Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 24, 1913, EXTRA, Image 1

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    T f j (J
The Omaha Daily Bee
VOL. XL1I NO. 239.
Whirling Wind Shatters Houses-Fire Follows Path of Storm
kM QH 1
Ask Executive to Reveal How Far
American Capital Will Be
Protected in China.
Promises to Inquire Carefully Into
Facts Presented.
Has Already Gone Far Without
Government Aid.
President Anita Hen to Prepare
Meiuornrtdii for Ilia Convenience
In Sillily of Proposition
In Fur East.
WASHINGTON, March 23. The whip
Wilson's statement, withdrawing the aid
of this government from what was pop
ularly known as tho "six power loani"
docs not mean the retirement of the
United States from participation In far
eastern diplomacy.
The president today talked about China
Informally with sotnt of his callers!
among them George Bronson Ilea, tech
nical secretary of tho railway commis
sion empowered by tho Chinese pro
visional government to construct 10,000
miles of trunk railways In China. Mr.
Rea explained to tho president that with
out tho aid of the United States govern
ment American capital had been enlisted
In the railway enterprise, but that It was
desirable to know how far the United
States would go in protecting Ahat Mr.
Ilea termed "honorable contracts bo
tween American business men and the
Chinese government" Independent of
political connection.
The president asked Mr. Ilea to prepare
and submit to him a memorandum and
promised to study tho question very care
fuljyi Mr. Ilea pointed out that the ob
jectionable features xf the six power loan
project!' To"Vhich bhfna'lteeif Kail 'ob
jected, were those which concerned tho
Internal administration of China, , ind
that his relations wlth'Sun Yat Sen and
tho Chinese republic were such that he
knew the action of President Wilson had
met with approval in China
Mr. Wilson indicated that the develop
ment of tho administration's policy
toward China would bo gradual and well
measured. That thero was no intontlon
of withdrawing the potential Influence
for protection which this government has
exerted In respect to China and that the
Wilson administration would mako a
vigorous effort to promote American
trado Interests In tho orient was tho
Imnresslon imthered by some of the
president's callers.
Tho president's viewpoint, wns said,
was that tho United States would be In
a fur better position to help preservs
tho integrity of China by remaining out
nldc of any particular agreements which
might have for their object a voice in
China's political future than by actual
participation. The Wilson admlnlstra
tlon thinks it can curry more favor with
China and be of more actual service us
a disinterested friend than as an am
bitious partner In any loan agreement
which by its terms might bind the United
States to future programs of the powers
and tho Washington administration as
That a. .pronouncement soon might be
made by President Wilson setting lortn
the hopes of this government for a share
in tho trade and commerce of the new
republic through what it believes more
legitimate means, Is hinted at In official
Cattle Take Refuge
Prom'Stormin Church
GO-TUKNBURG, Neb., March 23. (Spe
cial.) Another blizzard story has Just
turned up here. Four of1 the J-B ranch
cattle reeking shelter from tho driving
snow in the big blizzard of last Friday
found a comfortable spot In the lee of
the South Side Baptist church, about
four miles south of here, tn some un
known manner they managed to get the
door open nnd without further invita
tion butted (or horned) into the ranks
of the elect. That was Friday.
Sunday morning the church Janitor ap
peared on the scene to prepare for the
weekly service and behold, one gentle
bovine contentedly reclined upon the
elevated baptistry munching the last re.
nminlnir leaves from Bevelatlons, while
tho remaining three, evidently the au
(Hence. wre contenting themselves with
a morning meal from the hymn books.
There were no services in the South
Side Baptist church last Sunday, but the
owners of the J-B ranch have had
twenty-five chairs repaired and have
made certain satisfactory amends to the
Janitor and services will be resumed this
week as usual.
Fruit Duds Not- Damaged.
FALLS C1TV. Neb., March 23.-(Bpe-clal.)
II. F. RIchart, a man of much ex
perience with fruit trees, lias made an
examination of the peach buds, and;
claims to have found at least 95 per cent
of the buds on reddling trees to be In
good condition and 85 per cent of the
buds qn the better class of trees alive
and ready to open when the time ar
rives. He states that all kinds of fruit
buds have come through the winter In
excellent condition, and that the prom!e
now Is most encouraging
Carnegie Foundation Expends $634,
937 During Year.
President Prltchett Snyii Most of
Illlls Noir Penillnir In IjCrUIh
tnres Vlolnte Actiwl Con
ditions. NEW YORK, Match 23. Tho seventh
annual report of the president and treas
urer of the Carnegie foundation for the
advancement of teaching, which has Just
appeared, covers the year ended Septem
ber 30. 1912.
