i 10 TII10 BEE: OMAHA, "WEDNESDAY, MARCH 2(i, 1913. OCIBTY?M By MELLIFI01A. Tuesday, March 25, 1913. JT- HERE Is no society In Omnha right now, and there will not he any I In the sense of social festivities and entertainment for some little I time to come. Plans for the future, as might naturally bo ex peeted, have been knocked Into a cocked hat by the storm havoc, and the social calondar is wiped clear of all dates except those that aro absolutely fixed and cannot be changed. The arrival of the tornado Sunday evening at 6 o'clock developed a peculiar fact about Omaha society that explains how so many people were cahght In other people's houses. Sunday Is a great calling dBy In Omaha, and 8unday evenjjig tea 6r supper one of the happy occasions for bringing friends together. In sonlo caBea It Is the regular time for tho reunion of families or close social sets getting together at one house this week and at another the next. The storm havoc also developed another thing the fact that nearly everybody cornea from somewhere else where friends and relatives keep up an anxious Interest, and would not bo satisfied until they had direct news as to their safety. Folks everywhere have been hearing from people making Inquiry who, In many cases-would never be expected to go to the trouble to ask, nnd this Is one of tho consoling features of tho sad mo ments. Children Love Syrup of Figs Sweetens Their Stomachs and Cleans the Liver nnd AVasto Clogged Bowels Without Griping Stm. Wilson Low. wlio wu ntlsntly bruised when their house waa demolished, is at the home of Mrs. C. W. Turner, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Turner saw tho low resi dence toppling nnd Mr. TUrncr assisted In netting Mr. nnd Mrs. Iow from the ruins. They were only slightly urulued. Mrs. K. W. Dixon and four children ate at the home of Mr. ami Mrs. T. J. O'Brien. Mr. and Mr. O'Brien motored past the Dixon home shortly after the tolnado and took Mrs. DIXon nnd the children to their home. Miss Hilda Hammer and Mr. nnd Mr. Harold IYItchctt nro at the home of Mr. and Mn. John U Kennedy In Fair acres. Mlsa Hammer Is slightly bruised. Mr. and Mrs. Chnrlcs A. I'lckons nrc at tho home of Mrs. Hen Gallagher and both are. getting alone nicely. They wtte bruised nnd badly shaken when ' thf.. home was itruck by the tornado. Miss Elizabeth Pickens Is at. the home of Miss Ghtflya Peters. Although she was riot Injured, Miss Pickens Is suffering from tho nervous shock. , Mr, and Mrs. M. C. Pctors return! homo this morning from Kxcclslor Springs, Mo. Their son met tHem In Karisa City to Inform thent'of the safety of tho rest of the family. Miss Mary BUrkley Is the guest of Mlsa Daphne Peters. Mr. and Mrs. McMillan Harding are at tho home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles M Harding. One wall of their homo Was blown out, but the contents. ot the room, which Includes mnny handsome wedding gifts, were not even disturbed. Mrs. M. A. Hall and family are with Sirs. W. J. Connell. Miss Hose Coffnian goes today to stay with Miss Margaret Ilruce, .Mrs. Coff. man )s at the Nicholas Bonn hospital suffering with fractured arm. Tir. and Mrs. Hofton Millard and chil dren are at the home of Mrs. Millard's parents, Mr. and" Mrs. Nathan Merrlatn. Jir. nnd Mrs. 11!. J. McVahn and family are staying with Mr. and Mrs. W. l. Yetter. Mr. aWd. Mrs. N. X dUckert are Hi the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Pearce and will probably take the .apartpiepts of Mr. P. W. Leorihardt at the Colonial. Mr. and Mrs. O. McOllton have taken the house on west Harney street recently vacated by Mr, and Mrs. Philip Schwa ru. Woodmen Circle Ball Posptoned. The ball to be given by Manchester guards of the Woodmen circle on Wednes day evening. March 26, at Metropolitan has been postponed Indefinitely out of respect for members who hnvc suffered affliction In the recent