THE BEE: OMAHA, TUESDAY, MAKCH 25, 1913. 15 OITICUKH KOK HKXT llotrla nnil A nnrtinenta. S19 S. 26th St . two nil modern rooms. CALlFOttNIA HOTRt-Stenm heated rooms $2 per week and tip; free bath. RELIAHLR curtain cleaner, all kinds, fine hand work: 10 yrs' experience. D. J7S2. IlouneH nml CottnKos. J.C.ReedS! Kxp. Co., furniture & inos moved, stored; Z7!t. hm aoss. M'T.ATTD & Son move trunks. Sc. UJXUU Wc. Douglas 433S. Moving, packing and storage ot house hold goods and pianos Is our business. Omaha Van nnd Storage "o.. flieproot storage 600 8. 16th. by the viaduct Branch office, 30n S. Kth St. Tel. D. 41W. DrAlTA J,tvIiK vans, wagons, ex-vu-ivJ1-V press. Daggage, ureproot stor- EXPRESS C(J.?Be rilr"lturc Pnck- , . , "Ing nnd atornge, piano moving; reasonnblo prices, careful men. 416 N. 17thDOQLASJ354. 2363 PKATT-6 rooms, all modern, $30 IlcmUs-Carlberg Co., 310-312 Brandels Theater. FOU RENT OU SALE-NIno acres, ,Xi!rlllnJ ottnec. good barn, and well, ssth ahd Vane Sts., about three blocks from street car. Call Webster 3246. 8 ROOM modern house at 113 Bo. 44th St., $30. Tel. Harney 3361. GLOBE VAN & STOnAOE CO.-Stor-nRe, $2 per month. We contract your packing, storing and hauling. D. 423Sand b. 37t5. Offices 117 S. 14tli St. S20 N. 16th. NORTH. New, modem. 5-room cottage, every Im provement; full lot. 2719 Iluggles. $23.00. J"00o'en"r0m nl0Icr" noU8c- 2109 Grant. No l25that" J25Mr" llOUS0 n,ld barn- 500 Tlu"- Haipii, Mcfaguo Bldg. Doug. 1300 t,tr: T-Eieeant 6-room coTSrmTl flt.. site Hcmls park. 3315 Ciimlng. Foi: .K.VT Now seven-room house. V" uHiucrn. sua Caldwell s-nnriM iinn ,,ir . . ...:r 11BNTAL HA HA IN. 5- r house all mod. 4223 Douglas jj) 6- r f at mod. ex. bent. 1602 N. 24th t....$M fi-r flat mod. ex. heat, 1606 N. 21th t. . $IB fK;1 8- --"8 i-i- t "9U,SES AND COTTAGES: X; " '""J. and two lots, only $10. 2im k1.08' ,Br- for colored, $15. Jio 8o. 2Sth. 5-r., partly modern, In nice oW Sha,cl?SQ bargain at 15. 2323 Ho. 18th. fi-r nil mr.H h.n- tic 1829 No. 17th St., 9-r., alt modern 'except "ard, 6-r., strictly modern, only M. H19 No. 34th St.. S-r.. all modern except 'Pat, very choice rcsldcnco district, ?i. 2543 Davenport, B-r.. modern except hoat, very close In, $21. 2429 Franklin, 5-r., mod. ex. heat, $22.50. hah .Madison Ave., 7-r., all modern except neai, goou uarn, goou residence dis trict, $25. M2 Hark Ave., 7-r., nil modern except heat, choice district, $22. CO. 2S24 Itugglex. 7-r.. strictly modern, close to car line, $23. 4362 Dodge. 6-r.. strictly modern. $25. 1035 So. 30th Ave.. 7-r., nil modern, choice residence district, $30. 270S No. 20th, 7-r., nil modern, choice loca tion, reduced to $30. 1921 PougluH, S-r., purtly modern, $30. B64 So. 2Sth St.. 10-r.. strlctlv modern. within easy walking distance; bargain at $35. 2010 Emmet. 9-r., strictly modern, choice location, 3o. 821 Park Ave., S-r., strictly modern, cholco location, $40. FLATS. 1412 No. Kth St., 3-r., part mod., only,$8. (2 So. 30th. 4-r., modern except feat, only $10. 3115 N. 24th St., B-r., modern except heat, bargain nt $15. 1912 Lake St., 6-r.. all modern except heat, firat-clnss condition, $15. 20U Howard, 4-r , strictly modern, very r!nnr In. X2T. 521 Georgia Ave., 10-r., all modern, within easy walking aisiunce, ja.uu. 324 No. 25th, 6-r., strictly modern, cai,y walking distance, $32.60. aw: iiH A t'n K.r.. strlctlv modern. St. Louis flat, In a very choice residence district, 37.W. n-ju u, Mnpv'n Avf fi.l. strlctlv mOdCtn. St'. Louis flat, within walking dis tance to business section and In a choice neighborhood, xms iiai im an exceptional Eolith and east ex- tin 3127 Pacific. 6-r'., Field club district, 3324 Harney, a beautiful brick dwelling. In West l-arnam iiisiriui, t'"'" and maids' quarters, large reception ball, parlor, im.tng room, Kitchen and Inundry facilities, $50. ,. We have others. Cot .our complete printed list before renting. PAYNE & SLATER CO., Omaha's Hental .Men, 616 Omaha National Bank Bldg. SAVE money in shipping household goods, auto. etc. Missouri River Freight Forwarding Co. Tel Doug. 394. 216 8. MAGGARD VAN AND STORAGE CO. packs, moves, stores and ships household goods &nd pianos. Douglas 1496. " 1513 N. 20th St.. strictly modern, 8 large rooms, good order, $30. T. J. Hook, 1101 N. 18th St. NOW IS THE TIME TO LIST YOUR VACANT houses with Payne & Slater Co.. as we aro having more calls for good houses than we can supply. FOR RENT 2-story frame dwelling on Cass St., between 2fith and 27th Sts.. all modern Improvements. The Ctvtghton University. Tel. Doug. 232a Wnncno In ill parts of the city. tlOUfcUb Crelgh. Sons & Co.. Bee Bldg. except heat. 24H Caldwell St. Enquire at 2218 Webster St Tel. Harney 4583. 6-ROOM cotage, modern except heat, $20, 3932 N. 23d; newly papered and var nished Phone D. 786S. HANSCOM PARK RESIDENCE. 10 rooms', modern, good repair, fine shade and lawn, southeast corner Poppleton Ave. and 31st St. $36. SOUTH OMAHA residence, smnll barn; premises fenced. No. 3918 Y St., $8. SMALL GROCERY STORE und resi dence. No. 302 S. 30th St.. $16. Inquire of S. A. Searle, No. 648 Omaha National Bank Bldg.. Omaha. Phones Douglas 6S0 or Harney 1525. CLOSE IN BARGAIN. 2501 MASON ST. First-class 9-room house, with hot water heat; oak finish on first floor. This is a very good houso for a large family and the rent Is reasonable. WM. F. SWANBACK, 214 S. 18th St. Phone Douglas 1422. B49 So. 25th Ave.. 4 rooms, closo In. $ll" 819 N. 20th St.. 6 rooms, close In, $20 1308 Mason St.. B rooms, close In, $10 3008 Seward St.. 5 rooms, part mod $13 1314 So. 27th St., 6 rooms, all mod. $25 133) pnpltol Ave., 6 rooms, mod. ex. heat $22.50. ' 2620 Parker St., 6 rooms, mod. ex. heat, 2710 Parker St., 6 rooms, mod. ex. heat. 116. 