Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 25, 1913, EXTRA, Page 10, Image 10

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Benefit at Krug
Wednesday Evening
for Omaha Victims
suctiimbnl to the onlatcs which lnu
mercifully len administered.
Ey MELLIFI01A. Monday, March 24, 1913.
THE havoc coused by the cyclone and storm of Sunday evening has
caused a cessation of social entertainments, and, Instead of the
pay week planned to follow Easter, nearly all of tho affairs have
been called off and society women will devote their time to as
sisting those Injured and thoso who have lost their homos.
The dinner-dance nt the Omaha club this evening was to have been
one of the largest social events of the spring, but several prominent mem
bers of the club have been Injured and aft social events are postponed In
definitely. Tho afternoon bridge which was planned for this afternoon by Mrs.
F. H. Galncs nt her home In honor of Mrs. Hill and Mrs. Hovey of Kansas
City, guests of Mrs. IX M. Vlnsonhaler, has been postponed and tho guests
will, Instead, plan to do something to rcllovo the suffering.
Postpone Charity Ball.
The- charity Will plnnnnl for Tuosda
evening t the Auditorium linn bec'l post,
poind tint I further notion, because of the
havoc unci Buffeting broUBht about by
the tornado.
The bull was for the benefit of tne
"Wise Memorial lionpltiil rind tho board of
directors of the honpltal offers Its services
to all sick and Injured.
Woman's Club Postponed.
The departments of the Omaha Wo
men's eltib have postponed the meetings
for Monday and Tuesday on account Oi
the tornndo, and there Is doubt if thoso
nctlnu the latter part of the -vei-U will
J City Hall Watchman
Dies from Injuries
John Fiupatrlek, watchman at the City
hall, -was caught between tho elevator
and the shaft and sustained a broken
hip and other hijuries about midnight.
KlUputflck' had taken the car (o ro to
the second floor for his keys. lie ob
tained them and was evidently trying
to make tho return trip when It ts
thouftht the elevntor started before he
Rot into the cnr. Ills body wan crushed
between the shaft and the ear so thHt
when It reached the k round floor lie had
hold meetings. Many of the members of rolled to the lop of tho car. Dr. T. T.
the club -are among those who havo losi
their homes. Mrs. M. D. Cameron, a
former president of thovclub, and Mr.
Cameron Just escaped with their lives,
their home being completely demolished
Mrs. 1 J. Illrs.i, leader of tho i.ocIkI
science department of the club, which
was to have met this afternoon, and nor
usbciid wore In their home at the time,
but were not injured, Klthough their
home was badly wrecked.
Boselba Club Dance.
TSm ftosetba' club will Rive a dancing
party at the rtoino hotel this evening.
Pleasures Past.
Mrs Robert Qllmorc Rave a small lunch
con at tho Hotel Tlomo Saturday for Mrs.
Url J. X I It I and Mrs. I'ortcr Hovey, both
of Kansas City, who are visiting JudRo
and Mrs. D. M. Vlnsonhnler. FollowinK
luncheon they attended the matinee at
tho Orphijuin.
In and Out of the Bee Hive.
Miss Dorothy Dale, daughter of Mr.
and Airs. John P. Hale, who Is attend
ing school at l.a Hallo Seminary near
Uoston, wllj Spend Iter two weeks' Enater
mention at' Hartford, Conn.
Harris,' police surgeon, attended him and
sent lilm to the hospital, where It was
said that his condition is serious.
Ho died thin morning.
Personal Gossip.
A son whs born Monday morning
Mr. and Mrs, Charles Mason Yould.