The endownmcnt in the hands of the
trustees at that time amounted to ap
proximately $14,000,000, and the Income for
the year amounted' to $676,486, of which
$634,497 wns expended. From Its first pen
sion payment In June, 1906, to the end
of the fiscal year, September 20, 1912, the
foundation has distributed $2,077,814 in re
tiring allowances to professors and $23S,
690 in widows' pensions a total of $2,316,-40-1.
In all 429 retiring allowances and
ninety widows' pensions have been
granted, of which ninety-eight have ter
minated through death and twenty-three
nt the expiration of temporary grants,
leaving 315 retiring allowances and eighty-
three widows' pensions in force at the
end of the year.
The first part of the report Includes
a careful statement of the whole ques
tion of pensions for teachers, for govern
ment employes, and for Industrial am
ployes. Thl3 statement contains the re
sults of tho examination of practically
all of the pension systems now In opera
tion anywhere, and leads finally to a
discission of a feasible pension system
for tho public school teachers of a state.
This discussion Is particularly needful at
this time, since tho question of teachers'
pensions is a matter under consideration
by a numbeY of state legislatures. As
the report points out, the bills which
havo been Introduced In the various legis
latures alfost without exception violate
fundamental acuarlal conditions, und
have been framed without study of the
essential conditions, which must be ful
filled by any ndeuate pension system.
The material brought together In this, tho
examples of the failures of pension sys
tems which have occurred, as, for ex
ample, that In New. South Wales and the
.precarious sttuatlofvinwhlch many state
pension systems now stand, make tms
portion of the report one of great prac
tical value to the authorities of any state
contemplating pensions either fr teach
ers or for state employes.
Contrluutorr System.
President Prltchett, In arguing finally
for some form of contributory pension
system for public school teachers, points
out clearly the difficulties of tho con
tributory system, the necessity for the
most careful acuarlal advice, and the
public nature of the questions which are
Involved in a distribution of the cost
of such a pension system between the
state and the teacher.
The second part of tho report Is de
voted to such subjects as the matter
of college entrance requirements, admis
sion to advanced standing, a statement
of medical progress, university nnd col-
lego financial reporting, advertising as a
factor In education, education and pon
tics, and finally, sham universities.
State Conventions.
Tho section devoted to education and
politics discusses not only the recent re
markable changes in the University of
Oklahoma, tho University of Kentucky,
and the University of Montana, but also
deals with two other tendencies In poli
tical life, which are profoundly affect
ing education; first, with the rivalry
which comes from competing state In
stitutions, nnd secondly with the practice
Inaugurated almost wholly within the last
ten years In states where there are no
state universities, of subsidizing institu
tions that ore under private coptrol. In
a number of states this process hos gone
on until It has enormously Increased the
number of privately controlled institu
tions which share In state appropriations.
So marked has this tendency become that
the question of state appropriation to
education without state control is one
which ought now to bo frankly and
squarely met.
Ketrs Notes of Deshlcr.
DESHLER, Neb., March 23. (Special.)
R. H. Klene, democratic state commit
teeman, is a candidate for the -Deshler
post office, having the lndoreenjent of a
number of prominent democrat politicians
of the state. George Beckler, a pioneer,
democrat and present chairman of the
town board, lias a petition out for the
same office, signed by a largo majority
of home democrats and business men.
At a meeting of the sohool board Fri
day evening the following teachers were
elected for tho ensuing year: Principal,
F. E. Bowers, Barns ton; grammar room,
Lottie Lamm. Hebron; intermediate, Fay
Phllby, Deshler; primary, Josephine Her
ney, DBhler.
Postofflce election Postponed.
BROKEN BOW, Neb., Maroh 23.-(Spe-cial.)
Owing to the stormy weather that
has prevailed here and the Impassable
condition of the roads, the post office
election, which was scheduled for Satur
day of last week, has been postponed to
Saturday, March 29. No additions will be
made to the list of candidates, who arc
as follows; Tom Flnlen, J. W. Johnson.
S. L. Miller. Miss Myrtle Lyell. G. T.
Robinson, Jesse aGndy, E. U Beal, Rus
sel Richardson, C. R. Demlng, S. M.
Dorrls, Clyde Wilson and George N. Stev
enson, Wrestler Takes Ilrlde.
HILDRETII, Neb., March 23. (Special.)
