Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 23, 1913, PART ONE NEWS SECTION, Page 5-A, Image 5

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Patrons Complain to Water Board
Without Gaining Satisfaction.
mvs l cafe
Spends 111" Time nt Lincoln o an
Sot to llnthrrril wltli the
Com pin I it U of Patrons
of thi llonril.
No wondor Wnter Commissioner Hourll
prefers to stay In Lincoln while drawing
Ills K'.OJO rather than remain at hlj ,.o.t
of duty In -the water office, for there Is
one continuous succession of protests
against Water board outrages.
Among sample cases that came to llsht
are those of Mrs. Mary V. Ball. HU North
Nineteenth street, who exhibited her re
ceipts to show how much better off she
was before the city bought tho water
"We have lived here In Omaha .iluce
and have been taxpayers, and we
have had tho same water meter for
nearly twenty years." said Mrs. Bail.
"Last year for three months, from No
vember 21 to February 21. 1 paid ilie
wnter company S) cents; now my bill for
one month, from February 7 to March T.
Is W cents, with tho meter registering only
tW feet. For the two months before hU
It reKlstered 200 feet and they charwd
me 55 cents. I have to earn the moncv
myself, yet I want to pay for everything
I Bet, but 1 object to belnc compelled in
pay for water 1 do not use. When I
complained to Mr. Hunt all he could say
was. "The Water board, the Water
board this, the Water board that,' and
'You have been reading The Bee." And I
paid, 'Of course, I read The Bee and I
wish we never had a Water board, and I
hope wo'Il soon get rid ol them." "
Another woman who sought an x
planatlon of overcharge was Mrs. K. D.
Glenn, 2SU Bristol, whoso meter was put
In November 1 last. "This bill covering
November 4 to February 11," said nhf,
"registers SCO feet, for which 1 nni
charged tl. Then they Jump ths February
reading from 300 feet up to I.7C0 feet, ,vul
chargo me on March 7 for 4C0 feet for less
than, a month at 95 cents with the dis
count. When I pointed out the discrep
ancy In tho meter reading they couldn't
explain It nt nil, nnd at that I have to
pay more for the 20) feel than I do for
the 40J feet. Tho way the bills aro Jug
gled, you can't tell anything nbout It. '
Woman Tries to Kill
Self and Daughter
Mrs. Martin Velno. 11R4 Fowler uvenun.
tried to exterminate herself and fomlly
Friday night in a fit of temporary in
sanity. Sho attacked her husband In bed
with a club. After she had bruised his
arm and he had fled to the neighbors sin
attacked her daughter' with a- butcher
knife and an Indian club. Sho beat tho
girl's head in a brutal manner with tho
club and Inflicted a number of severe
Blashes over the scalp with the knife.
When she had thoroughly subdued tho
daughter and had her sitting In a chair
before her she began forcing her to take
a poisonous mixture she had concocted.
It consisted of rat poison, carbolic acid,
chloroform llnament and dried currants.
When the neighbors alarmed by the
husband rushed Into the house the de
mented woman was standing over tho
blood bespattered daughter feeding her
tnaspoonfuls of tho noxious dope and
taking alternate spoonfuls herself. At
the first alarm Dr. Alex W. Fitzslmmons
was called. The stomach pump was ef
fectively used and both are alive. The
mother was taken to St. Bernard's hos
pltal at Council Bluffs and the daughter
to Nicholas Senn hospital In Omaha. It
Is thought both will recover. Domestic
troubles are said to be responsible In a
measure for the violent outbreak. Mar
tin Velno Is the stepfather of the daugh
ter who was Injured.
II lllJMtir.TTV M. IlKUS.
Tup, toil of some twenty-five
yeilm ago. u Utile piexlous lo
the lime when the pletui-e of
Tllil.y I'nthi'diut choir whl-h
aPlK'aied lust week wns taken,
musical Intel est was divided
last mm
ffH fill! isa
American Law Wins
Over Scottish Ideas
When ancient Scottish law clashed with
modern American Ideas In Judge Troup's
court, America came off victorious. The
Judge refused to enforce a penalty for
nonpayment of debt.