Women who bear children and re
main Healthy aro those -who prepare
their systems In advance of baby's
coming. Unless the mother aldi
nature In Its pro-natal work the crisis
flnds her system , unequal to the de
mands made upon It, and she la oftor
left -with weakened health or chronlt
ailments. No remedy la do truly s
help to nature aa Mother's Friend
and no expectant mother should fat
to use It It relloves tho pain and
discomfort caused by tho strain oi
tho ligaments, makes pliant and elas
tic those fibres and muscles whict
nature la expanding, prevents numb
ness of limbs, and soothes tho Inflam
matlon of breast glands. The systcir
being thus prepared by Mothor'i
Friend dispels the fear that the crlsli
may not be safely met, Mothor'i
Friend assure a speedy and compleU
recovery for tho mother, and she it
left a healthy woman to enjoy th
rearing of her
child. Mother's
Friend Is sold at
drug stores.
SVrlto for our free
book for expect
ant mothers which contains much
raluable information, and many sug
gestions of a helpful nature.
FnrmliiK District Swept lir Wind
Four Known ti lie Hurt nnd Mnnr
More Thnnnht to lie Injured Orer
Wide Itenlon.
A lilg benefit performance for the
tornado relief fund wilt be given nt the
Krug theater Wednesday nlKht. The
performance of the Jardln Do Paris
Olrls will be augmented by a sparring
exhibition by Jim Flvnn. the Pueblo
fireman flRhter, who will box six rounds.
Flynn offered his scrvlres for the benefit
to Manager Franke of the Krug theater
this morning and they were promptly
accepted. It Is probable that several
other strong attractions will Iks secured
for the benefit. All proceeds of the sale
of tlrkets above the net cost of the show
will bo donated to tho, relief fund.
Chilli of Mm. N'civmnn .Hit nt Clilld
MnrlnK Institute Mmiriiliicc Over
Itrniiilnx llullriliiir I'llleil with
Injured nnd the l))lnK.
The storm struck through the
farming district, about half a mile
wost of Waterloo, and demolished a
number of farm buildings. Several
people woro seriously Injured. Among
those known to bo hurt are:
FRANK OUY, three ribs broken;
badly bruised.
MIlS. FRANK OUY, hurt about
head and Internally.
a farm.
The homo of the Guys was
destroyed and Mr. Guy was first
thought to have been killed. Very
ltttlo damage was done in Waterloo.
Tho Btorm was traveling In a north
easterly direction.
Wires All Down nnd No Nerra Ob
tainable from Anywhere Associ
ated I'ress Rendu Word to Lincoln
l,y Train.
During tho night Omaha was entirely cut
off from tho world, so fur as
....... nnn...nA.1 n , .1 ..I.
...Im vmAm ...... III 1 .1 1 n lllrt.i .1lann
wire, was working. Tho Associated Press
had no communication whatever with the
outside, and no news was received in this
way by either of the Omaha papers. Man
ager Swan of the local Associated Press
office sent an account of tho -storm to
Lincoln by train, leaving Omaha at 1:15
In tho morning. In hopes that a wire
might be secured there, so the world
could bo given notice of tho awful calamity.
The Child Having Institute was a verit
able dead lioiifc after the storm bad spent
Its fury. Kvory available room was
pressed Into service and one after an
other the dead nnd Injured were brought
Into the house. The basement was
pressed Into service and hastily Impro
lscd places for rest were placed fit the
disposal of tho unfortunates.
Dr J. II. Vance arrived on the ccne
early and administered to the dying and
Injured. Two were dead when brought
to the houre nnd four died nftcrwards.
A moRt pitiable sight was that of a
young girl keeping watch over the dead
body of her mother. The mother, Mrs
Newman, bad been killed instantly and
the body was carried to the Institute,
where it was temporal lly placed on tho
porch, awnltlng suitable arrangements.
Without a murmur, the daughter stoically
told of the tragic death of her mother.
Tho mother was confined to a room on
the second floor of tho homo at 4221
Dewey avenue. When the raging winds
hit tho houso It toppled ns If built of
pasteboard nnd tho mother was plunged
to the gVound. When the daughter pulled
herself from tho wreckage, uninjured, sho
The heroism of the girl was almost bc-
hostened to her mother, who wns dead,
yond belief. Dry eyed and calm, she
recited the story. Justifying it with tho
remark that it was the work of Provi
In direct contrast, two little colored
babes, whose father and mother had been
Injured, neither seriously, laid on a tabic
among tho cots of' tho dead and Injured
and cooed and kicked their little feet in
glee. The old colored mammy adminis
tered to the father and the devotion was
"Where do you live?" asked a reportor.
