrGO. Oreoon. I am seventy-three years old, and had
Catarrh of the Stomach and Bladder, Rheumatism and Heart
Trouble for many years. I had such sharp, shooting' pains
that I thought they would kill me. I doctored for years, having
had three ot the best doctors In California and Oregon, but they
did me no good. I bless the day that I saw the Bodi-Tone
advertisement and sent tor a box on trial. When I got it I was
down in bed. My doctor said It would make no difference i iook, tor i coma not get any
better. Well, that was over a year
ago, and I am still alive and can split
and saw wood and do a pretty lair
day's work. The doctors said I had
a slow heart, and 1 could not sleep
on my left side for years, but now I
lie down any way I happen to get
into the bed and sleep until day
break. The doctors used to inject
morphine into me In the morning to
kill the pain, uut since i nave usea
Bodi-Tone 1 hive no pain. My feet
and limbs used to swell clear to my
knees, and my hands also, and now
all is gone, along with the Rheu
matism which 1 had for forty years.
My Kidneys and Liver do not bother me and I can eat a good
meal, although before using Bodi-Tone I was supposed to have
one of the worst forms of Stomach trouble. My mouth used
to get full of phlegm, so I would have to continually rinse it
out, and that, too, Is all gone. My last doctor had told the
neighbors ''It was all off with the old man," and when they saw
me up and around again and looking so well they wanted to
know what I was doing for myself, and I lost no time In telling
them about Bodi-Tone. G. M. SIMMONS.
Young Married Woman i
Was Given Up To Die
White Path Ga. -For three years 1 had been suffering with I
Kidney Trouble and Sick Headache. 1 had such a pain In mV ,
A. left side that It would almost kill
me. Finally I got down in bed and I
had three of the best doctors in this,
county and they gave me up to die, I
and alt my friends and people I
thought I was surely going to die. ,
One of my cousins who had been '
taking Bodi-Tone then urged that I
should use it, for the doctors were 1
Hnlti m nn trnnA ind hart crrlt
faith in It. I begin to take the tab
lets and it was just two weeks from
the day I started to use them that I
got up and walked, and it was
Bodi-Tone that saved my life. I
sent for more and it surely cured
me. Now I do all of my house
work, care for my children, mlltr
three cows and do other chores. I
often walk three miles to town and
back, and I feel as well as I ever
did in mv life. It is all due to Bodi-
Tone, and I bless the day that I began to use this wonderful'
remedy. I hope every sick person will ,
Mrs: Cora Boathek.
Missouri Minister Used
It for Liver and Kidneys
Kirkwood, Mo. I heartily and conscientiously recommend
Bodi-Tone, for 1 am quite sure it is all that, Is claimed for it.
My troubles were of long standing. I have suffered with my
Momacn tor cne greater part oi my
life, and ever' since I can recollect
my Secretions have been imperfect.
I had Liver and Kidney trouble for
more than twenty-live years, and
Bronchitis and a soreness in the
region of the Heart for several years.
Bodi-Tone is the first medicine I
have ever used that did not lose its
good effects in a short time, making
it necessary to turn to some other
remedy. It has built 'me up more
than any other remedy I have ever
used, and l am greatly improved in
every respect. I have not felt the
pains about my Heart for a long
time, and the Bronchitis does not
bother me as it did. It is almost two years since 1 began its
use. I recommended it to a sister in Mississippi, w,ho was
relieved of Rheumatism by using it. Such works as these, to my
mind, are sufficient to justify Its use by anyone who, may be
afflicted. Rev. A. T. TIdwell.
Clipped from Owh Be
Bodi-Tone Company.
Hoyne & North Aves., Chicago.
1 have read your offer of t. dollar box of Bodi-Tone on 25 days1
trial and ask you to send me a box by return mail, postpaid. I
will give it a (air trial and will send you $1.00 promptly when I
sure it has benefited me. If it does not help me I will not
one penny and will owe you nothing. 'Neither I nor any
member of my family have ever used it.
Street orlt.F. D..
Husband and Wife Trial Offer Ati
home where husband and wife are both ailing and need Bodi
Tone, we will send TWO BOXES on trial, with the understanding
that each will use a box and pay us $1.00 each if benefited. In
such cases this coupon should be signed with the husband's
name, followed by the words "and wife." Write name in this
way and we will know two boxes are wanted for husband and
- . I I il. . t AT -
7fr, wnicn is inc oniy way we ever sena iwo poxes on inai.