TUB OMAHA SUNDAY B10K: MAHHI 23, 1913. 7-A - ' 1 ' 'L Monday NOTION SPECIALS Cotton Tnpe, 3 yards Coat nnd Skirt I fin to the piece, I n Hangers, each I UU each I U Darning Cotton, black Ironing Wax, Cn only, 3 spools Cn 4 pieces for ., Ol for ....... U Serpentina Collar Sup- Washington Pins. 400 portersv 6 on Cn to tho paper, 2 Cp card UU papera for .... U DRUG and TOILET Specials Dlt OIIAVK9 in. Crcme Elcaya, Cfl. Tooth Pow- 1 1 If special at . ...JUU cirr, 26 slsa. 1UW DabrOok'a Almond OQo I'oxunnra Powder inl Lotion, EOcnIze. Ilougp. In fancy QO Imported Olive A tin box. 60c slxn . UUl oil, pint Jll Dibrook'n Toilet OCn 1 lb. Absorbent I f0 Water. BOc size fcOU Hospital Cotton I IU VI I THE HEART OF OMAHA 16th and Harnoy Streets V A After Easter Sale of MILLINERY Begins Monday Morning NO mutter whether you bought an Enster lint or not, you will be immensely interested in this after Easter millinery event, as it offers superior grade headwear at prices that are true economy promoters. Understand, tho merchandise In this sale is not "Sale Stuff," but high class goods of our regular stock that wo havo on hand after our Easter selling, nolther Is It "left-overs," for .there aro hats, plumes and trimmings that aro as choice, stylish and exclusive as any you ever saw. This is a regular event with us, and In conducting this salo we take tho samo care that wo always do to uphold r.nd promoto our reputation as Oinaha'B fashionable mllllnory center. Pretty Ready-to-Wear and Striking Trimmed HATS At Prices Deeply Cut Ail stylish, ready-to-wenr hats, em bracing all the new shapes, material and trimmings, that were made to sell at $3.98 and up to $4.98, offered m tho niter-Easter salo, your choice of a neat, pleasing assort ment, at $3.98 $2.98 and Stunning Trimmed Hats This lot includes trimmed hats of those catchy, medium small shapes that aro being enthusiastically worn at the present timo. In the big alteivLastor kale tney are offered to you as follows: SO50 $8.50 Hats $5.00 $10.00 Hats $7.50 $17.50 Hats $10.00 Sg50 Untrimmed HATS $6.5Q Hats untrimmed tho so charm ing, real, imported Milan hats, of the very finest quality, large and medium shapes, that are sold gen- e r a 1 1 y at $12.50 and up to $15.00; your choice, Monday, a t each $4.98 Untrimmed Hats, $2.45 Here's another wonderful assortment to choose from nri'dTafc'thQ, samo broad reductions that are characteristic oft this sale; TJiese hats are stun- niiigolljng brim suitor and the Muri-y Hill, worth $4.98,' Monday, choice.. $4.98 to $6.98 Hats, $2.45 Untrimmed hats In hemp, In all tho modish shapes, they havo tho little touches that place them on tho pinnacle of fashion. Thoy were mado to sell for $4.98 and up to $0.98, your choice, Monday, at. .$2.45 Fancy Ostrich Pompoms and all Ostrich Feathers, worth $2.50, choice Mon day at $1.00. S145 2 Ostrich Plumes, $5.98 French ostrich plumes, genuine male stock, full growth, large drooping heads, rare colors and comuinaiions, up to sic values, choice at S5.98 Orkin Brothers. Ostrich Plumes, $1.00 Fancy ostrich plumes, something new and sold exclusively by us; they're made to sell at $3.00; your choice in Ac May'se $VUU Your Home Store. FIFTY YEARS IN THE CAB "Billy" Doolittle's Fine Record as an Engine Driver. VETERAN OF THROTTLE PULL Lifetime Spent on n Ijocomotlre, Ml lb Only One Serious Acci dent nml No ninck Marie Aarnlust lllni. BIOUX FALLS, 8. D., March 22. In the employ of railroads since ho was 14 years of age, and forty years in an engine cab for one line of railroad Is tho record which has been made by AVllllam T. Doollttle, a veteran engineer of Sioux Falls. 'In uddltlon to hold lap the throttle on a locomotive on tho Chicago, 8L Paul. Minneapolis & Omaha railroad for the period of forty years, he also found time to servo as a member of tho city council, as mayor of Sioux Falls und as a member of tho waterworks com mltslon which Installed the present municipal waterworks system in Sioux Falls. Hilly" Doollttle. as he Is known to thousands, was born at Lowdenvllle. O.. uul had barely reached his fourteenth yea- when he began a three-year's ap prenticeship In the shops of the rennsyl vault Central railroad. At 19 he was running a locomotive for that system. Many thouionds of miles of rails had bjiuh under his cab before he was 25, when he married and came west. First Trnln Ofer TrnoUs. In the northwest at that early day h found a pioneer country with few railroads nosing their way among small towns widely scattered among virgin hllU, valleys and prairie. In his cab on