ft--A tttf ov Mr a srT)y bfe: march 2.1, inia. - Secretary of State William Jennings Bryan and Party at Omaha Depot BRYAN SPENDS DAY AS GUEST OF. OMAHA ; AT SEVERAL AFFAIRS '(Contlmisd-from J'rbo One.) not to bo continued in thin, albeit the president's statement' vta not Intended to reflect upon the lat administration. "Out point of view la different," he ex plained. "And I find It much easier for ine to take that point of view." When tho president mado that decision, Mr. Bryan Bald ho did that which will give American capital more acceor to foreign trado than any former decision. J know, that It la the attitude of many of the 'foreign countries that whon a trader cornea to them he la deemed tho fore runner of hla countrle'a military power. The announcement on the Chinese loan woa an announcement, declared the speaker, not of that particular countiy, but of all countries. "Our policy la' vol contracted or rentrlcted, and needa ovury Possible .encouragement from the Ameri can people," ' aald' he. ",Vf must naiat upon the scrupulous integrity of Ameri cans abroad, just'aa'We )nstat upon that of forelgnera here. Moreover, wo should more strongly Insist 'that the land.ifd of our clttsvna be held up in foreign lands. Thny must not disgrace us before those who cannot know the massia of, the people." Crraten LnoKlrteiv Mr. Uryn muntlonfcd "th changed at titude of jiu, paper towardUhe new 4 mlnUtratleh,,:b"rnslnR hearty laughter. He aald that rer ,itfce ih Commoner had started it had been criticising the administration' ' He had noticed a changed attitude' lately". ' He himself had changed, he said .as he smiled broadly, "I find my position dif ferent. I am more rlttcent now. I have been very outspoken heretofore. I' uan't auy In advance what the administration la going to do, even If I know; and after 'It dqea'lt there la nothing to say. And in conclusion, I hope there Is nothing I have said today that I will have to Mke back." Kitchen la limptled. The Commercial club held a bigger crowd at the luncheon than It ever did Socrctnry of Stnto William Jennings Bryan came to Omaha yostcrdnv. cxixrTspz.vteA. fcr Hra. Bryan, to bo tho guest of the Omnha Com nierciftl club at a noonday luncheon, and Kueat of the University club at u formal dinner In tho evening. Secretary and Mrs. IJrynnw ere mot tu. tin depot train by a. committee of mombera of thu Commercial club and the University club, accompanied by their ladles. In the lino rtfbown In tho photograph, from loft to right, are: C. J. Smyth, Harry S.' Byrne, Mrs. 0. IV Eastman, Mrs. C. M. Wllhelm, Ocorge H. Kelly, Mrs. W, J. Bryan,' Mr. Bryan, Clement Chase, Mrs. W. P. Barter, C. E. Yost. ' before. When service' began In the din lnK room at 11:30 o'clock every seat 'vox taken, and the lobby and lowar floor was crowded with personn awaiting their turn at a necond table. And after that thoro waa u third table which could re ceive only partial nervlco becuuso the kitchen had practically been emptlod. Kxtra chairs wora provided und at leaat 400 men and women stood In tho vauint places about the tables. Almost half tho crowd wna composed of women, wives and friends of tho members. Tho club rooms were decorated thro'Jg out with cut flowers and potted plants, whllo from the chandelier, the windows and walls hung, huge American flags. Flags wero also plocrd conspicuously on the outside of tho Woodmen of the World building and a large one waved from the flagpole 300 feet above the pavement. Tho speakers' table was surrounded by prominent Omahans, and a special table was provided at which sat Mra. 1 try an and the hostesses. This table was bea Ui fully decorated -with roses,, and at ach plate waa a corsage bouquet of violets for tho women. The spirit of the occa sion was even carried out In the meal frpm the first dish, a grapefruit In which waa stuck n small flag, to tne iasi one, which was a brick of Ice cream ln-the colore and shape .of n flag. Those who wero at tne speauera iaoie at the Commeiclal club banquet were: C. C, Allison', J- H. Millard, H. J I. Ualdrlge, a. momer, .-h. Famnursi, Gain 30 Pounds in 30 Days Tnktm, tfes Remarkable Kew Th& Ssiliar, Build Up Zletb Xfcat as Jtakaa You Flump and Btreaj. StMtant Paekag Fvmm tv ..