7 The People's Weekly Electrical Page 'Bush, children, it's daddy talking-." A Distant Message It is wonderful how much plensure can bo obtained from a talk over the Bell Telephone. To the members of the family who are away, it is so pleasant to hear the laughing, cheery voices of the homo folks over the telephone. To be of the greatest value the telephono must make neighbors of everyone everywhere. Bell Telephone service takes no heed of city limits or state lines. Bell Telephone Lines Reach Nearly Everywhere. NEBRASKA TELEPHONE COMPANY 8-NT PLAN ADVANTAGES i New York Woman Found Easy Way to Call Dinner CLUB Many Benefits to Wives Who Co Operate With Neighbors. SEWING MACHINE AN EXAMPLE Surer of Srlirnir Whereby Ulrrtrl. en I Cnitrriilrnrr rr Drought In llomr of (.renteitt Number of Knmllle. The Electric Shop "WIRE FOR US AND WE WILL WIRE FOR YOU." $5.00 and $4.50 GUARANTEED WESTINGHOUSE IRONS AT FOR TEN DAYS ONLY. Wiring, Repairs, Fixtures, Supplies The Wolf Electric Co. f V1810 FARNAM. Established 1874. TYLER 1414. "My! Mow tired 1 Ret of this contin ual podnlltiK." exclnlmcd. the other day, n wonmn who hns 11 IniKc iimount of scwIiik to do for her daughters 111 hlRh school. "I don't know" what 1 would do without my scwIhk machine. It Is a thousand times hotter than having to sew everything by hand, hut sometimes I think I know what It would he to slave In a treadmill!" Two of her neighbors, who were visit ing her Ht the time, heard the remark; It suggested to both of them the ssm- Idea, namely, that practically all of the labor of sewing would be eliminated for this hard-working mother If she had an electric sewing machine motor. When this was suggested to her, she replied: "I know that electricity can do the ped aling, for I have seen u sewing machine running sinothly and noiselessly In one of tho shop windows downtown, with no attendant whatever, but I know also that I ean't afford to have one, for I priced them the other day and they cost In the neighborhood of $'J5. Perhaps I will have olio somo day, but by that time tho chickens will all bo old hens." Here the conversation ended, but the Idea still rankled In the minds of thu two visitors, nnd a. few days later the three ladles formed themselves Into a Neighborhood Sewing Machine club, each subscribed JS.rJ'j as her proportion of the cost, and a sewing machluo motor was bought. Tho machine, of course, was kept In tho busy woman's home, but now when cither ot her good neighbors has a bit of sewing that she wants to do quickly, nnd with the least amount of effort, she takes It over to the "club headquarters," nnd electricity does the work. PARIS LIKES TOM EDISON French French Paper Has Amusing Satire on Great Inventor. A Netv" York woman finding out that her eleetilc coffe percolator, toaster, and chafing dish when all In use on the table required a good deal of cord extending from baseboard receptacles or dnngllnz from lamp sockets. Ingeniously devised H remedy. She had a connection made In the floor underneath the table and the coitlr brought up through the table leg to the center of the table. V'rom here) they could connect with any number of elec trical appliances In the table without adding nny look of disorder to the loom. A visitor asked her If she did not deprecate, sometimes, the round aperture In her table and table cloths, "Oh. no." she replied, "it has one great advantage. 1 can always tell In nn In stunt when the cloth Is on straight." Vacuum Cleaner is . Used to Get Snow Off Spokane Walks V. If. Art. manager, nnd .1 A Martin, superintendent of the old National bank building of Spokane, have found a n w 'in i for tho vacuum cleaner that of re moving tho looso snow from the window sills, ledges nnd edges of the roof of the building. No, the snow wns not drawn through tho hose and taken to the base mnt. Tho fan f the engine was reversed so that, instead of a miction, n blower wri devised and tho looso snow was blown so flno that people walking In the streets below thought a new brand of snow wns being manufactured that fell from n clear sky. HOW MAN WOULD GO FORTH It? I'rrsslnu Mutton. lliirlminc- Pic ture , KitKlnnil or An, Other Country Could lip De stroyed. . Blind Hello Girls Have Come to Stay The blind telephone girl has come to stay. An exceptional girl two years ago passed the severe test ot the work. Now the Mnryland school for the blind has Just turned out five other well trained girls, nnd tho managers bcllovo that they will be nble to open this field of work to many other girls. Tho most difficult board now run by blind girls is that at the Ccntrnl Young Men's Chrlstlnn association. The Young Men's Christian nssoclntlon is a club, n hotel and n clearing house for many lines of religious, soclnl and athletic activi ties. Just ub n hotel It hns about 200 rooms. The building has eight pay sta tions besides many house phones, New Kitchen I'lenneH Sirs, Wilson. Mrs. Wilson likes to preside over her own Ult6hcn. She Is delighted with the kitchen nt the White house and hopes to find time to slip in occasionally to concoct something to please the family. She finds In' this new kitchen of hers every modern convenience nnd electrical contrlvanco