16 TTTTT! TUiTIT!. miVTTA 'Pr'tun U Af .inrnr n- -irun I .... uijij. vnmui.li i V IJIIKil 1 , 1IW1UV ii jt i.no. I HEADQUARTERS FOR ardware mm MILTON ROGERS Ivl & SONS II COMPANY 1515 Harney Street Tornado and Cyclone Insurance WHY DELAY TAKING TORNADO IN SURANOE, when the cost is only $5 for $1,000 f. i or throe years. PHONE DOUGLAS 1171 Gilmoro & McMillan, Agents Insurance Go. of North America Store Your Goods with the FIDELITY Storage & Van Co, 16th and Jackson Sts. Tornado Insurance $2.50 Per $1,000 One Year $5.00 Per $1,000 Three Years W. H. Ttomas & Son 228 State Bank Bldg. Call Doug. 1648 iDundee Homes! I Fop Sole I I EASY iPAYlVIEISJXS I I Bankers Realty Investment I I Company I I 404 City National Bank Building I Phone Douglas 8318 I GLAZING Extra Prompt Service Phone-D, 791 Midland Glass & Paint Prompt Service Plenty of Wagons Expert Help Reasonable Rates Moving also. Telephone Doug. 1516 J Tornado Insurance Covers Blown 01! Chimneys, Broken Glass. Partial as well as total loss. 50 Cents Per $100 lor Three Years ALFRED C. KENNEDY 209 First National Bank Building Telephone Douglas 722 Drawn For The Bee The belt newspaper artists of tbo country contribute their best work for Bee readers. Tornado Insurance Kates: 15 Cents per Each $100 Each Year. W. L. SELBY, 480 Board of Trrnle JIMS'. Phono Doug. 1510. AMUSKMKNTsr Slightly Damaged NEVERTHELESS WE ARE "JUST LUMBERING ALONG" and though the tornado caught one corner of our plant we are doing business just as if nothing had happened. ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED Independent Lumber Co. HARNEY 424-40TH AND LEAVENWORTH STREETS. "OMAHA'S VI TV rrvmcn . LUl.t THAT SrZBDT QET-THKllE SHOW COLUMBIA Burlescmers Extravaganza and Vaudeville Llttlo Prll. Howard. Aba Laltt. Pannla Vti. Tint to Omaha this aeaaon. Ladles' Dime Madnee Todar. "Worth Climbing the Hill." MAX HLOOM & CO., In the TADUJHl ML61CAI. COMEDY. SUNNY SIDE OP BROADWAY .. 'THATH MY HOHSEf Dnily at 2:ao. 7;80 and 0:00 P. M. BRANDEIS THEATER Tonight, Until AVed Mat. Wed. THE MUSICAL SUCCESS THE QUAKER GIRL with VlctorMorlcy-100 People Next Mon. and Tues. -SfataNow MAUDE ADAMS In Her Most Famous Success I'ETER PAN W V WW , Doug. 404 Matins avar? asjr atlS. Etmt night 81IB AXJVAMOED VAUDrVIMlI Thla WMk-McINTYIlE HEATH. UttU Dlllr Jre Uradjr. Frank C"arpntr & cJ.. Harrr D.l Cot. Mil.. Lucille, rtrt Hul. Swl.r wEi PaUwa Weakly lUtl.w. 1'rlc-M.t:. oall"; 8'tttnu' tai M. Sarah llarnhardt romlna April 14. Krug Theater Mat. Today, 2:30; Night, 8:30 JARDIN DE PARIS GIRLS Ladies' Daily Dime Matinee BOYD THEATER Tonig-ht and All Wk. afatuists auimuu; ;ardaT EVA LANG rrintlnr th Dallfhtful Comsdr SEVEN SISTERS IfufWHlc, MAroU 30 "TgE DAWS or TOafOBBOW." empress;: , CONTINUOUS raFoUANO win Hani FAMIIY THEATRE " VhotoVUt TORNADO INSURANCE In the Strongest and Most Reliable Companies LOSSES PROMPTLY ADJUSTED Don't Wait Disaster May Corns Today BENSON & MYERS COMPANY Douglas 746 tsSA riui John Says: "Soma man muM. million dollars ana a string- of autos block lonr. Other twanty-four honra a day with 6O0 in tlislr pockau and TBTJST BUBTXX flo O I O A S In t&slr months." John 's Cigar Store 16th and Harney Sti. After Easter Specials are to be offered daily Complete line in Men's, Wo men's and Chil dren's Apparel at Lowest Prices Spring Garment Styles that bear the stamp of authority and reflect accurately the last word from accepted arbiters of fashion. Together with the broad est assortments of most charming style creations at our usual fas cinatingly low prices, we are offering for Tuesday 's selling special garment bargains which you 11 have to acknowledge marvelous. Spring Suits of Surpassing Beauty In assortments of charmingly distinctive de signs so broad that the most exacting cus tomers can be certain of satisfying their individual tastes. Values we're confident you'll not find duplicated, $19.90, $25, $29.75, $35.00 up to $98.00 SPECIAL FOR TUESDAY 200 Ladie' and Misses' Spring Tailored Suits, made to sell up to $22.50, in serges, diagonals and fancies, all colors, including a choice assortment ot cream serge suits, big as sortment of pretty designs, choice $12.50 SPECIAL FOR TUESDAY A splendid lot of nobby new Spring Coats, manufactur er's samples, in pretty serges and tweeds; these coats wero made to sell at $12 to $15 and are without question remarkable bar gains for Tuesday's sale at $8.95 Exceptional Showing Nobby