Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 23, 1913, PART SIX SPORT SECTION, Page 2-S, Image 52

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Yes, She Was
Season Just Closed Has Been Extra
Successful One in Omaha.
In All There Were One Hundred and
Twenty-KIht Trnni, with n
Total Membership of
Mine Hundred.
Now that the bowling season 1 near
ing a dose It might be well to take a
glance st the progress the imm has
made in Omaha, and other place. Tho
season of 19U-13 has been without an ex
ception, the most successful season In tho
history of bowling.
Omaha, South Omaha and Benson, have
developed more young bowlers and or
ganised more leagues than ever bofote.
Jn OmahA alone there flourished four
teen organized leagues with a member
ship of 600 bowlers. Of these fourteen
leagues five were organized this season.
In South Omaha no new leagues were
organized, but the Magic City- and Park
er's league went through a most suc
cessful season, having a dose race
throughout, and every team completing
its schedule.
Demon, Fort Omaha and Fort Crook
each had a league running through the
season. In all there were nineteen
leagues, composed of 123 teams with an
approximate total membership of WO
An other feature of tho. growth of the
game this season Is the Increased num
bed of bowlers on tho alleys who were
not mcmbors of any organized league,
and also thenumbcr of extra matches!
that were played, especially by teams
composed of young bowlers who started
to bowl tsth season.
The scores have been of the classy
variety, and Omaha teams have rolled
more big games this season than ever
before. High scores made by Individual
players have else been more numerous.
This shows the Increased number of
tenplnsharks In the leagues. Where for
merly there were eight or ten stars In the
game, this season has raised the num
ber to twenty-five or thirty,
Probably the greatest proof of the
growth of the game In Omaha, Is tho
showing made at the Midwest tournoment
in Kansas City. This city entered Its
largest number of teams In the Midwest
tournament lost November, excepting tho
yar when this event was held here.
Not only did Omaha enter a large dele
gation of bowlers, but Omaha bowlera
carried away practically all of the honors
together with a greater portion of the
prize money and trophies.
Other cities repot a like progress of
the game In their bowling ranks. The In
creased number of the visiting teams en
tered In the American Bowling Con
gress tournament at Toledo, Illustrated
the growth of the game throughout the
United States.
All other large tournaments report Inn
created entry lists. Old time bowlers,
officials and alley owners say that thin
huod'z growth shows the opportunity
for further growth next season. It the
fame Is properly boosted. The time Is
coming when the publlo outslda of the
yjkyne will take more Interest Jn It,
"whlcjh wVj .naturally place It on a
higher financial basis.
Continued from Page. One.)
this number had
he remained a day
The town of darks. Neb., It said to
resemble a convention of hunters. The
sportsman are so thick In this locality
that ducks are getting a continuous rain
of shot.
Xorei llsuatera This Year.
In fact, this season has probably neen
a greater Increase In the followers of
duck shooting than any other previous
"Dutch" Neatroan returned Friday
from an outing or several days on the
waters above Schuyler, where he secured
close on to the limit. He says many of
the birds are being driven Inland from
the river to the few small bodies of
open water. And the hunter who avails
himself of the opportunity of securing
his shooting at these inland ponds If
almost certain of obtaining a good bag.
The northern lakes of the state have
not been holding up as well as has the
river country and the men who have re
turned from that section have not been
an successful as they expected to be.
However, all are of the opinion that the
hunting In these parts will extend over
a much longer period of time than that
on the river and many expect to return
a little latter In the season for another
Dick Payne, C. H. anil Harold Sobotker
left last evening for Calhoun, where they
are spending several dayj in pursuit of
the birds. Harold was out on the Platte
last Saturday and Sunday and besides
lip .. gk; -
sss." nsns-ss-i pbhh has good year ahead
brought home and has placed In the ehow
window of hi place of business at Twen- ,,. . . " "
tleth sd Farnam? street.,. A little pond (Continued from Page One.)
has been constructed In the window spare distance men who distinguished them
for the. bird and It has grown so tame elves at that time are M. F. Outliers anj
that It will eat corn from Its master s
hand. The duck U one of the most beau-
tlfully marked specimens of Its kind and
Waiting for
In causing no small amount of Interest
and comment from the passeraby. At
Hush and Burt Carpenter will follow the
Kobotker party today and will probably
fpend tho full week on the lakes of this
flared With a Trout Line.