the front of a Chicago, St. Paul, Minne apolis fc Omaha train on March 16, 1873. K- helped lead the way Into a new vmntry. His first run was between St .'antes. Minn., and Sioux City. Ia.. and hW home at that time was In Sioux City Five years later, when the Omaha built west from WoUIilngtnn. Minn., he re vived orders to take out another train. It was the first paiansrr train to rpn Into Sioux Falls, at that time an outpost of clylHzatlpn containing a small num ber of modest but enthusiastic citizens There was Joy In the new town on tho banks of the Big Sioux river the night that the first passenger train arrived with "Billy" Doollttle at tho throttle. Then for a couple of years he returned to the St. James-Bloux City division, but finally was persuaded to come back to the Worthlngton-Sloux Falls run. Since 1SS0 ho has pulled the throttle on locomo tives that have hauled tens of thou sands of people In and out of Sioux Falls, and In his work he has worn out many a strong steam horse that could not stand the wear and tear of the years as well as he. One Close Call. During his forty years' experience as an engineer he had only one serious ac cident and one near accident, which In Itself Is n remarkable record. Tho near accident brought him tho commendation and thanks of a tralnload of people for his quick action and steady nerves. That was on a rainy night when a bridge- was swept away ten feet In front of his locomotive on a run through tho Floyd creek valley, between LcMars and Sioux City, la. Itunnlng slowly and leaning out of his cab window to get what view he could In the darkness ahead, a lightning flash suddenly revealed a haystack. The hay stack was a common enough thing tn Itself, but not to "Hilly" Doollttle, whon It appeared only a few feet ahead on his right-of-way. He snapped on the brakes and brought his train to a standstill orily a few feet from the bank of the swollen and swift running creek, now assuming all the proportions of a great river Dismounting from his cab he Investi gated and found that the railroad bridge had been carried away by the flood. The hay stack on the right-of-way was float ing on the surface of the river and had momentarily lodged against one of the bridge piers. Passengers on the train which was thus miraculously saved from plunging Into the swollen waters were loud in their protestations of thanks to the engineer. Hut "Billy" was thankful for the good will of Another, who sent the lightning flash In time. The aocldent which came near being fatal occurred during a blizzard on Feb ruary U, 190C. three miles west of Worth.- Monday's SILK Bargains Several Thousand Yards of the Season's Most Favored Weaves Offered to You at a Remarkable Saving --These Just as Samples 75o ALL SILK MESS ALINES at 39o SPECIAL ! All silk niOBsalino in ev ery possible shnde, also plain blaok, also figured foulard in neat designs; values In the lot to 75c; special salo price Monday at yard $1.00 SILK POPLINS at 68c SPECIAL ! Rioh now silk poplins, 36 inches wide, in a full range of tho season's most desirable shades; a splendid value ut the rogu lar prlco $1.00; very special Monday, yard $1.25 BLAOK PEAU DE SOIE at 89c SPECIAL! Lustrous, black poau de soio, full 36 inches wide, guaranteed to wear, and a remarkable value at regular prlco, $1.25; hero Monday In this sale, very specially priced, yard You Don't Feel You're Wearing a Corset When It's One of the BECAUSE it's built to fit your own fig ure. But those who see know you've an B. & G. because of the trim graco of your gown. Among the 10,000 women who buy an B. & G. corset every single day of the year are women with every kind of fig ure! tall small slim plump dainty stately. Thero Is an II. & Q. Corsot for you 6nu that fits you and suits you exactly. When you come In, see nil styles of R. & O. Corsets till you come to the ono planned by tho designer to fit your particular figure. R. & G. Corset, Stylo K229 This correct model is just the kind for tall, full figures, medium bust, extremely long over hips, laces at both sides and at bottom or iront ciasp wun suit elastic laces, allowing froedom of body when Bontea. Beautiful batiste, prettily trimmed, six supporters attached, sizes 18 to 30 I CIHB Willi B1IK. $3.50 It. & O. Style A202 This Corsot Ib cut on the long lines that mako the stout figure appear slim, mado of excellent sateon, heavily boned with wedge front clasp, rf - OU 4 supporters, salo price P , It. & G. titylo C208 For averago figures, it is especially desirable because of its splendid comfort; medium