-,1 iss5SS"aSSBBB Before After rrotoaa Will Make Too Xlco end nms " Thin people suffer a good deal of embar rassment and ridicule. As people poke fun at a bony horse, bo are bony people the target for many humiliating "flings." The plump, well-formed man or woman Is a magnet: Protons make you plump. strong, well-formed, norma), puts color In your eye, and a fine poise to your whole body. It keeps you that way. It Is the most scientific and effective flash and strength builder so far known, bai ling none. ' The regular f 1.00 aise Protone la for sale by all druggists, or will be mailed direct, upon receipt of price, by The Protone Co., 4KI Protone Uldg., Detroit. Mich. Free Protone Coupon it will cost you nothing to prove the remarkable effects of tnjs treatment. The Protone Company will send to any one a free toe package of Protone, if they will fill out this coupon and enclose 10c in atampa or sliver to heir cover Postage. They will also aend with it full Instructions and their book on "Why You Are Thin." TKB PBOTOITB OGaZPAsTT 4M rrotost Blag. Detroit, Midi. W. V. Baxter C. C. Uelden, George Hrandels, Morris urowri, It. C. Peters, Joseph Polcar, nandall IC. Brown, T. P. Hedmond. J. C, Root, C. C. Rosewater, Victor nosewater, C. W. Russell, C. J. Smyth, John Bteel, J. A. Sunderland, Warren Bwltsler, Cadet Taylor, H. A. Tukey, J. U Webster, J. C. Wharton, II. 8. Wlteox. C. M. Wllhelm. J. W. Woodrough, II. W. Tales. C. B. Yost. Mesdomes J, O. Dahlman, O. Vlnoent. C. M. W,llhslm. O. T. Eastman, Norrls Drown, W. J. Ilryan, 11. B. uyrne. T. C. Dyrne, A. W. Carpenter, V. 8. Cowglll. J. C. Dahlman, II. S. Daniel, J. P, Diets. O, T, Kastman, T, A. Kry, J. M. Oulld, I". U Ilaller, W. D. Hosford, Q. II. Kelly. J, A. C. Kennedy, J. U Kennedy, J. U McCague, Mesdamea C, K. Yost, W. F. Roxter. Victor Rosewater, It. K. MCKetvey. H II Haldrlge, Mu Bales, Betides the members, of the reotPtlon committee that waited at the Burlington station for the train, prhap 100 people gathered at the platforip. and on tne via duct to get a glimpse of the new secretary of state, who, although he has been' recognised aa one of the foremost clt-' tens of the United States for sixteen, years, has not until now held an official position since the days before his flrt nomination lor jirciiuoiu, otr luimi years ago, when he was a congressman from Nebraska. SI mi vrltlt n dun. The name of Bryan was on the lips of every one at the depot platform, and while the party posed for the pictures there were more than a few jovial re marks paased. With their eyca nailed to the bull'aeye of the camera, none of the commute noticed a man with a re peating shotgun passing rapidly behind somo trucks. It was a fine polished gun, and the fact that the man passed behind the trucks, piled high with baggage, made him appear in the eyes of some Aumorist a suspicious character. The humorist yelled: "Nab the assassin." The bystanders laughed. The camera clicked. The man with the dangerous gun examined its check and plied It on top of a stuck of baggage, where It be longed. The party hurried to the auto mobiles, and was oft for the Commer cial club, purchasing from Mrs. Jessie It: Barton a Cupltol avenue residence, between Twenty-sixth and Twenty-seventh streets, for 9,K). Many Questions Go to the Voters of South Dakota PIERRE, S. D., March 22. (SpoclaU Tho last legislative session submitted more different propositions to the people for the next general election than has any other aeaslon alnce tho beginning of atatehood, and even without any referred lawa being submitted, the ballot of laws and amendments to- bo presented to the people next year -wilt bo a long one. Tho most Important proposition presented was senate resolution No, 6, which submits to the peoplb the matter of a constitutional convention for a general revision of the constitution, which will have been lp ex istence for twehty-flvo. years by tho tlmo the vote . .taken, and which has ' been amended in many of Its particulars 'jtlncq It was formed, and many other amend ments auggeated by the- last' session. Tho other, matters presented aro quol auffrngo: alldwini; ihe creation o( Irriga tion districts, In the same manner as. rirnmuge dlatrlcta are now formed; grant ing the right