Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 23, 1913, PART SIX SPORT SECTION, Page 3-S, Image 53

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    3 S
And Jeff Didn't Even Own a Cent's Worth
Drawn for The Bee by "Bud" Fisher
STILL the agitation runs over tho
time to call the games this season.
Shall It bo 3:30 or 3? Prior to
last yenr tt was 3.45, and last
year P-ourke made It 3:30 In re
spouso to what ho conceived to be a very
general demand. Wo happen to havo a
very vivid recollection that many and
many a game did not begin, however,
until 3:45. Why? Not because riourko
was specially wedded to that hour, but
simply because tho fans who hud "very
generally" demanded tho earlier hour
were not on hand to watch the gamo and
It was deemed best to postpone the per
formance until such time as they might
saunter In. Now, this must not bo con
strued as a knock on early opening. For
our part, we would favor that with thu
same zeal as wo do early closing, but
wo merely suggest that If laBt season was
any criterion, the early opening Is not
as generally demanded as has been made
to aypear. There aro many who, wo
havo been advised, could and would o.U
tend the games If they begun at 3, who
aro not able to go at 3:30. Some of these
ure men engaged In businesses that are
best patronized from fi to 7 p. in., and if
tho proprietors or employes are at tho
ball game, which does not begin till 3:30
or 3:45, then the business suffers and the
upshot will be they will stay away from
the games. These are good fans, the
most enthusiastic, many of them, and
they are moro entitled to consideration
than those who are at liberty to attend
a ball game at whatever hour It may
begin and with whom tho choice or pref
erence of time Is purely arbitrary or
whimsical. The early hour Is being
favored In larger cities. Mr. C. Webb
Murphy, the debonair proprietor of the
Chicago Cubs, announces his Intention
to start the fireworks this year promptly
at 2 p. m.. But then Omaha Is not
It Is the current belief that the old
time ball player was a rowdy and many
were. We think tho general level of
demeanor has been raised, but It would
be a gross error to lmaglno that all the
gentlemen of the diamond' wore con
fined to tho present day and generation.
In fact, one might bo able to find a few
today who did not rank so very high as
models of gentility, whloh, of course) Is
not a reflection on tho general run of
professional ball players. But to come
to the point. There were some of the
old boys who stood as conspicuously for
their gontlomnnllness as any today and
one of these was the lato Dp. Albert J.
Bushong, the great HUlo catcher Dor
Comlskey's old St. Louis Browns. Bush
ong was quiet and cultured and did not
oven swear. Frank Handle, county
register of deeds, who was some catcher
himself In the days gone by, relates an
interesting little onecdoto that shows
Bushong's .character. 'They were catch
ing for opposing teams. Bandle had hit
safely and stole second and third, Bush
ong attempting in both Instances to
catch him. As Handle slid safely under
the throw at third, Bushong stood for a
second and looked at him. and remarked
In his quiet way. "Bandle, dog-gone
you, you'd steal from the devil." "And
that was so near to cursing for Al.
llushonir." said Bandle, "that it oc-
osloned loud and general comment from
all who heard it."
Oklahoma City Is said to be anxious
for admission to the Western league. It
has been for a season or two and last
year some serious thought was given to
the possibility of admitting It. If To
peka oares to hold Its place on this clr
cult It will havo to Improve Jn patonage
over Its former record, and If It falls
ngaln. then It may expect to drop out
and be succeeded by Oklahoma City, or
If Topeka makes good and any other city
falls, the southern town may get In. r'or
our part we would like to see Oklahoma
City Jn this league. It Is a large and
growing town, larger than several we
have, and growing faster, perhaps, than
any. It has vast wealth and resourcei,
a llvelj set of fans and a burning zeal
for tho game. It belongs In a Class A
league. So. while we are not anxious to
part with uny of our present nelgnbors
on the circuit, we know that It will be
hoove every one of them to get up and
dust this year, for Oklahoma City 's
favorably regarded by all the magnates,
and It would be a very simple thing to
transfer a team there. Just as transirrs
luiVB been made back and forth for sev
eral reason In the Western,
liven the "makeup" man now and then
stumbles Into a blunder that gives a
point to his work. For Instance, on the
sport page tho other day appeared an
item of news under a Detroit date line
telling that Sam Crawford had at last
secured terms and signed up for the year.