tornado. South Side Progressive Club. The South 8ldn Progressive ilub will entertain at cards Wednesday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock at their hall nt Thirteenth and Castellar streets. The hostesses will be Mrs. C. K, Aiken. Mrs. W. W, Blse and Mrs. Mary Gentleman. At-Home Postponed. Mrs, Carl V. Hartmann of Fort Omaha has postponed her Tuesday afternoon at home until later owing to many of her friends being nmong those who arc suf fering from the tornado. ' Et-A-Virp Dance Postponed. The dancing pnrty which the Et-A-VIrp clllh had expected to give this evening at Chambers' Is postponed until April 4. Mu Sigma Meeting Postponed. The meeting of the Mu Sigma which wns to have been held Wednesday morn ing at the home ot Mrs. E. W, Gunther has been postponed. la Salle Club Party. Members of La Salle club held nn In formal party Inst evening nt Chambers' academy. About fifty were present and the entertainment committee Included J. J. Mulvlhlll, George F. llushman and J. Harry Murphy, Bridge Party Cancelled. The bridge party which Miss Esther Uyrno had planned to give this ccnlnjr for her guest, Miss Dalllargcon nt Scat tie, wUl not bo given owing to tho lllncsj ot Mr, and Mrs, George It. Hammer. The tleueflt IJrldgc pnrty planned for Thursady afternoon nt Jacobs' Hall for the benefit of the Child Saving Institute Is postponed Indefinitely. Dancing Party Cancelled. The Indies' Auxiliary to Urnllurhooa of Hallway Trainmen, which lvad planned a dancing party nt the Hotel ito:ne tor Every mother Immediately realties after giving her cnlld delicious Syrup of Figs that this Is tho Ideal laxative and physic for the children. Nothing else regulates the little one's stomach, liver and SO feet of tondcr bowels so prompt ly, besides tliey dearly love Its delightful fig taste. If your child Isn't feeling well; rest ing nicely, eating regularly and acting naturally It Is a sure sign that Its little Insldes need a gentle, thorough cleans ing at once. acta sour, breath bad or your little one has stomach-ache, diarrhoea, sore throat, full of cold, tonguo coated; give a tea spoonful of Syrup ot Figs and In a few hours all tho ioul. constipated, clogged up waste, undigested food and sour bile will gently move on or.d out ol Its little bowels without nau-a, gilplng or weak ness, and you will surely have a well, happy and smiling cnlld again shortly. With tiyrup ot tigs you are not drug ging your cnlldren, being composed en- tlruly of luscious figs, senna and aro- matlcs, it cunuot be harmful. Mothers should always keep Syrup of Klgs handy. It is the only stomach, liver und bowel cleanser and regulator needed a llttlo given today will save a sick child tomorrow, Full directions for children of all ages and grown-ups plainly printed on tho paclcuge. Ask your druggist for tho full namo, 'Syrup of Figs and Elixir ot Senna." prepared by the California Fig Syrup Co. This Is the delicious tasting, genulno old reliable. Ttcfuse anything else offered, Advertisement. Make Good Living Cheaper Trade at Our GROCERY 8 Ii I O K I) B K E P "V e rlbest" brand, Stic Jars for 20c SWEET CORN 10c cans 2 cms 15c PEAS Early June, special, per can. BEANS Fan cy wax 3 cans 25c 8 A Ii A D DRESSING; "Yacht Club' 10c Sugar, Qranuluttd, !! lb$, $1.00 O I L LETT E 8 Mustard, the BlnBB, j at C R ANBER K1ES Evap orated 1 rv pkg. CIIKKHE, full crrnm brick 20c CHKK8K, full cream, lh..UOc OIIKKSE, Ncufclmtol, ca Rc FLOUR " ExcolBlor M patent, sack 48k $1,45 HOAl Dla niond C or Best 'Km All bam. 25 c POTASH. Babbitt's 5! 10c 3 cans 25c hoap Elec tric Spark, 7 bars 25c OLIVE OI L O a 1 1 lard's pure, M gal lon $1.35 8 T O V K I O h I II Enamellne" size.. 3C PIOKLEB, sweet. 