Last Sunday morning a party of duck
hunters composed of W. S. Cook, Cortex
Cook, Warren Dolan, Edward Nonna
maker and Clyde Cook were the principal
performers In a little drama staged on
the Elkhorn river near Cook's hunting
lodgo south of town. The party decided
to cross tho treacherous stream In n small
steel boat and Nonnamaker and Clyde
Cook sucoesflfully made the farther side.
Cook thon returned for another passen
ger, Dolan, and when tho two reached
the mlddlo of tho stream the vessel struck
a snag and rolled over, dumping the
ocoupants Into the freezing water. Cook,
after somn difficult', managed to secure
a hold on tho boat and after great effor
got hook up the stream with It bo Dolan
could catch hold, The two men floated
down the river about 100 yards to get
ashore, but found that they were held, In
the middle of the stream by a strong our
rent. . At last they managed to catch
onto a big snag or stump and Dolan, ..'who
was nearly ready to give up, was boosted
bodily across tho object. Cook simply
hung on for dear life until his brother,
Cortex, found a piece of trout line In hla
outfit, with which he made a lasso, and,
wading as far Into the water as he dared,
ho cost for tho stump, luckily hitting It
the first try. Clyde tied Dolan to the lino
and he was pulled ashote, nearly frozen.
He later landed In tho sumo manner.
Both boys were taken to the lodge, where
n doin of hot brandy and a vigorous rub
down restorod thorn to their former
reives. Dolau's hand were slightly
frozen, but otherwise the (two are none
tho worse for their thtllln(? experience.
Other Notes Anions; Hunters.
Paul Hoagland, on his expedition to tho
S'latte last week, also received a duck
ing. In trying to get a wounded mallard
paddling on tthe surface of the water
Paul foiled to watch;;, his footing and
went Into a hole seven feet deep, from
which he emerged dripping from head to
Leon Callahanand' Leonnrd Ktlllan will
spend Sunday hunting in the vicinity of
North Bluffs. Both boys are strong for
tho shooting game and Invariably return
with somoTnlng, lf,qnly an empty game
Eric Johnson returned Tuesday from
a few days sjaughter at Rogers, Neb.
03rlo brought back a mixed bag of forty-
eight ducks and tnree geese, ue expects
to take another whirl at the pinioned
ones, the latter part of this week.
8. O. Orlswold Is spending the week
on the Loupe near Fullerton, Neb., where
the game la reported to bo flying In good
Johnny 'Hanlghen and Clarence Patera
are spending several days on the Platte
about fifty miles south of the city. Both
boys can drive a "buxs buggy" with the
best, but they say when they return
they will also have a reputation as duck
M.' t. Orey and Judu Steinberg trav
eled 'along the Platte last Sunday with
good' success. They secured the limit
In the eight hours they were out. Their
friends all received a token of the bat
tle, which was delightfully partaken of.
Joe Forman and Captain Joseph Hoff
man of Hook and Ladder Company No. S,
spent Wednesday afternoon on the Platte
below Bellevue and bagged twenty-three
bird. The boys had a blind on an
Island In tho center of the river and
coutd see the birds coming from a con
siderable distance. They got several
shots at flocks of geeee, but the shot
they were using was so small that. ,tt
had no telling effect,
(Continued from Page One.)
Ak-Sar-Ben, and Victor Pnrrlth, of the
Commercial club, are working hand In
hand with Dick Orotte and Dare Rourke
to make the program this year even
mora Interesting than in years past. The
festivities will start earlier, however, this
year owing to the game being called
at 3 o'clock Instead of 3.90 as It did last
year. '
That the attendance will break all
previous records Is the aim to whleh
the management Is working. Tickets will
be put on sale In the very near future.
In fact they are In the hands of the
printer already, Dava Rourke has al
ready received, orders for over 2.000 seats
and says he will fill Uiem as soon as the
first batch of tickets are off the press.
He advises those who wish to get choice
seats to get busy at once and put In
their orders as he predicts that they will
go exceptionally fast during the next
I t,venty',,v a-
' A I-anguer Both ran on the -hampion-
ship faur-mlle relay team
The material In the field eveuta Is not,
Some One m
so good. W. If. Simpson, howiver, who
qualified but did not get a place In the
Intercolleglates, has returned and a
showing steady Improvement.
(Continued fiom Page One.)
and Stlehm la determined to give It a
thorough workout. If base ball proven as
good a financial card as other athletics
It will be placed on the same par as foot
butt, basket ball and track and the some
attention devoted to'lt.
