Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 24, 1913, EXTRA, Image 5

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pvEALERS complain that
JL-' Nemo Corsets arc kill
ing the sale of other makes
at much higher prices.
Women have learned that
a $5.00 NEMO gives them
everything they can get in
any corset superb style,
splendid comfort and long
wear. The dealer- may get
Iobb profit from them, but
the wearer gets at least
set values go.
Women have also learned
that the Nemo is more than
a corset It is a health
guardian. Tho day of dan
gerous, uncomfortable cor
sets ended with our inven
tion of Nemo Lastikops
Webbing and Cloth. "
Imitations are in the mar
ket, but they're the same
old flimsy elastics you had in
hoao supporters years ago.
JBoware of them. Insist up
on seeing the Lastikops
trademark on all elastics
and in tho corset.
) That's your only guar
antee of QUALITY.
Hero's the corset marvel
of 1918 over 800,000 pairs
already sold:
No. 322 low bust ) $ o 00
No.324 medium f 3
The new Lasticurve-Back
is an elastic extension, of
Lastikops Cloth, several in
ches below the back steels.
When you sit down,
you're comfortable. When
you stand, you're stylish.
Other Favorite Nemos
$3.00, $4.00, $5.00
fa Good Storet Enrymhare
U-E) KOPS EROS., Mfri.. New York
A mOd system of treatment that cures
Piles, Fistula and Hectal Diseases
without the use of a knife. No chlor
oform, ether or other general an
aestbetla used. No unnecessary de
lay from bu&lnoss. An abtoluto ouro
guaranteed In erery oaso accepted.
The curs first, then tho pa). That's my
policy. It's lair and square. I also irlre a
written guarantee that tho cure will last
a Ufa Urns Write for Free Book, which
glTei full particulars.
UR. r. K. TARRY, 24 O Umm flUg. Ommhm
TUB FA 1151 l'APCIt
ill ;
Btnck-ratcontr Co., Undertakers.
Malley, the Dcntlrt, City Nnfl. O. ISM.
Fidelity Storage ft Vim Co. Dour. IMS
tltfhtintr fixtures, UurKoss-Granden Co.
Have nout FTint Jt Now llcncon
C. S. Xlgutter I.nw offices remotert to
SU-S45 Omaha Nafl Bunk UMk. Tel. Dsn.
Seven Far Cant on Your Money Hast
ing & Heyrirn, 1614 Harney street, tan
Ket you 7 per cent on your money in
amounts from 1500 up, first-class security,
short or Ions time loans.
rirst National Hani of Hemlnufonl,
Neb., pays 6 per cent on time certifi
cates, also have few mortgage farm ons
to place at 7 per cent, 300 to 11,000. Cal
vin J. W'lldy, president.
i'ha Stat Bank or omHa pays 4 psr
cent on time deposits, 3 per cent on sav.
Ins accounts. The only bank In Omaha
whose depositors arc protected by tha
depositor!!' guarantee fund of the tat
vf Nebraska. 17th Rnd Harney r.treets.
Otto Xnns Seriously 111 Otto Kunx,
SS23 Ummet street, and connected with
the Omaha Water company, Is reported
as lining seriously 111. Ho Is suffering
with an attack of pneumonia.
Missionary Meeting1 Tho quarterly
missionary meeting of the Omaha Pres.
byterlan union will be held at the South
Omaha church Wednesday. Devotional
hour at 11 a. m. Luncheon Bt noon. Dr.
Claud Mason of Stnm and Mrs. J. P.
Ortega of Mexico, will speak.
Signs tha Jfted?e--After an extended i
period of Intoxication, Claud Hose, 4120
Cass Btreet, cllmuxed the slogo with
fight. In court he signed a pledge to
be a "teetoler" In the future, nfter
which his cuBe was dismissed by Judge
Will Olve Post Lenten Dance The
Pastime Pleasure and Dancing club will
give a post Lenten dance at the Douglas
Auditorium next; Thursday evening. Tho
feature of the evening will be the music
which will be furnished by Klpllntrer's
Military band and Rohan's orchestra.
Prof, rilnff to ha Honor Onset Prof:
Fred Morrow Fling of the University of
Nebraska will be guest of honor nt a
dinner given by tho Pallmpset club next
Saturday evening. He will address the
assembly, taking as his topic "The Writ
ing of History Apropos of the French
Barton Millard Sells Homo The Har-
ton Millard home nt Thirty-eighth and
Burt streets has been sold to C. H. Wul
rath of the Walrotti & Sherwood Lumber
company. Tho amount Involved was
140,000 and tho sate was handled by A. P.