9 ft quart As VI ORAPENUT S ' the 1 A pkg.. XUb PEANUT BUTTER Tho pound, I2ic BLUE GRASS Best Ken tucky, lb. C O RNMEAL White o r yellow, sack of 8 lbs, 15c OLIVKH ' Large nlic, m ii o c I a I E. 30c 25c FLOUR "Or klns' Prldo" or "Pride of Omaha," sack 4BlbS. $1.20 FLOUR' Graham o r rye, Back of 24 lbs, 65c FLOUR Updtke'B bran, sack of 8 lbs, 25c K O'O 8 Strictly frcah, per dox r t cn 10c SEEDS Vogotable and flower 2 pkgs, 5c JELLY Pure assorted kinds per glass. TEAS En glish Break fast or gun powder, 58c ?ty!lb..48c TEAS High grade, full flavored, assorted brands, 4 8c qual- of", Ity, lb OOC TEA 81 FT INGS Best lb. pkg. 10c O O F V K K "Golden Hpe clal" blend, PEPPER C a p 1 1 o 1 brand, q can . . . OC Tornado Losses Break All Records, While F ire Losses Are Smaller CHICAGO, March L'5. The enormous damage caused by tornadoes in Nebraska, Iowa and Indiann brought out the state ment from insurance compnnies that losses thus far this year on tornado insurance breaks all records, while fire losses are smaller than usual. Tornadoes do not usually come so early in the year. Insur ance agents say that the stomas in the south lust sreek were unusually destructive and that tho Nebraska storm will pile up the losses. Figures on the policies affected by the Omaha storm are not yet available but it is said that many of the buildings destroyed were protected by tornado insurance. One eastern company collected sJU.'MOTJ in premiums on such policies in Nebraska alone in 1912. Wednesday evening, has postponed tho affair until further notice. Bazaar Postponed. Tho I'ralrle Park club bazaar which wm to havo been held Friday evening, Kattinliiy nfternoon and evening at the club house Is postponed. Elks' Dance Postponed. The regular dance to be given by the Klks' Dancing club Wednesday evening, March 26, has been postponed. Dancing Partv Forerronc. The dancing party which was to navr been given Monday evening at the Rome hotel was postponod. Church Dinner Will Not Be Given. Tho supper which wns to have beon given nt the First Presbyterian chufclt "Wednesday evening has been postponed. In and Out of the Bee Hive. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence U Lewis are spending a few days with their cousins. Mr. and Mrs. Johnson. 1612 Spruce street. Mr. and Mrs. It. L. Stiepard;atul daugh ter, Miss Dorothy Shcpard, havo re turned from an extended trip to Houston, Tex. Mr. Maine Coombs and Mr. Wnrdo Cousins, Jr., came up from Lincoln on Friday to spend the $vcek-end with Mr 'Colmsln'a mother. Miss Bmma Dalllargcon of Seattle, the guest of Miss Esthor Uyrne, will leave Thursday for the east to visit school friends before returning home. Mr. and Mrs. W, Morris McKay have just returned from a six weeks' trip to New Orleans. Han Antonio, Houston and Galveston, stopping nt Kxcelslor Springs for a few days on heir homeward trip. Mrs. Kllcn Coad Jensen, who has been spending the winter in San Antonio, Tex., returned home this morning. Mrs. Jen sen was one of tho many Omahans away from home who could 'get no word from relatives so she returned home. Priceless Books of , Chancellor Jenkins Lost and Damaged Dr. Daniel E. Jenkins, 1921 nlnney street, chancellor of the Omaha univer sity, Is a severe sufferer from the storm. The roof of his house was Jblown oft and his magnificent library, one of the largest and most valuable In the city, was scattered up and down Blnney street. In this library were books of priceless value, some of which Dr. Jenkins had Inherited from his father, who maintained an extensive library. Many of the books have been recovered, but arc damaged, and some arc lost for good. While the Omaha university, Itself, was not touched by the wind, It sustained some other heavy Indirect blows from tho tornado. Some of Its heavy sup porters came out with large losses. One ot these Is O. C. Redlck, whose residence at Thirty-ninth and Dodge streets, In the path of the fine homes that were struck, was badly damaged and beside this he was a very heavy loser of prop erty on the north side. Nathan E. Adams, Twenty-second and Miami