Simultaneous with the start of base ball
comes the call for spring foot ball prac
tice from Coach Stlehm. The coach pro
poses to establish the most elaborate
spring training season the Cornhuekers
have over had, The squad will be asked
to report for the first time toward the
close of the week after the base ball work
Is gotten well under way.
Ilia; Practice Squad.
Bllehm expects between twenty-five and
thirty men to report for the soring prac
tice. All candidates for the varsity
quad next winter are required to don
suits for the tri-weekly workouts.
Instructions In the rudiments of the
game will be the sole purpose of the
spring practice, Stlehm thus hoping to
eliminate many valuable weeks' work
next fait when the regular foot ball sea
son starts. The Nebraska mentor has
found that something la necessary to
offset the advantage which the other
schools gain when their courses take up
earlier In the fall than the Cornhuskers'.
Two hours will be spent three times a
week In coaching the squad. No actual
scrimmage will be done, although tho
men will bo Instructed In charging and
tackling. Passing, kicking and recovery
of fumbles will receive the most atten
tion. Stlehm la desirous of developing more
than ono punter. Howard, the Omaha
High school star, Is the only dependable
punter the varsity has left, and Stlehm
does not care to run any risk with such
n condition of affairs. Drop kicking and
placo kicking Is also coming In for due
attentlon-both departments whore Ne
braska has been weak In the past. Ppt
ter has tho most native ability In drop
kicking, and with practice. Stlehm hopes
to develop In him a dependable drop
Lose Several 9Irn.
Four of last year's team are Inst through
the operation of the three-year ruin. Cap-
tnln Ernie Frank, iiarmou.
tackle, und Frcltag and iiyae. navm
played the alloted time.
Rutherford of Beatrice, a backfleld
man. and Shields of South Omaha, a
linesman, are the two most promising
new men to be developed for the varsity
next fall, Butherford Is an especially
valuable man.
Thm. whn will work out this spring
are: Halfbacks, Captain Purdy, Hawkins,
Beck, Butherford, Coffee and Hugg; full
backs, Hnlllgan. Reese, Mapes and Vo
taw; ends, Howard, Mulligan and Magor;
tackles, Bwanson, Shields, Holmes and
Bchmtrda; guards. Irwin, Rots. Fauts and
Meier, and center, Allen, Cameron and
Members of the championship basket
ball five will receive gold basket balls In
honor of capturing the Missouri valley
championship this season, At the next
meeting of the athletic board tho awards
will be made. There who will recelvo
their letters Include Captain Carrier, Roa
well, Haskell. Underwood, Stryker, Haw
kins and Hyde.
Clean Slate Last Kali.
Nebraska's clean slate this year has
enabled the Corn Huakers to hang up a
remarkable record In basket ball. The
Corn Huskers have won twenty-two
straight games and have won all but one
of the twenty-three conference games
played In the last two years. The last
game of the championship series this
year was lost to Kansas after the 'Husk
ers had already grabbed the champion
ship. A banquet will be tendered the squad
before long and representatives from the
following fraternities, all of which gave
dinners to the basket ball team, will be
Phi Kappa Psl. Alpha Tail Omega,
Delta Upsllon. Sigma Nu. Algma Alpha
Bpsllon, Acacia and Peta Thota PI.
The I tuskers during the present season
Just closed threw 118 more field goals
than their opponents.
AUBURN. N. Y.t March XL Secretary
John F. Farrell of the National Associa
tion of Professional Base Ball leagues
today gave out the following decisions
affecting minor base ball:
JThe territory of North Yakima. Wash.,
and Backer, Ore., has been added to the
Western Trl-State league.
The following decisions were handed
doTfn by the national board of arbltra
tlon: Claims allowed:
Player Caldlerhead against Madison,
Wis.; Player Ursela against Superior,
Claims Disallowed:
Player Channel! against Denver.
A Fierce Attack
of malaria, liver derangement and kidney
trouble. Is easily cured by Electrio Bit
ters, the guaranteed remedv. M rli KV.r
sale by Beaton Drug Co.
Oprrlrbt. 11, International News 8rtir.
Merkle Sure of Job
(Continued from Page One.)
Job, until last year when he went- to
Auburn, Me. Here Rourke saw him play
one day, and was so Impressed with his
Btyle that ho secured the right to his
Kervlcrs. From what ho has Been of the
htg boy thin spring Pa feels confident
he hah the material from which to
make a great twlrler. Reed's home Is In
Springfield, Mo.