Tukey & Son. Tho Millard home Is one
of the most complete places In Omuha.
It was built last year by Mr. Millard,
who moved into his mother's home at 123
North Thirty-ninth street, shortly after
her denth,
"The Product of Evolution" will bo
tho subject of a lecture glVon Sunday
evening at the Theosophlcal rooms In the
Baldrlge-Wead building, .Twentieth and
Karnam streetB, at 8 o'clock. Mrs. Wal
ter I Smith of Council Bluffs will be tho
Her subject will bo an extremely Inter
esting ono to Bible students ilb well at)
to thcosophlsts, as she will show that
thn Bible' teaches evolution, and tnary
passages will bn used In proof of her an
eertlonn. Khe will take man In his earlier
stnges of growth to higher perfection
and Bhow the laws of reincarnation and
Karma, vital In his study of eeotttrlu
Christianity, They elmply carry out, ac
cording to those philosophies, the Ideas
taught In the deeper truths of the Bible.
That man wants to know for himself
and should be taught so that lm may
demonstrate for himself these things, nB
was done In thn days of Christ, will also
be maintained, The lecture, begins at 8
o'clock sharp and Is open to the public
Mrs. Smith Is the wife of Judge Walter
T. Smith of Council Bluffs and Is an
entertaining speaker. Hho Is a deep rtti-
dent of these subjects, tnklng them from
the Bible standpoint.
Principal L. C. Rusmlsel of the Omaha
High School of Commerce called the boys
of this school together Friday, and gave
them an Instructive talk upon tho value
of oourtesy and attention to little thlnirs,
and quoted several Illustrative examples
In support of his assertion.
X meeting of the Junior Commercial
club was held Friday afternoon and a
constitution was discussed and adopted.
An especially Interesting talk on current
events was given by several of tha mem
bers, and plans were made for future en
tertolnments. The "Know Omaha" classes of this
school visited the itaney Mlllng com
pany Friday afternoon. Tho pupils made
a tour of the building, Inspectod the
vorlouB flour-making machines, and went
away with a much better Idea of Omaha's
milling industry.
More than a dozen arrests were mad
last night and yeaterdny afternoon by
police officers and detectives who
searched the old "line" for nero street
walkers. Nearly all of them were re
leased soon after their arrest when they
put up cash bonds of S26 each.
Lottie Finnegan's resort at 114 North
Ninth street was raided and four clns
and several men were arrested, tiomn
beer was also confiscated, Lata In tha
evening the police visited tho home nf
Marie Walker at 1912 Vinton street, ar
resting five men and three women, be
sides the proprietress. A cose of beer
was taken for evidence.
Despondent because she had been 111
for nearly a year, Alice Cooper, 26 years
old, who conducted a rooming house at
4ir. North Fifteenth street, committed
suicide yesterday by swallowing carbolic
Shortly after midnight, E. T. Fitt, one
of the roomers, found her dead upon her
bed. The police were notified and after
making an Investigation, called the
It lirniiinttani 0"lcUlr Cnrfed.
"My slater's husband had an attack of
rheumatism In his arm," writes a well
resident of Newton, la. "I gave him i
bottle of Chamberlain's Liniment which
he applied to his arm and on the next
morning the rheumatism waa gone." For
chronic muscular rheumatism you will
find nothing better than Chamberlafji'a
Liniment For sale by all druggists, -Advertisement,
Proposed Legislation for
Schools in Iowa.
llrlrf Mrnllon of the Week's Rvrnli
In Nmrb)' Institutions- GIrnn
, liif from the Flilncntlonnl
Important legislation for the bettor,
ment of rural schools lias been approved
by ono branch of tho Iowa legislature
one appropriating HM,W0 for consolidation
of schools, passed by the lower house,
and ono fixing a minimum wago scale
for teachers, passed by the senate. The
bill for consolidated schools provides an
immediate appropriation of for
state aid to rural schools nivrt an annual
appropriation of J100.COO for the work for
four years Vnder this hill any wlioot
In the state with two school rooms and
sufficient equipment to teaoh ngrlculture
and home economics may receive state
old up to J2C0 annually for equipment and
an additional 200 annually. Any school
with three rooms may receive I3B0 an
nually for equipment and an additional
$500 annually Any school with four
rooms may receive J500 tor equipment and
J750 additional state aid.