streets. Is another who lost heavily. His homo Is a wreck. D. W. Merror, treasurer of the university, also had a home wrecked. The young university had been making good progress, it Is said, and was looking forward to a promising future and even expects to override tho present obsta cles, but Its friends say will need ardent co-operation to do that. AVOID DANGEROUS OPERATIONS FOR APPENDICITIS, GALL STONES AND STOMACH TROUBLE One Dose of Mayr'ts Wonderful Stomach Remedy Will Bring Quick Relief and Convince You of a Cure. If you Buffer with Stomach, Liver and Intestinal Ailments, Gastritis, Indiges tion, Dyspepsia, Pressure of Gas around the Heart, Sour Stomach, Distress After Eating. Painting Hnells. Constipation, Congested and Torpid Liver, Yellow Jaundice, Appendicitis, and Gall Stones, oDtain a bottle or tins wonuerrui item edy and put It to a test at once. We extend our heartfelt sym pathy to all sufferers of the storm and request all our customers not to worry about their payments and to come here and supply their immediate needs in furni ture, rugs stoves, end pay us when they can. If you have saved some of your effects and have no place for them, put them m storage with us free of charge. Call on us for any help that it is in our power to give. Union Outfitting Ctmpany Tel. Douglas 1800. 16th and Jackson Sts. MOST TELEGRAPH LINES ARE AGAIN WORKING At the Western t'nlon Telcgtaph office over GO per cent of the trunk lines aro working out to the commercial centers of the country. All of the printing machines are In operation and messages are com ing In by the thousands. Up to 2 o'clock over 6,000 messages had been handled Into Omaha, nnd most jf them hnd been delivered. Tho business waB handled by 175 operators and tho de livery was by tho regular force and 135 boys from tho Commercial High school, tho routing being done. by Heven clerks sent over by Pofctmaetcr Wharton. The Postal reports Its lines all working, and but little delaylu handling business In anq ut. With the telephone coVnpany all lines with the exception ol those running Into the cyclone zone aro working and many of thm arc being gotten In shape. With tho exception ot within a small area normal conditions nre said to exist. AWTDL STOMACH QUFTERINO One dose will positively prove Its great powers to cure. Over one hundred thousand mifferers hac taken It: Home had undergone dangerouH surgical oper ations with but temporary relief, who now state that Mayr'a Wonderful Stom aoh Remedy completely rured them. It is the most widely known and successful remedy for all Stomach, Liver and In testinal allmentB. Ask for Interesting literature and con vincing testimonials regarding this re markable Remedy. Glvo It a trial today. You will b convinced of Its great cura tive powers no matter how nkoptical you may bo now. Send for ntUE valuable booklet on stomach allmentB to Geo. H Mayr. Mfg. Chemist, 154-156 Whiting St., Chicago. For sale In Omaha by Sher man & McConnell Dru Co., 16th and Dodge. 16th and Harney, 24th and Kar nam. 207-9 No. 1Gth St., nnd Druggists everywhere. Advertisement. THREE WAS UNLUCKY NUMBER LAST SUNDAY JUST TAKE A WHIFF of the smoke from'xiA AZOKA. cigars. If you are a lovor of good tobacco you'll know that Uio LA AZOHA Is as fragrant as the finest Imported smokes. And the taste Is Just as good. Smoke one and tell us Whnt you think of It. We don't think you'll be the first man to Kny It Is not a splendid aritoke. 