Owen Dally of Parks, Neb., who Is to
wrestle Walter Robinson In Lincoln on
April 1, was married here this week, to
Miss Dyden, who lived north of Hll
djeth, ,
Tornado Rips Broad
Thickly Built Western Part
That Follows
Heart-rending havoc by a death-dealing tornado capped
the climax of Omaha's Easter Sunday.
The tornado, which burst upon tho city just about 6 o'clock
in the evening, proved to be a real twister, and scattered wreck
and ruin broadcast over its track.
The property damage is tremendous, and will go tip into
the hundreds of thousands, although no possibility of making
an estimate of the loss can como before daylight. y V
Hundreds of houses havo been demolished in whole or in
part, and dozens of them swept by fire started from furnaces as
a consequence of the storm.
Tho fire calls came so thick and fast that the formen were
bewildered and hardly knew which to answer first.
Scores of people are killed and many more have been hurt.
Tho injured are being cared for among the neighbors or
taken to tho hospitals, and all the doctors aud surgeons within
reach have been brought to tho relief of the victims.
By putting together the observations from a dozen differ
ent points it is established that the storm first sruck back of
Hanscom park, not far from the Field club and the county hos
pital, and swept on to the north, overcoming all resulting ob
stacles; s. - : . '
The path of tho tornado seems, to havo been from four to
six blocks wide, practically a quarter of a mile, and apparently
veered somewhat to the east as it passed Cuming streot and
proceeded at least as far as Ames avenue.
Whole sections of houses are reported blown down, and at
the same time by peculiar freaks some loft standing unharmed
in the midst of surrounding ruin.
The storm completely stopped street car traffic, telephone
and lighting service, and blocked streets with overturned tele
graph poles and trees. Because of the difficulties thus pre
sented, and because of tho wide extent of tho storm and damage
wrought, only disconnected information could be secured.
So sudden did the disaster strike people that even those
who wore in tho midst of it are unable to toll just what hap
pened, and those who have been hurt, or those whose houses
have blown down upon them, have in many cases lost their com
posure to such an extent that their stories are incoherent.
One of the most destructive storms
in the history of Omaha swooped
down on the west part of tho city
shortly after G o'clock Sunday night.
It came In the form of a tornado
with a distinct twisting funnel shape
cloud that tore a path or ruin whore
It touched from near Fortieth and
Center north past Dodgo and Daven
port. In a very fow minutes scores of
houses and barns were wrecked, roofs
blown off, and a row of conflagra
tions left brightly burning to mark
tho route. It Is known that a num
ber of people havo been hurt. How
seriously 1b yet to be ascertained, and
thero are undefined rumors that sev
eral have been killed.
Mrs. R. It. Van do Von ws brought
to tho Wise Memorial hospital to bo
cared for. Sho had been struck on
the ' head, and was completely un
conscious. They did not know just
where she was brought from, but
had been In a wrecked building. The
city directory gives tho name of It
It. Van de Ven as a salesmen for tho
Richardson Drug company.
Story of a Witness.
Superintendent Robinson of tho
County Poor Farm, where tho first
damage was done, describes the situa
tion as follows:
"The storm camo up on us from
the southwest. It was a black funnel
Bhaped cloud. It blew down both of
our barns and took tho roof off the
engine house. Plecos were blown off
tho roof of our sleeping rooms in two
places, but fortunately no one around
our institution has been hurt.
Wrought by Storm is Increased by
Swiftly - Many Killed and Injured in
Wreckage of Homes
"I havo heard of five houses that
were blown down right around here
among them Holman's hoiwo and
Jensen's house. A number of people
wero hurt, and all our doctors have
gone over thero to tho Jensen place
to help out. I can right now (6:45
o'clock) see flvo houses burning, all
to tho north of us."
Reports of Damage.
It is reported that some damngo
was done to the Child Saving tnstl-
tuto and that the roof of tho housel
of Jerome P. McGee near thero was
blown off.
Tho oloctrlc garago at the corner
of, Fortieth and Farnam, which was
badly wrecked a few months ago by
a runaway street car, is said to be
again demolished.
Most of the connections of tho
Harney telephone oxchango havo!
been knocked out so that communi
cation Is imposslblo in tho stricken
The storm is accompanied by a!
driving rain, which fortunately came
Just at the supper hour, when few
pcoplo wero caught out of doors.
Tho Farnam and Park avenue
street car lines were put out of com
mission, and tho demand for taxi
cabs could not be supplied.