The minimum wwco bill provides a
scale of wages based on the "general
average" of the teacher, ns follows:
riAiiv. Monthly.
CG per cent ?'
70 nor cnt J '5
.4 per cent
74 per cent
7S per cent -'-
SO per cent ;
fB per cent
Ra iHr cent
54. M
W Per cent....-
OA nT mm
AS .ant
rta-ci-are-gWn forhaV-
lng attended normal su.
StlrrlnK Kvent. PrecedtnK Sprln
Mrs. Rev. Calvert and Mrs. Rucker of
Crete addressed the students In chapel
Monday In the Interests of the Woman s
Christian Temperance union. They ootn
made a strong appeal for the clean Ufa
with abstinence from tobacpo and ttnuor.
Since the faculty have abolished tho
time-honored color scrap between tho
freshmen and sophomores the two olassas
decided to test their strength In a basket
ball game. The game went fast and
furious and at the end of the time nho
score stood 9 to 9. The tie was played
off and the result was a 14 to 11 score
for the freshmen.
Prof. Heyhoe. with the aid of Prof.
Carlson, gave a very Interesting balop
tlcan lecture on a trip to London. Mr.
Heyhoe Is a native of England and
showed Bccnes around his old home and
some fine views of London and vicinity.
The Juniors challenged the other threo
classes to a game of basket ball. Whlla
the Junior 'class was supposed to have
the best players In school, they only won
by ono point, the scoro being 21 to 20.
Friday occurred the last meeting of
the Collego club for this year. The new
officers for next year are Reed Hlghy.
president; Phebe Harry, vice president,
and Mr. Wilkinson, treasurer.
School closes Friday for a ten days'
vacation and will begin again on April E,
Munlcnl, Drnmatlo and Lecture Kn
tertnlnmenta, Dr, J. C. Hotchklrk of Chicago, head
surgeon of the Rock Island railway, will
address two meetings for men and women
here next Sunday on topics of vital Im
portance to both sexes.
Miss Wood recently entertained the
students with a Vlctrola concert at chapel
time. Of especial Interest were the "Hal
lelujah Chorus" from the Messiah, a se
lection upon which tho normal chorus Is
now working; also a solo by Herbert
Wltherspoon of the Metropolitan Opera
company, who la engaged for Peru's next
May festival.
Rogers and Orllley, two versatile fel
lows who are under th employ of the
Rldpath Lyceum bureau, furnished the
fourth number of the Peru lecture course
on Thursday evening. Rogers gave a
number of folk songs and a few more
elaborate compositions upon the harp,
and Qrilley delighted his audience with
clever Impersonations and stories.
Miss Maud Ferguson, who, while visit
ing her sisters of the Peru faculty during
the fall, was very HI, is now rapidly Im
proving In an osteopathic hospital In Mis
souri Valley, la.
The Messiah chorus Is now holding four
rehearsals each week.
Bohednle for the Summer Term
Tinder Dleonsslon,
The schedule for the summer term of
normal Is being planned. In English the
survey of American literature will be
given. This gives the teachers who have
taken the English survey for tho last
two summers an opportunity to finish the
general outline of the English and Amerl
can literature. The flrst semester Shake
apeare and English survey courses will
probably be given also.
The German department held a meet
ing Tuesday afternoon for tho purpose
of dlscuBsIng plans for the organization
of a German club. German songs were
sung and games using German proverb
wero played
The normal basket ball team is ex
pecting to take a trip through the Black
The last meeting of the Young Wom
an's Christian association was a Bible
study meeting and was an especially good
one. Prof. Wllspn was asked to present
the lesson, which he did In a very inter.
cstfng way, taking for his subject the I
narnMa rt , V, 1. . . ...
. , m,,pnera ana his sheep,
Miss Delzell of the model school con
ducted the class In history of education
on Monday as Dean Stookdale had been
unablo on account of the storm to return
from his trip to Lincoln.
Round of Social Festivities, Iln.lne..
Talk, an.l Teaolilngr Pious.