The encounter occurred In the suit
which John Duff, credit man for the
Hayward Shoe company, had brought
against his wife at Alloe. Scotland, for
a divorce. The Judge decided against
the plaintiff and held that a contract of
fparate maintenance, Intu which the
couple lrad entered before Mr. Duff came
to America, must be carried out. Under
this he must send 1200 a year to Mrs,
Duff, payable -weekly.
Mr. Duff Is back In his payments more
than u year. By the contract, under
Scotch law, apenulty of about $50 was
to be exacted from htm. Judge Troup
refused to enforce this provision,
Mr. Duff must pay the costs "of the
Fined for Laughing
in the Police Court
It cost C. If. Boey, n driver for the
Highland I'ark Dairy company. J12.60 for
laughing In police court. Bowley was ar
lested for cruelty to animals. Judge Fos
ter gave him a long talk and then fined
him $25 and costs and suspended the sen
tence, at which Bowley laughed. Judge
Foster then changed his decision and
fined the driver 510 and costs, saying,
"You can't make a Joke of this court."
Lillian Russell's Warning.
Sore Feet: Bad Health
Lillian Russell la a nlivslcal wonder
Now In mature years, but having pre
served the fresh beauty of youth. In
the Chicago Tribune Bhe says. "Care of
tho feet hardest worked members of
tho body, Is abso
lutely essential to
health. irritation
irom sere reel otten
causes serious nerV'
ous disorders, and
i.olhlng brlngi face
wrinsies quicker
Mere Is the best
treatment known to
-clence for all foot
ailments. II works
'hrouxh the nores
ana renuvts i;ie rause: -uissoive iwo
tubleipcoiifuU of Culoclde compound in
a basin of warm water. Soak the feet
In this for full fifteen minutes, gently
rubbing tKe sore parts." The effect 's
magUal. All roreness disappears In
Htamly Corns and callouses can on
peeled right off It gives Instant relief
lor bunions, aching and BWeaty tmelly
feet. Any drugjUrt has Caloctde In
stock or will quickly get It from IiIh
wholesale house. A twenty-five cent
box usually cures the worst feet. Calo
clde It not a patent medicine. Don't
waste money on uncertain remedies.
Insist on getting what you want from
OroKclflt. i-dvrtUenient.
between the work done there and the
musical services given by St l'hllomena s
choir. St. l'hllomena cathedral stood at
that time on Ninth nnd Harney, where
the Joiin Deere Flow company's big
wnrohouse now Is. Miss Fannie Arnold,
the director of the mush In the Omaha
public schools, was the director of tho
choir at that time and succeeded Prof
Hoffman The rhotr numbered about i
lorty o.- fifty members, and In plare of u
hoy choir a choir of twenty-five young
girls was substituted. Pope Plus X. thc
prevent pope, has declnred In favor of the
plain chant, nnd very little of the florid
music Is sung anywhere In the Catholic
chuich of today, but Pope 10 Kill was
very' liberal In regard to this style of
music, and at that time many brilliant
musical masses were sung. One of the
most florid of these that was - great
favorite In Omnlia wns by Mercadnnte
A great many notable masses were In the
repertoire of this choir, among them Mo
zart's Twtlfth Mass. sung in full; Beetho
ven's Mass In C, Haydn's Imperial Mass
In D, Weber's Mas In C. as well as sev
eral other Haydn masses. Jules
bard sang here for several years before
hn Joined tho choir at Trinity, and even
after he became a member of that choir
he would often assist at the 9 o'clock
mass and take the car and reach Trinity
in tlmo for the niornlnK service. At tho 9
o'clock service the chtli of twenty-five
girls sang and upon one occasion pre
sontid .i "Laudato Pucrl." with a tenor
obllsnto by Captain Klnzie. that a young
priest brought to them direct from the
Vatican, and which had been written for
and performed ut the Slstlne chapel In
Captain Klnzie was the principal tenor
at this time. Harry Blair and Ed Mc
Creary. who has since died, were among
the other tenors. Mr. Lumbard was
tho leading bas. Miss Arnold sang
soprano an occasionally presided at the
organ. Mrs. Rltter was the principal
alto. Her husband sang bass. Miss Klla
Kennedy was a prominent member, and
among others were Mrs. Coffman, Mrs.