419 N. ISth St.. 6 rooms (flat), all mod . close In, $40. 543 So. 27th St, 7 rooms, all mod. close In. $30. 30fl2 Woolworth Ave., 8 rooms, ull mod IK.50. )4 N. 14th St.. 9 rooms, all mod., $40 2218 Leavenworth St.. 10 rooms, mod ex heat. $25. THE BYRON RUED COMPANY, Doug. 397. 212 So. 17th St. N lfi,h- 7'r- u" mod- X4a.C0 121S 8o. a?f1 Avn 7 .it nuwlern, on car Ine. .j $35.00-3012 Mason. 8-r., all modern, one block to car. $6.0O-20 Charles fit, 7-r.. all modern. $BO.0O-45 No. 35th St.. 7-r.. mod. except heat, flat. $20.(0-9454 No. 36th St., 7-r., modern except heat, flat. Arthur J. McShane 319 First Nat. Bank. Phone D. 157$. 6-r. cottage, all modern, one block-to -ar, $20. 5-r. cottage, all modern, sink In base ment, $25. -r , ftll modern except heat, $18. 5-r bungalow, furnace; full basement $16. AMERICAN SECURITY COMPANY. FORMERLY SH1MKR & CHASE CO.. 30 H. 17th St Douglas 3S67. Open Saturday evenings until 9 o'clock New location after April 1, 17th and Douglas, ground floor OKFKKKD FOU HKX1 Huunrn nnil ('nttnKea. HOCSES. $ 0.0ft-3.-,th ami Patrick Ave $U.00-8lx rooms and irnth. 8604 Emmet. $30.00 Six rooms, hot tvater hent. mod ern, 3U01 North ISth. $30.00-Elght rooms, mod.. S201 Spencer. $30.00 Eight-room modern house, h.trd wood finish, at 212S Wirt. $18.00-E1ght rooms at 2!64 Ohio. W. It. GATES,. Koom 644 Omnha National Bank Bldg. Phones; Doug. 1294. Web. 26SS. 1344 So. 27th St.. 6-r.. mod. ex. heat, $18. 4719 No. 40th Ave.. 7-r., city n-atcr, $11. 3114 Maple. 4-r , city water, $S.B0. 3115 So. 16th. 4-r., city water. $8. CUEIOH. SONS & COMPANY, Douglns 2H0. BOS Bee Bldg. 1-XJU KENT. DUNDEK HOME. 4S06 Douglas, 9 rooms, all modern, nearly new, $10 a month. BYKON HEED CO., Phone Doug. 297. 212 So. 17th St; s BOOMS, mcderir. Tl2 N. th"n 2717 $40 6-r., 3306 Poppleton Ave., hardwood fnllsh, modern throughout. $25 9-r . 3SJ8 Hamilton St.. Mod. barn. $338.r., HOT, No. 35th St., nit mod. $20 8-r., 2S18 Ames Ave., mod. ex. heat. $20S-r., 1702 Canton St., hot water hent. $40-8-r., Hanscom Park dlst. nil mod. J35 S-r.. K'nilnlin Plnr. homo llld barn. $14-S-r.. 1617 No. Central blvd.. goou Place. $16 7-r.. 2439 Emmet St., purtlv mod., two lota. $16 7-r.. 3S74 Hamilton, partly modern. $16 6-r., 2026 Vinton, near car barn. $20 6-r., 9th and Pierce, near car barn. $l5--r. oottngo on No. 17th. nnrtly mod. $14 B-r. cottage nt 12th and Pierce Sts. $22.50-6-r.. 102 So. 25th Ave., modern. $i:.B0-4-r. flnt. 2d floor, 1139 No. 17th Bt PETERS TItUST COM PANY, Kth and Farnam Sts. B rooms, part modern, 2615 Dodge, $15. 3 rooms with bath. 1821 N. 17th St., $12.50. 5 rooms with bath. 1110 Fnrnam St.. $18. B rooms with bath, 1604 N. 27th. $16. 6 rooms, modern, 2916 Fowler Ave.. $25. 7 rooms, modern, 1519 S. 28th St, $20. 8 rooms, modern, 1737 Park Ave., $25. 8 rooms, modern, 1204 S. 26th St.. $30. 10 rooms, modern, 1041 Park Ave.. $30. 10 rooms, modern. 1029 S. 30th Ave., $30. BENSON & MYEH8 CO., 424 Omaha Nafl Bank Bldg. SIX rooms, 1720 N. 33d St.. $1S. B rooms. 1109 North 23d St, $25. B rooms, 111B North 23d St., $23. 8 rooms, 4002 Hamilton St. (upstairs). $13. B rooms. 602 South 29th St. $25. J. II. DUMONT & CO.. Douglas 600. 1603 Farnam St. $12 IBM N. 16TH, 3 rme, mod. ex. heat. $23 2MB N. 18th, 8 rms., mod. ex. heat. $27.BO 2510 Sherman Ave., B-room mod ern flat. $100-B24 Park Ave.. 14 rooms, modern. PATNE INVESTMENT CO.. Douglas 1781. Ware Blk. prT TT Express and Storage, Piano yKJlLj and furniture moving. D. b70. Store unit Flnta. FOR RENT For wholesale, llnht manu facturlng or retail purposes Farnam St. after December 31 the three-itory and basement building, 22x100 at No. 1011 Farnam St. Upper floors have light on three sues, inquire at room mi. r irsi . National Bank Bldg Tel. Douglas 1242. Brick storo room, with full cement basument. 1513 Burt. $25.00. Thos. W. Hazen. McCague Bldg. Doug. 130) OFFERED FOR SALiE Furniture. A WHITE sewing machine In perfect condition, all attachments and guaran teed; n big bargain for Monday, $o. NEBRASKA CYCLE COMPANY, Mlckel's. 15th and Harney. .Hiuk'hI uNtriiuifiiii. OWN a good piano; we will help you; geunlne bargains; no fakes. G. H. Harr Piano Co., 3d floor Boston Store. D. 2017. Electric pianos and Mt-notc players, $290, fome $190. 119 N. 15th. Catalogue. D. 2043. Typewriter. SAFES 2-hand. Ami rlcan Supply Co TYPEWRITERS for rent; 3 months. $5. CENTRAL TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE RENT tn L. C. Smith & Bro. type writer, visible back apace key model; new ribbon; A-l machines In every re spect. L. C. Smith & Bros. Typewriter Co.. 131G Farnam St. Mlcellnncoii. For Bale A few unclaimed ALL WOOL Dundee suits, $10; alterations free. DUNDEE WOOLEN MILLS. Northwest Corner 15th and Harney S ts. BOOKKEEPERS, roll front cabinet. Web. 978. Kindling, $4. II. Gross, lumber & wrecking. HALL'S safes, new and 2d-hund Con & McKenzlc Pt'g Co., 1417 Harney D. till FOR SALE New and second-hand carom and pocket billiard tables and bowling alleys and accessories; bar fix tures of all kinds; easy payments. Th Brunswlck-Balke Collender Co.. 407-40S South 10th St. SAFES Overstocked 2d-hand safes, all makes. J. J. Derlght Co., ISIS Farnam St OFFERED FOlt SALE EMPTY Ink barrels for sale. Apply Bee Publishing 'company, 17th and Farnam streets. POOL tables, store, restaurant fixtures bought, sold. Levy. 2510 N.. South Omaha STORE FIXTURES, coolers, refrigera tors, grocers' display counters, Ice ma chines. Tno United Line, 1117 Farnam. PERSOXAI. INVALIDS NEED PENSIONS. 