5o3 tor 25c 10c. Try til Now Go size. Douglas 3343. Xd. Qettsn Paul Wlokham Getf en - Wickham Cigar Oo. "The House of Values." Wo Deliver. ' 511 South 10th Street. TORNADO SUFFERERS Whose Pianos or Victor Machines 1 are Exposed to the Weather Telephone Douglas 188 We Will Call and Care for Them. A. HOSPE CO. 1315 Douglas St. um.n.miasi.miiiiL.fbiBiA.iiaui.s , I Insurance Losses Rapidly Settled After Tornado Local Insurance offices are besieged by eager policyholders seeking quick settle ment ot their claims. Many pathetiu scenes occur as claimant after claimant Is turned away with the Information tbat their policies do not cover loss by tor nado. Where reimbursement Is dun tho Insur ance men are offering all possible as slstance In getting tho losseJ pal J promptly. A. J. Ixive, president of the Lovr-IIas-kell company, said: "We paid our first loss before 8 o'clock yesterday morning, and by 9 o'clock Iom claimants began to congregate at our office, and most of them were small pol icyholders who had lost all they iiad In the world. These cases received atten tion. The largo losses In the Vjt r'ar. nam district we wilt take up Just as soon as our adjusters can care for tnose In most need, We directed the claimants tj make necessary repairs to chlmneva, win dows and roof and to keep track ot tha expense. "The property loss may exceed the fig ures named by the newspapers, with l' suranco of less than 20 per cent ot that amount. Few ot the homes In tlw w'en Farnam district carried tornado Insur ance, unless they were mortgaged to a building and loan association. In whlcii case they wore compelled to." At the Martin Hros. cbtnpany dozens of policyholders received Immediate rehet. This company's claims ans expected to aggregate $100,000. "Three" was tho fateful number ofi Sunday's cyclone. The day on the ralcn- j der was 3-23-13. Tho storm struck th'jj city three minutes before 6 o'clock. Slxj Is a multiple of three. There wero thre districts where tho worst damage was done West Leavenworth, West Farnam and Twenty-fourth and Lake, and tho( number of injured wua inrce umcs us great as the number of dead. TFwe' can be of any assistance X t0 our many patrons who were unfortunately affected in this calamity don't fail U call on us. ,A IfzmitOj Solitary- Dairy Co. Hospital Nurse Dies from Injuries Miss Flora Caasell, a Junior mine nt the Methodist hospital, died yesterday of Injuries received when the tornado struck one ot the nurse's homes at 803 North Thlrty-flfth street. She rushed for the cellar when the black cloud hit the home and reached the cellarway before the home was twtsted and torn from Its foundation. A ratter from the celling pinioned her In the cellarway and she sustained a broken leg. She was removed to the Methodist hospital Immediately after the storm. Complication! Bet In from which she died. Miss Casstll's home In the Nurses' Home. Her residence was destroyed. ARE THESE FIVE ALL ACCIDENTS A. M. Kendall, shoo dealer ot Colorado City, Colo., eevouty ycarsi of age. was In what appeared to be the final clutches of Blight's. The treatment was chunged and in three months he wroto that he consid ered himself well. He has a neighbor, a grocer. J. J. Abensham, sixty-eight years of age. who had Urlght's Disease. "Tho best doctors ho could get told him there was no help for him and advised him to settle up his accounts," Kendall told him about his own case and Abensham too recovered. In giving us those facts Kendall closes: "There aro three others here who have been cured slnco I was." One of the above recoveries might havo been an accident, but how about all five? Theso people are not In Icaguo with Fulton's Itenal Compound and ihc cut ability of Urlght's Disease Is a fact If one-tenth of the letters we have received are true With failure admitted by the books un; der the old treotment In chronic Brlght s Disease and with reports like the above from many patients on this treatment how can any one bo undecided. If you have might's Disease you owe It to yourself and family to try Fulton a Iten al Compound before giving up. You can get It at the Sherman McConnell Drug Co., 16th and Dodge, 16th and Harney, 24th and Farnam. 207-9 No. 16th St. For pamphlet on our Investigation tnto the curability ot Urlghfs Disease write John J. Fultpn Co.. San Francisco.