And run In as it a part of the item, with
out a rule to separate the two appeared
this: "Perslitent advertising Is the road
to big returns."
We are happy to observe that Norman
f'oyle Is In the fold, ready for the gong
when It sounds. Norman has an Arkan
sas col ton plantation, he and Ills brother,
but not the heart to stay nti it when
there s the chance to make some real
jaoney plajinc ball outside of Arkansas.
C " r r ' r ( vihp.t
OH, AWFUU! Cel?, THI&R, Boo HOO AMD f HoRRm," . DO oy CftRS f fl KNOW t I T
i M' . ' Cerv-ttHV xtxts AYfTTi Co
Some Teams Will Indulge in Prac
tice Games Today. -
litvc Gossip of the Teams Which
Will CaTort Aronnil the- Locnl
Amateur DinmomU During
Coming Summer.
Well, today Is the day we will give
eggs away and also start the fireworks
of our Omaha amateur base ball world
If climatic conditions are favorable. A few
games are on tho platter for today, but
nothing Important. These mixes will
simply bo for the sake of seeing how It
feels to bump, stop and catch the horse
hide after a vacation of five months. Of
course, nil the boys will be decorated In
their new bonnets in order to look appro
priate for this occasion.
By next Sunday the majority of our
herds will be ready to greet tho bell with
nit the pomp and splendor necessary for
a base ball opening. The games next
Sunday will be neither here nor there In
regard to being considered when tho sum
mary for the rag is taken, April 6 will
mark the real opening. On and after
that date every game will have a mean
ing of Its own.
We will have numerous Saturday teams
this season and many of the leading
business houses will be represented. It
might be a good Idea for tKese Saturday
congregations to organize a league. They
would have nothing to lose and would
gain considerable experience. The main
obstacle to a Sunday city league is the'
dough question. Several teams have got
the edge on the balance and they don't
care to give up a good thing. Guess we
can't blame them 'for their stand. No
money Is Involved In Saturday contests.
Game Next Snnilnr.
The most Important argument on the
bill of fare for next Sunday Is tho mix
between the champion Store Triumphs
and tho All 'stars. These All Stars con
sist of professional base ball players that
promenade on the turf for different :U
arled herds. They are all natives and
during the sharp days Omaha Is where
they fill their lunch baskets. Fans that
aro acquainted with tho local situation
can readily see that tho happy water
family Is up against a stiff proposition
by inspecting the lineup. The prellmln
ary fuss will bo under tho Jurisdiction
of Butch Freese. Tho Initial debate on
this day will be between the Advos and
tho O. D. Klpllngers. The first row won't
be a slouch affair, so If you miss your
Sunday fill up to see fthls debate you
will never regret iti
Herewith the lineup for the second
Storz Triumphs.
Drummy First .
Graham Second ....
Daugherty ...Short
Durkee Third
Prucha Left
Falconer Center .....
Welch night
Hachten Catch
Crelghton Catch
- s.Glllham
"1,I'n tcr. Bhode
Kelly Pitch Bills
Alamlto Team.
After much deliberation James P. Mul
len, decided to enter tho field. Tho first
thing he had to do was to hunt up a
baoUer nnd he found this Job a starchy
proposition, bit after wearing out a few
cowhides he finally landed In the right
pew when ho bumped Into the Alamlto
Creame-y company. Tlicy were looking
for what Mullen had to offer, so it was
easy talllrtr He has mustered together
an aggregation of stars that will play
havoc with the headllners. Several of
his team were formerly associated with
the Storx Triumphs and as they have still
got codlis of bsse ball Incased In their
frame this gang ought to land at or
mat the top. For years the AJamltoa
have bt'-n considered second raters, but
without any hesitation or. the part or our
local amateur followers they will slip the
following pluyers In class A: Clair and
Cavanaugh, eatchers; Morearty and
Adams, pitchers; figuring on John Daugh
erty for first base. Hall, second; G.
Dougherty, short; Mlnlkus, third; Wood
ruff, left; Murray, center; Malum, right.