Downey. Mrs. Fltzmorrls. Mrs. McCaf
frey. Mrs. Dugdale (at that time Miss
Phllomena Swift), James Swift, Thomas
F. Swift. Harry Burkley. who often sang
solo parts, and John McCrcary. At that
time Mr. McCreary was one of the prin
cipal baritones, but since then he has
come up In the world and Is now well
known In Omaha musical circles as a
tenor singer. A great many of the mem
bers of this choir of at least twenty
years ago are still in Omaha. Captain
Klnzie was In the army and is said to bo
at present In Portland. Ore.
A sort of choir romance culminated In
the marriage of Miss Fannie McNaugh
ton, one of the young lady singers, and
Harry Blair. They afterward moved
to Sacramento. Many of the pr.'esti hid
good singing voices, and one whiie in
tonation of the preface was (.specially
beautiful was Father Byerdon, now a
bishop In California. There was always
an orchestrn for Christmas and Kaitor,
usually from the Boyd theater. In which
Len Salisbury, Mr. Nordln, Mr. I,e
tovsky and Mr. Pederson, Nutht, were
usually present. Miss Arnold started a
series of evenings of sacred music, which
were given each year during the month
of May. at which many notables in the
city took part, as well as many from
away. Miss Mnry Munchhoff sing at
these and Mrs. Cudahy and Mrs. At
water. At one time Miss Rachel Fruni;o
sang Gounod's "Ave Maria" with violin
obllgato played by her brother, Nahnn
Franko. Miss Franko afterward mar
ried Prof. Walthers. a teacher of piano
In Omaha for many years. Mr. Franko
Is now director of one of the leading
orchestras In tho city of New York. His
wife, who was a singer, nlso sang occa
sionally at these affairs. Tom Knrl of
the Bostonlans, Marie Stone nni Jessio
Burtlctt Davis were among others who
were remembered as having assisted.
One of the choir recalled a rather
amusing Incident of this period. Miss
Arnold hnd prepared tho beautiful
"Twelfth Mass" of Mozart, to be sung
at some special celebration. Usually tho
Henedlctus." where the blshon kneels
throughouT the singing was cut. She
sent to tho bishop to ask If he wished
the usual cut made at this time. Through
some misunderstanding word was re
turned to sing the entire service. The
"Benedlctus" In this particular case was
very elaborate, and took some ten or
twelve minutes to sing, and the bis
hop. retaining his kneeling posture nil
that time, could not Imagine why the
choir did not get ( through.
a very spienam organist played at St.
Phllomena s the greater part of this time.
a man whose life held much tragedy.
This was Prof. Knopffcl, who had had
a publishing house hi Chicago previous
to tho terrible Chicago fire. In this he
lest everything, not only his publishing
house, but hlB wife and entire family,
never finding a trace of them afterward.
Ho was a very quiet man. and one morn-
Ihis Fine Piano
Ordered If the li
surance Companies
Last Batch of Pianos Marked Lower Than Ever for
Quick Clearance. They MUT Go Now at Any Price
Take Your Choice and Name Your Price!
fi or JvlViTra
i 0D wicof, Frco Scarf,
Frco Life Insuranco
LY. TWO DOLLARS SENDS A PIANO HOME! Your own terms after that! We've
sold a lot of Piano Bargains in our timo, but nothing that ever equalled these. Seeing
is believing!
Tho lusiirnnco Conipanlos nfe Crowding l's for Klitnl Net t lenient! Como tomorrow nntl Rot your
xhnrv of tlita Hn.rKHln Kenst of I'lunos. Heinenilicr our stock Ini'liulcN tho Vorll'n Host l'lnnon, such
the Ktelmvay, Wehcr, Hnnlniivii, Slower & Som, Kinerxin, .Mcl'linll, Hrhiuollrr & .Mueller IMnnos; nlso tho
Aeollnn line of Pianola rinnoH iiiLiinllnn the Htolnway, Welcr, Htix'k, Whcctoek, Htuyvcnant, Stroud,
Terlmoln. ,
mm mm this list of bargains; read! consider! act;
$17G HalnoB Brothers, I'rnetlco Piano S 10
J200 Hnllet & Cumflton l'rnc. Piano S
$ U 2 G George Stock, Sqtuiro Grand.. S
$200 Stock, Upright S
$22d Czapka, Upright $
5250 & Son, Upright
$400 GhlckorltiK & Son, Upright. .