Younirrst Plnyer.
The youngest member of the Omaha
squad now at Oklahoma City Is Abel Ap
plegate, pitcher. However, he Is some'
baby for he stands an even six feet In
height and weighs 170 pounds. He was of
! age barely In time to cast a voto for
Woody Wilson for president. In spite of
his youth, this Is his third year In pro
fessional base ball. His early training
was accomplished on the town lota of
West Point In Kentucky where he wan
captain of a team. He Joined the Clarkes
vllle team In the Kitty league In 1S11.
From Clarkpavllle he went to Paris In
the Bluegrass league the following year.
Here he performed so well as to brln
himself to the attention of the circuits
higher up and President Rourke had
spirited competition for his oontract. 'In
nplte of tho fact that Purls was a tall
end toam( he won more than 60 per
ctnt of his games. This wonderful record
was due almost entirely to his Individual
playing, for during this season he estab
lished a new strike-out record for the
league by fanning twenty men In one
game. He Is a right-handed pitcher.
Two new southpaws have been added to
the Rourke aggregation this spring, but
the only new left-handed twlrler Is Clos
m&n. While Closman Is one of the small
est men on the team, every Inch and
ever)- pound Is real athletla strength. Hs
stands five fet nine Inches In height
und weighs 105 pounds. He Is S yeara
old,' a native of Nebraska.
Closman started his career as a pro
fessional base baU pitcher In 1911 with
Grand Island In the Nebraska State
league. In 1912 he was with the same club
until the last three weeks of the seanon.
when Rourke brought him to Omaha and
worked him In several of the games. IBs
best showing was made against St.
Joseph when he started against Johnson,
pitched eight Innings and was beaten 3
to 2. Rourke saw that he had good stuff
and kept him. During- hla Btay with
Grand Island in 1912 he won twenty-two
games and lost eight with a club which
finished fifth.
Before You He-Tlrc
see the line of I'. M tires. Last longer
Ideal equipment for country use. Omaha
Rubber company 160c- Harpey
23, 1913.
Fred Merkle, the
hard hitting first
sacker of the New
York Giants. There
Is little fear of Mer
kle giving up his
regular berth at
first to Jim Thorpe,
the wonderful In
dian athlete, whom
Manager Mod raw
tried out at the In
itial corner the first
few days of train
ing at Marltn, Tex.
Thorpe Is a poor
fielder and nbt a
very reliable batter.
Merkle has been
showing up In fine
form. He Is hitting
the ball hard and
safe, and Is fielding
in mid-season form.
Merkle has more
than Justified Me
G raw's faith In him
by developing Into a
player who Is very
near the class of the
National league In
his position. Last
season he showed
himself one of the
most reliable men
on the Giants' ros
ter and New York
has long ago forgot
ten the blunder that
first brought him
Into prominence,
Brakeman Killed
By' Fall from Train
Paul O. Cook, a Union Pacific brake
man, residing at 1706 Eighth avenue,
Council Bluffs, died on the way to a
hospital yesterday afternoon from the ef
fects of a fair1 from the top of a car at
Central City.
He fall from eaatbound freight No.
jti at 4 o'clock. His head was badly
crushed. It Is supposed his head struck
on the steel rail. He was standing near
the edge of the box car looking over the
side, evidently to see that everything was
all right.
Mr. Cook was about 0 years old, and
had been In tho employ of the railroad
company for many years. His widow and
six children survive him.
Los Angeles Defeats
Chicago Americans
LOS ANGELES. March 22,-Los An
geles defeated the Chtrago Americans by
a narrow margin today. White, who
pitched five innings for Chicago, allowed
only three hits, but Smith, the Southern
league recruit, was more vulnerable, and
after Los Angeles had tied the score In
the eighth Inning he was taken oMt of
the box. Lange fared no better, two long
hits bringing In the winning run with
two men down. Score; R.H.K.
Los Angeles 4 9 1
Chicago Americans No. 1 ,... ,5 11 S
Batteries', Los Angeles, Toser, Drlscoll
and Brooks, Hoffman; Chicago, White,
Smith, Lange and Easterly,
AUBURN, N. Y., March tt-The Blue
Qrass league was today expelled from the
National Association of Base Ball Clubs.