Around the Basra.
Don't cut loose today, wait until about
Could a base ball foul be stewed? No,
but a chicken could.
Gues tho Btorz Triumphs can beat
everything except a carpet.
Amateur base ball players that can't
make good might go to China for a
Wonder what Judge Foster would say
If we changed the name of fouls to
Overman will pick em out of the
clouds in the sun meadow for the Jabez
Cross blrkes.
Thursday night the Luxus brigade gath
ered together to figure out a couple of
For tussles with the Florence Athlotlcs
toll your troubles to Herman Grossman
over Florence 238.
Now It Is up to Tom Noone to uphold
the reputation made by the Townsends,
Guess he can do It.
Last season out of approximately twenty-five
games played tha C. B, Stolz
crowd cornered twenty
According to reports Samuel Ii. Grus
will not b the official srorer of the
B. Merchants Hits season.
Carmody, who will take care of the sun:nebtck, utility
pasture for the Advos, Is also a gent of
extraordinary utility ability.
Beber. tho star slabster of tho Cross
herd. Is figuring on making all of Ms.
notice hi twisters this year.
Remember that swallowing and digest
tug laige mo-thfuls of smoke Is very
detrimental to your blow pipes.
The breaking up of the Mink league
also broke up Olneen's chances of break,
lng Into professional company.
This season Dukes Daugherty, tho peer
or umaha first sackers, will trot around
In a Luxus or Alamlto uniform,
The Townsends signed up a new gink,
with Jackson for a monicker. 11c halls
from tho Kansas State leagife.
Tom Knapp says that If he organizes a
team this season they will be like hard
boiled eggB. They can't bo beat.
Frank Gibson Is doing excellent work
with the Detroit Tigers. Here is hoping
he lands a berth In the big parade.
The Dundee Woolen mills have secured
the services of three large gas carts to
lug them when they play out of town.
Mayflcld. tho kid with rabbit blood,
ought to heln George Kcnuedv push the
Shamrocks to the Pikes' Peak of fame.
Hollander, the noted stlcksmtth, will
leaf In tho left garden for the food
dispensers bttter known es the Advos.
In all probability the Hanscom Parks
will change their monnlker to Wagmans,
Joseph Wagman Is an excellent backer.
If Cavanaugh don't land one of tho s"tt
cushion political Jobs In Packersvllle, ho
will probably again enter the professional
Lrlla, a loral heaver of repute, has
consented to wlsglc the cherry for tho
Ancient Order of United Workmen globe
lUBBei a.
Qucss William Pahl, tho leader of tho
O. D. Klnllngers will let n few of the
speed mollies know he Is on the map this
summer. ,
In order to outtalk Hagemau, who Is
tho secretary-treasurer of the jabez
Cross army, you will have to get up with
the roosters, "
Those Dundee Woolen mills are keep
ing their lineup locked up. Maybo when
It Is sprung some of tho wiseacres will
be surprised,
Today tho Townsends will work nut
down on the banks of Lako Carter. They
have a nifty little clubhouse located In
that neighborhood.
Don't know as to whether or not tho
Fort Crook soldiers will loom up real,
strong this season. It depends on the
situation In Mexico.
For games with the Jaber. Cross outfit
tickle the buzzer on WebBter-6.ilO or send
your pleadings to Boy Pen'ton at 1433
North Twentieth street.
Qeorgo Kennedy says he Is going to
make lemonade out of his lemon base
ball players Probably he will use his
sweet ones for sugar.
Campbell and Gulnnee are the two
sllngers who will float them over to the
cbnsternatlon of the Council Bluffs Mer
chants' opponents this trip.
Walworth, the Wlsner star, was In !
Omaha last week. He was visiting
friends In Peru and breezed in here en
'route from Peru to Wlsner.
That Prucha dispute is still unsettled.
Kennedv says he 'Is a fixture on tho
.Shamrock squad, and Bradford spits the1
same junic witn storz on uie cnu,
As the C. H. Stolr. team Will be 1
strengthened by several new mugs this
year, thoy oxpect to Improve, on the
enviable record tliev iced lust term. i
Mullen says he has got McUuIro and '
so does Danze. We will let him stay out
In the rain until we see him tirmiy
planted with one hunch or the other.