to call an outside judge to sit on the .supremo bench In oase mem-' bcrs of tho court are Interested parties; creating a etnte board of cont-ol, to have charge of tho different state Institutions' authorizing tho legislature to tlx the percentage of votea required to Invoke the referendum or recall In municipali ties; fixing leglalotlve terms r.t four yeara; allowing county aupsnteiidonts of schools to serve more than Two tonus; reducing the Interest on deforred pay menta for state lands from 6 per cent lo 6 per cent. Besides these constitutional amend ments, two Initiated laws wore presented, tne a new primary act, to tak tho pHco of the Richards, law, which win framed by the democrats, and which has for una of Its features, a provision for the or ganisation of pew parties: and the, other the new liquor, law. which allows a ..ioa or no license vote, to stand until Homo one takes enough Interest" ,ln tho matter (to ask for another submission, in stead of the present law requiring u new atflrmatltvo votcnt each annual election I Name. Btrett i.. City State. TO SERVE BREAKFAST AFTER MORNING-SERVICE The llascom Park Methodist Episcopal church Is establishing a precedent for Its Easter morning service that ought to have a good influence over the attend ance. At the close of the sunrise -ere jnonles, which start at 7:S0 a. m., there will be a light breakfast for the early risers. Thy tegular 11.04 site Protone la for aaie In Omaha by Sherman & MvConnell Drus Co.. "101 8a lfth Street. Ith and Karnum; Owl Drug Co., K4 Kouth Uth at.j Beaton Drug Co. 1S0J Karnara St.; lAial Plurma v, T1 North 16th Stls Bull Diuic Co., 121 yarnam St. FARMER BUYS BIG TRACT OF LAND NORTH OF MILLARD J. If. Cook, a 'farmer, has boucht from the heirs of Count John ,A. Crelghton the UO-acre farm north of Millard. The ea- tato aold for W.te6, ' ' ' Sain Werthumer has bought a home In the Field club district from II. O. Fredrick, paying I10.SW. j D. L. Morgan la another home buyer, Telephone Girls Heroines in Big Southern Storm NASHVILLE, Tenn., March 21. Hero ines of tho storm at Murfreesboro are Misses Mabel Hill and Minnie Yearwood, who, though atlll In their 'teens, stayed at their posts as night operators at the telephone exchange. While the storm wa at Its height and the walls wore falling nearby and pieces of flying timber's breaking tho glass In tho building they occupied, they remained, signalling the flro companies and arousing citizens, When It was all over they broke down and cried. Sylvia Pankhurst Wins Out in Her "Hunger" Strike LONDON. March r.-Sylvla Pankhumt the militant suffragette, today won her liberty from Holloway prison by a "hun ger strlkp." Further confinement would have endnngored her life. Miss Pank hurst, daughter of Mrs. Emmellne Pank hurst. leader of the militants, waa sen tenced February 18 to two months' Im prisonment for engaging in a window smashing campaign. She went on a "hunger strike" and th authorities pried open her mouth with u steel gag and fed her through a tube. DR. FAST TAKES CHARGE OF BEATRICE INSTITUTE BEATRICE. Neb.. March 22. JSneclal Tclegram.)-Dr. ,W. S, Fast of St. Joseph, .no., wno was recently appointed super intendent of tho Feeble Minded Institute here, assumed chargo today. Dr. W. Thomas, retiring. Dr. Fast will have as assistants, C. P. Underwood, bookkeeper, The Y are and Louts Werner, steward, both Beatrice men. Mrs. 8, H. Faley of Wymore. was to day named matron of tho Institution. JohnP, Morgan and Guggenheim Named in-Land Frand Trial CHICAGO, March 22. The names of J. P. Morgan and the Quggenhelms today were' brought Into tho trial of Albert C. Frost and four others for alleged Alaskan coal frauds, by Albert Fink, an attorney for the dafenan. C. D. Hamel, special agent for the gov ernment, was put on the stand to give names of persona affiliated with Frost. ' "What was the attitude of the general land office In regard to taking out coal claims?" ho was asked. Tho question was objected to. "If the defense has any evidence of conspiracy It cannot be brought out on cross-examination.' ruled Judge Land'ts. "I don't want to charge any one with conspiracy," replied Fink, "In the absence of proof, 'but there are suspicious circumstance Indicating this