Tho flro alarms came in such1
quick succession that the depart
ments wero bewildered, but re
sponded without delay,
A. L. Green, advertising manager
for Orkin Drothers' department
store, living at 4904 Underwood ave
nue, was ou bis back porch watch-
Road Through
Known Dead
OasualtUa reported i
WIT.X.XAM riSXER, Torty-slxth and
Mroy, dead.
BIX DBAS In- ths Tloinlty of Thirtieth
and Axnee.
HABZL ITBRIDE, 4115 rarnam strut.
mLB IARSOrT, eaa North Thirty
sixth street.
MISS DAVIS, Port y-Slxth .and Leaven
worth, dangerously Injur sd, will prob
able die.
MSB. K. B, TAN ds VEN, unconscious
from blow on head, taken to Wis hos-
visiting J. r. Traynor, 013 Worth Thirty
sixth, badly hurt.
MRS., BEST OAXiZiAQBCXR, hurt while
visltlncr at ;the residence of O. H. Wckens
on Thirty-ninth street.
MBS. OTBRIDE, 411B rarnaut street.
8. DAOAT, 3384 JCluooln .boulevard,
head cut .by flying? gjass. ,-..
taken to Colonial sMsitttfes.-.Mtffct
onuses. rTr ' 7...;
E. W. DlSOir, hospital, slight' hhtuseB.
M. A. HAH,, slightly hurt, assisted in
helping- others more unfortunate.
mortally Injured, Swedish Mission hos.
SL IT. HOX.M, bady hurt, Swedish Mis
sion hospital.
VT. K. M-DOWA1D, &B34 Burdette, bad
scalp wound, at Omaha a antral hospital,
MRS. OOUmx, General hospital, a
graduate nurse, badly out.
MRS. x. c. BEtS, 3465 California
street, Injured Internally and nth on
the had, still unoonsclous, at Omaha Qen-
eral hospital.
irfXTiB BEXtS OXBX, had scalp
. .MBS. ORTTFOT, 317 Sfoppleton arenne.
Internal llnrtt, which sr nntU ssrton
hurt at Pifty-flrst and Center streets.
Inp the Btorm when It brnko.
"It enmo llko a rushing nnd roar
ing torrent of water," ho says. "It
camo from tho south and passed
ngiu ny us to the east. I wont to
my attic window Immediately after-
ward and saw fires bursting forth
from houses along tho path of tho
storm. I could sooflve fires burn
ing at once, three to tho south of me,
one Bouthoast and one northeast. I
should judge that tho area of the
aestrucuve part or tho storm was
.. ....
kept between Fortieth and Forty-
sixth streets. It was an awo-lnspir
ing sight that wo will never be able
to forget."
Mrs. ItagKot Hurt.
J. F. Traynor. 513 North Thirty
sixth street of tho Traynor Auto com
pany rushed from his place of busi
ness home to find bis house in ruins
His wife, her aunt, Mrs, Edward
a&Rt of Chicago, visiting with
them, and hlB three children wero In
the house, but only Mrs. Daggot was
hurt, how severely could not bo told.
Tho house next to his on the north,
)io euld, was gone.
Dixon Family Hurt.
W. Dixon, 2C North Thirty-
eighth street, was bruised about tho
head and his wife and four chlldre
sustained slighter Injuries. Dixon
had started upstairs when he saw the
boiling fundle swoop down and crush
tho houses to tho south. An Instant
later It struck and he was thrown
down stairs and into the dining room,
Crushed by Wind.
of Omaha
and Injured
flat on his face.
Dazed he struggled to his feot and
rushed to his wife and children. He
saw in tho Instant of dead darkness
following tho shock of tho wind tho
flames leap against tho turbulent ky
nnd frightened men and women rush
ing Into tho streets.
"It camo with the Bwlftness of
lightning," said Dixon, "nnd before
a mova could be made toward Bafety
tho damago was dono. Tho total
darknees prevented sight of tho In
Jury that had been wrought."
lkartlcnlnrs of Destruction.
Harry Whitman, residing at 4804
Douglas; gavo refuge- toMrs. George
jiruiturouK, a. niceo oi nis wuo, living
Forty-olghth and Popploton,
whoso house was wrecked by tho
wind and then took flro. Mrs. Arm
strong said that nearly all tho hotiBes
adjacent to hers had been badly
According to Mr. Whitman, the
worst of tho havoc was wrought In
tho ravine running between Fort
third and Forty-fourth streets noar
Farnam and Douglas, this sldo of
the belt line. He saw ono big houso
thero burning.