The Dundecs will fiort it. with new
socks nnd headgears this season Thoy
havo been promised plentv of base halls j
huh iubu nun smiiniiura u.v iiinr iwiHt:
backer. .
Speed McCullough will have charge of
tho sphere heavers at Fort Omaha. It
ne can muster togetner nine men
himself he will have a congregation
At a meeting of the Stolz base ball
squad last week Sam Austin was elected
captain. Under his supervision this team
ougnt to grab the grapes quite ire
Today when tlia Ancient Order of
United Workmen team fodders on the
fircen at Fort Omaha all tho recruits will
lave as good a show as nlngllng
Wachtler will be the chief custodian of
the sun meadow this season for the
Townsends. He Is some sky tickler grab
ber and can also belt them with tho
The. time hss nassed that in order to
be a. full fledged baso ball player It is
necessary 10 nave a mman's dream
adorning your kisser In a very conspicu
ous ..manner.
Wonder how fast the Itamblers are
going to ramble this season. Think they"
ought to ramhln over to Council Bluffs
and waltz nround with the Rambler
team owned by that village.
Ross Stone, a dude with a hard name,
floated Into our burg with a parchment
record a mile long about his former
dldlngs on the diamond. Any of our
lcral managers that want to speculate on
his ability can commune with him over
Douglas 5151,
Base ball In some resnects resemblex n
game of cards. We have plenty of base
ball kings. Many queens are present at
the games. We use clubs, have diamonds,
our hearts are always In the game and
sondes come in handy to prepare the
field. Sometimes the manager raises the
deuce with Jack, fines him a ten spot and
lio develops Into an are high player.
Today tho Ancient Order United Work,
men team will get In a few 'iour ot
iirepurumry worK at iron Omaha,
hr?25"1' ni!L?L!Pe,,
- i ...... . . v iiT.,i,i-i e jjii
muns. incir opponents will have to
watch them when they get on the paths.
In hawklike fashion, because tho wnole
bunch Is Inoculated with rabbit blood.
Thev will play their first game with the
Jabez Cross team at Fort Omaha next
Monmouth Parks, who have always
created quite d disturbance in foot ball
circles, but havo failed to shine so eon
splcuously in base ball, will be back
amongst us this season. Henry Jordan
will be at the helm. Nothing much is
known about lifc ability as a base ball
general, as a r.ouseouence no comments
nr forthoomlnir Here Is the talent:
Jacobe, first; Mordicke. second' Jordan.
tirrt: Ai'nrr-v short. Brown left; Smith.
renter, Carlson, right Barker.' catch
W:,."i!!fvU,f,,Ul1 PUche,Sl a"d Ken!
Welch After
flBEHH; 4 JBII9Bflu
German Committee of Berlin Would
Abandon Discus and Javelin.
And Authorities In Churire Do Not
Ilellrve that I.ef t-lluiiu'eil De
velopment Nutural or
Nl2W YORK, March 22.-Two changes
Jiave already been made by the Gerrimn
committee on the Olympic games 'in
Berlin In 1910. -Tho left-handed shot put
ting and discus and Javelin throwing are
to be abandoned, If the International com
mittee confirms the decision and It prob
ably will. It Is stated that the Geiman
authorities do not believe that the prin
ciple of symmetrical physical development
Is physiologically correct, and that one
arm development Is moro natural, and
their position would seem to be Justified.
Standing Jumps havo also boen elim
inated, but that may not be approved
by the International committee. At every
recurrence of tho Olympic games tho na
tion ,ln c,hargo makes a change In the
program, and generally It Is made to In
clude soma sport poqullar to the nation
holding the sports, and comment Is not
always favorable. It is high time that
u r-n ,,,nan1 nt-mrram wnw nHntitfil iw
!the International commltte. to be used
- i. . .
In all games, no matter what couiur
holds them. There Is no reason why ths
committee should not do this, and thus
avoid trouble In future gamex. ICvery na
tion ha rome sport In which It excel 4.
or which no other country practices and
to put It Into an International program
will simply add to the points soored ny
that nation. Cpmpla,lnts will continue
until a standard set of games Is arranged
for all time.
rhlrnKo llns "'hitii'f Iluy."