-Ad-vertlseinent DOES YOUR SKIN ITCH AND BURN? Lace Dyeing No matter how (Ino a ploce of lace you may have you can safely truHt It to us. Wo dye laces and trimmings to match your goods. If you cannot buy the shade ot trim ming you want for your dress, buy white or cream color and we will dyo it the shade you desire and guarantee a perfect match. It Will Cost You from $1.00 to $1.50 We havo been doing good Dyeing and Cleaning in Omaha for tho past fifteen years, and today we havo the largest plant and do the biggest business of any Cleaning establishment in Nebraska or Iowa. Out of 4own business re ceives prompt attention. jaiikfuwrfh 'tiOODGLEANERS AND DYERS 1515-17 JONES ST.' . Phones Douglas 963 lND.A-3r58 1 GUY LIGGETT pres. Wise Memorial Hospital CHARITY BALL POSTPONED UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE The board of directors extend their deepest sym pathy to the stricken ones in the city. We are taking care of all injured and sick. 0 Board of Directors rs. J. Sonnenberg, President An i:ly Gaab should be covered with clean bandages, aaturated with Burklen's Arnica Salve Meals burns, wounds, sores, piles. Xc For salt by Beaton Drug Co. -Advertise-mtnU Itcsiuol Will Heal It Quickly, Kasily nnd nt Little Cost. If your skin Itchtu and burn with oc- ema or other tormenting, unsightly Wtn trouble, simply wash the sore places with Iteslnol Soap and hot water, dry, and op Ply a little Iteslnol Olittment. The Itching stops Instantly, you .'0 longer have to dig and scratch, sleep oo pnmps nosslble. and healing begins at once. That Is because the soothing, antl septic Iteslnol medication strikes right Into the surface, arresis the action of the disease and lets the tortured, Inflam ed skin rest, restoring It to perfect health quickly, easily and at little cost. Iteslnol Soap and Iteslnol Ointment ure also speedily effective In even the stub borncst cases of pimples. blackheaJ. dandruff, sores and piles. Prescribed by doctorr, for eighteen years, and sold by every druggist In the United States. For generous sample of each, write to Dopt 12-S, lteeluyl. Baltimore. Md,-AdvrUv insAti The Make-Over Feather Shop All XlnOa of Teathara Kepalred, Cleaned, Dyed and Curled. SATS OXiEAlTBS and UB-BOOKBD. Miss Bertha Kruger. Phone D. 8391 Room 439A FAXTON BLOCK. IMPORTANT NOTICE We extend our sincere sympathy to all tornado sufferers and wish to Inform our patrons that we will store goods free of charge. Don't worry about payments and whatever you need In our Hne come at once and we will help you In every way. STATE FURNITURE COMPANY Tel. Douglas 1817. S. W. Cor. 14th and Dodge. -r DO NOT DELAY Iet us write your Tornado Insurance on household goods and house at once. Good strong companies. 81,000 1 Tear $2.SO l.OOO 3 Ysara 85.00 $1,000 S Tears 87.50 If you can't come In, phone us your order. We alno write Fire Insurance. PAYNE & SLATER COMPANY, Phonei Douglas 1010. 616 Omaha National Bank Building. It's customers vou want. Mr. Merchant, not shoppers If you nre to build up a big, steady, permanent trade, you have to hnvo customers as well as bargain hunt ers. The bargain serves its pur pose, but you'll go out of busi ness if you sell nothing but bar- The Omaha Bee goes to tho homes where there is money to spend. gams. The customer comes to you because he believes in you because ho knows who and what and where you nre. The only wny to make people believe hi you to know who and what and where you nre is to tell them and then keep on telling them as long as you are in business. Many good merchants spend a lot of time on the floor talking to their customers. Thoy arv wise. Tho cus tomers like it. How many can they talk to in a day? Not many. Through The Bee you can talk to practically every one of them every day. To get the greatest good out of your adver tising you should never be out of auy issue of The Bee. It's continuous advertising that pays 4