trial In being managed In tho Interests of Morgun and the Quggenhelms outfit, with the In tent of driving Independent mine op orators' out of the country." "You will have the assistance of the court In bringing these witnesses to testify," asserted the court. llamel read a long list of persons who were locators of Alaskan claims, all of whom are said to have been In some way associated with Frost. Miss Florence Capron testified she was approached by C. W. Mlrrellet), former traffic manager of the Chicago & Mil waukee Electric railroad In 1906, and he Induced her to sign an application for an Alaskan coal claim without her gaining any definite understanding of what she was signing. Mr. Frost was the head of the railroad. MILLIONAIRE DROPS DEAD IN UNDERTAKER'S SHOP LA CROSStf, Wis., March 22. James C. Fullmer, father-in-law of J. Ole Storey, a millionaire, Portland, Wash., lumber man, dropped dead late today In an un dertaker's shop. Into which he had stopped for a chat. Death was pronounced din to arterlo schlerosls. fiat an Awful Frlnht by fear of appendlqttls? Take Dr. King's New Life Pills ana soon see bowel trouble vanish. Guaranteed. 25 cents. For sale by Beaton Drug Co. You Can Borrow $1,000 to $5,000 n Improved Residence Properties for 10, 15 or 20 years at 6 wnder the New Home Purchase Plan W Tke Equitable Life Assuraace Society of New York assets lecember 31st, 1912, $513,319,201,29. The mortgage is protected by life insurance in the same aMiant as the loan, at a small additioial charge. The principal and interest f the loan and the cost of life insurance is payable in monthly installments. In Case of Death of the borrower the life insurance pays off the loan ii full and Balance goes to his Estate. This plan is sure to interest you. Come in and let us explain. W.FARNAM SMITH & CO, Agts. 1320 Faraam St. Tel. Doug. 1064 There Are All Kinds of Ready-to-Wear Clothes of course; you can get them at all prices and as fine as you want. Most men find it worth while to pay enough to get all-wool, good style and careful tailoring. You can be sure of those things, at minimum ex pense, if you get the genuine. Schloss Baltimore Clothes For forty years our label has marked Good Clothes, and because the best work. u)e know how lo do has always been put into Schloaa-made garments, the name has come to be a sure hall-mark of Clothes-Quality. You can rely upon it anywhere. Look for the laid atore you buy. "Cht Ncu Spring ModtU on Dliplay. at the better Clothiof. everywhere. Ask to see them. Cn Sale in Omaha By THE BERG CLOTHING CQ. 15th and Douglas Streets. Hundreds of Beautiful SPRING MATS But Not One High Priced We have achieved heretofore unreached suc cesses in trimming and at the same time have brought prices to still lower levels this year than any year we have been In business. The refinement of styles and the notably high char acter of workmanship, etc., are such us will en gage tho attention of every woman whose ad miration of attractiveness Is intensified by a realization that prices point undupllcated values. It will be a pleasure to show you the now styles. We'll risk your buying If you'll only look. Jaunty Hats $3.50-$10 MISS BUTLER Cur Price MUiner 1512 Douglas St. A Great. Sale of Solid Gold Jewelry Wednesday. Orkln Urotliers' (Treat sale or J15,0W worth oT hlfrh (trade Jewelry begins Wednesday, Home early. A Great Farm Journal TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER, OMAHA, NEB. Good Machines at Little Prices You can absolutely depend upon getting the best that is produced in the New American at $11.50, $16, $18.50, $22, $30 All new 1913 models. Thoy'ro cheap only in price. In the New Home Machine for which we are sole selling agents we offer you the very last word in machine quality and artistic construction. We're Showing Some Special Bargains This Week in New Home Machines at $25, $35.50, $38 und $40. So light running that really lialf the lahor of sowing is done away with. Will do anything that any machine will and many things that other machines cannot. Let Us Show You the Handsome 1913 Models. Payments will he arranged to suit your convenience. Three Supply Dept. Specials. lOo Oil at 5cNeedles, nil kinds, doz. 20c 25o Belts 10c HAYDEN BROTHERS