$275 Arlon, Upright R120
$300 Bradford. Upright 8125
$325 Muollor, Upright SIHtt
$300 Hnokloy. Upright S155
$400 Weber, Upright S158
$200 Kurtxmnn, Upright S105
$400 Steger & Son, Upright S175
$400 Art Stylo, Upright S195
$300 Davla & Son, Upright 8175
$375 Crown, Upright ' 8225
$450 Mohlln & Son, Upright &2450
$550 Knabo. Upright S310
$S00 Stolnway, Upright t 8JC25
$800 Mohlln & Son, Grnnd S450
BEST PIANOS. DMllntf With th Publlo.
ing several years ago ne was found deail
from exposure before his front door,
where ho ImtJ evidently fallen through
some mlBstcp, or sudden Illness and beetl
unable to arouse help.
Miss Margaret Swift sang with tho
choir for a short time during MIsb Ar
nold's directorship and succeeded Miss
Arnold in tho directorship of the choir.
After learning to many rather Inter,
estlng points about these two choirs, tlio
writer thought It might be a good idea
to look I11 the history of Omaha, and
see what could be found of music there,
hut In two different histories of the city
itself, and In a history of Nebraska
l.uuushtd by J. Sterling Morton, there
was no mention made of It, nor of any
of the people devoting themselves to it
as a profession. One of the histories,
how,er, had a chapter devoted to paint
ing and art. In connection with St
Phllomena, It was mentioned that In this
church the first plpo organ in Omaha
was installed. This was in 1868, and the
organ was brought from St. Louis by
steamboat up tho Missouri river. It haq
about twenty-four stops, nnd a most mel
low dulclana stop, that was highly
praised by Mr. Whiting of rjoston, dur
ing a visit to this city. At one time
In the early days Dudley Duck gave an
organ recital upon this organ. It Is now
In the now St. Phllomena church on South
Tenth street.
Through a misunderstanding the date
of Mr. Kelly's brief association with
Trinity choir was mixed In the article of
last Sunday. Mr. Kelly came to Omaha,
a professional organist, and wan engaged
to play tho orgnn In the new St. Mat
thias church. This was not quite com
pleted, and one duy scarcely a month
after his ni rival he was called upon to
play at Trinity cathedral, one Sunday
owing to tho Illness of Mr. Dutler. After
this he sung In the choir u couple of
months until St. Matthias' was opened.
This was In tho year 1S89, sometime be
fore the picture of Trinity was taken
lather than after. Only a few years
after this ho was engaged to direct the
music at the First Methodist church,
and by a curious coincidence, accord
ing to John Mellen. the only present
member of the choir, who was In It
at that time, the anthem chosen to be
sung this morning at the Methodist
church Is the sumo one that they sung
the first Ea&ter Mr. Kelly was there,
twenty-one years ago.
This week the announcement of a
rather unusual musical Is presented. This
Is the musical given by Mrs. Axtell on
next Saturday afternoon, when the par
ticipants are not well known muilclnns ol
much experience, but rather, younx
school girls who are studying music, and
all of whom are friends, and not neces
sarily the pupils of any one teacher.
Much nioro active interest could be
stimulated among tle young people who
study music, If more affairs of this sort
were given. The younger girls have olubs
of other sorts, why not have a number
of musical clubs, where perhaps one
hour would bo devoted to a program and
: after that an hour to n social time, or
I to musical guessing games or car-tests
' and tests of musical knowledge? They
' are as much fun In a crowd as any other
games. Clubs of this sort where each
member Is studying would Inspire each
one to do better, nnd If the club member
ship was limited to from ten to sixteen
and the meetings were held once a month
every member could take part every
time. Ftallure to take part could pre
1 vent the person being present at the good
time afterward, and If the players did not
find themselves playing to fame they
would find themselves playing their
way to the fun after each program, and
at the end of the season they might look
back and see how much besides the regu
lar work with the teacher thoy had
done. A certain ease In playing n p
parlor at any tlmo would bo one result
If there was nothing else In favor of
Christianity except the beautiful music
that It lias Inspired, that In Itself would
bo sufficient to commend It to the world,
All of the churches have prepared spe
cial music In honor of this Easter morn
ing, and those who attend cannot help
but be uplifted by the music as much
as by tho words nnd sentiments ex
pressed by tho pastor.