for culinary purposes. Turk Finds Means of Getting on Safe Side All the Time The Turk ban awakened to the fact that he is behind tho times In street lighting and has acquired tho habit of carrying with him an electric flashlight to aid him in case "Turk meets Turk" In bad humor. They want to bo able to sec their way either to fight or to run, It seems. NEW SAFEGUARD FOR VESSELS GREAT NEWS Tho Titanic disaster Is ono of tho many which It Is said, would not have hap pened were is possible for vessels to see ahead of- them. There Is nn eleetilc flashlight now In use on H passenger ship which throws a rny of 'light seven miles. on water nnd when thrown on the sky can bo seen thirty miles. It Is claimed that this powerful electric light ray has pierced fogs and distin guished distant objects at every point of the horizon in actual tests nt sea nnd will make collision accidents with Ice bergs Impossible in the future, doing away with all chance of another terrible "Tltanlo" disaster. A Parisian paper has caricatured the Kiowth of electrical science under the guidance or niotimx .. Kdlson In a "cr. , amusing manner. Kdlson's assistant's frvnxlcd aniiounei I nient that war has been declared between i the 1'nlted States and (Ireat Hrltaln Is ' met by the calm request for the assistant I to Join two eeitalu wires nnd press thi 1 button. I The asslsant Is dumbfounded when told ! tlmt this tdiuplo act has destroyed the Hrltlsh army which was Just then oik- I barking at Liverpool ' "There doesn't seem to be nny reason I why America should be afraid of its enemies after this, sir," he exclnlms. "I am Inclined to share your views." says Kdlvou, smiling slightly. "Hut in older to avert any future trouble, I think It would be best to destroy Kimlnml alto-, gethef." "To to destioy Kugland, sir?" "Kindly touch button No. 4 there." Tho aslstaut touches .It. The Inventor count!) ten. " eight, nine, ten It Is all oer. There la no morn KiiKlnndJ" "Oh! Oh!" exclaims tho young man. "Now we may proceed quietly with our work." sayr tho'great mnn. "And If we should ever be nt war "with nny other nation, you have only to notify me. I have an electric button connecting with exery foreign country which will destroy It when pressed. In ton minutes I could destroy every country In the world, the United Staten Included. Ho careful, now, thnt you don't touch any of those buttons nccldentnlly you might do a lot of damage!" Need W HZ Chnseil Cnta from I'Vncr. Wo do not exnctls' credit this report from llrooklyn, but glvo It here In case somo one wishes to experiment on the sparks from n cut's back. There Is no need of going to New Lon don to prove thnt n eat can give off electricity from Its bnck: right here In llrooklyn It hns been demonstrated. A block on Macon street was Infestedd with eats. The back fences were topped with a board about four Inches wldo rM this board walk wns used by the cats as n promenade nnd concert stage. An electrician put n glass tube largo enough to push n cat Into, and with n puff of cornprcssed nlr pussy was shot out of tho other end. The resultant elec tricity was wired to a storage battery. Knelt family wishing electric light hud to furnish Its own cats. This furnished light for the block nnd destroyed tho "yows." Now York Sun. When You Extra Heat Quickly At this time ot Hit youi; when the mornings hro so oxtrenit'ly cold and disagreeable yon frequent ly need uxtru heat instantly for the bath room, nursery, cte. To drive off the early-morning chill, to prevent discomfort and quite often, illness yon vQy should have an Kleetrie Luminous Ra diator. The Electric' Luminous Radiator may bo cattily moved from room to room. It Ib perfectly safe whore children nro about no sparks or flnmo. Do causo tho hoat Is genoratod In scaled glass bulbs, thoro Is no consumption of valunblo oxygon or vitiation of tho atmosphere. Always pure, healthful, congenial hoat. It Is only ono of Innumerable electrical devices for comfort and convenience which you can enjoy If you have Electric Light lu your home. Heaters of thin kind niny ho Neon in operation in our office. OMAHA ELECTRIC LIGHT & POWER CO. N SEE BENNETT ELECTRIC CO. FOR SAFE AND IIHLIAHLK VIKI'(! it PAYS to PLEASE 301 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldff. D 3810. An overnlgtit hag of automobile leather, In unuaunlly Ion and narrow. It takes up but little foot room In the car and hold nn much as tho shorter and wider bags. Lanktreo Electrical Co., 1108 8. 18th St. Tyler 1011. All kinds of electrical con tracting. Got our prices. This baa-come Advartlia on tills pair now tha bast :lma or thr year for building'' patr raaulti. Omaha Electrical Works Electric Elevator Repairs and Weatinghouse Motors mrt in w lltli f TMinnii "Do tier. 1101. xuiiia ew -w . v y PtUaflaB BBaBalajaiBla(alBilB I jf'Mpl Bel. Telephone I ffll W V Made in Nebraska H HI I Our Service Our service is impaired by the tornado which swept over Omaha Sunday even ing, but crews are at work, and. we hope to improve the service suffi ciently in the next few hours to greatly relieve the situation. We ask our pa trons' indulgence in this emergency. We are doing the best that we can. Nebraska Telephone Co