Just to show tlit-lr feelliiKM 2.000 fans
ordlnarlv 1 ave bo. ira . I,, advar "
n ar-adVay 'ai the" TOlWirt
recognized In Chicago us tub supporters
Ion May 17
Ritchie's Scalp
Two poses of Freddie Welch, the Kng
Iluli lightweight champion, who will soon
sail for America for the purpose of In
ducing World's Champion Willie Itltchlo
to sign articles for a, twenty-round battlo
to bo fought In California for tho title.
Mnllln to Plteh for Timers.
Gcorgit Mulllu, of course, will pitch the
opening game for the Detroit Tigers, but
to remove all doubt the announcement
has been' formally made by Manager Jen
nings. Mullln says ho will otart tho sea
son with one of the no-lilt games he has
promised himself this year.
I Immediately After Spring Recess
I Teams Will, Warm Up.
Abundant Material la on Tup for
nn Kxtrn Htronir i:lixht null
Ilurvnnl HxnectN Some
CAMBItllXHi, Mass., March St, Trials I
for tho Harvard tennis team will be hoi J
Immediately after the spring recess, and
prospects for a successful season are
bright. Last year the team won five
out of six of Its matches, losing to Yalo
by ono point. The Intercollegiate title
wffS won by Princeton. Tills year, how
ever, the outlook Is more promising,
abundant material being offered for tho
formation of a, strong eight.
Of tho men who won their Insignia last
year C. 8. Cutting, last year's captain,
1 I. Grinnell and A. M. Hyde havo been
graduated. live members of last year s
team, however, remain Captain A i.
I-nvrey. J C. Devereux, N. l. Kimtn.
JC. II. Whitney and E. H. Wpods. In
addition to thene all the members of the
191G class team will be available, includ
ing M. A. Hofer. K. rl. Draper, I) Kim
lirtU and W. M. Washburn, who was
ranked In the second class this summ.-r
by the national ranking committor
Among the other promising candidates
are Ii H. Hastings, O. Williams and CJ
A. H. McKean.
In the Intercollegiate meet next sum
mer the team will be greatly strengtri
ened by the presence of two men who a.
not eligible for tho spring matdiea-lt
N. Wllll&ms, who Is ranked as tho second
best player In tho United .States, and J.
J. Armstrong, who won tho western Into-,
eolleglate championship last summer. He
will not bo able to pluy this spring, since
this Is his tlrst year in college.
i Persistent Advertising Is the ltoad to i
Big Itet'irn. I
Indications for a Good Base Ball
Team Are Excellent.
l'mt'ttrn In i lli-nln Tliuriln
Gniiirn Arc llrlnu Nchpilulril,
vrltli InillrntloiiH of All
. Time ItlliMl.
With tho return Thursday of the art-
students from their KiiBter vacation, baki
ball will begin at Ciclghtnn. Although
bad weather has mado tt lintisSlblo to
get much of a lino on the ability of tho
prospective varsity men tho few good
days havo been utilized nnd a number of
good men havo been rounded up.
In the arts department aro Dnlloy, How
ard, Uots, I'nss, CollliiH and Peterson.
Of theso Beta and Pass are the only un
known quantities, but both havo per
formed with much gusto In practice. At
the dental collcgo O'Ncll has announced
his Intention of coming out. Ho Is a
fast llttlo outfielder and Is well known In
Omaha, llaldersnn, also u dent. Is an
outflolder of repute, who will probably
tnakn tho team.
At tho law Is Wilfred Boyle, an In
fielder, who Is said to he fast. Ho comes
troin Wisconsin. -At tho medical depart
ment thero are some twenty applicants.
Among them aro Kelly. Molico. Hussum,
Vandever, Qulgtoy, Rogers and lloche.
Rogers Is an Infleldcr and Roche Is a
pitcher of experience. Both nro recent
additions to tho list of announced can
didates. In tho pharmacy department Is
Miller, ono of tho best catchers In these
parts and a terror with tho war club.
I'lrntr of Pitcher.