1,421 subscriptions to tho L. II. Journal 11.60; S. E. Post. $1.30. and Country Gin tleman, $1 B0. will earn $3,000 for the tn vulMs' Pension Ass'n, whlcn will tniu.-e myself and fflteen ott.'r 'ut.'erers $1) n month each. Must have 121 In March. Your renewal wortn 50 cents. WON'T WITHHOLD IT. "Phone Douglas 71C3. Omaha. Neb. GORDON. THE MAG".INE MAN. MANICURING, electric massage, mag netic treatment. 204 S. 19th St. THE SALVATION ARMY eollcils cist off clothing; In fact, anything you do nut need. We collect, repair and sell at 131 N. 11th St., for cost of collection, to tno worthy poor. 'Phone Douglas 4125 and wagon will call. 63-DAY BLOOD REMEDY. Bexten pharmacy. 12th and Dodge. f ASRArtlT Swedish movement 418 lU.AOOiVUJj j3po mdff Douglas C272. lOL'MJ women coming to Umuha as strangers are Invited to visit the Young Women's Christian association building at 17th and St. Mary's Ave., where they will be directed to suitable boaralng places or othcrwUe assisted. Look (cr our travelers' aid at the Union station. E. BELLE, scientific massage; baths, drugless treatments. 703 S. 16th. Apt B. M Af3Vir"PIPtret,n'nt- K Brott, lUAUlil.lXt..ovcr7io g, iotn, D.7895. MASSAGE, salt glow. Mme. Allen of Chicago. 10M S. Kth St. Douglas 7665. Mrs. Hedlund, mass & Swedish movement. Hours. D-12. 1-0. 401 Ware blk. D. 7913. BE BEAUTIFUL by using the Vacuum Massage Machine, attaches to any water faucet; removes wrinkles, blackheads, pimples; cost reasonable. For sale at room 306 Neville block or phone Red 3621 and lady demonstrator will call. MASSAGE Mrs. Steele. It Xa. XJ& a. U LLLCTRIC MAhffAUfc. iiuom 25. Uwjx las t'ock. Natural treatment for nervous aipordegs, sciatica and rheumatism. MASSAGE Marguerite Halloran. 223 Neville Rk D. 7761 ANNA MAliKS A-sKe. i- I WANTED Ctilldren to boaid. Wc I Massage airs. Rlttenbouse- 30S Boston Str ADDRESS M. M. Johnson Company. Clay Cmter. Nebraska, manufacturers of Old Trusty Incubators and Brooders, for Incubators and brooders; cataloguw frw EGGS For Hutching From thoioughbred S. C. White Leg horns; vigorous, hardy stock; great lay era; country range; $1 for 15; $5 per 100. MRS. KATE MANN, Benson, Neb. R. V D. No. 3. Tel. Benion 747-W, FOR SALE Kellerstrass Crystal White Orsplngton eggs. Also cockrels and cocks. Telephone B 4O50 or address 2318 8. th St, Council Bluffs. lOlLTUV AM) NI PI'MKS BAIIRKD Plymouth Bock eggs from our champion exhibition and heavy egg laying strain. $1.50 for 18. or $5.0 for 100 Send for mating list describing special tnntlng A number of fine cockerels lett. Ahlqulst Bros . Box C. Ames Ave Sta tion, Omaha, Neb. Phone Florence 101.' BUFF" "OUPINOTON "eggs for liatchfngT Web. 4KB. 3710 Grand Ave. 8. C. White Iegiiorn Tggs Florence 3lS. ROSE Comb Rhode "island "Red eggs 'or hntrhlng from th finest laying show birds. trnP nested, $1 for fifteen. Tele phone Benson 32J. W. F. S. King, Benson, Neb. Letters nnswered WHITE Wyandotte eggs for setting. South 3309. 15th nnd Jackson Sts. South Omaha. SAW3 OU KXCHAXGli 11. H. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE 360 acres nice, smooth prairie land; every foot til able; 4 miles from Ware. Dallam Co., Tcxns. 612 Central Ave.. Ft. Dodge, Iowa. Improved Farm Half section nnd SO ncres; south central Nebraska; fair Improvements. Price $16,000. Want to trade this for town property. No agent. Address me tu PoBtofflco Box No. 633. Omaha. Nb. THE ONLY WAY To beat the money trust Is to list your property for exchange with the Palmer Land Co.. 1106 W. O. W. Bldg., who Can nintch them. TEN-ROOM house. partly modern, close to State normal, for Nebraska land. Ryno. EmporlaKan. wax tic i to iur DolgofT2d hand store pavs highest price for furniture, clothes, shoes. Web. 1607. BEBER pays "iilgTf prices for 2d-hand furniture, carpets, clothes, shoes. D. 7802. D. 8065. Quick buyers of furniture WOULD like to buy a"flve or "six room house to bo moved on a lot One In the neighborhood of 24th and Clark preferred. Telephone Bed 4301 BEST prices for furniture. Call D 7SQ2. WAXTEI) TO RKXT HOL'SE with four bedrooms and Darn; Highland park neighborhood or Hanscom park, umnna. f. c miss, uxennngo Bldg., South Omaha. REAL K STATE IXJANS $100 to $10,000 made promptly. K. D. Wead. Wcad Bldg.. 18th and Farnam. WANTED City loans. Peters Trust Co. City Loans LOW RATES LIBERAL TERMS QUICK AND SATISFACTORY SERVICE. Loans on Business Blocko nnd Choic Residence Properties n Specialty. FIRST TRUST COMPANY OF OMAHA. LOANS on farms and Improved city property, 5, 5V4 and 6 per cent; no delay. J. H. Dumont & Co., 1603 Fnrnnm St MONEY to loan on business or resl cenco properties, $1,000 to $500,000. W. H. THOMAS. 228 Statu Bank Bldg. OMAHA homes. East Nebraska farms. O KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO. 1016 Omaha National. Douglas 2715. " WANTED City loans and warrants? W. Farnam Smith & Co., 1320 Farnnm St HARRISON & MORTON, 916 Om. Nat GARVIN BROS Leans $W0 and up. VJVXV J.1N J3XyO. Qmalla Naf l BanE LARGE loans our specialty. Stull Bros? CITY LOANS, Bcmls-Carlberg Co., 310-312 Brandels Theater Bldg. REAIi ESTATE FOR REXT SO ACRES, 11 miles northwest of Omnha. Call Mrs. McCarthy, 5B04 N. 24th St. Tel. Web. 1322. REAL ESTATE -.VAXTED LIST your house with Osborne Realty i:o.. 4os l'axton uik. u. 1474. quick results. REAL ESTATE A U ST! t ACT Si UK T1T1.B. REED Abstract Co.. oldest abMract t Bon In Nehrsla. 