The union banquet by the classics,
pharmlcs, sclentlflcs and teachers to
further the cause of school unity and
good fellowship wsji a most enjoyable
affair. The chapel waa tastily decorated
In the class banners, pennants and colors
of the classes participating. The toaats,
songs and yells, while spiced with class
spirit and rivalry, showed a marked de
slra for a broader fellowship, that of
school oneness and good feeling toward
all. Prof. Eaton made a most excellent
Mlsn Myrtle Mllllgan. a member of the
teachern' class of 1913, has been re.
elected as eighth grade teacher In ihu
Crawford publio schools. Miss MllUaau
will it sump hrr college work hen
soon nu her school closes
Several members of tho pontine rial
class gave Interesting and instrui
( tivo talks on "Kcenomlo and Huslnawi
Problomr." Thursday afternoon In the
commercial room, thoso participating in
cluding Walter Dorothy, Walter Peter
sen, Gertrude Welffer. Rose llorehe-s
and Stacla Smith.
H. S. Ronslb of Minneapolis, Mltin.,
visited tho collego Monday morning und
talked to the students on "The Liquor
Prof. Weeks returned from fhleuso,
where he visited his daughter. Mrs. A. I"
During the last week Misses Killlli Shu
man and Hertha Dunn, members of the
scientific class, havo occepted positions
In the Cedar Hluff schools.
A. A. Kennedy of the classic class of
1913 has been elected to the superln
tendency at Wllsonvllle. Neb.
Kilnmtlonnl Notes.
Lost year California spent JJ0.1.H1 for
new buildings for Its state university;
lllllnols, J.V...15I; Town, $l7.",tX1; Mlnne
BOta. Jt.M5.04!; Missouri. S14I.OM; Ne
braska $2.HX; Wisconsin. SffO.tTfi. an
average of J47M17.
Dr. Henrietta Jorephlnc Meeteer was
named dean of women and Registrar W
A. Alexander was msde dean of Swnrth
more college at n meeting of the execu
tive rommlttco of the busrd of manag
, . , , i, f.f I
PemisyTvanla calls tor JM.W0.0OO to place
that Institution on a sound flnniiclnl hssls
u now mKmit utiiui" nn s" , ji. Meyer. II notholx, ol S Gold
nates. Rut why nsk for so modest h sum gtrom, Mm, L. M. Colin. A Ilrown Mrs.
as JM,000,COO? i S. Arnsteln and .V Sonnenberv
Sunerlnteiuleiit Frnnclo of the schools i
1.08 Angeles has made a rule that tho
dress of the child graduating rrom uic
grammar school must not cost more than
JT, and the mothers, seeing the wisdom
of the ruling, dress their children ac
cordingly. Among l,6W flilliiren rorenuy
graduated there werp many whose par
ents were among the wealthy perrons at
tho city, but It could not have been told
by the simple dresses that they wore.
The new Washington Irving high school
In New Tork City has accommodations
for K.900 niinlls nnd 22S Instructors. It la
n olirht.ntnrv building and cost the city
$250,000. Among Its features are a theater
seating 1,600, a seven-room furnished
apartment for domestic science classes,
a model banking Institution for business
students, a garment factory of many
sewing rooms, a bookbinding plant, a
miniature "zoo" for the study of animal
life, an Imitation department store for
girls learning business methods nnd n roof
conservatory filled with growing planU.
There are also basket ball courts, gym
nasiums, shower baths nnd lunchrooms
In which 700 pupils eat nt one time.
Y. M. 0. A, Boys in
Interclass Meet
The Interclass athletic meet of the
Young Men's Christian association was
held Saturday evening In the gymnasium,
somo splendid Jumping and running were
the result. This weeKiy contest of thj
classes Is spurring the boys to excellent
work, their efforts this week showing
marked Improvement over former con
tests. The twonty-ynrd daBh was won by
Fred Paulsen In two and four-fifths sec
onds; Fred Haines was second and C. K.
Seeley third. The twelve-pound shot-put
was won by Fred Paulsen, distance, forty-one
feet six Inches; F. I Wilson was
second and Hart Jenks third. Following
are the results of the other contests: Ono
mile race, Stanley aernnek flr:: Arran
Servedson, second; Fred leaver, third;
time, five minutes and two- and one-half
seconds. Running high Jump, Art Jenks,
first; Hnllock Rouse, second; Gould Fltt,
third; height, five feet four and threo
quarter Inches. Pole vault, Fred Paul
sen, first; Art Jenks, second; height, nine
feet six Inches. Relay race, boys' team
first, composed of Logan, Moriarlty, ,
Payster und Haines. Unattached team
second ami the night class team third.
Time, one minute and forty-one and one
fifth seconds.
The night class scored the most points
with nineteen to Its credit with the un
attached team second with eighteen and
the boys' third with fifteen. Fred Paul
sen scored the highest number of Indi
vidual points, having fifteen to his credit.