With tho uncovering of a number of
pltehtirs tho material for n good team
seems uvallnblo. Thero are now at leaat
six men who havo scon pitching service
who will try for places, and the position
which seemed most doubtful early In the
month, now looms up as strong. In tho
catching department arc several good
men, Miller being tho' favorlto at tho
present running Pass Is a now. man of
Promise and Ilussum Is also a catcher.
In tho Infield aro McKeo, Coady, Van
dever, Rogers, Ilussum, Kelly, Kane and
Murphy. , ,
Manager Dnlley has added several morn
ganies to tho schedule. A game with
Poru is now assumed when that team
comes through here on a trip. Spalding
Collcgo has made Dalley an offer for a
game" hero and It will probably be ac
cepted. Negotiations aro still on for a
gamo with Nebraska, and the state
league teams will probably be played.
Games havo already been scheduled with
Qmaha High, Bellevue and Omaha unl-
board. They will be of a bluish gray
8ti)tH,have been ordered by tho nthletlo
I I 1 I
McKibbin Hats
Allthe While
"The car of the hour" it has
been many seasons! But it's
more than that now. It
stands alone 4the universal
car." Nothing but a wonder
ful merit couJd have created
so enormous a demand for
it. Better get yours today.
There aro moro than 220,000 Fords on the
world s highways the best possible testi
mony to their unexcelled worth. Prices
runabout $525 touring car SG00 town
enr $800 f. o. t. Detroit with complete
equipment. Catalogue from Ford Motor
Company, 1916 Harney St., Omaha, or di
rect from Dutrolt factory.
with white and blue stockings and whlta
enps. A number of balls and bats and '
a catcher's outfit have also been ordered.
Tho field Is In comparatively good shape
and will not require much Work to put
It Into good condition.
Hookey May Become
Major Sport with
Prmoeton Tigers
PBINCliTON. N. Y., March 21 Talk
of making hockey a major sport at
Princeton has been revived again fol
lowing tho discussion at Harvard and
Yalo and tho near-cha'mptonshlp of the
Tiger sevon. This tlmo things seem
mora hopeful, however, because of the
nxlstenca now of a committee of thd
athletic board which ,a appointed to
constdor tho athletic needs of tha uno
vcrslty, among which special mention
was made of thp artificial Ice hockey
rink, along with tho stadium arid base
ball cage This commtttoo report's jvbout
April 1 to the board and the latter taken
action before submitting It to the board
of trustees at Its annual spring meet- ,
Ing, It Is probable that in view of the
agitation over tha need of a rink jv i
favorable report will bo made. Tuo
Tigers havo turned obt teams during-
the pluHt three yearn, iwq or wnicn na-ve
captured tho big titles. There aro
who composed tho team that finished
second during tho last season, and all j
of thorn will bo eligible for the 1M team. (
Thero Is no lack of Interest among tho i
undergraduates for tho sport: a report ,
recommending a rink would, find unU ,
versal acceptance with tho students, all
of whom nre enthuslastlo about tho,
game. 1
Grtttnnnn to Hold Down First.
-a 4a
1 on
Jake Gattmann, sold by Baltimore,
St. Joseph, will it Is said, be used
first base by tho Western league clib.
Though ha will draw a smaller salary
than ho did In tho International, '3ett
mann Ih satisfied with, tho change. Tho
Western plays a longer season v6(L Bt.
Joseph Is near his homo at "Heatings'.
Welch to Manane I'remfjnt.
Battlo Axo Welch, who pla'yi seVerml
seasons with Sioux City and p.-Xrt of last
season with Des- Moines, wll manage
Fromont In tho Nebraska B'iUo league
this season. Welch Is spendlrw this win
tor In Esthervllle, la., where, during the
latter part pf last season he managed s
team. '
Wnnla Const Leiijrue Franchise,
Whiln on the coast, (flick Klnsella,
scout for John McGraw, "announced, that
ho was In the market for a coast league
franchise and some rurfiora were heard
that ho might buy thn Oakluid . club,
wtilfti ! .tilt innTA nr ! fifltn,A with
' reports of syndicate onershlp.
TIieyLead in Style
in i
wo i