2o Brnnrtels Theater ACHIJAUU I'OIl SAL15. For bargains In Florence property, fruit farms and acreage, see C. L. Nethaway, Florence, Neb. Phone Florence 276. 6 TO 8 ACRES, rich, black garden soil, near Carter park and lake, with 2-room house, well, etc.; fine for pigs, chickens, etc. Also 2H acres near North 16th ot., in bottom; flowing water. CHAS .E. WILLIAMSON CO. ACRESI ACRES! ACRES! Country Club Acres, the most desirable acreago property on tho market today. Remember this choice acre property Is located on the Bellevue Boulevard, street car runs right by It. Electric lights with a possibility of city water In tho near future. This suburban addition Is sub divided Into one to four-acro tracts and can be bought on easy terms, O'NEIL'S R, E. & INS. AGENCY, 1505 FARNAM ST. Tel. Tyler 1024. A POULTRY PROPOSITION One and one-half acres level land, all under cultivation; a good 6-rooin house, with electric lights; fair outbuildings; some fruit: only half mile to car line. 75 yards to paved street; price, $2,000; a small cash payment and the rest at $17.60 per month. Don't fall to Investigate this. My word and honor Is behind It as a great bargain. C. L. Nethaway, Florence, Neb. Phone Florence 276. CITV PIUK'ISUT'V I'OK SALE. Insurance Fire and Tornado 310-12 Brnndeis Theater. D 5S5. NEW BUNGALOW. ALL MODERN, 4818 N. 31ST AVENUE. Five rooms, bath, pantry und rear ves tibule; dining room apd living room fin ished in oak, with beam celling: elabo rate light fixtures; full basement, with floor drnln; guaranteed furnace; $500 cash, balanco like rent. Have a dupli cate of this bungalow at 4223 South 13th St. Will take vacant lot uh first payment on either of these. TRAVE RBROS.. Red 4721. 705 Omaha Nafl Bank Bldg. Tornado Insurance $0 per $1,000 for 3 years. $7.60 per $1,000 for 6 year. We solicit your business. J. H. Dumont & Son 326 Board of Trade Building. Close In Bargain A 9-room all modern home; hot water heat; near Creighton university; walking distance. 23C6 California St. Price. U.uOW. Euey terms. II. A. WOLF, m Brandels Bldg. Doug. tOW. NEW 9-room houso and garage tn Dun dee, thoroughly modern. Owner moving out of city. Price reasonable, easy torini. Phone H. 4191. FOR SALE On easy terms and at a bargain, my 8-room residence, within one block of Locust and 16th Sts.; ateam heat, cistern and modern throughout. For up I'Olntment to see the property call Web ter 7311. Owner. HERB THE MONEY. Leaving city: will sell my established business. Incorporated; 4 vacant lots and 8 housed and lots; worth more than $36,000; mortgage on houses. $10,000. J1C.0W equity In property besides fine real estate business for $6,000 cosh. It you mean business answer. Address 11 212 Bee. WILL SELL CHEAP to settle up estate. Two flats at 8JI-82J-25 So. 90th, dose In, yearly rental, $1,200, Prlre, $9.CW. A good inveitment- 1 mod ern 6-r house, lail Ho. 31st St. BERKA 4: MUSIL. 226 Bee Bldg. Tel Doug. 5967. ItEAIi ESTATE CITY !'UOIM:itT KOH SM5. 'MIJAVI.MJ ll.'VTI.MJ A I . CONTRACTORS Estimates furnished and an unlimited selection of home plans to select from flee. As to i esponslblllty. you take no chances when we build for you Time ts an Item. Wo rush work rapidly to com pletion. No long delay. Our workmen arc competent and some have been with us for years We have built apartments and flats, seern! hundred houses, and our suggestions are free. TRAVER BROS.. 705 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. Phone Red 4721. For Snle-Ono ncre, 44th and 7 So Omaha. Inquire W. E. Osborn. So. tittf $2.50 per $1,000 for 1 year. $5.00 per $1.0iX for 3 years. $7. BO per $1.0O for 6 years. We also write fire Insurance. 106 McCngUe Bldg. Doug. 1653. HRAIj ESTATE rAIlSt ltM-l I.M Klllt VAttl CKlHornliu CALIFORNIA land excursions 1st ana Id Tucs. W. T Smith Co 815 City Nat Bk. Cnnnctn. A FEW fine trncts of 100 to 610 acres In Koutheastem Saskatchewan, good soil. wen wtiieieu, nuuiueu lu Krnill imu mixed farming. For price and terms see or write. loivn. FIVE MILKS OI'COUNCIL BTATFF8. 100-acre farm for $100 per ncre, about 90 acres good level upland, much of It level, 25 ncres alfalfa. Comfortable small house, barns, sheds, envc. cellar, windmill, flno orchard and vine yard, about two ncres each. Seven acres ahd feed lots slope south, well drained and protected from wind. Not a run down worn nut farm, but one that will pay from tho start. Plenty of farms of no greater vnluo have sold for $150 per acre. Easy driving distance of Council Bluffs and Omaha. With good roads to both. This Is worth looking up for tho man who wants a homo or nn Investment. Let us show you MGE13 REAL ESTATE CO., 105 Pearl St Council Bluffs. KnnMi, ICANSAR FARMS and ranches for sale; 80 to 2B,On0 acres: write for free list. V. B. NIQUETTfi. Ballna. Kan. Montana. drVTV TITnlTflAWTl n . - , - , open to (entry at Valler, Mont.; fifteen annum t'ltyiiicinn, aruuuil IltmoUB lol irriln srrnmmttm vnpntntilna dll ......... i diversified farming. For particulars write vnner iirm oaiea -o., uox z, valler. Mont. Melirnekn. AN IDEAL STOCK AND GRAIN FARM FOR SALE CHEAP. S40 ncres, located In east central Ne braska, Nanco county, 11 miles from Ful lerton, 16 miles from Central City; 300 acres under cultivation, balanco splendid hay and pasture land. 200 ncres In fall grain, all fenced and cross-fenced; excel lent corn, whnnt and nlfalfn land; good set of Improvements, abundance of run ning water. Owner must sell quick nt $50 per ncre; one-half cash, balance good terms. This farm Is really worth from $65 to $70 per ncre. Address S. J. Hender son, Omaha, Nebj, KmJl- ArllngtonBlk. LIVE STIN'U M ARKfCT ill -,VKT Ship live stock to South Omaha. Sara mileage and shrinkage. Your consign ments receive prompt and careful alien tlon. Mtc Stock CommlHlos Alerclutnta. BYER8 1ROS. A CO. Strong, reliable. CLIFTON Com. Co., ttt Exchange lildg. ItftRTlN 111 tObl. ft Co Kxcnanga tudg. CHANCE FOR NEW PARK Site for Another One in We3t of City is Proposed. NEAR" BROADWAY STATION PInn Not? im to Turn Cirounil Near PinupliiK Station Over lo I'urk llnnnl for Crndunl Ira provenient. A new chance has been discovered to decure the site for another nice publlo park In tho western part of tho city without the necessity of paying out any money for it. It Is the block nnd a half of lotB adjoining the Broadway pumping station on tho east and lying between Thirty-sixth and Thirty-fifth streets. The land was acquired by the city when the water plant wag purchased and the title to It was acquired when the value of land In tho vicinity was merely nominal, and It was acquired on tho gen eral principle proclaimed by Mrs. Means In Edward Eggleston's Hoosler School master," "when you're gottln' git a plenty." The old water company thus got considerably moro ground than haB been required, or will likely ever bo re quired. The plan now Is to turn It over to tho Park board for gradual develop ment Into a small park, or publlo play ground. The title would not thug be In any degree affectod and If tho time ever comes when It may bo required for use In connection with tho pumping plant It would still bo available. The lots have been appraised and offered for sale, but tho appraisement price has ho far not been offered. It would require but small outlay to transform the present rather barren looking area Into a real beauty spot and to maintain It for public pur poses. The movement to sequester this land for such purposes has not originated In tho western part of the city, but when It was suggested to tbo West Council Bluffs Improvement association it im mediately met with enthusiastic approval and It Is quite likely that requests for such action will come from the people of the western part of the city through that live organization. Some of the mem bers of the Park board have been con sulted and they have evinced a willing ness to look with favor upon It. The board of water commissioner, however, have not been asked for nn opinion, but they would probubly not object to hav ing a beauty spot made of what ts now not altogether attractive In Its appear ance. LITTLE DAMAGE IS DONE TO COLLEGE AT BELLEVUE Bellevue college, which was first re ported to have been completely destroyed, was only slightly damaged. flrren I.uvrna. Our lawn fertilizer surely does the work, ask about It. Phone 3077. Youn kerman Seed company. Cemetery Lawns. Our fertilizer will give the grass that rich green color throughout the season. Call phone 3077. Younkerman Heod com pany. Old floors made Just like new hard wood floors with Chl-Namel th,e grtyit floor finish. Ask us. P. C. DeVol Hard ware company, 504 Broadway. I.nitn Frrtlllirr, CFall us and ask about our lawn ferti lizer. Nothing better. Phone 3077. Younkerman Sod company. Strictly efficient opritl work at Lf ferts'. OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Receipts of Cuttle Very Small for a Monday. HOGS ARE MOSTLY TEN HIGHER Slierii nml Lit nt lis In I'nlr Receipt, Whllp. Prices Continue ?trnil, but the Trnilr Wits SIimt Ml I he MorulltK. SOl'TH OMAHA. March 24, Receipts, were: Cattle. Hogs. 1913. Sheep 1) 3.0CI 21,054 1.04S 15.204 18.82 Estimate Monday ... .1,400 4.4.0 Same day la-t week . Sumo day 2 wk ngo. Same days 3 wks ago. Same day 4 wks ago.. Samo day last year.... l,lS.i 5.&M . 4,11 6,391 6.339 2.3IS 7.9411 4,17ft 4,358 6,866 The following tuhle shows tho receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha for the year to datti iik compared with last year: mi3. 1912. Inc. Dec. Cattle 216,023 232.549 16.526 llogM 6S3.t09 921,511 227,635 Sheep 530.M 610.290 19.MI The following table shows the rango of prices for hogs at South Omaha for tho last few days with comparisons. Date. 19l31l91lTll.1910.T909.19M.1907T Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar Mar. Mar Mch. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. 1 31 W 8 39 8 45 8 58 8 M) S 564! t, 75110 22: 6 531 4 3Sj 4S4 4 35 4 37 4 45! G 40 801 10 17 6 40 6 75 6 68 6 63 6 65 6 09 6 43 6 48 6 03 6 58 10 67 10 31 6 4S 6 47 6 56 6 43 6 69 63 6 60 10 42 6 40 C 73 10 35 6 61 4 45 8 C9U i 0 tWilO 35 4 54 IM 8 73 W 6 56) 6 54)10 54' 6 K) 4 4.M b 48 19. 8 mi 6 65 10 61 6 831 6 3 6 441 4 63! 6 44 4 66 6 43 6 40 6 IK 8 (SU 8 78 8 81 7 1AI ,! f.Un R1I 4 73 7 Ou 6 47110 491 6 59! 6 Hi 6 l'i 6 9S 6 4510 Oil 0 Rhi 4 791 , 6 41110 631 6 Dl 4 80 8 PO Sunday. Receipts and disposition of live stocV nt the I'nlon stock yards, South Otuuliu, Neb., for twenty-four hours ending at S o'clock jdsterday; RECEIPTB-CAR8. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. H'r's. C M. & St. P. Ry. II waiinsu it. it l Missouri- Pacific Ry. 2 Union Pacific R. It 38 O. & N. W cast.. 10 C. & N. W., west.. 37 ii si 'i 3 1.. 25 3 10 2 1 25 13 11 .1 .! 64 39 35 C, St. P., M. & O.. 12 C, B. & b., east... C. B. & O.. west.. 4 SI 8 3 C, R. I. & P., eaat, Illinois Central Ry, Total receipts ..156 DISPOSITION- HEAD. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Morris 396 325 65 Swift Co 300 601) 720 1 12 101 229 3.U 937 1,052 1,072 1,718 1,443 2,031 Cudahy Packing CO. Armour iV: t o Morrell Lincoln Packing Co. Benton, Vonsun & L Hill A Son F. B. 1-owls Huston & Co 1 J. B. Root & Co 55 J. H. Bulla 1 Roscnstock BroH 171 McCreary & Kellogg... 18 It. F. Hamilton M Sulllvnn Bros 14 Cllne & Chrlstlo 77 Other buyers BOO 1.303 Totals 3.496 8.SS6 7,017 CATTLE Recelnts were very light this morning for u Monday, only 139 cars being reported In. The market on handy-wclght beef Hteers was In a very satisfactory condition, prices being generally steady. Ou the other hand heuvy cattle were very slow and weak to 10a lower. In other words the general market on beef steers was steady to 10 lower than last week's close. Cows and heifers were uctlvo at good steady to strong prices. There was little or no change. In the market on stock cattle mid feeders, prices remaining practically In tho same notches na last week. Quotations on cattle: Oood to choice beef steers, Jlj.30QS.76', fair to good beef steers, $H.10O8.S0; common lo fair beef steers. J7.6OJi8.10; good to choice heifers, $7,2538.15; good to choice cows, $6.807.65; fair to good grades, $6.0oQ6.80; common to fair grades, $4,002(6.00; good to choice stookers and feeders, $7.60fi6.40; fair to good Mockers and feeders, $a.6OQT7,60; common to fair stackers and feeders, $6.25 66.80; Block cows and heifers, $4.00g7.IJ; veal calves. $6.609.0; bulls, stags, etc, J6.257.25. BEEF STEERS. No. i.. :.. 43.. ii.. 14.. 14.. .. .. It.. I.. 21.. .. At. Tr. lit. A.r. pr. ... GO! 7 45 7 U 7 M I 00 1 00 05 10 a 10 I 10 8 18 I IS 7 uoo 1 20 1 20 1 20 1 25 1 25 I 25 I 25 I 30 I 10 a so k 10 a 11 1 43 I 50 I 20 8 30 a 50 t to a u, CO a to a 7t a 10 a to 7 06 7 06 7 2S 7 26 7 25 T 30 7 20 7 35 ... m ... 811 ...ins ... 816 ...10(7 ...1114 ... Ill ...1131 . . .101 ...1111 ...1M . . .110 II 1117 li 111? M M 10 11M 11 1070 11 it JO 31 1161 11U (2 1127 15 1334 20 J137 11 1241 1 n I 15 . 11.. II.. .1010 4 no STEERS AND HEIFERS. 2S 611 IK 7. 751 7 14 S7I 290 7 W 17... 120 14... ....1123 .... 5 .... m ....1104! ....lots ....1113 COWS. 7 845 3 110 S 9 GO I !! S J60 1 1044 4 IMS It 1020 3 1061 4 1017 u ioee 1 1141 23 iliO 4 1015 J 7W 4 25 5 IS 5 15 C 00 I 00 I 01 20 25 20 25 25 4... ... !... 10... 4... .1030 1 1120 10OO 2 1100 13 1031 34 U 2 1210 1 120 4 1110 IS 125 2 ISM I 10 40 1 50 ( 50 e so II M COWS AND HEIFERS. 77 8 K 10 HEIFERS. .1013 7 25 . 716 . 110 . 118 . 470 . tta H2I . 153 . IU . 141 . 405 . (It . 685 . SCO . 00 . 802 .1007 . 314 . 215 . 110 . 312 . M . 200 . 130 . 210 . 165 .i:o .1035 I I 'M a o a to 6 70 8 75 8 76 8 as 7 M 7 00 7 00 1 00 7 It 7 15 1 16 7 It 7 It 770 655 600 167 1(6 82 111 MO 780 611 178 610 610 850 875 7 26 7 25 7 26 7 25 7 U 7 15 1 30 7 50 7 60 7 85 7 76 00 s 00 8 00 I 15 a a 1 a It'.'.'.'.'.'. 16 ii.'.'.'.'.. ii'.'.'.'.'.. It 35 22 ja!!!""". i. 7 16 CALVES. 11.. :.. 1.. 7.. 1.. 7 50 7 15 a 00 a 26 a so 1 00 00 00 34 too i.-O lit . no . 110 , 1!'. 110 60 J 50 SO to a so 9 (,0 1 60 S 50 1.. 1.. 1 1 s BULLS, 5 M 2... 35 16... a 40 1... 1, 50 2... . u;o lu j . 110 . llu 6 60 6 ) 8 15 1 -J. ..1110 8 80 STOCKKRH AND 11.. 11.. 8.. II.. 8.. V.. FEEDERS. 22 40.. .. 8 25 l'.. '. 501 6 75 71k 85 .... 1H Ill 816 ... . "tu 728 7 00 7 X 7 40 7 40 7 50 774 Ml 785 . 971 960 . bet 7 70 7 10 7 16 1 ii 7 65 7 W 167 7 80 22.. 14 811 7 85 II lS J , HOOS Under the li,.iuencu of moderate t 35 receipts und u fair demand tnere was k sharp advance In hog values this morn ing. PrlceB paid were mostly 10c higher than at the close of last week, the most of the sales being made nt $8.90 with quite a sprinkling at $8.85fc.87M. Some hogs that Just suited the buyer sold as high as $8.95, Just u dime higher than Saturday's top. Trude was fairly active and practically everything waa sold lu good season. Speculators and shippers bought only a moderao share of the small supply, the big end of the offerings being sold lo packers. Receipts totaled some slxty-threo cars or 4.401 head, being about 2,100 larger than last week, but 3.500 smaller than two weeks ago and 1,400 smaller than the curtespondlng day last year. No. t 41.. 11 . 78 34 17... it... 74... I... 81... 60. 68 72 24 31 71. ii... Av. Sh. Pr. No. At. Sh Pr. 317 yiO 8 85 It 341 ... I 10 H7 160 8 17'i 88. . 3U 80 I 90 !W ... 6 171 24 241 . . 8 M J 1(0 1 17 . .323 I 90 311 40 I 17', 74 34! 60 I At .112 10 8 90 17 Hi . I 90 111 10 8 94 (9. .. 20 160 90 .124 . . 8 90 18 266 . . 8 90 .87 ... 8 90 33 ..8 90 .94 80 1 Kl . 8 94 lit . . 8 90 61 ... 8 90 116 ... 8 90 31 ...S . 8 90 289 124 8 90 40 291 . 8 90 117 80 6 90 : 278 1 94 218 8 90 I' )15 40 8 ti 224 ISO 8 90 71 . 221 8 ti .lit ... I 90 St IIS W 1 UH 8 147 Ml 0 -,f 72 J' i T "1 IM . i W 57 II Wl 1 71 tl 111 . M . i tv. it; )v I 341 M t'i MIKKI' -Thele being only 11 moderate supply In sight, the market oliened In a fairly satisfactory manner, but In a short time trade enme in a standstill, with buyers ,ippm ently walling for fur ther orders and unre Information con ci mlng the situation In the general tlflde at other lle slock center!' What offer ings changed bands during the early hours of the forenoon were on h basis full) steady with lust week's close Thene snh-s were made largely with a lcv to getting the killing gangs started for the ilny, and aMdc from that nothing else of Importance took place until well along towards noon. In the early business was Included n sale of MHtouml Mexican lumhs nt JHAO, and some fed western lambs at s.l. Identical with the price the samo kind of