Says Husband Has
Kidnaped Her Son
Mrs. Hazel Nelson of Davenport, la.,
reported to tho police Inst night that her
husband, from whom she has been sepa
rated for nearly a year, kidnapped hex
6-year-old son yesterday and came here.
The police mado a search for the child,
but were unable to locate It.
Brnlded by Steam
or scorched by a fire, apply Bucklen'a
Arnica Salve. Cures Piles, too, and the
worst sores. Guaranteed. Only 25 cents.
For sale by Beaton Drug Co.
Walter J. Millard, the first lecturer on
the socialist lecture course, will speak
Sunday at the Lyric theater at 8 p. m.
on "The Socialist Challenge."
"That the work of the socialists Im
warranted Is attested by the growth of
tho movement, which Is now a nower
throughout tho world. Its membership
Increases by the hundreds of thousands
yearly," said Mr. Millard.
"A groat factor In Its growth Is the
socialist lecture course, ono of the1' most
far-reaching educational Institutions In
thn word. The United States has been
divided Into eleven circuits where five
able exponents of socialism will speak
If all of the lectures are hesrd a person '
should obtain u good understanding of !
socialism; at least he should be able to '
tell whether he wants It or not "
result from inflammation
of the delicate bronchial
tubes which clog with
mucus pneumonia easily
folio WB.
scorrs emulsion work
wondtTM in overcoming acatm
bronchitis; it stops the COUgh,
checks the inflammation, and
its curative, strengthening
food-value distributes ener
gy and power throughout
the body.
Jruht on SCOTT'S for Bronchitis.
Scott & Bohtiic, iluoin&Ul N J 12-fcO
i ArTftnppinpnts fnr WUm Mnmnrin.1 '
arrangements lor wise juemoriai
KntPrlninmunt Nrorlv Hmnnlpt
J 1
- i
Color .Scheme for Tumilny lStenlnir I
Will lie Yellow mill White, with
Slpeelnl l.lichtlnK I'Vnliirrn
In Prospect,
ArraiiKpments for the Wise Memorial
charity ball. Tuesday evening, am Hear
ing completion. Dtoorntloi) of the In
terior or the Auditorium n til he taken
care of by Qua Ilenzr, who has been
authorized tit do the work hy Ak-Hnr-llen
upon appeal by Chairman 8. S Oolit
Strom. V. O. Colling & Co.. will fur
nish nil of the decorntlons. which will be
carried out In a yellow and white ittlor
Bcheme. There will be n sporlal arrange
ment of the Illumination and tin, electric
light company will furnish a large elec
tric design, entitled, "Charity."
Palms will be scattered all around tho
edges and In the corners of the room
and there will be a number of booths
suitably located.
Members of the Hoard of Trustees-
i.1.: J: fjonnenberg. prosuient. Mis ;
Mrs, J. tjonnenberg, president. Mrs
""T' i"" "' VV,,;' ,
nmn H J irreJ. A- p. jtrondels. .1 Klein. !
Chairman of Charity Hall -Sol S rjold-
mfi 5g''-Miiiiiiiiiiiniiuiimimimmmii
and five minutes exposure, found that
the beer with three and five minutes exposure became
undrinkable on account of the peculiarodor developed.
The detrimental effect of light upon beer can be suc
cessfully counteracted by the employment of brown
or dark colored glass bottles, and such bottles are,
therefore, recommendable."
Wahl-Henius Institute of Fertnentology.
The Schlitz Brown Bottle is only another step for
absolute purity in Schlitz beer.
We have adopted every invention, every innovation,
every idea that could make for purity.
Schlitz was first brewed in a hut. Today our agencies
dot the earth. Our output exceeds a million,.barrels a year.
That Made Milwaukee Famous.
Home Workers' Market Place
We call special attention to the advertising -under tho above heading on our
clnsBif ied page.
ItB purpose is to make it possible for any who wish to work at home to sell all
sorts of handiwork, needlowork novelties, homo made delicacies, confections, personal
service, etc., through Tho Boo. This can bo done at a very low advertising cost and
parcel post will be a great aid.
We especially recommend our readers to patronize the de
serving makers of these articles.
We also invite thoso who desire work of this kind to place their advertisement
under this classification, which will appear each Monday, Wednesday and Friday,
and we make a very low rate per week for these advertisements. Call Tyler 1000 or
write for particulars. Address, Boo "Homo Workers' Market Place."
