Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 23, 1913, PART FIVE SEMI-MONTHLY MAGAZINE SECTION, Image 50

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Pre. C II. Q. K. n.
SUflri M SUaserap&ar
Learn Expert Shorthand
-Raise Your Own Salary!
Revilo College Offers Expert Course by Mail on Easy Terms
A Vimn
Court Raportaf
To the eager thousands of young men and women who
aspiro to tho splendid positions created for experts by the
vast expansion of business, this message is addressed;:
Expert Shorthand is the Master Key to these enviable
places in the commercial world, with their attractive
salaries and limitless opportunities for advancement.
Iievilo College, Chicago's great Shorthand institution
where tho Expert System is taught, has completed arrange
ments for teaching non-resident students by mail. It offers
such easy terms that every one who is ambitious can qualify
for a higher salary and a broader opportunity. This is the
system of shorthand that excels in speed and accuracy.
The system that enables anyone of average ability to become
an expert Shorthand writer in surprisingly Bhort time.
Revilo College is called upon for more expert stenogra
phers than it can possibly supply. Every where,in thousands
of business, financial and commercial institutions, employers
are bidding for the services of thoroughly competent Short
hand writers. The expert commands a high premium in
the world's market. Ability, brains, initiative are all the
"pull" needed to get to the top. There 13 no place for the
incompetents in the modern business office, with its never
ceasing demands for accuracy and speed.
Fit yourself for a fine position. There are plenty of
places waiting for those who can deliver the service.
Many of the biggest men in business and professional
life are proud of the fact that they got their start through
I'm. Consolidated
Ou Co. of New York
8tartad aa 8Unocrapbr
Collector of tbe I'ort
of New York
Started at StatMcrapaar
Revilo College Home Study Course
In Twenty-Four Lessons
The Revilo Expert Shorthand Course is complete in twenty-four easy lessons. It is a standard system
for Court Reporters, with tho very latest improvements developed in actual court reporting and
commercial work. This Expert Course embodies the secret short-cuts which explain the marvelous skill
and accuracy of the world's greatest Shorthand Experts. The brevity and simplicity of the Bystem,
which gives lightning speed in writing, makes it the easiest to acquire of any Shorthand system known.
The Shorthand Route
to Success
Thousands aro sldotrackod In poorly-paid clerical
positions throufrh lack of specialized training.
Tho Itevllo College Correspondence Course In Expert
Shorthand offers you a splendid chanco to acquire. In
sparo momonts. at small cost, a tralnlnir that will double,
treble or quadruple, tho value of your services. Lcam
Expert Shorthand while holding your present position,
(let in tho lino of promotion. Equip yourself, by spo
clallied tralnlnir, to command a handsome salary. Take
tho Shorthand Itouto to Success.
Opportunities for
Shorthand brings jroa into close relations with the men who
mote the world.
The builnca executive picks out the moat expert stenog
rapher In his employ to act a his l'rlvato Secretary. In tbls
capacity, tbe stenographer learns the secrets of business suc
cess. The knowledge gained In taking dictation adds to one's
qualification for assuming greater reaponslbllltles. Hundreds
of l'rlrato Secretaries are OTery year promoted to responsible,
high-salaried positions.
The System of Speed
and Accuracy
Don't make the mistake of learning a cumbersome, complicated
system of Shorthand whose limitations may hold you down to a
mediocre position.
.Start rtgMt Learn tho swift and legible Expert Shorthand,
the system that Insures a degree of accuracy impossible with
any other.
A Few Cents a Day
Will Pay Your Way
ntvit vur spars I (m and a few cents a day to Insure success.
Tho coat of the course Is surprisingly low, the terms exceedingly
liberal. You can pay for tbe lessons out of your present earnings,
without missing the money.
The instruction In Kxpert Shorthand Is complete In tbe form of
Indlrldual lessons. No Uxt (soaks to buy. The simplicity of the
system makeb text books unnecessary.
Employment Bureau
Through a thoroughly organised Employment Bureau with
branches in all Important clUes of the United States, we help
secure positions for our graduates without charge. Completion of
our course In Kxpert Shorthand should be equivalent to a position,
Tbe demands from commercial and financial Institutions, railroads,
manufacturers and the legal professions ar t always greater than
we can meet.
nd the Coupons Start Now
to Raise Your Salary!
Don't lay aside this magazine without signing and sending the coupon which brings
Book of Information regarding our course In Export Shorthand, tuition, easy terms, etc
Gives invaluable information in regard to the entire field of Shorthand business, law.
treneral reporting; court reporting, private secretarial work, railroad work, government
work, etc. Tells all about tho nation-wide system of Employment Ilurcaus. Covers
the subject more completely than any other Shorthand book ever written.
Make this moment the turning point In your career. Sign and send the coupon now,
without obligation of any sort.
Earnings of Expert
Shorthand Writers
Shorthand writers are better paid than any oilier class of
office workers. Bo great Is the demand for stenographers that
thoso of less than average ability earn from f 10 to f 16 a week,
while tbose who rank as experts earn all tbe way from 11.600 to
t3,000 a year and up.
Tbe United States Government pays beginners 1800 to tlJOO
a year and the salaries of many stenographers In Its service
run much higher.
The earning power of shorthand writers varies with tho
skill and natural ability of the individual. The system em
ployed has much to do with determining tho degree of skill
which tbe stenographer may attain. A knowledge of Kxpert
Shorthand murr nuulmum taming capacity.
Court Reporting
A Big-Pay Profession
The total annual earnings of Court Reporters, both men
and women. In the city of Chicago alone, are estimated at a
million dollars a year.
Tbe Individual earnings of Court and General Reporters
average from 13.000 to $&U0 a year. Some make as high as
130,000 a year. Think what an enormous amount of money Is
paid annually to tho Court lie porter throughout tbo United
States! Tbo official stenographers of Congress earn salaries of
15.000 a year. Tbe compensation for expert stenographic, work
In law offices Is very liberal.
To Writers of Other
Shorthand Systems
It you are laboring under the handicap of a Shorthand
system with a bewildering number of word signs and confusing
characters that retard speed and cut down your earning capac
ity, write us.
It will pay you to learn Kxpert Shorthand, the system that
Is not only easy to write, but taty to rtad, and twijt a lightning.
(SfffH tmd Mall the Coupon)
Revilo College
203 "The Shops" Dldi.-Phone Randolph 887
17 N. Wabash Av., Chicago
TiTfTiTTm mmmmmmmmmm wm SaVa a - II