lnmbs brought on Frulm. Fed western ewes were good enough to bring $.26., 1-ater on when buyers and sellers agreed on a trading basis, the bulk ot aged sheep offerings moved scaloward at steady figures, being on tho samo basis as tho early market. The best lamb held prutty closely to steady prices while the less desirable kinds had n weak and a lower tendency, the decllnt In some cases amounting to a dime. The official estimate called for Mima 10.000 bend, being 11 moderate run com puted with two and threo weeks ago, but onlv a llttlo better than half of what wero here on the same day one year ago. In oompnitson with last Monday today's receipts wero considerably larger, but on that day tho receipts were extremely light owing to the Interruption In rnllway traffic caused bv a severe storm. Quotations on shcop and lnmbs: Oood to choice Mexlcnn lnmbs, $S.fi8.8."; fair to good Mexican lnmbs, $R.3rfrS.Ci; good to cholco western lambs. $S.3MI8.riO; fair to good western lambs, $ 15fl8.36; feeder lnmbs. $7COIi.15. yearlings, light. $7.40tJ 7 66. yeai lings, heavy, $rt.9Oi'7.40, good to choice wethers, iB.Miirr.iu; rair 10 goou wethers. jg.imw.W): goou 10 choice owes. $6.154140; fair to good owes, $5.BTiTi.15. culls and bucks, $2.751M.OO. No. AV. IT. 43 feil lambs and yourlings 3 7 00 28 fed lambs and yearlings.... M 7 00 IM fed ewes M 6 a 141 fed ewes, wethers 97 5 25 110 fed owes ion 210 fed owes 109 6 35 tVd Mexican tombs 79 s SO 579 fed lambs 81 8 35 16 fed yearlings and wethers. .107 6 75 100 fed lambs 8 20 471 fed lambs 81 8 25 Slerl ProductH Mnrkpl. NEW YORK. March 24. In finished sletl products some good orders have been places for rails this week by Pitts traction companies. Contracts aro pend ing for about 250,000 tons for heavy atruo- turo work In other directions. Tho now Riihwnys are looked to tako a big quan tity. In brldgo work a cood denl of business Is underway. Tho Erlu railroad, among other operators who are active In this line, has asked for bids on threo small bridges. The Chicago. Milwaukee & 81. Paul railroad has contracted for a 275 ton bridge. Some difficulty Is still being met In supplying billets and bars. To ward the close of the week business In structural material fell off. Tho Oreat Northern rni road wants 500 box cars and the flrnnd Trunk railroad Is looking ror 3,000 forty-ton box cars nnd l.OOO fifty-ton coal cars as tho first In- stallemnt on an order for 10,009 cars. Pig Iron Is still scarce. Council Bluffs Minor Mention, Davis, drugs. Vlctrola, $15. A. Hospe Co. Corrlguns, tindcrtakors. Phono 143. Woodrlng Undertaking Co. Tel. 339. Blank book work, Morehouse & Co. FAUST BEER AT ROGERS' BUFFET. 1-ewls Cutler, funeral director. Phone 97. The IllirheSt cmiln nHn.1 urnrll In Ibn city Is dono at Lnffcrts'. Sea Itorwlck for wnll iiminr .mil dilut ing. 209 and 211 South Main street. Scientific wnti-li rptuilr work. Ibn bind that 1b appreciated, at Lefferts'. TO SAVE on to nnunnw. hkr n. B. -Mutual Bldg. & Loan Ass'n, IK Pearl. WINDOW SHADES TO ORDER Con tinental Furniture nnd Carpet company. BUDWEISER nn dram-lit The flrand. Budwelser In bottles at nil first-class bars. Wo havo the piano that has Just tho tone to suit you. Wo will save you money on it. Easy terms. A. HoBpc company, 107 Broadwuy, Council Bluffs, la. Tho Council Bluffs High school basket ball team took in the Nicholas theater Sunday afternoon. Thoso lu tho party wero Messrs. Crowl, Albcrtl, Brewlck, Snufflns, Peterson nnd Cook. Tho cadet quintet had a successful season, so far winning seven out of eight games played, Mrs. Ethel Warner has applied for a divorce from her husbund. Arthur II. W. Warner. She asks for alimony and for tno cuBtoay or mcir lour children. SJie also secured a writ of Injunction from Judge Wheeler preventing her h unhand from In any manner molesting her or ntorrering witn per pcaccumu iossessloti of their homo at 357 Frank street, Lars Jensen, 915 Avenue I, was taken to the Edmundson hospital yesterday afternoon suffering from it second stroko of paralysis. The first attack occurred a few days ago and tho second early In the day yesterday. Medical treatment under hospital enro wus deemed essential to prevent the probnble occurrence of tho third and more serious attack. Edwurd Welt, 76 years of age, residing at 2219 Avenue A, who wuh sitting In a rocking chair In tho front of his home after the storm nt 10:30 o'clock last wont ThatTouchofPasteurine The Cleansing, Soothing, After tho razor has dono its work and you'vo washed and dried PASTEURINE pure or diluted with cool water. It quickly heals those tiny skin abrasions and bleeding cuts and destroys possible germ infection. PASTEURINE hardens the too tender skin and eradicates unsightly blemishes of tho complexion. PASTEURINE allays razor irritation and proventsthat"itchyBtiiTneB8"of the skin. It makes your face feel cool, comfortable and flexible, 10c, 25c, $1.00. At Drug Stores If your druggist dqes not have PASTEURINE send us 10c for large trial bottle and literature. Jno. T. Milliken & Co., St Louis, U.S.A. Council Bluffs to rsltH himself from the rocker, nnd fell bai k dead III- wife was with him In the room at that time and notified the neigh bors. I If was death was caused from heart trouble Attorney V Lynuhy, who Is represent ing the l nrmet along the north end of the Atlantic Northern Southern rail rond In the pending litigation, returned Saturday morning from Atlantic, where he attended the resale of tho rond Fri day afternoon. Ho left Saturday even