W. R. Adams, superintendent of
parks, living at Thirty-third and
Hurt streots, reports that the dam
age as far us that point, where houses
around him wero demolished and
treos uprooted and several fires In
progress. His own house was not
Great destruction occurred along
Dlnney Btreet east of Twenty-fourth
and a lot of people thero were
crushed in the wreckage of their
homes. Doctors residing In Kountze
placo were called Into requisition by
messengers, and gave duo attention
to the injured.
Rnlston Destroyed.
The town of Ralston was com
pletoly demolished" by the storm last
The dead are:
MltS. KIMBALL, of Kansus.
Mrs. Kimball and her two chil
dren wero visiting with Mr. and Mrs
Joseph Hamra. Mr. Hnmm is the
postmaster. They wero all In tho
postotlfce with some others when
tho structure was blown down, In
juring all, together with Mr. and
Mrs. Elbert Mead.
At Ralston tho -Howard Stove
works, the automobile factory, the
Ice houses at tho lake, the postofflce,
tho bank, the lumber yards and all
the hotels were laid flat. j
Convent Blown Down.
A report is received that the con
vent of the Sisters of the Sacred
Heart, at Thirty-slxt.h and Burt
streets, is a total wreck. No con
firmation of this has been hid.
Aroutd Twenty-fourth and Lako
streots the damage Is complete The
storm horo had a path about threo
blocks wide, but it seemed to split in
two at Ohio street, just north of
Lake. Houses wero unroofed, blown
down, collapsed and generally des
troyed. A woman named Mitchell Is
rcportod to havo been killed nt Twen
tieth and Lake. This lacks con
firmation. MovlnR Picture Show Wrecked.
A moving picture show on Lake
street, Just west of Twenty-fourth,
was completely demolished, and It Is
roportod a number wero badly hurt
Tho United Presbytorlan church at
Twouty-socond and Emmet streets,
was blown down and a number of
residences In that neighborhood were
Tho homo of E. G. Tnlcott at Forty
second and Farnam Is a wreck and
Charles Talcott, 21, Is under tho
ruins. Rescuers who are working In
tho dark in an effort to reach him dew
claro ho can bo heard pleading with
the crowd to holp him. Tho workers
fear to strike matches or bring lights
becnuso of escaping gas. Mrs. Tall
hot wns hurt about tho head by fly
ing bricks nnd pled -with tho crowd to
savo her boy.
All Remit) Park Demolished.
A telophone report from tho Bemls
park district said that all tho houses
tn tho park are demolished and that
somo aro burning Tho wires are
down and tho rccuers and fire
fighters aro working at a great dis
advantage bocause of the darkness.
A report that the Methodist hospital
wns struck by lightning proved un
true. In the Bomts park district the
brick residence of Mrs. Cora Curtlss,
u widow, was thrown Into tho Btreet
and sho and soveral others were hurt
by flying bricks.
At Thirty-fourth and al'frnla a
woman wns found dead In tho streets
and another was. found unconscious
with both legs brokon.
Policeman's House Demolished.
Patrolman Unger of tho local
forco, who lives at 4416 Jackson,
told Tho Boo roportor that his whola
houso Is demolished and that be
tween twenty and thirty people la
the neighborhood were injured and
killed. Unger owns his home, bub
will lose out on not having any ln
surance. Nearly all tho people la
the neighborhood of the Unger homa
lost all their property and at onco
went over to Unger's home, when
tho tornado struck It, spluttlng tho
house in two, injuring Unger and tho
peoplo tn tho houso. Over-excited, ho
could not state the damages.
She Remembered;
Mrs, Bryan Bought
Dishes from Burns
"Are you the Mr, Burns whose crockery
store usod to be located near here on
Farnam street?" asked Mrs. Dryan, wtfo
of the new secretary of state, as Samuel
Rums, one of Omaha's pioneer business
men, now retired, was presented to her at
the Commercial club,
"I remember you very well. I bought a
set of .dishes of you come time after we
set up housekeeping In Nebraska. They
wero good dishes, too."
And Ms. Hums was moved along out of
hearing by the pressure of the crowd be
hind him.
While attempting to steal a ride on the
rear of one of the big Harding Cream
ery company's auto trucks at Sixteenth
and Chicago streets yesterday. Otto
Moore, a boy 14 years of age, was thrown
to the pavement and knocked unconscious.
Detective Edward Morgan carried him to
a nearby drug store and the lad was
taken to his homo at 604 North six
teenth street and attended by Dr. T. T.
Harris, who says the Injured boy Is suf
fering from concussion of the, brain.