"Wo don't live nowheres," replied the
mammy, "wo hain't no homo no more."
At the Condon grading camp, where a
force of men woro employed working on
Forty-second street, tho storm worked
havoc. Two were Instantly killed, Bam
nilcy and a man known ns Itoxy. Prac
tically every ono In tho cump received
severe Injuries about the head and face.
A remarkable coincidence among the
Injured at the Child Saving Institute war
that alt were badly cut about ,tho head
and faro while the bodies were compara
tively frco from wounds. UrIj- looking
scalp wounds marked every Injury.
The Child Raving Institute was a verit
able chnmber of horrors early In the
evening. When a reportor for Tho Bee
reached tho place tho groans could bt.
heard for blocks. Hut as time went on
and the doctors and Internes ministered
and relieved the suffering, the injured
Corset Lectures
Announced for
Tuesday and Wednesday
Been Postponed
a Future Date
Mroe han half tho Wetmlnater Pres
byterian church, Twonty-nlnth and Ma
son streets, was filled Sunday morning
by Mount Calvary commandery No. 1,
Knights Tomptar, who filed In In full unl
fonn tor the Easter services. Each year
this command attends the-services in this
church, as Rev. Thomas H, McConnoll
of the church is a member of the com
mnndery. Tho church was filled to the
aisles. After the sermon the knights un
covered for the benediction. Following
this tho congregation remained seated
while the knights filed out, single file.
Itev. Thomas II. aicuonneii preached: a
Hermon on "Immortality. " He sold It
was useless to suppose that Ood would
create souls to be again destroyed.
Structure Across South Und of Water
niortn Down nnd Mcrrtnm Ele
rntnr on 11" Also i Destroyed hy
the Storm. .
The finding of Mrs. Holm at Thlrti
eighth ami Chicago streets was one of
the most pitiful of all of the deaths. With
4t 3-year-old baby clasped to her breast,
searchers puller her from the ruins of
her home. Her arms stiffened about the
little body nnd the finders had to us
force to separate lh9tn. An ambulance
carried them to tho Colonial apartments.
Benjamin Harnes. drug clerk, employed
In a store on West Douglas, wns killed at
Forty-first and Farnam. Ho sustained
a fractured skull. Ho wns the only one
of th dead who bad been tnken to the
police, station up (o a late hour last nlRht
He was Identified by a brother.
A man named Jlmpson, who roomed at
2033 North Nineteenth street, was killed
by the storm while at work In tho Mis
souri Pacific roundhouse.
Five people were taken from the brick
block at Twenty-fourth und I-ake. H. K.
Frcdrlckson assisted in taking out the
Injured, two of whom had to be sawed
from under timbers .where they were
City Corporation Counsel Ilenjamln f.
linker wns slttln gncar a window when
tho storm struck his house.
"I heard my wire scream," "aid tho
Judge, "and Jumped up from my place at
the window. At that very Instant the
window crashed and a stream of boards,
bricks and flying mlFsles shot through.
Ilnd I remained ueated nt tho window I
would have undoubtedly been seriously
Injured. As It wns neither of us was
The Adjusters for the State. Insurance
company and the German Fire of Omaha
started in adjusting their losses at 7:30
this morning. Manager I-ovo of those
companies, also of tho National Fire In
surance company of Hartford, stated this
morning that last night he wired all of
the adjusters for his companies out In
the Htato to report to Omaha this morn
ing. Mr. Lovo reports twenty claims pre
sented nt the office of Love-Haskell com
pany beforo 8:30 litis morning nnd esti
mated that the number vof their losses
will exceed 600. Advertisement.