ing foi a vlMlt with his daughter at Ra cine. Wis., and for a business visit to Chlcngo, oxppectlng to bo gone about a week. A number of Council Bluffs people at tended the memorial services that were held yesterday afternoon by thp Omaha Philosophical "oclety for Charles M Burgess, Its vice prosddent nnd one of Its oldest members. Mr. Burgess bad lived In Council Blufffl for nearly fifty yearn and was an netlvo member of the Omaha society from ltrt begtnnlng. A brief eulo gistic address was mado by "W. H, Lynch aid. Thp society ndopted resolutions ex pressing the appreciation of his character and the high esteem In which ho was held. Dr Fred P Bellinger, who has been spending somo time In the south nnd get ting better acquainted with tho Weather and other conditions In the gulf coast section of Texas, returned homo Satur day evening. Dr. Bellinger spent some time nt Galveston studying the conditions of military camp life nnd advising wltb army surgeons concerning practical plans for improvement. It was the wish of Dr Bellinger to bo permitted to cligngo in the medical and field service In tho Bal kun war, hut despite tho most earnest endeavors and tho large Influence of his New York medical acquaintance he failed to get neccssnry passports that would get him to the firing lines. Ho desired to bo where ho could do tho most good In the way of alleviating human suffering nnd mmlo his first application for a clianco to enter tho field sorvlce on the Turkish side, but wbji not ahlo to get the oppor tunity He then Med to btenk through the lines ot the allies, but again met d, fent. Shnduklam Temple No. 84, Dramntle Otiler of the Knights of Khorassnn. will hold a thrilling ceremonial session this evening, when a number of tyros will realize what Interesting things enn hnp pen between dusk and daylight. A four page circular Is required to even covertly hint nt what Is to be expected. Among a lot of "donts" meant for the comfort . of tho tyros nppear these: "Don't get lu tho way of Tlbbltt's punch too often. Ho ts looking for a championship by the knockout route." "Don't bid your wife or aweethenrt good bye. You'll bo back," "Don't tell your wife when you will be home. You don't know," -'Don't come to tho ceremonial thinking you will get only what Is prepared for you. You may get more." A callow youth, seeking to Impress upon tho Impressionable young woman clinging to his arm his utter disregard of danger, enmo very near losing his life under the wheels of n Walnut Hill street car yesterday nfternoon. Tho enr was coining down the steep grade leading from tho cemetery and tho youth delib erately sprang In front of It, The mo torman reversed IiIb current and threw on the brakes, but the car slipped on tho wet rails. The young man, who was about 22 years old, attempted to leap from tho trackB when tho fender was a yard awny from him, but he also slipped and fell, sprawling ncrosa tho rail. Just how It happened no one seomed to know, but something hit him and rolled him out of danger. "You ought to bo nt home with your nursing bottle," tho angry motorman shouted as the youth, grinning and unabashed, walked away brushing tho dust from his clothes. "Oh, Oowarge, what made you do such a, fool Ish thing?" was tho comment of tho young woman, while "Oowargo" gave thn logical renson, "oh, because." While Mr. and Mrs. Edward McClel land were spending the night with rela tives In another pnrt of the city their house at 800 Avenuo II caught flro at nn early hour yesterday morning nnd would havo been entirely uesiroyeu u a. lato passerby had not noticed tho flames sending a red glare froniia. bedroom win dow, from which smoke was nlso pour ing. Ho palled the flrn department and the nutomobllo truck made a quick run, nrrlvlng In time to control the flro by tho use of the chemical. The flro had evidently cnught In a closet and there wan Borne grounds for the suspicion1 that a sncakthlef had broken Into the houso ond had Bet fire to the clothing In the closet while using a lighted match tn tho search ror plunder, xne urcmen broke the window of the bedroom where the fire wns located and quickly sup pressed It. Damago to tho amount of about $000 waB Inflicted upon the house and the furnishings. The clothing in tho closet was reduced to cinders nnd the furnishings of the bedroom badly dam aged. It was found yesterday that rear window had been raised by force. Intvn Jlrwi Notes. SAC CITY Jesse Shannon, n young man living seven mlleu north of Sao City, whllo hunting wild ducks, shot nml killed nn eagle which wns flying high' In the nlr above the timber. The bird measures eight feet from tip to tip. SAC CITY The Windsor hotel at Lake Vlow has been sold at auction. Wr. It. Schtirz of Council Bluffs, agent for A. A. Clark, n llenholder. being the purchaser. A. O. Gilbert, landlord, retires from the business on account of poor health. Sblnttlra. Bains will Boon set In and you will be In the market for shingles. You should bo now. When In tho market get our prices, which aro always the lowest, for high grade shingles. C. Hnfcr Lumber company. Key to the Situation he Advertising The Best Part of the Shave Wolcomo to this now com fort in tho shave. It is the finishing touch that makes you forget tho razor that pulled, tho burning sting of a tender skin, tho hido you lost, and thoso "bleeding blundors" cuts. In fact your shave gets to bo almost a necessary pleasure when you wind up with asteurine Healing Antiseptic your face, apply ''iNiirrim nr" 'IK