Its membership fee has been returned and
more than 100 players, members nf Its
clubs, have been declared free agents.
Chairman John H. Farrell ot the board
of arbitration of the national association
stated that the league. In establishing a
club at Covington, which Is within five
miles of Cincinnati, had violated a sec
tion of tha national agreement. This Is
the first time In the history ot base ball
that a league lias been expelled,
LEXINGTON, Ky., March tSy--OWolaIs
nf the Blue Grass league wilt resist the
action of Secretary Farrell. In a tele
gram to that official tonight the officials
of the league asserted a club has not
been established at Covington. .
, Persistent Advertising Is the Road to
, Ulg Returns.
for The Bee by J.
Weather Unfavorable and Practice
Not Indulged In.
Outfielder In Perfect Health and
Condition and Appears Pleased
with Contract for Work
of the Season.
mrt mmi i nt'rv nwt.. March 22.
(Special Telegram.)-Although the sun
Bhone brightly all day Friday, a cold
north wind was blowing, and being afraid
of Incapacitating his men the day oe
fore the first exhibition game with Lin
coln, Manager Arbogast did not ordar
thpm nut In suits either morning or after
noon. However, he took them on,t two
long hllces, in tne morning io ,mc u
nark nnd In the afternoon for a five mile
jaunt Into the country. They also were
visitors In the afternoon ot the loca:
packing plants, the base ball teams of
which will play the Omaha Yannlg&ns
Norman Coyfc reached camp Thursday
night. The midget outfielder is In perfect
health and anxious to get Into harness.
He Is Just off his southern farm, where
ho saya he has been toughening himself
all winter by lots of outdoor work.
Until he Joined camp Coyle had not
affixed his ulgnature to h contract, but
apparently hla demands In the way of
salary were not steeper than Rourke
thought lils man deserved, for after a
short conference they both came out
smiling, announced that tlilnga were
agreeable and that articles had been
Scnnlnn I,nst One Ont.
Scanlon, utility man last season, now
Is the only one outside the fold. He will
Join the club here as soon as he recovers
from his spell of grip.
Every one Is. anxious for the morrow.
Save for Immaterial stiffness and the In
Jury to Manager Arbogast's hand, they
are In fair condition, especially consid
ering unfavorable weather. Indications
tonight are that Sunday will be a clear,
warm day, and In case It Is, the Omahos
expect to put up a good brand of ball.
Lincoln left Excelsior Springs Friday
night and will be here early Sunday
morning twenty-five strong,
Detectives late last night located every
thing stolen from the clubhouse Tues
day night, Practically every man on. the
team had lost a pair of shoes or favorite
glove, and all were delighted at their
good fortune In recovering everything.
NEW YORK, March 22. Two English
men will assist In coaching the Yale crew
for the annual race with Harvard, ac
cording to an announcement made here
today on the authrlty of the London
Sporting Life. That paper declares that
Harcourt Gold, who coached Oxford for
many years, and A. O. KIrby, who
coached the winning Oxford crew this
year, have consented to come to Amer
ica. Jt Is said they will leave England
early In May, accompanied by O. S. Mac
laugan, the old Oxonian coxswain, whoso
trip here will bo solely for pleasure.
SAN FRANCISCO, March 23. Expect
in one Inning Douglas had the San Fran
cisco Coast leaguers at his mercy today
and Chicago won. Bodie made a home
run and a two-base hit. Score; R.H.E.
Chicago Americans No. 2 6 9 1
San Francisco 3 6 0
Batteries; Chicago, Douglas and Qoe
sett. San Francisco, Henley, Arlett and
BOSTON. March 2Z.-Roston defeated
New York tonight In the National Billiard
league three-cushion tnatch when Dr. R.
Hudson won from H. Goldman, 10 to 44
Iloxlnnr Bout at Wllber Tuesday.
WILBER, Neb., March 22. (Special Tel
egram.) Denver Tommy Murphy will
box ten rounds with Kid Wheelock of
Beatrice at Wllber March 25. under the
auspices of it he Wllber base ball club,
The Persistant and Juoiclous Use of
ters, Louise and Orace, are not to be
' When springtime sklea are full of dujt,
And hats blow off with each rude gust.
Who Is It tries to get the rust
From players' wings, about to bust?
Pa Rourke.
Who Is It works with tears and sighs
And scoffs the eager recruit's lies.
Who coaches "bones" with splceful cries
And hounds them on. till they desptse?
Chick Arbogaat.