Miss Arnold, In talking about Mr. Xum
bard nnd St, Phllomena's choir the other
day, told an amusing story about tnis
popular singer. A short time before ho
left Omaha to make his home In Chicago
a number of school children sang In
some open-air entertainment at '.he park.
Mr. Lumbard assisted and sang 'Tont
Ing Tonight," with the chorus of chil
dren. After It was over Miss Arnold
said: "Now, Mr. l.umbard, I want you
to give me that copy of this song witn
your autogruph upon it." "All right,
ho replied, and taking a pen from hi
pocket he wrote on the cover, "Stolen
from Jules I.umbard by Kannle Arnold. '
Ioulso 'Janscn-Wylle has Just returnod
from a concert tour, singing In Ottawa,
Oswego and leaven worth, Kan. Mrs.
Wylle was the recipient of a greut many
oompllmentury prers notices as a result
of this tour, among which was the fol
lowing: "Mrs. 'Wylle was the concluding
number of the artists' course of the Ot
tawa Conservatory of Muslo and was
the best attraction of the year. ' j
.Mtialcul .Noli'".
1 The musical department of the
.' Woman's club, under the leadership 01
Miss Ruth Ganson, will meet Thursday,
March 27, at 1:30 p, in. Bhari Instead ofl
, 2:15 as usual. All members are cordially
Invited to attend tho art department ttti
10 a. 111., bring their lunches and stay
over for the musical department, Cot
fee will be served at tho club. Eacti
member Is entitled to one guest. Tnej
program for the afternoon will bo a
Hcharwenka program. In charge of Miss,
Helen Sndllek. Those assisting will be
Leon YYU'ltman, violinist; Mrs. B, J.
llorton, soprano, and Mrs. Waller blt
ver, pianist. Uesldos a puper on 8char-i
wenka by .Miss Sadllek, the following of
his compositions will be presented:
Sonata for piano and violin, 13 minor;!
opus 18, "Prairie Flowers;" opus W, No.
1, "Prairie Ilosa;" No. 3. "Western
Daisy:" "Waltx Caprioe," "Four Bongs"
una tne iniermexxo irom concerto in i
minor, opus W, with orchestral accom
paniment on second piano.
On Wednesday evening, March 20.
August Mothe-Ilorglum will give the
first ofa Berles of piano recitals, pre
senting Albert P. Heck of Counall
Bluffs In an Individual recital. Mr.
Deck's program will contain Iltethoven'n
Moonlight Sonata, selections from liach,
Mendelssohn, llachmanlnoff, Ixrsohe
tlsiky, Rubcnsteln, a group of Chopin,
and the Hungarian Fantaxy of Unit,
with orchestral accompaniment on secona
The remaining rocltals will be given
by Miss Irene Trumble of Papllllon on
Wednesday evening, April 2, by Mrs. J,
W. l.augley, formerly Miss Anna Cun
ningham, on Wednesday evening, April
10, and Miss Florence Peterson on
Wednesday evening, April 30. These, re
citals will be held at 3111 Douglas street
and admission will be by Invitation,
On' Saturday evening, March 29, Mr. and
Mrs. August llorglum will present soma
of their Intermediate and Junior pupils In.
a piano recital at 2CU1 Douglas street
The following pupils will appear on the
program: Josephine Platner, Ann Axtell,
Winifred llrandt, Blanche Frank, May
Hamilton, Dorothy Darlow, 1319a Mc
Farland, MUlan Preston, Helen nucknell,
lteglna Council, Alice Portcrtleld, Marie
O'Connor, Eleanor I.oar, Miss Elsie
JJuwson Mrs. U. p. Hillings. Admission
will bo by Invitation.