Don't merely eik for "tome good tooth powder"
or puta, but peclfjr what you want by namit
Does the clerk In lbs d prtmat store or drug
store tell you what cooiaioi the raot profit to
them, or the eaott benefit to yu? If you know
bow carefully, how icIeatiHctlly
were compounded how erery Ingredient Is
(elected for lu good effect on yonr teeth for
Its cletnelor, tonle, healthful action on your
gums, mouth and throat, yoo'd sek for Monoxide
aver time and set Itl It is sntlientle a
ctemier. polleher and vrblUner: a deatroyer
of serine which enter the mtim through the
mouth. It's the one beet dentitriee of excep
tional merit endorsed by deotlstt, pbjrilcUns
and drofglit. Moet drurslite bate It, or we'll
tend It poet free direct from our laboratories to
your door for I5o.
"The Care of tbe Teelb," a booklet by Amer
ica's foremott dental surgeon, free on request.
Denver, Celeratf
( The Illinois Central trestle across the
I south end of Carter lake was blown
I down, as waa also the Merrlam elevator
on top of the. hill.
D. J. O'llrlen took a truck load of fire
1 men to the wake of tho storm and H. K.
Fredrlckeoit kept his machine busy doing
i rescue work.
At Forty-sevtntU and Leavenworth
streets a street car tilled wlUi passen
gers was hit squarely by the storm. It
waa knocked flat on ita side as If It had
been a straw. How tho people inside
escaped Injury Is little short of mlracu
loula, say two persons who looked on.
"The km t trxwtllimg It n
rtvulat Imagination lu rx
allly, and Imltad of thinking
hau thing may bt, to tn
the st at thty art."
Maka rtallty of th trtat
locked bt Lawrence route
lo Euroy.
Saltlags Saturday
Alb tki ntarttt Afnt
r Port e-'ar
At a point on the campus of the Omaha
Thoologlcat seminary and fully 200 feet
' from the nearest house that waa wrecked
In Kountxe Place the complete roof of a
large house was deposited. No one saw
the roof placed there and so far as ran
be learned ho bouse In the neighborhood
had a roof that ever corresponded with
the wanderer
My Husband
Says I've Made Our Home
And reall- when I come to think of it I
guess I have, because it's the odds and ends
and little fixings that go to make up the at
tractiveness of a home. So far, I have con
tributed an entire new dining-room set, a
handsome bookcase, and one of the handiest
kitchen cabinets you ever saw. And the
beauty of it is that I have gotten all these
things without increasing our regular living
expenses one cent!
How do I do It? It's Just the easiest thine In the world. I buy my
teas, soaps, apices, foodstuffs, notions and other household aupplieH from
I.arkln Co. und get these thliiKM aa Premiums. The I.arkln Products are
fine, tho beat I have ever usd. 1 have been buylnir them now for two or
three years, and would want nothing' bettor. LarklnCo. Klve you -tjielr
Products and a Premium for the same price that the atore will give you
auch Products alonei. That's how I got all these things without Increas
Iiir our living- expenses.
Why don't you ive money this very same way at tho same time get
Home fine piece of furniture or other cherished article for your home
without extra cost? There uro seventeen hundred Premiums described In
tho Unrkln Catalog. Write to Iarkln Co., Peoria, III. for a copy of their
CuUIok D J9. They send It free to anyone who requesta It.
The telephone company requests all
persons using the phones to cut their
conversation as short as possible. They
say they have doubled the force of op
erators and are giving the best service
St. J2. Cor, MadUon and LaBaUe StrtU,
Cblc&xo, or Local Agents
Key to the Hituatlon-lire Advertising
Persistent Advertising the Itoad to
Bit Return,
Says Sage and Sulphur Dark
ens Hair Beautifully and
Ends Dandruff.
Hair that loses Its color and lustre,
or when it fades, turns gray, dull And
lifeless Is caustd by a lack of sulphur In
the hair, says a well known local phar
macist. Our grandmother made up a
mixture of Sage Tea and Sulphur to
Keep her locks dork and beautiful and
even today this simple preparation has
no equal. Millions of women and men
too. who value that even color, tnat
beautiful dark shade of hair which Is Bo
attractive usj only Sage Tea and Sulphur.