Who Is It oft with bat wins fame.
With three-ply Jolt does save the game?
It's one of former Pirate fame,
A warbler of each sweet refrain,
Jimmy Kane.
Who is It nabs tha flitting fly
As, fenceward bound. It scours the sky?
Whose circus catches start the cry
Of Joyfulness, from stands near byt
Art Thomason.
Who on bag two and three Is found,
With step and stride that covers ground?
Who hiss him south when autumn sound
Of geese, the singing wind doth drown t
"Skipper" BllL
Those Who Fought in Philippine In
surrection to Have Beunion.
Have Not neen Together Since Their
Discharge from Dntr Shortly
After Returning; Home
from Islands. .
Tuesday evening at 7:30 o'clock, tha
former members of Company L of the
First Nebraska volunteer Infantry will
meet at the Calumet restaurant In an In
formal supper, for the purpose of re
newing their war-time recollections. It
Is expected that all former L company
men residing, In Omaha and vicinity will
be present, and those In charge of ar
rangements have received assurances of
attendance from those residing as far
away as Sioux City, Falrbury, Neb., and
St. Louis. Mo.
Most ot the men who will attend the
reunion served In tho Philippine Islands
during the Spanish war and the flrt
part of the Philippine Insurrection, and
to many of them this will be their first
meeting with each other since that time.
The company was an outgrowth of the.
local mllltta company who, under the
name of "Thurston Rifles" won con
siderable fame for proficiency In com
petitive drills, bringing to Omaha cham
pionship cups from the drills held at
Memphis, Tenn., and San Antonio, Tox.
In 1S94 and ,
At . the beginning of the Spanish war
tho First Nebraska National Guard
formed the nucleus for the First Ne
braska ''volunteer Infantry, 'about half
of the volunteer regiment being former
members of the mllltta.
March 25 will be the fourteenth anni
versary of an engagement at Son Fran
cIfco del Monte, P. I., In which a number
of L men were wounded. One of the men
who was In this engagement tells, the
story as" "foUowe:' "The trouble with' the
native (Filipinos) started on a Satur
day night, February 4; 1899. The Ne
braska regiment was In camp at Santa
Mesa which lay between block houses
Nos 7 and 8 on the American line
around Manila, and the first shot was
fired from one of our outposts. The
next day, Sunday, after some severe
fighting we captured block house No.
7 and the deposlto, or reservoir of
the Manila waterworks, which 'was about
a mile outside our former line. We
rested atj the deposlto until Monday
noon and , then pushed on out to the
waterworks pumping station, near the
town and river of Maraqulna, about
nine miles from Manila. From this
time until March 15, the Nebraska regi
ment held the road from Manila to the
pumping station and guarded the pipe
line which supplied water to the city.
There were Insurgents on both sides of
the road' for about six mtlea, and they
kept us pretty busy, hardly a day pass
ing without our having one or more
skirmishes with them. On March 15 we
moved baok onto the line about the
city, a little to the left of our former
position, our position on the waterworks
road being taken by the First Colorado
"On the nfght of March 34 we moved
Into position to begin the advance toward
Malolos, Agulnaldo's capital, which waa
about fifty miles north of Manila. The
left of the American line waa on the
shore of Manila bay, north of the c'Jty,
and extended eastward from the bay
about four miles. The Nebraska regiment
was on the extreme right of the line.
We laid down to rest In skirmish Uns
formation and shortly before daybreak
began the advance. In about twenty min
utes we were .sighted by the Filipino out
posts, whose bugles sounded the alarm,
and a little later the whole American Una
waa engaged. In passing through some
dense undergrowth along the banks of a
small stream about thirty L company
men became separated from the rest of
the line, and after crossing the stream
discovered h strongly Intrenched body of
Insurgents Immediately In front of us,
about 100 yards distant. Some of us
rushed directly toward tho front of the
trench, keeping their attention on us,
while Captain Taylor with another group
made a detour and came at thorn from
tho flank and rear. Tha whole affair
was over In Just about five minutes and
the pet result was twenty-two "good"
Filipinos, while we had eight men
wounded. These were Captain "Buck"
Taylor, Corporal Hansen. Privates Craw
ford, Fay, Barnell. Frttscher, Koopman
and Pegau, At about the same time
Captain Lee Forby of G company, who
were engaged off to our left, received the
wound from which he died three days
Western Leadue
PACIf IC COAST and ten other
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