Mra. Axtell hjis Issued Invitations for
a number of her young girl friends to bo
present and take part In a musical at
her home next Saturday afternoon. Those
taking part will be Charlotte ltosewater,
Winifred llrandt, Lillian Head, Jose
phlno Stone, Josephine Platne, Ann
Axtell, Dorothy Darlow, Elsie Schmidt,
Mary Doud, Virginia White, and Phyllis
Miss Alice Virginia Davis will give a
piano recital on Tuesday evening. April
8, at the Young Women's Christian as-
Watch Repairing
By exports. All -work
Albert Edhoim
loth & Xaxaar
Want a Ring- or Scarf Pin?
Get It at. one-half prloe at Orkin Bros.'
Jewelry Bale Wednesday.
soclatlon auditorium, assisted by Mrs.
Beulah Dale Turntr. Tickets are now on
aale at Rchmoller & Mueller's and Hay
don's music department
Miss Alloo Farrell haa given a number
of Interesting studio affairs recently.
The first was an afternoon musicals
given by a large number of her pupils.
The next, a Joint recital In whloh Mis
Fawcett and Mis Lillian Fitch presented
thotr pupils, Mr. Paul Johnston, baritone,
and Mr. Alfred Hanna, reader. Follow
ing that came a piano and voice recital
by Miss Ilroughton, pianist, of Boston
and Mrs. Orover Long, soprano, of Co
lumbus, Neb. Misses Fltoh, Fawcett,
Allen and Mr, Jones are planning a
Peer Oynt program to bo given right
after Easter.
Sale of Pretty Trimmed Hats
rffir , Values up to $10.00 $HQO
HundredB of tho moat charralnir of orettv trimmed hat. nlsnV
tailored hats, made up In every now spring design, hardly any
two alike; you'll be surprised at tho wonderful offerings; on sale
at 84.013 and
FLOWKRH Pretty clusters of roses, I Willow and Ostrich Plumes specially
worth to 76c. at 2od ' priced.
Women's Hew
Shoes and Pumps
All the newest Hhocs and
pumps, including whlto nu
liucltB and canvas, satins,
suedes, gun metals,
etc., aro hero for you
Tailored Spring Suits
You'll find hero the seuson's prottlest new suits, in all tlo lead
ing fabrics and models, at remarkably low prices; 15 00.
812.50 and
Spring Goats
Every now and pretty stylo In
serges, fancies, mixtures, ftp nn
ratines, etc., at .h.Hn
812.50. SIO and WUIUU
Whipcord Dress Skirts
Values up to 4.00; alB0 splendid
mixtures, etc.; neat Mn
spring modelB, leading Vl IR
Wis IU
colors at.
New Spring Waists
91.60 ralnes.
I All the newest modeln
-9- -AS Ao S J3T OMAHA I i" pretty lingerie no.
waisis, at . v wu
Views of Nebraska Clothing Company Opening
The shower of congratulations that new storo Is unusually well cquippe 1, , Swanson and Holiman. the new ownero
poured in on the new owners of the Ne- , new fixtures having been Installed . of Th6 Nebraska, have added nnotbor
, . . attraotlon to Omaha as a retail center
braska Clothing company Is reflected in throughout The Nebraka Is OmahVs i,v re.o.leliiu. the interior ,.r n,i- ,,mi.
tne riorn display pictured ubove.
The ( longtbt established apparel housv. Messrs. neiit store building.
am A
rs you want,
It's "custdme:
Mr. Merchant, not shoppers
If you aro to build up u big, steady,
permanent trade, you have to lmvo
customers - as well as bargain hunt
ers. The bargain
servos its pur
pose, but you'll
go out of busi
ness if you soil
nothing' but bargains.
The customer comes to you because
he believes in you because ho knows
who and what and where you aro. The
only way to make people beliovo in
The Omaha Bee
gocN to the homes whero
Ithn.e is money to spend.
you to know who and-wlmt nnd
where you aro is fo tell them and
then keep on telling- them as long as
you are in business.
Many good merchants spend a lot
of time on the floor talking to their
customers. Thoy aro wise. The cus
tomers like it. How many can, they
talk to in a dayf Not many. Through
The Bee you can talk to practically
every one of them every day. To get
the greatest good out of your adver
tising you should never be out of any
issue of Tho Bee.
It's continuous advertising that pays