Nowadays vo are not bothered with
the task of gUtherlng the sage leaves vid
the niussy mixing at home. Him ply ask
at any drug tore for a (0 cent bottle of
the ready to use preparation sailed
"Wyeth'a Bage and Sulphur Hair Item
edy." Customers like this best because
it darkens so natura'lv: so evenly, that
nobody can possibly tell It has been ap
plied. Besides. It contains Ingredlentx
which take off dandruff, stop scalp Hon
ing and falling hair. No, It isn't a dye
or even like It. You just dampen a
sponge or soft brush with "Wyeth'a Sage
and Sulphur" and draw It through your
hair, taking one small strand at a time.
By morning the gray hair disappears:
after another application or two It Is re
fctored to Its natural color.
"What delights the ladles with Wycth's
Sage and Sulphur la that besides beauti
fully darkening the hair they say It
brings bark the gloss and lustre and
gives tt an appearance of abundance.
Sherman & MeConnell Drug Co.. ICC So.
ICth. 3 So. 16th; NT N 16th, !th and
Farnuw Sts Advertisement.
as the rising sun
The morning mental fog, dullness, sleepiness and
"grouch" are dispelled and your appetite
awakened by one cup of refreshing, stimulating
Old Golden
Its smooth, warming goodness penetrates you through
and through. Gives you vim and vigor snap and "go."
Makes the whole day brighter and cheerier.
For supper delicious. Lets you sleep like
a child.
Good grocers sell if.
Try one package.
TONE BROS., Dcs Moines, Iowa
MUlsn of the famous Tone Bros. Spices
- These Dealers Sell
Premium Oleomargarine
Adehon, J., 2735 Davenport St.
Allen, E. D., 34th and Ames Ave.
Armburat, W. M., 3602 South 20th St
Barnett. A., 1916 North 24th St,
Bath, Joe, 614 North 16th St.
Bee Hive Grocery, ICth and Cuming Sts.
Bell Grocery Co., 512 North 16th St.
Berkovitz, J., 1502 North 24th St.
Bloomqulst & Peterson, 1322 North 24th St.
Blumenthal, C, 2902 Cuming St.
Boston Market, 113 North 16 th St.
Bradsky, N 2002 Grace St.
BroBs, Fred, 3347 Ames Ave.
Cavenaugh, P., 1502 North 18th St.
Chrlatonsen, J 2624 North 30th St.
Drelfuss, Julius, 1924 Farnam St.
Dybro, P. C 20th and Grace Sts.
Edquist, D. B., 3004 North 24th St.
Flnkensteln, Sam, 2002 North 26th St.
Fleggel, A., 1724 Dorcas St.
Goldware, Sam, 2621 Sherman Ave.
Groth, Ed., 1022-24 South 10th St.
Qroenberg, Sam, 1548 South 24th St.
Hager. F. E., 4602 North 34th St.
Humen, Henry, 1704 Clark St.
Harding, G. E., 2603 South 14th St.
Hermank, C. F., 1312 William St.
Hibbler & Co., 24th and Vinton Sts. ,
Hobbs & Shafer, 3024 North 24th St.
Howell & Son, 1513 Leavenworth St.
Hruby & Flunu, 2204 South 13th St.
Hupner, G. F. 8. 3924 Sherman Ave.
Janowskl, L., 1420 Military Ave.
Jepperaon, J. P., 24th and Mason.
Johnson, C. A. W.. 2404 Cuming St.
Johnson & Lofdahl, 2420 Leavenworth St.
Jourdan, D. J., 1701 Vinton St.
Karen & Co., E., 1830-22 Vinton St.
Kettleman & Hannigan, 602 North 18th St.
Knudson, II. F Benson, Neb.
Krasne. J 5144 North 16th St.
Kulakofsky, L., 1944 South 10th St.
Kulnkofsky, R., 2402-4 Ames Ave.
Laclns, Joe, 3702 South 13th St.