Coats A wonderful wide range oil authoritative new style ideas in all the fabrics and col orings most desirod by fashion's devotes. You'll find the qualities unquestionable supreme at $12.50, $15, $19.50, $25.00 up to $45.00 SPECIAL FOR TUESDAY 50 dozen pretty Lingerie Waists made to sell at $1 and $1.25, come in a fine as sortment of dainty new styles trimmed with lace and insertions. It's seldom any store is enabled to of fer such values as these at our sale price Tues., 59c High Grade Linen Specials Tuesday Hemstitched Huck Towels, extra size, warranted pure flax, 50c values, each 39c Hemstitched Guest Towels, pin head huck, pure flax, worth 75c each 50c Full size Oriental Turkish Bath Towels,, .bleached, 19o values, eaoh 15c Unhemmed Pattern Table Cloth full size, 8x10, worth $1.75 .... $1.00 Tuesday's Specials in Wash Goods in the Domestic Room. t Hope muslin, 36-inch, wide, 10c values &HG 58-inch, table damask, bleached, 29c values .... 19c Our special 81x90 made sheets, 50c values .... 59c Gingham for aprons, blues, and blacks, 7c values . . 5c Percales, light and dark colors, 35-in. wide, 12ic values, lie Silk striped voiles and poplins, 25c values 19c Black sateen, 36-inch, wide, 18c values. ...... 12c Prints, Simpsons blues, blacks and grays, perfect goods, 6)c values . 5c Cotton challies, 30-inch wide, 12c values .... 10b Dress ginghams, plaids and stripes, good colors, 12c values 8c Silk striped ginghams, 25c values , . . . 15c. Hayden Brothers Quality Goods And Pure Food Exhibit March 24th to April 5th 20 Demonstrators and 100 clerks to show you our full line of Pure Food Products. Our high standard of quality and exceptionally low prices have made us the leading pure food department west of Chicago. Among the special demonstrators will bo Pax ton & Gallagher, Yellowstone Canned Goods of every variety. McCord & Brady Co. products and their beautiful demonstration of Advo Jell. Dakota "Wheat Hearts, H. B. C. Special Breakfast Coffee; Gobhart's Chili Products, Iten Biscuit Co. famous cook ies and crackers; Cudahy's Butterine, Health flour for bread, pie and cake baking; H. C. Cook's famous strained honey. Hasting Milling-Co. and Queen Quality Koffrea & O'Brien's Candies, etc. " "" -i- Monday we'll commence a pure food show and exhibit of Pure Food Products at a saving of 25 per cent to SO per cent saving to the people. TwBntv demonstrators to show you the different linen of goods during the Pure Food Exhibit. OTHEK GROCERY SPECIALS 22 lbs. beat granulated BUgar, $1 48-lb. Back best high graae Dia mond H flour; nothing finer for bread, pies or cakes ....$1.10 10 bars Beat 'Em All, Diamond C or Lenox soap 25c 10 lbs. best rolled breakfast oat meal . , 26c 10 lbs. best white or yellow corn meal 17 c 10 lbs. best mixed chicken feed for 2 Bo 5 lbs. fancy Japan rice 25c 6 lbs. best band picked navy beans 25c Gallon cans Golden Table Syrup for 35c E. C. corn flakes, pkg 5c Grape-Nuts, pkg 10c 4-lb. pkg. Pyramid Washing Pow der 19c 5 bars Ivory Boap 19c The best domestic macaroni 8 Ho 8 cans oil or mustard sardines 25c Large bottles Worcester Bauce, as sorted pickles, pure tomato cat sup, horseradish or mustard, for 8 Ho 2-lb. cans fancy sweet sugar corn for 5c 2- lb. cans fancy wax, string, green or lima beans ,,7c 3- lb. cans solden pumpkin, "hom iny or squash 7 He Peter's breakfast cocoa, lb... 20c 12 lbs. good cooking apples, 20c 15 lbs. Red Wetherfield Onions for 15c Bushel boxes fancy Yakima Val ley Red Cheek Pippin Eating apples for 1.50 Large bunches fresh Beets, Car rots, Radishes, Shallots or Tur nips, per bunch 4c Mushrooms, Strawberries, etc.. anything you need, we have it, at a saving or 50 to loo per cent Don't fall to Bee the beautiful The best bulk, peanut butter, per demonstration of Advo Jell now ID, . I iC holnv rifsmnnarn tori hv KnnUtA The best tea slftlngs lb ....10 c B,ge,ow. Free lessons InTrepar- Qoa rsi t1v amjwtlsal fKcniilV nnfl . . . .... s' , " 't.L, "WZ'.r, , .7" ng tin aeucious dessert every morning trom 10 to 12; after- sale of Dried Fruits for puddings, pies, cakes and sauce. VEGETABLES AT HAYDEN'S Anything You Want at a Saving or BO to lOO per cent. 15 lbs. best Colorado Potatoes for ...... loc noon, 2 to 5. Also Dakota Wheat Hearts; cot tolene; Gebhart's Chili prepara tions, Iten Biscuit Co.'s full line of fancy Crackers. Free samples all day. It n Try HAYDEN'S First It Pays 424 Omaha National Bank Building 1