"'iimlttPo on .rrantreinents--Mrs. .1
3umienlrK Mts S Arnsteln. Mrs. .take
K It-Ill. Mrs rlntil.trntn Mis Ij.iiUI
! Cohn. Miss I-etm Itehfel.l. a S Onld-
ft mm. J Klein. 1 Kshn. Pam Newman,
lt rtotholr, Mrp NnllM, MnntM and Jni
Tlcki'ts-Mir .1 Sonnenbeig. Miss Lena I k,.i ........ i i.-ni,., i
Kir Sry.-J iss ens i uhfe M. I
rorrespoiNlpiu'e Miss I'Jslher Kpstelll.
Program Mrs. .1. Klein, Mrs. H Arn
stein and Pol tlolilstrom.
PullMty--Hnbll r. rohn. I. r.legler and
Sol Oohlstrom
Candy Mrs. Sol S. nohlslroni
Flowers-Mrs. K Treller.
Clgnrs-Mrs II Ttothol?
Refreshments Mrs J Hutinenlierg and
Miss Fanny Colin.
Reception Committee - Sum Frank,
Mever Klein llHrry Wolf. Sam Colin, I.
Knlin J. Rnduslner. William Unlzman.
M. Meyets, Julius Dreltus. Sol Rosenberg,
Harry t-nti'dus. S. Rawitz, Mnrltz Meyer,
Fred llndrn. tiuls Harris, ll.tve Hard
ing. M. May. Henry Hlller. I Zlegler and
Sol lleinuin.
Floor Committee Sam I-on. Ix"ter
He) ii. Julius Rosenfeld, Max Icvy. Moss
Miller. Kate Mantel, H. Mnnsky. Uii
Miller, Max Sommers. Art rllmnn
ward Rtibi'l. II. D Marrowllx. Mort Dp
gan. Fred Heyn, Mnrtln fliigarinitn, I'M
wanl Simon, Leslie Uurkenroad. I'dwln
Klrshbraun. Herbert Arnsteln, Henry
(loldstone. Joe Meyer, Ilert Weiss, Iks
Ijpvy. Jncob Frey, Rudolph Rothnlz,
tlnbe Rothols. Kain Kramer. Arthur
Mnrrowltx and William Cnstleman
Cure for Sfonmcli Disorders.
Dlsntders of the stomuch may be
avoided by the use of Chamberlain's
Tablets. Mnny very remarkable euros
been effected by these tablets.
u.v druggists,
Tho Perjlstent and Judicious I'se of
Newspaper Advertising Is tho Road to
Business Success.
llllllllllll llllllllllllllllllllll
Read the following
opinion of a scientist
an authority who
has exper-
i m e n t ed
and there
fore knows
that "light
starts de
cay even in
pure beer."
"We have tested beers repeatedly, pla
cing the bottles in the direct sunlight, and
testing the same after one, two, three
L'al Council Bluffs
The Beer
One Dose Makes
Indigestion Go
tr it... n t.. .1
nriunnif uiiB, uyspm HUU
all Stomnck distress ended
with "Pnpo's Din
pepsin." You don't want a slow remedy ve ien
your stomach Is bad or nn unoerttii
one or n harmful one your stomach
too valuable; you mustn't Injure !t
drastlo drugs.
Rape's Dlapersln Is noted for
speed In giving relief; It's barn.-lcsstie-It's
certain unfailing notion In regula1
Ing sick, sour, gassy ntomarh It's nil
Honn of cures In Indigestion, dyepop-j .i
gastritis and other stomach trouble h.Ts
made It famous the world over
Keep this perfect stomsch doctor
your home keep It handy get n larn
fifty-cent case from any drug store and
then if anyone should eat sonictl ir
which doesn't ngree with them; If what
they eat lays like lead, ferments at.d
sours and forms gan; cause headachp
dizziness and nausea: eructations of acid
and undigested food remember a soon
as Papo's Dlapepsln comes In contart
with the stomach all such distress van
ishes. It's promptness, certainty and
ease In overcoming the worst strmach
disorders Is a revelation to thotftt who
try It. Advertisement.
Do ht
f r o m
See that crmvn or cork
it branded ' "Sctitz."
rbones: Doug. 1397; Ind. AMZ
Hchlltz Bottled Beer DeiMt
JtJ 8. th Btreet, Omaha, Nebr.
Fhone 424
&V. nrliF IM R Mai.