Lange Grocery Company, 2310. Cuming St.
Marks Bros., 2123 Military Ave.
Malltson, C. H., 202 North 17th St.
Marquardt, H. P., 1622 South 10th St.
McCoy Grocery, 2215 Military Ave.-
Melcher, Sam, 1902 South 4th St.
Meldor, E. H., 1014 Pacific St.
Meyers, C. E., 1723 Vinton St.
Mohr, R. H., 2702 South. 16th St.
Morgan, Joe, 4102 North 28th St.
Mulfinger, L., 1113 South 22d St.
Myers, G., 2221 Cuming St.
Nathan & Nathan, 2307-9 Leavenworth i St.
NovlUky, Sam, 1010 North 16th St.
Olson, Gust, 1723 Cuming St.
Orkin Bros., 16th and Harney Sts. T
Persels, Mrs. S., 4422 North 24th St.
Peterson, Armnnda, -2,911 Sherman Ave.
Peterson, Orens, 360,2 Ames Ave.
Public Market Grocery Dept., 1610 Harney St
Hachman, H., 2802 Sherman Ave.
Raduslner, Jake, 24th and Fort Sts.
Rau, J. E., 1501 North 33d St.
Reuben & Rayman, 514 North 16th St.
Reznlchek, John, 2711 Leavenworth St.
Ronan, Wm., 3701 Gold St
Rbsenblum Bros., 40th and Cuming Sts.
Rosenblum, L., 808 North 16th St.
Kosenburg & Company, 402 North 34th St
Robs. Geo., 2717 North 24th St.
Rudloff, Wra., 2629 Sherman Ave.
Stein Bros., 4022 Hamilton St
8chlafer, Oscar. 1824 St. Mary's Ave. -
Sherman, L., 3501 North 30th St.
Schnauber & Hoffman, 408 North 16th St.
Stenner, Louis, 2235 South 20th St. -
Storek, F. J., 1322 North 24th St,
Strlbllng, Geo., 1124 South 20th St.
Thorln & Snygg, 3880 Hamilton St
Tuckman Bros., 322324 North 18th St
Tuckman Bros., 25th and Davenport Sta.
Vachal & Co., 13024-6 Garfield Ave. -
Vopolka. Joe. 1324 South 5th St.
Warfleld, C. V., 2209 Military Ave.
Wehlner, M., 4104 Grand ,Ave.
Wehlner. L.. 622 South 16thSt. -.1'.
Woodruff. Mrs. Lena, 3702 North 30th'Sf:: w
Zarp, C. M.. 1505 Park Ave'. i.V
Zlotky, J., 3618 North-3Qth St.
Akofer. Chas., 518 North 24th. St
Beavers, R. C, 520 North, 24th St.
Brommer. W. G., 24th and B Sts.
Caldon. Frank, 424 North 24th St.
Collins & Hannigan, 2723 ,Q St.,
Dtetr, Rudolph. 2504 N St
Eggers. P., 150 South 24th St.
Flngerlos. Chas., 2651 V St
Hey man & Berry, 1535 North 24th St.
Katskee, A., 21st and Madison St.
Kramollsch & Swatek, 4002 L St.
Krause, J. P., Albright, Neb.
Mertens & Schrader. 632 North 24th St
...... f J'
Miller. August 617 North 33d St.
Parsley & Co.. 618 tf6rth 30th St
Pavlas. John. 24th and Q Sts;
Penfleld, Cheater, 412 North 26th St.
Propst, T. R.. Ralston. Neb.
Reschke &. Swoboda, 2414 N St. ' '
Smith. B. W., 2701 Madison St. ' . '
Smlsek, J. F 3621. tt St'.
Stern, Chas., 2401 U St.. 1
Swartzlander & Son, .Henry S.. 569 South'. 30th .
United Provision Co., 318 North 24th st -Welsh
Grocery Co., 2418 N St. " ' '
Whlttlngton, H. R., 20th and Missouri Ave.
Swift & Company
U. S. A.
A little want ad does the business.