bust, coutil, handsomely trimmed, Blx supporters, Well boned and has long graceful hip lines, sizes 18 to 30, tomorrow at PSiJv $2.00 II. & G. Stylo 11225 An Ideal model with tho now fashion llnoB. For average flguroB, made of strong batiste, well boned throughout, six supporters at tached, sizes IB to j. 30, special tomorrow It. & a. Stylo F2U0 This corset is Intended for stout figures, heavy boning, combined with strongest material, reinforced In front, pro duces this corset of doublo strength, made in nil sizes up to 3C, specially priced Cf for this sale at ipO.UU Coats, Suits and Dresses For Spring in a Delightful Variety WE ARE proud of our splendid assortments of women's apparel for spring, because tho selec tion was nover so big; tho patterns, materials and styles have a sweeping range, while the prices are such as to completely and happily surprise you, Just to give you an idoa: Smart Spring Tailored Suits At $19 50 and $25 The suits offered at these two moderately low prices are tho pick of tho eastern markets of medium pricod suits. Serges, diagonals, Bedford cords and shephord checked worsteds, beautifully tailored and lined with 0, silks and guaranteed satins. Especially pricod $19.50 and $25.00. New Spring Coats featuring the now three-aunrter length with cutaway front. The spring coats this eoason are more beautiful than ever beforo. Many now materials used as well as a groat variety of now colors. Mado of novelty gray and wnito striped women, cnooK, ratino, tan, convert and many othor popular oloths. These coats and wraps pricod $15 to $39.50 New Spring Dresses Streot, Buslnoss nnd Offico Dresses, of sorgeB, opongo and Bedford cords, especially priced for early spring buying from Afternoon Dtobbob, Party Gowns of all tho now erepo silks crepe cloths, In tho most oxqulslto shadings you" havo ever soon, now on display for your Inspection; priced from $25 to $150 $9.75 to $25 jfmw va .i : : ,iv jt.i i i SiliW Rattling Good EMBROIDERY and LACE Specials Just the sort that appeal to those who do sewing at home. These as examples of what to expect Monday 8c Embroideries for 5c CDl?rT ATI Cambric em iivlAL. broideries, edg ings and insertions, in a great many desirable designs from which to mako solectlbni Widths 3 to 4 Inches wide. Goo'd grade of cloth; values to 8c; sale price, yard 25c Embroideries at 15c c Om?fT AT lOambric Of JCAJLilLJnnd Swiss embroideries in widths from 5 to 17 inchos; also some corsot cover embroideries Included; largo or small designs; nil well worked on good grade of cloth; values to 25c, yard 15 20c Wash Laces at 10c QPFfTAI lwl1 ,acc Ol EjljtLil edgings and insertions, many designs and ...UU . i . . . . wmuiH i rum wmcn 10 maKo selec tion; linen, torchon, cotton cluny, shadow laco and bands, Venice, ot., for trimming drcssos and un derwear; values to 20c; yard.... 10 $l!?C0STUMERES,75c Exactly as Illustrated 1 T T EU'E'S a special In tho f urnl- that is certain to attract no small amount of attention. It's a lot of costumeres, as uiuatrateu, s7 mode of solid oak In solden finish. The reg ular prlco was $1.98; sale price Monday. . . . 75c 51.2S Shoe Box, 7Ec Shoe boxes or blacking cases, well built with shoo rest and compart ment for tho blacking, brushes and slippers. Regular price $1.25; very special in furniture section Monday, at 75c PLUMS, "Oreen Oiiro" or "Er Capitol' tho can ."..20i! PEACHES, 'Capltol"brand, (ho can, at 20c T O M A T OEH, "Cnpltol"lrand, 2 Cans 25c BEANS, baked, in tomato sauce "-11). cans 2 Cans 15c TAMA L E 8, Walker's rcgu lur SOo hIic 2 Cans 25c canned goods, cans SARDINES (deviled), the r. Qc SALMON, rod, 1-11). flat I Hp cans, at. . . hu SARDINES, oil or mustard 3 Cans 10c Demonstration and Saie-CANNbD GOODS-Monday In the big pure food grocery. Orders promptly filled and delivered. Phono Douglas 137. NOTE To demonstrate the quality and merit of our SWEET CORN, special 2 Cans 15c of tho various products will bo opened for sampling SAUER KRAUT "Capltol"brand O O TTOLENI' a ItRc can S A 3 Cans 20c ubc nci i for Ql . It 1) I N E 8, c SWEET POTA TOES, "Can!, tol" brand 3 Cans 25c HOMINY, lance can. A 8 PA RAflUH TIPS, aoo valuo ran, at. . V U.UW 20c GRAPES. "Can. Itol" brand, U5c size can n D. t 2Uc O II E It II IE8, "Capltol"brand, "tf.c.an:..20o ORISOO, 25o sr 20c CORN FLAKES, toasted, coup o n In each package, 2 Pkgs. 1bc WHEAT oatmeal or pancake flour, "Capitol" brand, 3 Pkgs, 25c HOMINY, poarl or flake, Qn lb. at 00 TAPIOCA 3 Lbs. 25c PEAS, spilt 4 Lbs, 25c OATS, stool In cut, lb. at Hi RICH whole Japan, special 5 Lbs, 25c Dt'TTKU. CmiI tol Urand m- Cream. I (J J I .1. PUFK'D WHEAT Quaker 3 Pkgs. 25c SAUCE, Lee & Perrln's, OC bottloat. .. ZuC O O V V 15 M, llreakfa.it Cfl 2 lb. van Jw R A I SINS, fancy seeded, loc qual ity 3 Pkgs, 25c PRUNES Call fornla, 12ttc quality 3 Lbs, 25c YEAST FOAM, St???!!.... 3c PICKLES, med ium sour, quart. . . . 10c assorted, TfcUfl, nullity. FLOUR. "O a p I tor brand saok of 48 Lbs. $1,10 FLO U It, "Excel sior" patent, per 4B Lbs, $1.45 ;Orkin Brothers Your Homo Storo ington, when Doolittle's train, a double header, was ilowly plowing through huge snowdrifts nlonc the track. The fange on the head locomotive broke down and threw It off the track to the right, while tho second engine, plunging ahead, rollod off to the left over u high embankment. It took an hour and a half for two other locomotivex and one cur to break through the three miles from Worthlngton to the wreck, and all that time Engineer Doo llttle lay there, caught beneath his loco motive when It overturned. Thoy thought him dead when taken out, but, after lying In bandages for months, lie was well eijougli to 'go buck on the Job.-' During the forty years that he lias been In the employ of the Omaha railroad company Engineer Doollttle has never boen "called on the carpet" tn answer for misconduct or errors of Judgment. His relations with 0e company always, have been most pWnunt and rongnlaf. Ills name today on the lists of officials and employes of the road runkk first. CONFESSION BY0NE BANDIT Luther Simms Tells Story Implicat ing His Three Companions. LED ASTRAY BY BAD COMPANY Discovery of Kxplostrts In Itootu Let by Illm to Ilolilirrn Fol-Itm-eri by Trip to Hem Molnra ivltb Them. Luther Slmms, one of the four alleged bandits brought back from Des Moines Friday, has decided to turn state's evi dence and has made a complete confes sion In which ho asserts he was the vic tim of circumstances due to bad com pany. SI mini was closeted with Detective Chief Moloney and Detective Fleming all morning and at noon had completed his confession, He said that the other three miu, Ilichardson, Concord and Chorstlne, cume to IiIh home and roomed for a few days prior to March 11. On the night of March 11 ho said he looked Into a suit case which was owned by Concord and discovered In It several dynamite caps, some fuses, cotton, soap and nitrogly cerin. He said he did not mention It to his roomers, but that night they left about 10 o'clock. Ho raid ho went to bed juit before the men went out. At 6 o'olock the next morning he arose, built a fire and was preparing to go to work, when Concord came back, gave him 116 and asked him to bring the women folks to Des Moines, as he had good Jobs for himself and Blmms In the Iowa capital. Conversation O verlienril, Simms said he overheard the other three men talking In Des Moines about blowing the safe In a butcher shop In Omaha at Twenty-fourth and Parker streets. In which about lJ was taken. He ended his confession by telling of their arrest In a Des Molnc hotel. Ho sajs ho Is going to tell all at his trial and try and save himself for the sake of his wife and child, who are here. Detectives Fleming, Sulllvnn and Lahey returned last night from Des .Moines with Charles Ilichardson, uther Slmms, o.u Concord and John Chorstlne, the four yeggmen who are charged with break ing and entering. NOONDAY CLUB TO HOLD BANQUET NEXT THURSDAY Next Thursday evening the Noonday club will hold Its fourth annual banquet at the Home hotel. The principal speak, ers will bo KrlU U gandwall of Omaha, C. J, Uderqucst, mayor of Madrid, la., and Dr. Oustave Andreen, president of Augustana college of Itock Island. A vocal solo will be rendered by Carl Norr bom and a selection on the violin by Illrger Knqulat of this city. Delegations from several towns In Iowa and Ne braska are expected to attend and sev eral representatives of the Nebraska leg islature will be present. Man from Nevada Falls for Old Game Jason Helnbeln of Abel, Ntv., fell a vlotlm to the old army game of match. Ing dollars and reported to the station that he had been "glpped" out of 1140. Helnbeln was gazing at the Dewey hotel ruins and atruck up an acquaintance with tbre strangers. They became Intimate and Helnbeln was led to a dire In the lower part of town and separated from hh coin by th old game. Later Lester Frances was arrested and Identified by Helnbeln as being one or his fleecers. Frances gave his home as New York city. The Persistent and Judicious Use of Newspaper Advertising la the Road to Business Bucce..